xt74qr4np27g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74qr4np27g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1976-11-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1976 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1976 1976 1976-11-30 2020 true xt74qr4np27g section xt74qr4np27g Vol. LXVIII, Number 75
Tuesday, November 30, 1976

Kémiii‘i 21

University ofKentuchy
Lexington. Kentucky


Todd (‘arsten. communications
senior. and a couple of friends skid
along behind a car. sending snow
flying in the process. in a winter
sport that they call “smoking"—
presumably a derivative of the word

skiing. (‘arsten and company are I ’

engaged 'II this daredevil escapade
on the ice-covered road behind
(‘ommonwealth Stadium. As (‘ar-
sten releases his grip on the car
(left). he is sent into a tumble
(right) that's bound to rattle his
bones as nruch as any fall on the
slopes could.

Photos by Stewart aowmnn

Peach Bowl ticket marathon
creates friendships, foul moods

Kernel Reporter

The first light broke over
Memrrial Coliseum at 6:45 on
Monday morning. There. amidst the
snow and ice of the previous night, a
hardy band of hard-core football
fans sat waiting to buy their Peach
Bowl tickets. Some had gotten there
as early as 10 pm. on Sunday; most
had been there since 5 a .m. They had
brought with them an impressive
array blankets. tarpaulins. and
sleeping bags in a generally futile
attempt to ward off the lO-degree

They were dressed in all manner
of cold—weather gear. from down-
coats and thermal underwear to
greek-lettered jackets and sweat-
suits. They wrapped themselves in
bla nkets. towels and multiple layers
of coats and jackets, and. shoulder
to shoulder. they waited for the
ticket sellers.

Throughout the night they had
thrown snowballs. sang Christmas
carols. wolfed coffee and donuts,
and slept. By the time morning
came. most of them were actually
enjoying themselves.

At 8 am. when the crowd really

began to swell. the overnighters
were forced to organize themselves
into a line. One farsighted soul read
off names from a list that had been
compiled early in the morning. so
that no one got out of place. They
huddled close together before the
ticket window. heads down and
hands thrust deep into jacket

If it can be said that adversity
strengthens friendships. then most
of the people who were in that line
should be just about ready for a
honeymoon. As the hours dragged
on. they had been forced to rely
more and more on one another to
keep their minds off the bitter cold.
Many wound up exchanging phone
numbers and addresses, and. if they
are to be believed. many will be
seeing quite a lot of each other in
Atlanta, under various cir-

First in line were Brooks Wicker.
Glen Thompson and Dominic
Peterson, all of Alpha Gamma Rho
fraternity. They were the last shift
of a group of pledges who had taken
turns waiting in line to buy that
fraternity’s tickets.

“We each took hour-and-a-half
shifts last night." Peterson said

Shuttle system to Arena developed; could present problems

Kernel Staff Writer

The problem of finding tran-
sportation for students to UK home
basketball games may have come to
a temporary end.

But then again. the solution to the
pmblem may not be completely

A system if shuttling students to
the games via buses will be used
during the next two home games.
according to Dean of Students Joe
Burch. The bus rides will cost

students 25 cents each way, he said.
and students must have exact
change to ride the buses.

The problem with the shuttle
system. he said. is that clogged
traffic after the games will mean a
long wait for students to catch the
second and third runs of buses back
to ca mpus. And many of the students
may not be willing to make that
wait. Burch said.

"While people are going down
there in the space of an hour-and-a-
half. they are all going to want to
leave at the same time.“Burch said.

Lexington facilities limited

Abortion services since Court decision still not comprehensive


Kernel Reporter
(Editor's note: This is the first in a
three part series on abortion. The
second and third articles will deal
with the availability of abortions in
Lexington and the prospect of
abortions being offered in the second
trimester of pregnancy.)

Before abortion laws were
reformed. the single major cause of
maternal deaths was complications
resulting from dangerous and illegal
abations. according to Dr. John
Greene, chairman of the department
of obstetrics and gynecology at the
University Medical Center.

"We were always seeing sick
coeds before things were legal.“
said Greene. “and I mean real sick.
too. and at least one a month.“

'Greene isone of a growing number
of physicians who are willing to
perform abortions in order to
provide a safe substitute for illegal

Abortions were legalized on a
national level in January. 1973 by the
US. Supreme Court. The Court
declared invalid state laws that
made it a crime to get an abortion
except for the purpose of saving the

mother‘s life. They required that
abortions be performed in an ac-
credited hospital—one approved by
a hospital committee—and that the
woman be a resident of the state
where the abortion is performed.

In a 7—2 decision. the Court ruled
that the state statutes were un-
constitutional because they violated
an individual‘s right to privacy
against state action. as guaranteed
by a general doctrine of privacy that
has developed in Constitutional law.
as applied to the states by the
fourteenth amendment to the

The Cmrt said that the framers of
the Constitution did not intend for
fetuses to have constitutional rights.
since such rights are guaranteed
only to “persons". The word
“person“. as used in the fourteenth
amendment. does not include the
unborn. the Court said.

The Court further ruled that it was
illegal for a state to place any
restrictiors on abortion. except that
it must be performed by a licensed
physician. during the first trimester
(three months) of pregnancy.

During the second trimester.“a
state may regulate abortion
procedure to the extent


Although the buses will make as
many runs as needed to pick up
everyone waiting. Burch does not
think many students will wait for
those runs.

The shuttle system is the result of
the work of a committee appointed
by UK President Otis Singletary to
study the transportation problem.
Burch said the system will involve
the use of eight buses which will
begin picking up students at 5:45 on
the cvmingsof Dec. 2 (UK vs. Texas
Christian University) and Dec. 11
(UK vs. Kamas). Buses will load

reasonably relates to the preser-
vation and protection of maternal
health.“ But such language could
not interfere with the ready
availability of abortion to any
woman desiring it. the Court said.

In addition. third-trimester
abortions can be performed only in
cases of medical necessity. where
the life or health of the woman is at
stake. the Court said.

Even so national statistics show
that ‘20 to 40 per cent (260.000—
700.t)00) of the women in need of
abortions were still unable to obtain
them in 1975. the third year after the
Supreme Court desision.

Researchers at the Alan Gutt-
macher Institute say the reason for
this is that only one—fourth of all
hospitals-fewer than the one-fifth of
public hospitals that handle most
Medicaid cases-provide any
abortion sewices.

Abortions at Louisville General
Ilospital «the city‘s only publicly
funded hospital) presently account
for less than It) per cent of total
abortions in Jefferson County.

Morethan one-half of all abortions
last year were performed in non-
liospital clinics. which don’t usually
aciept women on welfare. and most

near the intersection of University
Drive and Huguelet Drive at the
Complex. The buses will not stop to
pick up passengers along the way to
the arena.

Passengers will be taken to a spot
on Vine St. about one block away
from the arena. The buses will make
as many runs between the Complex
and the arena as possible, Burch
said. Each bus holds a maximum of
about 65 petple. he said.

Burch said the traffic after the
games will make the return trip

were concentrated in one or two of
the state's larger metropolitan
centers. according to a nationwide
survey of health institutions and

Whatthis means is that poor. rural
and teen-age women-who. statistics
show. are least likely to travel to
obtain legal abortions-are unable to
exercise their constitutional rights
as a practical matter if they desire
to terminate their pregnancies.

In 1974. Kentucky hospitals met 29
per cent of the state‘s need and
referred another 20 per cent of
women wanting abortions to out-of-
state facilities. according to the
same survey.

More than 900 women obtained
abortions in Lexington last year.
Most of three procedures were
performed by two local physicisans.
Dr. Donald Edger and I)r.Phillip

The two doctors do both
therapeutic and elective abortions
during the first three months of
pregnancy. on an out-patient basis.

The Med Center handles a few
cases. but does not have the staff
and facilities to offer complete
abortion services. St. Joseph. Good
Samaritan and Central Baptist

“more diff i cult.” The loading ramp
near the arena will be in radio
contact with the buses. so students
waiting to get rides back to the
Complex will know how long a wait
is in store for them.

The future of the shuttle system
will depend its success during the
next two home games, Burch said.
Success will be measured by
whether or not the 25 cent fee will
pay for the buses and by whether or
not the eight buses will be sufficient
to contend with the number of people
needing transportation.

hospitals in Lexington do not per-
form abortions on demand.

Courts have said that private
hospitals may reserve the right to
refuse admission to a patient
requesting abortion. for moral or
religious reasons. Employees of
hospitals have the option to refrain
from participation in the procedure
for the same reasons.

However. the Supreme Court
termed it illegal to purposely staff
the OB-GYN clinics of city hospitals
with personnel opposed to abortions
on religious grounds.

This year. the Supreme Court has
dismissed all requirements for
minors to have a written consent
from their parent or husband for an
abortion. and it has stricken down
laws against publishing information
relating to the availability of

They also ruled that elective
abortions cmld be reimbursable
under Medicaid. but there is still
some question as to whether the
money will be forthcoming.

Last month. Congress passed
legislation that would prohibit the
use of federal funds to pay for
abtrtions unless a woman's life is

through clenched teeth. “and man.
was it cold.“

The group doing the caroling was
Julie Welter. Peggy Cotton. Ellen
Budde and Stacey Hall. The latter
two are from Alpha Xi Delta. but
Cotton and Welter identified
themselves as “GDls”. The four.
who were in line together. kept
things interesting by singing “The
Twelve Days of Christmas" to
anyone who would listen. Welter (“I
date a football player") was
genuinely excited about the whole

“Just think." she bubbled. “New
Year‘s Eve at the Underground!”

Welter and company are among a
horde of Kentuckians who made
their reservations with the Days
Inns in Atlanta. According to a
representative of that firm. four of
their 11 motels in the Atlanta area
are already sold out for the weekend
of the Peach Bowl.

“We started getting calls on about
the 20th." he said. “right after
Kentucky won their game. Two of
our units were filled up in a couple of

The representative. who asked to
remain anonymous. said that their
motels at 1-75 and Cleveland Avenue
and 1-75 and Farmers’ Market were
the first to sell out.

Also staying at a Days Inn is Jane
Anderson. Anderson did not wait in
line overnight. but showed up in the
morning and gave her money to
Rusty Reynolds. Reynolds. who
bought 17 tickets. had the honor of
being the first customer at the

“We really weren't first in line.”
she said. “but the AGRs couldn‘t get
their money counted so they let us
get in front of them."

Getting money counted was by far
the most time~consuming and
irritating part of the whole selling
procedure. The buyers from Sigma
Pi paid for their 92 tickets. in part.
wrth four rolls of quarters. Ever on
the alert against being cheated. the

Continued on back page

endangered by the pregnancy (the
"Hyde Amendment“).

On Oct. 72. a federal district judge
in Brooklyn ruled the ban un-
constitutional. saying it
discriminated against the “needy."

The government is currently
appealing the Oct. 22 ruling to the
Second Circuit US. Court of Appeals
in New York. It is unlikely that the
decision will be upheld. However.
the U .8. Supreme Court. in a
temporary restraining order last
week. lifted the Hyde Amendment
ban and directed the government to
temporarily pay for voluntary
abortions for women on welfare.


Still cold

Today should be sunny with a
high in the low 20‘s: however. It)
m.p.h. winds should make it seem
a little colder. The low tonight
shoulth‘t be as bad as last night—
it wil be in the teens—and the
high tomorrow will be more
tolerable than today-in the :ltl’s.
tloudiness will increase again






editorials 8: comments

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University


Assembly should pass

deep mining proposals

Once again the Kentucky (leneral Assembly is
preparing to consider important mining safety
proposals. this time in the interim Special
Session convening \l'edntsday.

The first such legislation was debated during
the regular session of the legislature and became
a higth emotional issue after 26 miners died last
March in an explosion at Scotia (‘oal (.‘o.‘s No. l
mine at ()ven Fork. Ky. The legislation in‘
troduced at that time called for tough safety
regulations at an estimated cost of $8.5 million
for the first year of operation

Though (Iov. Julian (‘an‘oll initially favored
the proposals. he later killed the prospects of
immediate mine safety by withdrawing his
support. citing cost. Instead of pushing the
needed legislation through. (‘arroll appointed an
executive commission to study mine safety and
suggest solutions.

The commission drew up several recom-
mendations that deserve high priority in the
special session. Included in the $4.1 million
program is creation of a team of minesafety
analysts within the Department of Mines and
Minerals who would he required to visit each
deep mine at least four times a year.

The commission reported that the most ac—
cident prone times in a miner‘s career are those
immediately following hiring or when a miner
receives a new assignment. This prompted
recommendations for special safety training for
new miners; retraining for miners beginning
new operations and minimum annual training in
safety for all miners.

In the face of recent incidents and the history
of mine—safety regulation these proposals and

indeed the entire program deserve immediate

l'ntloubtedly. (‘arroll will he most concerned
w ith the cost of im plementing the judicial reform
arizendment. (‘arroll won’t he able to justify
lailute to pass the mine regulation proposals by
crying the limitations of the budget. The
regulations have already been watered down by
a $4 million price cut.

In passing the regulations. the legislature
should include adequate enforcement provisions.
The question of quality among inspection of—
ticials should be partially remedied by the in-
creased salaries included in the latest
legislation. but the influence of coal operators in
the workings of the state Department of Mines
and Minerals still remains too great.

The commission‘s recommendation to
upgrade training programs for miners and to
tstablish strict criterion for selection of training
officials is especially encouraging. provided they
are not coal company men.

The commission‘s report is emphatic in its
endorsement of quality safety training for the
miners. but the effectiveness of this program
w ill depend also on the quality of the safety in—
spections since the miners themselves are
powerless to correct equipment and sampling
inadequacies. The Scotia case is a classic
example of inadequate inspection and en-

tinly time will test the effectiveness of the
legislation, but the need for its implementation is
impossible to refute in view of the death and
horror the deep mines of this state have shown
US. especially in the past year.

Editorin-thici Assistant Mon-gin. Editors Sport: Editor
Ginny Edwards M' 'u- Mouser Joe Kemp
Dicl Gabriel “mm"! W
' Editorial mu Am cam M" m
Wain-r Ilium 1‘0” Wt Milo Stnnu
Suunne mrham "“"““ "“10"
Inn-gin. l-Iduor Dick Downy (mm foaminu, Leslie (mitt-or
John Winn Milli-r \‘teve Ballinuer Stewart Bowman

Lem-rs and comment; should be addressed to the Editorinl editor. Room 114. Jouruilun landing. flu must be typed. triple-

sp-ud Ind signed with name. address and telephone number Letters unnnt "to“ u. words and comments In restricted to 1”
to art.




‘MONGST TH “we?"

/ ,
./ 3"»







/ ’


And in with the new.




the inside

The bundle. of mail that arrives W

daily at the Kernel office usually I am presently confined in the
contains an assortment 0‘ Pr0m0‘i0“ Marion Correctional Institution, and
nlalcrial.adi’9rli5ing gimmk‘ks and I am seeking correspondence with
Oiht'l‘ Paraphernalia Which 2"? someonebeyondtheselonelywalls.l
PWPN')‘ diSPO-Wd i“ "‘9 circular get verylittle mail andvisitsand my
file. contact with the outside world is
Occasionally. interesting letters very nil.
come in-suggestions for articles or I was wondering if you could
“tips.“Still more are from what can publish my name in the campus
only be crackpots. whose claims nowgpflper requesting correspon-
range from being personal friends (fence.
with .\dolph Hitler to having a“ I will be more than happy to
exclusive interview with Jesus correspond with anyone and
('hrist. promise to answer all letters.
But some letters. like the ones Receiving letters from people on
”0'0“: 1"? genuine. (it"iiandi'ig the outside will help me very much
"‘Sptiim‘ b)’ "Hint-l “iii! Mir and ease the frustrations en-
emotions. We don‘t have time to countered through incarceration,
answer them. In case you do. the Thank you very much.
addresses are also listed. Fred Jefferson
W P.0. Box 57
Marion. Ohio 43302
I am writing you this letter
because I am presently confined and
would like to establish correspon-
dence with anyone concerned My name is Larry Cohen and I'm
cntlighto w'ritea man who needsthe presently incarcerated in Attica
corsideratim, State Prison for possession of LSD.
Iwould deeply appreciate it if you This being my first offense, the
would publish my request in your loneliness and tension of prison life
campus paper. If not. then maybe hilt“ taxed my self control l0 the
you could post a copy of it on a limit.
bulletin board tor rue ill" asking help “'0'“ any students
I thank you very mttch for your willing l0 correspond With me and
time. I‘ll tiwply appreciate any help case a troubled Spli‘il. Please
consideration you give to this *‘iititlll it'llt‘I‘SiOI
request Larry (‘olien
Donald Turner 76M,“
tits-7.32 .\ttica (‘orrcctlonal Facility
Iiov iii? Box HS
Lucasyillc. Ohio was Mike. S.\'. ll0ll







ed in the
tution, and
ence with
ely walls.l
its and my

world is

you could
e campus

happy to
one and
l letters.
people on
ery much
tions en-


.0. Box 57
Ohio 43302

n and I'm
in Attica
n of LSD.
ense. the
prison life
01 to the

y students
h me and
it. Please

rry Cohen

al l-‘acillly
Box I”

'.\'. lltlll

news briefs



AMERICl’S. Ga. tAPl—«lody Powell.
Jimmy Carter‘s chief spokesman, says
he will use his access as a Carter insider
to referee staff competition and to make
sure Carter gets a variety of opinion on
key i$ues

"If I feel like the governor is getting
just one side of the story or someone is

Powell: playing games with him. I'll try to

Views new role

as White House
staff ‘referee’

make sure that's ended." Powell said in
an interview on his expected White
llou se role after Carter becomes
President on Jan. 20. Carter has named
Powell as his White House press

Powell said he wouldn't necessarily
try to mount a counterattack to thwart
someone else‘s plans but rather would
try to see that Carter was given another
point of view.

"The same thing would be true among
the staff,“ he said. “If it seemed to me
that there were one or two people who
were so dominating the White House that
other people couldn‘t get through, then l
would feel a responsibility to break that
up a little."

“It‘s always a case of making sure
he‘s got his options and that he's given
what he needs to do his job." Powell

Powell defined his adviser's role as
political in nature and defined that as the
politics of public relations and the
politics of staff relations designed to
make sure t‘arter gets the information
and the opinions he needs.

The president elect always has err-
couraged a degree of competition and
overlapping among staff members. He
has indicated strongly he plans to use a
“spokes of the wheel" approach in
organizing his White House staff rather
than letting access be determined by one
or two men at the top.

Powell said he also believes conr
petition is good but said the object is "to
keep the thing from reaching the point
where it does a disservice or when one
person kills off another.“

“The whole key to productive and
healthy competition is that people teel
secure and are able to compete on a
rational sort of basis." Powell said.

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The Supreme Court said
yesterday it will decide
whether former President
Richard M. Nix on should
control records of his ad-
ministration, including 888
reels of White House tape

The court agreed to hear
arguments by Nixon’s at-
torneys that Congress
violated the ex-president's
rights to privacy and invaded
the powers of the presidency
two years ago when it gave
control of the massive

records to the General Ser-

vices Administration.

A three-judge federal court
in Washington upheld the
Presidential Materials and
Recordings Preservation Act,
discounting arguments by
Nixon‘s lawyers. If the
justices agree with the lower
court. an estimated 42 million
pages of documents including
about 200,000 prepared or
reviewed by Nixon. and the
tapes will remain with the

If the Sumeme Court rules
in favor of Nixon. the
material would be shipped to
San Clemente. Calif, the ex-
president‘s borne since his
resignation Aug. 9. 1974.

The court will hear
arguments in the case next

After the Watergate
scandals forced his
resignation. Nixon asked the
government to ship the
documents and tapes to San
Clemente. The GSA agreed to
let Nixon retain title to the
presidential materials in a
pact that required Nixon to
donate a substantial portion
of them to the government at
a later date.

That agreement was
sidetracked however, when
Watergate special prosecutor
Leon .laworski requested a

Carter defense specialist says

budget cuts mount a certainty

key adviser to President-elect
Jimmy Carter said Monday
he does not know now
whether the $5-billion to $7-
billion savings in defense
spending, a Carter campaign
promise, will be included in
Carter’s 1978 fiscal budget.

Barry Blechman, the
defense specialist on Carter's

transition budget analysis
staff. said a decision on
proposed reductions would be
made only after looking at the
budget proposed by President

Blochma n. on leave as head
of the defense analysis staff
at Washington's Brookings
Institution. is part of a nine
person staff charged with

Carroll to deliver briefing
at General Assembly opening

Julian Carroll will deliver a
15-minute lriefing to a joint
session of the General
Assembly shortly after the
special session opens Wed-

“The governor‘s going to
touch upon the problems
facing the lawmakers, with
emphasis on implementation
(1 the new court system."
said John Nichols. his press

The legislature will con-
vene at 1:30 pm. with
Carroll speaking at 2 pm.
Nichols said

“The governor may well
acknowledge the mixed views


that some have about the
judiciala lignment, but he will
point out that it's high time
we brought our courts into the
20th Century,“ Nichols said.

Nichols said the governor
will urge the legislators to
take a conservative approach
to the question of how many
district judges are needed
and how much financing it
will take to pay for the new

Special judicial and
legislative committees have
suggested that Kentucky will
need as many as 135 district
judges while Carroll is

believed to favor only 90.

The Konhlclry Kornol. in Journalism Iuildino, Univontty of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, moo. is mailed live times
wool" during the year except holldoys and exam periodI, and twice weekly durinp the summer session. third class
poshpo paldotLoxlnpton, Kentucky. Mill. Subscription rates are mailed $3 per your, or one cent per year non-mailed.

Putltishod by the Kernel Press, Inc. and tounded in 1911. the Kernel began as The Cadet in It" The haw has been
published continuously u the Kentucky Kernel since rm.

Myortldnp is intended only to help the reader buy and any toloo or misleodlno advertising should he reported and will
he lnvoolpoted Iytho editors. Advertising tound to be tolso or misleading will be reported to the Better Business Boron.

Letter! and comments should be odaossed to the editorial page editor, 1H Journalism Building. They should be typed,
double filed and sinned. Classification, phone number and address should be included. Lottoro should not exceed 250
words and comment: should in no lonpor than no words. Editors reserve the riot" to edit letters and com moms.



”WI! 293-1.)




preparing alternative
proposals to Ford‘s 1978

Ford plans to submit that
budget by Jan. 17. three days
before he leaves office.
Carter reportedly plans to
send his alternative proposals
to Congress by Feb. 15.

Carter never made clear
during the campaign whether
his proposed cuts would
represent a net reduction
from the $111.1 billion 17?
defense budget that runs until
next September. or a
reduction from the budget of
$121 billion or more the Ford
administration is expected to
propose for the 1978 fiscal

If the new president makes
cuts of up to $7 billion in
Ford‘s 1978 budget. it
probably still will be bigger
than the 1977 budget.

Rex Granurn. Carter's
deputy press secretary. said
in a telephone interview that
(‘arter never specified a year
for his prrposed budget cuts.

“A year in which we have
total control of the budget
would be a reasonable test"
of the campaign promise.

(Era num said.

tfll EASTLMD Stimuli CENT“
PM"! 25‘- 12M

Flyers Newsletters Resumes

Serving The UK (amenity



Supreme Court considers Nixon tapes


delay in handing over the
documents to Nixon.

The former president sued.
and Congress then passed the

The act calls for the GSA to ‘

govern public access to the

material. The Senate has ‘
rejected one set of proposed 3
regulations for such gover .

ning and another proposal is

The material is available to I
Nixon but such access is .

subject to GSA regulation.
In their appeal to the high

court. Nixon's attorneys said

the materials reflect the

fonner president‘s “entire 1
personal. politicaland official .
lite." They said he "never 1
intended the records. or
his diary to be reviewed by
anyone other titan himself or

Ins family." ’

-x- Chairman of
Senate Banking,
Housing & Urban

Affairs Committee

tr Has cast 4864

consecutive roll
call votes


by 73% by spendin


* Won last electior "

llfllllllllll lillllll llf ll‘llilib’ littllifllflll


811 Euclid Avenue
In the Chevy Chase Village


Kentucky's most complete collec Al "‘e "not (inl'ur , (aw 5m ,5.

tron— paintings prints pottery

tjw r 1; rm

woodwork toys drummers omits "n. was: .o:

candles, jewelry, Iron it. much Wow». m

‘H M; .léry D?”’)l‘l'tl
" r Won .15 U.r"‘. 12“.!
‘-rt-lt>'l‘[‘t)r1ily CH1.

more "WW." t‘P “3;? Med

Quality guaranteed all work ,orreu Bet/””109

for excellence

Open 10 to 5 Except Sunday Cinema


"lr‘ winner (’9 "re

3.1“” 1 will to; utter Monday ,rrrti
irrvtgiy'mt tw "tvi 9:171

Next door to Chevy Chase

Box 291 /Berea. Kentucky 40403/606-986-3192





Senator William Proxmire


Tonite, November 30

7:30 pm.

Student Center Ballroom

Sponsored by: Student Center Board



8.00 pm.

Memorial Coliseum



203 SC.

SOUND 2000

sponsored by SCB


* t)-\\"’isronsin



*Author of


Can Small Business

Report item
America's Wasteland


Military Industrigl

Uncle Sam, last of
the. Big Time
[on Can Do It





4—‘llll'. I\I"\'l‘l 1 hi hi l-‘\I-I llIl'\tl.;\ \mr-rnbc-r :tl, ltliti



; sewing Lexington's

#11 am—12:30 am

: Corner: High Street
‘ Rose Street





Dec 30 Jan 2,197]

$70 triple occupancy
586 iv in occupant y



Price includes » roundrrip bus transportation
~—accommodations at the Marriott
Inn Downtown

— ticket to the Peach Bowl


For further Information and applitations
CALI: 258 8R0] or ’258 8868
'10.: 9- not: :fett .rlte




Applications are on a t rs! ((IIVIH, tirs’ served basis begin
ning 9 am. Monday, NO‘Icrtibt‘fi 2) NM



l .. 252 9653

. ___L _____ _-_2* ..L_~.I





I0200 .m. PHONE 266-572]







OPEN 8:00 am. -


You can too!
can. 233- -3480




KY() 4417/
(1)}: K


Tonight & Every Tuesday Night




a is Greek Night at Stingles!

FH 25‘ Suds all night long nae

55C, 75¢, a as: licw'erages all night.

TEE 4‘3
X» .. “c I
‘I' Meet the karma Sigma Challenge
<9 ' ' ‘ X9

Crir‘lgi ll'l.Ilt l l’lII's lui' lst place Ag
(17]); . . <4
and Itliteratnlnnuns In lit-its tnr 1nd place Si

Al‘ All?” AR\

4 Let’s Go T ellas' I j1m *3
41‘ Ml "‘ l

Sin is


Chevy Chase

How to Say No
to a Rapist
and Survive.

A free film presentation at the Student
Center Theater, Thurs, Dec. 2



Showings at 12 noon, 1 pm, 2 pm,
3pm., & 4 pm.


Public Safety Division



On their toes

Lexington ballet works to fill cultural void

Hy .I.\l\' E ItOWAIW
Kernel Iteporter

Blistered feet, aching
muscles and a few tears, in a
warehmse converted into a
studio. are all components of
The Lexington Ballet (,‘onr—

Because of the hard work
and diligence 0f the nrembers
of me of Lexington's newest
rultural infants. the ballet
company is now a permanent
addition to the community.

Nels .Iorgensen, founder of
the company and artist