xt74qr4np08z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74qr4np08z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1950 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1950 Vol.21 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, March 1950 Vol.21 No.5 1950 1950 2019 true xt74qr4np08z section xt74qr4np08z '1”:va . ~ ’ ' 7 777- 7-- :777777 .7— ,77 77: ; W; p77; .i.__._u .‘ ' ' V > . ‘; °,
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5 Published in the Interest of Community journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers “ y ‘
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Ofiicml PubllCCLUO’I’L K entucky Press Assocmtzon g ,

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E E l i E I E The Kentucky Press —March, 1950 ;'-E’.‘E"="‘»f3 .:
‘I I l 3 ll: , : .
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‘ Wall ‘E w s
lEll IlEIEIl ll'EEll‘fE'E— TWE
. ‘ ~ :hiEE‘ . " - <-- _- [ l()VC1‘)OI‘[ a! ' ‘4
ll : I IE I i'lllllll Sell Small Advertisers Old, But Pertinent inElisdliixl:lllgillitlila uElma 1:42:23: EEnt
ll l l l‘. ”E ll. On l3"Week Package The following advice to aspiring journal- County Memorial hospital in the memory of ‘ .
E l E EE 3 ‘ l E Sell your ads in packages, especially the ists is nearly a century old. The 1{L:v'.Al)CI the late Mildred B. Babbage, editor of the In is
l. E ‘g l =lE small space-users: the selling is easy if care- Stevens, editor "l the New York Christian Breckinridge County News. Miss Babbage the 19
E E ll1 1’ l l h'h)’ planned. What is more important _ Advocate, used the suggestions on P115?) E"? was long an efhcienct member of the hospital tour 5I
EE E‘ E E the planned ad campaign gets the best re- 01 [lie l\:lethodist WCCkl)’ 011 SCPtCm)C1 , board. new c0
ll l l, . l . . I l sults for the advertiser. It doesn't take much 18503 . . H . _ . .. .E Comml
I E E l: l . E l ' longer to sell a merchant 13 ads to run 13 1- BC bl‘lCl. 11115 15 the Elf-{fl “1 lCngliIPh)’ ———————°~——————- ”ll meg,
Ill : El . i ; \VCCkS “5 El SCTiCS than 10 SC” 0110 “(l (0 Tu" and stenography. . . The l\’l2l(llS()1)VlllC Messenger suffered 21E). Every 1
El E -' . i‘l (me week. 2. Be pointed.ll)t)lll.wl‘1tc all around :1 proximately $30,000 loss in a fire at their ESllbmlt
3 E l lEIl 3 l . l Such selling campaigns, if carefully plan- subject without hitting it. . hiladisonville plant on Thursday, March 9' E there \\
El E :EE - z nlE ned and attractive layouts presented. have a E15. State facts,‘ but dont stop tolnioEaliILe. Publication was suspended Friday and Sat- i test: A
E ll l . : distinct appeal to the small space user, or the Its (h'O‘VSY hhSthS-5' Let Ll“ lc‘“ U ( 0 “'5 urday but was resumed Monday. The M” E met mt
Ml“ llllll l l l I non-advertiser. livery community has a 0\\’11 dreaming. . senger’s composing room, sterotype room, I Pleas
l E E E lE E: : l number of small businesses that usually do 4. Eschew preface: Plunge at pint: iiilt) paper storage. metal room, and carrier boy's E test am
'l l l E l: l l E "0t use continuous advertising insertions, be- your SEEING“ hke a swmimci m cot “MEL room~all situated at the rear of the building lath)“ ‘
' l l E l E l cause ”I the seemingly high (”St "E space _ 5 H you have “Tm?” a sentence that you ~were completely destroyed. The remainder Ebeing ‘
ll E l E . true, if they think in terms of a page, or think particularly 1.1%,, draw .y(1)lll Eben of the building was damaged by smoke and E as YOU]
l l E l l l ‘ '- half-page, every week. thrmigh 11: A I)“ Child 15 always “C “01‘“ water. Composing machines and the press Erule thi
r El l l E l: i : ‘ 3 But such merchants could be ”sold" on the in the lamily. were also considerably damaged. the A11
: :- ' . - 3 , , . . . . . ... I . . . -
EE E l E i E z : idea of a small ad, say one column by [our (1. Condense. Make slllC. that you really Cause of the fire has not been determined. it has .
l l3 i . El : E l i or five inches, with an attractive kut and live have an idea. and then reco1d it in the short- years w
l EE E l E _ EE . ‘E E E selling COPY that will present their selling estEpossible terms. We want thoughts in their ——-————.-———~—— operatii
l I: l l EEE V lEEj l message and bring returns. Advertising mat qumtessence. . . A new slick~paper magazine ”Louisville,” your er
E E E ll . EQE E services today include suggestions (and kuts) 7. “me“ your article is complete. stEike appeared March 6. Atten
E E El l. I l l for such 13-week series for small businesses (lm nine-tenths "1 the ZldJECUVCS. The 13‘1“?” The newly formed Louisville Chamber of quiremi
lllE l : l E i l that ShOUhl suggest many ideas to the adver- hSh language 15 a strong language, but It Commerce is publisher. The magazine will 'l, and adi
EElEE E E . l Ell tising manager. He should study these, write won't bear too much reducing. be published four times a year. on sep;
Eli: E E : EE : lEE I his copy, and then sell the package — it saves 8. Avmd all, high-flown language. The Glenn Ramsey, director of public relations elsewise
Ell l lE l ‘ Ell l the newspaper a ml or time and effort. plaincst Anglo»5axon words are the .bCSt‘ for the chamber and former chief of the ; All C(
l l E : 3 E El Here’s a few, simple suggestions: 9' Never use SUI“ when 165”“ Will do as Louisville and New York City bureaus of the E package
E EE l . l: lll ll ]. Select the store which you think is your well. . . Associated Press. is editor. separate
E‘I: l l ll l lEll ll best prospect at this particular season for a 1(3)" Milk? your SCEHEHEéSEIShOIYL Lwll): 1:10.13; The Louisville chamber has 2,113 charter E tached
IEE l ,r l 3 EfEl E “package of ads.” . . od 1s a milestone at w11c1 [EC teat el 1:1) members. the ijud
E E E E l E 2. Study carefully the merchant’s Situation. halt and rest himsell. —Journa lSm Quarte] y 3. in this.
E E E E . :33 El. set down all the reasons why 1>€0P10 ShOUhl _______.__—————— —___—H—._——_—HT 'olén 1:
EE E E : E E El trade at his store. List the products for which Does your subscription department have lEach
E E lil l ll ' lE there is [I]: greafst 1112‘}??? dielinjsgljleujlgf PrOOf Your LlSt “calendaritis?” Some publishers take it flor E WEEkIYt
Ell E El E Ell rl 11:: 133:1; (fetches.niolstLIle'Ective salles Hr‘gw Do you proof your subscription list once a granted that wheln‘ people cplme 1:1][:)itta[0: story U
‘E E EEE l E E“ :14?“ i l ‘ mouth? Any progressive publisher prools his 0111. ()Eryl-ant’td :lllri:1~1l:l:1€:::th;:)s “)‘ublishers E Every 6
E l l: l l ‘I l’iut these ideas in concrete form by lay- “S“ regularly so that m (72156 ()1 fire his rec- 011K ELM, u (E tl 8' ibscri )[lOIT lirl to ask, I for eacl
l l ll lE: l ll - . . .- . f'tl“ ‘t 13 ads. If )ossible ords wouldn’t be hopelessly lost. Then be ill") MW 0'11““ “1051 I l 5 . . is judged
: I ll. .: “:EE 13 mg "I” ‘l "”61 16‘“ O ‘1‘ “5 i 1 , 3’ stores that list in a bank vault. 1‘01‘ how many VGA“? Olten get 3‘ 165W“ E Contest
l l lll ll E ll 'll carry out a theme [or the. store. Dont hes1~ List proofing is one of those things re- 0f “two" or “threél- This is particularly true E HCWSpaI
El l l l. E 'lEEl Late to repeat. lor repetition 11$ theUesseiEltiaEl quired by Audit Bureau of Circulation for when a discount is given for subscriptions of I One of
EEE E l l E EEEE E leature ol tested sales. psycho ()g)’: 5641 us- thC flood 01- the publisher. irore than one year. 1)‘ .
"I .' .IE I: "ll: 3 trations lrom your (ut and (opy serucc and :h , l E .. I‘ 11, E0“ kee) 'our . lSlnter
E! E l ‘ llh -I from dealer hel)s ho matter ion (are u y ) l ) ______‘_.__q_______ Com
liE : :E l. l Elll. ll 3. l A I k , E . erch'int and circulation files, there's always some lost . . P
‘EEI l ‘3 E: E : ilLE E 4-14“: [ht P‘“ age to 3.0m 1,11‘ l ( .~ sheep that hadn’t paid and yet, somehow was FOR SALE — 10 X 15 JP" Press: hket E entries:
E l .I E -_ :E present your plan in a straight-lmward, busi- .. . 1 [_ [1 1"t Checkin . Iour new; Complete with-variable Speea m: mile | my of g
' llE l El‘ I l ll ness-like manner. Talk to him about his busi- “0L icmm ec mm 1C 15 i V g ) With Speéd comml’ long fountam' 1: Séts an earl:
IE l E E . L I? l E 'l t 'ours Be )re )aer to meet prools each month turns up dollars and (101- expansmn roller trucks,ld3 Chadse‘sllary little. U . 1
El E ': E l ESE nah not dioll. l .. _,l ,l E- 3 .3 , I lars of revenue that might otherwise be lost. of r911?” 13:2: ylgalivis ’SSIISESO. Limestone: mVCl‘Sl
EEI E E E _ E- I: EE as many objections as you (an antiapate, ant fl . . l . f 'dvanta ~65 to ABC Write: KA . , PlCase fl
lIE‘i I? l‘. l l‘ ll: above all. keep talking to him about his fhcic are (ozens O a . g Lexmgmn' Ky. of h
E: l ll l. l :' iii 3. .. .3 .. 3 ‘ membership. Any member Will be glad to ____-___ .t e c
Ill I E: E E 5' ll business, his prolits. . ., tell you why the ABC circulation mark is not —_____TO M .3 . of Printing
-.E ll :l FHII ll 5. Start all over again With the next pros- . . _ . '3). 1 I 1 . 3 _: _ Horace Greeley is called the lather Mid-sum
Ell E E V EE )_ 3 le same )rocedure. only a symbol ol prestige an( ronest (.11"(ll American 'ournalism." .
3?: i I ll E E ll put. using U l lation but also makes more monye lor the l . . 4 , Ired in mgtona
Ell ’ E I El ltl IE ‘ _ The first newspaper syndicate appea M
IE , E E El ll ii: ~—————~O—**“——— member. 1884 ay 15’
El 3; II, I'llllli' E _______._______ - : V fin . 1’ ms )lmd E)” Allen
Ell lEl Ell Charles E. Adams, editor-publisher of the . . . . One 01 the 1st aciertis’emen (“Evenisemem ‘ my Vic
IlE‘ EE’E Ell; E'El Gallatin County News, Warsaw, has an- Twenty years alter his death, editors oi person ol 'proniinlencj’uTE: 1&60 announc' ’15. Em
Ell E lEl ll . E." El nounced a new policy of “cash-with-copy” for daily newspapers named Joseph Pulitzer the by Charles ’II- loil . nlg an: in of 1,10“ (log. Iii-if
, l: lEEE lElll lEE‘E l‘ classified advertising. The first Southern newspaper was publish» mg the iewaic or tie rcturn : i .. .
‘ :‘ : ~it‘ '-¢~ '
I E 3 ::
. .r I ’ I ’: ‘ : 1 I: " 1:331"???
"3ll?1.lél ’
- 3.1 ' ‘HEEM.

 ‘ ' . .31 ‘ i
(it EL
3 g. E V E V l
E March, l950 The Kentucky Press Page One ggEEE; :
4 i , i 3
E “ E V ‘ !
‘5'— N C t t Add d Th' Y M" Page “me“ E "
. i ., E .
! TWO eW on es S e is ear , Factors to be judged include headline con~ EEE E,‘ ,' ‘:
i‘ l . ' .
i'e united E - .l d tent, headline schedule, type balance, make— EEEE :
ckinridge .‘ Entries MUSt Be Mal 6 Be OI'e May ,5 up, name plate and ears, press work and ink- EEE i {j '
‘ . . . . ‘11 E E
teinory 01‘ _ . . ing appearance and illustrations (if any), EséEEE ‘.
')1‘ ol' the ln issuing this annual call for entries in bundle, but each entry must be plainly and contrast EEE EE E1
‘ - ' -‘ , 1 , ',
Babbage the 1950 newspaper production contests, marked as to the contest. The package must (Note—Special emphasis will be placed on EEE '1 E
illospital E your special attention is called to the two be marked “K. P. A. Newspaper Contest,"and the make-up of the entries in the above two EEE E El
new contests inaugurated this year, the BCSL addressed to Professor Portmann, University contests) ' EE E: “L,
. . , - - . . . ‘ 1. i , t
E Community Sernce and the Best News Pic- of Kentucky, Lextngton. It is suggested that Best Editorial Contest EEE], E, ,
“E titres, both open to weeklies and dHIIICS- the editor write a note announcing that the I d . 1 h d' , EEEEE E
l'eretl “l" Every newspaper in the state is inVited to package has been sent, to avoid delay and nEor Eer .to. Sthhu age}. CE 6 itors “1 ex- ' EEEEEEE l
at their E submit entries in all contests; we hope that possible loss of entries. PrECSSlEng lIEIdIVldualltY, Hum-luv? and lethIE" EEEE ‘ E;
March (E E there will be 50 entries at least in each con- Contest Selection Rules ship in this department which 15 the editors EEEE E
’lll(l S'tt' test. Awards will be made at the mid-sum- own, attractive prizes are offered in this con- EEE E {E
‘ ‘ ‘ T ' . . . . I 3 . t
l‘lic M“ E mer meeting. huh contestant may 5616“ any issue 0f test. The factors which Will be conSidered in E E E , E‘
)6 room Please read the rules governing each con- [hls paper, 01‘ may EChP any SpCClfiC entry, the judging are: subject matter, thought . EEE E .
my 1mm; I test and follow them to the letter. Any vio- between the dates 01 May 1’ 1949 and May sequence, community appeal, rhetoric (dic- EE E E? i
r“ . . . (r . .7 -- ., -_ _ . . EEE
lmilding E lation of the rules Will result in the entries 1' IEJJO' 11““ ('h‘mge [mm requiring specr £1011, unity, figure Of speech, PunCtuaUOfl),. 2E E 'E} ,-
cmaimlc‘r being discarded. Send in as many entries fit Issues Of newspapers was made at the re- and vocabulary. Each editorial should be E‘EEEE E
who and E as you please, but observe the deadline. The quest of many of our members. It has also pasted on a sheet of paper with the notation E {EEE , E ,
(I ‘ H U ' U l i t
the press ‘i'ule that no newspaper is eligible to enter heft”? Sgggested that deal“ f’r Spec“? of name of newsPaper, date of issue. and ' EEE !, ;;
E the Allaround and Front Page contests if edition Issues Should h°t be lhduded "1 writer‘s name. No “canned" or clipped edi- EEli
. . . . . ’ . . . . . g .‘r E
.Cl‘lllllletl. it has been a Winner in the preVious two :16 Ailfl ’:r;unth°I:eSt enhries. torials Will be con51dered in this contest. E E E E E
. . eaut u r0 ies rocure t ‘ E 1 :
E,ears will be strictly enforced and your co- E "f 1 Bl' . .11 b if d _ Grehan Memorial Plaque EEtEE E EE
operation is requested when you send in eauti u u“ Ity prizes W1 6 o ere m . . . E‘iif 3E:
tuisville" 'our entries . this year’s contest. They are made possible The Winner for the best editorial Will i EEE ;E
i , ) Attentionis particularly called to the re- through the courtesy of the Louisville Cour- again have the name Of his newspaper en- E EEE » EE
, ,. . l i. - . ~ . ier-Journal, Lexington Herald-Leader, The graved Oh the beautiful EhOCh Grehan Me— E: EEE i3
:mibu 01 quirement that entries in the editorial, news, . . 1 P] h' h bl' h d b ; it,» , , i
vine will E' and advertisin contests must each be pasted Kentucky Post, Covmgton, Ed Weeks, and moria aque W “3 was esta 15 e 7 Mrs. E ‘EEE E;
t f. f a er or cardboard the Louisville Chamber of Commerce. EhOCh Grehan and the members 0f the EEE .E '
_ E on separa e 51135 0 P P , _ ’ Home-To C011 Co test Department of Journalism in memory of 1;: E ‘ E?
TCEHU‘W elseWise the entries Will not be conSidered. Wh ‘mh h . Egl i E ,i
~ ~ , - , . . . . . . . Mr. Grehan. Space is reserved on the plaque ,i E El , 1%
l 01 the ‘ All contest entries may be enclosed In one 11115 new contest is again offered With for subse ue t W'nners and our 21 er's if E l ‘lE
. I] l t ‘ l . ‘,
“5 "1 the package, but each contest should be wrapped trophy to be presented by the faculty of the a e illqlo k r0 6 thereo y P P i‘E E T i E
.4 . . . . . n In W 0 r n. E , , .E I ,
ll separately With the appropriate label at- Department of Journalism, UniverSity of p P EEE E .
E charter l melted thereto to expedite distribution to Kentucky— the best home-town column. Best News Story Contest EEEE 5 E
'E the judge of that contest. Please COOperate Rules for the contest are simple: At the request of a number of editors this EEEEE E EE
‘ in this. 1. The column must be written by a staff contest is continued for competition this EEEE E {(’E
. . _ t E 2 , -
, EE . Open to Every Newspaper member or regular local columnist. year on the best community news story. The EEEEE E El ‘l
311511” t Each and every contest is open to every 2. The column must emphasize local in— EaCtOTS ‘0 be COhSIdered are content, sen- EEEEE i : 3' E
i . 1. E . . , - t ‘ .‘
e ”E, id: E weekly or semi-weekly in the state. The news terest and Show a balance between entertain- tence and paragraph structure, thought, E( ErE E E' El
[toitlm‘ Story contest is open to country dailies. ment and information, not strictly editorial. unity, coherence, vocabulary, the lead- and EE Ej' EEEE E
111' . . . - - , - g 't , 2 t i
uhhghm Every editor is urged to send 1“ hls entries 3. The contest is open to any newspaper community serVice value. Each story 15 to be (El EE ; ‘ E -<,
. ‘ - . / ‘ E , ’ i :5
rl to ask. for each contest and every entry Will be member of the Association. pasted on a sheetf of paper With the hota- EEEE E E EEE .EE
I '- s' -- , .' . . ’1‘:3E;ll
response Judged 0” itsEmcrits. Let ”‘5 make thls E1950 4-. Three consecutive issues of the column ii:rrilie0foih:d1i:dile :ndni‘ZEZPSE thaetewci‘itlafucfi EEE E E EEE E
arly mic , come“ the 131386“ contest Of them 311‘ N0 must be presented for judging. The entry th 0 ’ t e kl . k1 d (E E E iEtE
utions 0E E neivspaper shall be eligible for more than must identify the author and his staff Status. e story. pen .0 W C Y, semi-wee y’ an 2‘ E E Et'l l
one of the above first prizes. All Around Contest country dailies in the state. Only crime E E EEEEE
1)" stories will be barred from this contest. E-El‘iE . El u.
ISIHterested Judges to Act . . it , H i
For guidance of the competitors the fol— _ . ”EEE E Eli ,.
E Competent outside judges will study the lowng Will constitute the percentages by Best Editorial Page Contest EEE‘EE EEEE E
‘ ' . ' =.,‘éii’.r,l
or, CEHtries in the contests. Because Of. the neces- which the newspapers Will be scored: Gen- As a memorial to her husband our be- Elli? ‘EE‘. !
‘ake, Sity of getting the contests in their hands at eral appearance, 30 per cent; local news, 25 loved late Cec11 Williams, Mrs. May Wil- EEE'EEEE E l
2 sets Ean early date, all entries must be in the per cent' county correspondence 5 per cent; liams, Somerset, is sponsoring the editorial EEE; EEE}? E
yiittie. -E . . i , . . truth;
mestone, 1EEEEIIIVerSity postoflice not later than May E15. personal items, 10 per cent; farm news 0! page contest as the Ben Cozme Memorial {E E EEEE i
E ease follow a“ “1165 regarding preparation news pertaining to the chief industry of the CUP was won by Gracean M- Pedley and E i' Et.E
EOE the exhibits and the deadline. The JOb section WhEre the paper is published, 5 per his Princeton Leader 111 1944 for Penna- .EE EE EEEE
Either of E Printmg EXhibit Shall be brought to the cent; general news, 5 per cent; and editorial, ment POSSESSEOH- The same rules Will prevail EEE EE EEE
EEVIid-summer meeting, not mailed to Lex- 20 per cent. Factors to be considered in as formerly—permanent possession of the EEEEEEEtEE
earcd E“ lngton, scoring of general appearance include make- trophy W111 be gained by any newspaper EEE E EEE
May 15, Deadline up of front page and composition, headline which Wins three legs, not necessarily being El EE ,{EE
. . . . . EEE E .;
iCd hit a All entries must be in the hands of Secre- schedule, literary excellence, community adjudged Winner "1 COHSCCUUVC years. E-EtEEE EEE;
- . . . . . . . t, .; , , 1
tisemem . tary Victor Port ann on or before Ma Service, headlines’ content, illustrations, The Judges Will conSider the followmg 5% t; ,‘;E
R. m Y ,E ‘(E "ii
nimuu‘" Els. Entries can be handled in the same typography and press work. pomts in the CeCil William Memorial Tro- EEE ,E Elli
st (logl , EEE ‘_ EEE;
J, El: E
’E _ , ,EliiilEfl .
li‘ E I . t
iii E i E i 1
EEQE E'l t‘ i
1:? i. ,E l, E ‘
EVE.“ ' V ‘ ,t

 1 1111 1 " 1
1 111‘ 1 1 '
' '1111 l 1 i P T ' ”I, . 3.1...»
1 .1111 I11 1 age W0 ’ 1151:1151
1'" 111 1111111111111 The Kentucky Press '
I 2‘ a? '
11 111111111 11111'1111 Phly for the be“ Cdi‘mial Page Mord” 1950‘
11 111 1 . Page Cont ' news - '
1.1111 cm: the a e . Papers afiected. Th’
111111 1 1 1 1 articles of literary, hair: must contain is the chief business of 15111215 you may know, request. 1
111111111 11 1 1 matter , and editorial an . t 6 Salvation Arm 1‘ . . . ’-" 21
111111 .1 1 2 Only. Y‘Va)’. And, in case of the War C I Y1 Lntiy rules: Lach contest'u t ‘1 K J "1”"
1 1;. 1 1 .No - Sim - ry am 11151 - . . 11 111113 - .1»
1 111 1 - 1 the pag al-llvertlsemem Should aPPear on we ily' Carrying out the Salvation ’Army < $111111“ m either "1 t“'0 lol-ITIS' 1 151mm ~ E.
'1 '1 11 1 . 6- Owev - - 1‘ in a 1' - “PICS 0~ iss 1' 1' . - . ' ‘ 0lln E
11111 i 13 11 ' ‘ testants using suchr’ clhls Will not bar CCTV effectively " lttle different manner, hilt as [or the ditch]? “”11 51mm“: ”ml-deg Checked 1 E
1‘11 1 ' :1: $14-11: a V€rtise - ‘ ‘ i ”m 0' [l ' ' a E
1 1‘ 1 1,:. 1x - ments but 5 d _ . 1 1(. 111(11165. . __
1 .1 1 use w - ’ 31 .1 . Jim: 1 . ~ _. . . ~ 0 ‘ 0r, 2. 51 s
1 1111111 11111 count against PCTfection, ht his suggestion, the f0110win rul 1 1 a" 01 inuclcs 1)CI‘Lllllllllg‘ to the 1. Cl”)- :2—
11 1 1" 1 3' Edltorlal matter- Preference '11 b l’rCVau: Any Editorial Writte g es “”11 1110 contest. ‘ “mm 01 1::
1. 111 - 1. ' WI - . "Ona " " E
1 1111 111 1 _ . ‘given to home-written" editOrials wh‘le SlllJJCCt, printed in any Kentucky rellglous 1' lhc “mics" 0r Clil’lml‘s’s of ne‘ ‘ E
1 11 111 .‘ 11 1 1 ‘canned” ed' - . l e l)CL\\1c . . HCWSpaper catiires ed" . VS stories E
1 1111 11 1 11 ltOrials W111 b _ 1 en the (13161 1 1 1 11.01 ials zind/ 1 .1 1 A =
1 11 11, 1 1 _ e a detriment s 0 May ] 1949 . . . ’ "1 plctur 1 1 =
‘ 1‘1 ' 1' 1 4. C - . - 1, r - . . ~ ~ 11 and Ma1 Imcal the - ' - ‘35 shOuI 1. =
1 111111111. 1 1 '- tu llpped editorials of community na- T119301 15 Chglble for entry in this come? ”Win" ‘ £11011 la 01 the llCWspaper in recod 1 E
'1 1111 1 I {6 Will be acceptable. * 1e same “1165 as in the Best E ' ‘SL 1 D and llllerpreu'ng its (0111 - l E
1 11111 111 1 9_ Features d . contest will 1 . _ dltorial needs and prim-11.51. . . 1 1 munitys .1‘ _=_
111111 “T an literary: features such as Th a 50 apply in this “110me 1» s, and its program [01- de 1 E
1 1111 ' wenty Years A n . e Wir C ‘ ‘hl 11m action ‘ ' E
1111 1 go, syndicate mat - 1 ‘ TY also makes th - ' =
1 1 1 . . 1 e 6 Sam l ‘ - - =
11111 .1 1 1 Elch as written by Doctor Copeland :31; in the annual G€Orgia Press Assoc t? award 1 ll\o time limit Will be placed upon m t 1 E
11 1 1 1 0 1a ion c . a 5 enter 1,. 21 er— 15
11111111 1 ~1 ““151 etc., essays, poems, etc., Will he teStS- We hoPe that every Kentuck don 11,111C 1 _ Cd “WIN that the project mu. 7 .5:
111111. 1 11 . 11 1 CCptable. ac— Will consider Entering thi Y e Itor 1 men promoted (luring the 1,21% 1 In E
11 11 1 1 5 contest. inonth.~. ' . - - . 1 ‘- Weve E
1111 1 .1 1 1 1 6. A column, whether serious humoro Be“ News PiCtures 11mm bsc I1 1 (,llll)1)lllg5 are used, each clipping .5;
11 1 1 or a mix . _ ’ us, , 1 ‘ Lilla and all - ’ ' . . 1 g
111 11 11 a ture, Wlll be cons1dered editorial 1" (Encourage the use 01 1 1 l>rojcq1 or eve 1 clippings on a Single E
"111 11 1 ' K P ge material, 0111" Kentucky net “C“S Plant“ in (”in“) 1 nt, Should be “muffled on E
'1 11 1 :1 . - - ’ \’S)a)e1~s ‘ 1 1 (um 11] -. , _=_
111111 , 1 7. Editorial cartoons will be ac Offers trophies to b1 1 ’ this me“ come“ lo icvl . 1d gmumd L()getlie1- in Chrono- E
1111.11111_1 consideration CCptable. 11nd dailie 1 0th community “’CCklies $1 1‘1 Oicler. 11 E
111111 . l l S 0“ Y metro ‘ , , - - . ' “he boun 1 ~ E
1111 1 1 ‘ . 8' Headlines, Whemel‘ Spot heads or sta d barred by their own regomtm (1mm being newspipcr 1d ‘Olu1mc “111 be I‘Cmrned to the E
1 1 1 1 .1 in d n . ues . ‘ ’ 111 ”()(K (1011 l‘ ' 1 - . 1 =
1111 1 11 1 g epartment heads will b . The follow a ( ition. (111)) . - =
1 1 1 1 1 . 111w 1- be re 1 .) -~ )1. l I 111 .8 “'1“ =
1111 ‘11 11 1 1 ,1 typographical balance 6 Judged for 2mm 15 ules apply for 110111. g‘uid- B Ullnccl ll (tall-U11 g 11 g
1 11' :' 111-1 ' ' K €St Ad " =
1. 1 1 1 V . . —
11111 * 1'1 ‘1 :1’1 9- Mast head: the t o ' E21611 ('OntCsp . . ertismg COmPOSmOH E
111 1 1 1 1 VP gTaphical a ear- ant iiiav Submit 1 Th ' _'
111 111 11. . 1 ance, the Content, and relation to hPP time of his newgm m; f a )ound vol- 1 ree prizes will be awarded to K E
. 1.11 11111 1 _11 1 1 as a whole will be considered t e page May I, 1949 to M 21 1 Olr 1'tlle.1)eriod from editors in this contest: for the best felnmCLy l E
1 111111311 1 10, Art work. -f 1 - 13811651 11. Y 11 9301 Including an advertisement 1h b “11”“ .5.
1111 1 I 1' 1 1‘1 ‘ cam - ' 1 any, “”11 be given full 1 n ‘1 Nd} news PICtures lnve been 1 1 ment 01 th, e est half‘Page advertise E
1 1111 1 111 1 munit - or CO "d . _ 1 ‘ lSe( , an e b E
1 11 1 . . y interestS, too mu .. . 1151 eration of 1 eSt uart - - —
11 11 1 1 . . 1_ ch outs d .1 1 tie Judges Tl , . q er page advertise. 1 =
111 11 1 1 1 1 1 111 Make- 1 e 111211 1 1 1 - 16 lOlume ment, Prizes f =
11111 111 1 1 uP and balance' th 5 “6 "dc CVery issu 1 ~ 01‘ these contet ~ 1 =
1111 '1 1' ‘ ti ' . ' e Page make- 1 -1 5 . “ C (111.1119; the )er' 1 S on s s are again 'I E
111 1 1 1 1 P With Cmphams _ men 11 new 1 1 10( P sored b Ed W _
11 11 , 1 1 On balance . ‘5 Pictures (10 n y 66161 mana =
1111111. 11 1 contrast will be given c1oseissyinrnetl'y, and pictures must be Plainly in‘galmgar. but all Krebs Company, LOUisville Ffetr of B11111. 1.1 g
11 1111_ 1 -1 . -- 1 - . - Cars to ’1‘ E
1 1 _ . 1 Width c l . crutiny_ Extra Tl . icate 1 111dng 1 C =
11 1 11 1 1 0 umns 1n 5 - 16 Judges 111111 b . “16 uded ty )6 C 1 ——
1‘1 i1“ 1 ‘1 ‘ 1 ’ ymmet‘)’ With the rest f 356 then decision 1 Ontent, tYPC‘ arran e» E
111111“ 1 ‘1 the page, will be give - 0 mm the qu’llit . S 0“ ment: Valne of illu - . g . E
111 1 11 1 11 n SpeCial consid 1 1 i y and quantity of [1 Strations, selection of b ' =
11 11 1 1 11 1 111 1 12 Slllfect era-non. PICUII‘ES [ll fl: 1 1 . 16 HCVVS dCI‘ 21nd deco - _ 01" 1 E
1 .1 1 _ 11 J matter: as a comm ' ’ e e eCtiveness of tl 1 ' rauve material d =
1 .1 1.1 11 1 1_ 1 1 unn a e [1 . 1 16 subject ln’lt— Of l _ 1 i an fulfillment =
11 111. 1 .. 1 Should em ha ' . y P P r 01. the captlons 1 , ‘ “166 function f - - =
111 1.11 1 ‘1 1; 1 . P 5‘26 COmmunit new 1 ‘ am hangers, the effe '1 ~ 5 ° adverusm —attention 5
1 11 111'1 11' i 1 .1 news Will be marked down Y S and “5:31.“ Screen, and the inking and press 1:2”; 11mm and conviction. The gentries are E
-‘ :11 1 ' V 1 13 S e ' - ' ‘ wocl - - - “ V r- Imited - ' E
_1 _ 1 1 . c131 a _ asses of en 1 . . . t0 adve , =
1111 11111 1 11 1 1f 1'th P ttention will be given to the A Commi .1 tiles are EstabllSth: Class [amps fr 1 rtlsements set in the comes- 1 g
1111 1111 1 _ 1 _ oric, punctuation, unity, COherence (,1 B 1Inity Weeklies and semi—Weeklies. 1 0 ice either hand or machine com E
1; 11111 1 1 ression d' ‘ ’ ex— ‘ 2135 1 cailies T - . , p051tion ' E
11 1111111 1 1 P , Ignity, VOCabula 1- rophies “1111 be '1W' ‘d ' —=_
111': 1 this page 1'3” COlltellts of the first place Winners - ‘ ‘” Cd Each co ' 1 E
111 11 1 1 . 1 11 certificates to se - ntestam ma select ‘ E
111111111111 1 1 11 1' ‘1 14. Each contestant will 5mei: th millsfhlrd place Winners. - mnd “semen: that appearell duringanyl adver. E
111~ " :' - . 1 . . 6 car =
11 111 SECUtive ls . Tee con- 1e Xolumes Wlll 1) i . May ] 194g , l’ 1 =
11111111 .1 sues Of his news a f . e 1€t1nnccl t0 the 11 1 ' ‘ " ‘md May 1 1950 1 1 1 E
1111 .11 11_1 the . d 1 P per rom which paper after the “‘5‘ to be ’ ‘ 1 9““ em‘)’ =
11111111.. 1 1 - ‘1 J“ $55 W111 SClect the b - . come“ mounted on a sheet of db ~ 1 '=‘
1 11:1'1':- 111 ' for co . . 65‘ Smgle issue B . the ' car oard W“ E
1 1 1111111.» 1 . mpetition_ 95‘ Commumt Ser ' notation as to the E
1 11111111111 1 1 'Prize‘ Offered F B 1 In Order to Yt- Vlce Paper, date of issue and name Of the news- 1 E
1 1111111111 1 1 1 1 01' est Editorial Com _ simulate our newspapers in Christmas d ' ’ name Of contestant. 1 E
11111111111 1 1 On A Religious Sub'ect . mumty SCWICC, this new contest] ' a Vertlsements only Will 1101 be '1 E
11111111111 5. 1' 1 - A net ] maugurated under the (1‘ . 1 ms been COHSidered_ 1 E
11 1111111111 x 1 v contest was dd - lrec'tion of G1 ' * 1 =
1 111111111 11 , 1 3 Cd In 19 Ramse 1 ~ 1 . _. _ Clln TI'O h . _ E
111111111 1' 1 1“ beSt religious editOrial or the be :4 ff.” the Lollisizlluepginit. 1elations director. for the P y Offered For Jab Printing EXhibit 1 E
11111111111111 1 on a rellgious sub‘e - 5 edltorlal umber 0f COmmerce . Through the courtes of Th ' E
11111111111 1 1 1 1 1 ct, With the prize bei Its purpose is to 1 - presid Y omas F. Smith, =
1 11111111111"? 1 1 1 Offered by The Salvation Arm h ng ness of o A . encourage editorial alert- 6.1“ Of the Louisville Paper Company E
11111111111111 1 1 11 Courtesy of Brigadier V' y t rough the the 1 hr] publishers in the promotion of a spech contest is again Open for the edi’ E
11111111111111 1 1 - . Incent Cunni h l) WSICH and '1 . 1 u -- I =
1 11 111111111 1 edmm . . ng am1 _ _ socml welfare -. "5 0f the sta - . s
1111 1 1 fi 111611fo of the War Cry, Atlanta The munlties so that each to (ill [116.11 mm Mr Sm‘tl 1te at the mldlsummer meeting. §
‘ 1111113 1 1 I Srst prize ls a certificate and $50 in cash better Place in which 1 {Tummy M“ be a uable l 1 WI“ present a handsome and val- E
1 1 1 i . . . 0 1 , ' E
1111.1 ‘ .econd and thud place winners re - "“mlty 21nd state 111 -- “6 ‘md the “m" . . ‘roPhY for the best exhibit of 101’ E
1:1 1"1 1 1' tlficates. cewe cer‘ The Ch b “I grow and IJI‘OSper printing at the meeting Every editor is §
111111.114 1 . . . am er of (1 . . ‘ ' =
111 1.111111 1‘ 1'1 1 ' BI‘l adler ‘ " 1 - 40mme; CC W111 )1? Urged to re )ar ' ' E
'1111111111’1'1 '1 ‘ this gaw d cunnmgham Stated, in making bllxcr [rOPhICS t0 the outst'indin I sent mounted or}: all e an eXhlbn’ preferably E
"”1111“? 11 ar ' z -- . . , ‘ ‘ ne ar - - ’ =
11111111111111 . 11 available to Kentucky news. 1) men, certificates to the second g l“ tion and ' d ' ge cardboard, for “him E
“11.111111 7 ' Papers, Our Purpose in Offering the aw d Place winners. Two trophie '11 End thud Tl f lJu glng during the meeting. E
"111111.111 1 15. first of 11 ’ ' ‘ ar 1- ' ~ S W 6 3“”1‘1- 16 010““ h ' V E
11111111 1 a i to Stimulat ~ C(. Class A—co - 1 ‘ ( g Items are to be included. ‘ =
1 1111111 ‘1 >1 - -' , . . . . '3 a reVival of r _ 1 mmunity weekhe . Exhib‘ . E
1 111111111 1111 hglous Intel-e“ among the readers of t}: weeklles: Class B —daily 1161\8): and 56ml- but 11:01:; are Urged to lnCIUde every item, 5
1 1 . 1 . ' < ) , 0 - " ‘
_1 1 11 1 1 1 111M111 1 . e metropolitan dailies a 1 - 1 [ers, only all that printer who might not have E
1 1 1 111 H I‘ 1111] 1 re )dnned by their OWn 1‘ E
1 1. 111711 11 111-111.. . 1 (P [W Tm To Page Eighth 511111111111
11111111111 1‘ i /
11111111111111 . 1 ""
. 1111'- 111 1
1 1139 .
- ‘5'5 '3
. #31921" ' '21":
1&9.» 5 Sir"?
' w» ,s'1 ‘

 . I I : I I
“‘wéfi IJThree‘ ‘ "
M h 1950 The Kentucky Press Page ' III I
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will submit ii I E III I '-

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2 nature of I :5: A reg r988 . . . E I II IJ

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ews stone‘s, {I g E III I I I

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'oject must 2 E III I I.

past twelve I E E II I I ’

ch clipping . E . t ur E III: I. I
w. E . - 500 E IIIW

Zirieznzlfi I 2 There is no need to emphaSIze how essential a free press I E III I ,,

in chrono- E democracy. E II III I

F E . E I II :II .
é ' ts in America E :II-‘HII I:
med to the I E If {h was ever any doubt that SUCH .0 tree Pl’eSS exts _ E III I
ppings will I 3 today. it will: be rapidly dispelled by 'a quick glance at the Press treat 3 III‘ I
I E ment of the current A & P a