xt74qr4nnz54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74qr4nnz54/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2004-05 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 2004 text GLSO News, May 2004 2004 2004-05 2019 true xt74qr4nnz54 section xt74qr4nnz54 ‘yfgizfu GAY and . r?
rci. s o news

3-7; SERVICE 2:3,; ,
extremists... MAY 2004

A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization

Volume 19 Ntmtber 4
ANOTHER NOTE 51m ound Concert
"WI/EN I HEAR M0510- 1” For 0m?

Another Note, a men's choral ensem— SisterSound invites you to their spring
ble, Wi” present "When ' Hear MUSiCi" a concert, All for One, music offriendship and
benefit concert for Moveable Feast, 0“ unity. Join us on May 22nd at the Singletary
Saturday, May 22 at 8 pm. at Woodland Center forthe Arts at8 pm. Tickets are $15
Christian Church, 530 East High Street, regular, $10 student and seniors, $5 chil-
and on Sunday, May 23 at 3300 pm. at dren are are available at the Arts Box
Saint Michael's Episcopal Church, 2025 Office, 2574929
Bellefonte Drive, Lexington. An $8 sug- SisterSound has selected songs of

' gested donation at the door is asked, all warmth and inspiration celebrating our con-
proceeds to be donated to Moveable Feast. nections and our unity. The selections

Another Note presents a broad range 0f include: Do You Believe in Magic, Everyday
musical styles in this concert - classic Heros, Everything’s Coming Up Roses,
favorites such as "Over the Rainbow," "In Stand By Me, From a Distance, and Let
the Still of the Night" and "Danny Boy," There Be Peace On Earth.
gospel, spiritual music, Broadway, and The chorus will return to home plate at
uplifting melodies like the title song, "When Applebee’s Park for the third consecutive
I Hear MUSlC-" year to sing the National Anthem at the

"When a song is really good, it has the Lexington Legends game on June 12th.
ability to create all kinds of ideas and emo- We hope you’ll come out to cheer for us
tions in the listener," says ANOTHER and the home team that evening.

NOTE artistic director Steve Johnson. SisterSound always welcomes new
"With all that is going 0“ in our world today, members, fresh energy, input of ideas, and
it's nice to be able to take a few moments suggestions. For info call 268-0113.
and be transported through music to a
place where our spirits can find refresh- a Sponsor of the Month FE
ment and peace. Much of our music offers % %
ideas of possibility and hopefulness as well 5.3. %
as fond memories of the past." E Windy Knou E
Another Note is scheduled to sing the El Farm %
’ National Anthem at a Lexington Legends DJ %
game at Applebee's Park on June 3. For El %
information about call Steve Johnson at a 3263 Cleveland Rd. N. %
859.233.1730. E 8 59_299_7 410 E

’ '13-" LESBIAN Kentuckiwza Pride Festival page 10 i
if; ORGANIZATION GISO Financial Report . . . . pages 16-17
Lexington, Kenmcky ,
PmkPageszoo4 ~2oo5 ......page 18
in June, The Pride Gallery will display the ;
T6; S 0 NEWS works of various artists. it you have one
or two pieces you would like to display,
Volume 19 Issue 2
call Thomas at 225-0094.
published monthly by _._____ _, _ _ _ __ ... .
Sgggcsv0fiqani‘z‘ation (9113” L fan 9 S 5....
a er V6. "
Editors 3;;
Mary Crone . ,-
JackieCobem "' ‘ ' ", i " " '
Artists Statement
Board Members Cheri Jones
Thomas Collins, President . My work IS a. Visual look into my mental and emo-
Joan Branon Vice-Pres. tIonal state of life. My work Is very personal even
Ben Salyers Sec though it is abstract. It is influenced by the circum-
Mary Crone ’Editor stances in my life at that time. With each exhibit |
Jackie Co’bern participate in, you can see my personal growth in
Tom Collins the pieces dated.
Sarah Martin As a human being I am striving to find my own
Ginger Moore path without regrets. As an artist I am trying to por-
Terry Mullins tray my emotions and mental state to reach my
viewer. As a woman I am excelling at listening to my
intuition and doing what is best for me. As a role
GLSO Annual Dues & model I am being me and letting people see what it
Newsletter. is like to do the prior.
. . Letting go and stepping into the unknown is what
Ind'V'dual ' $15 I am pushing myself to do. I generally do not know
Couple ' $25 what I am doing until I have already done it. Taking
chances is what life is about. This is why I am try-
Opinions expressed in the GLSO ing to fly.
News are those of the authors and
don’t necessarily represent those of
the GLSO Board. Submissions are PRIDE MONTH DEADLINE:
welcome and staff reserves the right . .
to edit submissions and advertise- May 7 Info for Pnde Pamphlet
ments as well as the right to reject May 15 GLSO News
submissions or advertisements. .
see page 4 for detalls
GLSO Page 2

1 Derby Party May 1 Berea Film Presentation
. Women who are missing the annual The second of two films in the series:
Derby Party may want to help bUiid a new Humanizing Gay Lives In a Time of Siege
tradition. Jane is offering her farm as a will be shown at 7 pm on Saturday, May 8,
‘ place to gather and cheer on our favorite at the Berea Public Library. After
horses. Located outside 0f Georgetown, Stonewall, a riveting documentary about
this farm has plenty of room for tents if you queer lives from the Stonewall rebellion in
want to spend the night, Friday or 1969 to the end of the Twentieth Century.
Saturday, either or both. Jane will provide Guest Speaker: Scotty Saltsman,
some food and a keg. Please bring some Kentucky Fairness Alliance. For more
food to share and come on out. information, call 859.509.1717
Directions from Lex: Take I—75 North
past both Georgetown exits. Take the next ,
exit, R 129. Turn left at the bottom of the 40+ Women S Group
exit ramp, onto Cherry Blossom Way. You All lesbian and bi-sexual women over
will pass a Shell station on the right, and a 40 are invited to attend our regular meet-
Speedway on the left. At the caution light, ings and social events. This month we
turn left onto 25, then take the next right meet at the Pride Center on Sunday May
onto Barton Pike (620). Her farm is then 9th, at 2 pm. We will make plans to go to
2.7 miles on the right, 1143 Barton Rd. various Pride Month events together. After
the meeting we will pick a restaurant and
.....‘;‘;I;? .1 P $3.? 1 y go out to eat.
Qllilt m ' . ' g1 fig}, i, We are going to Red River Gorge forthe
W- weekend of May 14-15. The deadline for
. 4 at, t. @113 cabin space has passed but you can join
We have been given a beautiful rain- some Of U_S who are camping. For more
bow quilt designed and pieced by Phyllis Info call Ginger 253—0061 or emall her at
Hoovler of Frankfort, IN, and machine quilt- ggclr@hotma|l.com.
ed by Julie Werkowski of Rossville, W. for
our Pride Month raffle. It is made of all cot- Mam“ Dlscusslou 6'0”
ton fabrics on the face and backing, is There has been interest expressed in
machine-washable, and measures over 6 having a BUddhiSt diSCUSSien group at the
ft by 7 1/2 ft_ Pride Center. We plan to get together to
Tickets are $2 or 3 for $5 and will be talk about the possibilities on Thursday,
sold at the Pride Center and at all GLSO May 6 at 7330- You do not have to be
Pride Events. The drawing wil be at the knowledgeable to attend. For information
end of June. Thanks Phyllis! 03“ Mary at 266-5904-
We also plan to raffle off a car! Tickets
for that will be $5. Look for specific infor—
mation in June newsletter. room home. Call Steven 859 226 9347
Thanks Robin! ...more community news on next

 Pride Month Jilin £754 ¢ride 2004
GLSO will be printing a Pride Pamphlet On Wednesday, June 2 at Club
to distribute before the next newsletter. 141, Pride Month will kick off with the Miss
The deadline to get your information into Kentucky Pride contest, Featuring Miss Ky
the pamphlet is May 7. Send the name Of Pride Emeritus, Latoya Bacall with guests
the event, time, place, cost, and a brief Miss Gay D.C., Kristina Kelly and Miss Gay
description to lexingtonglso@yahoo.com. Charlottesville, Arione Dacardeza, this
You can call Bill at 253-3233 with any ques- evening promises to be fabulous. Prizes
tions. If you miss that deadline we can still include $300, a crown and scepter. For
publish the information in the June newslet- information or application contact Greg or
ter if you get it to us by May 15th. Latoya at Club 141, 859 233-4262.
Pnde Plcnlc Men Of All Colors Together
The Pride Picnic will again be held at
Windy Knoll Farm on sunday, June 20. KY Men Of all COiOFS Together (MACT)
Venders should contact Mary Crone for is a local chapter of a national gay multira-
information about setting up at the picnic. cial organization WhiCh fosters a supportive
(H- 895 266-5904 or at the Pride Center environment where friendships and part-
895 253-3233) nerships can be celebrated free of racial
and cultural barriers. They meet at the
Awards Banquet_ . Pride Center on the third Sunday of each
The Banquet will again be during Pride month. For information email
Month 0“ Sunday June 27- NOM'NA' MACTky@aol.com, call 859-351-4453
TIONS for the Wasson and Rainbow (Jon) or see www.mactky.com
Community Service Awards are now
being taken. These awards are for the indi- Lexington Lyons Levi/Leather Club
vidual (Wasson Award) and the community
group (Rainbow) that through volunteerism The Lyons meet every other. month at
has done the most for our community in the the Pride Center. The next meeting W'”_be
last year or years. Anyone can nominatea in April. Anyone interested in learning
person or group for these awards. Write a more about the Club is welcome to attend.
short paragraph so people will know of their We will also be. meeting for brunch at Mia’s
accomplishments and send to lexing- on Sunday April 25 at 1 pm. Pleasejom us.
tonglso@yahoo.com. This year any indi- The Lyons are proud to be a GLSO Pride
vidual can vote by coming by the Pride Patron Of the GLSO Pride Center.
Center in the first week of June. its)” “ ,
a? , Fri: Keep the love you find,
Pribe Month Reabins 222%??? 5* it Get the love you want.”
This year’s annual pride month Reding ' Jessica Bollinger LCSW
by local writers will be on Saturday, June 12
at the Fellowship House at the Unitarian Certified lmago Relationship Therapist
. Church from 7 pm. to 9 pm. If you wrote it, couples, family, individual
we want to hear it. if you Just think you
might want to read, call Kelly at 225-6269. imagoconnection.com 859-552-6533
No charge. Snacks and beverages will be
available. Donations accepted.

 Sponsor of the Month
,y ' , ,
z; Windy Knoll
) 3263 Cleveland Rd. N.
_ 859-299—7410
,3 Jennifer Crossen
: Lessons In Dressage and Jumping
e Boarding Training
g +5,
Indoor Arena v
4 Cross Country Course
3 Acreage for Trail Riding
Stadium Jumping Course
, Outdoor Sand dressage Arena
May is a wonderful time to go for a rule"
» Call Jenny‘ér today!
Thank you, Jennifer and Joan, for providing the
space for the annual Pride Picnic
' MW \

389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat we open at 10 am
. On most Mon, Tues, and Sat. we stay open until 5. On ,
Wed until 7. You may want to call to be sure a volunteer is here.
15”!” VIDEONIGIIT LBX. Dress and Gender Alliance
. §top by the PT'de Center at? pm Fr," LexDGA is a peer discussion group for
to jom us in watching a favorite film, When anyone who transcends gender norms or
xii/:13: Psi/2:95 gig/fig: ngjgrstfiacgrf: is questioning their gender identity. This
. y gy . . . . .y . includes transsexuals, intersexuals, effem-
finds herself dissatisfied in her relationship inate men masculine women dra kin S
with her boyfriend. A quirky circus comes dra ueens ender ueers g enger
to town and she catches the eye of a tra— quegstigning indiSiduals 2nd moreg We
peze artist. After see'l‘g this film you ll meet the first Saturday of each month at7
never look at trapeze in the same way pm Someone will be here at 630 for peo-
again.Asensuous delight. One of the first pie-who want to come and dress here
Lesbian movies that had a happy ending. Email Kelli for info and location
(And what is that dog’s rebirth about?) kellindel@hotmail com
Precialtnlgoiklz éngIE _ Gina Gershon In Family and supportive allies who would
y ' enjoy discussing trans issues are also wel-
Pride Library Article see page 18
The discussion group meets every
Wednesday night at 7 pm at the Pride _ _
Center and is open to all. We strive to make Gay Stra'ght All'ance for Youth
this a safe space where you can be your— The Gay Straight Alliance is open to all
self. We discuss a wide range of topics, youth ages 15 _ 20. You do not have to
some. serious, some hilarious. Some peo— label yourself to join. We meet every week
ple 10'“ when they are coming 0‘” or have at a private location. Sometimes we just
just moved to Lexington, others attend hang out and talk, other times we have a
because they enjoy the conversations. progam. Thanks, Tiffany, for the show and
For more info contact Jane at lady- the discussion of drag.
janeky@yahoo.com For information contact Mary Crone at
PRECISION 266-5904 or lexgsa@yahoo.com or
Sistahs in The Life
Providing you with your
. . - Sistahs in the Life is a support group for
Mort a e and Finanmal Plannin needs.
9 g 9 Black Lesbians and Bi-sexual women. Join
. us for provocative discussions about our
' Mlke Blake lives and experiences. We meet at 7 pm
859‘255'5574 Office every first Tuesday at the Pride Center. For
859-338-2733 Cell information contact Joan at 859 539-2657
or email Jweslie@aol.com.
GLSO Page 6

SisterSound Presents
)r w 5%“ am _@ m if”? ' 9:}
)r 'gfingj-141.’ . ‘ \J .v ‘5' "
I- ' " ' , , .:"f."?1";‘°a ' '
e *- Ei" It, L .
Z .
" A” ‘01” One
music OF Friends-hip and, unity
Saturday, May 22nd,. 8:00 pm
3 UK. Singletary Center FOP the Arts
’r Thirst prim-:5: $15 regulak aéméasfm.
$119 studflnia End Sfl‘liwrfi, $15 qhélcimn
MEETS ME: avaiEEbia: me
)r - the: Sfiragaeiary Canker flint“ that AW 8ch 63mm, 25F—‘i929
In mwgflflmflflcfi.GCJH‘Mfii'SEQ‘V’SQJu 1113
" mm

 (SY‘W‘J (gnaw Unitarian Universalist Church
The U.U. Church of Lexington wel-
SOUlFOI‘CC comes visitors at any time. Regular
Soulforce Lexington follows the princi- WOFShiP SGNiCSS are at 9315 and. 1.1 am on
ples of non-violence practiced and taught Sunday. There '5 Ch'ld careandreligiousedu-
by Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. to cation foryoung people K42 during the sec-
confront “spiritual violence” against GLBT ond serVIce. we are located at 3654 Clays
people. Members come from a variety of MI” Rd: one b'OCk SOUth Of Man .0 War.
religious backgrounds. They initiate conver— Many GLBT people are active m our
sations with conservative religious organi- church. In June we Will be havmg only one
zations and develop other projects to Sunday sewice at 10 am. The flrSt'tWO
address the negative messages coming Sundays In June Wlll be Pride SerVICeS.
from these organizations. For info call On June 5 we W'” fOCUS on GLBT YOUth-
Jamie at 859-230-5625 or check out After the service we will show the film Out
WWW.SoulforceLexington_org. In The COId about homeless youth (With
an emphasis On GLBT youth). On June 12
St Mychal The Martyr the service will focus on the Right to Marry.
For more info see www.uucl.org.
St Mychal has services each Sunday at
10:30, 1350 Eastland Dr. with Rev. Kenneth Integrity
Waibel performing mass. St. Mychal is a lnte rit a su ort rou for a a d
member of the Orthodox Catholic church of , g y, Pp g p gly n
America a national denomination that is lesbian Episcopalians and friends, '8 held
gay supportive We welcome all people the second Sunday of each month. In
regardless of the blessings or problems in May ‘that WI“ be Sunday the 8th.. The
their life meetings are at 4 pm. and are held in The
The 'OCCA erforms blessin s of a Chapter Room of Saint Michael's Church
unions welcomis divorced e?) le 2nd on Bellefonte Drive. Light refreshments
ordains women to the orderspopreacon will be served and all are welcome! For
. . , . ’ further information please call Sandy
Priest and Bishop. (See Rev. Ken 3 article . . .
on marria eon a e14) Stone at 277-7511 or email stmintegri-
g p g ty@yahoo.com.
‘ Gay Marriage
. " The state not reco izin it le all
. . an s g y
doesn't make it any less holy.
1' ' Call us and we will help you celebrate.
St. Mychal the Martyr Parish (859) 389-9418
”A Christian community celebrating diversity"
GLSO Page 8

5:} O o E
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,n g C u 141 141 West Vlne St. g
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Eu 9:
he 91 ' E:
he g LeXIngton, KY Cover $5 3
"a ‘31
ch % g
its 5 . E:
E i o
of a a , a Other Entertamers Include. a
- E. ' #334137 '3
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g Impress 0f1.C.K XXII ].D. Vaughn g
E; E
‘5 ‘ ' E]
g Madlson Bacall Helghts, g
E '5
E o o o E
E Crystal Dlamond Allyssa Wllltatns g
a a
% Prizes included $300, crown and scepter. Must be 21 by pageant date. %
a For info or application contact Greg or Latoya at Club 141.(859)-233-4262 g
"— GLSO Page 9

 ' v ,. : coronation xxI-n
ANiB-ht Of mama!“ 8“" Fantasy
mPE‘Ha mama—”mm.
C 0U rt __ L ’
(3f 4 i’ 2i 4- ‘ -
Kentucky Empress mum Vaughfl 3
' Empémr' XX” Larry Stanlesy
, Invite inn t9 tax-3331mm _Week
' 1'n-‘Fc:>wn Shaw; 930PM, Club'141
Saturday, Junezfi ' ' .1
Qmmafi-ann $h¢W, 89:30 PM, Clint), 141
Bfl-Maies in Remew, 11 :QGPM, Climb 141
Sunday; June 6 ‘ V .. .. . i ,
Cam'natim n XX! 11, Radissmn Plaza] Lex‘ifigtgn
' . ‘ 1-~U~c0r5’Opefl312,530 PM
, ., , Shaw Starts ate-:00: PM
1 j '1 , . Ernpr35s£2kyjdfiaoi*Cam
, , ' : V _ ,1 idstanleyflfifiaolmam i‘
_ Nét rivMHE-1 kmfiefi’fi 11511:? :2: 11316111133 £31" 1116-27
1mp3ri3l Emm- m Ken-1:36:13” 3 591E313
nmr‘wprmfit Cargafiizaticbn ' ‘ '
GLSO page 10

 m Gout ”Momma..." 252-3014
A Charity Organization
2009 Pride Mona! Sponsors
ScottAckerman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (voice) 294-2055
For all your real estate needs (mobile) 338-8483
‘ TheBarCompIex ...........................255-1551
224 East Main Street
Pride Patron
Lexington Lyons Levi/Leather Club. . . . . . . . . .
GLSO News Sponsors 2004
Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter . . . . . . . 859-806-4114
Promoting equality for all people
ErnestoScorsone. 2545766
Attorney at law
SisterSound 268-0113
Diverse music for all women
RichardsonVisionCenter .........................278-4201
1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
Unitarian Universalist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223-1448
Seeking a Diverse Congregation
Debra Hensleylnsurance. .. . ...276-3244
' 1513 Nicholasville Road
WindyKnoIIFarm ................................299-7410
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
GLSO page 11

 T n
0 schedule eve ts Saturday
at the Pride CGICall number in
_ 1 12 noon Derby
call Bill at 253-BDirectory for Party see pg 3
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
2 3 4 5 7 8
9315 & 11 am UU Church World 7' pm GSA for youth 7 pm Sistahs in The 7 Pm DiSCUSSion Group Pride Center Open 10 -5
1030 Mass@ St- Mychal the Martyr ages 15 to 20 (Caii Life - Pride Center 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8 pm LDGA meeting
6 pm SisterSound Rehearsal for place - 266-5904) Pride Center open tii 5p (Call for place)
Landsdown Presby Church Pride Center open til 5pm .
8 pm AA Step Study :rlede (iii/entity $53?”
(Call for place) v ry e un I pm
9 1O 11 12 1 14 15
9:15 & 11 am UU Church World Pride Center open ”I 5pm 7 pm Gay Straight 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Pride Month '5 pm i twhiun \lm it‘ Pride Center Open 10-5
10:30 Mass@St.MychaIthe Martyr Alliance (Call for 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Committee Meeting "sight. i’i-iiici t‘iiltl
2 pm 40+ Lesbians meet PC place 266-5904) P 'd C t 0 open to all - Pride 30 G /L 5pm - 9 pm Opening
. H e en er pen 7: pm a esbian AA - -
6 pm SisterSound Rehearsal Pride Center open til 5pm every Wed until 7pm Center (Cali/for place) Reception - Pride
Landsdown Presby Church Gallery -PC
Cheri L. Jones
1 . 1 _ . 18 19 2t 21 22
9:15 & 11 am UU Church AASteCP Sthdyi Pm. Gay Straight 7 pm otsgsizztSFUP GLSO News 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-5pm
10:30 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal ( all or p ace) Alliance for YOUth e . D diine (Cal for place) 8pm Another Note
. Pride Center open til 5pm Call for lace 266-5904: 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ea
6 SisterSound ‘ 9 (Call for lace) Concet p91
, GLSO Board Pride Center open tll 5pm p
6 pm imperial Court PC M . . 8pm SisterSound
7:30 Soulforce eetmg 7'30 pm Pride Center Open C 1
every Wecl until 7pm oncert page
2 2 2 - . 2. 28 , 29
9:15 & 11 am Worship Services GSA (Call for place) 7 Pm Fairnes Streeing 7 pm Dlscussmn Group 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride 1%e2ter Open
UU Church 8 pm AA Step Study Committee, Pride 8 Pm Gay/LBSbian AA (Call for place) ' pm
10:30 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal (Call for place). Center (Call for place)
2 pm 40+ Pride Center Pride Center open t" 59'" Pride Center open til 5pm Pride Center Open
3pm Another Note 7pm GSA for YOUth every Wed until 7 pm
7 pm MACT Pride Center ages 15 - 20 call mary
6 SisterSound Rehearsal, for place 266-5904
Landsdown Presby Church
30 31 .
9:15 & 11 am 00 Church Pr'deC°"‘°'°P°"t" 59'" Meeting at the Pride Center
10:30 Sunday Mass, New GLSO WGb Address . “ C”
St. Mycha, the Martyr b / l l t may be abbreVIated to P
, 1 pm Lyons Brunch at Mia's www.we spawnencom users 9 soqxne
6 pm Imperial Court PC Call for Place may be
abbreVIated to Call
GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13

 LET'S GE? MARR'ED! The joy that my partner and i felt on that
By Fr. Ken Waibel day, and the wonderful support of those
family members, friends and neighbors
What a sad time for the GLBT commu- who really counted, far outweighed the
nity - our elected officials recently deciding rejection. We were fortunate that our
that an amendment should be made to our marriage actually made it into the paper
constitution forbidding marriage (or Holy so many, many others could celebrate
Unions) for same sex couples. Whata sad and/or be challenged by our public pro—
time bUt what a GREAT time for US to fession of love. Like it or not another gay
"stand UP" and witness anyway. couple got married - even though the
We need to keep working for the rights state had nothing to do with it.
to "Gay" Marriage. We need to Certainly I strongly encourage all committed
prod our sisters and brothers to register to GLBT couples to make your ioye commit-
vote and to get OUt and vote this ment known. Celebrate it as publicly as
November. We have many people on our you can. Have a Union Ceremony or
side but they need to be encouraged to at Marriage. lnvite everyone you can. Get
least speak out in the silence of the voting the media there if possible. Send your
booth closet and help us get equal rights. marriage picture to the news paper. Let
We also need to help the public realize that the world see that ioye between GLBT
the reason for our protests is notjust equal persons is holy and wonderful even if the
rights but a public recognition that our love state won't accept it_
is just as sincere and just as sacred. This
can best be done by publicly celebrating
our love however and whenever we can.
It is not easy to publicly celebrate gay
marriage. For me and my partner it meant
searching for a sympathetic minister, find-
ing a "hall" or church space that would be
accepting, and placing our love-commit-
ment into the public sphere of our families,
friends and neighbors. Most celebrated
with us. Some rejected us. That is the risk.
Couples Weddings and
Counseling Union Ceremonies
Rev. Kenneth Waibel, MDiv., MPS
Professional Spiritual Direction
Ecumenical “Holistic 'Inclusive
1350 Eastland Dr, Suite #5 kypadre@aol,com
Lexington, KY 40505 (859) 338-1195
W” —

 Kmtuckiana Pride Festival
1st/lnnual KPF Parade
Friday Nite Fest lane 18, 2004
Our theme is
I ' II
’We Are Family
Get your group together & enter your float for a
$100 First Place Prize!
’ join us after the parade for an evening ofmusie
& drinks under the stars at the Belvedere
Call 502-387-1265 or email Kypridefest@yahoo.com

 GLSO Financial Statement 2003 and 2004 2
Revenue 2003 2004 3
first 3+ months Projected 0'
Sponsors ($500 and above) 9,500 0 (7,000 promised) .
Newsletter Sponsors 1,125 675 (1,575 promised) 'r
Newsletter Ads 3,200 1,030 (3,425 goal) TC
Newsletter Subscriptions 1,750 390* (2,000 goal) :2
Individual donations 2,350 615" (3,000 goal) w
ActOut 5,600 0 (5,000 goal) el
Grants 4,500 1,750 (applied for )
Pride Month (Picnic etc) 1,800 0 (2,000 goal) 0|
Various small fundraisers 700 120 (700 goal) in
Banquet 950 0 (1,200 goal) kl
Pink Pages 400 0 (7,000 goal ej
Brought forward 4,200 3,200 3,200 0'
Fundraiser - Robbie Bartlett (1,600 goal) f
Non classified 525 210 (500 goal) 8‘
TOTAL 36,400 7.780 (38,200 goal) be
Expenses 03 04 projected 04 81
Rent 9,000 3,000 9,000 “1
Utilities 2,400 700 2,600
Phone 900 300 900 2:
Office Manager 4,060 1,000 4,060 B
ActOut 3,640 0 3,500 SL
Banquet 900 0 800 I
Pink Pages 2,350 0 4,600
In House Printing 4,500 540 4,500 I
Computer (repair, software) 100 310 430 I
Postage 650 150 750
Pride Month 1,400 0 800 I
Insurance 1,700 1,000 1,900 I
Office Supplies 1,700 400 1,700
Concert Fundraiser 900 I
TOTAL 33,200 7,420 34,430 I
This is a simplified version of the GLSO Budget for 2003 and 2004. As you I
can see, our income revenue for the first four months of 2004 has been I
barely enough to cover our expenses for the same .
continued on next page I
GLSO Page 16 '

 period. We expect our bank . "‘ THllllll vow "mm
account to be moving up as we , I
come to the end of the month. We i ‘l’ "IE Elsa
will also have income from a variety ' f .W mamas Gall/08. PMS/(Ian!
'de Events and from s onsors. .fl ' - ‘1
Of PNiavertheless, we nZed to '. M,J_-_- ‘ What a year this is turning
increase the number of subscribers out to be! Hardly a day goes by that you don't see
to this newsletter and increase our a story related to GLBT issues on the local news or
income from donors. The asterisks in The Herald Leader. Granted some of these sto-
in red indicate these two areas, ries may not be in our favor, but that's OK. It still
which are lower than usual at the gets people to talking and we can really use some
and of the first quarter. dialogue. between both sides right now. Education
We will, therefore be sending begins With dialogue!
out a fundraising letter in hopes of l wanted to take a moment to. thank all of you,
increasing our donor base. We the community, for your support in Frankfort. Just
know that some of you have donat- your presence there, with a rainbow sticker on one
ed recently and we are very appre- Side of your chest and a Fairness sticker on the
ciative of those donations. other, spoke volumes to our legislators and the sup-
If you pick up this newsletter porters of 88245. It gave them. a face to remember
for free, please consider paying for as they try to write discrimination into the constitu-
a subscription. Notice on the form tion. Many thanks also to those who could not
below that you can even pay a attend but were With us in spirit. .
reduced rate. We would appreciate The GLSO applauds you and all you do in our
at least $10 to cover : Hi , struggle to make the Commonwealth of
the basic expenses. at ‘ ”$3“! ”1" Kentucky a safe, accepting, and protec-
Or, plan to make a "" have tive home for ALL our families! Special
donation at the Picnic - _ i-fie’ thanks to those who participated in the
or other Pride Month ' smfii” carpools organized by The GLSO: Bi”
Event. We need your H figs! Chandler, Mary Crone, Jane Moore-
support! At the rally, April 12 Minder, Ken Waibel, Lynn and Gayle!
I Please Subscribe to this newsletter. We need your support. I
I Name Phone # I
I Address ______.__________—_ I
I City, State, Zip ___._—__ I
I__$15 Membership and Newsletter . _ g. _ I
_._$20 Couple membership and newsletter *_ a? i
I $25 Two year membership and newsletter , V. -, ‘ _' ' I
I __1 would like the newsletter at this reduced rate -.- I
I ——Additional contribution I
Mail to GLSO News PO Box 1172 Lexington, KY 40588

 Pink Pages 2004 - 2005 Pride Center Library Highlights:
The 2004-2005 Pink Pages is in the flYmY W
works with a planned publication date of By Jane Minder
October 2004. This will be the ninth edition Have you ever gotten hooked on a
gag: :ng ngngrEndiy dgjgféég 3:2; mystery series? Was there ever an unfor-
organizations. gettable cop, or detective, or coroner, or
. . . amateur sleuth that just stuck in your
GLSO publishes this directory because head? You know like Agatha Christie's
GLBT people want to patronize businesses Miss .Marple or Btuart Kaminsky's Toby
that welcome us. We continually get calls Peters or, Sara Paretsky's Vl
at the Pride Center from people wanting Warshawski Turns out GLBT mysteries
contact information for gay and gay friend- have some. unforgettable characters of
es churches and more, filled with mystery series that will keep you
’ . . ' . guessing for a long time. Get hooked on
The Pink Pages is an 8 1/2 by 5 1/2 inch these and many others today
booklet with the cover in heavy stock so '
that each copy will last at least two years. Cassidy James by Kate Calloway (F Call)
We will publish and distribute over 2,500 lst Impressmns
copies of the Pink Pages. We mail the 335:3:
Pink Pages to subscribers of the GLSO
News and place copies in businesses, Dave Brandstetter by Joseph Hansen (F Hans)
bookstores, movie theaters, public Troublemaker _
libraries, churches, and at the Pride Center Egghgfit
of the Bluegrass. We will restock these _
locations every few months. Jane Lawless by Ellen Hart (F Hart)
If you would like to see a copy of a pre- “99““9 the WitCh
vious edition or our current price list give sligilgugsure
Bill a call at the Pride Center 253-3233. or
email lexingtonglso@yahoo.com. please DonaldIStrachey by Richard Stevenson (F StevR)
put Pink Pages in the subject line. Th'rd Ma” OUt
Jackie or Bill will get back to you. 322:: $328 System
DEADLINES Stoner McTavish by Sarah Dreher (F Dreh)
May 15 Deadline to request Jackie to Shaman's Moon
design an ad for you Otherworld
June 30 Deadline to request minor Captive in Time
Changes in the design . We are always interested in filling out
July 15 Deadline to receive ad ges'gned our mystery series and accept donations of
by you. Payment W'th Signed new and used GLBT books of all types.
order form due to GLSO Share your favorite character with the rest
I I I of us. Donations can be left at the Pride
If you miss a deadline, give us a call as we Center and receipts for tax deductions are
may 8“” have time to accommodate your available upon request. Visit the Pride
request. Library at the Pride Center, 389 Waller.
GLSO Page 18 -

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