xt74qr4nm192 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74qr4nm192/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1948-07-09  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July  9, 1948 text The Kentucky Kernel, July  9, 1948 1948 1948-07-09 2013 true xt74qr4nm192 section xt74qr4nm192 ucoi uupy


The Kentucky

Beat The Oilers!


Sunny And Warm;
High Of 90






ers Tanqle Toniaht
n Final Game Of U.S. Series

Extension Center
Slated To Open
In Covington
The University's n.c w Northrni
Extension Center in Covington v.ill
be open September 14, Dr. W. C
Wesley, director, announced.
The Center is to provide regular
college courses for freshman and
students, and social
courses for which there may In a
demand. The special courses msy
include informal
as well as courses lor graduate

afs-- Oi








.v '



year 1943-4- 9
a full
course will be provided.
This will include English, history,
mathematics, a foreign language,
and a science. In 1919 it is proposed
to fdd the sophomore year so that
it will be possible fcr students to
take two full years of college at
the Center.
Graduate courses for the first year
will probably bo limited to history
though special
and education,
ccurses will be given as ths need
student will be allowed to carry a maximum of 15
semester hours.
Part-tim- e
students who wish to
register for more then two courses
during the same semester should
seek the advice cf the director. Poth
and part-tim- e
will be entitled to the same counselling and guidance as students
on the Lexington campus.
Day And Evening Clasvs
Both day and evening classes will
held so that employed peisons
as well as
students m,y
attend classes. Most classes will
meet twice each week for a period
cf 1 hour and 15 minutes each.
Evening classes will be scheduled
from 7:00 to 8:15 and from 8:30 io



one-roo- m

one-roo- m



Nothing tike m (nod old fashioned 'hose-dow- n'
when the weather pets hot! Left to right, Ruth Jordan,
Sandra Asher, Doris Eith, Mary Ann Parker, and Nclle Payne take time out from cummer studies to. use
this effective method of beating the heat. Makes for good film fodder, too.

Bowman Parties
For Fall Semester

May Give Special
Courses For Neqroes



To Be Arranged

Negro st udents may be allowed a
to take laboratory courses at UK
during special hours, pending final
contract negotiations between the
State Board of Education and the
University board of trustees, according to Attorney General A. E. Funk.
The Health Education Workshop,
The announcement followed a which got underway last Monday at
conference with Dr. H. L. Donovan, the Jefferson
Davis Elementary
University president; Gordie Young, School, has enrolled over 100
assistant State supervisor of public
according to Dr. C. W.
instruction; and M. B. Hohfield, asof the department of physsistant attorney general.
ical education and immediate superSpecial Instruction
visor of the workshop.
More than 50 Kentucky counties
The plan calls for the Kentucky
State College for Negroes in Frank- are represented in the project whichfort to provide special Instruction is jointly sponsored by the Kenthis fall in all courses offered at tucky Tuberculosis Association and
the Departments of Hygiene and
Physical Education of the Univera Negro enrolls for a course sity.
given here that is not on the curTheme
riculum at Kentucky State College,
The workshop committees have
the plan provides that:
1. The student would be taught chosen for their theme, "The Inby a University instructor who terpretation of the new State Code
would travel to Frankfort to teach for Health and Physical Education
from the Standpoint of Health.
lus classes at KSC.
Service, Healthful School Aide,
2. For laboratory work which requires facilities not available at Health Instruction, Physical EduKSC. the Negro student would be cation, and Recreation."
Dr. D. Oberteuffer, Chairman of
transported to Lexington for laboratory wcrk during special hours, the Department of Physical Educawhen white students are not being tion at Ohio State University and
a national specialist in' the field of
taught that work.
Health Instruction, will lecture to3. Students graduating from Kentucky State would receive a Joint day at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday

Health Workshop
Enrolls Over








diploma, signed by Dr.
Donovan and Dr. R. B. Atwood,
president of the Negro school.
Make Courses Available
Under this plan, any course offered at UK and not given at KSC
would be made available to Negro
students. Funk explained.
Colleges that mill be affected include the schools of law and pharmacy.
"We have asked the state board
to meet next Tuesday on the matter. Funk said.
Dr. Donovan confirmed details of
the plan and added, "This plan is
not a subterfuge, but a genuine desire to give Negroes equal educaUK-KS-




The general purpose of the workshop, as outlined by Dr. Hacken-smitis to improve the health and
physical fitness of Kentucky school
children through better informed

and prepared teachers.

The immediate objective is to assist the Kentucky State Department of Education in the implementation of the Code for Health
and Physical Education; to prepare
each teacher or administrator to do
his part better in the organization
of the school health program; and
to prepare each official representative so that he will be better qualitional opportunities."
fied to return to his county to guide
and prepare others to carry on the
Day Law
The plan was drawn up in an ef- work of health education in the
fort to align Kentucky's Day Law school.
with recent United States Supreme
Court decisions requiring equal
facilities for all.
The Day Law provides in sub- section three, that "no instructor
shall teach in any college . . . where
persons of both the white and colored races are received as pupils.")
By SUnely J. Schill
According to
Surprise! Look here - - we just
"no colored person shall attend any
started this summer semester moncollege, school, or institution whe.-white persons are received as pupils key business, and now we suddenly
come to the realization that after
or receive instruction.")
only three weeks of classes, there
The plan is an attempt to keep are Just 36 days left to this term, or
the Day Law and still offer equal 31 days of classes.
educational opportunities and faFor you lucky (or unlucky, dependcilities. Funk explained.
ing on the way in which you look at
Law Suit
it) persons who have only
It is the state's answer to a suit classes a quick glance at afternoon
those red
filed in the Lexington Federal Dis- and black numbers on the wall, tells
by Lyman T. Johnson, us that you only have 25 school days
trict Court
Negro high school teacher in Louis- left. Imagine
ville! demanding admission to the
To. show the math department
University. "We want to get this set
up before we have to answer that that their efforts have not been in
vain, let's break it down.
Continued On Page Three)
Here's The Brain Work
Our 36 days suddenly becomes
864 hours, or 51,840 minutes.
seconds, that comes out to 3,110,400.
Now that isn't much is it, considerJackie Robinson, student at Bay- ing it takes a whole second to say
lor University, and a member of Mississippi? All you have to do is
the Olympic basketball team, will say Mississippi three million times,
Fpeak for the "King's Hour" at the and the quarter is over. We don't
Baptist Student Union tomorrow at recommend it however it might
interrupt some instructor while he's
7:30 pm.
Robinson, a Baptist minister, is lecturing. Besides your mouth gets
assigned to the Oilers basketball awful dry after all those Missiteam for the Olympics this summer, ssippi's, and you probably won't get
and mill appear in tonight's game. much sleep.
Getting away from the Mississippi
He is state president of the Texas
Baptist Student Union.
River for a while, let's see how our
Kenny Rollins will sing on the school days break down, or is it decompose?
same program.
In case the basketball game is
Well. 31 days is 744 hours, or 44
will speak 640 minutes, or 2,678,400 seconds. So
we won't become too involved, let's
Friday night.

"Although the lounge and game-rooof Bowman Hall will not be
open to women visitors at all times,
certain days and hours will be designated for that purpose, and a
chaperone will be provided," Dean
Kirwan announced yesterday.
Although plans for informal recreation and for formal dances and
parties cannot be put into effect
until the fall semester. University
men will be permitted to entertain
visitors In the recreation rcoms e.t
that time, the dean said.

To Sponsor Movie

To Speak At

The fee for
students is
$57 per semester; for part-tistudents the fee will be five dollars per semester credit; that is,
a student taking only one three
semester hour ccui.se would pay $1",.
student is one who cor- ries 12 or more semester hours ,ot
credit. Auditors or
dents would be admitted to clasww
on paying the same fees as other



The fee for
students is $115 per semester; for
first-ru- n
pictures, "The Story part-tim- e
students, $10
of Tschsikowsky", and "Rocky",
per semester credit.



with Roddy McDowell, will be spon
sored by the Cooperstown Playground Committee to raise funds
for equipping the children's recreation area in Cooperstown.
The double feature will be presented at the regular price of 60c
at the State Theater on July li, 12,


Veterans eligible for ecjucaiional
benefits under Public Laws VS r.r
346 could make use of th2ir entitlement at the Center in the siure
way ss veterans on the cmp.is.
Those taking a
load may
secure full subsistence in addition to
13. and 14. v
and books; part-tim- e
One third of the advance
of tuition may secure
the cost of tut- ticket proceeds will go toward build- dentsana
rooks ana possmiy part- ing a playground for the Coopersfull-tim-

time subsistence.
town children. Grover Jones, chairAll credit earned in the Center
man of the Playground Committee,
On Page Three) .
said tickets are on sale at the University book store and at ticket
booths in the lobbies of the Ben Aii
and Kentucky theaters.

Proficiency Exams
To Be Next Week
Foreign language proficiency
examinations will be given next
meek. Students wishing to take
the examinations should sign up
in Dean M. M. White's office in
McVey Hall by July 12.
The exact time and room sched
ule will be announced at the time
students register for the examinations.


Jackie Robinson




If Figures Don't Lie, That Is . . .



just work on hours.
We're Getting There
We have estimated that there are
744 hours of school days left. But,
and except on the
nights out, the average (?) student
sleeps eight hours every night.
Therefore there are only 496 waking
hours of school days left.
Now, the average student may not
take more than nine hours of work
each week, or approximately 18
hours of actual work each week
three hours per day.
That immediately knocks 403 hours
off our school time this semester,
leaving a measly total of 93 hours
of actual work remaining.
Are You Normal

John Q. Student, if he's normal,
and we assume he is, is going to cut
each class at least two times more
during this interim. Being average,
he has three classes, so that knocks


History Making Basketball Battle
To Be Witnessed By 15,000 Fans

Test Messed By Pest

The shortage of qualified teachers
in Kentucky continues, but the out- look for this fall is somewhat
ter than last year, according to
Dr. M. E. Ligon, director of. the
University's teacher placement bureau.
Dr. Ligon said that the teacher
shortage would be particularly acute
i n rural
schools. The
situation will be worst in mountain
counties where
are necessary because of lack of
roads, he said, and most qualified teachers will not accept positions in these remote areas.
Many good teachers are being lost
to such states as Ohio, Indiana,
Tennessee, and Florida.
"Salaries for teachers are going
up in. Kentucky, but they are also
going up in other states," he declared
During the past year the teacher
placement bureau was asked to assist in filling 2.268 positions 990
in Kentucky and 1.278 elsewhere
Miss Katherine Kemper, bureau
seeretarv reported.
of the
One hundred thirty-thre- e
193 persons placed in jobs are working in Kentucky, and 60 have gone
to other states. Requests for personnel have come from 77 of Ken
tucky's 120 counties, and from 36
other states, the District of Columbia, and one U.S. territory.
The average salary paid for a
school year was
the bureau noted a "definite upward swing" in teachers' salaries.


Photo Bw Mack


Teacher Shortage
To Remain Acute




As Dr. Plummer strolled into
his Journalism class Wednesday
morning, there was an ethereal
expression on hU face. He was
prepared to give the test that
would have his students gnawing
on their fingernails.
Soon, however, it was Dr. Plummer who was gnawing nails. When
he righted his lecture box. preparatory to presenting question
No. 1, he discovered a gigantic
toad grinning at him from beneath the rostrum.
Both soon recovered from the
lnititl shock, and pursued mutual
interests while the class labored
over the quiz.

Dancing Class
Is Still Open

Kent n ty's liistory-inakinWildcats tangle with tlicir Ohm-.i- t
(ili'crs in the niMx r j.imr of their three-jam- r
teammates, t lie Pliilli
"W'oild Sei its of Basket hall" Ionian on Stoll Held I fore
I I,IX)0-Iifans, the largest trowel ever to nitness a hjsk.cth.ill
game in t he South.
'1 he Wildcats lost the first game at Tulsa.
hut emir hj: k
douhle-ove- i
lime vittoi y at Kansas ( ity
brilliant ly lo win a
last ri ida night.
Sports World Watchr
The eyes and ears of the spjrt
world are focased cn Lexington to?


70-fi'- J

Library Workshop
To End Saturday

UnivCrSltV Grad Tells


Of Printing Method
E R Muehsler, a'news editor for
Chicago Sun and former UK
iniirna listm frrrinr.r nrpipntjri anH
explaincd samples nere yesterday
of the "electric typewriter" printing
method of his paper.
The method, a process of zino engraving, has been lised by all Chicago dailies since the printers' strike
began last November.
This process requires three to four
hours for a story to "hit the streets."
Muehsler said. By the use of halftones, this time can be cut to 30
About thirty minutes is required
for an ordinary printing process,
but the loss.of time does not matter
since every Chicago paper is
bound, the editor said.
strike-continu- ed

in Baltimore, director.
Miss Margie Helm, librarian at
Western Kentucky State Teachers
College, Mid chairman of tne Uite
board for the certification of librarians is visiting consultant this
Speakers during the week include
Miss Laura K. Martin, Dr. Robert
H. Dcily, and Miss Azile Woofford
cf the Library Science Departmnt
of the University, and Mr. Gordie
Voung of Frankfort, former State
Supervisor of Libraries.
Finr! program for the group will
include a n evaluation
of the
achievements of the Workshop by

The course in social dancing offered by the Department of Physical Education is still open for students or faculty members, according to Mrs. Revell ohaw, summer
term director of the woman's physical education department,.
The class is almost equally divided between women and men and
now i n its sixth lesson. Mrs
Shaw said anyone who has Just
had the fundamentals of bail room
dancing is especially urged to join
the class now before it moves into
the more complicated forms cf popthe participants.
ular dancing.
Club Formed
are offered without charge
Miss Buchanan
from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. on Tuesdays group has organized said that the
a club in orer
and Thursdays.
thr t they might follow up the work
has been done in the Workthat
shop. Mrs. H. W. Paxton has been
elected president. Miss Evelyn Alexander, treasurer, and Mrs. Willena
1943-4- 9
Broyles, secretary.
Meetings have
been planned for the Kentucky LiAlumni Association membership brarians Association and the Kentucky Education Association convenfees for the fiscal year of 194H-4- 0
are due, according to Miss Helen tions.
The Workshop, the first ever held
King, executive secretary of the
in Kentucky and a new idea in the
Alumni Association.
Prompt payment of dues entitles field of Library Science, has an en
each member to apply for two follmfnt cff 27 members repres-nt- -:
iic; tiiu UiiC lUl-tickets t o each of next season s auk x
home football games. The tickets librarian.
will be on sale from July 10 to July

Alumni Fees Now
Due For

off six more hours. We now have
just 87 hours of school left.
Of course, a case of sunburn will
take care of one more day of school,
and we have 84 hours to go.
Eighty-fou- r
hour boils down to
three and a half days, just three
days and 12 hours of school left.
School's Out
My golly, if that's right, final exams probably start tomorrow. See
the quarter is all over. Got your
train ticket yet? You'll need it on,
let's see, Tuesday at noon, if our
(Continued On Page Three)
ship and learning."
non-work- er


;t-t- le.

fire-bran- d,






Dues for the Class A membership
$3.00 which includes a subscription to the Kernel. Class B memberships are $2.00 and do not include the Kernel subscription.
Dues should be mailed to the executive secretary of the Alumni
Room 124, Student
Union Building.


one-four- th


se-i- es

Vist-ecn- r.

the iron curtain.
Fans See Oilers Scrtmm.i;rIn a practice session open to th
public Wednesday ifternoon.
Rupp introduced the Oilers Cu;:!i.
Bud Browning, who in turn introduced the members of his tr ur .
One-Four- th
Of Vets ' Each Dlaver mation.erected wiihana
In Engineering School Barksdale probably drawing the
greatest applause. In the r.hori
Of the 2,556 veterans attending scrimmage that followed, the Wrrj
the summer session, slightly more amazing shooting and
kept the audience constantly
are enrolled in
the College of Engineering, accord- oh in? and ahing.
ing to figures released by the PerThe Kentucky team is anxiou- - to
prove last week's victory not a flu!:?
sonnel Office.
The enrollment of veterans by and the Oilers are equally anxious
colleges follows: Arts and Sciences. to return to the win column aftr
529; Agriculture and Hpme Ecolosing to a college team for tite
nomics, 295; Engineering. 641; Law, first time in over three years.
151; Education, 96; Commerce. 37b;
The presence of Beard will rniy
and Graduate School, 468. Forty-fiv- e make the situation more thn'lmj.
scored 2i
women students are among the The little
points at New York in the Olvr,j.i
veterans enrolled.
More than half the veterans
tnals finais. but was held 'o t.o
52.5 percent
are married, and 43.7 points by a tight defense and an a:!-ileg at Tulsa, when his iritri-matpercent of them have children.
By classes, the veteran-studen- ts
went down in defeat.
Kentucky rooters know that on!v a
include 144 Freshmen. 434 Sophomores, 790 Juniors, 692 Seniors. 468 failing heart or a rccurren-- e of bis
Graduate students, and 28 Special leg injury will stop Ralph tomti t.
Playmg brilliantly without t:ie
students. There are 2,181 Kentucki-an- s
and 375 students from other services of Ralph, the Wildest .s r::ac:3
states among the veteran enroll(Continued on Page Two)

Donovan States Need
Of Educating Germans Donovans To Give Tea

"The role of American educators'-in Germany is to see that the basic
principles of democracy are put into
eflect by the Germans themselves."
said Dr. H. L. Donovan, University
president, Wednesday night.
Dr. Donovan spoke on "Democratization cf the German Educational
System" at the second of a
of lectures on international affairs,
basing his remarks on his obseivi-tion- s
as an educational adviser to
the U. S. Military Government in
Germany this spring.
German universities have been
by Gi'rn-aand American educators, and neither
professors nor the students in
these universities have any desire to
return to Nazism, he said.
"The destruction of their buildings was not the only destruction
wrought upon the German universities by Nazism."
"Before the war ended, he (Hitler) had complete control of every
one of these institutions. The Germans and Americans have completely
these universf irs
and today I believe they are in
the hands of those who hate Nazism almost as much as we do,"
the president stated.
Dr. Donovan believes we need have
no fear that the professors of the
German universities or their students have any desire to return to
Teacher Shortic
More than half of all the tea;:ii-er- s
in Germany were members r.f
the Nazi party during the Hrler
regime, and their removal has
caused a serious shortage of teachers. According to Dr. Donovan, German textboc.ks were full of propaganda and have had to be rewritten.
President Donovan pointed out
that German universities pre as
now as American
schools. "Both the faculty and the
students mast live upon the rations
of a
. . but even this
amount of food is not available for
them. They are hungry and poorly
clad . . the Germans live in
the like of which we have no comprehension."
Praises Professors
After interviewing many German
professors. Dr. Donovan believes
them to be "men of great scholar-



The Workshop for Benir.nin.; Librarians will end the third nd
final week of its program tomorrow,
according to Miss Miry Routh Buchanan, of the Enock Pratt Library



night, where mounting rxcitrin'-nhas been growing for week in
ticipation of what will end in i
or h"":t-brea- k
the thrill of a
for the Wildcats and !rt-followers.
Kentucky's drama'ic
victory ever the Oilers last Friday
has added even more to t' e importance of tonight's gam-?- .
The tall, experienc.i
hailed as the greatest arm''ir
team in the world, and tri? W:W-cat- s,
called by many the irr-'v,college aggregation ever a...;eri'td.
play tonight for what will probably
be the basketball championship cC
the World.
The Oilers are
and competitors to the man: tnll,
experienced, calm in the face o fc
and acquainted with all
tricks to be learned In a lorr; an I
brilliant career, and it mv be imir
a moon before the singinrr of t,.eir
praises dies into sports oblivion.
"Greatest College Team"
On the other hand, the Wilt1nis
are young and excitable, the forerunners and greatest exponents of
a new era of
race-horbasketbali the first
college cage team to ever en'er the
Olympics, and in the eves of trar.y
observers the greatest college team ever assembled.
And above all. they are eve-- ,t
gentlemen. They. too. are not .soon
to be forgotten by men and
who piace more importance uoo'i
snorts than upon atom bombs ai.d

Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Donovan will
entertain with a summer tea fioih

4 to 6 pjn. Thursday.
Persons attending the Family Life
If accordiiig to the tradition, he
said, the American professor lives Institute on the campus a ill be
in an ivory tower. " . the German special guests.
In the receiving line will be Dr.
professor lives higher up in the
tower and comes out less frequent- and Mrs. Donovan, Dr. Prank McVey,' Dr. Statie E. Erikson, Dr and
The University prexy traced the Mrs. Maurice Seay, and Mr. rind
history of the Gerftian school system Mrs. Prank Peterson.
pre-wsys"the double-trac- k
tem, with one track for the
common people and one track 20 Take Bar Exams
for the aristocracy" and the
Approximately 20 law students
system that was set
up last year by the Allied Control took their bar exams last week at Movie
Frankfort, it was announced by the


'single-track-for-- all

Of the German pre-wuniversities. Dr. Donovan said. "They were
many years among the finest
in the world. They have lost their
leadership while we in America
have gained. We can help repay our
debt to them through our contributions to the German system of

'Carmen' Deadline
Is Tomorrow Noon
Tomorrow noon is the deadline
for registering to attend the opera
"Carmen" at the Cincinnati Zoological Garden, July 23, according
to Miss Margaret Bruce Cruise,
social director of the Student Union.
The Student Union and the Music
Department will be
of a
special bus for those who wish tc

Law College.
To be eligible to take thj bar
exams a student must have completed three full years ol study in
the Law College, or must have enrolled in the University prior to
September 1945.

4-H'- ers

Get Training



lover, Come Back

Sings Phyllis, Lonely Monkey


Phyllis Needs A Mate
Miss Mimi Wiedeman. instructor
in anatomy and physiology decided
one day last week that Phyllis
namely, a mate.
lacked something
She went to Jcyland Park and
picked out John as a likely prospect. John, who evidently doesn't
like to have his friends picked out
for him. decided this was one of
those days his mother had warned
him about. He fought a gallant
battle, but was finally caught by
the insistent "Dan Cupids."
John was brought beck to the
The College of Agriculture held s
training program in judging last B.S. building and introduced t o
week to prepare
members for Phyllis. She beamed with joy, but
Johnny took one look and sneered
the State Fair.
Eighty members, representing 20 an emphatic "No." Taking advancounties, attended the program, tage of a quick opening, he leaped
which was under the direction of out of the cage and with a cry
equivalent to "Up, up, and away,"
J. E. Wilford and Carl Clifton.

A movie, "How Green Was My
Valley," will be shown at 7:45 Tuesday evening in ths Amphitheater.
Hoge Hockensmith.
t.l of
The picture will be the fourth in the Republican Club, lauriei the
a series of movies being presented
ol the Republir ;: conduring the summer by the Departvention last week as a victoiy '. r
ment of University Extension.
the young voters of the
"This is a banner year
young voters in the Republic in
get out and do a M cf
party to
good work for their party and fir
'.:. .
the country," Hockensnu h
On behalf of the club. H "ken-smi- th
invited all sudents who t.e interested in a Republican v:ci ?rv fn
November to attend the nieet.r ?.he scampered up the side of the of the organization. He said tiy:t
a lot of people will be jumpui" cn
the bandwagon before the el ivn.
John Still Around
"Get on
Three firemen and 60 volunteer counts," the bar.da?cn while it
Hockensmith unjed
students joined the staff in a chi-sThe University Republic. i C'u'j
around the grounds, but John would
not be caught. He has been spotted has over 100 members on the t..;u-pu- s.
in the neighborhood several iim.?s
during the past week, and Prof. J.
M. Edney of the Zoology Department has been putting out food for
him in an effort to entice him back,
but John is firm in his conviction
that Phyllis is not the girl for him.
An octet under the direction cf
Where's John?
Mr. Aimo Kiviniemi will preset n tr:9
In an interview with Miss Miss cantata "In a Persian Garden ' b r
morning. Liza Lehman at 7 pm. Thursday i
Phyllis refused to venture a guess Memorial Hail
as to the reason for John's strange
Third in a series of summer conbehavior toward her. Miss Wiedeman certs spnnsered by the Drpiirrn ent
yaid, however, that Phyllis has bee.i cf Music, the program will t h"
staring moodily out the window lor in connection with the F?.n l.v I ;!3
the past week and just has not been Institute meeting here net jok.
The cantata, consisting of sol"?
Said Phyllis, "The ape can drop and choral numbers, will be su;' ;
by Anita Roos Baker. Ruth E"to:i
But as we left Phyllis to her de- Fife, Sue Thomas Wallare. Anne
termined silence, I am sure I heard Cowgill Lewis. Aimo Kiviaienn,
her sigh, "Oh,
John Veach Rogers, Cecil McGee,
Johnny, it seems, is one guy who and Howard Curry.
doesn't believe 1 n monkey
Martha Jane Stcner will be th?
accompanist- business.

By John R.
There is no yellow ribbon around
her neck, but poor Phyllis Is pining
for her lover who Is far. far away.
Phyllis is a monkey who belongs
to the University and resides on
the fifth floor of the Biological
Sciences building. John is her would-b- e
lover who just refuses to cooperate with the wishes of Phyllis and
Transportation is $2.50 and tickets staff members of the anatomy and
to the opera range from S1.50 to physiology departments.

Miss Cruise said that the tickets
can be ordered in Room 122 in the
The number of persons who may
attend will be either 29 or :7
only basses of theso rapacities are available. The bas will leave
Lexington at 2:00 p.m. ard return
after the performance.

Republican Club
Lauds Convention

To Be Shown




Liza Lehman Contata
Scheduled Thursday



� Poge Two


The Kentucky Kernel



By Rubye Graham and
Jack Feierabend

ut colrau are to be Jack Sorrelle
Managing Editor
countered the opiniom of the writer Ray Fulton
thrmtelvee, and do not
cejm,' reflect Helen Delss
News Editor
tU option o, The Kernel.
Dudley Saun(Jers .
Sports fitter
published weekly DURING thk
school year except holidays
or examination periods

Stanley SchiU
Allen Terhune
Frank Cassidy



Business Manager

Advertising Manager
Bo wen

Enteral at the Port Office t Lxlnpton,
lOiituckj, as secorl class tnstter under
tb Art of March s. 2871.

Sue Warren. Harry Green
Rubye Graham
-- member
Boyd R. Keenan. John Marcum
Kmtuckj intrrcoiicgutt Press Association
Lexjnton Bosrd of Commerce
Kentucky Press Association
Kenny Wood, Stanley SchiU, Monte
Nstiorua tdnori.1 Associstion
R. Tussey, Roger Day. William Mul- ,
lins, William Mamhout, Charles
Wilber Haer waiter Leon- National Arlver&R Service lac
Cochran, Benjamin F.
iifrS-ltJReeves, Otis Perkins, Allen Terhune,
Osso Stanley. A. E. Deaton. John
. Z.
R. Cox, Jackson Haimer, Francis
subscription rates



members of the University of Kentucky.
Dr. Kammerer on Leave
Dr. Gladys M. Kammerer, associate professor of political science,
will study the new staff organization
of Congress while she is in Washington, D. C. this summer. She is
on a leave-o- f
absence from the
University for that purpose.


11 50


"But Hubert, you don't mean
you re going without belt
or sua.
penderg ?





Let's Beat The Oilers Again

Dinner Given ror Employees
At a buffet dmrer recently Dean
Sarah B. Holmes, and Mrs. W. E.
Sloan were hostesses for a group
of the young married women who
work at the University.
The dinner was held at Mrs.
Holmes' apartment.
Those who attended were Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. John
Flesche, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Benton Naff4 Mr.
and Mrs. Otis Cox, Mrs. Irene Russell, Mrs. Mildred Turner, Miss
Margaret Bruce Cruise and Mr. W.
E. Sloan.

The brilliam game whiMi the Wildcats played against the
Phillirs Oilers last Friday night was not only a credit to themselves, to their coach, and to their University, but also a credit
to collegia tt basket hall.
The Wildcats proved, vithout a doubt, that the spirit to win,
the "old college trv," has not disappeared as many persons seem
to think it has.
Despite the sujeiior height and experience of their opponents
and the fart that one of their best players was benched
an injury, the Wildcats fought every second of the way. It was
the lighting he an of the Kentucky team which spelled the
Introducing Donald Cf Rose
Ijetwwii victory and defeat.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Rose
We said vmic months ago that this year's basketball squad have announced Rose birth of a 28.
II, on June
Donald Clayton
represents the best team Kentucky has ever had and peihaps the Mr. Rose is a member of the 6taff
greatest outfit in the history of collegiate basketball. We wish to of the Mathematics Department.
Terrell, Hawkins At Meeting
rejteat that statement.
Dean D. V. Terrell of the EngiCollege is attending a meet'Again we congiatul.ttc each member of the team and of the neering the American Society of
ing of
coaching staff. May von win tonight by even a greater margin. Civil Engineers at Seattle, Wash.



Editor, the K