xt74qr4nm17w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74qr4nm17w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1933-02-14  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1933 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1933 1933 1933-02-14 2013 true xt74qr4nm17w section xt74qr4nm17w Best Copy Available












GERMAN ACTOR Sale Stars in Pivot Post
After Replacing Yates
On Senior Rings AT
'Cat? Trail 'Kama
'Old Favorites'
February Assembly Will Re

McVey Nullifies
First Nighl Showing Of
r'Aitni unrn ran
tumi LLiLii run
"The Circle'' Is Success Council's Action

Two Indrpciv
dent Girls' Groups Arc

AH Sororities,




Each Girl's Group Must Send

Representative for


ing Wednesday


for the
Delta Kappa
sing to be held at 7:30
p. m. Thursday, February 18 at Memorial hall have been made. All
of the social sororities, one group
of girls from Patterson hall, one
group of Lexington girls and nine
fraternities have signified their Intentions of entering the content.
Delta Zeta, Kappa Delta, Delta
Delta Delta, Alpha Gamma Delta,
Alpha Delta Theta, Alpha XI Delta,
CM Omfga. Kappa Kappa Gamma,
Zeta Tau Alpha, Patterson hall, SigKappa Tau, Sigma Chi. Alpha
ma Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Phi TriTheta, Sigma Alpha Epsllon,
angle. PI Kappa Alpha, and Lambda Chi Alpha and a group oftoLexthe
ington girls will send groups






to Dean

Is asked

Each group of girls
a representative
Blanding's office at 12 o'clock,
Wednesday, February 15 to draw
for positions for the sing. The boys
will hold their drawings Just before
the contest Thursday night. will be
Twelve inch gold cups
awarded the winners with their
names engraved on them. These
cups are donated by Cwens and
by Omicron Delta Kappa.
The rules for the women's sing
The sing is open to one group

each women's social sorority,

each dormitory, and a town girls.
composed of Independent


2. Each group will consist of 12
24 women.
3. Each sorority will sing one

stanza and one chorus of any two
of their songs. Dormitory and
town groups may sing any two
songs they may choose. There
will be no encores.
4. At the close of the contest
all groups will sing "Hail Ken- (Continued on Page Four)

at the
Two out of three
University of Pennsylvania drink
intoxicating beverages of some
kind, according to a research made
by a graduate student of the Institution. We wonder how much it
cost him to find outl And in what
condition he was when he had all
of his material.
The Central Kentucky Reserved
will give a
dinner and smoker at 6:30 CongTuesday at the Drake hotel
John Y. Brown
will be the speaker of the evening.
A special meeting of the Home
Economics club will be held at 7:45
pm. Thursday In Boom 205 of the
Agriculture building.
and all
business will be discussed present.
members are urged to be
Refreshments will be served.
co-e- ds


The World Fellowship, committee4
of the Y. W. C. A. will meetrooms
pm. Wednesday In the "Y"
in Administration building.

Wilkirson, Duntz'er, and Daniels Are Rest
Comedy of High Order Intrigues
Patrons of Theater
Held to an exact tempo by the
unhurried, precise enunciation of
Professor Dantzler,
the Gulgnol
players were able to present W.
Somerset Maugham's "The Circle"
in a very commendable manner last
night at the Euclid avenue playhouse. A first night audience, formally attired, soon discovered that
they could understand the humor
of the myriad excellent lines, and
the laughs were appreciative, and
"The Circle" Is a simple tale,
subtly unfolded. Lady Champion-Cheneportrayed by Miss Bess
Wilkirson, accepts an invitation to
English house party, and with
the man with whom she eloped
some five and thirty years before
again meets her former husband.
Her hosts are her son, Arnold,
Champion-Cheneand his personable wife, Elizabeth. Another visitor, Edward Luton, a visitor from
the Malay States, played by Wildan
Thomas, happens to fall In love
who In turn,
with Elizabeth,
strangely enough, returns his love
and plans to run away with him.
That provides the "Circle."
To leave her young husband of
three years, whose mother had run
off from his father and by so doing
to ruin his promising political career causes Elizabeth no end of anguish. She decides though,
her life, her craving for a change,
the call of her heart, is more Important to her than the career of a
husband who refuses to divorce her.



"Has No Authority in Class
Affairs," Insists the

Agriculture Outlook for 1933
For Kentucky Is General Theme of



The Bulletin on the Agricultural
Outlook for Kentucky for the year
1933 has Just been published and
is being distributed.
This bulletin
is published In connection with the
Agricultural extension work carried
on by
of the College
of Agriculture, with tHe .United
States Department of Agriculture.
Contributions were received from
the department of markets and rural finance of the College of Agriculture of which Dr. H. B. Price
is the head.
Others contributing
to It were D. O. Gard, C. J. Bradley, E. A. Johnson, C. D. Phillips,
L. A. Vermes, and O. M. Farrington.
The purpose and value of this
bulletin Is summed up very well by
Dean Thomas P. Cooper. He states.
"It Is the purpose of the staff of
the Experiment Station to bring
together and Interpret, annually, all
available Information on the imBut then the husband returns and portant farm products of the state.
with a great display of generosity This statement Is prepared th.it
tells her that she may divorce him. each Individual may have the basic
that he will give her cause for di- facts and the Interpretation of the
experiment station. Thus he will
vorce and will make her a settlement. This sudden turn, his doing be in a better position to reach an
all this for her, however, makes individual1 Judgment as to what
her change her mind and refuse to should be done.
"Certain features of the outlook
leave with Luton.
The final scenes of the play must require emphasis. Conservative achave given Maugham a great mr.ny tion; ' economical production, "the
chuckles. The lines are as crackling elimination of unprofitable breedand as spontaneous as a prize fight. ing animals, the growing of leAnd Lord Porteous' "You are a gumes, grasses or forest crops on
damn fool, but you may have my otherwise unprofitable acreage, and
car if you want it," found the au- the securing of the greater part of
the family living from the farm,
dience ready to tear their hair.
The play Is one without a lead, appear to be a sound basis for the
but with good character roles for year's operations."
all the principals. Undoubtedly the
An exhaustive study and report
best portrayal is that of Littleton was made of the level of commodHe even seems English ity prices today in comparison with
enough for the heart rending stolid
those of a year ago, agricultural
ity, with occasional bursts of outre production, market demand, annal-isti- c
character, for the
industries of business activity,
Professor Dantzler plays his role cost of production, wholesale prices
day after day In the class room. of all commodities, agricultural adHe even is, as usual, never without justments, best products to plant,
his pipe. He keeps the play down advisability of the conservation of
to a steady trot, and refuses to let cash, farm credit, relation of the
it gallop. Just as an addendum, prices of farm products and prices
we had the feeling that "The of farm needs, horses and mules,
Circle" would not be played as it beef cattle, hogs, sheep and lambs,
should be by the group, and Pro- dairy, feeds, turkeys, eggs and poulfessor Dantzler made us change try, raising and marketing of toour mind. We'll pardon his seem- bacco, including burley, one sucker,
ing to sometimes be reading his green river, fire cured, eastern and
lines from an Invisible script. He western types, Paducah and Hens,
does it cleverly enough.
derson', steming, potatoes,
Is convincing,
Bess Wilkirson
peaches and apples.
rouge on her cheeks.
down to the
The value of this accurate and
She Is acting, but she does It well. unbiased statement to the farmers
In her part,
She Is letter perfect
of the surrounding country Is inand in spots she is even better than calculable and the bulletin Is reIs necessary.
ceived with much approbation by
Three of the players are slightly those who are directly or Indirectly
miscast. They are Cass Robinson. affected by agricultural conditions.
Minna Bloomfleld and Wildan
But even so, they are
actors enough to carry it off well.
Cass Robinson seems worried. He
walks his part perfectly as the old
(Continued on Page Four)


Final Date Is Set

Senior Engineers

For Entrance In
Literary Contest

April 15 has been announced as
the final date for entering compo
sitions In the Chi Delta Phi literary
Existing Financial Conditions contest, according to an announceoffice of the
According to the
Make Usual Journeys
ment by Virginia Lee Pulliam,
registrar, grades for last semester
sent to the homes of
Awards which will be
will not be
presented on May Day are one 10
students unless the office receives
meeting of the dollar prize for the best short story,
At a collateral
a request for such an action.
senior engineers last Wednesday tt and two
prizes for the
will was decided that there would be best poems. Compositions
International Relations club at
no senior trips this year.
be turned in to Virginia Lee Pulhave a short business 203 of the
Dean Anderson suggested the sub- liam or Prof. Grant C. Knight.
4 pm. Thursday in room
Administration building. AU mem- ject to thementioning of the
the contest which
the existing released for December are as were
and after
folbers are requested to be present.
financial conditions, left the matter lows:
dormitory men, old and new, to be voted upon.
Any undergraduate student Is
There was no senior trip last year
are cordially Invited to the meeting
due to the same conditions present eligible.
2 Entries must be typed on the
to be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday. at this time. The members of the
February 15. A speaker has been- Junior class, however, were able to side of the paper only.
3 All poems and stories must be
obtained by the program commlt- make the trip scheduled last
but no arrangements have been original.
toe- made yet for the trips this spring.
4 Entries must be turned In to
me first of the preliminary de- This will be decided this week, ac- Prof. Grant C. Knight, on or by the
University debate team cording to the office of the dean of second Monday In April.
bates for the
must be signed
will be held at 7:30 p. m. tomorrow the college.
5 Contributions
The trips have heretofore been by a pen name only.
In room 231. McVey hall. The demeet every Tuesday compulsory In the engineering colbate team will
6 Attached to the poem or story
nteht at 7:30 p. m. with Professor lege, and were held In the latter must be an envelope with the name
In room 231, McVey part of the school year. The routes of the entrant on the outside, and
taken by both classes afforded the containing both the real and the
students much practical knowledge, chosen name of the entrant.
BuKy circle will hold an Impo- as thev were able to view some of
7 One aspirant may enter as
rtant meeting at 5 p.m. today In the the largest engineering projects of
many poems or stories as he wishes.
basement of the Alumni gymna-mu- the country.
Judges for the contest will be
AH members are urged to be
The route taken by the juniors
present as the roll for the new generally led to Cincinnati. Dayton, Prof. Grant O. Knight. Prof. E. F.
aemeoter will be made out at this and other points north. The sen- Farquhar, Evelvn Gall Freyman.
to Albany, New president of Chi Delta Phi, and
iors journeyed
(Signed) I. O. EVANS.
York: Niagara falls, and then down Susan Jane Turner, member of Chi
the Hudson river to New York city. Delta Phi

Will Not Take Trip

nve-doll- ar



"The Men's Student Council has
no authority In class affairs" was
the statement of President McVey
made yesterday to Russell Grey,
president of the Senior class in regard to the council's recent vote on
the purchasing of rings by the various fraternities and sororities of
the campus.
"The president's statement nullifies the council's action," said Grey
Monday. "Of course, there Is no
way. that seniors may be forced to
buy rings only from the company
selected by the ring committee, but
as this committee is appointed for
the avowed purpose of selecting the
company who best can serve the
the seniors are honor
bound to buy from the company
selected by the committee."
Each year it Is the custom of the
senior class president to appoint a
ring committee to select the firm
from which to purchase the rings.
This year the committee accepted
the bid of Peters and company, who
underbid L. O. Balfour, a competitive firm.
However, some organizations stated that Balfour was their official
jeweler and purchases could be
made from no other concern. Grey,
who Is a member cf the Council,
submitted the situation to the vote
of the members at the meeting last
week which passed 4 to 3 in favor
of allowing ithose fraternities to
purchase from the Balfour firm.
It is concerning this matter that
President McVey made his state
The price of the rings this year
probably will be cheaper than it has
been for many years, according to
authorities. The official price for
each ring will be about 10 dollars
In comparison to the price of 12
dollars last year.


at 10 a.m. Friday,
February 21

At Half Time



(Special to The Kenurky Kernel)

Birmingham, Feb. 13
Capt. Forest Sale demonBetter Known Popular and strated before a packed house
at Birmingham Athletic club
Classical Selections Sung
Development of Relations BeMonday night why he was
Bv Cincinnatians
tween German and English
placed on the
Countries Is Aim
Presenting a varied program of basketball team last year. His
German favorite classic and rroclc:n selec- marvelous
Max Montor.
actor, now of New York, will render tions, the Cincinnati Conservatory was a big factor in Kentucn
choir, directed by Herbert
ky's 35 to 31 victory over the
a program of poetic selections from
by Mary
and accompanied
Alabama basketball team.
Goethe's "Faust" In English at the
general convocation to be held at Phillips Street, won the hearty ap- Sale entered the game as a
10 a. m. Friday,
February 24 in plause of a large audience which substitute after Yates had
Memorial hall. The actor is being attended the Sunday afternoon performed at center nearly all
brought here by the German and musicale at 4 p.m. in Memorial hall. the first half and proceeded to
The program for February 12 was
English departments of the Univerdirect the Wildcats to a
sponsored by the University chapsity.
decision over AlaMr. Montor, who is traveling un- ter of Phi Beta, honorary and professional music and dramatic fra- bama's tall team.




well-earn- ed

der the auspices and management
of the Carl Schurz Memorial foundation, is internationally known for
his unusual Interpretations of drama and poetry. He was born in
Vienna and studied at the Imperial
Conservatory of dramatic art in his

native city.
He made his debut in Zurich.
Switzerland, as Mephistopheles in
"Faust." Extensive tours have taken him through Austria, Germany,
and Switzerland, with long engagements at Hamburg, Munich, and
Berlin. He has impersonated more
than 600 characters,
which are star parts, as: Hamlet,
Mark Anthony, Peer Gynt.
Herod, Solness, Shylock, Macbeth, Richard III, King Leer, Don
Juan, and Cyrano de Bergerac.
The actor began his career in
this country nine years ago. He has'
appeared on Broadway in Strind-berg- 's
"Dance of Death," as Captain Edgar; in Ibsen's "The Master
Builder," with Walter Hampden in
"Hamlet" as the Ghost.
In Los
Angeles he has appeared in "The
Merchant of Venice" as Shylock,
and recently in Elmr Rice's "Street
Mr. Montor has been invited by
and . colleges
throughout the country during the
last few years. In bringing the
speaker to the institutions the Carl
W.S.G.A. Will Sponsor Af- n Schurz Memorial foundation cultur-as
its aim the development of
fair To Be Held in Recrea-to- al relations 'between the United
Room of Patterson States and German speaking countries.
Besides speaking at the convocaNight, sponsored by the tion, Mr. Montor will appear before
Self Government associaWomen's
the English and German clubs, at
tion will be held Thursday, Febru4 p. m. at which time he will preary 23, in the recreation room of sent selections of "Faust" in the
Patterson hall, according to Miss original language. Other appearLois Neal, president.
ances in the city or university have
"Each sorority will put on a group not yet been anounced.
stunt. The admission which will be
charged will be used to buy furniture for the women's building. It
will be compulsory for all sorority
pledges to attend and a special effort will be made to encourage the
town girls to come.
"exchange dinner" plan was
On Friday, March 3, the Univeralso discussed by W. S. G. A. The
purpose of the e;,change dinner Is sity will engage In a
to help sororities to become better debate with Berea and Centre colacquainted with each other. Un- leges. The question for debate that
der this plan one night a week a night will be "Resolved: That Interfew members of each sorority would
be Invited to dinner at another so- allied war debts owed to the United
rority house. So far the Trl Delts States government should be canare the only sorority on the cam- celled."
pus which has invited members
Two men will represent the Uniof other sororities to dinner as a versity and will Journey to Danville
The exchange to uphold the negative side of the
regular practice.
dinner plan has worked very ef- question. On the same night two
fectively at the University of Louismen will uphold
affirmative for
ville. The majority of the house Kentucky in the the
residents were in favor of trying to be held here. debate with will be
At Berea
out the plan.
two men from Centre.
The critical Judges for the deCo-e- d
bate will be: Dr. A. G. Weidler of
Berea, who will act as Judge of the
debate at Centre; Dr. B. A. Wise
of Centre who will act as Judge of
Theta Sigma Phi, honorary Journ- the debate In Lexington between
alism fraternity, will hold a rum- Berea and Kentucky; and Professor
mage sale Saturday, February 18, Sutherland who will go to Berea to
In a building owned by Pat Dever-eau- x officiate at the debate between
on Rose street. Mrs. Sue Centre and Berea.
Dickerson Anna, president, Is In
The Key men for this year's team
charge of the arrangements.
Clyde Reeves and
The alumni members of the or- are H. Two others will bePhil
which include Helen
King, Janet Lally, Ethel Fatner, before the debate.
The University of Tennessee will
Harriet McCauley, Martha Connell,
with the University on
Marguerite McLaughlin. Billy Whit- debate 28.
Other debates are being
low, Kitty Conroy, Willie King, and March
Margaret Tracey are assisting in scheduled and will be announced
the collection of rummage.
At a meeting held February 6. a
committee was appointed to inves- Pre-Metigate prospective members for secM.
ond semester rushing: It Includes
Marforle Hoagland and Mary Ann
Dr. Julius Marks Murray, superO'Brien. Honorary membership for
sophomore Journalism majors was intendent of the Tuberculosis
will give an illustrated talk
discussed and Virginia Nevins and
soJudith Chadwick were appointed to before the Pryor
report on the matter. Sev- ciety at 7: JO p.m. Thursday, Februmake
eral benefit bridges will be given by ary 16. in the lecture room of the
the fraternity later In the spring. Archaeological museum.
Dr. Murray U an outstanding auCLOTHING EXHIBIT PLANNED thority In his field and widely
known for his work with this did
An evfiibit of children's clothing sease. All new
will be held Thursday In Room 205 are Invited to attend the meeting.
The new constitution of the orof the Agriculture building. The
exhibition will be In charge of ganization which has been revised
members of the home economics by Charles Tucker and Joe Saundepartment, and sponsored by the ders will be discussed at the
children's bureau.


Are Featured On
Sunday Vespers





Debating Team Will

Meet Berea, Centre
On Friday, March


Plan Rummage Sale

Ar-der- y.


To Hear


Dr. J.




ternity for women.

Mr. Witherspoon, who was introduced by Prof. R. D. Mclntyre,
gave a very brief talk, explaining
the numbers chosen for the program, and the schools to which
they belong. David Lazarus, tenor
soloist, endeared himself to the audience with two selectons from
Strauss, "Morgan" and "Zueignung.'
The soprano soloist, Miss Violet
Summers, sang with a pensiveness
and sweetness of voice the aria
from "Gianni Schicchi," by Puccini,
and then turned coquette in "Vain-ka- 's
Song" by von Stutzman.
The first selection, chorale from
the Cantata "Sleepers Wake," by
Bach, was an excellent exemplification of the hymn idea prevalent
in musical composition following
the reform in church music, separating secular from religious composition, according to a brief foreword by the director.
The next three numbers, "Ador-amTe," by Palestrina; "In Thy
Loving Arms." by Franck; and "See
the Conquering Hero Comes," by
with a
Weber were resplendent
richness of. harmony as a background for melody, and were peculiarly effective
because of the
blending of voices, unaccompanied
by the piano.
"By Babylon's Wave," Gounod,
which was the next selection, gave
evidence of dramatic effect and religious emphasis.
The glorified
"Listen to the
Negro spiritual.
Lambs," by Dett, in which the incidental solo was sung by Miss
Mary E. Woods, was favored by the
audience because of the richness
of tones and the soft blending of
the voices of the singers.
In the fourth group following the
solos by David Lazarus, were the
vivacious chanson, "Let Us All Flee
Love's Desires." by Di Lassus; two
madrigals, which might have been
described as "short and sweet," by
the two greatest English writers of
madrigals. Purcell and Morley: and
"Our Market Day," more familiarly
known as "Gathering Peascods,"
and old English folk song, arranged
by Gray.
composer, Alice
The American
Burton, was writer of "The North
Wind," chosen as the first number
of the sixth group. This selection
was followed by two numbers from
the operetta, "The Firefly," by
Friml. In the first of the numbers
by Frlml, "When a Maid Comes
Knocking," the solo part was taken
by Miss Martha Dwier. The second
number, "Sympathy," proved to be
such a catchy tune that the audience demanded an encore.
The penultimate song, the general favorite, "Sweet and Low," by
Barnby, was almost a benediction.
It was sung with a hushed blend
by the
of voices unaccompanied
piano. The final number, "Old
Forsyth, was a clevKing Cole," by
er parody on the childish verse of
the same title, and was repeated by
the singers as a concluding encore.

U. K. Orchestra

Plays in Frankfort

Philharmonic Orchestra and
Soloists Are Featured


The Kentucky



chestra, under the direction of Prof.
Carl Lampert. gave a concert before a capacity crowd in the Frankfort Hih school auditorium Mon-

day night. Several selections were
played and a program of soloists
featured the concert with Marv Ann
O'Brien, harpist and David Young
and Louis Friedman on the violin.
The Philharmonic is sponsored by
the University Music department
with Professor Lampert, University
music director, officiating as director. The purpose of the orchestra
is to bring to people of Lexington
and environs a better class of music
and to educate the public musically. The organization has met with
marked success since its Inception,
an enviable position
among Kentucky musicians. There
have been several programs this
year In neighboring towns and various programs In Lexington Including several radiocasts from WHAS,
University extension studio.

Battle AU the Way
The contest was a battle virtually
all the way, only in the waning moments losing its appeal to the spectators. Kentucky undertook to
freeze the ball at four minutes from
the end, with the score at its final
point. They did not keep Alabama
from shooting again but the count
was not changed.
Alabama spurted near the end
of the first half and assumed a
lead of 18 to 10 with six minutes
to play. Then it was that Sale
came onto the floor and began his
work. When the half closed,
Alabama led by only 21 to 20 and
the Wildcats had previously gone
ahead by a point.
DeMoisey, star forward, was fouled out of the second half after he
had scored 12 points that gave him
hiph score for the night.
Bauman, Alabama center, fouled
out later on.
The summary:
Kentucky 35i Pos. (31) Alabama
4) Cot ten
Darby (4)
DeMoisey (12)..F.. (4) Kimbrough
Yates 3 .


Davis (2)



(7) Smith
(4) Connatser

Substitutions: Kentucky
(Hi. Kreuter 3i. Alabama


er (2), Freeman, Angelich (2).
Referee: Bowser Chest, Nashville;
Umpire, Lou Erwin, Birmingham.

Awards of Two Dollars Will
Be Made for Best Poem
Printed Each Month in Literary Column of Kernel

test which

of a poetry


will be


Chi Delta Phi and The Kernel was
made yesterday by the literary editor of The Kernel, Jane Ann Mateach
thews. Awards of
will be made for the best original
poetry printed in the literary col
umn of The Kernel for the months
of March, April, and May.
Final selection of the prize poem
for each month will be made by
Prof. Grant C. Knight. Poems
which will be printed in this column
will be selected by the literary editor and a committee of members of
Chi Delta Phi. From these poems
Professor Knight will make final
selection each month. For the
month of February a prize of one
dollar will be presented for the
poems handed In after February 14.
Awards for the contest have been
donated by Chi Delta Phi, honorary
literary society for women, and
Prof. Enoch Grehan of the Jourtwo-dolla- rs

nalism department. Both graduates
and undergraduates are eligible and
may contribute as many poems as
they desire. Compositions should
be addressed to the literary editor
of The Kernel.

Tryouts for Stroller

Chorus Are Tuesday

Preliminary Stroller tryouts for
chorus and stage crew and properties will be held at 7 p. m., Tuesday, February 14, In the Women's
gymnasium, according to Hugh
director of Strollers, whit m'I
be In charge of preparation fur
sprin revue.
The meeting Tuesday night ml!
meeting at
be an organization
which all aspirants for positions in
the production must be present.
Tryouts for specialty asks and novelty numbers will be held at a later
Nicholas Chepeleff, Russian student in the College of Engineering,
will talk to the members
of the
World Fellowship committee of the-YW. C. A. rooms in the basement
of the Administration bulldlutf.
Cheieleff's talk will be based on
some phases of student life in Russia as he has known It.


� Best Cop

Tare Two
dent Is clearly understood
majority of persons that

The Kentucky Kernel

PuMubrd on



National College Prrw Awxiiiium
Kcnliifky Inirrmllrgisie I'rrw
Amo i.ilioii

Lexington Hoard c( (Uniimrrcr
Ollni.il NcpaM'r ol Ihc Siuilrnn ol
l:c I nivonhy il kcnlmky. Lexington
a r;ir. t morcd at
Lexington, Ky.. I'lwiofluc a Sftorul
Clan Mail Manor.






M.itvin ('..

Va h




Editor in Chief
Managing Editor




Maiy o Lallrriy
c S. Rcilrr


R. Miner
Frank Adaim


V ittinia

Fred II. Shoil



A. Malllicivs


l.ce Mooic

Society F.ditor
Society Editor


I (i
Willie H. Smith
I. AikIcimhi
Virginia Brmvorlli Virginia K. Young

fohnnir CraddiK
join Caiigan . .





Art Editor

Dramatic Editor


Howard I.. Cleveland

Kolicrl H. MrGauglirv


Xcses Editor

M.ny Carolyn Terrell
J. I). Palmer
Hen . Iavlor

Ann llornsbv
Mariorie Wiest
A. Braid
Sara DrLong



tlon will be passed over. Auditors
nnd visitors, both names meaning
the same thing, are persons who
attend a class but are not required
to participate actively In the course.
that is, turn in assignments, papers
and other classroom routine. Stu- dents in this category receive no
credit for attending class.
Part time students are those who.
having satisfied University entrance
requirements, do not wish to carry
the regularly required number of
credit hours and sign for only a
small number of classes. They receive credit. Special students are
those who, being unable to satisfy
the entrance requirements,
courses for which they receive credit; until they have satisfied the
University entrance requirements
they cannot be graduated from the
institution. Special students are required to pay the regular fees; part
time students pay $1.00 per credit
hour in order to be properly registered.
Registered, full time students,
who make up the majority of the
University's enrollment, may attend
any class not carried on their regular schedule by procuring cards
from the deans of their colleges.
They do not, however, receive credit
for this extra work.

rmidnrted by JANE


That ettes won't



live Jriv'lousness
I more and more nip-po-

Hearing about the photos of campus notahles on display In the library, I finally located the place,
down the corridor, glanced
furtively Into the show case. And
my vicious theory was proved. They
were there all five of them: President McVey, Deans Wiest and Anderson, and Professors Grehan and
Farquhar. Each photo conveyed a
marked resemblance to the caricatures of these same worthies created last year by Johnnie Craddock,
Kernel and Kentuckian art editor.
Until after Valentine's Day these
caricatures will be on display and
available, for a consideration, at
The Kernel office.



Even bleak old Ladu

powder on her

matter what happens, though,
While everyone Is clucking over
the weaker sex will Continue to hold these "Ten Most Beautiful Words "
to slip
the cigarette as if they think it will maybe there remains time "snlckle-fritz?"
in another one. How about
blow up I

"What are you going to be when
Essence of rhythmatic symmetry.
Women may summarize curiosity,
you graduate?" Most of us will be
but it is the men who are explorers.
old men and women.
Witness the snow covered campus
Then, there was the freshman and the lone trails wending through
the otherwise untrodden white. The
who wanted to know the reason for footprints of eds outnumber those
oil great men being born on holi- of the ettes ten to one. Here and
there is a small, pointed trace, but
the prints are long and gliding, InHeadline "Class In Ball Room dicating haste. Only those of the
Dancing to Begin." Why not a class men are firm and deliberate.
Women brave the drifts, seeking
in the art of intermission?
time; men, wet feet.

It is singularly surprising that

They say that gasoline and alcohol don't mix. Well, you can take
jane Hamilton
the University of Kentucky, as pro- it from the Jester that gasoline
E. Shannon
M. Hoagland
gressive as it is in other ways, has and blind streets dont mix either.
Sjiorts F.ditor failed to cope with the unemploy- Anyway, a guy shouldn't get his
Ralph E. (ohnson
llclm.ir Adams . . . Asst. Sports Editor
ment predicament of graduates as gas tank and his radiator confused
under any circumstances.
thoroughly as might be done.