xt74qr4nkn8w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74qr4nkn8w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1930-03-21  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 1930 1930 1930-03-21 2012 true xt74qr4nkn8w section xt74qr4nkn8w Best Copy Available


Candidates Must Work Daring
High School Tournament



Work as Official Head Renins
Today With Assembly At
Morrison Chapel

Inauguration Ceremonies are
Included in Plans for Anniversary Celebration
Braden, presidentDr. Arthur
elect of Transylvania College and
the College of the Bible, will officially take over the manngement
of the two schools today, according
to an announcement made yesterday by the executive board of these
Institutions. He will be presented
to the faculty and student body at
10 o'clock his morning at a general
assembly held In the chapel of Morrison Chapel.
Dr. Braden arrived In Lexington
late yesterday afternoon from Los
Angeles, Calif., where he had recently served as president of CaliHe was
fornia Christian College.
met by an official committee composed of Dr. Elmer G. Campbell,
acting president since the retirement of former president Dr. A. B.
Harmon; Dr. C. L. Pyatt, of the
College of the Bible, and Virgil P.
Payne, registrar of the two institutions. A large number of college
students also met the train. Dr.
Braden was taken to the home of
Dr. Campbell, where he will make
his headquarters until he establishes
his residence here in Lexington.
Before his presidency of California Christian College, Dr. Braden
had served as president of Keuka
Keuka Park, New York.
Prior to this he had held the Chair
of the Bible at the University of
Kansas, and later was Dean of the
College of Religion at that school.
He holds degrees from Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio, where he received
his A. B. degree; Auburn Theological
Seminary, Auburn, New York, and
Syracuse University, Syracuse, New
York. After completing his college
work, Dr. Braden held pastorates
in Bearfleld, Ohio; Auburn, New
York; Syracuse, New York; and
Kansas City, Mo. He has long been
an outstandfng figure in the theological world,
Although Dr. Braden will take
active charge of the two colleges
Immediately, he will not be formally
until June..;!
. inaugurated
of theT president will be
part of the ceremonies held In connection with the celebration of the
150th anniversary of the founding
of Transylvania College, "the oldest
college west of the Appalachians."
At this time presidents and representatives of the leading colleges
and universities of both state and
nation will be In attendance.
Dr. Campbell, who has been acting president, was recently appointed administrative dean of the college.

Down With Liquor! GUIGNOL
Student Council Summons
Four for Violation of
Drouth Ruling
Four Students of the University have been summoned to appear before the Men's Student
Council Wednesday afternoon at
4 o'clock on charges 6f drunk-ene- ss
at recent dances. The
meeting will be held in the Adbuilding. It was
pointed out by officials of the
council that so many complaints
had been registered concerning
the conduct of several students
It is necessary that the student
governing body take action In
the matter.

Sigma Delta Chis
Ask 260 Guests to
Gridiron Banquet
Rumors are Scattered That
Graham MacNamee May
Be Roastmaster


First Amateur Presentation
of "Peer Gynt" to Run
During Entire Week
Eight Different Stage Sets
Will Be Required for
Coming Production
By Martin It. Glenn
Rehearsals nrn drawinc to a close.
stage sets have been constructed,
costumes have been executed, and
tne uuignoi nctors are aoout to
annex more sclntllatlng Jewels to
their crown of success with the nre- sentatlon of Henrlck Ibsen's "Peer
Gynt" which opens at the Gulgnol
theater Monday night and continues
throughout the entire week, une
play, which has never before been
nrnduced hv nn amateur comnanv.
will sparkle with unusual modernizations and an excellent cast.
"Peer Gynt" made its debut in
America in 1906 when It was produced by Richard Mansfield.
was not until 192S that Joseph
Rhlldkraut was eneaeed bv the
Theatre Guild to play the leading
role in the revival or tne piay. Although professional troupes have
encountered much difficulty In staging the famous drama, the Gulgnols
are convinced that an
interpretation will eliminate the element of difficulty.
All of the scenic effects are done
in pigmented colors of black and
white. This drift from realism is
one of the most conspiclous developments of the present season. Impressionistic settings do a great deal
n ninrifv the effectiveness of a stage
production. They throw up into a
bold and impressionistic renei some
crucial moment of the authors conception. They are often responsible
for heightening an impression wnicn
would have been sadly undervalued
if reproduced reallstlcly.
tvih niav is in four acts and eleven
scenes that require the use of eight
different stage sets. Tnese stage-c- ot
that have been constructed by
Thomas Lyons and Julian Leffler,
were designed by Director TanK v.
Fowler, who will enact the title
role of Peer Gynt. Most of the direction has been in the hands ofl
Prof. George K. Brady, of the detriment of Enelish. although Mr.
Fowler has assisted him. The Peer
Gynt Suite music will feature, tne
musical score'that naff Been arrang- ed bv Prof. R. D. Mclntyre of the
College of Commerce.
The complete cast ror next
performance Is as follows: Flank
Margaret Lewis,
C. Fowler, Miss
Miss Ann Calllhan, Miss Evelyn
Gall, Andrew Hoover Prof. R. D.
.Tames Boucher. John S.
Noonan, Miss Virginia McVey, Miss
miss K.atnenne
Eleanor Wlard,
Davis, Mrs. Lolo Robinson. Miss
Mary Sidney Hobson, Miss Nell Pul- liam, Mrs. Garce Webber, Miss
Elizabeth Ann Ewing, Miss Virginia
Ellis, Miss Gay Loughridge, Kay
Delroy Root and Hayes Kal-lla- h.

Plans are rapidly being carried
out for the first annual gridiron
banquet to be held at the Lafayette
hotel Friday night, April 11, under
the auspices of Sigma Delta Chi,
honorary journalism fraternity at
the University.
promises to be one of the most out
standing events of the college social
calendar and many prominent newspapermen and leading business men
are expected to attend.
Although the affair will be formal,
the activities of the most prominent
individuals In attendence will be
'aired" in the solemn mien which so
clearly marks the Kampus Kat and
its staff of Sigma Delta Chis.
Ladles and reporters will be excluded from the banquet, so all will
remain "a family affair."
According to those in charge of
the program, 260 invitations have
been sent out to the University's
most outstanding students, faculty
members, prominent Lexington business men, government officials and
prominent newspapermen of the
state. They will be given until
April 1 for their return. No one
will be accepted after that date.
The program committee inciuaea
a list of ten questions with each Invitation out of which the guests is
to mark four to be discussed at the
banquet. Questions, which are problems of college life today, will be
topics of formal addresses, followed
by general discussions.
mhUbk'. con
clusion and Trom' some, remote
source of information it is nintea
that none other than Graham MacNamee will do Sigma Delta Chl's
scorching or
victims of the proverbial gnairon.io
Great interest has been shown Dy
the student body and others in
guessing as to who the roastmaster
will be. Jess M. Laughlln, president
of Sigma Delta Chi, has offered a
$5 prize to anyone who will name
the roastmaster lor tne occasion.
The personnel of the various ar
rangement committees are as follows:
invitation committee: Hugn aq- rnck. chairman: Edwards Templln,
Tieket sales are proceeding with
Martin Glenn, Jess Laughlin, Prof. iinnrenerienteri ranldltv.
V. R. Portmann.
tions should be made Immediately
Morton at the theater box office.
W. G. Frye.
Walker, chairman;
U. K. Senior Wins William S. Professor Portmann, Edward Crady.
Seatine committee: Arnold rig- Fellowship
chairman; Percy Landrum,
Award of Johns Hopkins mann, McMurray, Leonard Strana-ha- n.
L. W.




Thomas Cross, Jr., member of
Delta Chi fraternity and senior in
the College of Arts and Sciences,
has been awarded the William Shal-croSpeed, $1,000 fellowship from
Kentucky, according to an announcement made by the chemistry
department of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Mr. Cross
will begin his work at Johns Hopkins
next fall.
The fellowship, which is awarded
to one student from each str.te, offers an opportunity for four years
study In the department of chemistry at Johns Hopkins, leading to a
Ph. D. degree. Mr. Cross was one
of a number of candidates from
Kentucky for the fellowship, which
was limited to sophomore, Junior
and senior students in the colleges
and universities of the state.
Mr. Cross is the son of T. J.
Cross of May field, and one of four
members of the Cross family who
have or are attending the University. He Is a member of Alpha Chi
Sigma, honorary chemistry fraternity. An older brother, Roscoe C.
Cross, received the Rhodes Scholarship from Kentucky In 1926.

March Issue Of
Kentucky Press
Increases in Size
The Kentucky Press, official publication of the Kentucky Press Association, Prof. Victor R. Portmann,
editor, increased its size with the
current Issue, which Is released this
week. A cover has been added to
the usual eight pages.
In this issue it was announced
meetthat the regular
ing of the K. P. A. will be held at)
Somerset in July. The rules for
the annual newspaper contests were
also given.
An article on headlines, which
discussed the use of them and their
construction, is the feature of this
Examples of different
kinds of types, and the headline
schedule of the Kernel are used to
illustrate this article.

Student Board Places
Kentuckian Contract



Seniors Sec Ralfour Representative, 5 P. M. Administration Building
E. W. Roc of the L. O. Balfour
Company will complete the taking of senior ring sizes on the
first floor hall of .the Admlnls-tralo- n
Building' todny, March 21.
The hours, which were formerly
set at 9:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to
4:00 o'clock each day, arc extended this afternoon until 5
A deposit of $3.00 will be required on all C. O. D. deliveries.
The prices are $5.00 for ladlcs's
rings and $7.50 for men's rings.
All seniors are urged to go today as this is the last opportunity
offered for obtaining the 1930
Class Ring.

Strollers Will Have Formal
Opening Night; Begin Seat
Sale March 31
Bruce Balfour Evans, whose mystery-farce,
"Scarlet", Is being produced by Strollers as their spring
show, has been invited by Director
Thomas L. Riley to attend the
premiere of this production at the
Gulgnol theater, Monday, April 7.
In answering this invitation, Mr.
Evans expressed his sincere appreciation and deep desire to attend
the premiere, as "Scarlet" is his
favorite composition. He states that
he will be present If his engagement with a Broadway show for
which, he is now rehearsing does
not interfere.
Concurrent with the sending of
this invitation it was decided at a
meeting of Strollers, Monday night,
to have the opening night of their
are being
Elabarate preparations
made for this staging.
Seat sales will start March 31,
and will be continued until April 7,
under the supervision of James
Dorman, business manager, and
Margaret Cundiff. Queries concerning the sale of seats have be-tdirection of James Dorman are
gun to come in.
Plans for special contests under
being completed and these will open
at the beginning' of the seat sale.
The regular prie for seats, $1.00
will be continual.
Hmviil ftdvMBHufc fpfttureg nf the
show are in charge of a committee
headed by Earl Cella.

Richard Carron Is
New Guignol Head
Prof. Fowler
and Dr. Brady as Director
and Faculty Advisor

Richard Carron, for two years a
member of the executive board of
the Gulgnol Players, was elected
president of that organization at a
meeting held Tuesday afternoon in
the Gulgnol theater. Margaret
Lewis, secretary of the University
Y. W. C. A., a member of Phi Beta
and star of many Gulgnol produc
tions, was chosen
Other officers selected are: sec
retary, Mary Sidney Hobson, a member of Chi Omega sorority; senior
member, Margaret Cundiff, a member of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority,
president of the junior class, a
member of SuKy, and prominent in
campus journalistic activities; junior member, Andrew Hoover, a
member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon
fraternity; advertising manager,
Delroy Root, a member of Delta
Tau Delta fraternity; business man
ager, Mrs. "Lolo Robinson, graduate
student at the university;
manager ana electrician, duuan
Leffler, Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity, and Thomas Lyons.
Prof. Frank rowier was
director for the coming year, and
Dr. George K. Brady, of the Engwas chosen as
lish department,
faculty advisor. Tne new omce
will assume their duties immediate-

Prizes Announced
By Prof. Tuthill

At a meetincr of the Board of Stu
dent Publications in room 53 of McVey Hall at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, several decisions were made
regarding the publication of the 1931
Tnesdav afternoon the contract
for next years photographic work
in the nnminl was awarded
Standlford Studio, with the provision that they meet certain conditions laid down by the board.
An executive committee was an- pointed to act during the summer
months, xnis committee is to ly.
have full control of all sutdent
publications that are issued during
the vacation period. Members of
the committee are: Margaret Cun-dlf- f,
chairman; Thomas Riley, Pro
fessor Victor Portmann ana BenAlden E. Hleelns. Honkinsvllle.
jamin LeRoy.
junior in the College of Commerce,
was seriously injured
morning, March 15, when the motorwas riding with
on which he
Club cycleMurray collided with a transTo
fer truck at Third and Jefferson
streets. Murray, who was driving
the machine, had increased his
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser addressed speed in an effort to elude a trafthe members of the Cornucopia fic officer who was pursuing him
Club at a banquet Thursday night on another motorcycle.
at the Brown Hotel in Louisville.
The stop ugnt at tne corner or
His subject was "Conservation in
the two streets changed against
Murrav but the sneed of his ma
In his address Dr. Funkhouser chine was so great that he was un
stressed the importance of con- able to prevent collision wun tne
servation and cited some instances truck.
in which Kentucky has been not
Hltrcens was removed to the St.
ably behind some or the other states Joseph's hospital as a result of the
in this movement.
accident, suffering irom a iracturea
At one time Kentucky was one leg and numerous cuts and bruises.
the richest states in the his condition will neccesltate his
union in animal life and forest leaving school for a semester while
area. These have been abused and he Is under the care oi pnysicians
wasted to such an extent that the In TTnnVlnsvHlf
people of the state should
Murrav sustained a cut to his chin
active steps to conserve what re in which Dhyslclans took nine
according to Dr. Funkhouser. stitches Four charees were lodeed
The Cornucopia Club is an agri against him In police court. A fine
cultural organization that has its of S17.50 was Imposed on Murray
object the promotion of scientific for two of the charges, and the other
.two were dismissed.
agricultural metnoos.

Relations Class
Holds Last Meeting
The International Relations class
of the University met Tuesday eve
ning in the lecture room of McVey
hall to hear President Frank u Mc
Vey speak on "The London Naval
Conference". Dr. McVey explained
the demands of the various nations
and the probable conflicts and results. The President was introduced
by Mrs. Frank L. McVey, the nresid
lng officer. This session closed the
fourth year of the class activity,

Higgins Is Injured
In Motor

Funkhouser Speaks

High School Basketball Teams From All
Parts of Kentucky Assemble at U. of K.
For Twelfth Annual State Net Tourney







Richard Waters Is Chosen
President; James Salyers,


Players Arc Guest of SuKy
and Lcttcrmcn at Banquet
Wednesday Night

Positions have been offered this
ACCEPTED FOR FALL week to six members of the senior
class, College of Engineering, by W.
Design for Association Pin J. Hockett, Ft. Wayne, Texas, and Former Championship Fives
Have Proved Strong at
L. H. Means, Schenectady, N. Y.,
and Eligibility Rules
of the General
National in Past
Electric Company.

Director T. L. Riley
Invites Author to
'Scarlet' Premiere Kernel

Executive Committee for
Summer Publications Is

Prof. Edward Tuthill. head of the
history department at the University, has announced that there are
two Important prizes open to nis-tostudents, which by their provisions are worthv of one's effort
to secure. Both prizes are open to
undergraduate students in tne nis-todeparment.
Thfi first nrlze. the Bennett Prize
of $200 or more offered for the best
essay on a subject relating to "The
Origin and Development of Parlla-mpntnwill be
awarded to the best essay which
must be handed In at the president's
office not later than May 1.
The second prize Is the Charles
S. Brendt Memorial Prize In Ameri
can History, awarded at the close
of the Junior year to the student
manner thn hichest trrade in Ameri
can history. It consists of the income
from $1000 and is distributed In the
form of books which are purchased
by the history department of the


MARCH 21, 1930

Place card committee: Ai btoiiei,
Lawrence Shropsnire,
Hayes Owens.

Undergraduate History Students May. Enter Two Contests in Department

Officially Admitted Today As
Almanacs Forecast Rain


ACTORS Order Rings Today!



of Kentucky
was warded a loving cup by
the Kentucky Intercollegiate Press
Association, in their closing session
Saturday morning, March 15, at
Georgetown College, for the best advertising make-u- p.
The College
Heights Herald, published by the
students of Western Teachers College, Bowling Green, received the
award for the best
At this meeting, Richard Waters,
of Georgetown College, was elected
president of the association. Kenneth Marshall, Eastern Teachers
College, Richmond, was chosen
Corine Lowry, Murray
State Teachers College, secretary;
and James Salyers, University of
Kentucky, was elected treasurer.
Roy Owsley of the University of
Kentucky was appointed to Investigate the possibility of the association becoming a member of the National College Press Association.
A pin was selected as the symbol
of membership of the K. I. P. A.
Persons eligible to wear these pins
are to be selected by the editor,
business manager, and faculty advisor of each college newspaper
which belongs to K. I. P. A. and
their names submitted to the secretary of the association. There will
probably be three pins allowed for
each school.
Thirty-fodelegates attended the
two-da- y
and 'selected
Transylvania College, Lexington, as
thtf place for the next meeting, to
Dctie'a uvtne iau or 1830. invita
tion was extended by Ted Seally,
editor of the Crimson Rambler,
In the contests the College
Heights Herald ranked second for
the advertising cup; and the Kentucky Kernel won second place for
newspaper, losing the
cup by one point. Prof. V. R. Portmann was chairman of the Judging


Colonel Wlllard Chevalier, publishing director of the Engineering
News-Recoof the McGraw-Hi- ll
Company, New York, will address
the engineering students In Memorial Hall Wednesday, March 26,
on the subject, "The Engineer and
His Job What It Is All About."


The regular weekly luncheon-meetin- g
of the College of Law faculty
was held at noon Tuesday at University Commons. The meetings
have been established as a short
business session among the professors In the College of Law.


Virgil Couch led the weekly Y. M.
and Y. W. C. A. Joint discussion
meeting at Patterson Hall, Monday
night. "Marriage" was the principle
topic of argument during the evening.

Reports have it that law students
are going Bolshevist on account of a
plethora of groans and other collegiate noises from Stroller rehearsals In the basement of the law
building. If true, it is further proof
that the law is' a Jealous mistress.

it was announced in
thatr-n- o
women-wil- i
present at the'flrsfannual gridiron
banquet sponsored by Sigma Lelta
Chi. This, we take it, assures the
complete success of the affair.
Last week



FRIDAY Up betimes and to the
TAVERN where I did enjoy some
considerable comment as to the
Identity of the mysterious PEPPIES
who like a thief in the night-tim- e
steals about the campus to collect
his scandal. Saw here DICK
BREWER who feels he Is no longer
popular with the KAPPAS. Saw
there also MARION SANDS
discussed the curtheir cokes and
no small abandon.
Sigma Delta Chi Also Elects rent scandal with to list to the sweet
In the afternoon
Leonard A. Stranahan as music of TOY SANDEFUR'S
Business Manager of Pub- orchestra and to watch the while
the soleful longing LAS PETITE
Albert L. Stoffel, junior in the they watched MR. SANDEFUR. In
College of Arts and Sciences, was the evening to hie myself away to
elected to the editorship of the my studies this being no weather
Kampus Kat at a special meeting for conscientious students.
SATURDAY I lay long in bed
of Sigma Delta Chi, honorary
Sunday, this morning thinking how pleasant
March 16, in McVey Hall. Mr. Stof It was to He thus. This day I did'
fel will fill the vacancy which was enjoy some rest after the struggle
left by the resignation of Edwards of the week. In the evening to the
M. Templln, former editor of the KAPPA dance where I was pleased
to no unusual degree with the pale
At the special meeting members of loveliness of LUCY davis ana
Leon-- ; FRANCES
Sigma Delta Chi also elected
ard A. Stranahan, of the College of also there certain campus celebrities
Education, as business manager of as they made up for the lack of fes- the universly's humorous puoiication. tlvltles during the week, sstiu later
Stoffel and Stranahan have both to the PHI SIG dance were I wa
had an active part In the publica- well pleased with the hospitality and
tions of the Kampus Kat and have did enjoy my one dance with MARcontributed many Inches of laughs GARET CUNDIFF. Saw there J.
and scandal to Its columns.
C. BAGWELL who was enjoying
Before entering the university, himself as usual.
Stoffel was a student at the Unf
Up late thlsmornlng
versity of Wisconsin. He is a mem- - and to breakfast at the TAVERN
ber of Phi Sigma Kappa, social fra- - wnere x dld see GENE ROYSE,
ternlty. Stranahan is a member of pAT THOMPSON, and JOHN
Tau Omega, social fraternity. BER digesting the morning papers.
Other affairs which were con-lga- w
tnere FRANCES McOAND-sldere- d
by the members of Sigma iLESS KATHRYN SMITH and
Delta Chi were passed upon favor- - other' KAPPAS talking over the
ably. Among the most important L,n(,n of iast nieht. Saw also
matters were a petition of Southern EVELYN FORD with a new admir
Methodist University, Dallas Tex., er, and her little sister DOROTHY
which was passed upon favorably. FORD with BOB MOORMAN.
A special letter on fraternity mat- talk
ters from national headquarters was and JACK RICHARDS as tney
read and approved. Plans and drank their cokes. Finally to talk
for annual gridiron with XAVE SCHULER and MUDDY
banquet to be sponsored by Sigma RASCH. Saw also JOB all&n
Dela Chi, were discussed.
away to forget my lonesomeness and
to the show.
Up early this morning,
and hardly had I opened my eyes
to the bright sunlight when I was
shocked by the news that MINA
Frank Davidson announced BLACKMAN,
Wednesday that the state tourna- SUNNYE ALLEN. PEACHES
ment which is being held in the
Gym this week will be a most op DOROTHY SEWELL. MYRTLE
portune time those trying for SuKy MO COY. JUSTINE COOKE, and A.
LEWIS had given up their social
membership to sell their wares.
Candidates for SuKy are ilected activities for the time being to beon their ability to sell cr dy and come thoroughly domestic arid keep
soft drinks at the University foot house. Heard also that J. SOMES
ball and basketball games. Stu and TOM PHIPPS did have a big
dents trying for membership In Su session yesterday, and as a result of
Ky can materially improve their the same did cneck a certain iaay
records for the vear if they sell at; from their calling list. Forsooth,
(Continued on Page Eight)
all the tournament games.


State Tournament

Is Opportune Time
For Suky Candidates

By Elbert McDonald
From the four corners of the
dark and bloody ground they come.
From the purchase, to the falls
cities, knobs, pennyrilye, mountains
and blue grass, they're all here, lads
and lassies "The cream of the
The University of Kentucky
the twelfth time host to 32 of
the best boys and girls teams In the
state, a role that is much enjoyed by
the University. The drawings were
held Wednesday afternoon at the
Phoenix hotel and were conducted
by S. A. "Daddy" Boles, athletic director of the University and Dean
oi interscholastic tournaments in
this state. The annual state basket
ball tournament has reached a state
of being as eareerlv awaited bv the
students and athletic staff at the
University as it is to the contestants
themselves. The present tourna
ment has proved no exception.
xne 32 teams were guests of the
lettermen and SuKy circle at a banquet at the Phoenix Immediately
following the drawing for tournament positions Wednesday night.
The various captains of the varsity
teams of the University were introduced and made short talks to
the visitors. This was followed by
an introduction of all the varsity
athletes and speeches of welcome by
the University coaches.
The boys teams are quartered at
the Phoenix hotel and latest re
ports are that the girls are in complete possession of the Lafayette.
All expenses are paid by the Uni
versity and everything possible will
be, done by. those in, charge of. the
tournament tor make their stay a
pleasant one.
Three of the boys' teams entered
are former winners of the tournament of which two have gone on
to win the national interscholastic
tournament at Chicago from among
the best teams in the country. The
two teams are the Lexington "Blue
Devils" who had the privilege of
winning the first state tournament
ever held who later duplicated their
feat and went to Chicago to bring
back to Kentucky its first national
championship. The other team is
the Ashland "Tom Cats" winners
of the 1928 state tout .ament, and
the only other team to bring the
national championship to Kentucky.
This is a feat that has been equalled
(Continued on Page Eight)

Engineers Hear Discussion of
Relationship to the United
States at Regular Assembly
"Some Canadians fear that, altho
there is a wakening national spirit
in their country and indifference to
the situation In this country, peace-g- ul
penetration and economic necessity will eventually result In the annexation of Canada to the United
States", said President Frank L. McVey, Wednesday, addressing the
assembly on the subject,
"Canada and the United States of
America." In his address, delivered
In Memorial Hall under the auspices
Doctor aicvey
stressed the nature of the Canadian
aad Its relationship to the unuea
Doctor McVey said that uanaaa is,.
as some tnink, neuuer u ojjuk
desolation nor a Paradise
King Liquor holds sway, but that it
Is a country, larger than the United
States and Alaska combined, undergoing vast commercial and Industrial development which makes It
especially Interesting to the engine

The present Canadian government
largely a result of our Revolution:
England has changed her ways and
allows her Dominion to govern itself. The Canadians have combined
our form of government wun tnac
of England's Parliament.
the reserved powers of our states
and the federal delegated
Canada has delegated powers to the
provinces and reserved the federal
Their executive, the Governpowers.
Is appointed by the


Doctor McVey listed many of the
problems facing and which have
faced Canada. The conflicts of
languages and religion, the conflict
of East and West, exciting a condition slmlllar to our Populace Move
during the Free Stiver time and the
Gold Rush period; the question of
annexation: and the liquor question were discuessed.

� I






Wednesday, March 27
President nnd Mrs. McVcy's after-- 1
noon ten.
April 5
Last Cndct Hop of the season In
Men's gymnasium.
April ?
Opening night of "Scarlet," Stroller production nt the Gulgnol.

International Relations Class
MISS r.Ll.V.S MIMItAN. Editor
Tuesday night the class in Inter- P
riinnc Ashland 3GI8
national Relations, conducted by the
Woman's club of the University held
the regular meeting in the lecture
room of McVcy Hall.
Mrs. Paul K. Wnlp presided and
Introduce the speaker, Dr. Frank L.
who spoke on "Naval
Alpha Gamma Delta sorority McVcy,
formal dance In the Phoenix hotel Conference."
was the last meeting of the
12 o'clock.
from 9 until
Friday, March 21
school year which marks the fourth
Second day of the twelfth annual Sunday March 23
state high school basketball tournaVesper Services at 4 o'clock In anniversary of the class's organize- ment In the Men's gymnasium.
Memorial Hall. Dr. Kelly, organist tion.
Council meeting at 4 o'clock In the and Mr. Bertrand Ramsey, baritone
Alpha Delta Tlicl.i Dinner
President's office.
In "Man of Galilee."
Alphn Delta Theta sorority enSaturday, March 22
Week of March 24
High school basketball
Presentation of "Peer Gynt" at day night with the dinner room Saturin
of the
the Gulgnol theater.
Phoenix hotel, in honor of the girls
who were initiated In the afternoon.
The table was beautifully decorated
with sweet peas, the sorority flower,
and the initiates were presented
with corsages of the same flower.
Miss Elizabeth Salmon was presented
with a loving cup which Is given
annually to the pledge who is outstanding in scholarship and activities. Among the nlumnae present
were Misses Margaret Gooch and
Virginia Cochran.
The guests of honor were Misses
Freddie Mae Bocock. Elizabeth Salman, Agnes
Marlanna Lancaster.



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Dr. and

Campss Ctab Initiation

Mrs. Frank L. McVcy.
Dean nnd
The Campus Club held formal
Mrs. C. R. Mclchcr,
Dean Sarah inltntion exercises at the Phoenix

Blandlng, Dean nnd Mrs. P. P.
) Boyd,
Dean and Mrs. Edward
Wcist, Prof, and Mrs. E. A. Bureau,
Mrs. P. K. Holmes, Miss Margaret
Mcuutgnun, prof, and Mrs. E. F.
Farquhar, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mllllkcn, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Atch

About three hundred guests were


Banquet for Initiates
The members of the Delta Tnu
Dcltn fraternity were hosts at n
banquet Frldny evening In the gold