xt74qr4nkm5k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74qr4nkm5k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1969-02-feb18. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-02-feb18. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-02-feb18. 1969 1969-02-feb18. 2011 true xt74qr4nkm5k section xt74qr4nkm5k 

       Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky on Tuesday, February 18, 1969

       In accordance with action taken at the. May 7, 1968 meeting, the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in special. session on Tuesday afternoon,
February 18, 1969 at 2:00 o'clock, Eastern Standard Time, in the Board Room of
the Administration Building on the campus of the University with the following
members present: Mr. Albert G. Clay, Vice Chairman. Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer,
Secretary, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Dr. Harry Denham, Mr. George W. Griffin,
Mr. Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Mr. J. Robert Miller, Mr. B. Hudson Milner, Dr.
N. N. Nicholas, Mr. Floyd H. Wright, non-voting faculty members Professor
Paul Oberst and Dr. Robert W. Rudd, and non-voting student member Wallace
Bryan. Absent from the meeting were Governor Louie B. NAun, former Governor
A. B. Chandler, Mr. William R. Btack, Mr. Wendell. P.. Butler, and Mr. James
H. Pence, Present as representatives of the administration were Acting President
A. D. Kirwan, Vice Presidents A. D. Albright, William R. Willard, Robert F.
Kerley, Glenwood L. Creech, Lewis W. Cochran, Stuart Forth, and Assistant Vice
President Alvin L. Morris. Members of the various news media were also present.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Mr. Albert G. Clapy, Vice Chairman of the Board, explained that Governor
Nunn, who had been in attendance at the luncheon meeting preceding the formal
meeting of the Board, had to return to Frankfort. Mr. Clay presiding in his
absence called the meeting to order at 2:00 p. m. Following the invocation pro-
nounced by Mr. Clay, the Secretary called the roll and reported a quorum present.
The meeting was declared officially open for the conduct of business at 2:05 p. m.

      B. Resolutions Adopted

      Since the Minutes of the January 29 meeting of the Board of Trustees had not
been distributed prior to the February 18 meeting, Mr. Clay indicated that action
would be delayed on approval of such Minutes until the March 18 meeting. He then
asked President Kirwan to read the following resolution on the death of Dean William
A. Seay.

                      RESOLUTION ON THE DEATH
                             WILLIAM A. SEAY

    The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky notes with sorrow
the death of



                          DEAN WILLIAM A. SEAY

   on February 1, 1969. As student, professor and administrator, he had been
   associated with the University for more than a quarter of a century, during
   the last seven years of which he was Dean of the College of Agriculture and
   Director of the Cooperative Extension Service. In this dual role, he was, to
   great numbers of people throughout the Commonwealth, the embodiment of
   this University.

       Equally at home on isolated farm or in high councils of government, he
   worked tirelessly at either level to ensure the success of programs that he
   rightly considered requisite to mankind's survival--the more efficient pro-
   duction of food and fiber.

       Dean Seay brought to these tasks an impressive talent for leadership.
   Central to his success in reshaping the College of Agriculture and the Ex-
   tension Service into institutions ever more responsive to society's changing
   needs were the trust and respect that he elicited from faculty, students, and
   the multi-faceted agricultural industry.

       His ability to call forth the best from his associates, coupled with his
   integrity, his great energy, and his devotion to the University and the
   Commonwealth, made him aunique public servant. His loss at any age
   would have been a major setback to this institution. Adding a special
   poignancy to his death under these circumstances is the assurance of what
   he would have contributed had he been spared.

       The Board of Trustees of the University, in full recognition of the
   enormity of its loss, officially mourns the tragedy and directs that copies
   of this resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the February 1969 meeting
   and transmitted to the family of Dean Seay.

       Dr. Rudd moved that the resolution be adopted, spread upon the Minutes of
the February 18, 1969 special meeting of the Board of Trustees, and copies trans-
mitted to the family of Dean Seay. His motion was seconded by Dr. Denham and,
wihtout dissent, it was so ordered.

       Dr. Kirwan said he wished next to read a resolution on Mrs. Mary Elliott
Hill, the wife of Dr. Carl Hill, President of Kentucky State College. The reso-
lution follows:

                       RESOLUTION ON THE DEATH
                            MRS. CARL M. HILL

    The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky notes with sorrow
the death of



                           MARY ELLIOTT HILL

   on February 12, 1969.

       Teacher, wife, mother, and first lady of Kentucky State College, Mrs.
   Hill contributed through the warmth and dignity of her personality to the social
   and cultural life of Kentucky State College and was beloved by students and
   faculty alike. Her gracious hospitality, her understanding, and her interest
   in the welfare of young people endeared her to all with whom she came in contact.

       A loving and devoted helpmate, Mrs. Hi.11 with her keen intelligence and
   depth of understanding of the needs of higher education in the Commonwealth of
   Kentucky, in a quiet and unassuming way, helped Dr. Hill to achieve his goals
   of excellence for Kentucky State College.

       The University of Kentucky and the other sister institutions of Kentucky
   State College are saddened by her passing. An admired and respected colleague,
   her presence at official and social functions will be missed.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky extends to her husband,
   Dr. Carl M. Hill, to her daughter and to her brothers its deepest sympathy,
   joins them in mourning her passing, and directs that copies of this resolution
   be spread upon the Minutes of the February 1969 meeting and transmitted to the
   family of Mary Elliott Hill.

       On motion by Mr. Hillenmne-yer, seconded by Mr. Cooper, and passed, the
resolution on the death of Mrs. Mary E. Hij.i. was adopted, ordered spread upon the
Minutes of the special meeting of the Board of Trustees on February 18, 1969 and
copies transmitted to Mrs. Hill's family.

       C. President's Report on Activities

       Dr. Kirwan gave a brief resume of some of the items contained in PR 1,
President's Report to the Trustees. Mr. Clay accepted the report with thanks and
ordered it filed.

       D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       President Kix.wan indicated that the recommendations contained in PR 2
required Board approval but were of a routine nature. He recommended approval
of PR 2 as a whole.

       Mr. MiJ1er moved that PR 2 be approved as a whole and made an official
part of the Minutes of the February 18 meeting. His motion was seconded by Dr.
De,4ham, and, all present indicating approval, it was so ordered. (See PR 2 at the
end of the Minutes. )



       E. Portrait of Former President John W. Oswald Accepted

       President Kir-wan called attention to the portrait of Dr. John W. Oswald,
immediate past President of the University which was hanging on the east wall
of the Board Room. He said that the committee, composed of Mrs. Blaz7er,
Chairman, Dr. Denham and Mr. Hillenmeyer, had commissioned the portrait
to be painted by Mrs. Mary Ann Currier of Louisville, Kentucky, and recommend-
ed that the portrait be accepted and authorization given to pay the artist.

       On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Wright, and passed without
dissent, the oil portrait of former President Oswald, painted by Mrs. QCurr.iex,
was accepted and authorization for payment of the artist was given.

       F. December Candidates for Degrees Approved (PR 4)

       President Kirwan called attention to the list of individuals who had completed
the requirements for degrees in December 1968, noting that of the 754 candidates
for degrees, 179 had qualified for graduate degrees, 23 for the professional degree
of Juris Doctor, and 552 for undergraduate degrees. Of the graduate level degrees,
there are 31 Ph. D. candidates and 6 Ed. D. candidates.

       On motion by Dr. Nicholas, seconded by Mr. Milner,, and approved unani-
mously, the President was authorized to confer upon each individual whose name
appears on the list certified by the Dean of Admissions and Registrar the degree to
which he is entitled at the commencement exercises on May 12, 1969. (See PR 4 at
the end of the Minutes. )

       G. 1968-69 Budget Revisions (PR 5)

       At the request of Dr. dKXwan, Dr. ALbright called attention to the recom-
mended budget revisions set forth in PR 5 and explained that these revisions
resulted from receipt of additional funds not anticipated when the 1968-69 budget was

       On motion by Dr. Denham, seconded by Mr. Milner, and passed, the budget
revisions recommended in PR 5 were authorized and approved. (See PR 5 at the
end of the Minutes. )

       H. Two Graduate Programs Approved (PR 6 and PR 7)

       Dr. Cochran explained the procedures followed for evaluating and approving
new graduate programs. The procedures mentioned are given in the background
statement of PR 6 which is included at the end of the Minutes. He said that the gradu-
ate program in entomology leading to the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of



Philosophy and the graduate program in pharmaceutical sciences leading to the
degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy had both been evaluated and
deemed financially feasible with no additional resources required and had been
approved by the proper bodies within the University. He, therefore, recommended
approval of the two programs by the Board of Trustees.

       On motion by Mrs. Blazer, seconded by Mr. Griffin, and passed without
objection, approval was given to the activation of a graduate program in entomology
leading to the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy and of a gradu-
ate program in pharmaceutical sciences leading to the Degrees of Master of Science
and Doctor of Philosophy. (See PR 6 and PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

       I. External Auditors for 1968-69 Engaged (FCR 1)

       Mr. Clay asked Dr. Denhbam, Chairman of the Finance Committee of the
Board, for the report of this committee. Dr. Denham explained that the Finance
Committee had considered the items to be acted upon and that each one had approval
of the members present. He added, however, that a quorum had not been present
at the Finance Committee meeting.

       The first recommendation from the Finance Committee was for approval to
engage the firm of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company to perform the external
audits for the year ending June 30, 1969 for a fee, including expenses, of not more
than $35, 000. This firm conducted the 1967-68 external audit. It is considered
good policy to retain the same firm for two or three years and, since the audit for
1967-68 had been satisfactory, it was felt desirable that Peat, Marwick, Mitchell &
Company be engaged for the 1968-69 audit and he moved that the recommendation
contained in FCR I be approved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Cooper and all
present voted aye. (See FCR I at the end of the Minutes. )

       J. Agreement with Tennessee Valley Authority Approved (FCR 2)

       Dr. Denham asked Mr. Kerley to discuss the recommendation in FCR 2.
Mr. Kerley pointed out that a copy of the proposed agreement with Tennessee Valley
Authority had been sent to the Board members. Since 1935 the University of
Kentucky and TVA, under previous agreements, have conducted a cooperative pro-
gram with farmers to develop agricultural resources in Kentucky. This program
has been quite successful but changing agricultural conditions in the Valley have
caused a reassessment of the program and the new agreement covers a revision of
the present program to include a number of new program elements. He concluded
his remarks with the statement that the agreement before the Board for execution had
been recommended for approval by Dean William A. Seay prior to his death.

      On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Dr. Nicholas, and passed, the
President was authorized to execute the agreement with TVA providing for cooperative



agricultural resource development activities in Kentucky during the period
1969-73. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       K. Appropriation from Commonwealth General Fund Allocation
for Capital Projects (FCR 3)

       The University's portion of funds allocated in the Governor's Executive
Budget for 1968-70 for capital projects amounted to $1, 853, 500. Approval from
the Board of Trustees for the allocation of this money to defray the cost of planning
and implementing the projects listed in FCR 3 was recommended by Mr. Kerley.
He added that the projects all carried high priority within the total capital needs on
the main campus and in the community colleges.

       On motion by Dr. DElhafm, seconded by Mr. Wright, and passed unanimous-
ly, the recommendation allocating $1, 853, 500 to the projects listed in FCR 3 was
approved. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )

       L. Progress Report on Search for Agriculture Dean

       Mr. Clay asked Dr. Kirwan to report the steps being taken to find a replace-
ment for Dean William A. Seay who was killed in an airplane crash on February 1,
1969. Dr. Kirwan said that a search committee would be appointed immediately
from a list of names recommended to him by the Senate Council. Realizing the
importance of this key position, not only to the University of Kentucky but to the
people of the state, particularly to those'engaged in agriculture, the committee
would be requested to move with haste in formulating a panel of names of individuals
whom they considered to be competent to fill this position. The list would be sub-
mitted to the President who will conduct the necessary interviews and seek advice
from colleagues and agricultural leaders throughout the state. When a decision is
reached, a name will be presented to the Board for final approval.

       Mr. Clay thanked Dr Kirwan and re-emphasized the need for conducting the
search with speed and dispatch.

       M. Hospital Committee Report

       Mr. Clay called on the Hospital Committee for its report which was presented
by Dr. Willard. The committee met at 11:00 o'clock on Tuesday, February 18, and
elected former Governor Chandler Chairman of the committee and Dr. N. N. Nicholas
Vice Chairn-man. The committee agreed to hold monthly meetings and, because of the
interrelation of the Hospital with the various segments of the Medical Center, agreed
to change the name of the committee to the Medical Center Committee. The committee
considered the following matters: (1) a report on some of the current pressures about
the manpower shortage, particularly physicians, and to the College of Medicine's plans



for increasing the supply, (2) took cognizance of some of the public relations
problems that the Medical Center faces and Dr. Morris was asked to chair a com-
mittee to work with Dr. Qx.eech and the Public Relations people in solving the
problems, and (3) briefly scanned what is projected in the way of expansion of
physical facilities.

       Mr. Clay accepted the report with thanks.

       N. Meeting Adjourned

       Having first determined that there was no further business to come before
the Board, Mr. Clay called for a motion for adjournment. Mr. Hillenmeyer so
moved. His motion was seconded, and passed, and the meeting adjourned at
2:30 p. m.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary
                                              Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and FCR's 1, 2, and 3 which follow are official parts of the
Minutes of the February 18, 1969 special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky. )



                        February 18, 1969


      Wally Bryan, student member of the Board, has been serving
on the 41-member Student Advisory Commission, designed to advise
Gov. Louie Nunn on the problems and ideas of Kentucky youth, and
also charged with actively involving young Kentuckians in solving
the problems of the Commonwealth. The governor said other new
roles for students, in addition to their service on the Commission
and serving on the governing board of every state university, in-
clude summer seminars for students at Frankfort and the first
legislative aide program in the state's history. Other advisory
Commission members include: Steve Atcher, Elizabethtown Community
College; Howard Atkinson, Paducah; Susan Clark, Southeast; Leslie
Combs, Hazard; Paul Hennessy, Henderson; Roger Pinott, Jefferson;
John Pyle, Hopkinsville; Sheryl Ralston, Prestonsburg; Michael
Rogers, Northern; Condit Steil, Ashland; Ronald Stricklin, Somer-
set, and Ellis Bullock, UK at Lexington, an at-large member.


      A total of $71,450 has been allocated for heart research at
the state's two medical schools, according to a joint announcement
by the Kentucky Heart Association and the Heart Association of
Louisville and Jefferson County. A total of $5,000 went to Dr.
Marian V. Gilmour of the University of Louisville for work on the
heart muscle. The money--54 per cent of which comes from the Louis-
ville association and 46 per cent from the state group--includes a
research fellowship at both U of L and UK, and 10 summer student
fellowships at the two schools. University investigators getting
support for the coming year are Drs. Ralph Shabetai, Leonard S.
Gettes, Joseph R. Logic and Ernest P. McCutcheon.



      The third-year and fourth-year classes from the College of
Pharmacy attended a session of the three-day Governor's Seminar
on Drug Abuse. Attendance at the seminar was arranged to empha-
size and demonstrate the need for pharmacists to be concerned
with the personal and sociologic effects arising from the use
and misuse of drugs. The seminar was convened by Gov. Louie Nunn
to help emphasize the need for substantially increased public
awareness of the growing problems of drug abuse in Kentucky,
particularly among young people. Dr. Charles A. Walton, College
of Pharmacy professor and director of the Drug Information Center,
was one of the seminar's speakers, discussing "Narcotics and
Dangerous Drugs--Their Effects on the Human Body." Additional
College of Pharmacy faculty at the Frankfort meeting were Dean
Joseph V. Swintosky, Profs. Richard M. Doughty, Earl P. Slone,
and Howard Hopkins.


      The Colleqe of Law will participate in a program next summer
to help prepare black students arid others in minority groups for
admission to an accredited law school in the Ohio Valley Area. The
consortium, which includes the Universities of Louisville, Cincinnati
and Ohio State in addition to UK, will be one of 10 being conducted
nationwide by the Council on Legal Education Opportunity, Atlanta.
It will be funded by the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity and
the Ford Foundation. Prof. W. Garrett Flickinger said the six-weeks'
institute will be conducted June 23-August 2 at the University of
Cincinnati, a "Head Start" program for minority group students who
are interested in studying law. The program seeks to attract three
groups: Afro-American, Mexican-American and American Indian. Only
22 of the 3,500 practicing attorneys in Kentucky in 1966 were Negroes,
Prof. Flickinger stated. Prospective law students will get free
tuition, room and board, a. weekly expense allowance, a stipend to
replace earnings that may have been lost during the institute's six
weeks. They also will receive a travel allowance. The program will
be limited to 40 students, selected by UK Prof. John J. Murphy, di-
rector of the institute, who will be assisted by a steering committee
composed of representatives from the four universities.

      The purposes of the program are: (1) to raise the legal pro-
fession as a priority career choice for minority group college
seniors and graduates; (2) to act as a clearing house for placement
of minority group applicants at law schools throughout the country,
and (3) to provide an intensified six-week program in the skills
necessary for competitive law study for 40 minority group seniors or
graduates with a strong interest in law school. The Universities of
Kentucky and Cincinnati each will send a black law student assistant
to work in the institute. Willie R. Sanders, a graduate of Kentucky
State College, Frankfort, will represent the University. The curric-
ulum will include courses in reading comprehension in the context of
legal material, criminal law, language of selected business trans-
actions, and leqal writinq and research.

- I  


- 3 -


      The Independent Study Program--formerly called correspond-
ence study--is observing its 50th anniversary this year--with
4,000 students all over the nation (several are outside the U.S.).
It was established by the Board of Trustees in 1919, and today
offers 160 college courses for credit, 40 high school courses, and
27 non-credit courses. Dr. Denver Sloan, director of the program,
says "what is important to most successful business ventures is
that people keep themselves well-qualified, whether they are pro-
fessional, sub-professional, or in the arts and crafts," and he
notes that continuing education can and is being exercised through
independent study, conferences, institutes, and short courses.

      The demand for independent study work increased progressively
during its first decade at the University. Beginning with a course
in mine safety, the program progressed to non-credit courses de-
signed to help teachers prepare for the state examination leading
to certification. By 1929, the program had expanded to include
curricular offerings on a credit basis. In 1957, enrollment had
climbed to 1,800, and seven years later, to 2,200. By 1969, the
1964 figure had nearly doubled. Of the 4,100 now enrolled, ap-
proximately 1,000 are men in the armed forces; some 500 are in high

      A brief look at enrollment figures show the following facts:
Forty states are represented; students in five foreign countries
are enrolled; 571 students taking courses are either stationed
overseas or on ships; many students in the USAFI courses are legal
residents of other states...31 California residents now in the
armed forces are taking study courses through the University pro-
gram. Students may enroll for an independent study course at any
time and are given up to one year to complete the work which has
been formulated or prepared by a professor at the University. Men
in the armed forces are given two years to finish course work re-
quired of a subject. Course work is offered in five colleges at
the University: Business and Economics, Arts and Sciences, Education,
Engineering, and Agriculture. A student can earn up to one-fourth
of the work required (thirty-two semester hours) for the baccalau-
reate degree. All final exams for independent study courses at the
college level are administered on college and university campuses.
Men in the armed forces are proctored by their unit's education
officer.  Dr. Herbert Drennon, associate dean of the College of Arts
and Sciences, says the Independent Study Program offers a great deal
of flexibility for students who may have to continue working after
high school and not be able to attend college regularly. Others
who are inducted into the armed forces before finishing work on
their degrees can continue to earn credits toward the diploma.


- 4 -


      The series of conferences titled "Management for Nursing,"
sponsored by the College of Nursing, have attracted approxi-
mately 40 supervisors and head nurses from throughout the Common-
wealth and surrounding states to each of the first two sessions.
The total program consists of four conferences held during the
year. The same participants attend each conference, then return
to their lobs to apply and evaluate workship principles and tech-
niques. The program attempts, through combining conference
sessions with actual nursing work, to assist participants in
increasing their knowledge and ability for carryirg out their
leadership roles in nursing.


      The first televised lectures which will enable a University
professor to speak to all of his 250 students at the same time
will be produced on tape by the Division of Media Services during
the spring and summer. The initial tape will feature Dr. Michael E.
Adelstein, director of the freshman English program. He will lecture
for about 20 minutes for each tape. The tapes will be telecast three
times a week next fall, on the newly-installed closed-circuit TV
system, to freshman English classes of about 25 students each. The
classes themselves will be conducted by one of ten graduate assist-
ants assigned to Dr. Adelstein. The taped lectures will be on an
experimental basis and will not involve other senior professors
and their graduate assistants in the freshman English program, Dr.
Adelstein said. After each televised lecture, the freshmen will
discuss its contents with the graduate assistant, and be tested in
class to see if they understood the lecture.


      The Office of Development Services and Business Research is
attempting to gauge the need for technical assistance among
Kentucky's Negro small businessmen. A first meeting to explore
the subject was held February 6, with 90 invited Negro businessmen.
Dr. H. K. Charlesworth, associate dean for extension in the College
of Business and Economics, said "we are not trying to explore all
the economic problems of the Negro, but what the technical assist-
ance needs of the Negro small businessman are, and how we can help."
He said some of the services offered by ODS include making a feasi-
bility study for a particular project, studying the market, helping
with accounting systems, and assisting with any technical problems
that a small businessman may encounter.


- 5 -


      The Tobacco and Health Research program has received
orders for more than four million of its new "reference" ciga-
rettes. A major tobacco company will start production of them
this month. The cigarettes, produced to specifications drawn
up by tobacco researchers in the College of Agriculture, are for
research use and will be sold only to research laboratories.
Shipments will be made to labs all over the U.S. and to England,
France, Sweden, Germany and Switzerland. "The reference ciga-
rette is the first in a series of research cigarettes that we
shall develop," says Dr. G. W. Stokes, director of the program.
"Other research cigarettes will be developed as the need dic-
tates." He added that until now the different research labora-
tories in this country and elsewhere have used available com-
mercial products that differ in composition. "Alkaloid (nicotine)
content and tar delivery were uncontrolled variables. The re-
search information from the labs using different products could
not be correlated and properly interpreted. The reference ciga-
rette will make possible a product that is controlled and the
research information from labs using it can be related and
properly interpreted. The cigarette will be used for smoke
chemistry and animal response studies."

      In developing the blend., the four major tobacco types,
burley, flue-cured, Oriental and Maryland, are being used. The
cigarette will be king-size and without a filter. "The scien-
tific community needs such a cigarette for use as a reference
or bench mark for comparing research reports of biological re-
sponse to tobacco condensates," Dr. Stokes said. "We want to
reproduce the cigarette that was on the market in 1955. The only
additives will be invert sugar and glycerine." Dr. Stokes said
variations in tobacco, due to varietal changes, annual enrironmental
fluctuations (temperature, rainfall) and cultural changes can't be
entirely controlled. The reference cigarette will be uniform from
year to year because it is being made to specifications. The de-
velopment and production of the cigarette was financed through the
University of Kentucky Research Foundation.


      Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, former member of the Board of Trustees,
was honored at a recent meeting of the University chapter of the
American Association of University Professors. He received a com-
memorative plaque for his 16 years' service on the Board. Prof.
Paul Oberst, former AAUP president, commended Dr. Angelucci for his
"promotion of an environment conducive to academic excellence."
Prof. Oberst, a faculty member of the Board, also praised Dr.
Angelucci for his efforts in the fields of sensitivity to faculty
considerations of academic freedom; faculty economic welfare, and
consideration of the faculty in governing the University. The AAUP
dinner was attended by 150 professors and guests. Dr. Walter P.
Metzger, Columbia University history professor who served as medi-
ator between faculty and administration during the dispute at
Columbia last year, addressed the group. He said that the "normal
students" who go to classes, prepare for and settle down in careers
"are in the majority."


- 6 -


      A University scientist is experimenting with a new type
radio antenna which he believes can play an important part in
the space exploration program. Dr. Keith R. Carver, assistant
professor of electrical engineering, says conventional antennas
are usually capable of receiving undesired signals from "false
directions," that they may respond to signals sent from directions
other than the direction in which the antenna is pointed. He
believes the type antenna with which he is experimenting will
"greatly minimize this effect and in addition will be insensitive
to the usual deleterious effects from the earth's atmosphere on
signals from or to outer space." He adds that the new antenna
will provide a considerable cost and weight savings over types
now in use. Dr. Carver and his student assistant, William L.
Fisher, Russell, Ky., also believe that various air transporta-
tion industries can achieve greater communication efficiency
through adaptation of the delicately precise antenna instrumen-


      Two University scientists, with the help of a $42,500 grant
from the National Science Foundation, are conducting field inves-
tigations in Canada, Colorado, Nova Scotia, and Venezuela, con-
centrating on historical facts that may lie beneath the hard
surfaces of igneous and metamorphic rocks. With the help of laser
beams, Dr. William H. Dennen, chairman of the Department of Geology,
and Dr. William Blackburn probe for clues in the rocks' composition.
During the present state of their study, Drs. Dennen and Blackburn
are dealing primarily with garnets and biotite mica. Working in
the UK Cabot Spectographic Laboratory, a "vapor of