xt74qr4nkj9t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74qr4nkj9t/data/mets.xml Danville Literary and Social Club (Danville, Ky.) [1889]  books b92-154-29771619 English : Danville, Ky. : Advocate Printing Co., This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Danville Literary and Social Club (Danville, Ky.) Danville Literary and Social Club, "Anaconda"  : history and semi-centennial celebration, December 27, 1889, 1839-1889. text Danville Literary and Social Club, "Anaconda"  : history and semi-centennial celebration, December 27, 1889, 1839-1889. 1889 [1889] 2002 true xt74qr4nkj9t section xt74qr4nkj9t 




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DECEMBER 27, 1889.



     "He that wrestles with uis strengthens our nerves, and
sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper."

                                  -BURKE-French Rezv.

                         PRESS OF THE
                          OANVILLE KY.












             AND TRANSMITTED



                 TO THE




   J)ECEMBER 27, 1839.

Rev. JOHN CLARK V O[oN(., 1).1).,
        P'resident of The Centre College

of Keuttlulky.

         Vice-Presideuit of The Centre College of Kentucky.

         Principal of institution for Deaf-Muttes.

Rev. VILIAA     DT)on, A. M.
         Professor of -Mathematics, The Centre College of Kentucky.

         Professor of Languages, The Centre College of Kentucky.

        Professor of Sciences, The Centre College of Kentucky.

        Attorney at Law.


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              By ORMONDI) 1BEATTY, L1J D.

    In preparing a sketch of the "Literary and Social Club" of
Danville it will be necessary, at the outset, to explain how far
I have been able to refer to authentic records for mny state-
    After (iligent search I have been unable to find the first
volume of the minutes of the Association. These minutes
cover a period of three years, extending from the organization
of the Society, Dec. 27, 1839, to I)ec. i6, 1842-tie (late of the
earliest minute in my possession. For this period I must rely
upon my memory (on which I fear no great dependence can
be placed) aided by the recollection of several persons who,
though not members of the Club, have had a close connection
with it. In conversing with these parties, I was compelled to
feel that I could place little more confidence in their recollec-
tion than in my own. Time has effaced these trifles fromn the
tablets of their memories.
   Front 1842 to the present time, I have hadl access to all the
minutes of the Club, which are now in the hands of the Secre-
tarv. For a few months, dluring the first year of the Civil War.
there are no minutes; but during this period the meetings of
the Club, if not wholly suspended, were irregular and infre-
quent. With these explanations I present a brief sketch of the
   Late in the fall or early in the winter of 1839 a small com-



pany of invited guests were assembled in the parlor of Mr.
Joshua F. Bell, who occupied a house in what was then
called the Brick Row. The building is still standing on First
street, opposite the grounds of the Theological Seminary. The
Faculty of the College, including at the time Drs. Young and
Green, Professors Dod and Nichols, and the writer of this
sketch, were all present, unless perhaps Dr. Green, of whose
presence I have no recollection. The only other guests that I
can recall were Mr. John A. Jacobs, Principal of the Deaf and
Dumb Institution, and probably his associate, Mr. Wm. D. Kerr.
    Among the topics that engaged the attention of this little
company was that of a Lyceum which had maintained a fitful
and irregular existence for two or three winters. The Lyceum
was a kind of public debating society where discussions were
lheld, and before which, occasionally, lectures were delivered, or
essays readl The meetings of this society were held in the old
Presbyterian Church. This building, after the congregation
had moved into their large new house-the First Church-was
used as a kind of town hall where public meetings of all kind
were held. It was afterward occupied as a church by the col-
ored Presbyterians; and when removed the materials were
used in the construction of the present African Presbyterian
Church of this place.
    The meetings of the Lyceum, which were open to the pub-
lic, were sonietimes thinly attended; but occasionally a lecture
or a debate would awaken great interest in the community.
Memorable among these was a lecture on slavery, delivered by
the Hon. James G. Birnley, afterward the Free Soil candidate
for the Presidency of the United States. Dr. Young had taken
ground in favor of gradual emancipation, and had published
some very able articles on the subject, in reply to Drs. Steele
and Crothers, of Ohio, who maintained the doctrine of the in-
herent sinfulness of slavery and advocated immediate and
universal emancipation. Mr. Birney was not satisfied with the
discussion, and in a very able lecture before the Lyceum un-
dertook to review Dr. Young's articles. Although on very



friendly personal relations with IDr. Young, lie criticised his
views in severe, though decorous, terms. AMr. Birnev had no
sooner concluded his lecture than Dr. Young rose and, with
miore feeling than lie ordinarily exhibited, asked the privilege
of replying. The evening was too far spent and the audience
too much exhausted1 to afford himii a fair hearing at that time.
So the Lyceum adjourned, not to the tinme of the next regular
meeting but to the following evening, in order to hear what
Dr. Young had to say by way of rejoinder. A large audience
assenibled to listen to a very earnest and remarkably able
speech by Dr. Young in vindication of his own views. In this
speech, as before in his written articles, he marked the distinc-
tionl between the Abolitionists, as lie called thenm, and the
E'niancipationists. I)r. Young was a thoroughgoing Enianci-
pationist, and continued one to the end of his life; but le a]-
wasys rejected the dogma of the Abolitionists. He clailne(l to
have first used, or, at least, to have first given currency to
to the technical use of the termn "Abolitionist,"
   This discussion in particular, and others, and the Lyceumn it-
self were discussed anew by the company to which I have
alluded, gathered around the blazing fire ill Mr. Bell's parlor.
Nor did the discussion end without result. It bore fruit in the
organization of our Club, a sketch of whose early history you
have requested me to write. The idea of reviving the Ly-
ceuin was suggested and the project discussed. But on a com-
parison of views it became apparent that, if revived, it ought in.
the opinion of those present, to be revived with considerable
modifications. As far as my recollection serves me the inodifi-
cations were three.
   First, that the society should be restricted in its member-
ship. Upon more than one occasion unpleasant scenes had
occurred in the public discussions in the Lyceum. These, it
was thought, might be avoided by a careful selection of suita-
ble members. Indiscreet, unwise, captious, and offensive per-
sons ought to be excluded.
   In the second place it was thought niore tinie should



be afforded for the discussions. Meeting after supper, the
audience were often late assembling, and sometimes there was
delay in preliminary exercises; so it frequently happened
that the evening was consumed before more important busi-
ness was reached. The difficulty would be removed by meet-
ing before tea; and the objections to this would be obviated by
refreshments served at the place of meeting.
    In the third place the delivery of a lecture or the read-
ing of an essay was occasionally defeated by the want of an
audience. This difficulty, it was supposed. could be obviated
by electing only those who were willing to become members,
and by making attendance compulsory. The penalty for non-
attend(lance was, indeed, light, but in the early history of the
Club a sense of obligation to attend the meetings was strong;
and it was always considered to be, and I think at one time, by
resolution put into the minutes, it was declared to be, the
opinion of the Club that its meetings were to be regarded as a
prior engagement, and that no invitation to a social gathering
of any kind was to be preferred. Whether the sentiment of
honor and loyalty be as strong now as it was then I leave to the
judgment of the present members.
    But whether these or other views prevailed, that evening's
discussion made the impression that there was a strong and
general desire to revive, in some form, the debating society.
But the comnpanv separated without giving shape to their ideas
or suggesting a definite plan for an organization. However a
week, or a few weeks later-I do not recollect the exact time-
about  the  same   company assenibled by invitation in
the  parlor  of Mr. Jacobs, who      then  lived in  a
building now occupied as a residence by one of the
teachers of the Institution. Mr. Jacobs had since the meeting
at MTr. Bell's, conferred with some of those who had been there,
and matured in his own mnind a plan for the organization of tle
Club. When we miet at his house lie had ready a constitution
and by-laws. which lie submitted; and upon that evening, the
27th of December, 1839, the company there present or-

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now living (Dec. 1889) are marked with anl asterisk. (See list,
other part of 10ook.)
    Of the original members seven have passed away, one y et
survives. of the whole number, as far as mv knowledge ex-
tends, 39 are dead, and 53 are living. Six sons have entered
upon the inheritance of their fathers, viz., R. P. Jacobs, I,. G.
Craig, J. C. Young, J. W. Yerkes, J. A. Cheek, and W. C. Young.
    At the first meeting of the Club, at the house of Mr. Jacobs,
a cold "collation" was served. But with bread as white and light
as snow, butter from the Blue Grass, Kentucky ham such as
known only ill Kentucky, and all washed down with tea or
coffee such as the lady of the house knew so well how to pre-
pare, a repast was spread that left small ground for the
members to apprehend speedy starvation. The refreshnents
were introduced upon a waiter, served in the old-fashioned way
to the guests as they sat around the parlor. The domestics
gave attendance, but no woman showed her face within the
sacred precincts.
    The second meeting was held at the house of Dr. Young.
Here, hn innovation, and so far at least as the supper was con-
cerned, an improvement was introduced. The refreshments
were spread upon the table around which the guests gathered
to partake of the frugal but tempting dishes. Dr. You ug, who
was never much at his ease in such circumstances, soon found
himself embarrassed, and in quick, peremptory tones sumi-
ironed a servant to tell "one of those women" to come in. To
him this seemed, if not the only way, at least the most feasible
way, to procure a cup of tea or coffee which, otherwise, seemed
as little likely to moisten the lips of the guests, as did the
retreating water to cool those.of Tantalus.  In a few moments
his wife made her appearance, and in her quiet and graceful
way soon put every one at his ease, and especially her own
husband. Woman's hand was upon the table. She had taken
her natural seat at the head, and henceforth she was never
again to be displaced, unless voluntarily she chose to withdraw.
In one department at least her rule has been acknowledged



supreme, and froni that day she has spread the table and has
generally presided at the entertainments of the Club. But
following this innovation (I have too much gallantry to say
flowing from it), another (in my opinion less commendable)
has been introduced. At first the suppers were light. The
appetite was stimulated by no costly or rare viands. Plain,
wholesome, cheap food satisfied the cravings of hunger and
gave vigor to body and mind. "Aens sana in corpore sano" was
the doctrine of the Club. The sleep of the menibers was dis-
turbed by no horrible night-mare engendered by an overtasked
digestion and those stomachic fermentations which, in the
imagination of the dyspeptic, turn the rivers of earth to
vinegar and the stars of heaven to blue lights alluring to dark
regions. But a change has come over us. What it is, you all
know. Whence it is, I shall not turn philosopher and attempt
to explain. I discharge the office of historian only and record
the fact. At your entertainments your tables grown beneath
the luxuries of a most beneficent soil and climate. This is an
innovation upon the good old simple and frugal ways, which
has operated to drive from the Club worthy members who
could not well afford the cost, and has exposed us to the charge
of being gluttons and bibbers, if not of wine, at least of tea
or coffee, and has resulted in the change of our namne. We are
no longer a "Literary and Social Club," but an "Anaconda." This
is an innovation but not an improvement:-at all events, this is
the writer's opinion, which he is willing to uphold as best he
may, and to maintain that the soul is superior to the body, the
intellect to the appetites, and that knowledge and truth are
better than meat and drink, the food of the mind than the
food of the body, and that in this new departure the Club has
made progress but no improvement.
   Apropos of this subject, and as the writer has often been
asked for the origin of the name "Anaconda" by which the
Club is commonly designated, I will here digress to relate the
following bit of history.
   It may readily be supposed that it took this name from the



custom of the Club's meeting and partaking of a bountiful
repast once in two weeks. The well known character of the
anaconda, which takes its food at long intervals and in corre-
sponding large quantities, might naturally suggest a name for
the Club to one who was disposed to make a little fun at its
expense. The name doubtless originated in this way; but it
may not be without interest to state the peculiar circumstances
under which it occurred.
    Many years since the question of licensing or regulating
saloons became a live question in Danville. Unsuccessful efforts
to close them were repeatedly made. Dr. Young, who was always a
strong advocate for temperance and who was heartly sustained
by a large number of the citizens of the town, took a deep inter-
est in the movement against the saloons. Legislative aid ill
sonie form was sought; and the question of temperance soon
becane entan 4led with political questions. The Whig and the
Democratic were the great opposing parties at that tine. The
Whigs were in the overwhelming ascendence in I)anville and
Boyle county. About the year 1848-the exact year I do not
reniember-when the nomination of a candidate for the Legis-
lature was about to be made by the Whig partv, the two ele-
ments in that pirtv, the temperance and the saloon elements,
met in caucus to choose a suitable person. A good deal of in-
terest, not to say feeling, had been awakened in both classes.
Each party had selected the man of its choice; the temperance
party had determined to support a Mr. Ridgeway, and their op-
ponents a Mr. Anderson. When the vote of the caucus was
taken Mr. Anderson was chosen by a small majority. But there
was great dissatisfaction among the temperance men, many of
whom refused to support him as his views were peculiarly ob-
noxious to them. Under this state of case Mr. M. J. Durham,
then a young lawyer of Danville, since an honored member of
this Club, announced himself as a Democratic candidate for
the Legislature in opposition to Mr. Anderson. Although the
county was overwhelmingly Whig, yet as Mr. Durham's views
were known to be favorable to the temperance cause, the dis-



affection aimong the temperance men gave him good grounds
for believing that he might be elected. After a somewhat ex-
citing race Mr. Anderson was elected by a small majority.
Among Mr. Durham's supporters were found several, if not
every, Whig member of the Club.
    Mr. Anderson did not forget nor forgive the slight-not to
use a stronger term-put on him by the Club. He was a man
of fine personal presence, and though npt quick nor adroit as a
debater, he was a practised elocutionist, and when allowed
time to make preparation could make a very impressive ad-
dress. During the session of the Legislature he found an occasion
to make a speech on the subject of temperance, and took the
opportunity of paying his respects to the Club, which he made
the special object of attack. He represented it as com-
posed of a set of gormands who, like anacondas, gorged them-
selves once in every two weeks, and who were so stupified by
the quantity of food they swallowed that they were unable to
comprehend the true nature of temperance, which consisted,
not alone in abstaining from the use of distilled or fermented
liquors, but from excessive indulgence in meat and drink of
every kind. The allusion to the anaconda was caught up by
every one in the community and in the Club; and the nick-
nam e, given in jest or as a stigma by Mr. Anderson, was as-
sumed by the Club or approved by the community. Hence-
forth it was not the "Literary and ,Social," but the "Anaconda"
Club of Danville.
    But to return from this digression. Another innovation is
the discontinuance of essays and lectures. In the original con-
stitution of the Club these bore an important part in its usual
exercises. But they have been displaced by the "Conversa-
tion" and the "Debate," which have absorbed every other ex-
ercise. I am compelled to believe this is an error. The roll of
this Club contains an array of illustrious names. Young, Green,
the Breckinridges, Jacobs, and others, would have adorned any
deliberative body in the land. Endowed with great natural in-
tellect and possessed of vast and varied learning, these men



have left no permanent work in any degree commensurate
with their abilities. This is to be regretted. For instance,
who, that knew Dr. Young well-the clear and discriminating
intellect with which he was endowed-does not regret that he
did not leave carefully prepared text-books on Mental and
Moral Philosophy. Dr. Green was capable of adorning the
learning of Germany with English eloquence, and of dispersing
the fogs in which the literature, like the land of this great na-
tion, is involved, by the clear light of truth. Those who have
examined Dr. Breckinridge's work on Theology, say that it ex-
hibits marks of great talent, but also of great haste, in its prep-
aration.  Mr. Jacobs stands among  the foremost of that
class of educators to which he belonged. These men were
capable of achievements higher than anything they accom-
plished. A different training in our Club might possibly have
led to different results. With us there ha- been a tendency to
superficial rather than to exhaustive discussion of the topics
that have been considered. John Stuart Mill in his "Autobi-
ography" says that many of his best thoughts were elicited and
matured by weekly discussions in a club, not unlike our own.
These thoughts were afterward reduced to system and given to
the world in the Quarterlies; and finally after revision, com-
pression and arrangement were presented in those volumes
which have placed him among the foremost thinkers and
writers of earth on Logic, Metaphysics and Political Economy.
But, he tells us, these discussions often lasted for weeks and
were not suspended until all was said that could be said on the
topic. We dismiss our subject after a brief discussion of a
single evening, and about as soon as an issue is fairly made,
the discussion is dropped. I do not believe, with some, that
discussion never elicits truth. This may be partially true in
popular discussion where prejudice and ignorance hold sway.
Before the masses, anecdote, wit, ready utterance, artful ap-
peals to passion, an earnest manner and imposing presence,
are sure to carry the day. But with well-trained and disci-
plined minds the force of logic must be felt. Argument clearly



and forcibly put must tell. Contradictory statements, when
fully expressed, must be abandoned. Inconmpatible opinions
must be modified, and truth alone will be able to withstand
every form of attack.
    Third, the social feature of the Club. This was impressed
on it from its organization anti has, happily I think, its
high place among the advantages our Society affords. The
mind must unbend; we must find relaxation and relief from
our ordinary pursuits in some new occupation. I believe, as a
rule, that the deepest interest in the Club has been taken by
that class of persons whose pursuits are most monotonous, and
who here find the change which our natures crave. In this
class I would include, first, teachers and secondly, preachers.
Certainly I would not depreciate these professions.  Every
branch of the teacher's profession, from the lowest to the high-
est, is needed and ought to be respected. The calling of the
minister of the Gospel is recognized as the most important inl
the world. The preacher of righteousness is the most useful,
if not always the moost honored, member of society. His servi-
ces and his work are of inestimable value. But in one respect
both preachers and teachers labor at a disadvantage.  They
are of necessity more or less isolated; by both classes the want
of society and sympathy is keenly felt. A preacher or teacher
settles in a quiet village, re:note from the centers of commerce
and population. Here he finds but few to take an interest in
the studies that he loves, or to aid him in his labors, or even to
discuss with him the difficulties that he encounters. His special
pursuits have no interest for the public, though all share in
the results of his labors. He mneets but little congenial society
for which lie longs. These evils are remedied, in part, by
"Teachers' Institutes" and '"Ministers' Meetings," which are
now organizt'd everywhere. But in Danville, where an unusual
number of both these professions is found, and in a Club
like ours, we obtain a proper, if only a partial remedy for the
evil; and I think that both our teachers and preachers, as a
rule, appreciate the advantage which they derive both from the



congenial society of the town and from the meetings of the
     Another large class of our members, the lawyers, so often
unite politics with the profession of law, that with the people
these two professions, politics and law, are almost synonymous.
In his conflicts the politician seeks not speculative but prac-
tical ends. He seeks his own promotion, or the advancement
of his party, or his country's welfare, or the world's. The law-
yer is often stimulated to the highest efforts, but it is not truth
alone at which he aims in his conflicts. There is mingled the
desire to win his case, or to save the life of his client, or to
build up his reputation, or to earn his fee; and when these
higher stimulants are withdrawn he cares less for the petty
conflicts of the Club, which car settle no principle and yield
no fruits. Similar things might be said of other classes, but
all share alike the social features, and to change these would
endanger the existence of the Club. The improvement de-
rived from the graver and more serious discussions must not
be surrendered. But on the other hand these should not be
allowed to repress the lighter and more exhilarating exercises,
which do so much to promote the health and pleasure of the

    Fourth, in the selection of topics, the discussions have as-
sumed a wide range. There is scarcely any subject iii science,
literature, politics, or religion, which has excited any general
interest that has not met response in the Club. Its discussions
have taken as wide a range as did the discourse of the Wise
King, "who spake of beasts and of fowl and creeping things,
and of fishes and all trees from the cedar of Lebanon to the
hyssop that springeth out of the wall." The Club has dis-
cussed things real and unreal; the past, the present, and the
future; things above the earth, on the earth, and under the
earth; matter and spirit; theology and morals; science and re-
ligion; education and crime; metaphysics, poetry and elo-
quence; peace and war; history and finance-in a word every-



thing to which the tongue and pen and press have given pres-
ent interest.
    It has made a Constitution-a better one (shall I say) than
that which now defornis the pages of the statute book; and it
is willing to present it, free of all charge save the cost of print-
ing, to a suffering Commonwealth. It has attempted the pro-
foundest depths and  darkness of metaphysics.    It has
determined "The Philosophy of True Liberty, as ascertained
by The Philosophy of the Polar Forces:" and its application to
"The Philosophyof the Progress and Happiness of Hunian
Society," with Mr. Pierson on the "Internal Pole" and Dr.
Young on the "External Pole."
    But, after all, a close examination will, I think, show that
the Club has drifted with the popular currents and given its
chief attention to the political and religious questions of the
day. Modestly, but seriously, I would ask whether science
and literature have not been slighted, if not neglected. It was
proper to do the one thing; it was not proper to leave the
other undone.



    On the twenty-seventh day of December, 1i889, the Club met
in the parlor of the Deaf and Dumb Institution to celebrate the
semi-centennial of its organization. Dr. 0. Beatty, who had
been a member of the Club from its organization, and the only
one of the number living, was happily present.       The
Club, ex-members, their wives, and the widows of deceased
members to the number of fifty, sat down to a bounteous repast
furnished by the ladies, who so lavishly provide for the Club's
entertainment froni year to year.
   After a pleasant hour at the table, the President, Prof. A.
B. Nelson, called for the toasts according to the following
       "Our history shall with full mouth speak of our acts."
                                -- Khng Ihenry V. Act I. Se. 2.
                Response by Dr. 0. Beatty.
   2. "OUR FUTURE."
       "Past and to come seem best: things present worst."
                        - King Ienry It. Part 11., A c1. I. LSr 3.
              Response by Rev. E. H. Pearce.
                "Be thus when thou art dead.'
                                        Ofhell,, Ad  1. ac. 2.
             Response by Hon. M. J. Durham.
         "Whose tenors and particular effects
         You have, enscheduled briefly."
                                -King Ifenrl/ V_ .,I  t  1-. Se. 2.
               Response by Rev. J. L. Allen.



         "Truly this is a sin and I must bear it."
                                              -Jcr., t., 1I'.
               Response by Rev. J. R. Deering,

                               "He that's coming
              Must be provided for; and you shall pwt
              This night's great business into my despatch."
                                       -Marbe/h, Art. CSc. 1.
               Response by Hon. R. P. Jacobs.

       "Alas poor hurt fowl! Now shall he creep into sedges."
                        -Much Ado About Notfhig, Act. IL Sc. 5
           "The trembling lamb environed with wolves."
                        -Kinq Ifclrg I V, Pt. III., Art. L Sc. 1.
                 "This treasure of an oyster."
                            -Ad/hogy and Cleopatra, Acrf. J Sc. I.
              Response by H1on. J. W. Yerkes.

                       OUR PAST.

           Response by ORMOND BEATTY, Lb. 0.

    It gives me great pleasure to extend to our honored visi-
tors the greeting and the welcome of the Club. To our ex-
members and their wives, to the widows of the deceased mem-
bers, to the wives of the present members, a cordial and
heartfelt welcome from the Club-a welcome from every Iene-
ber of the Club to every guest who honors us with his or her
presence this evening! And could we command one of Edi-
son's wonderful inventions, our greeting should reach the ears
of all others of these classes who still survive, and whose
presence would have added so much to the pleasure of the
Especially would we recognize our debt to the ladies,-which



we have been so slow to acknowledge, which we can never
repay,-for those bi-weekly repasts which for half a century
they have spread for entertainment. Theirs have been the
toil, the care, the labor, the drudgery, ours the enjoyment.
Their only reward is the pleasure which they have given; our
only acknowledgment, our superb appreciation of their kind-
ness-not by our words but by our deeds.

    When Mrs. Thrale asked Dr. Johnson how she could
 attract to her house the celebrities of the day, the burly old
 philosopher promptly replied: "Feed them well." The counsel
 seemed to be wisely given in her case, for there was gathered
 about her home a literary circle of which the world has seen
 few like it. Following if not emulating such an example, the
 ladies have fed our Club well; and our long life of half a cen-
 tury attests the efficacy of the treatneLt. If this Club never
 attains the celebrity of Dr. Johnson's, I am sure that its failure
 will not be attributed to the food upon which it has fed, and
 when its death shall occur-long may it be deferred !-no
 coroner's jury will render a verdict of death by starvation.

    But in response to the sentiment of the toast, it will be ex-
pected that we say a few words in regard to the early history
of the Club. In doing this I shall quote from a sketch which
I prepared and read to the Club some years since. If any one
should object to this, I shall reply in terms similar to those I
once heard employed by an eminent minister, who was charged
with repeating a sermon that he had preached in the same
Church ten years before: If the sermon were interesting enough
to he remembered by any one ten years, he ought not to object
to its being read to others who had not heard it; and if it were
forgotten by all, it might be well enough to have their memo-
ries refreshed. I promise you not to read it all, but will
reserve perhaps the most interesting passages for a revised
edition. But it is always in order for the President to call
"time" upon me; and for any member of the Club