xt74mw28d05c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74mw28d05c/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1919 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Proceedings of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association, April 25-26, 1919 text Proceedings of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association, April 25-26, 1919 1919 1919 2020 true xt74mw28d05c section xt74mw28d05c  







£211ka Negm
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April 25-26, 1919








Principals’ and Supervisors’ Conference


Negro Educational

Louisville, April 25-26, 1919

H. C. RUSSELL, Pxesidem K‘ N. E. A.
A. 0‘ GUTHRIE, Chaixman Principals' Conference.
E. E. REED, Secretary K. N‘ E. A.
w. H. PERRY, Chnilmsn Local Commiuee.

 l'his page in the original text is blank.



Friday, 10:00 A. M., At Western Branch Library
Prof. A. 0. Guthrie, Chaim, Presiding.

10:00 A. M.——15—Minute Talks:

“A Co-ordinated School System for Kentucky,” W. H.
Mayo, Principal, Frankfort.

“Making the Best of Present High School Facilities,"
W. H. Fouse, Principal, Lexington.

“Improving Our Facilities for Teacher Training,” G. P.
Russell, President, Kentucky Normal, Frankfort.

“Making the Best of Present Rural School Facilities,”
F. C. Button, State Supervisor, Frankfort.

“Outlook for Higher Education,” 0. H. Parrish, Presi~
dent, State University, Louisville.

Meetings of Committees until 12 :30.

Afternoon Session-4:30
Prof. I}. B. Davis, Presiding.

1 :30 P. M.—Comznittee Meetings.
2:50 P. M.—“A System of Standardized Schools for Kentucky,”
State Superintendent V. 0. Gilbert, Frankfort.
General Discussion by Members.
3:15 P. ill.“‘Smith-Hnghes Act as Applied to Kentucky Schools,”
Superintendent 0. L. Reid, Louisville Public Schools.
General Discussion by Members.
3:45 P. M.-Genelal Discussion, “The Salary Question," led by G.
W. Safiel, Pfincipad, Shelbyville.
4 :15 P. anwm the County Industrial Supervisors Are Doing for
Rural Education in Kentucky,” Mrs. T. L. Anderson,
State Supervisor, Frankfort.
Discussion in Three-Minute Talks by Supervisors.

4:45 P. M.—Committee Conferences.

 Evening Session At Central High School

7:30 P. M.—Committee Conferences.
8 :15 P. M.—A. 0. Guthrie, Chairman, Presiding.
Talks Not to Exceed 10 Minutes:
“A Building Program for the Year,” F. M. Wood, State
Director of Rosenwald Fund, Paris.
“Patriotism in the Schools,” G. W. Bell, Principal, Earle
“The Colored Woman in Reconstruction,” Mrs. L. B.
Snead, Louisville.
“An Educatianal Program for the Year,” H. C. Russell,
President K. N. E. A.
Address 1—“Some Big Problems of Reconstruction,” Dr. Lewis B.
Moore, Howard University, Washington, D. C.

Saturday Session, At Central High School
w. n. rem, Principal, Louisville, Presiding.

8:30 A. M.~Round Table Discussion of Reconstruction Problems,
led by Dr. L. B. Moore, Howard University.

9:00 A. M.~“The School Garden, Its Value,” C. T. Cook, Principal,
Bourbon County Training School, Little Rock.

9 :10 A. M.—“An Athletic League for Kentucky Schools,” W. B. Mat-
thaws, Principal, Louisville.

. 9:20 A. M,—“The Boys’ Work Program for the Year,” C. L. Harris,

State Secretary, Y. M. C. A

9:35 A. Iii—Addresses:
Dr. James Dillard, President, Jeans and Slater Funds.
Dr. E. C. Sage, Gen. Education Board, New York City.
Reports of Committees.
Declarations of the Conference. (A summary of Resolu-
tions, etc.)

E. E. Reed, Secretary, K. N. E. A.

W. D. Tardif, Principal, Stanford.

G. W. Adams, Principal, Mt. Sterling.

M. J. Sleet, Principal, Cleaton.

Mrs. R. D. Roman, Supervisor, Eminence.

Music Directed by Prof. G. M. McClelland, Mrs. M. E. Steward, Prof.
P. F. Frazier.


 Committees of the Conference

On Standardizing Normal Schools

A. E. Meyzeek, G. P. Russell, D. H. Anderson, Kirk Smith, “I. H.
Fonse, E. S. Taylor, G. H. Brown, F. M. Wood, Miss Carrye Warren,
M19. L. B. Snead.

0n Standardizing City and Rural High Schools.

W. H. Mayo, C. '1'. Cook, E. Poston, W. H, Humphrey, E. B. D'Avis

J. W. Bate, W. B. Matthews, C. W. Davis, J. E. Bean.
0n lmmovemeut in Rural and Agricultural Education.

w. J. Gallery, Mrs. T. L. Anderson, c. B. Nuekols, W. c. Davis,
Mrs. A. L. Garvin, James Garvin, G: W. Adams. G. T. Hallibnrton,
Monroe Ford, H. A. Laine, William Whitney, Mrs. J. H. Ingram, J. E.
Bush, Miss D. M. Donthett, Miss s. P. Lewis, B. H. Larke.

0n Higher Education in Kentucky.
C. H. Parrish, G. M. McClelland, H. R. Wanton, P. T. Frazier, L. E.
Pusey, J. S. Hathaway, W. H. Humphrey, Mrs. E. B. Fuller.

011 Teachers‘ Salaries.

H. F. Jones, G. W. Sallie], A. O. Guthrie, J. B. Caulder, R. D.
Grant, Mrs. W. L. Bowman, J. H. Lyons, G. W. Robinson, Miss L. N.
Duvalle, D, G. Rose, Ethelberl McClaskey, A. L. Poole, Mrs. Rebecca
Tilley, J. H. Moberley.

0n Standardizing Teachers’ Institutes.
J. W. Bell, E. E. Reed, P. Moore, J. S. Cotter, W. H. Fouse.


In the absence of a regular session of the K. N. E. A for 1919,
due to loss of time by the influenza epidemic, the Board of Directors
of the Association called a Conference of Principals and Supervisors
of the State to meet at Louisville, April 25 and 25, to consider press-
ing school problems which we feel should he brought before the peo-
ple of Kentucky, and especially those who are to he in legal control of
school legislation in the years immediately ahead of us.

Reforms are going on in all branches of our government, and there
are no more certain needs for reform than in our schools. The press-
ing needs of our schools have so attracted our National Government
that the National Department of Education is issuing regular monthly
school bulletins in which these needs are definitely pointed out. Re—
adjustment of schedules to meet our after-war needs; reorganization
of courses of study to assist our returning soldiers; re-adjlxstmeut of
salary schedules to meet the pressing economic demands; the adapts
tion of rural and industrial schools to new material conditions; and
a closer coordination of our entire school system are some problems
which demand our attention.

In the reports adopted by the K. N. E. A. Conference are sum!
of the ideals which the Negro teachers of Kentucky Want read it c ‘ our
school laws. We heartily commend them to all who have the interest
of Negro education at heartu

A summary of the work of the Conference might briefly be stated
as follows:

1. We want our high schools standardized, 'and such schools as
meet the demands as laid down by the State Course of Study in cur-
riculum, credits, equipment, and teaching force to be placed on the
State ’s list of accredited schools.

2. We want our State Normal Schools placed on the College Nor-
mal basis

3. We want better pay for our teachers, and a single system for
all teachers doing the same grade of work in s system,

4. We Want the rural school term lengthened, and better facilities
provided the Work of these schools.

5. “'e want a better standard for higher education for the Negm
in Kentucky, At present the State supports no school beyond the
secondary grade for Negro education.

6. “'e Want our Teachers’ Institutes combined into larger units,
with u better method of employing and paying competent instructors.

Among the addresses of the Conference, special notice is due the



 series of round table discussions led by DL Ll Bl Moore, Dean of How-
ard University, Washington, D. C In his addresses he dealt largely
with the problems of the New Reconstmction in Education. As a
result of his discussions the Conference voted to inaugurate a cam-
paign to wipe out adult illiteracy in the State among our people.
This campaign is to begin Catcher first, 1919.

It might well he said of the Conference that it was a rather intro-
spective meeting; each teacher was busy giving himself a sort of self—
examination, and each one expressed a willingness to sacrifice self if
necessary for the good of the larger whole.

The meeting was entirely representative of the Kentucky teach-
ing folk. Teachers, principals, and supervisors of all sections of the
State were present. Practically all participants on the pmgram were
present at the roll call, and addressed themselves to the subjects as-
signed them

The meeting was highly satisfactory to all present, and ifi those
who are to direct the educational affairs of the State in an oflicial
way will give ear to the desires of the Negro teachers of the State as
expressed in our reports, we will feel that We have made some edu-
cational history that will be felt for good in the State and Nation.

E. n. REED,

Secretaly, K. N. E. A.


FOR 1920

Address by H. 0. Russell, President R. N. E. A., before Conference
of Principals, April 26, 1919.

“Whatever you would bring into the life of a people must first he
brought into the schools,” wrote Alexander Humboldt. Though
America has not always consciously followed this course of develop-
ment, her experience in the World \Var is bringing her to a clearer
recognition of its Wisdom. Wheuce are to come that body 01' thrifty,
patriotic Americans of unhyphenated type so much talked of in re
cent history? whence is to come that new citizenship, physically
fit and mentally efficient? Wheuce is to come that broader human
conception before which false barriers of race, religion. and section-
alism in America shall he broken down‘T whence is to come that
economic independence and social freedom about which idealists


 dream? To each and all, if there is an answer, it is found in pub»
lie education.

Not from legislatures or courts of~justice can we expect the one
war; We cannot look to socialistic theories'or-Bolshevistic propa-
ganda. as the media through which eventual democracy is to come.
These may awaken thought and hasten the day, but neither legislai
tion not revolution can insure social justice until a people have come
through the evolutionary process of education. Any improvement,
therefore, that may he Wrought through this conference, either in the
content or the method of education in our State should be regarded
as a real contribution to democratic statesmanship in its best con-

Rural Education.

Superintendent Joiner of North Carolina, says, “The rural schools
are sadly deficient in the chief essentials of efficient schoolsiterms,
teachers, buildings, equipment, supervision, organization and ad-
ministration, and courses of instruction. This condition of rural
education creates a national emergency and demands the fullest co-
operation of community, state and nation.”

As in all emergencies, extraordinary efforts are needed to meet
this one. The rural center can do a great deal to improve her own
condition as well as that of the children and community by keeping
abreast with the present social service wave that is sweeping through
the world, and insisting, in season and out of season, upon full co-
operation of the home, the church, public ofl‘icials, and the tax pay~
ers that may child shall have the advantage of a good common
school education under a decently paid teacher.

Normal Schools.

Throughout the United States Bureau of Education Bulletins 38
and 39, on Negro Education, the word Normal is placed in quote-
tions, suggesting the modifying words “ so called.” The fact is that
of a hundred normal schools among us, not ten give the proper num-
ber of years, have either the course of study or the necessary faculty
to merit the title Normal. They would more appropriately be called
unnormal or abnormal schools. The colored schools have greatly
cheapened this word, and now it needs redemption. The department
of superintendence of K. N. E A. in 1919 session passed the follow-
ing resolution:

“W'e believe that a minimum of two years of professional train-
ing following a four years course in an accredited high school
course should be adopted as a standard to insure that we have bet:


 ter teachers for American schools.” This has long been the require—
ment in standard normal schools throughout the United States. It
is diii‘lcult to see why it requires six years above the eighth grade
to prepare a young white woman for n higher normal diploma or a
life certificate to teach in Kentucky schools, while a young colored
woman may secure the same privileges in four years. The most
obvious conclusion is that the colored children sufler the conse-
quences, and the race is to that extent retarded in its educational

Let us go on record that we consider it a. prime necemity that at
ter two years hence all schools graduating students with a Normal
diploma shall require the completion of a course that extends at
least six years above the eighth grade,‘ and that the content of such
course shall be largely professional. When our State Normal school
has extended its time to six years, and maintains a course of study
to comport with the standard normal schools of our State and Na-
tion; when it maintains the American standard rather than the Ne-
gro standard, then the question of its setting the standard for ac~
crediting Olll‘ high schools may he considered. Until extensions in
time, curriculum, equipment and faculty are made, the idea of am
cepting our State Normal School as our State standard should not
be considered

Any such accrediting will be based on a false and farcial fauna
dation. The same may be applied to other schools in the State listing
similar courses.

Higher Education.

Kentucky ranks first among the southern states in public educa-
tion for Negroes, but in facilities for collegiate and professional edu—
cation the State does not rank welli Our attention must turn to this
condition and a united efiort he put forth to build up in the State
at least one standard college to which we may send those of our
youths who may Wish to complete their education at home Ken-
tucky must have a college of high rank.

League on Physical Education.

Our recent experience in raising an army has revealed with start-
ling cleamess the need of physical education The report of the
Provost Marshal General states that of the men examined for the
army in 1917, 34.21% were disqualified for military service because
of physical defects and that dul'iug' 1913, 39.21% were disqualified
The war college estimates that of lllis,.lllmlier defects of one half


 eould easily have been eliminated by adequate physical education in
the schools.

To promote physical education espeeially ‘in our high schools it
would seem wise that this conference take steps to form a league on
Physical education. This association could arrange for inter-scholas—
tic athletic contests during the school sessions, and for an annual
field day exhibition at the sessions of the K. N E. A For this line
of work we have two edit-item allies in the Play Ground and Recre-
ation Association of America, and the Boys’ Work Department of
the Y. M. C. A. Let us hope that the physical education of our
youths shall not be neglected.


It is hoped that this conference will study thoroughly the Teach
ers Institute situation in the State. Where counties are too small to
employ a high class instructor,’the county board should either (19/
fray the expenses of teachers to other counties or else supplement
the teachers fees so that $50 shall he the minimum salary ofiered 5.11
instructor. Some form of certification or evidence of professional
qualification should be required for instructors. A bureau of In—
stitutes under the State Department of Education Would furnish the
most efficient administration for an institute system.

Salary Question.

A factory manager recently said to me “Teaehers have taught
every body else how to make money, but they have never learned to
get any for themselves.” To this way of thinking, the teachers
should organize for their economic welfare as other workers have
done. Though we are not ready to take the methods of organized
labor to obtain a living salary, we are convinced that the solution of
the salary question must come from within rather from the outside.
We must organize the sentiment of the community, and then through
duly appointed channels bring before the voters and legislators our
needs and our deserts. Traditionally, teachers have been ready and
willing to serve the publie in all useful eflorts of a volunteer order}
they are the most gullible of all Americans in working for the pub—
lic good, yet they are the most modest of all in their personal de-
mands. The present emergency demands at least a temporary change
in attitude. Teaehers are coming to believe that

“The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars,
But in ourselves that We are nnderlings."


 Social Welfare.

The School as a Social Center: Our fathers tell us, and some
among us know something of the old time spelling matches, singing
contests, school concerts, the largely attended night schools that were
so dear to the hearts of a generation now passing from us. We are
beginning to see the educational and social value of this form of
social center. The necessities of War time have taught us anew the
possibilities of community organization with the school house as the
center. Then too, the passing of the saloon removes the most popu-
lar as well as the most undesirable opportunity in our social centers,
having a vacancy and ofiering an opportunity in our social system
that calls for the best welfare statesmanship. The school plant, if
it will bring together mothers, fathers, children, friends, saint and
sinner for the enjoyment of social and recreational programs, will go
a long way in solving a great community problem.

One rural school in my knowledge holds open house. on a certain
Sunday afternoon in the month, to which go citizens of all ages to
look upon the neatly kept plant, hear music by the children and
teachers, and have a generally social time with friend and neighbor.
In the cities the school ground will ere long be open twelve months
in the year for the children of the district to play and learn under
paid supervisors. These are the merest suggestions of the social
possibilities of the school.

The day of social service has arrived. Those community move-
ments—the playground, the vacation school, the day nursery, (he so-
cial amen—which until recently were called the fads of cranks, are
now the recognized agencies of social welfare and civic advancement.
When a social movement Worth while is conceived, the question is
not, ”Where can we get the money?” First, convince the community
of the real service to be rendered, and the money will be forthcoming.
More and more we are learning to think in terms of Service, not in
terms of money altogether.

Back to School and Stay in School.

During the past ten ‘years much has been written and more said
about vocational glidance of youth. So rapidly and so satisfactorily
has this movement progressed that now the factories and great in»
dustries have adopted the methods of the vocational expert in the
employment. and promotion of the Workers. This is the psychological
phase of guidance which only experts are prepared to handle. Guid-
ance has, however, a broader, more general aspect which all teachers
may promote. Ally one who reclaims for the school it boy or girl
who has left for the inevitable blind alley job, or who causes to stay


 in school one who is on the verge of dropping out is to that extent a
vocational eouacelm‘ of youth. The school forces of the State can ad-
dress themselves to no more important duty than that of keeping our
youths in school and helping them to find their better selves. I be-
lieve that a. State-Wide intensive campaign about ‘the last two weeks
in August or early in September conducted somewhat on the older of
the famous Whirl-wind campaigns of 1908 or on the order of the war-
time three minute men campaigns will be greatly effective in reclaim-
ing many Wanderers. Such a campaign on adult illiteracy should also
be considered for the near future

Keeping Up Morale.

Truly, the lure of wartime prosperity has appreciably lowered tho-
morale of the teaching profession, but we are a long way from be-
ing a demoralized band. As firmly as I believe in the economic laws
of supply and demand and the spiritual law of compensation do I be~
lieve that as we teachers awaken the public consciousness to our
large social Value—a job that We must perform for ourselves,—jusc
as surely do I believe that the public will pay for the service as gen-
erously as it does for other public services

Let not the morale of our educational amly in Kentucky be-
come low or Ollt‘ interest lax, for the future of a great people is in
our hands. Believe as of old, that the school is the basic institution
of human freedom; that education in a democracy is the chief func-
tion of the government. Believe, also, that an enlightened public
opinion rather than see the structure of the nation crumble away at
its very foundation, will very soon answer our demands f0)' 3 living
salary and provide larger facilities for our welfare and that of the



Report of the Committee on Teachers' Salaries.
Mr, Chairman and Members of the Conference of Educators Assem—

We, your Committee on Teachers’ Salaries beg leave to report as
follows: That the best interests of the school will be conserved when
we have a body of competent, wide awake, and contented teachers
That no one can long remain in this class unless he is paid suflicient
salary to meet the pressing needs of life, and enough to take his mind
011’ the care for the future of himself and his dependents.


 1. “We, therefol'e,,nsk for better pay for the KentuCky teacher.

2. It is our opinion that this better pay should come to all teach-
ers on a standardized basis; that is, all teachers in a system doing the
same grade of work should receive the same pay.

3r We pledge oin'selves to cooperate with the K. E. A, and
friends of education who are now working- to solve this problem.

4. We suggest that in each community the teachers be organized
for the purpose of educating public opinion to the end that suficient
funds be provided for this purpose.

5. It is our belief that this can he done best if directed from a
central head; hence the President and Secretary of the Kr N. E. A. an
directed to provide ways and means to form and keep in touch with
this organization by sending plans and receiving reports at stated
times to and from heads of local organizations

H. F. JONES, Chairman,
A. 0. GUTHRIE, Secretary,

Report of Committee on Standardizing City and Rural High Schools
of Kentucky.

“Over the Top" is the slogan of the hour, and the Pi' cipals of
the Negro Schools of Kentucky, inspired by this slogan, hercbv

Resolve, That both Rural and City High Schools shall go “Over
the Top” in the efllcient preparation of their students for entrance
into the freshman year of the Standard Colleges of our State and
Country. To this end we ask that the principals of the State organ-
ize their schools in absolute conformity to the law as laid down by
the State Board of Education. We also ask that the State Supervisor
of High Schools, acting through the State Department of Education,
visit our Rural and City High= Schools, and investigate the schools as
to course of study, credits, equipment, and teaching force. When our
schools meet the requirements in these departments, we ask that they
be placed upon the list of accredited schools of the State,

Resolved, further, That we favor an organization and association
of these properly accredited Negm High Schools for mutual cooperar
lion, benefit and protection As patriotic and loyal citizens of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky, we unitedly and earnestly implore the
State Legislature, and the Regents of the Kentucky Normal and In-
dustrial Institute to raise this institution (0 a Normal College stand4
ard in order that it may hold the some relation to the Negro High
Schools of the State that Kentucky University holds to the \Vhite



 High Schools of the State; and, that the management of this institu-
tion shall admit to its regular Normal Course only such students as
have completed a four-year course in an accredited high school.

WM. H. MAYO, Chairman,

J. W. BATE, Secretary,







Report of Committee on Teachers’ Institutes.

We recognize the necessity of raising the standard of the Colored
Teachers‘ Institutes throughout the State in order that the work may
he made more practically and vigorously effective. In view of the fact
that many teachers in the rural colored schools have had little or no
Nomml training, the grade of work in our institutes should be calcu—
lated to supply this need.

To raise the standard of our institutes We therefore recommend:

1. A greater interest on the part'of our County Superintendents
in our institutes.

2. That better equipment and apparatus be provided for institute

3. That more efficient instructors be employed. To this end we
suggest that no one be employed as institute instructor who has not
engaged in actual school work during the two years preceding the year
in which he does institute work. That all institute instructors shall
have had at least five years experience as teachers. That all insti-
tute instructors hold some form of certificate as an institute in-
structor—this form of certification to be determined by the State De-
partment of Education.

4. That all instructors receive a uniform minimum salary of fifty
dollars for such war .

5. That the program of institute work should be more practical
so as to be more professionally efiective.

J. W. BELL, Chairman,
W. H. FOUSE, Secretary,


 Resort of Committee on Higher Education.

We, your Committee on Higher Education, beg leave to submit the
following report:

Whereas, our race in Kentucky must have leaders, it being a neces—
sity of nature, and whereas the best leadership must be trained, must
be in itself in advance of those who follow, we conclude that the
training for leadership is a peculiar duty of our State. We, therefore,
insist on the best possible advantages along these lines in our State,
so that our leadership or those aspiring to leadership may find at home
the requisites within easy reach.

Resolved, therefore, That we insist on the drill of the Common
school and the academy as college preparation, and Normal training
of at least two years ubove the academic us requisites for teaching.
We also insist on professional training after four years in college.

Your committee urges standardization in the schools in Kentucky
that there he no overlapping, tkoil:

That the requirement for entrance into the first year academic be
the completion of arithmetic, grammar, geography, elementary United
States history, and other grammar school subjects.

That the four years academic comse be completed before entrance
into the two years Normal course or into the freshman year of eole
legs All of which We most respectfully submit.

C H. PARRISH, Chairman,

Report of Committee on Standardizing Normal Schools.

The Committee on Standardizing Normal Schools, desires at this
time to make a partial report. Appreciating the labor involved in
making a detailed study of the work actually accomplished in our
teachers’ training schools, together with a survey of the modern res
qllirements of Normal Schools of standard efliciency..we can therefore
at this time only outline the work that lies before us.

We believe it is just and right that the training for eificiency of
the teaching force of the State should be provided for both white and
colored alike. In order to stimulate our teachers and insure a higher
quality of work, we insist that the standard of eflleiency of the East-
ern and Western Normal Schools (white) under the supervision of
State Inspector, be applied with equal exactness to the two State Nor-
mal schools (colored) to the end that organized democratic edncn-


 tion should not be influenced or modified by the race question. We
ask no quarter but insist upon the same acid test of excellence. Sound
education is a prerequisite of sound teaching.

We recommend that this conference go on record as insisting up—
on a four years secondary education, of standard efficiency as the re~
quired preparation for two years professional teachers’ training
course, i. e, that six years above the eighth grade be required for a
Normal diploma. This will act as o stimulus to the persevering and
deserving and increase the elhcieney of our schools.

We recommend that a commission be appointed to survey the work
of Normal Schools of recognized merit to the end that a suggestive
course of study be mapped out; and that this commission he empow-
ered to represent the educational interest of the nice before the legis-

A. E. MEYZEEK, Chairman,
W. H. FOUSE, Secretary,


Report of Committee on Improvement of Rural Schools and Agrir
cultural Education.

life, your Committee on Improvement of Rural Schools and Agri~
cultural Education, make the following recommendations:

1. That since the prwent school term of Kentucky Rural schools
is not conducive to the necessary educational advancement of rural
life We recommend that Kentucky extend the term from six to eight

2. That the compulsory school law he more rigidly enforced and
that it include children from the ages of 7 to 16.

3. In many instances teachers in rural schools are forced to try
to teach more children than can be satisfactorily taught by one
teacher, we recommend more and better prepared teachers with better
salaries. In neighborhoods, where necessary, we recommend consoli»
dation with transportation.

Since agriculture has been placed in the schools. We recommend
that the State be divided into districts and eficien‘e agricultural
supervisors be employed to cover these districts. Along with this work
We recommend a simplified course in bookkeeping.


 That better schoel buildings, larger sites and apparatus are very
necessary in the improvement of rural education.

That more )igid supervision be enforced to the extent that each
teacher do his full duty and keep proper record of same.

Since athletics has done and is still doing much in stimulating
an interest in increasing the attendance in city schools, and, Whereas,
it does much in the development of physical conditions of the indi-
vidual, we heartily recommend its introduction into the rural schools.

To secure more efl'iciency and effective service of teachers, they
should feel reasonably secure in their positions from time to time.
We, therefore, recommend that action he taken ’Whereby this condi-
tion may he obtained.

We further recommend, that the merit system in the selection of
teachers be strictly adhered to.

Vv't J. GALLERY, Chairman,
T. L. ANDERSON, Sec’yi
s. P. LEWIS,


Business Conference

On motion the following business was transacted by the Confer

1. That we inaugurate a campaign to abolish adult illiteracy in
the State. The Conference empowered the President and Secretary
of the K. N. E. A. to petition the State Department of Education to
invite Dr. L B Moore, of Howard University, to come to Kentucky,
October first, 1919, and organize the movement for the campaign in
the State.

2. That we appoint a committee of two, who shail associate with
themselves nine others, as a committee of eleven to confer with a
committee of the National Association for the Advancement of Col-
ored People to set a time and place for a conference which shall devise
plans for the civic and economic advancement and justice of the Ne—
gro. The two members appointed on this committee were Prof. E. B.
Davis, of Georgetown, and Prof. H. C. Russell, of Louisville. ‘


 3. That we appoint a committee to consider plans for holding
a regular Principals and Supervisors’ Conference on the day before
the next regular meeting of the K. N. E.