xt74mw28d011 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74mw28d011/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-11-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 21, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 21, 2008 2008 2008-11-21 2020 true xt74mw28d011 section xt74mw28d011  

"on“, "“8 Russ IlSIlliIt} etiiih reels; m
and Sil'lltflf m" “m“imitma









Coal sculpture links Kentuck

By Katie Saltz

ksalt'l'ifivkerriel coin

$0!th lhc‘ ctidl lti s‘titils. tilllcls
to beat their homes. and one man is
noyy using it to iiitikc an artistic
statement about time. nature and a
connection bctuecn Isentucky and
:\ II'lL‘Ll.

The latest addition to the l K
Art Museum sculptuie gaidcn.
"(‘oal Pot." “as completed 'l‘hurs
day \yhen large pieces ot coal \yeie
added iiilo an iioii boyyl shapcd

(‘ontempoi'aiy artist l‘l .-\n.itstii.
“ho was a visiting artist at I'Is' in
2003. designed the protect. 'l he ini
tial design came \yliile I'I .-\nalsui
was still on campus. but it took
four years to get the ball rolling.
said ITK .-\rt Museum Director
Kathy Vt‘alsh-Piper

"H is a \mild laiiioiis artist. he
is truly distinguished." slit" said
"We \'ittlllL'sI to do the protect loin
years ago but \ye didn‘t hai. c the

The *\lI .\Ill\t'lllll and the I'ls'
‘\i‘I Depaitmcnt teamed tip and ic
ceiycil .i \llltltlll giant to finish tlic
protect. \b.tl\ll'l'lps't said lioni
ilicic. I'K associate sciilpliiic pit»
lessoi (iaiiy Ililylis did the cutting
and ytclding lot the piece

Kcntiiclsy is a slalc \\ith 13' ct
tools in coal. Walsh I’ipci said. and
H :\!1.tl\lll \yantcil to relate that
“till his oyyn k’tllllll'c‘. Ht- syas born
in (ihaiia 'aud is .i pi’olcssoi' at [he
I niyci'sity ol Vet-rid.

Ilibbs said I1! .\natsu; related
his country‘s tist‘ oi toal loi cools
mg to l\cnliick\ ltlsliity ‘.\|Ill
coal. Hilybs said on a trip he took to
\‘airobi. Kenya. 'ic \\.is siiiiii'iscil

\\tlII the different attitude people
tliclc had about coal

"\ou‘ll find people selling coal
on corners." he said "I louiid that
odd, but that‘s ythai they Lise to
cook \\lll‘. in ihiid yyoi'ld coun-
tiics ‘

While the mining ol coal is a
conlioycisial isstic lot in
I\:'l‘illlt‘l\}. Walsh I’ipci the
sculptiiic is not iticant to be lot or


.ieaiiisi coal

" I lie aioiiiitl coal arc
posiiiyc and negative but it con»
llt'cls us \\llll his home cultuie."
\Il'.‘ stiltl '
ielating countries
through the use ol resources. Ilibbs
said the sculpture is also a time»
pict't- lhc boyyl of the sculpture
has open spaces to alloys the coal ”i


Ilcsitls' s

"lilo Sculpture on page, 6






~ . '9’}? . ’5.-

_. Iv .

ilt‘,s\tll Gary Bibhs arranges around two tons of coal on a new art installation
liil .iltlll outside the Singlatarv Center on Thursday Bibbs said when he was arrang-
iiiii the mat, he, made sure the coal formed a peak and had a bit of an aesthetic to it.


.\h( :1 HM. \'i:.\'v.\i i.


Above: lv’lillllthl Viiiiiali meal in. in W- Ur».



__.- JJM____», _‘ .,

taiitiiiis 4. fl

"Repent or you Wlll hurii in hell
Below: itiu'iias Cobain, It‘ll and Di Justina Hill‘r'tai
Nirhulasvtlle Ky

llllt‘t‘l‘“ [in i

“\ Hills .il‘w‘


V i


Mir‘. ‘

'l‘R.\\'lil.l.\'(i PREACHER

any to C'ii’litlllb‘



A .


iriii'rBEWAiut Gait" SPA—Fr
5‘2th lie sueais tire rriessatit‘z

' i w 'Ii;"!1'l lt‘s‘ninsliiii iii liiesiiav ra'wi nu .lI Cutiains house in

Man on a mission

Byrdjll taster
flashy, .L‘kykbriiio riiii‘i

Michael Venyah is so .uigiy hc ticnibles.

”'l‘hosc til you yyho masturbate are come
to hell." he says. pointing a tmgci .ii the sinall
ci‘oyyd forming around him outside of the Km
dent (‘entcip his \oice ginning in yoluizic and
intensity. "Those of you yy ho fornitate are go
ing to hell. Those of you aim listen to tap or
rock ‘n‘ roll aie going to hell'”

He pauses, and then cries out to the steady
stream of students \yallsing past. ic\ting and
listening to their il’ods. Pacing hack .it ioith lll
the grass near the Student (‘cmci patio. he
points at itidiyidual students iiitl: his thick
black glove. quoting \crsc attci‘ \eisc ot the
Bible from memory,

Some quicken their pace, looking straight
ahead as Michael gets \s'ithm seyei'al feet of
them. ()thei's stare at the sign felloyy preacher
and friend ('hris I.c.\1icii\ holds, “\ou desciyc
hell. Surrender to Jesus Christ. Repent and be
saved." it leads,

Michael has been preaching nonstop for
nearly‘ three hours. He doesn't notice the
frosty November weather: he focuses only on
his message. As each person passes. Michael
tums his attention to each individual. his eyes
lingering on each one for a second before
moving to the next person.

“UK. your days are numbered.” Michael
yells. throwmg his anns in the air

He believes homosexuality. abortion. prcr
marital sex. cursing. alcohol and cigarettes are
sinful -— which he is proud to tell the crowd.
confronting them as they stand around listen—
ing to him. He has traveled to more than .‘tll
college campuses across the country with Wife
Tamika and LeMieux. a close friend the
Venyahs met in a church in their home state.


:'é :‘ s

it takes. We must do whatever is necccssaiy to reach them.”



They have been to IR four times. the first
in I'all Ztl‘l/i and most recently this week,
Next. they \\'lll dine then onerbcdroom R\' to
Ilt‘hlct‘l‘. Kentucky I iiiyetsity. vsliei'c they Will
spend the neck .

Michael preaches about coiitroy ersial top
ics and is often contionted by students
[K and the other campuses hc \ isits
disagree with Iniii
thn he shouts at a man handing out con<
doins from a sale se.\ display. telling him he
hands out “little getryour rocks-off hats" iii-
sieail of piomoting sexual purity. the man
looks Wlllt a mixture of disbelief and anger.


“We‘re giving people the opportunity to be
healthy and be sate." the man says. before
moving back to his table. “We‘re not adyocat-
ing fornication."

But the reactions are not always so tame.
Jesus expects complete obedience from fol»
lowers. Michael said. and in preaching that.
his ministry. Soulvvinners Ministries lntema-

tional. has encountered some enemies.

Michael has been hit. kicked. pelted with
bottles. spit on. called racial slurs and threat-
ened with a knife. Tamika said people tell her
they pity her children.

See Vonyahs on page 4

m..- In prayer. in fasting. in pr "aching: whatever it takes. everything

——Michael Venyeh, traveling preacher


By Sarah Cooper

riews’wkykernel com

This weekend you
could go to the basketball
game or study for a test, or
you could create a company
liom scratch.

During Startup Week-
end deyelopers. designers
and marketers \viII create a
company from the concept
to launch The projects pen
pIc t iqaic during the neck
cud been to
launch companies tdllgln‘l
iioin ItNMI rev iC‘»\'\ to a pro-
lcssioiial i‘clcii‘al
The event begins I‘i'iday at
(i pm in Room II: of the
\\ hitc Hall Classroom
Billltllllgl aind runs through
Sunday at Ll p.ni.

Participant passes for
the cyent are 840 and can
be purchased at yy'vtyslex-
brite coin,

Startup Weekend was
founded in Boulder. Colo.
in 2007 by :‘sndreyy Hyde
Hyde said he created the
concept to teach young en—
trepreneurs about how to
create \yhilc learning him
to build a business.

“There‘s an fill—2t) rule
in business that is taught a
lot Twenty percent of a
company does .s'tl percent of
the uoi‘k “hat it that Itl
percent trom a bunch of
companies got together.w
Hyde said. “it is a social ex-

During a typical Stai‘ttip
Weekend. groups vyill t‘omi
and pitch ideas to each oth
er. according to the national
Startup Web site. Alter dev
yeloping a solid idea. each
"company" uill break off to
a bar or coffee shop to cre-
ate a prototype of their

Saturday from 9 am. to
3 pin. companies Will
work on developing a prod—
uct and check it. building a
basic prototype by the end
of the night.

After working all day
Sunday. the companies will
present their vvork.

The event is a collabo-
ration between the Ken-
tucky Stanup Blog. the UK
Entrepreneurs Club and the
Young Itntrepreneurs‘ of

iiayc used

sc‘t'\ icc



 [Page 21 trruay November 2i, rune





















To get the advantage, check the
day's rating 10 is the easrest
day, 0 the most challenging
Arias (March 21-April19)—~
Today is an 8 _, If you're not
already working for yourself.
you probably should be
Taurus (April 20-May 20) —
Today is an 8 —- The sun's
gorng into Sagittarius lor the
next four weeks This is the
area that brings emphasis to
your financral holdings. You
have natural talent, but guard
against surprises Stay in

Gemini (May 21-June 21) —
Today rs a 6 _,,, Stick with your
family's traditions. If you don't
have any, make up some You'll
find that dorng the same old
thing IS very comforting now
Cinnamon and ginger are rec

Cancer (June 22-July 22) —
Today is a 7 — Practice makes
perfect but, as you may have
noticed, it can take a while
Keep at it. you're losmg your


’ eo’llisioii (iv ritir

inhibitions and your terror of
making mistakes That last
should almost be used up

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) —
Today is an 8 —- There's way
too much let one person to do.
so get as much help as you
need This hill pays welt
enough that you'll rtonre out
ahead II this rs totally not Trap
perrrng in your life move over
to where rt rs

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ~—
Today rs a 6 Ctlllllllllr‘ to let
your loved ones build up your
UGITIIdBITCC They think you ran
do anything, even when y’lIrr
wonder Trust then: They to
probably right this trnie

libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) —
Today is a 5 , A behind-tho
scenes negotiation works on
well lor you This could he a
rade or you get it iTlft‘ tor haul
rng it away

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ——
Today is a 7 ~ Hurry and start
whatever it is that you want to
have grow and he abundant

ingdfl insurance claims.
2 miIr .s‘ Iltitll campus) ""740":

“h _
Pray Ior what you want to It‘rlr'l‘.
easily rn the coming year
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 Tori can
advance yorir r:aroer n rm and
make a lot more money This
might involve making a rih.rirrrn
but it's not impossrble Think
about the pros anrl Cons
Capricorn (Dec. 22—Jan. 19)
Today is a 7 Friends ruin
make a ronnectrou hotter thrr:
you . an you'sell Luckily .rrrr .r‘
been gt‘llllll) better TIiIi‘Ir‘l -tri
run erSiJrrITBIillIIlITTS
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Today i. is. It“; ndrtr'irts are
rjhan'r \ rur Iavor
h c eis Iiould be ‘rin wt p
:thr in hi you rr t: xrre' \i s
Ito ten are any you . VII?
r:ut it gets r'LiSliBT VleIT pra' tr e
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Today s .r '/ By now yr".
should haw your plan ytrst

'ie nest


. about ligated out .You run do

TIIIS. espez'rilly at you're rue»
pared So, nreprrre


Today’ 5
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tstaurant ind Ioun t

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8'] ISI ll" Still

Brad Paisley's riding
high on a No. 1 album

we Di$ll

Ilc rust “on a ('MA
.-\\yard tor malc \ocalist ot
tlic Ycai‘. but on his Iatcst al
bunt. Brad l’aislcy gocs largc
Iy instruincntal “It's my low
.rttair mm the guitar." tlic
crooner. so. says or I’Iay.
“Inch hit Noycmbcr 4. Pais—
Icy and his \irlc. actrcss .
Kmibcrly Williams-Paisley.
3“. sharc a log cabin on an
ts’fiaacrc 'l‘cririCsscc farm and
arc cxpccting thcir sccorid
child ncst spring (son Huck rs
3| months) 'I‘hc West \"ir
ginia riatr\c talks with l's.

Q: Play has nods to both
blues and (an.

I'Iicrc‘s always a hit ol
that on my rcgulai' records.
but it‘s not likc I‘m going to
s\\IIClI milsical gcnrcs, I‘m
good at country. I belong

()1 You wrote a song tor
your \yilc on this album,

It‘s called "Kim." and lbs
light. like her personality. It‘s
puicly instrumental. but it‘s
tun to try and capturc sonic,
body musically Iikc that. .-\s I
listcn to it. it sounds Iikc hcr
to me.

Q. You also ha\c a duct
\\ith Kcith L‘rban. right’

ch. Wc‘yc been tiicnds
sincc bclorc citlicr one of us
had a rccord dcal — and non
Kim and Nicole (Kidman)
II.I\C bccomc good friends.
This was the right prop-ct tor
II\ to collaborate on.

Q: Hon is hung
.\.rsh\ illc‘.‘

So many people are mi'
grating to this city. and we've
bccornc lricnds \Hlll a lot ol~
thcm. Iikc Slicryl (‘royy ()ur
sons haw really hit it off. too,
Thcy hayc play‘datc‘s all thc

Q: How do you and Kim


kccp things exciting in the
country .’


right no“ we hayc
That‘s cxcitirigl

Final four dancers

\Vlio Wlll nalt/ away
“uh thc Dancing trophy"
Rcigiiing champ Kristi Yam»
aguchi \ycighs in
Brooke Burke

Pros 'l‘hc agile actrcss. 37.
has been \irtually Ilayylcss.
"She‘s the strongcst danccr.
tor surc." says Kristi Yam
aguchi. who tells ITs shc has
\otcd tor hcr. “And Iicr partv
ncr. Dcrck [llougItI. is an
ania/iiig choreographer."

(‘ons "Ilcr personality is-
n‘t as luri as the othcrs‘." shc

Lance Bass

l’ros Though he snorc hc
\yas 'NSy'nc‘s vyorst dancer.
Bass. 2‘). and partncr Lacey
Schwimmcr "keep things
l'rcsh." Yamaguchi tclls Us.
"'I‘Iicu‘ danccs are original,"

(‘ons Sec aboyc. "‘l‘hcy'
nccd to kccp tlic judges hap-
py shc notes. “And thc
iridgcs likc tradition.”

Cody Linley

Pros "What‘s not to love
about him?" Yamaguchi says.
“He has such a youthful cncr~
gy. It's fun to see a Itfly'car-
old takc hallrooni dancing so

('ons Linlcy had to make
do without injured partner —
Julianne Hough for nearly
three weeks. Rust t‘aotor'.’
Warren Sapp

Pros Despite his girth. the
former NH. star. 35 (\y'ho‘s
paired with Kym Johnson).

rhythm." Yam-
aguchi says "And his pcrson-
ality rcally comes through
Wltc‘n IIL‘ tlttlic‘csl"

(‘ons "Ballroom danccs."
she admits. “arc a littlc tough
tor him.”

'Celeb'-rate with
cell phone photos

"It‘s a piclui'c ot my Io-
ycar‘-old cat. His namc is
Andy. Hc‘s my baby . I‘\c
had him lorcwil”

Jenna Fischer

“I just haw thc l.(i elogo
it came “till. I‘m not a \cry
tut-y. APICIUIK“) person. I '
don‘t want to bc all Lauren
(‘onrad about it."

Christian Siriano

"The Mona Lisa!"

Jciiiiilcr Low Hewrtt

"I Iiaxc a little mutt. a rcs-
cuc dog whose namc is Joni.
She is .supcrcutc and has big.
black. smoky eyes."

Mandy Moore

“It‘s a picture ot the chain
that I “cut around my neck.
It‘s a symbol that stands for
coniplction - and it‘s made
out ot all diamonds."

The banged

Facel'raming fringe is
back in a big way. Jessica
Alba, Christina Aguilcra.
Mcna Suvari. Kcny Washing—
ton and Taylor Momscn are
all rocking renditions of the
classic pinup style. “They
look like modern-day \cr-
sions of Bettie l’agc." cclcb
stylist Rhcannc White oI ('ut—
iEr- salon in NYC tells is.

"has gi‘cat



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but isn‘t bray e enough to
withstand the iiidgiiiei‘tal
stares they‘ll get from their
peers in the clinic. they
should be able to haye an
anonymous hotline at their
disposal. There‘s little rear
son to cast these people out
of society. because S l'l) s
aren't like chickeiipoy.

The l'niversity Health
Sery ices should continue ta,
cilitatiiig a huge itimp and
creating a decent support
system when it comes to
sexual health. btit neyei' be
satisfied. There‘s no reason
why L'K can‘t jump another
30 plus spots to'becoiiie a
top-30 school for sesual

health. and not just research.

What should be re»
searched is how to keep iii-
foniiing students about the
reality of STDs and how to
avoid them. no matter how
taboo they may be.


Speaker maps out a plan
for a sustainable Kentucky

In the l‘fitts the Kernel ran an eiiyiroii
meiital column wiittcii by a student eyeryoiic
\ .tlletl
of his actiuaiiitaiices. both
personal and professional
calls “l it/ ” Sometimes.
eyeii his own children
call him "l‘itl." His col»
uiiiii was appropriately
called " \II the news that
|'it/.” and it aimed to
Iaiiibastc the iiiiiyei‘sity
for its failure to .ippi'opri
ately address what he
sitltsltlclctl the essential
issues of the day

Today. l'll/ runs a
ltttllrlllitlll legal orgaiii/a-
tron. Kentucky Resource Council. and he has
been named Kentucky ‘s cm iioiiiiieiital
watchdog. He is beloy ed by eyei'yone e\ccpt
coal advocates. respected by eyei‘yoiie. and
this year he received the ileum kw aid for the
l-riyii'oniiieiit. a \ZSHMM pri/e

On Monday. l'll/ latter being personally
recommended by \\endel| Berry. Kentucky ‘s
toi'eiiiost name iii sustainability l tame to
speak at l‘K‘s inaugural installment ol the
Sustainability Lecture Series. and ey cry other
sentence was one I wanted to print on a t
shirt and wear around iii public [‘0] cyaiiiple.
”Learn to be creatiyely intolerant ot ltlt‘tlltls‘
rity aitd injustice." He spent little time bark-
ing about why we must act. and more tiitie
presenting and e\plaiiiing some strategies to
effect cliaiig '. that aiiibigtiotis concept that
eyeryday loses more meaning.

T‘li/ has a unique and em table ability to
make his listeners feel that they are getting
the whole truth. that they ~re getting it “I a
balanced way and that eyery‘thiiig will still be
alright in the end. It’s empowering. and it
gave me the sense that I knew what I had to
do. I Just needed to go out arid do it.

l‘it/ said Kentucky 's big problem. or at
least one of them. is that most of us do not
bear the full cost of our energy tise. Ntllclyr


t olumiiist


' Melissa Vessels

;. . xvi . a it t.‘ Kenny Colston, st w

.i-w! tutti/u its ltfll'f“t‘,!“i i"l‘ . e: s t‘ . '

.iiid still to this day. eyciy single one

t Whitney Waters, ‘v ' '

eight percent of Kentucky ‘s electricity comes
from coal. and we hay e some of the cheapest
prices in the nation But there are 20 states
with lower energy bills because we are so
wasteful. " The big bill is coming." he said.
referring to the many other ill»effects of wast-
iitg energy. like black ltiiig. global warming.
poverty. etc. “How w ill we account for it
when It does?"

He went on to add that. w hile Kentucky
is in a veritable state of em ironiiieiital crisis.
we are in a position to make some fundamen-
tal and critical changes to otir system that
would allow for greater sustainability in the
future. He quoted the original definition of
“sustainability" as “meeting the needs of the
present to mold compromising ttiture genera-
tioiis‘ ability to meet their own needs."

One thing we have to do. he said. is look
at otir situation as honestly as we can. by dis-
pelling a couple of myths: first. that there are
limited opportun