xt74mw28cz2j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74mw28cz2j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-01-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 05, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 05, 2001 2001 2001-01-05 2020 true xt74mw28cz2j section xt74mw28cz2j .IHLGREALQUIDQQRi

The trials of the Appalachian Trail

Roughing it: Boy Scout joins troop for a hike through Appalachian Trail, learns history and appreciation for nature's true beauty

By Nick Tomecek


Eating only pickled eggs for six
months. trading clothes for butter
and hitchhiking to the nearest
town to take a shower. are some of
the stories I heard when [ took a
hiking trip on the Appalachian

ljoined my Boy Scout Troop as
a leader last sutnmer to take some
of the scouts out to Damascus. \'a.
to hike :30 miles of the Appalachian
Trail. which runs front Georgia to
Maine for a total of 2.“)0 miles.
Some of the scouts struggled along

part of the trail we hiked. but only
due to lack of preparation.

Three scouts decided to go
home after two days feeling the
trail was too difficult. Among our
group. we found the trail to be
moderate and very rocky in sortie
areas of the Virginian landscape.

It rained the whole week and
remained cool and muggy. My
brother who joined us as another
leader ended up carrying two back
packs to challenge hitnself even

more and lighten the load of one of

the scouts. The soles of thy broth-
er's shoes fell off after the second
day and we found ourselves bat

tling with hypothermia and leaky
tents among our crew.

We were rewarded with the
comradery and fellowship of all the
hikers and the surreal panoramic
Virginian scenes that set its tip for
a genuine religious experience.

We learned tips to liv * comfort
ably in the wilderness. convincing
ourselves that we too would be
tre kking the entire 2.100 miles in
the very near future.

The terrain is d'verse and al-
lows the Discovery (‘hannel to be
at your fingertips. with snakes.
bears. deer and the occasional dog
that aides a hiker as a companion

during long days of wandering in
the mountains.

Most hikers leave from Georgia
in October and arrive six months
later in Maine. but many outdoors
people hike the trail in increments
as I did with my crew.

Preparations for this trail are
based on the hiker. Some of the
through hikers (hikers hiking the
entire trail) eat their faces off be»
fore they begin. knowing they will
lose all of the weight in two weeks
on the trail. ()thers plan months in

Long periods without bathing
and eating bland food is no reason

to discount this adventure for your
Spring Break. You will gain a
greater appreciation for life and
you will gain a reverence for the
things that are really important in
life. The Appalachian Trail is
where minimalists prevail and the
ideology of Thoreau‘s Holden Pond
lives on.

Soil: up
For more specific information about
the Appalachia Trail check out

Tools or


Thinking ol visiting
Washington D.C. over
the break? Check out
the Kernel's take on our
nation's capital and get
an idea of all the places
there are to visit.

See page 2.


The really
Big Apple

New York otters culture
and entertainment lor
everyone. The Kernel
gives a rundown on what
to do in the big city and
how to stay sate while
you are doing it.

See page 3.

“ii “Eel“;


bathing suits

Several UK organiza-
tions practice an alter-
native form ol Spring
Break by helping out
communities. See what
UK has to otter lor
Spring Break.

See page 4


g | ”riiioiiv, JANUARY 5,2601 | [£le KEIIEL'S senile Inuit men


Explore history in our nation's capital

So much to do: Student learns a lesson in history, life and character while visiting Washington, DC.


Frufli Roosevelt mu
Twelve years of American his-
tory are traced through a se-
quence of tour outdoor rooms
each devoted to one of FDR's

four terms in

Korean It Veterans Memorial
The Korean War Veterans
Memorial honors those Ameri-
cans who gave their lives for
the cause of freedom.

Vietnam Veteran Methanol
this memorial serves as a tes-
tament to the sacrifice of
American military personnel
during one of this nation's least
popular wars.

The Washington mm
This monument is a sign of the
enduring respect and gratitude

that citizens of the United
States have for America's first
president, George Washington.

By Amy Crawford

on its :1

lla\e \oii eyet' notieed that lite i-lianz:
ing e\ents oeeiir when you‘re away troiii
\‘tilll’ t'tilliltil'I zone'.‘ The most prolottnd mo
ments of your lite eoine not iii the normal
eyeryday routine but they happen when
you are most vulnerable and perhaps a tad
depressed. ()r they eome when you are
willing to take risks and enjoy lil‘e‘s tough

In Noyemhei' l was in l).(‘. for a eont'er
enee, As a photographer. l was eager to
show of‘t' my work. lint my hopes of haying
my ego intlated were dashed. l’or a few mo»
mt‘ms l \ow‘etl timer to take another plt‘
ttire again. Yet something said “don‘t giye
up” and I spent the rest oi‘the weekend try-
ing to mow that l was a good photograph-

- er. no matter
w h a t

some idiot photo tlireetot' had said

lilitln't know it then. law that net keiiil
wotililt'liaiigt niy llll

.\l\ what was to willitli-l' .tI‘tItllitl illi-
eity. to get lost in its inspiration. and hope
l’iilh i'et‘harge ni\ dellated ego I started
ottt in taking the .\leiro tthe IH‘. siiliwayt
to Arlington National t'eiiietei'y It was
Veteran‘s liay The plate was teeming with
men. women and ehildi'en; young. old and
middle aged: spit shined shoes and stareh
pressed iinit'orms Among the trees. thou--
sands ot'grayes stones stared bark at me.

I took my time. inoseying among the
stones. l erossed a street lined with
Marines. talked with a .\'ayy eaptain who
was \isiting with his son. battled the
erowd to see the President speak. and ran
into a l“l't'lit‘li woman who taught tiie to he
proud of who I was.

Her name was ()dette and her strange
elothing had attraeted my attention. She
was wearing a World War I helmet and a
handknitted eoat. When i asked it'l eoiild

take her picture. she was flattered and
took my hand.

This French (Npatriate told me

" about her life in l-‘ranee. her

’- role in the second World

War. the Allied libera—

niai'i'iage to an \iiiei‘ieaii til She \llll/x’l'll
ine alioiit \mei it an polities .tllll asked ill
litttl \oletl ol' liol She \\.ll|ll‘(l lo l\ll(l\\
where l liyed \\lt.il i was tlttlli“. was I hip
py w ith ni\ ehosep pi'olessioii. was] happy
iii ht'e"

.\s she disappeared into the i‘l‘t)\\tl. I
knew l didn't need to inllate my ego any
lilttl't‘r'l had ittst spent if. \altiahle minutes
learning ahoiit someone else‘s perse\er
aiiee in the late ol danger. seeing someone
else eome through the tire perhaps not an
seathed. but with their dignity and yigor '
l‘or lite intaet. ()dette had walked through
the tire. and she had giyen me the eoiirage
todo the same.

The rest ot‘the day. l wondered around
the \\'a.shington Monument. the Mail. the
lillit'lilll Memorial and the Vietnam Memo-
rial. .r\nd when a woman burst into uneon-
tl‘ollalile .sohs at the Wall and fell into the
arms other eompanion. i stopped taking.r
piettires and l howed
my head instead.
hoping that she
too. would
hate the

to go
tion other town. her on.

For more information on sites

to see in Washington go to:



Honest Abe

The Lincoln Memorial is one
of the many historic sites
that can be viewed in
Washington 0.6. The
architecture of the Lincoln
Memorial is based after a
Greek Temple. It has 36
Doric columns. one for
each state at the time

of Lincoln's death.

monotone | mm



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Going to the city

The Big Apple: New York offers culture, entertainment for all

By Brandie Bright

An y” 354

liriuht l1!lll\. hi: eity.
Although it t\ not the typical
Sltl'lltLl lireak. .\'e\\ York ot'
it‘l'\ :i tzistt' ot euliure unique
to the classic meat market
\t't'llt' You don‘t get tan, You
don‘t x\\’llll in the ocean. You
don‘t near your bikini top
into the local grocery store

to buy a ueek's supply of

bologna, llo\\'e\v'er. you do
have the opportunity to see
the most incredible sights.
eat the finest food and hear a
few of the world's most tal-
ented nutsieians.

'l‘he adventure itself lies
within conquering the city.
Once you've mastered the
public transportation sys-
tem. you‘re golden. We took
a cab from Laguardia into
the city, which was better
than riding The Kumba at
Bush Gardens. We looped,
we swerved and went zero-
to-t’it) in two seconds. We
even got our first official
New York greeting (f‘ttk
you). which I responded to
by flashing a his Kentucky

grin and taking apicture- BY”

the time we reached the he
tel. i had a greater appreciao
tion for life. ' ' _ 1’ 1 .

l‘l'llllltlt'l l‘he'itv. on 13nd
Street l'xtt.‘ill\ ‘llt'l'l' :tti'
tn‘ket Milt" tor hilt price or
\o in thi- .ii'ti-rnoon on Times
Square, tiet there around
21th p in and \on should it“
able to all ehezip tickets for
almost an\ ltroziduay show
l)o Itol li-;i\e Ned York. lio\\~
ever. without seeing a must-
eal. It's s tt'l'llt’LHtili‘.

llay two should he re
served tor sightseeing. The
Statue of Liberty is easily
accessible by the subway.
but do this in the daylight.
That way you can see every
thing clearly from the boat
ride. The Empire State
Building. Wall Street. Rocke-
feller Center. Museum of
Modern Art and Central
Park are all must-sees. Try
eating at a locally owned
Italian restaurant. Do not
leave New York, however.
without playing in FAQ
Schwartz. It‘s unethical.

After doing all this
the rest of the time is
flexible. A myriad of
eclectic clubs and bars
are accessible. .just
don't get into any polit-
ical debates with guys
in pinstripe _ suits

’ named Tony. My first. '

“bimt‘ advieg’is mikeep’

ulto int- and lirwzitltw tit--
t'll\ You \\ill learn mm.-
thin: that next r
err-pt through that i'\|ift:ttl
int: brain oi’ your» .\ltei' ill.
.\'e\\ York l\.l lt'.‘tl"llll‘.1£tlltl
urouinu t-xtit'l‘lt'lit‘e. t on
tilll'l'llltl the city le\'t‘\ you :i
high even greater than slot
in: perfect on a lip» (‘liein ti
ital \tithout Silltlklltti. \‘ou
reeounixe your true indepen
denee and your ability to
survive in an e\trenie enyi
roiinient. llo not leave .\'eu
York. however. without eat»
tug; at a hot dog stand.
lt's...well. it's just wrong.


Hotel tips for the city

Here are a few tips to help you
keep up with your valued posses-
sions while on Spring Break.

0 If the hotel has an in-room safe
use it and keep all your valuables
in there. If the safe is electronic.
wipe the touch keys down before
operating it with a damp cloth,
and then dry it before entering
y0ur secret code.

The reason for this is because
certain hotels have caught their
own hotel staff placing a light oil

residue or powder on to the touch

keys that shows them when using

a certain tight what numbers were

0 Never leave valuables in
soft/material bags with pockets
even if they are padlocked like

0 Never get drunk and invite a

stranger to your room.

-Soum: mill/mash



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An alternative for Spring Break

A break. Organizations use Spring Break to

help out communities,

By Chris Thomas
commeuimc whtTER

lf partying is not your idea
of a good Spring Break or if you
just want to try something dif
ferent there are plenty of other

Several organizations on
eampus always seem to have
soIIIething "alternative” going
on during Spring Break.

The Baptist Student l'nion
is taking three ditferent trips
during Spring Break. Students
will renovate a (‘hristian ramp
In Eastern Kentueky I'alled
t‘amp Nathaniel. There is a
Youth (‘reative mIIIistries Ees
tival in (iathnburg. 'l‘enn. that
many students also will attend.
But the biggest number of stu
dents partieipatrng in the trips
will go on the trip to Panama

Bobbie Russell. the eampus
Ininister Intern for the BSI‘ and
a family studies senior, said
students ean ehoose between
the four options. For some of
the trips. like l‘anama (‘ity. the
BSl' provides some things for
free. she said.

“We provide free van rides.
seheduled by appointment. We
also provide free paneake
breakfasts." Russell said.

The Panama (‘ity trip eosts
around $281). the (iatlinburg
trip I‘osts about 550. and the trip
to Eastern Kentut'ky (‘USIS $oo.
she said

"Anyone who wants to go
to the festival and to Eastern
Kentueky will need around
Silo." Russell said.

The BSl‘ isn‘t the only or
ganI/ation that will he travel»
ing during Spring Break The


(‘hristian Student Fellowship
will also be parking up for some
trips during Spring Break.

The (‘SE will travel to Mex-
ieo to help I'hurehes build hous-
es for the poor. said Andrea

Stephens. the director of

women‘s ministry and worship.

“We work with a group
I'alled (‘asas por (‘ristos In
English that means houses for
(‘hrist We will he going to
Juarez. whieh is right across
the border from El Paso. Texas.
This year we‘ll be helping local
ehurehes build two homes for
poor people in Mexieo,"
Stephens said.

She said this year about :50
students are partieipating and
the trip eosts around $680.

Amie Bower. a member of
the (‘SE partieipated with the
group on last year's alternative
Spring Break trip. Bower. a
management and marketing se-
nior. said she learned a great
deal on last year's trip.

"The trip really opened my
eyes to another IIIltuIe and it
III Ide me grateful for the things
I have." Bower said. The fami
lies we build houses for don’t
have hardly anything. l get
Inore joy out of helping others
than fulfilling myself."


For more information concern‘
ing the Christian Student Fellow-
ship Spring Break trip contact
Andrea Stephens at 233-0313.

For more information concern-
ing the Baptist Student Union con-
tact Bobbie Russell at 257-3989.






Members of the Baptist Student Union use their Spring Break to help communities. This year
members will do work in Eastern Kentucky, Gatlinburg, Tenn. and Panama City.

The trip really opened my eyes to another culture and

it made me grateful for the things I have.”

Tan And Tone (TNT)- Powerhouse
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the brea

3.! E!“ .MP!¢!!'!Y

Spring Break. that annual festival of
drunken exeess. will be here before you know
it. I don‘t eare how broke you are or what
other exeuse you have, you should go.

Here‘s some tips for your trip. Inost of
which I learned the hard way,


Sure. flying might be faster. easier and
I‘heaper but that's not the point. You‘re out
there to have fun and a (‘t‘USSrt'Hllllil‘AV trek is
often as lilllt'll fun as the final destination.

No sIgnItIcant others
Nothing puts a stop to a good time faster
than having your girlfriend or boyfriend with
you. I learned this one the hard way during a
long. miserable week in Daytona.

Know the laws

()pen aleoholie beverages are legal in Ten-
nessee. So ifa eop pulls your van over in the.
Volunteer state. don’t try to hide the bottles of
Beam and beer you have open. Trust me. he
saw you put the bottle under the seat.

What not to drink

If you go to l’ttel‘to Rit'o don't drink the
water. In fart. don‘t drink the soft drinks.

Know your limits

If you go to a 3 to 7 pm. all you ran drink
extravaganza at Sharky's and somebody says
"Hey. lets have a drink off." tell them no.
Trust me on this one it‘s a bad idea.

Too much sun

l)on‘t sit on the beaeh the whole time sun-
ning yourself. It's boring and as soon as you
get bark you‘ll be your pasty old self anyway.
Dude, where are my keys

After you've eherked out of your hotel and
are parked. don't llrt‘k your keys in the ear.
Betting tIps

If someone eomes up with three eups and
tries to get you to guess w hit h one the h Ill is
IIIIdI I for money .don I do it You wont win

I hope this has swayed you. But I‘emem»

her. don‘t do anything too stupid and don‘t
eome haek with any STl)‘s or tattoos you don‘t

Make the
right call!

Right place,
Ript price,

It you act,
thHl NOW!


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ACROSS 47 Within ,, near

1 Tailors aid 51 Skaters
4 Disagreement number
8 Animals 55 Priest's robe.
stomach 56 Captain s shout
I? Thorny plant 57 errcrse
13 “Born Free" system
lioness 58 Laces
14 CliIISide refuge 59 Overcrowded
1_6 Ceramic POI 60 Water container
1’ Twofold 61 On the summit
18 Packs downs 62 Hades river

19 Tina Turner's ex 63 Alp g enre
20 Thanksgivmg 64 8e, ru 0 slang

22 Garden DOWN
structure 1 Lively dance
24 Bonny miss 2 Dot in the ocean
25 Shade 3 Teachers mg
26 Firm grasp 4 Lure
28 Harbor boat 5 Feather
31 Fence parts 6 'Pronto'"
34 Ancient empire 7 Discussmn
builder 8 Short snooze
35 Fish organ 9 Harvests
36 Pub orders to Truce
37 Wanderer 11 Dry (dishes)
38 Teen s problem 12 Muddy the,
39 “Soft or "hard waters
linish 15 Curvy letter
40 Candid 20 Pope 5‘. name
41 Spotless 21 Homeric epic
42 Ms Basrnger 2’} The ones here
43 Competes 26 Croquet and
44 Take to coun chess
45 Cookie man 27 Pitcher Nolan


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9851. » - - » . . ,_ w____c__,_,,7,,v - 7, “mm,“ 7
mg indiv1duals WIIII horse experience or farm llll HAIR ON LINE at Euclid Square? Monday '5
:_.:~;rssword puzzles
AUHU55 51 Luau fare
1 (Brim heawly) 52 Allin a row PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED
"'1 0 a C a" 56 Take awa
PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED 5 Helps a crook mom) V C n o P T
10 Cofiee‘break 60 Past deadline H A l O H
TA C K P E A 1' Snack 61 Bridge guru l R I 9
O L L i . ‘4 " "'65 901810 63 Yodeler's ~ 0
i U R G E d , c e N T n
F v E N D l n'E 0' 8' “5W9” 'U
) A F F - ‘5 Strength 64 Row of seats _A N N
.D E A S 16 Huron neighbor 65 Stop. to Popeye P l ‘1 G I S
-O I- ‘7 F’aOkGOSIe'n'S 66 lmpostoi E GR EAT
. V BL N 1 P's ofer 67 Jacketleatures A L A
T AN K G N A T ‘8 8'8," 68 Aiiimr SinCIalt C o M A
19 Foals parent 6Q Dr -
U P S U S E - V
' - 20 Washing H O S T
F n E E o a A T E D p 99 r»
, 22 Conference 1 Lomedian R O B i
_H P | T— 24 Important period Silvers O V'E R
S K 1 E l L I DO G 25 Coal measure 2 (inmpany O A T r.
r U B A I N A N E 26 w sandwrch emblem F -?
A D I T N E V E R punch 3 Melwlle title, L A
B U D S G E E S E 30 g’gfi'agge' g 33:21 Surface -.1 .r r ‘1il :lritmiipal.;'r‘:Lv’ti‘fira'r‘
r . . ,1 r; 1,1 ,, .n. H,” ,r.. WNW”? 3: Barry (an 6 Dressmaker s 26 Heavy paper 4’} Not IICII
. _ Jse a ressing Hit 27 2000 44 Is contiite
29 Radius 46 Rurnpled room 7 Naval otf Presidential 45 Beneficiary
companion 47 on inrited 37 lift anchor 8 Dick tracys contestant 47 Rather (if
’10 Valley 48 Half of 38 Do math Wife 28 Excessive AthOyd
31 tare SIUDICIIV Hispaniola 39 -fl Town" 9 Use honey 29 Wash away 49 Arriuired
32 Jai , 49 Dairy buys 40 Parrot 10 .Jogs the 30 Gourmet 5.? Canadian prov
33 Qiiarrelsome 50 Roope wd 41 longstanding memory mushroom 83 Forest refuge
woman 51 Craze quarrel 11 Algerian port 31 Like a burke! 54 Article
34 3qu 2 Currier s 43 Lazy one I? lrevr Fountain ol song ‘1‘) Coin dweller
35 High Winds partner 45 Skippers place trod 3’2 Han-rile. la tool, 56 Hubby of I my
’ 7 Din 53 Viewed 46 Foot pedal 13 Nasty look T5 Shuts n'iisi‘y 57 Dull pain
41 Rudely Niel 54 Ottumwa‘s 48 Map 21 Indiana Jones 36 Ar tor Bryniier 58 Blacken
43 Erldy state explanations quest 4? look 41 ‘19 Heavy book
44 African desert 58 Small amount 50 Liqwd meas 23 Ostrichlike bird (glare) 62 Uncooked
11 I i 12 13 14 .6 f7 2 <4 10 11 i? 13
‘ 15 14 i ‘ t ‘ L ‘ 16 i
. . . l . . t . . t .
. 19






ACROSS ‘1’; Pint .i car

1 An arm or a 100 54 Giant” author
‘3 Headquarters lnrbor
9 Bear L38 like a

constellation cucumbofl
13 Where Japan is so Overloy
‘4 Sl‘P‘PVIIIJOlIS 61 t IOCIFIC siqri
16 Profit 5? (lindor end
17 It like it IS 63 Valleys.
18 Students quUD 64 Congregation s

19 Loose threads cry

20 Shoe part 5:. pawn

21 Fratrparty item 66 thaw

22 Concentrates 67 “Mona

24 Aphrodite s son

26 Genuine DOWN

27 Engine part 1 Slat

30 ViVId reds 2 ‘Got it‘

"54 Couqh drop ’5 Marathon unit
llavoririq 4 'Swan Lake'

35 Pleated and Giselle

'36 “Faster a S Summon with a
speedinq bullet wave

37 Grey Cup org 6 Wheel parts

38 Liable 7 Dateless

39 Gl address 8 Oral stumbles

40 Electric 9 Most
swimmers unbecoming

42 Plunder F) Drizzle

43 More desolate 11 Basm
45 Laundor With 12 Cf’dWIInQ insects

chemicals One way to ride

47 Robin Hood s 23 Drone

reliiqr‘ 2‘2 CaViar
48 Torso topper 26 Senator lott
49 CM) s 7 Walked up and
50 Necfwear down




n‘oo'..;“. (Iv? ”my.“ ,;
3.”. ‘ Igd’g’iu 4 _,














FREE cut With tolor Wednesday tiioniiqhts only
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ACROSS qr. r, a: 1th! r»
1 Martian org 6 Do a garden 62 Mirr- fulfifli'l'lr'
VBh'C'997 50 Popular ,uice Chore 6’1 Bi ,i to 4 ,qwn . r A H 51‘ A ‘ ‘v‘ F- 1, R N )}
uros DEBUT WOOL Sggg‘ym’w' ”$399919“ PLOP ABE T5 ROLL 32y mgqeka, $4111"me IOLI Er: E on.» A ll
, - . a ‘ enin . moon . o .i .a 5 iimp-Vpiii 1m: 1 \ r ,
T." L C E R A S E O G R E 10 Warm fabrir, ‘38 pgflmnc figg: SASS? 52$: 15 Halo yr. France ) Jimmy» L All , ’7; H O .111. ,. A l. A p F:
A r l, A C I o A e R E E F 14 Aftershave r-apiiai ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ 16 Press ’nh w mi... *' ‘1 «J ‘> P F ”Ia" N‘ P E. 13‘
H E A R T E N s M o o E s r powder 59 Gullible . . — 17 0mm 6, , _ . A . .n M n r 1‘
_v A A I D E_ ‘5 Cleana diskette 61 Cozy corner _E R A T O N 18 Bel! sound imam; A a r, o L :1 A C A D E M . r
ASCF N ST AD I UM IE Folklorebaddie 62 Runner KNUCK LE MEADOWS 19 Rocqunup ; “AVE E 1 M S y “kl
BL l 8 PE RNA 7JeanAUP' 181008k RANT TRYON 5‘“ L Straits ,HDOWN oA r Dill ; E ST 1 '1
A V E N S l E 19 Coralforrfiation 2253,1'Szgmq F E U D i D L E R HE L M 22 Tmf’rm. » 0.!rt‘ ,1 1 At r H ‘1 F A T F— N p R ‘ S M 3‘
M E D E H T S 20 Cheers up 66 College ' * 2'3 Yours and Mine 1 Must? '1 "3’9" _ V ‘ H G O A ‘q
_ 9 A . d 22 Shy hotshots _G.A L 9 O. ' - 24 snowman or 1 Rplrlll‘fl" M r2 A s. A s c u s T A e i
Q R A N O S 8 L E 24 Furniture hauler 57 Look after A l I G N E D D E T R A,C T Tine1 3 GM ”‘1‘" W“ t J A t. t H E A P F S A l;"
L | M A N A | V E N 00 K 25 Staffer L A T E G O_RAE N E C H O )6 iikpamr’idoi '3 ”W T . V A "I E g: E NF y:
EM. L E xc'E L SLOE 26:19:3319000 “data‘gmghbfl T yea AVAST SHAM 31:; idihle;r;ots 4.1.3.... : /F, .J . 7);. Am PM... L
7 I u A i _. )0 o no ’ . “i" '
S E E D D E A N S T E N D 29 Ballpark 2 Actress A R M S L E W I S S E R E in AYI‘WI’VICF 11300”
~ " ll ,1 "1.1 {may N. (r 4,. ,1", 33 Complete Dunaway '2 29 r 3‘ ) irio unwed Faannn Cyrmrmg plane ) >1 v’nry 1.1m; ,
happiness 3 Ga pot 18 Tiny fly 1""0 '1 1. ijw ‘ r _. 1-.“ i 1'
."8 De’luce 49 Maroon unit 34 Yawn 4 Mu 11ers 23 Harem room 4‘; Maria 3 ex “5 ‘ FndF'y mat I Blir- «A U i .‘ii-r Iii-i r-if
2.9 Ridiculous 60 Got 100”» on 36 Genetic inits ‘1 Honest 25 ()uakmq 46 Journal 718 jar 1“. He‘ssi‘r‘ i 'i Mi ti. Av -.. 'Iwnitr'i inti‘iilnn
30 Sing like the test 37 Nibble ‘5 leprechauns 26 Crosswme 47 Artists stands 10. Function 1‘ New J 1i. . . ' 1' ‘mm ‘7 ‘ei'n cann-
Sinatra 51 Only 38 Does a laundry abode 27 Work harrl 50 Bravos for a do two CFIIIDIQS I) "Hi“ .4 i" "v "i Ix mhi
11 Chicago airport 52 Nat “King" chore 7 Sacks 28 Quoted matador a) Kind n1 rottep . ,th , . - 34 (Jinglpl
'5? Racks o1 necks 53 Bedtime 39 Son 8 UN member 30 Type of cotter? 51 Hoarfrost 4.: Tiny momma I’i .ifi‘ivr Li‘il I . I my. Mitsira"
33 Pony s «.oui‘vrl story 40 Blvd relative Q HOUSH’IQ '3‘ Dark ‘3? Yves girl 46, Ilnimpnrled rtri '1‘ 2' Valiv t ,-ii‘r .m Br mori-
”is Wide so Moore of 41 Deserve menaces 3? Invents 83 Type size .4: Hera tnrth )' “r . i: 1, n 1"."“WJ’ ..
1R Happy Ghost 42 Bandteader 10 Expressed '34 Degree holders 54 Baker'q need 4r, (mmnqm ”rm .1 i‘m .- _ .
4‘. F ruditn person ‘36 Turndowns Count 1‘ Type Of 3" FVIP-91‘9“ ‘1‘; Tree trunk 3i: lewer .9: RM ' 1‘- nail . “.1‘
4’; Gilt ribbon s7 Actress 44 tnterfered molding "18 Excavator! 56 Diving bird s Vomit it: the 5' i 1 ~l «1'
44 Munitions .turn Magnani 47 Figure 12 Minerals “Anne! 57 out made grapes 2i? ’ ll“ ‘10 Valu‘ a tom
46 Per'nit it», no on the in skaters feats 13 Went away 4? Otters do With 5.: Spicy frank F ‘ simw- er, farm-.-
4 1' least flight 48 "Sorry" 21 Sunbatbes 43 Opposed to 50 Tomahawk 3;; Band Myrnmem 3e Hatippi‘ 2m- {tuft
a Q in 1 i i: 12 H 1 2 1 .1 r i‘




6 7
















crossword puzzles

ACROSS 49 ~- in the hole
I Joyce Carol 50 Flapjack mix
. Oates novel 53 Red flower
5 Computer 58 Gem Arthur
numbering 59 Take as one s
system own
t0 Actor 5 need 61 1 ake a chance
14 Texas town 62 2001 e r:
15 Fanfare 63 Brawl I
\6 New Zealand 54 pet” msn
discoverer rnediurn
Tasman 65 Carpentry tools
17 CU'IY hdl'm‘ 66 Surmrst‘
18 Jousting 63 Sandal part
19 Cmrtrlv 5 DOWN
companion Poetic
20 Gotgeom Contraction
32 Playtime ‘ Kntle handle
34 tote 11 Beige
:5 About 3 j « like some
pounds 9"(3'l'llqs
35 mm} Qt M, . Do a son/ice tor
29 She 'irtx wll ‘ If")? , George dlltl 4b Cuwhoy lrlrns
power . bhdip flavor Laura 9 q 46 All purpose
3;) Not glossy pd” 0’ a (“me Postal buy truck
34 ’Woe is lml' - MUS? SUSDICMUS \ out making 47 Trade
36 Grevn parrot DCOU‘SGGYBG I” do WI"! 50 (Lows
37 M D 5 group W” t Have a tooling 51 On the hum
38 FdClOW WWOdWW‘I about 52 Warm up
39 Hotel ' 50"“? AUQUSI ' Not so Univ 53 Game played
40 Sapphire e g bdh'eb lane for With clubs
41 Menotcant‘s; try i A"l'9‘€’d bowlers; 54 t'onrer s sword
42 VlC’dl 8 home animals _ _ On the ill 55 "Othello Villain
44 Supp-Art an d A" ("dbfi "‘Ulll" tltqht Fit} Mountmns
t‘dust‘ kl V'llll‘ QM" i Deli molt? o1 Asm
5U Largo: ~ MW‘QUI “”0” ,A: lstnqlass 5/ Only
~18 [L D holder 5 ‘ Reflection l Schedules 60 Family room




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-r In d'i-

ACROSS 64 Place tor a
Small pellets bracelet
Harkneyed 65 Compasston
Flower part 66 Coast Guard
Bredklast grain oft

' Camel stops 67 Take a sup
‘ United vehicle 68 Vo