xt74mw28cx93 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74mw28cx93/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-11-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1997 1997 1997-11-04 2020 true xt74mw28cx93 section xt74mw28cx93  













mm Chance ofruin

today, high of 50. Rain tonight,
low of30. Ruin continuing
tomorrow, high of4)".
m DOWN .l Iu'rley Mark .i‘turx in
‘Boogie Nights, ' a film about the pornogra—
phy industry. See Dicerxiom, puge 6.





November 4, I 997

3 l)!2't‘l'\liilli 3

Z 1' 'luiilficili 5 Spur/i 2

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f..l'(1\i-Z.”tll'¢15 lira/mull 4




police say

By James Ritchie

.cht I 121/! or

A UK architecture profes—
sor was found dead on a rural
Fayette County road yester-
day morning.

Police found the body of
Paul M. “Pete" Pinney, jr.,
on Cleveland Road, said
julia M. Smyth-Pinney, his
ex-wife and an associate pro—
fessor in the College of

She declined further com—

Pinney was 58.

Police identified the
death as a hotiiicide, but
would not say how the vic-
tim died or if a weapon was

Because the college is a
close-knit community, the
news has hit the school hard,
said architecture juniorjessi-
ca “'alker.

“He was definitely one
person that everyone knew,’~
she said. “He was always
around the school.“

She said he was “comfort-
ing to see" in Pence Hall.

\Vhile \Valker never had
Pinney for a class, she said
that makes little difference.

“\Ve’ve all had personal
contact with him," she said.
“I le would always give you a
comment on what you were
working on if you asked

“\Ve're kind of a small
community, and for some-
thing like this to happen to
us is shocking. We know
what goes on in the daily
lives of everybody."

Architecture students
often have their own parties,
\Valker said, a couple of
which she remembered Pin-
ney attending.

Neil Meyers, an architec-
ture junior, said Pinney
always was accessible to stu-

“There was no one better
to talk to," said Meyers, who

took a class Pinney taught
three years ago. “He really
knew his stuff. You could ask
him about anything and he‘d
give you a great story about

Simple designs were Pin—
ney's forte. said Mark
()‘Bryan, who studied
under Pinney in the late
'70s and is now an associate
professor of architecture at

“()ne of the hardest
thitigs to do is something
simple," he said. “His
whole aura or persona was
that of being direct, stic—
cinct and clear in your

They had been office-

“He was my rock,"
()'Bryan said. “I had a great
deal of respect for him as a
critic, an architect, a

In the classroom. “He
had a way of pulling out
what was inside of you." he

ln terms of architecture.
Pinney subscribed to mod—
ernism, said Associate Pro-
fessor of Architecture Keith
Plymale. Modernism is a
forward-looking way of
thinking about architecture
that includes the belief that
the art can somehow result
in a better way of living. he

“He‘s had an impact,"
Plymale said. “He’s had
affected the lives of a major
number of our alums. He‘s a
presence, there’s no doubt
about it."

Pinney had taught at UK
for 30 years, University
spokesman Ralph Derick—
son said. '

He was in the process of
retiring and last taught a
class in February. He began
teaching in 1967, two years
after graduating from the
UK College of Architec—







TALKING TUBICCO ('5', Senator ll rude/l Ford (Do/vita) til/kt- to u group o/Xtudent ut the .Si‘lmo/ of. lg‘rii'u/luri'yievterduy. Fort/R loo/i; 'li-rm [fro/innit. , iii/slim. c for

[airmen Art includes it 31.4 billion Farmer ()pponunitiex (iron! programforjitrmerx um! their filnliliw~ to pay for higher i'ducutiou.

Bflfltfll‘ discusses tobacco

Ford at UK to speak about crop ’5 future

By Jane Ashley Pace
Stuff” 'riler

\ crowded room listened yester—
day as LflS. Senator \Vendell Ford
joined students at the School of
Agriculture to discuss the Long-

Term liconomic Assistance for
Farmers Act.
Ford introduced this act in

Congress to protect farmers, their
families and communities frotn
repercussions of the tobacco settle-
tnent between the state attorneys
general and tobacco manufacturers.

Ford, who once raised tobacco
himself, said the tobacco issue is the
toughest question he’s had to face in
his entire political career.

“\Ve’re faced with a situation
that will have significant impact on
everyone in Kentucky — from the
tobacco farming families to the fac-
tory workers, especially in our
smaller communities,” Ford said.

“Tobacco is a culture for our
state, so it's not necessarily a pro~
gram that can be here one day and
gone the next. It is going to be diffi-

cult to undo.“

.\ major component ofthe act is
the $1.4 billion Farmer ()pportuni—
ty (irant program for farmers and
their families to pay for higher edit-

(irants would be made for $1,700
per year and would rise to $3,900 by
the year 201‘). 'l‘obacco farmers and
their dependents, as well as tobacco
workers, would be eligible for the

“if you are a quota holder in
1996, or a spouse, defendant or
immediate family member ofone of
these individuals, you can be eligible
for higher education assistance,"
Ford said.

The grants would apply to four—
year institutions. community col—
leges and technical schools, he said.

“\Ve have proposed enough
funding to cover 25,000 students
throughout the tobacco growing
states," Ford said. “\Ve feel this is
the right thing to do for the farming
families that have looked forward to
having this money and educating
their children or themselves."

.\ tremendous amount of work
needs to be done before the act
would become a reality, Ford said,
but he wanted to share with sltie
dents the overview of the program.
get their reaction and answer any

(Ilay Sullivan, an agriculture edu—
cation junior, said he was very
pleased with the senator‘s visit. and
found yesterday's discussion inter
esting and felt it was \ery' good on
the senator's part.

“I was really impressed by his
visit," Sullivan said. “Senator Ford
showed enough interest to share the
act with us and recognize that we
are part ofthe tobacco industry."

(Ihrest'a Dahinann, a junior eco»
noinics major, agreed.

“it was a wonderful treat to have
Senator Ford here today." she said.

“'l‘obacco is a huge part of our
state and so many peoplt .ire worried
about the future. l le cleared tip se\ —
eral ofour questions and concerns. It
was a real honor to hear from him."

Loys Mather. a professor in agri-
cultural economics. said he felt the




visit went really well.

“'l‘oday showed the llllt‘l't'sl Sctr
ator Ford has in getting some grass—
root opinions on his plan before he
carries it much further. particularly
students, who are tobacco
grow ers."




Controversial tuition hike
passed by state council

“If we don't, at least at this point,
stick with the formula, we‘re oing to
have bi ger increases down t e line,"
President Leonard Hardin
said. “We do need to keep some kind
of a parity with the surrounding

‘Inseme ’ raise
comes despite
student protest


Campw Editor

For the next two years, UK stu-

dents will pay more.


Melanie Cruz.

more, in-state graduate students $930
more and out-of—state graduate stu-
dents $2,790 more, according to data
from the UK Student Government

Despite protest by about a dozen
UK students in the state capital, stu—
dent presentations at the meeting, a
protest last Wednesday in Patterson
Plaza and a proposal to lower the rate
by CPF, student representative Renita
Edwards, the arguments against what
student leaders call an unjustified hike
fell on deaf ears, said SGA President



price tag.

“These small tuition increases are a
fairly small price for what we hope to
gain," said Hardin, chair of National
City Bank in Louisville. “\Ve can't
vastly improve educational opportuni-

71993-94: 16.7
71994-95: 11.2
7199641: 3.5
71997-99: 2.6
71990-99: 11.7

To Hardin, itnproving the uality
of education doesn't come wit out a

Tm m ”I!

The following are percent tuition
increases tor UK and U of L, the
state's doctoral institutions,

including the figures tor the next

71”!” 10.4


mm AGD house mom
dies trom cardiac arrest

ller real name was’loanne Smith.

But to the 107 members of Alpha (iamnia
Delta social sorority, she was “Mom .Iody‘."

A house mother in Iowa and at lndiana L'niver-
sity before coming to L'K. Smith. 70, died from
cardiac arrest at £230 p.tn. Oct. *1 .it her rooiti at
‘25 Columbia ’l‘etrace.

The sisters of AGD, along with house moms
from surrounding sorority houses, remembered
Smith last night at a memorial service filled with
singing, memories and poetry, including one by
Maya Angelou.

“She never sat; she laughed a lot," said educa-
tion iunior Kelly Shepard. “She was bright, ener—
getic, a lot of fun. She had been in the hospital a
month ago, btit her death was sudden to all of us.“

Twenty-three percent more.
So, josh McCollister, journalism

“lt’s insane, absolutely ludicrous,"
said Cruz, who said she may have to

ties in our state at no cost."

For 1997-98, tuition went up only ridiculous.

more to get that degree, she said, is

She attended all the sorority"s intramural
events and helped bring all the sisters closer

junior from Ashland, Ky., how do you
feel about this tuition increase?

“It pisses me off. If they’re gonna
raise tuition to make (the University)
better,” he said, “I’d better see it.”

The increase, approved

Council on Postsecondary Education
in Frankfort yesterda , will hike
tuition 11.7 percent fort e l998-l999
ercent in be ’
, while regiona universi-
ties‘ tuition costs will go up about six

school ear and about 12


Translation: Over the next tw0
years, in-state undergraduate students
attending UK or U of L will pa $840
more, out-of-state students 2,520

V 9

leave UK if she doesn't graduate this
year. “\Ve go up there and we talk,
and they don‘t listen.

“UK wants to attract the best and
brightest in the country but what is
this going to do to our academic
standing? she said, pointing out the
already well-respected law, medicine
and harmacy schools. “You want to
op 20, you want to attract the
best and the brightest, so you raise
tuition. That’s so intelligent.

Edwards, who could not be reached
for comment, roposed to ut 6.7 per--
cent cap for K and U 0 L, but her
amendment was defeated by a 9-5

by the


2.6 percent, the lowest since 1993-94.
This trend of big, then small increases
is normal, Hardin said; when universi—
ties have “to catch up," the increases
are larger.

For many students, however, the
catch-up will be a killer on the pocket-
book. Many may forego college alto-
gether because of the increasing costs,
said Jennifer Tee], a music education
senior who returned to school after
graduating in May 1996.

Orchestra classes Teel needs for
her major have been cut or changed to
focus more on hand majors, which in
turn, she said, makes her degree basi-
cally worthless. That she will pay


The increase is “a short—term solu-
tion to a problem that has been going
on for some time," Tee] said.

The policy for tuition increases has
been in effect since 1981 and has been
reviewed twice, said Merl Hackbart,
the council's faculty representative,
who teaches financial management in
the UK Martin School of Public

Two key factors the council consid-
ers when increasin tuition are relative
per capita persona income levels and
tuition rate changes in benchmark
states. Kentucky’s per capita income

See TUITION on 2


together, Shepard said of Smith, whose daughters
live in Newjersey and Kentucky.

Papa John's donate: 81 million to tilt

Papa john's chief executive officer, john
Schnatter. donated SI million to help fund
construction of UK's new basketball museum
and a new soceer and softball training facility,
Athletic Director C.M. Newton announced
restcrday at UK's annual Tip-Off Basketball

“This is a very generous gift," Newton said.
“Another shining example of the corporate
community and individuals helping both UK
and the Athletics Association. it‘s a win-win sit-

( fonpiled from nofl‘reportr.

' 0

stay-ta; . )J —‘ ‘

" 1*" " “‘Euar‘wtuw-l c >24:



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TlGEl IHBASHING Derek Homer trim to tiny/[w [At "t Rum; Ili'l/ illicit/g i/ run Sir/1min) trig/Jr. .igimm [lie Tigers. Tim (four/.1 (lie/0L") again err/idiom!
Jim/ix Ila/r lu' Ive/mtg m the Herman] fro/71w rim with u 4ltljyilrd framing pediu'mimrc. ( 'I\' hire/wicker Bolt Helm/mtg wraps up LSL' running [rack Kevin
lam/k m fii'.»r~i/1mrrcrilcimn Saturday Night. l'im/le spent [Hr/c Ill/lt‘ on the ground iIQ'IIHle Hie (Kim, I'ri.\‘/ir'11g_f0r 313'1‘11’715(Hill-f“? rout/111011715.


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Slumping ,‘,£ll't|{ . , .(:l1ril\ (Tainjvlu-ll

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News I‘AlH’Ur . . James lx’ittlnc

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