xt74mw28cx8h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74mw28cx8h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-03-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1997 1997 1997-03-24 2020 true xt74mw28cx8h section xt74mw28cx8h ESTABLISHED 1894







. “fl“...t ._.... ..


By Chris Easierling

Sports IftllII/I‘

S;\.\'_I( )Sli, Calif. Only the
Cats could end up going through
[tab to get to Indianapolis.

k'K's road to the Final Four
began iii Utah and had to go
through L'tah oii Saturday iii the
\Vest Regional final in San lose,
Calif. Like their two games in the
state. the contest with the Lites
resulted in a \Vildcat victory.

It wasn't quite as impressive as
last year‘s route in the Sweet Six—
teen in Minneapolis, but the 73—
5‘) win was good enough to secure
L’K‘s 13th Final Four berth, and
third in five years. It was also the
first time since 1948—49 that the
school has appeared in consecm
tive Final Fours.

It is also Coach
Rick Pitino's
fourth appear—
ance on college
final weekend,
making him
one of six
coaches with
that distinction

Awaiting the ‘._
defending chani— a.
~ pions this Saturday
I at the RCA Dome in

Indianapolis will be
l Minnesota, which defeated UCLA
in the Midwest Regional final in
San Antonio. North Carolina and



I .



I Arizona meet in the other semifi— to take bad shots. The CatS, who a 19-9 rtin .tlmtvll'mlld pull ic
team even wrth LIs at 43—43 after
, nal. outrebounded the Utes 35—28 for D v H h' h _ .

What made the Final Four the game, took the missed shots b if: is??? 11th" I rec-point
berth even more special is that the and started to go to work at their asp: WI . " " f. ' l v .. ll ‘ I
Cats were facing several key end, led by All—American Ron . I In" immet late I .0 g ‘1
. . . , - timeout, and the Cats came out
injuries throughout the season, Mercer. aft ‘r the ‘tr 1 ) to t th _
notjust against Utah. Mercer tallied ll of his 21‘ t ‘8 ipp. gc I)“ t

Derek Anderson was able to points, mostly on jumpers off 3”, BASKETBALL on3
Cruz credits family for her success
lit/nary note: '17.le is the third story in a sum anything stand in her way, Cruz plans campus being abuzz with excitement
”I’m””WWW/’1‘I’ll-1’”!’h‘P/l’vimm KW to earn her master’s degree in geogra- about the arrival of Vice President :\I
Thompson will lic/th'ctl tomorrow. Ph}'- Gore, an event she helped to arrange.

’ After getting her degree, Cruz The other instance in which she

By Brandy Carter wants to go into either property or thinks the entire campus came alive

Stojj‘ll'mt-r environmental law. was last year when the Cats won the
She intends to mana e land in her NCAA Championship.

Life in a large family with three hometown ofBakersfiel ,Calif. If elected SGA president, Cruz
younger brothers and a stepbrother However, if she cannot nian- hopes to organize more events to uth
has made Melanie Cruz, Student Gov- age land in Bakersfield, the stut ent body.
erninent Association presidential Cruz would like to handle “Since coming to UK, I have
hopeful, a very diverse person. oil-rich land in Texas. become more

Reflectin on her priorities, Cruz is \Vhen not spending
reminded o her family. Her brothers time with her family,
have exposed her to a wide range of Cruz enjoys going . .
things such as cartoons on the Nick— out with her friends. (J'UZ 52ml-
elodeon network and the Star ”011‘; “I love going to
Trilogy. the movies; some of hUIdfjess

.' “My family is the most important my favorites are Stu-l :lprIngmg
otn ov.

thing in my life," Cruz said.

bill is so igh."

’ guages: Spanish, Englis


“I talk with them on the phone
every day —— which is why my phone

Cruz says her grandmother Mary

Bell has been her greatest role model.
“I respect my grandmother because
she is a self-made woman,” Cruz said.
“She is blind and can 5 eak three lan-
li (and) French;

. _ and (she) has a comprehension of Ital-
. '-'. 3 g ' ian.”
i " ‘ ' ' Following her grandmother’s exam-

' pie to achieve her dreams and never let


Wildcats go through Utah along

road to second straight F inol Four

play, but Pitino didn't want to risk
injuring Anderson's knee again.
Then there was the stress fracture
in :\llen Fdwards' right ankle that
ptit him in a cast during the

“Kentucky has a very good
team," L'tah's Ben Caton said.
“I'd hate to see what they'd be like
at full strength.

“Last year, the horn would go
off and they’d be sending in
another fleet of players. This year,
they don’t have as much, but they
have high—quality players."

Early on, it looked as if the
\K'ildcats (34-4) were going to
have a repeat of the last unsuc—

cessful regional final —— 1995
against North Carolina in Birm-
ingliaiii, Ala. — as they were

struggling to get any type
of offense going.
After taking a 6-4
lead, UK failed to
score on its next
five possessions.
The Utes
(29—4), though,
came out like

9 gang-busters.
-' Led by Caton
. . and Andre
- 5,, Miller — who
. fl; was nursing a bad
27‘" wrist —— they hit on
their first six posses-

sions to gain a 13—6 advantage.

UK finally got its press estab-
lished and began to force the Utes


Magnolias, The Color
Purple and The Pro-
gram, Cruz said.
“Sometimes I like to
chill out watching
TV and ignoring the

Looking back at
her years at UK,
Cruz said she thinks
the student body has


Cruz remembers the


come together only two \

WHEY!” '


..~,....... .., chm“,

WEATHER Partly sunny

tot/try, high 60. .I lostlv cloudy

% tonight, low if). .Shozl't'rs likely

THE BIG ‘0' Billy Bolt 'Ihornton is one of

the nominees ut tonight's Joule/Irv . lawn/s.

tomorrow, high near 6!).

Sec column, page 5.


screens, as UK ripped off a 26-6
run to come from the seven points
down to take a Hill lead with
1:50 left in the first half.

L‘tah’s .-\ll—;\iiierican, Keith
Van Horn, was able to get his 15
points, but the 6—foot— ll) forward
never really got his game back to
where it was on Thursday against
Stanford. He scored 25 and
grabbed 14 rebounds in the win
over the Cardinal.

“I have never been switched
like I was (on Saturday)," Van
Horn said. “Really, I never got
into the offensive flow. I was never
able to get the ball."

Despite Van llorn's struggles,
Rick Majerus' squad wasn't about
to get rattled in the face of the Big
Blue wave.

Miller, who had ll turnovers
against Stanford on Thursday,
helped to pull the L’tes back into
the game with seven points dtiring

Cruz attributes her








things in general, and (it
has) made me realize what I
want to do with my life,"

In addition, havin
come to UK from Cali-
Cruz did not

know a soul and that
experience forced her to
become less shy.

“Its a choice you make.
either to go out and make
friends or sit in your room.
I chose to go to as many
functions as I could and
tried to be involved on cam-




Faun-WM“) MARCH Fun.» (Ill’lti't’
I‘Tfi I 71't’lt‘t/lllt’ tht' II ill/arts hath to
[flue (from Air/wt Saturday night.
Anthony prpv (null/lo) holds up l/lt'
nets uftt'r hut/ting I‘m/t. Scott
Padgett (HIV/IT) goo up for u luv/if
in ”’1' second hul/f







[Worth 24, I 997

o fl.l\~l,llill\ 7 (AI/UPI“ 8

Z (ll/Kyfhlllj‘i 7 \iffll!\ 2

l)l.l/ rim 4 l H'Z.‘j’wlll.’ 6


Berth in semifinals amazing
1n l1 ght of till the circumstunoes

.\.\ Ikl\l (killl‘. . l"()ll\'\',
let‘s not bc coy.

\o sane prison among
us, soon .ilfci‘ LIKE l‘l‘Hi title
run. would have expected an
eightmau rotation minus
Antoine \Valkci. llei'ck Ander-
son, ‘lc-ll Sheppard and Allen
l‘idwards to II(' anywhere near
this year‘s liinal l'otit,

'lhougli Rik l’itino
has whittled out miracles
before, I team \\lIll such
an clli.tcl.ilcd i‘ostt’l‘
would line to bathe in
c‘\t|ill\llt‘l_\ good karma to
.iscend to such an



past two games w lllll’ \\'.tyiic
ing postseason renaissance, rest
ed for only eight minutes (net
the «attic stretch.

Still. it was the (hits, not the
Iitcs. getting the llilist‘ balls and
III.Il.ll'l:' ilic gutsy plays down the
strcitli Saturday.

\llci‘ blah lirlt'lly' tied the
score .tt 4;, \lercer
responded to a l’itino
challenge by hitting two
consecutne jumpers

Soon thereafter.
Turner's open court steal

. .. . _ and subsequent duiik
tstctmtd strata. . ..
. . . extended L‘Ks lead to
Saturday in tlic .\( .:\:\ - (
- , ' _ fill—4), proniptinu the
\\ csi lxcgional l‘lli;ll\, _ l 1 t t t 1.“ ll
- ‘ iuzzar s l s a an i 1”
Promo cultiuiiatcd liis ENC l L. l} I I lr k I’
[1' .t )' ‘ .
nut.u lc in progrt-ss .is the Mosolflflo ‘01.; bu“ 1} l
,. . r . . .
l't‘lll.lllllll-.1 \\lltlt’.l! otict (mm . {I k “L If“
, ’ , dcfensiye team we \t'
sci\ctl llah us IlillllH (worn/mat . ,. .
faced by far. k tah :\ll~
Illl'lil t‘\lLIIIlli IIHIILt‘ lItc v

__‘ i" \it'iory Illtl‘t'.l\l'll l’iliiio'x

INisIsc'Jstin round to .i pi‘cpos

tci'ou~ in ; ill I in tlic
\( \\~ l.

"llit- lt‘t'ling trcatliing tlic
l'iii.tl l‘ourl is morc spct i.il when
il.\ uncypet It'll," l’iiino said. silll
flush with .i post \‘ictory .illci‘
glow. "\Vc were just trying to
sun i\ c this year."

.\liytitie who disllkcs this

team ls either barren hc.tricd or
.i (:oimiituiist.

li‘yery spt-l ics of calamity
dcsl ended upon it yet no setback
proved too gun” to oycicoiiit‘,
lake l’itino's first L‘K team, the
lloiiibitios, tlie_\ proycd that sut-
ccss is a function not oitly of the
talent one has but dish of the
sacrifices one will make.

Since winning its sivtli
national cliatiipionship last
_-\pril. L'K's dw indling roster has
been sabotaged by .i (IINJPPCJP
ing .ict rarely seen outside a
Copperfield gig.

.\lost coaches, given such .i
lack of depth, would massage
their gameplan to a style less apt
to fatigue their players.

\\'ith l’itino, a master at (llV
guisiiig weaknesses, an opponent
must always expect the tines-

Au acrimonious full--court
press is his gimmick _. UK
without the press is like
Schwarzenegger sans the biceps.
Ile removes fatigue frotii the
equation by forcing his players
itito better couditioti than any

Thus, Mercer played a Tier—
culean 77 minutes during the



YEAR: Junior

about phy

VNickname is “Mel."
and is easily amused.

to her
as a


MAJOR: Political science and geogra-
VCruz describes herself as headstrong

VCruz works at Chic-Fil-A in Faylte Mall

Sly/ff 717ml ‘t




weighs 200 pounds.


Looking to the future, Cruz envi-
sions herself being married to a man
named “Bubba” who is (Hoot-2 and

Cruz says her dream guy would
have to be either a farmer or an oilman
to go along with her intense love of
agriculture and the outdoors.

If her plans with “Bubba” do not
work out, Cruz would like to live at the
beach and go skiing as much as possi-

- «-4..- .

Final Four.



\mcrican Keith \hlli
llorn said after the game. his
reply hollowed by sadness

“\\ c ncycr got into our flow
,itid stunt-times there's itoi .t lot
you i .In do."

I‘lx's lit-toes wcicii‘i limtit-d
to “en. er .iiid 'l'ul'iici. llillllllg’ll
he played like 1| mcrc mortal Sat
tirtlay', (iameron .\lills continued
his fairy tale postseason in the
regional semifinal against St

The Unrated _
li.lll\'c. itli’t lic‘lll‘H'il it. lit .tlltl
git to defense. stored I" pomls
iii the win.

“\'ot in my wildest dreams
would I have imagincd him play ~
ingr this well," I’lflno said of
.\lills. “l loncstly', we're all on
the verge ofsliock."

.\lills is symbolic of the oy'ci'r
achieving octet. llatl Anderson
.uid l‘idw'ards not gone down. his
chance at glory may have passed
by unaddresscd.

Necessity, the saying goes.
never made a good bargain, but
Mills and the \Vildcat octet may
lie the exceptions.

last season's championship
team took a stylish, easy ride to
the Final Four.

\Vhile -\ndcrson and his killl'
g.irooing teammates celebrated
on the court as if they had just
liberated I’aris, it was clear that
this year's journey —— barbed.
jagged and beautiful all at once
has indeed been a glorious
liitt liliike to Utopia.

(11ml l,'o/ummrt ICI‘It .\ loin/go ll .1 I 'K
nlumnux ,nnl nfin'ml'r Krumt I'y ly‘tt‘ur/


Final FOIII‘ tickets
Orvuz 90 on

FAMILY: Yvone Bell
and Alex Cruz; broth-
ers Josh, 5. Eric, 6, Ryan, 12. and step-
brothers Raymond, 13.

BIRTHPLACE: Bakersfield. Calif.
HOMETOWN: Brawley, Calif.

sale today

The ticket lottery for the Final Four at the RCA
Dottie in Indianapolis will be held today at 6 pm. in
Memorial Coliseum.

()nly full—time students with a valid UK II) will
be eligible to participate in the lottery.

Tickets will cost eitlier SIOO or $80 and can be

aid for by cash, check or credit card. Only one
)(iok of tickets can be purchased per II).

Included in the book are tickets to Saturday's
semifinal match,
nesota and North Carolina against Arizona, as well
as a ticket for next Monday's national championship

which features UK against Miti-

The first semifinal will tip off at 5:40 pm. The
UNC—Arizona game will be the first semifinal,
followed by UK—Minnesota 35 minutes after the
conclusion ofthe first game.

Once again, UK will use the voucher system, as it
has the last three times the team has appeared in the

Students will fill out a form and then can take
the voucher to a specific window at the RCA Dome
on Saturday to receive their tickets.

There will be no sale of tickets to the general
public. UK did not release the number of tickets
that will be available for students.

.For last year’s Final Four in the Meadowlands,
UK gave students 833 tickets, with 30 of those
going to members of the pep band.



\ ’L




2 Monday, Mani; 24, I997. Kmrwky Kernel

“011'!le Wildcats

By Chris Easterling
Spam I‘ll/tor

SAN IUSE. Calif. — No
Derek Anderson. No Allen
Edwards. Scott Padgett and Ron
Mercer nursing nagging aches and

No problem.

In s ite of all the wins UK
alnasseiiin the face of injuries this
season, as it pre—
pared to face Utah
on Saturday, peo-
ple were still ques-
tioning how the
team would fare
against the sec—
ond—seeded Lites.
L'K had only eight
scholarship play-
ers available to go
against the relatively healthy Utah

But, as it had been all season,
the injuries didn't come into play
as the Cats notched their 34th win
-. and a Final Four


overcome aches

Last Monday Pitino seemed to
be leam‘ng toward playing the 6-
foot-4 senior against St. Joseph’s
in the regional semifinals. But by
gameday, the coach had squashed
those thoughts after talking to yet
another doctor.

“It‘s been motivating," Ander-
son said of the week leading up to
the St. Joe's ame. “It's kept my
spirits up. \Vlgen (Pitino) told me
I couldn't play, I knew I was just
here for my team. I'm not the type
to worry about these things."

NBA scouts apparently still
aren't sold on Anderson's “mirac-
ulous" recovery, however.

Many are waiting for him to
show his abilities in the Desert
Classic in Arizona prior to the
draft before they make any evalua-

Edwards had been nursing a
bad ankle thought to be sprained
ever since the Southeastern Con-
ference Tournament in Memphis,
Tenn, two weeks ago.

But the injury was


berth —— by a 72-59

Afterward, throu b
all the celebrating,t e
question was raised:


discovered to be a
stress fracture in his
right ankle.‘ He was
placed in a cast and was
on crutches for the

“How did this team- Everybody regional semifinals.
stay together through tried to stay But with less than a
possibly the roughest together. week‘until the regional
times in Rick Pitino‘s Nobodypointed semifinals, the talk at
eight years at UK?" ' E ‘ ,_ Uls suggeSts that the
i“()'ur camaraderie fingers. , L87) Cats' top sixth-man
off the court," said body kmdof and part-time starter
Anderson, who has said, ‘Hey,1‘ll will be asked to play
been the most step up, ’ That} against the Minnesota

maligned of all the
injured Cats and has
been out ofthe lineup
throughout the sec-
ond halfofthe season.

“Everybody tried to
stay together." he said.
"Nobody pointed fin—
gers. Everybody kind


the reason
we’ve come this

far "

Derek Anderson

Golden Gophers in the

Final Four in Indi—
Pitino said the

strength of the Cats
was the ability to go
with different lineups
to match up with other

“\Ve always pride



ofsaid, ‘lfey. I'll step
up.' That‘s the reason why we've
colne this far."

Anderson, too, has come quite
far since that January day when he
discovered he tore his right anteri—
or cruciate ligament.

ourselves in depth," Pitino said.
“\Ve even had players who
were the 11th or 12th man that we
were never afraid to play. Now we
just don’t have those people."
Padgett almost cut the number






..................... Brenna Reilly
....................... 1 eff Vinson
..................... Kathy Reding
....................... Gary “'ulf
...................... Mat Ilcrron
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................... Chris Campbell
................... Chris Easterling

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. .Jm‘... ..






"IE THINKER Allure, Allen ['iiltz‘iirilr pom/err It'll/1r might have been. lie/021‘.
Derek Andorran imrl Strip/it’ll .l Iiiil'ellu err/'0} .VIJIIIL' quality time iigiiimr (Tm/.1.

down to seven on Thursday. as he
hyperextended his knee in the sec—
ond half against St. Vlilscpli‘s‘. (In
Friday. Padgett said the knee was
feeling fine.

“It was just a real sharp pain
when I went down." he said.

Mercer had a problem of lils
own to deal with. this one a sore

The first-team :\ll—.-\Inerican
had been experiencing back
spasms fora while. bilt lllt' prob
lem didn‘t show In San lose. as be
was named the \\'cst Region‘s
Most Valuable l’lajrti:

"Since \\L"\L‘ been at 1111'
(NCK-M tournament. I don‘t
think my team or I think .iboilt it."
.\lel‘ccr said.

“\Ve’re short—handed
now. but I try to go out thcl‘i- and
stay loose."



Arizona 96, Providence 92

PD (24-12): Snammgod 7.18 8-10 23 Gaices
7-112-«1 16. Brown 7-16 4-415Tilomas 9-29
2-3 23 Crosheie 4-6 3-4 12. Murdock 0-2 (3-0
0. Wright 04 0'0 0.f1Diaye O-U 0410.

Pomter no oo 0 Totals 3-1-86 192% 92

“MN-9): Dickerson 4-10 1-2 10. Davrson 6-
12 2-214.Bramlett4-4 4-4 12. Bibby 4-9 7-
10 17; Simon 8-1810-16 30. Harris 1-3 0-0 2.
Terry 4-8 3-4 11. Edgerson 0-0 0-0 0

Totals 31-64 27-38 96

Halftime UA 32 PC 31 End of Regulation UA 85
PC 85 Rebounds UA 45 lDavlson 121 PC 50
(Garces 19i Three-porn! FG UA 720 l8;mon 4-6
Bibby 2~6, Dickerson 15. Terry (2-3: PC 523
(Thomas 3-8. Crashere 1-2. Shammgod 1 5 Wright
0-3, Brown 0-51 Assrsis UA 19 {Terry 5:. PC 16
ianrIIGI Fouls UA 21, PC 27 Fouled out Brown.
Crosnere iPCi. Dickerson Biamleii lUAI Tecnnr
cals Garces Thomas. Murdock {PCI Hams iUA


A‘ 13.72‘r



r,i.i . Ill

llll{\ll\'(rll \.\l. .\l.i. - ;\ri-
/Ii|ll was .i tcilll sylliboli/ed by Its

\( , \.\ lailul'es.

Maybe liirii
purple will tall.
.Iliiilll lllt' \Vlld

cats. three trips to
the kind liour.
\l'l/ona. shak
ingr oft .l stunning
l’ri l\ ldt'iii e tonic-
link that sent the
game to overtilllc.
defeated the Friars


W» 93 yesterday in the NCAA
Southeast Regional. sending

coach l.ute (Ilsoll‘s team to the
final l'iour for the second time in
lillll sizlsons.

\ri/ona iIi-‘lr. Hlilcll also
It'di‘lll‘i lllt’ l'iinill liii‘dl In 1988,


open door

:lrwi‘mred Pratt

Smith is taking his imposing
records, a long winning streak and
a pretty good

for ‘Ileels

()6 with 8:19 to play. However,
they went into another long scor-
ing drought. and a 12-0 run over
the next 4:45 increased North
Carolina's lead to 81-66.

"That win came over a coura-


basketball team
to the Final Four.
North Carolina
beat sixth—seeded
Louisville 97<7~I
yesterday to win

ihe East Regional

N. Carolina 87, loiiisville 74

I (2"): N. Johnson 3-9 6-6 12; Dantzler 4-
7 2-3 10; Sanders 8-151-2 20; Sims 4-10 2-5
11.Wheai2-110-0 6; T Williams 1-7 0-0 3.

geous, gutty
team that was
down by 21
points and came
back," Smith
said. “You also
have to hand it
to our players

and give the Tar J. Johnson 00 0-0 0. Akridge 00 0-0 0. for the way they
Heels their 16th Eggeigggdijgmligrhsgnoihzooo 0. responde and
straight victory Totals: 26-69 11]”; 7; ' played great
and ch Final over the last
Four berth. seven minutes.

Eleven 0f u (M): Okulaja 5-7 0-0 1.1. Jamison 6-11 You have to

. . ., 3-3 15: ZWIkker 5-9 3-4 13; S Williams 6-13 , - . ‘

‘1“sz h‘ms ”Feb“ 6-7 22; Carter6-10 5-618;N'Diaye 0-01-21: f'dm'm “”391
u" ‘3’ "‘1‘ ~ Cola 4-6 5-6 13. Sullivan 0-0 0-0 0; Tyndall o- a “‘3"? I ‘1‘ 5
who became col- 0 2.2 2‘ McNalry 0.0 0.0 0; Frederick 0.1 0.0 been like that
lege basketball's O: Eviimov 1-2 0-0 2. Totals: 33-59 2530 97 all year."

winningest coach
last weekend and
now has 879
career victories.
North Caroli-
na (28-6) has
been to the Final
Four in each of
the odd-num-

A 30.230


Halftime UNC 54. UL 33 Rebounds UNC 39
(kaliei 8) UL 37 (Dantzler 9) Three-pointFG
UNC 6-12 (Williams 4-7. Okulaia 1-1. Caner 1-1.
Coia 0-1.Fredenck0-1.Evllmov 0—11,UL11-34
(Flynn 4-8. Sanders 3-5. Wheat 21 1, Sims M.
Williams i-s. Danrzlerol) Assets UNC 22 (Cora
9). UL 17(Whe818) Fouls UNC 15. UL 26 Fouled
out: N Johnson (UL) Technicals None

North Car—
olina lost its

first three
Atlantic Coast

games this sea-
son for the first
time ever. The
Tar Heels were



bered years in the
")(Is, with 1993 being Smith’s sec-
ond national championship.

The Tar Heels will play Ari—
zona, who defeated Providence
95313 in overtime of the South-
east Regional final yesterday, next
Saturday in Indiana olis.

Smith is also t e winningest
coach in the history of the NCAA
tournament and win No. ()5
seemed assured by halftime as the
Tar Heels took a 5-1-33 lead.

North Carolina shot ()3 per—
cent froin the field in the first half.
and held the Cardinals (26—9)
without a field goal over the final
five minutes. outsc‘oring them 1‘)—
(r. ‘

But Louisville, which trailed at
halftime in all four of its NCAA
tournament games. had other

The Cardinals started the sec—
ond halfwith a 19-5 run and used
a 3-point barrage to get within 69-

was shadowed by first—round loss-
es to East Tennessee State. Santa
Clara and Miami of Ohio in the
previous five seasons.

But those were different teams.

These Wildcats. with no
seniors in the lineup. pulled off
the biggest upset of the tourna-
ment Friday night, beating top-
ranked Kansas in the regional

Then fourth-seeded Arizona
pulled itself together after Provi-
dence rallied from a seven-point
deficit over the final 1:15 of regu—
lation to force an extra period.

The No. 10 Friars (2-1-12), try-
ing to become the lowest-seeded
team to reach the Final Four since
Nth—seeded LSU in 1986, tied
the game 85-85 when jamel
Thomas hit a 3—pointer with 15.3
seconds remaining.

bein r written
off by many, but they haven’t lost
since Jan. 29.

“This was a great feeling to cut
down those nets after the way we
started the ACC season," North
Carolina forward Antawn _lamison
said. “\V'e came together as a team
and put all our differences aside. It
shows how hard we worked and
that hard work pays off."

Louisville senior guard Dejuan
\Vheat. who sprained his left ankle
in the regional semifinal victory
over Texas and was considered
doubtful for yesterday's game,
started but was limited in what he
could do.

The Cardinals" leading scorer
and best ballhandler had one 3—
pointer in five attempts in the first
half and two of the team‘s 11
turnovers. He finished with six
points on 2—for-1l shooting, and
had eight assists in a gutty 32 min—

Raising Arikz‘oa: Friars’ unlikely bid denied by IIA

Providence had a chance to win
after stealing the ball at midcourt.
But Corey \Vright's 3-pointer was
off target and the game went to
overtime, where the Friars finally
ran out of steam.

Miles Simon scored 30 points
to lead the Wildcats, putting them
ahead to stay on a basket with 2:53
left in the extra period.

Providence lost its best player,
Austin Croshere, midway through
the second half. He fouled out
after scoring a tournament-low 12

Arizona will meet North Car-
olina in the national semifinals
next Saturday in Indianapolis, try-
ing to advance to the champi-
onship game for the first time in
school history. The Cats lost to
Arkansas in their most-recent trip
to the Final Four in 1994.





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The Graduate School Doctoral Dissertation Defenses



Name: Youqlng Xian;

Program: 121cclnca| Engineering

Dissertation Title: Incremental Torque Control of :I
Synchronous Reluctance Motor Servo Dnve

Major Professor: Dr Syed A Nasal
DIIe:Aprl12. 1997

Time: 2 “)4 (I) p in

Place: C15 120

Name: Orlando Curiae Richard

Program: Business Adminlsirailun

Dian-lion Title: An hiammaiion of Workforce
Diversrly‘s Impact on Organizauonal I;ffecineness
L’nivtrsalislic and ContingencylResourreiI-Based View
Major memr: Dr Nancy Brown Johnson

Date: March 28. 1997

Time: 200 p in

Place: 452 Business and Admlnlslraililn Building



Name: Xiaiisong (ic

Program: Entomology

D'memtion Title: Resource Finding by Several Stored-
Prirduci Insects and Its Dismpilon by Natural Products
Major Protest»: Dr I’A Weston. Dr. B C. P3.“
Date: April 2. 1997

Time: 8 10 a m.

Place: 8201 Agricultural SCICMC (‘Ir .N



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