xt74mw28cx7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74mw28cx7x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-09-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 12, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 12, 1996 1996 1996-09-12 2020 true xt74mw28cx7x section xt74mw28cx7x  



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. .M- .'- -.-.“~l . _



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w Image 0i [IBI'IBDI body dangerous

By Molly Mize
Contributing Writer

College campuses have earned a re utation for
being environments conducive to the dbvelopment
of eating disorders by young women.

Many UK students admit that they have known or
know of an individual whom they suspect, or know,
IS an anorexnc.

“Frail, lifeless, almost dying,” said
Laura Disney, elementary education
junior, of an anorexic friend,“and her hair
was falling out.”

Anorexia Nervosa is defined as the
refusal to maintain a minimal normal
weight for age and height.

For example, if an individual reaches a
body weight 15 percent below normal, or
fails to gain the expected weight during a
period of growth, they may be considered at risk.

Up to one in 100 American women fall into this

According to a medical exam used in diagnosing
anorexia nervosa, thinning or dulling hair is one of
the common symptoms.

Although family and friends need to watch for
such signs if they suspect a loved one is at risk, when
women go away to college the risk can increase ten-
fold since parents are no longer able to monitor their

However, staff members of the residence halls
have been informed of the danger signs.

Rapid weight loss, mood swings and sudden with-
drawal from social activity are examples of the warn—
ing signs that Resident Advisers need to be aware of,
said Alyssa Herald, an elementary education senior
and RA in Donovan Hall.However, Herald has little
faith anorexia will ever be a solved issue, even ifthe
disease is caught early.

“There always has been and there always will be
anorexia,” Herald said. “Women have always strived
to attain the perfect body — up until the beginning
of this century women were trying to fit into


W“ ,2--. A
y( 0 1.4,,

D adl
Dieting y



After an eating disorder has
been detected, RA’s have little
authority to help, other than by
being a “guiding light” for their

Body Mass Index

I] Normal weight

C] At risk weight C] High risk weight



Many UK students said issues
such as low self-esteem, media
pressure to look a certain way and

ling“. b



peer pressure to obtain 130 27 i
the “perfect body,” may 135 28
contribute to anorexia 140 29
nerkvlosag f h 145 30 V;
. ursmg res man
Renee Morff said the :2: ' 3; '
number of women affect— ' .
ed by the disease would 160 -34
E" "T decrease “(if) the media 165 35..
would quit making the 170 ,.36,
image that a woman needs to look 175 7 37.-. .
like a dgoddess in order to be 180 38
accepte m socrety.” 1
Even those afflicted with :33 ":3 ‘
anorexia admit that the onset of “ 1
the disorder often had something 195 ~41-3
to do with society’s pressure. 200 fig ,
Shannon Burke, a music educa- 205 43
tion freshman, suffered from 210 4747, ‘
anorexia at age twelve. 215 45 i
She said she feels her suffering 220 ' 46 i
could have been prevented if, “it 225 4'7 '
had been recognized earlier,” and 230 ‘ 48W


had she not “attempted to conform


27 26 , 24 , 23 , 21 20 19 , 18
:,29’,,"27__ 26 _ 24 , 23 , 22 20 , 19

H33. . _. .
4.34.. 32.130 283,27 , 25 _ 24 _ 23

...3.6.f.;..34, _. ,33 1.3;

9.39,} 3751.34; 32 ’ '39;

,"_43 I, 40,, 38 , 36,: 34,, 32 , 30 28

Height lit. mi

58" 5'10"

_ 23, 22, , 19, 18
25 24 22 , 21 , 2o , 19 , 18 17
25, 25, 23, 22, 21, 19 18 ,17
28 211 25, 23, 22, 21, 20 ,19
30,,28QH27, 25, 24, 22 21, 2o
“c.29.11281. 26 . 24 . 23 . 22 . 21
32 36 .2821271 25, 24, 22, 21
31 _29: 28W 26, 24, 23, 22

35 ‘.§3-;._3,1,._1__,29- 12.7... 26 . 25 . 23
.32. .39.. 12.81.1214 25 24
_ I_.,29.;.,.27 26 24
.34 £28-12] . 25

...... . 29,: .27 . 26; 2.8 26
41 38 , 36 , 34 _,32,, 30,, 29 ,: ,27
42 i 39 ,_ 37 , 35 , 33 ,31 “29,; 28

.384 3.5

.40 j 38.,

44.- 41 .1391 36 . 34-; 32 . 21.29..

45,42 40 3735333130

_ - . w~wmwwow~fl u - - ,





to society's weight norms."

Women in college are especially
at risk, as dating pressures increase and authority fig-
ures, such as parents, disappear.

“One of the misconceptions is that it is a matter of
self—discipline,” said Dr. Laurie Humphries, M.D.
and eating behavior specialist. “There’s a tolerance
for different body types."

But no matter how many positive influences are
present, it is still hard to convince college women

nusn mustau Kernel rut/f
that they do not have to be thin to be accepted.
Fellow students, RAs and even instructors may be
able to prevent a problem, if they know the warning
signs. Some of the common and obvious symptoms
are intense fear of becoming fat even if they are
underweight, the absence of at least three consecu-
tive periods in females, rapid weight loss and yellow-
ing of fingernails.

Following the l‘lllBS cuts IIIIWII liability l‘iSllS

By Kathy flailing

Assistant News Editor

Two UK fraternities were held partly liable by a
Boone coun jury last week in a negligence lawsuit
over a 1993 runken-driving death.

Although the driver and the victim were assessed
80 percent of the responsibility for the

den, all parties are by invitation only and on-campus
parties must include a est list, sober driver list and
an IFC-approved security guard.

“If you re following them (the rules) right, the lia—
bility 15 going to be much less on you,” Brassine said.
“There’s alwa 5 going to be a little liability due to
the nature of the court system.”

Brassine said all parties must be regis-





incrdent in this case, par hosts will tered bgthe previous Tuesday. A mem—
always hold some degree 0 liability for ber ofI C’s risk management team visits
their guests’ actions, no matter how each pa at an unspectfied time to check
closely UK, state and national laws are for comp iance with the rules.
followed, said DaVid Stockham, dean of , He said much of the responsibility falls
students. I you 7’9 01' on chapter presidents to ensure alcohol
“They (party hosts) are accountable owingt em POIICICS are ollowed.
for what happens,” Stockham said. “They (the ml“) the “It’s 11(5) to chapter presidents and offi-
are not free of being responsible for what 1' b'l' - cers to e ucate and motivate their mem—
the do.” (If t 1t] ’3 bers to follow the rules,” Brassine said.
Stockham said since Greek organiza— gomg tobe “Chapter presidents have to realize it.”
tions hold a majority of the parties hosted muck less on Angela Ashley. Panhellenic vice— resi-
by UK groupS, they have the most you ’1 dent or organizations, said the lia Ility
detailed rules in place. V risks to sororities are less because they
Each fall, every social fraternity and don’t allow parties or alcohol in their
sorority is re uired to file their plans and Bill 3'38“” houses. . ‘ _
regulations or alcohol use with the Interfratemigi She said the councrl’s risk manage-
Greek Affairs Office. They are not er- Council president ment rules come into play at date parties
mitted to hold social functions until t eir and formals. Bus_service is provided to
plans are approved. ‘ _ and from the parties and eve one enter-
Bill Brassine, president of the Interfraternity mg and leavmg must Sign In and GUI. nce ests

Council, said chapters’ re lations are usually the
same as each chapters’ national alcohol poli . The
plans must also include the guidelines of U125 IF C
and Panhellenic Council.

Main points in the overall Greek risk mana e—
ment system state no one under 21 can bring alco ol
on chapter property, central distribution is forbid-

‘Consistency' the


By Mal Horron
Staff Writer

When you’re Kentucky’s flagship university,
enrollment stability means everything.

Few changes in enrollment numbers have
occurred, according to numbers released by UK yes-
terday. The total student po ulation on the Lexmg-
ton campus and the Chand er Medical Center has
ex rienced a “less than one rcent decrease,” from
(214?;78 to 24,200 undergra uate and graduate stu—


Enrollment in the community colle e system,
which has dropped by nearly 5,000 stu ents since
1993, is expected to stay at 43,619, the same as last


Graduate enrollment, on the rise since fall 1993,
will remain at last year’s total of 5,240 students.

The number of black freshmen, who comprise
about seven percent of the new freshman class, went
up 10 percent. In addition, approximately 235 black
students are enrolled in graduate schools, an increase
of 15 percent. Overal , 1,200 black students are
attending UK, a growth of two rcent.

Freshman class size and sea emic proficien has
been consistent. About 2,650 first-year stu ents,
including 73 National Merit Scholars, 125 Gover-
nor’s Scholars, 118 high school valcdictorians and 61
salutamrians, have set a UK record with a cumulative
hi school grade int avenge of 3.43.

President harles Wethington attributes the

"'—‘." t ,, - r


leave, they are not allowed to return. A list 0 those
over 21 is posted.

“We have four members remain sober and sit at
the door so we know for sure there are sober eo le
there. We highly recommend everyone ride the libs
to and from date parties,” Ashley said. “We kee a
close eye one everyone. We are very strict on that.

She said party olicies have gotten stricter over
the past couple of) years to cut down on potential
expensive liability issues.

“We take every possible measure, but we can’t
control everybody, Ashley said. “We don’t want
anything to hap n to an one.”

Brassine sai current FC risk management oli-
cies were u dated in 1995 and may be revise this
December. Ki-le said other su gestions, such as run—
nin a ticket bar, may also hefi) make parties safer.

n a ticket bar system, those over 21 check in their
alcohol at the bar and can claim it graduall over the
night. This way the amount each person rinks can
be ke t track of and alcohol distribution is con-

Brassine said four years ago, fraternities averaged
four or five in-house social events and seven or eight
out-of-house parties per semester. Now chapters
host about two or three in—house and four or five off-
cam us parties in a semester.

6 said the reduction is due partly to liability risks
and also to changes in fraternities.

“A lot of fraternity life is starting to focus on more
than just social as ects,” Brassine said. “Things have
changed and eop e don’t realize it.”

Overall, rassine said all organizations reduce
their otential for liability the more they comply
with ali rules.

Stockham said organizations hosting parties with
alcohol involved are bound by more than 'ust UK
regplations, but by local, state and nationafones as

“You need to be awfully careful not 'ust because
you care about breaking the law, but ecause you
care about what happens to other people,” Stockham

Wfll‘ll TOP UK Elll'lllllllellt statistics

level of freshman academic talent to “the aggressive
seeking-out of students to make sure the informa-
tion is getting out to students across the common-
wealth and outside, and answering questions.”

A stable enrollment has been

Engineering, Communication and Information
Studies, Agriculture and Business and Economics,
however, have had steady increases in their student


the University’s ob'ective for “the
past four ears,” ethington said,

while t e academic quality is

One valuable recruiting tool
that Wethington said has proven
effective is the use of current stu~
dents as “ambassadors” to inform


, 1993 1994 1995 1”.

ros cuve students on UK. . . ., fl, , ,, , , ,
p e report also listed a minor W“MWT’$3;M§§?W “is, ,
reduction in the composite ACT Allied Health 1.337 1.398 1,201 1.150
score required for .dilniiefigzoilfhe ' “ ‘ W a 7 ,. w W ”Ted.
new re uirement wr . or ~
incomiiig freshman. ‘Arts& Science 4. 6'634 .6'292 _. 6265 $072

Despite enrollment decline , . i... -

across the colle s of Pharmacy, Com & Info tudsie 726 678 709 147


Allied Health, 5 and Sciences
and Architecture in 1994-95,
Enrollment Tabulation sources
and the Council on Higher Edu-
cation still showed a seven percent


Enrollment at UK

Preliminary figures for Fall 1996 as compared to
previous years. Enrollment in UK's undergraduate
colleges remained fairly stable. The College of Human
Environmental Services had the lar est increase. The
total UK enrollment for the fall is 2 .200.

,. ,1»):









wth alt ther. ‘ . '
gmAllied ealth numbers have SOCial won‘ 286 322 344 330
dropped again, as well as those iln sconce: UK Puoiic Relations
the Am and Scenes and the Co - m

lege of Nursing. The Colleges of



September 12, I 996
Z N (Iron-word 7 Sports 4

Police log 8 Viewpoint 6





Patton gives
Clinton tobacco input

FRANKFORT— Gov. Paul Patton was 0 ti-
mistic yesterday after a meeting with ite
House officials over alternatives to the Food and
Dru Administration’s regulation of nicotine as
an a dictive drug.

Patton and Billy Ray Smith, state agriculture
commissioner, met with President Clinton’s chief
counsel, Jack Quinn. Representatives from the
offices of U.S. Sen. Wendell Ford, D—Ky. and
U.S. Rep. Scotty Baesler, D—6th District, were
also present.

Patton and the others feel Con ess, not the
FDA, should decide how best to Etiep children
from smoking. Ford and Baesler have proposed
legislation to deal with the issue.

Patton said yesterday’s meeting was a “starting
point” and details of any proposed legislation
would be discussed in future meetings.

Clinton signed a measure last month giving the
FDA authority to take action to restrict underage
access to tobacco. The main attack is at tobacco
advertising, but many fear it is a prelude to an
outright ban on smoking.

Patton has threatened to sue the federal gov-
ernment to block the regulations.


WASHINGTON — The Senate voted yesterday
to maintain a ban on health insurance coverage of
abortions for federal employees.

()n a 53-45 vote, it retained a provision deny—
ing abortion covera e except in cases of rape or
incest or when the ife of the woman is endan—

The ban, in effect during the Reagan and Bush
administrations, was dropped during the first two
years of the Clinton administration but was rein-
stated when Republicans took control of Congress
last year.

Defenders of the clause said pro-abortion
rights lawmakers had no right to require taxpayers
to subsidize the abortions of federal employees.

The abortion ban was part of a bill appropriat-
ing $23.5 billion in fiscal 1997 to operate the IRS,
the Treasury Department, the White House, the
Federal Elections Commission, Office of Person-
nel Management, General Services Administra-
tion and other agencies.


WASHINGTON -— A government laborato-
ry’s plans to buy a Japanese supercomputer could
harm Cray Research Inc., the chief U.S. manufac—
turer of the high-speed equipment, a federal com-
mission decided yesterday.

The 3-1 decision by the International Trade
Commission allows the Commerce Department
to proceed with an anti-dumpin case against
Japan’s NEC Corp., which won 3 id this spring
to supply supercomputers to a Colorado— ased
climate laboratory.

Cra , based in Eagan, Minn., claims that NEC
offere four of the computers for the cost of one
to get a foothold in the U.S. market.

NEC denies that the e uipment was priced
below cost and has asked t e ITC to drop the
dum ing case.

T e Commerce Department is to issue a deci—
sion byJan. 6, I997.

The department could impose stiff tariffs on
the Japanese supercomputers if it concludes the
computers were priced too low.

Machinists and 89-day air-ills

ST. LOUIS — McDonnell Dou las machin-
ists ended a 99-day strike against tEe aerospace
giant yesterday, ratifying a new contract that
offers some protection against their work being
shi ped to non—union plants.

Ii‘he vote means the 6,700 workers will start
returning to work Monday. The vote was 3,774 to

“This is not a perfect agreement,” said Jerry
Oulson, president of Machinists District 837. “I
endorsed it because I got the best I could get.”

The ratification came three days after a tenta-
tive agreement, and union negotiators did not
make any recommendation for ratification or

NAMEdroppin g

[mll'llll II VI!" III! CHIC!

NEW YORK — In a new kind of ratings sweep,
David Letterman will be taking his “Late
Show"to four different cities for
the four Fridays of the Novem-
ber “sweep” period.

It’s a sweeping departure from
the week-long, single-city remote
usually mounted to boost ratings
during special audience-measure—
ment Wifgi'i h fu d I

“It wi i t, n an ive-
ly,” said “LategShow” executive m
producer Rob Burnett yesterday.

We blow in, we do a show and we blow out —
with our lives, if we're lucky.”

Letterman’s program will visit Boston, Wash-
ington D.C., Chicago and Miami.

Capital)?" I‘m mar.



1 _ -a a 0 - ..**r~..~c _.



“I unwarmmww -




. -9--‘..o

2 Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, September 12, I996


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The Independent Newspaper at The University of Kentuc
Founded in 1894 Independent since I 71

026 Grehan Journalism Bldg, University of Kentucky
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Lezell Lowe
Enjoying individuality in all people

By Lindsay Hendrix

Features Editor

After learning of Lezell Lowe’s
long list of extracurricular activi-
ties, it's hard to imagine that he
has time to be a student.

Lowe said his role as the multi-
cultural chairman of the Student
Activities Board is one of the most
important leadership roles he has

“When you come to UK, it
should be diversity all around,”
Lowe said.

“You don’t necessarily have to
like it, but just as long as you
know about it, that’s important.”

Enjoying variety in people is
the same reason his fraternity, Phi
Beta Sigma, has won the Out-
standing Organization Award two
years in a row.

“Individuality supersedes
everything else,” Lowe said of Phi
Beta Sigma’s membership.

“That’s one thing we encour—
age of our members —— to branch

off, be unique.”

Lowe said this quality is what
makes Phi Beta Sigma so different
from the other Greek organiza-

It strives to collect people of
different beliefs, majors and indi—
vidual strengths and weaknesses.

“Everyone brin something
different to the tab e in Phi Beta
Sigma,” he said.

“Every time you sit
down to a meeting,
everyone has an idea
and we don’t all think

Although the fra-
ternity looks for indi-
viduality, all members

should have the desire "I V




become involved in.
Lowe has a preference for
working with troubled youths.

Since he began the Americorps
program at the end of August,
Lowe has learned the rewards, as
well as the hardships, of working
with young boys.

Through Americorps, Lowe
works with the sixth-, seventh-
and eighth-graders at
Leestown Middle
School, attempting to
create a positive influ-
ence in their often trou—
bled lives.

“My goal is to help
influence at least one
individual that educa—
tion is the key to upper

:gener their commu- | camyus "1(leilLtzlérsLozgli;id.the
“As long as you mp res lonS main focus —— to help
have the idea of com— kids."

munity service, then we have no
problem with you,” Lowe said.
Phi Beta Sigma doesn’t worry
about what type of volunteer ser-
vice the members choose to

Lowe does not have impractical
expectations. He just wants to
become a role model for some of
his students at Leestown.

If he succeeds, he will always


emphasize the importance of edu-
cation to them.

Growing up in the small Ken-
tucky town of Harlan, Lowe
learned quickly the importance of
going to college.

After spending his first year of
college in Louisville, his home-
town, Lowe received a scholarship
to UK.

Lowe plans to attend law
school one day, but he wants to
remain flexible as far as his future
is concemed.

“I’m learning to keep all of my
options open,” Lowe said.

However, there is one area he
will not compromise on.

“I want to be a positive impact
on people’s lives. I strive to do
that every day.”

7?) nominate a someone in the
UK community for Campus impres-
sions, drop off a short paragraph
that says why your nominee should
he profiled at the Kernel office or call
257-1915 and askfor Lindsay Hen—

By Saundra Eflinper

Last fall the tradition of “steal-
ing” Greek composites became
too much for one fraternity.

As reported in the Kentucky
Kernel, pledges of Sigma Chi
social fraternity scaled the outside
of the Delta Delta Delta social
sorority house and entered
through the second floor patio

In the mayhem, Tri-Delt house

ten, it was just an oral agreement,”
West said.

West said no reports of an
organization disobeying this
agreement have been made.

She said a penalty for defying
this agreement would come only if
the house filed a report. The
penalty would be determined by
the Student Code of Conduct.

“This group of gentlemen and
ladies agreed not to do this —— all
the chapters, they’re going on the
honor code,” she said.


mother Carol Yuenger

Current Tri-Delt

was injured. President Mary
Two of the 30 Si 2 . . Claire Alexander
Chi pledges invo ved cited safety and the
were arrested, one for price of the pictures
disorderly conduct, the Th' as reasons to iscon—
other for possession of 5870“}, $2 unue this ritual.
alcohol by a minor. gm .mm a Sigma Chi Presi-
The tradition of lad,“ 437qu dent Matt Grunke-
“stealing” allowed not to do tblS-- meyer cited other
pledges of a sorority or all the chap- reasons. .
fraternity to go to tm_ ” Anything that
another’s house, knock V F011“ possrbly get US
on the door and ask m trouble “’9‘"? to
whomever answered the sun“ W88! av0id, ( st)ealing 0:
' auinantdean of composnes is one o
3.10: Zomggggemay have studentsandsorori- those traditions that’s
If the ' member 9 '1de been thrown out the
agreed to give up the w1n(<;low,k he said. id
collection of pictures, run eme er 53'




the pledges would take

the composite to their house to
decorate it.They would then wait
for the other house to serenade
them in order to retrieve their

Assistant Dean of Students and
Sorority Adviser Susan West said
that as a result of the incident last
year’s Greek presidents agreed to
do away with the tradition.

“(The decision to do away with
composite stealing) was not writ—

that Si 3 C i apol—
ogized, performe community
service at the Tri—Delt house by
cleaning and painting, and made
restitution for the small medical

Alexander confirmed the Sigma
Chi’s apology and said that her
house mother was mostly just
scared, and did not receive any
major injuries.

“The guys were very apologetic
and did their community service
here,” she said.


Jill Abshier
Joanne Blue
Rachel Bomberger
Erin Breeding
Beth Brockman
Erin Cunningham
Kelly Duncan
Corrine Garnhart
Janna Garver
Jennifer Gibson
Caryn Gigha
Tara Green
Emil Hannah
Man y Harrett
Kati Holloway
Amory Hicks
Lindsey Mackellar
Kate Martin
Monica Messmer
Beth Mitsch


rWeVOur New AAH Alphas


Andee McElya
Mandy Neuman
Whitney Prentice
Katie Queen
Laura Parker
Lisa Rippetoe
Gretchen Schultz
Anne Schwarting
Denise Shelton
Tara Stanford
Aoife Timoney
Leslie True
Beth Ann Turner
Liz Valpreda
Lindsey Wainscott
Rebecca Ware
Mandy Weaver
Lesley Woodrin

Julie Woodwar


Greek composite ‘theft' tradition history




JAMES CRISP Kernel staff

[INPUT WLTCarIy Patterson and Laura Shoup, communications senior
and junior, spend time in the A D Pi house where their composite hangs.




d0 so dUe





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V er.


By K:



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Photos By JAMES CRISP Kernel mff

8H0!" II 0'" A]. Dunning, lead
guitarinfor Verve Pipe, played to a
crowd of I 00 people at Lynagh ’3‘
Tuesday ni ht. The than) by the
hand from Tim? Lanyin , Mich.
included performancerfgrom their
releases “I ’ve suffered a head injury”
and their man reeent CD “V illainr. ”
Among the featured yongy were “The
freshman, ” “Penny ix poison ” and
their current single “Photo aph. ”
Afier a few more weeks offhadlin-
ing the club circuit the hand will be
opening for the Kin“ reunion tour.
Above, Alike Coulter, lead singer of
The Lifters, played guitar and sang
with enthusiasm or they opened for
Verve Pipe.

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Political organization IIOStS
former QOVBI‘IIOI‘ Bl‘BfltllItt

By Kathy Reding

.‘Ixrirtant New; Editor

A new organization hoping to
become involved in political
activism and community service
holds its first meeting today.

NextGen Democrats will meet
at noon in the Law Building

Former governor and present
UK Board of Trustee’s member
Ned Breathitt will be the featured

Bill Cegelka, one of the group’s
organizers and a UK law student,
said NextGen Democrats is a local

“The goal is to bridge the gap
between the Young Democrats
and those who become profes-


sionals,“ Cegelka said.
He said NextGen
targets younger profes—
sionals and students in
professional schools,
but is open to “anybody
who’s young and inter-

“VVe thought he’d
be a good spokesper-
son," Cegelka said.

“He’s political
because he was gover—
nor but also profes-
sional because he’s on

ested.” lowlflfi the Board of
Cegelka said he ahead Trustees."

expects at least 75 peo- Breathitt said he

ple to attend the first V was pleased with

meeting because of the NextGetz NextGen’s formation.

interest he has
observed in the group

Democratr will
meet at noon

“I think it’s just
great to see so many

and because ofthe con— today in the young people inter—

venience of the law Law Building ested in the political

school location. courtroom. process,” Breathitt
The group chose said.

Breathitt to speak at its
inaugural meeting so


“I look forward to
watching them make a



he could share his political views.

difference in the elections this


Kim jeranin, coordinator of
the Democratic campaign out of
Frankfort, will also address the
group this afternoon.

(Iegelka said Next( {en plans on
becoming involved in all the polit—
ical races this fall because the
group believes campaigns “shape
the course ofpeople's lives."

He said all races, whether
national, state or local, are impor—
tant to the organization and its
campaign efforts.

In addition, NextGen plans on
doing community service projects
after the election.

“We can improve the way we
think society should be through
campaigns," Cegelka said.

“Through community service
we can help improve society

Cegelka said the group is look—
ing forward to the accomplish—
ments it can make as an organiza-
tion of politically—minded profes-
sionals and students.

“\Ve just felt like we had the
enthusiasm and excitement to do
it," he said.

Transplant athletes overcome obstacles

By Jenniler Smith

(.‘onmhuting I/Vriter

Life goes on, especially for
eight men and women who were
organ transplant recipients
through the UK Transplant Pro-
gram and participated in the I996
U.S. Transplant Games.

The transplant athletes gath—
ered together yesterday at the UK
Transplant Clinic for an awards
ceremony acknowledging their
participation in the 1996 U.S.
Transplant Games.

Athletes participated in golf,
tennis, track and field and swim-

Two of the eight people from
the UK Transplant Program went
on to medal at the games.

Vernon Scott, a heart recipi-

ent, won a bronze medal in golf,
while James Holdiness, also a
heart transplant patient, won the

The games are held every two
years in various cities. This year
they were held in Salt Lake City,

The youngest athlete to take
part in the games was two years
old while the oldest was 76.

Raul Lagos, a four—time kidney
transplant patient, said the games
were “something we‘ll never for-

Just sharing in the experience
was a gold medal in itself, he said.

Not all athletes from the UK
Transplant Program attended the
ceremony today. Toby Tomaciz,
coordinator for UK Transplant
Clinic, offered a simple explana—


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tion for their absence.

He said the patients, or ath—
letes, are busy people because
they lead normal, eventful lives
after their transplants.

Jim Crouch, a kidney trans—
plant patient, recently becatne the
proud father ofa little girl. Life is
indeed busy and full for him.

Linda Cox, who received a
lung transplant in April of 1994,
said there are no limits on her

Her actions speak louder than

Cox stays active and at the age
of 52 still enjoys biking and walk-
in .

Several of the athletes agreed
there are no restrictions on their
lives since their transplants.

Lung transplant patient Lind