xt74mw28cw8z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74mw28cw8z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-01-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 16, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 16, 1987 1987 1987-01-16 2020 true xt74mw28cw8z section xt74mw28cw8z   




Vol. XCl. No. 77





lIECK "TIMER/Kernel Staff

BRECK “ml/Kama Staff

Book fare

Top photo: Scott Smith, a
business junior, looks over
books at Kennedy Bookstore
yesterday afternoon. The an~
nual crowd gathered as long
lines and cluttered aisles
marked the beginning of the
new semester.

Bottom Photo: Kellie BOy'le
(left), Paige Taylor and John
Simon share a laugh while
looking at notebooks yester-
day afternoon at the



Greeks altering
wet party plans



Some fraternities move rush
off campus for this weekend

Staff Writer

With the continuing controversy
over alcohol, or the lack of it, on
campus and the start of fraternity
“wet rush" tonight. many fraterni-
ties have felt the need to change
their party plans.

According to several former and
current fraternity presidents, J0-
seph Burch, acting vice chancellor
for student affairs, and Michael
Palm, assistant dean of students,
told the presidents that it would be
wise in the future to a have a dry

“He (Burch) recommended to the
fraternity presidents guidelines that
they should follow during spring
rush and all other social functions,“
said Jim Stein, former Lambda Chi
Alpha president.

Stein was referring to remarks
Burch made at a meeting of frater-
nity presidents last November.

Burch said that at the meeting in
November he did not make a specif-
ic list of recommendations, rather
he just told the fraternity presidents
that he “expected them to abide by
the law" concerning alcohol con-

Burch was referring specifically
to alcohol only being served to stu-
dents of legal drinking age.

According to Interfraternity Coun-
cil President Chuck Krumwiede.
Burch told the presidents there
would be strict enforcement of the
campus rule prohibiting those under
the age of 21 from consuming alco
holic beverages during wet rush.

Currently, fraternities are prohib-
ited from serving alcoholic bever-
ages during the first part of rush
week. During the weekend portion of
rush, they are allowed to serve alco
hol, but only to those 21 years old or

Krumwiede said the rule has
“been around for a long time, but it
has not been enforced in the past

Matthew Beasey, president of

Lambda Chi Alpha, said both Palm
and Burch, along with Doug Wilson,
associate dean of students, will be
going to fraternity houses this week-
end to make sure they are in compli—
ance with the regulations.

Although he has not made specific
plans to visit fraternity houses this
weekend, Burch said he wouldn't
“be surprised" if he visited fraterni-
ty houses this weekend, adding that
he often visits on the weekends.

Downplaying talk of a crackdown
this weekend, Palm said he had al-
ready been visiting fraternities
every night this week during rush.

However, Beasy said he was “not
sure" what Burch, Palm and Wilson
would do if they discovered alcohol
in the possession of minors at a fra-
ternity horse.

Some fraternities have decided to
alter their rush parties by holding
them off campus. Others have opted
for completely dry parties altogeth-

“Many fraternities are choosing to
hold this weekend's final rush par—
ties off campus,” Stein said.

Among those altering their social
activity this weekend are Kappa
Alpha and Lambda Chi Alpha frater-

Brad Woods, former president of
Kappa Alpha, said his fraternity will
conduct a dry party this weekend as
a result of the November meeting.

Beasey said his fraternity will be
holding a party at its house tonight
and will serve alcohol. But security
guards and a bartender have been
employed to ensure that only those
of legal age will be served alcohol.

Tomorrow night, Beasey said
Lambda Chi will hold a party off
campus at the Lansdowne Club.
where the fraternity is not under the
jurisdiction of the IFC

“It's going to promote drunken
driving," said David Durik of Phi
Kappa Tau in response to fraterni-
ties holding parties off campus.
“You‘re almost encouraging it.“

University plans activities honoring Martin Luther King Jr.

Brown-bag forum to discuss relevance

Lexington groups to remember man,

his dream with march around campus

Staff Writer

Martin Luther King Jr. had a
dream. and this Sunday Lexington
groups will he marching in honor of
the man and his vision.

At least 50 groups will meet at 8
am. to make a mile-long trek
through streets around campus, said
William Parker. UK vice chancellor
for minority affairs and co-chair-
man for the second annual Martin
Luther King Jr. march.

The purpose of the march, Parker
said. is to “demonstrate to people
that we believe in Dr. King‘s cause,
that we can show some appreciation
and commemoration and that we
can stand up for human rights."

The march will be led by about 40
to 30 children in order to draw atten-
tion to the march‘s other purpose,
said (‘harles Jones, who is co-chair-
mg the event with Parker.

“The focus this year will be on the
children. We want to have a peace-
ful world for children," she said.
"Because they (children) can carry


ClTho UK black cultural center
will be opening Monday to cor-
respond with celebration of
Martin Luther Klng Jr.’s birth-
day. Soo Page 3.

DOn the anniversary of the
civil rights leader’s birth,
speeches, concerts and prayer
meetings were held to pay trib-
ute to King. Sac back page.

out Dr. King‘s hope for peace and
justice for everyone.“

The march, which begins and ends
in the parking lot behind Memorial
Coliseum, is part of activities spon-
sored by UK, Parker said.

“The University has provided the
facilities and support for the march
has come right from the top,“ he

Last year's march, the first, was
estimated to have about 2,000 partic-



Marchers brave cold weather and snow flurries at last year's Martin

Luther King Jr. rally.

ipants, Jones said. This year 50
groups, consisting of primarily
churches and civic organizations,
have registered, but the numbers
marching have not been estimated,

“We're hoping for at least the

Louisville Times to end publication;
city will still have afternoon paper

Staff and -\P reports

Lill'lSVILLI‘I The Courier-Jour-
nal and Louisville Times Co. has de-
cided to cease publication of The
Louisxille Titties. but will still offer
readers an afternoon newspaper.

Beginning Feb. 16, both the morn
ing and afternoon editions of the
newspaper will be known as The
(‘ourier—Journal However, there will
be no Saturday afternoon newspa-

The Louisville Times, established
in mm, is currently published every
afternoon except Sunday. while The
Courier-Journal is published every
morning and on Sunday

Publisher George N. Gill and Edi-
tor Michael G Gartner addressed

the news staffs of the newspapers
yesterday afternoon, but declined to
comment afterward pending a news
conference scheduled for 10:30 a.m.
today. Details of the reorganization
of the newspapers will be made pub-
lic at that time.

However, it was learned that there
will be no layoffs and no changes in
management as a result of the ter-
mination of the'l‘imes.

The Associated Press has learned
that The Courier~Journal will offer
the same number of morning edi-
tions —— four -— but will reduce the
number of afternoon editions from
three to two.

In addition, the newspaper will ex-
pand from three to four sections,
creating space for a 30 percent in-

crease in news content. The newspa-
per's type will also be larger.

The reorganization comes almost
eight months after the Bingham
family announced the sale of the
newspapers to Gannett Co. Inc. for
nearly 33m million.

Patriarch Barry Bingham Sr. put
the family's media empire up for
sale on Jan. 9, was. after a long dis-
agreement among his family over fi.
nances and control of the compa.
nies, which included broadcast and
printing companies.

Bingham’s father had spent 81
million in 1918 to buy the newspa.
pers. which have since won eight
Pulitzer Prizes.

Gannett own 93 dailies, including
USA Today, a national publication.

same number as last year — regis-
tered or not. " Jones said.

After the march, a short ceremo-
ny consisting of singing and candle
lighting will be held inside Memorial
Coliseum, Parker said. Its purpose

See MARCH. Page 6


Kentucky takes on L80 in _
another importmt 30m
em Conference pane sun-

day.Seem,mas 4’ '-

Radio Free Lexington
onty be as good as new]
porters. Foraguoatopflenf


aeonEWPOiNT.Paoe 5. ' .

km ‘1



of ideals of civil rights leader today

Contributing Writer

The minority student affairs of-
fice, in conjunction with the MI.
King Library, will present a brown-
bag luncheon today in the gallery
room of the library.

The noon meeting will discuss the
relevance of Martin Luther King
Jr.‘s ideals in today’s world.

William Parker, vice chancellor
for minority affairs, said the lun-
cheon features a roundtable format
with individuals from four local
service agencies.

Lauren Weinberg, director of the
National Association of Christians
and Jews, and Porter Peeple, exec-
utive director of the Lexington
Urban League, are among those
participating in the discussion.

Parker said he will direct ques-
tions to table members concerning
King‘s ideology and the role they see
these concepts playing in today‘s so-

Parker will allow each member
time to convey his or her philosophy

and then ask other table members to

He hopes that audience members
will participate when members of
the roundtable conduct a question-
and-answer session.

The brown-bag luncheon is part of
the minority student affairs office‘s
continuing tradition of recognizing
King, Parker said.

This is the second year that the
ML King Library and the minority
student affairs office have teamed
up to recognize the civil rights lead-

The idea for such a program came
last year when the library staff de-
cided it would dedicate its January
forum in honor of King, conducting
it the Friday before his birthday.

The library asked the minority af-
fairs office to participate and the
first King forum sponsored by these
two campus groups was formed.

“We try to find people who had
personal interaction with King,“
Parker said. “This year we have
people who will give us background

See FORUM, Page 6

College system lacks
campus communication

Special Projects Editor

The Senate Council yesterday dis-
cussed ways of increasing commu-
nication between the Lexington cam-
pus and community colleges and
considered a suggestion to amend
the rule concerning tests the week
before finaLs.

Charles Wethirgton, chancellor of
the UK community college system,
spoke with the council about con-
ducting joint meetirgs of the Corn-
munity College Council and the Sen-
ate Council and exchargirg
representative members between
those bodies.

in addition, the placement of a
second member from the commu-

nity college system on the Under-
graduate Council was considered.

Wethington said these measures
would help improve relatiom be-
tween UK and its community col-

“The Lexington campus does a
pretty poor job of communicating
with the community colleges,” he
said, referrirg specifically to
changes made in undergraduate cur-
riculum by Lexington campus fac-

Often the community colleges are
not informed in advance of these
charges and have difficulty updat-

“A majority of the time (the im-
iigton camp!) he not touched



L WI.)





 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. January 16, 1987

Lady Kats win at home
despite sleppy playing

B) CA. l)l':\.\'l-I BUNIFER
Staff Writer

It wasn‘t one for the highlight
films last night. nevertheless it was
a well‘accepted win for Terry llall's
Lady Kats,

Last night at Memorial Ctiliseuiii.
L'K fought off the postTennessw
blues and its opponents from Ten
nessee State. outlasting the Tiger
Gems 91% The Victory raised l'K‘s
overall record to 9-3, while Tennes—
see State dropped to 2-12 on the sea

“It was a disappointing game."
Lady Kat coach Terry Hall said. "i
thought we didn‘t play with intensity
the first half."

In the first half. the heavily far
vored Lady Kats watched their
guests sprint out to a 54) lead as
they failed to convert on their first
three trips down the f loor

Finally, sophomore guard Jodi
Whitaker broke the ice for the Rails,
igniting a 24—6 run that put L'K up by

But sloppy play and bad passes re
sulting from lack of concentration
prevented the Kats from shaking
their foes They took an it-pomi lead
into the locker room

"l was worried at halftinie.‘ Hall
said. “I told 'the team it we
weren‘t going to play any better \i e
were going to have some trouble "

At the start of the second halt. it
looked like L'K was gomg to evperi
ence a little of that "trouble flail
had feared.

Although they managed to l)llllil a
lead of as many as .to points. Hall
was never quite sure Hi what her the
outcome would be

"I never felt real good the entire
game.”she said

It almost appeared Hall's tears
were going to become reality when
Tennessee State raii oil 12 on
answered pOints over a 2:35 period
narrowing the gap to H and prompt


Plan ini- tslll n In it
Brown...,...,. 32 [2
Gun .......... 29 M
Dom .......... 3
Howard ....... it
Parson ....... 36
latch" ....... 39
chforson ..... 34
innit .......... 9





no 25 Hi! 33

at. lg lg. ii i


Freeman ...... ll
Crolcy ......... 27
Miller. D. 22
Whitaker ..... 20
Nordic; ....... 2!
Penn: ......... i6
Shmni ......... )5
War'cn........ ll
Spencer ....... l
1 aramini ..... ll
Elbert ......... 3
Harrell........ ‘ 9
Miller, K. ll
Whiic ........ l
'l «in

.- ~—


2t» 38 6713 10 53 291391

Mainline: Lady Kat: 53-38. Fiold‘oal shooting
percentages: rm Stale 35.2; Lady KAI: 56.7.
Free-throw shooting pact-nuns: Tm Slate
”.4: Lady Kai: 75.0. Turnovers: Tm State
l8; Lady Kat; 25. AW: l.0$0(ou.).




ing a Hall timeout with 5:11 left in
the contest.

But when it counted. the Lady
Kats got it together. Aside from a
:ield goal and late‘game free throw,
the Kats dissolved the Tigers'
threat, scoring 15 points and giving
Hall a reason to breathe a little eaSi—

Although the game wasn‘t one L'K
will want to watch again on the
‘»'(‘lt. there was one Lady Kat who
it ill want to remember the night

Senior center Debbie Miller broke
“tie .‘lllilllnt‘ l'K women's consec»
it'lU‘ treerthrim‘ mark when she
canned two shots from the charity
stripe at the 11:16 mark of the sec-
oiid half.

UK swim teams open up

Staff reports

The UK women's swim team. rid-
ing the crest of an excellent ti tall
season. will open its spring schedule
tonight at Memorial t‘oliseum
against the Lakeside Swim (‘liilv

The 6 p.m. meet will match what

.Mt’il- ii. i i \ M-
‘ ll il‘ttl Ail i '5' .
Wed. Jan. 14 -
Sat. Jan.17

I 8 p.m.



10 p.m.
Admission $1.95

For more info.
Call 257-1287



(5‘) mite-[Sunday ‘


Alan Hersh,
piano soloist

Double Feature:
A Day at the Races.
A Night at the Opera

Sunday, Jan, l8
3:00 p.m.
UK Center for the Arts




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Daily rates
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(Anytime Friday to 9 a rn Mondayi

0 New Cars

0 No Mileage Charge
(within state)

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0 All types of Vans

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['K coach Wynn Paul describes as
Kentucky's best women‘s team to
date against Lakeside. :1 Louisville-
based club that has neier lost to a
Kentucky team

"This is our strongest team ever."
Paul said. "We‘ve beer. training
hard for two weeks now and we are

CLAY OWEN/Kernel Sta"

Sophomore forward Pam Shrum drives around a Tennessee State
defender in last night's 91 -65 Lady Kat victory.

Miller kept her streak alive at 23
and broke the record of 32 set by
Diane Stephens during the 198283

Despite her team's lessethan-im-

pressive performance, Hall said she
feels good about the Kats as they
head for Baton Rouge Saturday to
take on the Lady Tigers and begin a
crucial part of their schedule.

spring seasons tonight

excited to see what we can do after
all our hard work "

And hard work is what it will take
to beat Lakeside. a club that has
produced such SVilnlliit‘l‘S as Mary
T. Meagher.

This year Lakeside will be led by
the efforts of another line swimmer


Editor in chief
Managing Editor

News Editor

Assistant News Editor
Editorial Editor

Sports Editor

Arts Editor

Assistant Art: Editor
Special Proiects Editor
Photo Editor

Advertising Manager
Production Manager

and weekly during the summer session
are 5% per semester and $30 per year

Street Shepherdsville. KY 40165

Phone I606] 257»287l


Kentucky Kernel

The Kentucky Kornol iS published on floss days during the academic year
Third-class postage paid as Lexington KV 40511
”'19 Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing Ol‘d

Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel Room 026
Journalism Building University of Keniorky

Frcn Stewart

Scott Word

Joy Blonton

Brod COOper
Lyntbio A. Polormo
Andy Dumstorf
Erik Reece

Wes Miller

Seon Anderson
Alon Lessig

Paulo Anderson
Linda Collins
Rbondo O'Non

Mailed subscription rates

Printing 534 Buckmon

LOXington KY 40506-00423.



Welcome Back

University Day Lunch

Sunday, January 18,

v I i w Con... ION. Study
"art '1’” rte-nu". 1i ’
.nniise yo 7' three
special Biol» st-irty
topics ksimed ‘cr
riiioqe st idents

‘ r a m. locum Nor-uh
’Jr Bill inboard


12:00 noon

uuivuuirv Luucu
H'l“ ‘1’ .‘ It",

i , ..

The Goth-ring
‘ ' .1919 1! nentc

Calvary Baptist Church

iso East High Street

in Dorsey Tierney. who placed third
in the breaststroke at the US. Open
recently with a time of 2:36.00.

The UK men‘s team w'ilt"open its
spring season with a dual meet
against Marshall University tomor-
row at Memorial Coliseum.

Chevy Chase
812 Euclid Avenue
Monday-Saturday 10-6
Victorian Square
Monday-Saturday 10-6
Sunday l-5

Solo Starts Sat. Jan. i7th
And Ends Sat. Jan. 31"



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DESK TOP PlinttSiiiNt‘.

lliiii‘fllt illt'

(Just before Mrlii iiiiiitui

Inconsistency may

be bigger opponent
than visiting LSU

Staff Writer

UK coach Eddie Sutton is begin-
ning to think the inconsistency of his
Wildcats is all in their minds.

And with another crucial South-
eastern Conference game against
the LSU Tigers next on the Wildcat
agenda, he is willing to try almost
anything to get his players' heads
back in the game. ~

Even if that means a little psychi-
atric help.

“We had a staff meeting this
morning, thinking about hiring a
psychiatrist or a hypnotist for the
team,“ Sutton said. “I've never had
a team like this one before.”

Therapists have often been used to
improve athletos‘ performances in
many sports. The procedure consists
of the athlete imagining himself suc-
ceeding at whatever aspect of his
game is lacking.

In UK’s case, the aspect is free-
throw shooting.

And if the Cats, 9-4 on the year
and 3-3 in the conference, don’t im-
prove their averages from the stripe
by their 2 p.m. Sunday matchup
with LSU, Sutton admits his team
could be in some trouble.

“We could shoot blindfolded and
do better than we are doing now,”
he said. “When you shoot free
throws, it’s like a snowball rolling
down a mountainside. You miss and
you miss and you miss and pretty
soon it becomes a psychological

And as UK senior guard James
Blackmon explains, there is only so
much a player can do on the prac-
tice floor to improve his percentages
in the games.

“You don‘t really know how
you're going to do until you get out
on the court in the game," Black-
mon said. “It’s just a matter of
going up to the line and hitting the

In hitting only 15 of 31 for 48.4 per-
cent against Florida Wednesday, UK
managed to pull out a victory by sti—
fling the Gator offense early in the
game with strong defensive play.

But if the Cats’ poor shooting
keeps up, Sutton feels sooner or
later it will catch up with them.



“I’d rather shoot poorly and win
than shoot well and lose,“ he said.
“The ‘W’ is what counts. But I think
it is just a matter of time before
(poor free-throw shooting) costs us a

And if that ball game is Sunday‘s
contest with LSU, it could dash UK's
SEC championship hopes for good.

Even though LSU has struggled to
an 8-8 record, 1-5 in the conference,
UK is not taking Dale Brown’s hun-
gry Tigers lightly.

Senior center Nikita Wilson (16.5
points per game) and 6—5 senior
guard Anthony Wilson (14.9 ppg)
will lead “a very talented team"
into Rupp Arena. That, coupled with
the clever coaching of Brown, could
give UK’s roller-coaster season an-
other dip.

But Sutton said if UK can handle
the numerous defensive change-ups
Brown is known for, the Cats can
chalk up their fourth SEC victory.

“We will try to be prepared for ev—
erything," he said. “I think recogni-
tion will be the key. If our players
can recognize the defenses, run our
offense and control turnovers, we
will beatLSU."

Sutton is also confident, despite
UK’s schizophrenic season, that the
Wildcats can still pull out an SEC
title, starting with a win against the

United Colors
of Benetton

Children and Adult







til'l‘ =\‘. "t‘

. t

Ni W

si t i ii m,

litt‘slNl 's‘il AlilJH

AND Milt it Wilif'


 KENTUCKY KERNEL, Friday. January 16, 1987 - 3


Erik Rocco
A! " Editor

We: Miller
Assisiont Al is Editor


Black students may find ‘air of dignity’
in Martin Luther King Cultural Center

Staff Writer


lack culture will soon have a

home at UK in the Martin

Luther King Jr. Cultural

The center, scheduled to open
Monday, King‘s birthday, will be
aimed at black students‘ “particular
interests and their particular
cultural background," said Chester
Grundy, director of the minority
student affairs office.

“They're going to have a sense of

“For black students on this
campus, and on most predominately
white campuses. that's really
difficult to achieve," Grundy said.
“That’s just one of the functions of a
place like this.

“If things go as we hope, this is
going to be the kind of place that
will be so inviting and have such an
air of dignity to it that it will make
black students feel good about
themselves and what they can
possibly do," he said.

he center plans to achieve

this. in part. by displaying

African art pieces on loan
from private collectors.


mmm-aewwmsrmnmiu. Toniahtandtomorrow.


Thou-92245. Wrai’onlaitmdtomorrow, Top 40/discomuslcona

sound system 4 pm to t 4.111.. tomorrow after hours from 1:30 to 3:45 am.


humane—5901mm. Tonightand tomorrow. Mystery Train

(rocttlwllplayfromSpmtotem $2ooverbothniohts.

momum~aeiw 80MB!

”Aachen-- 2009mm. Tonightendtomorrow JouJouMil

pleylromfipm totem “cover


M’s — 815 Euclid Ave. Tonlmt and tomorrow. Tyrone Smith and Teleter

with play from 9 pm. to 1 em. No cover at tonight's bemh party. $5 cover




oiganticeomdeyetem, lneddlilontoywrtavoritevidoosonlerge-screenw.

303 will It Rick‘s Piece - Tomorrow. Steve Gains (acoustic guitar with raw

ornate) wholaytmm 99m. to 1 en. Nocover.


King‘e urn Pub «(Formerly Jeffereon Davis inn) 102 W. High St. Tonight and

tomorrow Jett Calvin (’605 ll ‘705 aowstic. requests) will play from 9 pm. to 1


LA. Oliver’s - Holiday inn at i-75 aid Newtown Pike. DJ spins Top 40 dance


Library — 388 Woodland Ave. Tonight, Thwnper and the Plaid Rabbits will play

tromepm to 1 am. Tomorrow AtomicTan wiilpiay from 9pm to 1 am.

83. 50 cover both hunts. Free pizza from 8 to 9 p m and $1. 50 well drinks

frothoiOpm 95cemd'eftbeerdtnioht.

IlelnStroetBerendGrlil~ DowntownonMain.



2001-VtPCiub—5539Mhene-Boonesboro Road.

EVAN SiLVERSTEiN Kerr-215th"
King Jr. Cultural Center, located on the first tloci
of the Student Center.

Frank Walker (left) and Chester Grundy will be on
hand at 2 pm. Monday to open the Martin Luther

he purpose of the center

should not be perceived as a

separation of blacks and
whites, he said. Rather. it's a
celebration of black history.

“It's really kind of ironic; it's like
an accepted part of society,"
Grundy said. “Like for instance. St.
Patrick‘s Day. which really is a
celebration of Irish culture.

“Everybody will go around with a
button that says ‘I like being Irish'
— even black people wear that. But
nobody questions that (by l saying

“These will be pieces that people
have acquired in their travels in
various parts of Africa.” Grundy

The exhibit will be on display until
the end of February, at which time
a new exhibit will be set up. Grundy
said. “The displays will be changing

But the displays and the center
itself aren’t there just for the black
students. “Our doors will always be
open for anybody who wants to
share with us what we have to
offer, " Grundy said.

Altii ti lit It‘”llO\ .111 111. ookplau
oiei tiii siiiiiniti tlii ill .11). sillilt nix
"came back really lll‘t‘tl up."
Grundy said. “They i‘i-ail) (liouuli‘ 1.!
was a conspiracy 'l‘licii \th .1 lot oi
petitions circulated tor the "t"Lli ll oi
‘The Hole ' l ii.i1.1ii. ilii-y \klillli‘il
‘The Holt" hark

ex erybody else, ‘Hey, it‘s really hip
to be irish.‘ This place (the center i
is really, in that sense. no

And the idea for a place
designated for black culture isn't
much different from a Spot, located
in the Student Center three years
ago. designated “The Hole.” Grundy
said. "One thing that precipitated
student interest in (the center) , . .
was the loss of a place in the
Student Center known as ‘The Hole.‘
due to the renovation of the grill.


ii .1 place calm-ll

But Grand} 11.1.‘1
could do bettei in:
"The Hole ' 'l'lil' l't‘sllil l
Luther King Jr i‘iii‘
which. Ji(‘('t)l‘(ll:



An American Tell —— A festive, minted Steven Spielberg movie about
Christmas. RatedG. (SouthPuk: 12:30, 2:10)

Manon - Charles Bronson is a Secret Service agent assigned the task
of protecting the president‘s wife from terrorists. Rated PG-13. (North Park:
1:30. 3:25, 5:20. 7:50. 9:45, andtonmht and tomorrow only at 11:35.)

Brighton Beach Montolre -- The story of a pubescent Jewish boy and his life in
an American town during World War ii. A Neil Simon movie. Rated PG-13 (North
Park 1: 45. 3: 45 5: 45, 7: 55. 10 and tonight and tomorrow only at midnight.
AlsoaSoufil Perk 1 :46. 3:45, 52.45 7:55. 10. and tonightandtomorrowonly
atmimighl) ” " '“

lockioSohool—Rodneymncorheldgoesback to ooiiegeasamiddle-age
mnionaire to keep his son from matting school. Rated PG-13. (The Worsham
M:10p.m.) ‘

Cambium -— The class: Bogart. Bergman love story. (The Worsham Theater:
early 20th century America. (Lexington Mall: 1:50. 4:35, 7:25. 10:15. Also at
Turfland Mall: 1:45. 4:40, 7:30. 10:10.)

Crimes of the Heert —- Mod P643. (North Park: 1:15, 3:20. 5:25, 7:35,
9:w.mmdhtmdtmmmwonlyat 11:40.)
OrltloeICMdttlon—Rlchu'dPiyorpoeesasadoctorin this comedy. Rated R.
(North Park: 1:25. 3:25, 5:25, 7:35. 10. and tonight and tomorrow only at
11:50. Also at Fayette Mist: 1:40, 3:40. 5:40. 7:40. 9:40. and tonight and

Crocodile Dundee - m Hogan stars in and vwote this comedy/edventure/love
story about a native mature experiences in both the concrete jungle of New
York and the oumncks of Austrdia. Rated PG-13. (South Park: 1:15. 3:15,
5:15. 7:25. 9:20.Whtmdtomorrowat 11:05.)

Golden Child - Eddie WW5 in this adventure comedy. Rated P643.
(South Park: 1. 3, 5, 7:80, 9:30, tonight and tomorrow only at 11:20. Also at
North Putt: 1:10. 3:05, 5:20. 7:40, 9:50, tonight and tomorrow only at

Lady end the Tramp -— M minted Disney classic about two dogs that tail into
lovemdtmnoiifietede. (imam: 2. 3:45. 5:20. 7.)
Murray. Rated PCS-13.30061 M: 1:30, 3:30. 5:30. 7:45. 9:40. and tonight

loom ill 7- W R. M Perk: 1:50. 3:45. 5:40. 7:40, 9:40. and to-
nlqhtmotomoquntyd 11:40.)
movie. Rated PG. (Smith M: 12:35. 2:55, 5:10. 7:35, 9:55, and tonight and
tomorrowonlyet 12:10.)

The W Alter «Just-Sends ms as e down-and-out drunken actress in
this nude! mystery. Rated R. (North M2 1:20. 3:25, 5:30. 7:40. 9:50. and
ram 810 mm only at ii ..50 Neo at Fayette Mall: 1:20. 3:25. 5:30.
7:,45 9:,65 mmmmmatn: 50.)

WWMe- ~WFwdetersasaneccentncprofessormo
moveehietmiywhw. Whyoooowithowhirai and nature! strug-
gles. new 90." MM11, 3:15. 5:30. 7-45. to. and tonight and tomor~
rowoniyotmimlohtl ‘
mmamwmmmw RatedR (Fayettemilm
3:10. 52.15 7:30 0:45 mdmmtemowoniyatii. 45)
mMmmM— hereon (MmleeonMein: EveryFrideyend
Malinda”) 1-
“fih-AWMWMMye gmwthttu’ouohtheen-
motiiomdhmotdefii RetedR. (Movioeontoleln: tonight“
teammaoummm 350.550.730.130)
www-miirwotfiitmmmmmnnm teeeto

5:307:36, mmmm“

,. «way

mama-um 12:,45 3 5:.15 7:35. 32.55 Wand
mm~4mmmmmmm— ctmycm.


damninmmnttos NeontSouthPer‘k: 1:,10 3:20
:' .’ matrimony-rims)

. . m.~WMMhttfiommem
www.mnmmnis 3:25 5.35 7:.50 9:55.210»-
mummntmmum 110 320 5:25 r:.4o

“If people don't feel comfortable
in coming into a space that is
designed primarily with black folk
in mind. then that's their problem."

that the Irish are trying to separate

“The Irish are simply feeling good
about being Irish and telling

‘ ‘ hat was a place that
black students kind of

their turf.“

.L‘tiiirrxii.i:1. will
offer black students a p. . '
“recharge. .\liii;iliiistl:1’
Fridaysespei'; 1%.; iliii .r. ’ 1
“peak"hoursoi l'. .1 11.. 71:11 :1.

staked out as theirs.
he said.

Meryl Streep tops list of worst-dressed women

LOS ANGELES (AP) ~ Actress
Meryl Streep, game show hostess
Vanna White and Sarah. Duchess of
York, topped the 27th annual list of
worstdressed women issued
Wednesday by dress designer and
fashion arbitrator Mr. Blackwell.

“The problem is that most of the
women in the world could have
made the list.” Blackwell said at a
news conference in the parlor of his
home. “The whole trouble is, we
only had room for 10.“

Actually there were 11 on this
year's list. with actresses Sharon
Giess and Tyne Daly, stars of the
“Cagney and Lacey" television
show, tying for fifth place. Also on
the list were Barbra Streisand,
Kathleen Turner. Cher. Whoopi
Goldberg and Jean Kasem, wife of
radio announcer Casey Kasem.

Streep, who sometimes makes her
own clothes, was first on the list.
“She looks like a gypsy abandoned
by a caravan" said the acerbic de—
signer. who prefers to be known by
his professional name.

Second was White, the prize pre-
senter on the popular “Wheel of For-
tune" game show. “She wins fash-
ion's booby prize of the year." he

Third was Sarah. Duchess of
York. who married the former
Prince Andrew last summer.

“I don't want anyone to think that
because a woman has full hips. she‘s
badly dressed." Blackwell said.
“There‘s plenty of ways to cover a
full hip. One of them is to stay in

He said the duchess "looks like
the queen of last year‘s English
county fair. Actually, I said she w