xt74mw28cw56 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74mw28cw56/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-12-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1985 1985 1985-12-10 2020 true xt74mw28cw56 section xt74mw28cw56 __—_______—______—_——_________—_______.h
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vol. XC, No. 45 Established 1394 University oI Kontucky. Lexington, Kentucky Independent since I971 YMy, 0mm; 10, I985 .
.__________________________________________________—________ .
. . '
SGA senate passes $3 . 50 student fee increase .., ,1
. . 't
It) In Itl..\NTO.\ The increase. which passed by a lturmg debate over the bill. many “I talked to over on students “1”} and the sulllt’ handful of students student lt',’.lt'.‘ ,1 .t u; .1 m.- e. . , '. ' '9'
StafI‘Writer 20-8 margin. would be dmded Into questions were raised concerning, diverse opinions who were Iltsfiu>19t1 showed up at the heartngs. he said ephant “m m, ; :1 - my 5-, H, j - ‘13., ', I-'. ‘
three parts SGA and the Student whether students had enough input at the way l'KMiA has handled thts They would haw come but they tm-trmoit.~~ pirtltt'l‘. ' ' - ‘ , ’ :.‘
The student (.oi‘crnment Associa- Activities Board would each receive mm the student tee package Three matter."shesatd dtdnt Km“ 1 Wm. H, ,1 1.1,, ‘,t;,:..tt,.zra ‘ . ',': , . f
“0” WW” “N "It-{ht 1“ increase SIU- $1.50 of the amount and student or senate members also argued the »\shcraft said a student \ote was t‘} J \hm margtn 0' ”‘14. [ht‘ 56” tron has know I'll .z’HtLll ' _1- \t‘al‘\ ', " {.3 .' L."
dent acttytties fees by $1.50. narrow ganizationswouldreceive fittcents constitutionaltty of the manner in necessary because the toad tot-don ate retected the proposal allocatmu, ltlal the \ludt‘ti' 1 eulet’ ALI» aorta; to '4 i,‘ q,
ly det‘eatin a bill that would have , ‘~\hl(‘ll the bills were brought before of the tee )ro mm] was not .1 hat \tu S3 of the ro osed increase to the be m tumult. a, ,v ”1.. 1.1.1: into ~te s 1' H ‘1."
added an tilllltlflllill $3 for the Stur 0f the I)“ cents allocated to student thesellate dents preyitouily thouuht \ttltletlt Versterptor one year to mute. the _ Hu‘ p .f ' ': " ', Ly,“
"0m “Am“. organizations. Swot) would be chan- , . ‘ J . .. , ‘ y ‘ ‘ , t tt 4” ~ _ H .. . ' J ‘ t' .j 1. -._;(.f.
neled into the Student Urgamzation .\rts A .‘st'tences Senator kathy ”H‘M‘Wl. N‘Huzot 111 Latue .latk \tehttectuie Senator Todd 1s tins . .l A‘F. l 2 y , ‘r ”I." 1‘:
MM President John ('am will pre~ ('Qmer‘ mm the rest belng glven to .-\.sht'l‘att MM my mum. {an Increase Rothstetn satd enouul. student :nput home find hrs eonstttuency was not tlt'nb ’11 m. - .. .u,,,_e::;et;' yr . why/IV
5”“ 1‘ PWP‘L‘HI for the 3; 5“ increase the studetit organization assistance proposal should be brought to the had ht’t‘ntiillht’rt‘tl m tawr ot the 3', 1ncrease Hsborne “VHF-‘1 7' , i'. .' I I; I "E.
tothe Board of Trustees today committee students in a referendum "We adverttsed lull ”lt posters added that a lot of students see the s(.\ .. - '4'_; fl y" ,1:
f. : -: fat"
-.' ‘ ‘ ’ . . 'rl.
’ E G F . l J" :V I, ‘4‘) 5. ‘51,»?
C overnor , - - -, - A. t .- oreign anguages .. .~.
a J / ' .e f.” 5‘ KW \\ fl 3 j Ii Iv:- of“?
- ° 9 c - —. - . -~ . o ..
‘Posmve , ”"‘ «" ' ' in education Ian
. v" , .‘ “a. ?. ‘ ‘ v '. I. ,5 I .‘t
” (y . a .. \ , . “I 1' ‘. ‘ ,‘ " I/‘,‘
’ ‘ Of Toyota . " ‘3‘” -— az.."‘""f"« “sf“. ~ :1
~ ~ ~ \ em ‘ , z debated b enate ~
w, ., x > V. A I all 9 .. [-.‘al: a y . ;‘.7 .1; .__.‘"","‘
. . 1 M R fl _ ~ "» ‘ ,’ ‘ ‘ It _
. Collins expecting . , ‘ , - y 13.“ . . .. 1...: ~
' g ‘ ,1 , .. 1 : lit 1 \ \TIII‘\\ \.l’\l.(tI{,\lU “mm“ \.,,..n . In “a mum 5 y )- ‘~_
. . . « Nintors‘taft 1 rtter 1‘ Mgr“; .t __ ."'»t-t’:tl' wines .,
0ff1c1al word soon 3 —«~ — . r» . " t ,. . ‘ , 4;, .‘i‘: . -
‘1 , ‘ I i ” U The l lli\t‘r\tl_\ Senate yesterday or 'hree ‘.1‘_:'- ‘ _ “g." 1 '1 ‘. Q
B) (‘iiAitii2sitoiiiz - '1“; ” x.‘ . ~11, -1; . " .3. .. “"“" "n, “W” f‘mmdmenh 1“ the ’t‘ti.» . t: Wt u- a . ~ ' n . 5L i: x
:\.\.\t)(‘tillt‘d lire». T. t ‘4 . . .a - ’ . ' ' . , proposed general educalton requtre to \t‘ 1: mai- pa 1' ea; 111141; .t‘. ‘ \ . .
’ .1.— I 3 ,4 \ a . 4 inettts leattnu etuht more tor its “mm“. m,“ 1_ . ‘. ». .-
FRANKFURT tioy Martha _ ~ " , X ' 'Ltllllhl'.‘ ”1““th \utnnp wt...’ 1 11., .s \'.l.’lntlp(' ‘* _ - ' _»
Layne (‘ollllls a“ but declared \1t‘l0- (} ' Q g "H F - Ftte of the st'H‘ll amendments ad my“; “Mum“. _. “,1“, “pm“ .‘V‘ " " , -_
ry m the quest for Toyota's multt- -a tlt‘t'sst'tl the tort-tun languages re “exam,” .‘1 ; i‘f ’l'mt‘i an 3 ; - . ~.
inillioiHlollar assembly plant. say- 1' ’ , , '-_ ‘ t . ~ ‘5. ‘lUWHWm 1” the NW“ (ommittee ‘ amendirerl 2- i, We require ‘- '. . . 1 - -, '
tin: yesterday she “as told of the ~ [2,9 -'1 'mj , . proposal ltit'll’ M111 7.1-1.“ .173: zupteixeitta ‘_ ‘. ‘, -"- _'
eai‘tnakers :~ite decision In ‘a V9,.) J. ‘4 y . t. l rider the pi'otMsal one year of a tton mt tho 'ota. lm‘ ndu‘t' Hetause .f .. ‘ f . ‘ ‘ 1
ixtsitivemeeting ~ 7 . “ s ‘9: ' \r ' . ton-tun language Will be reqmred at the ti.tt‘p\d-_:1‘ \ .".:1t:.':;11';1..'»1l1 tate ,' ' fl ;1 ‘ - ,
1‘ollins would not say absolutely ' , V/ ' ‘ ' , ‘ . 'h“ Ulllwr‘ll} 19““ ”T 1““ .H‘d" 1” .ms lYl1t\1‘1I Lars. ~: sex? 11821. “ . ’ I ‘ .3
’ that the world‘s thtrd-largest car- ’ ‘ ' ”Whlk‘h M'h‘t‘” 19"91 llll\tlll,¢‘lltitt.1‘!i' in .~ 1 ." w. p . . ' ,
maker had picked Scott (‘ounty for 1’ ’ H” ‘f ' ' Mary Lane from ammal st‘letlt‘t‘_\ "l‘h.s mm“ _1. 1.3, mm: L“; at . i . '_
the plant that is widely constdered , . ' . satd IUN‘IL'JT language has no mitrt’ once. not a pmw 't1't‘1- .mt: .1 ptece . _ 1': i,"
to be among the industrial plums of I a . “ \ ”“lfi’rlimt‘t’ than other 9W5“ “dd there satd s1 lla't' 1 mum .. ’Ilt'ltttx’r . “ ' - i.
the decade ./ _ I _, ‘ lllL‘, culture to students education rintdhaldhar' - . ‘ . .
The final word. (‘ollins insisted. . a " ‘ 'A ‘ H" along “”h “WWUHUW WWW” Ht the s1‘\t‘t. .trrtr-:~~.e:~.!,~ lt‘lutl ~l . ,V
must (.(ime trom'l‘oyota offiCials ' ' - * 0 ltouer llemken, cosponsored an ...1_ only 111;». WNW 'l‘r.» dummy ‘ - . ‘ ‘. .
She conltrtned she had met earlier ‘ L I ~ .- ‘ O . . ' dhlt‘n‘hm‘m th‘lt’lmtl 'h“ foreign lan vnent l't‘\Lll't‘tZ 'v-oiz. '.' e 1_‘rtfti.'\:!1;l'.11)n ‘L i E ~
at the executtve mansion with a J in i 1 :f ‘4 J uuauerettutrt'mt‘m of three \.'Yl'.ltt." nnenth-nh pro ‘1 ~ " . ,
Toyota deleuatton headed by Eijt ' ' ‘t ‘ , “WWI” language JU>I (109ml 1” posed tn stainope \l‘_\cllYl.1ltl and " ;.
'l‘tmida. chairman of Toyota's board ' ' t ’V ”1‘" 'h" “WW“ “hlfi‘m't‘ ”l lht‘ R9” agriculture ~t‘!‘:tl"tl 2 wt ~ \lather ’1 - .- " ‘
”“1”th , _ j’ , ".2 _ a ' , eralstudtesprouram.” Lane salt: The gm“. WWW“? 33“‘llllifl>l the g .
She said Toyota offiCials were "in I - ’ 1-... ,1 C,’ , « He t'ltmpdl‘M the requtrement 1" 1* conipetent'. 'eu 't-tlt. lv"t.~’l1' Luna 7 -, , . ._ ' ' I .
the process of Informing all the -' . d - a . “V ‘ t'ttst' ‘lt has a ntce tragrance but 1t (“my {m Mat \. f NHL“ gdn . ~ , ' .‘ . .
states“ that courted the company ‘ r . ..‘1, a ,t‘ité‘. ~ l’l‘il‘kr hkt‘ 11 ”WW uuaue . ' . ,- ' _ 1
1, . . . . :‘Mttough some senators agreed rm“ I‘m. ”-1: ;,,-.,.},‘,__d mu” (- .. -.
Published reports in the last week .[ p. ' - ’ '. 1 the amendment talled Law senator an ”mm I‘m-WM“, ”Tim .M- re . . . ; .
huH' listed a Lotto-acre tract of flat " 4 / A , ‘ ~ ‘ ~2~ a.» «an. . ,' M‘mm ““1"th ““d the *‘UdF ”1 MW of hiuti WWW t)!"‘r~’7’~il71‘ uh -” ~. .,
tarmland near Georgetown as the -A a .. , ._ ..‘ ~ 4. tort-tun languages 1s good because mnnnu students .\1I1.l1lftii.(‘ttlttas> -. .- . . ,
site picked by Toyota The triangu- z: m‘ . q. students are learning another lanr the conxtxteth 1. 'esf use thetr : _ - ‘
lar wedge is beside north-south In- . J ‘ uualae . . high N.hm; ”Mme 1. “mm the for. ,. .. 1. ‘ It
terstate 7.3, a few miles north of its ' . \ 4 i ”m“ 1 ”HM Maw“ 1“ “mm: m“ “lg“hmtime‘""*“ltmm-“l” .‘ f V
intersection mm 1.54. which runs \ a ‘ ‘ 12.. “‘ :4” dointnance it once had 1n research Tm. ‘,,,3‘.,~|,1m..,o W‘s“: .1:'h d . ,» ‘, :f ' .
east and west , _ ‘ ' "'9. (Ni: 7.34” “‘ and commerce. McMahon satd. [mrt‘uu :21 -;’,‘ v. .t. 1' ':
"ff," -*~y""”w " y "r and we are haying to deal \th In ”m” [may the MM,”- owr. [.1 1' . '
Also according to published re- . .- lW’ltlt' from ”Th” C'mhh‘IQS ”0‘ 1115‘ \Kht‘lttllllLil} ,,p;1im\1~: ~r‘1-.:l at} of a _, . , .
ports. the official announcement will . ”1 thw' W’Ummi‘ hUY db“ ”1 our 0““ Lll'iltanlt' cemet r Unttmtlw'ai e-ng: 1 -' ,- . - .
coiiietoinorrow in Lexmgton _ country micrmg ' ‘ , - .‘
‘ 1, - Donald Sands. the chancellor for -\ specta? lllt'1".."t;_ M: :11 «.1. vlts- _ ‘i -' j; ,.
("’H‘m- however, refused to con- “ ‘ (H'tHlPHHC altairs said Florida cussthe loans}? nut-:1“ :eonest 1. " " ' .
firm that. She said only that she ex- . ‘ _ fl 1 x ,1 _ ‘ , . I 1' ,
pected an announcement ”soon." 6 ‘ o . _. -. a . , ‘ -, 7. .
.......~ - 1 , Spring schedule cards ready .1 , _
After the meeting. the group drove ,«A 7 , ,1 ,‘I /’ " j 3 g . ‘
to Scott (‘ounty for a tuick look at , .1 ' ' ‘ .' . .' . '.
the site. ('ollins said Shle rode in the ~ . “‘31 / for pICk up In Student center ' . ‘1‘,” “it.
lead limoustne With Eiji Toyoda. she J ~. "“12“" ' ' . ‘. " '3' v. ‘, ,
sald W 1%.}. 1:1,, 123‘ " - ' \tatt reports Margaret \11 t)“ in it 'l'f‘0*1"1" wt slu ' 1 -. I '. .3" ; :I'
‘ L ' ‘ tlt'tll l‘t‘t'tuttr I"-’ '7 ' 7'1 ‘ ‘ ,’
‘ The plant reportedly would cost 1 . ‘ T‘Hillt‘l‘ds \\ ho hat e admnee regis . I ' ' -'" '- .5
$500 million to $600 million and em- ‘ lANoAtwuuAMsou-pmo W. tered tor the 19m} sprung semester schedules \Ktlt m. men-d to stu .1
loy about 2.000 workers to assem- . - can itck ll) thexr schedules todm or dentswbotml '11 121-11 ‘hm 1i “ f ' , ’ “ '
Ilileh'zotlthtt) cars a year It also is ex- FrISbee manla IttllltEt‘t‘H‘tt i ‘ ‘ I 5 . ‘ ' 1 "1' .
‘cted that the Ian! Will have a , , . The s ti'inu schedules \HH be dis- .\tuden‘~ :‘zus’ 'm'. .t \‘u fei t-\ 4 .' ' . ,1.
Etns‘lderable rtppFl; effect on Ken- Roy Turner 0 business senior and Chuck Ton while ployrmg trIKbC‘C‘ Outstdc the C(ttt’itjlox il'lltlllt‘tl‘ll'ttltt 9 d m 1114 pm today pm I)” .‘4 t” t'rrtlZfJ" ,HH! “*1“ , . . .1 ‘ ‘ . I: "
tucky's economy. spinning off sup- "C" 0 QQOIOQV sentor, fl9’" h” the (mm C‘"”'”'“"“ V°"9’d°Y ~11 and trom 51 a m to noon tomorrou 1n tratton Fad-are 2.1 tm'. .' :1-~t_;,f ,2: t ‘
portindustries the Student ('enter Ballroom sald t'allcelia‘totwt"euzs't’t' 1r 1' i. - f ‘ ' ".
. s Book Exchanger connects used textbooks bu ers " -,
By KIMBERLY SISK ing a book exchange where. at any yatt. StIA student serytces commit- dents can’t afford htuh \‘Osls Ho hLlH‘ a better Exchanger ” For the er the} unit '11 1:11 ' .u not she . ' 7‘ '
StaffWriter of 67 campus locations. students can lt‘t‘Chdlt‘WOttltllI yattsatd tlt\l tune, the catalog WI“ have a said 1 ». ~. - ' -‘ .
Sign up to sell their books and name \‘t 1‘ h Hi tt ‘ l k . The book exchange proyides bet color from instead of the usual black Royal! and eotitmntw- members . , ‘ 1 " ' . '.
If you're tired of paying high their price ‘ Wm“ “ o nuc K )m 5 can ter prtces both ways for the buyer anduhtteprtnt check eyery \1eek .utf: 'he 67 loca- -‘ ‘ -
prices for your books and seemlng Students need to fill out a form contatt'their pt‘t‘rs listed m the ("my and the when" said Donna Green tions to ensure that e\erythtnu is I ‘ 1 Q
to get little in return. SGA may offer giving their name. the class the log and arrange to meet “ell. SGAI‘MK'UUVNM'Dl't'rl‘lt'm Hmatt said 1t ts hard to tell what runmng ““0“th ‘ , . -' '. .
aprofitable alternative. book is wed in. the title of the book. The Hook Exchanger “helps just The catalog "has been a mtmen, the response has been so far but u The book exchange has been "ktnd ‘ _ . -. . ‘.
tor the third year, the Student the-price they want for the book and because tumkstores have a reputa- dous succegg m the past. Umpnm.“ “mm “mm” to last years “It all of slow rtght nou tl‘t‘uth- tmals . ‘
(voyernment Assomation IS sponsor- their phone number. said bristl 80- tion of tacking tip prices. Lots of stir said. but [h]S year "we are hoptng m depends on the students “-5 whethv aren toteryet urtenuelt suld '- .
sM \ ram 4 1
S d . In HR . . " : .
. tu ent group Wins contract . .
a O I ‘ ‘
n. n... .i 1...... m, an Student AgenCies to handle mail sorting for UK post office Q ) *
discuss the issue of divestment. Re-
urdlcss of what action the Board By KAREN PHILLIPS freshman and the Student Agencies business and a phnh‘ processing
takes - If any — the decision thI Contributing Writer manager of mail sorting. agreed seryice $ '
be unpopular to come. For different that the agency can eventually take \\ C‘ U) ‘ ‘
viewsou thlsmnlex “It: EN- Student Agencies Inc. has won its over the mailsorting job The organization has recently es- {'1
Maine). ‘ first t'niversny contract one "Instead Of hiring a new person. tablished zhdmlh box for film prov '
. . . - . , _ t. . . , . , cesstn mt eSt entt' .
Wmmmm- 3:302:21?“ say IS worth ab1ut Esg‘tufifizaifici (mm to us for m E. u enttr 7‘ A k:
ry Hoover flayed ll importnm role 'f'he contract permits the orgamza‘ Student A enmes now in '0 ,g 1- Student Agencies. which originally e i
In the fourth-um Md! UK had in tion to employ students to sort mail ‘ ' g ‘ '. C p "‘ n started in 11.32 as a house and lawn
the MM Ga County ' v 1 - . ‘ to 20 students for sorting mall Med- s r\' e urrently em lovs so to 60
For be for the Ltniverstt) postoffice ley said the new contract has been .9 w ' c‘ _ 1 p 1‘ ‘
Cit-mm. I am. see “Right now, we are only handling successful for Student AgenCies students he\ eral of the current offi-
'~l 3 portion 0f the work. but down the Medley thinks the agency should 09“ started 85 employees and ‘
line we hope ‘0 completely take it have no'problem getting itscontract worked their way up during several '1 \ ...- .
over." said Bill Medley. preSident of renewed in September 1%. years at work with the agency ““1 j ..
the financially self-supported organi- "l ho this 0 ns some new doors . . Q I _ 4
mtionninbyt'K students for us It(l)1routith(‘))i€i‘t the University." SuwnLa‘Eenilfi 3:; mmngm- ~
1-,“, than '- 3. . N m Medley. ‘7' marketing 59h“)?- Sald he said "Then perhaps other opera mesma l Ion u l gap : -:;:t_-f{;- {35351:
M of ”I '1‘ m “ h be got the "29a about use mail sort- mm“ ““1 come tous for contracts “We want to employ L'K students. t #23:.‘113253'
mucus-usumwlu '“3 “mm" ”ma ,"e" . This semester Medley also estab- which WI“ help defray the cost of a " F— 555:3 V.
“I “a S m m of "1 knew the Shy 1“ charge l". the lished (‘opv (‘at a photocopying their education. and to give practt- fl ‘ mg
m .4 II- In In lb ‘0. To- mail office and he brought it up. ' he gem“. m "1‘? student (‘enter ' cal managerial experlence to those
m M '- h h “ W said. I" thought it was a good idea students who help run our buSi ”on“, my...“ ”WOW”, ,
an. of m In in w h in and that we could save the Universi- Other student Agencies activities mass;- Medley 5am
luv-Sm ty some money" include bartending courses. a finals people who want more out of schooi “And we hope they can benefit from
Mehrdad Mirkhan. a microbiology week survival kit. a blrthday cake "We are always looking for bright than just an education." he said. usasmuch as we can from them "
.. ...

 2 - KENTUCKY KENNEL Tau-y, Doom-bu 10, 1935 _____________________———-———-————-——-————‘
Arts Editor
Assistant Arts Editor
3 ' \‘ 3 Y M h '
‘ . 9 W ~ / enudo alr,
Tl'llC-tO- l e x // . .
_ . _ V. \ ......_ _ v clothmg raise
s , a ’ r 1 . . ‘ '3‘ A \"
t Master Harold shOVls keen understanding ot DFCJUdlCC 135:3». ,. a, ‘ reli f n
‘ ' tiers» :3“ \\ i e "IO ey
‘ Bx I ltlk ltl H I" iii.ittii'itie_\ «it his helpless character §1d§h'§k‘ ,1: , L» ,
t ~ ’ I \lttf'\\1ilt‘! REV'EW Kt‘llll (trittitti hmwxei‘. i> ‘dl “mes 02:31:15.;“xg‘ifgifiii \\® / gfisfikf _='5:\~’3::a_ ' g: NEW YORK iAPi 7, Current and
llm ltlgl)>ll‘llllg and distracting as r;;;;5§r;;;55:,§:515-.= Q;;a':'~v‘~:;;:_.g;g:fn" ER“ 2 1‘ '5 former members of the Singing
‘ —— _ , . | , ,3 .- _..(-,__ 345:5. "fly—mi, . ‘..\_;g .3. >_ x 5' .
l‘iii wiiii! stiiiulii M" danced h} “‘1” "“WMW’P'WF‘ i';i_;:;::.E.-'é|;;’,‘ \. \ 7-11,..'-‘:3"~§<::::.A\"9¢- grnup Menudo donated clothing.
3 ‘ x ,. M N "ii' Iieumltt't'~ dh‘JV‘ [IV-Wm“! ”‘ "m" “'1‘ productions. 'i‘Sl-‘g'375’ \ I ~5§§1 \\ 54-12 x *\“ E: \ | t“ menmraliilia and even locks of their
' ‘ p“ A mm ‘ l l : Hallie. through h“ ”lwmlm W” tli- ' ti -ii -- )i'it'tieillx \IIS on the ’ ' ::.;_-,—."':§=-¥ : ' l l . 5.» . . . .. . -
. lug" p !‘L‘ i:i~ t‘dt'll tithei. piU l mm hh Hm“. ”HUME“ w, mi, H.” " "”‘,f “f ‘ 5‘ ~ ' ~ . 51-11553; “Q: i l ..’_—:=_:--., him In an auction that raised $l.i00
' ‘ ‘ » . .i \m. ls“ mm \ “mm. ‘9 ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ « v . dam» the Moral lheatei [an- . fié‘ficm ~,_ 5.? 5; for l’uertn Rican and Colombian d1-
_ ““ ‘ ‘ " l"t" then ”10> tii lt‘\t'l\t‘ illt Li _ i . - . .-‘“‘---7--'§: \‘r-r ;_ ~ '71!
. ‘ ,, «M. lllltlpl Is «hurled in halt h\ the set, \V v.,‘: ,. ,‘_ _ . -lfiae . I . _ _
H imi : .ti... in thx .i pltn , ~, . t. 13‘, 'l t - .. \~\..-,~.~.A_-- _‘ 3 m, “a : sasttruttims
. t ~n . . . ‘ ‘ . k . ‘ *l' m‘. Tllt; hilt-5 lotnltt: Nttt‘. \I‘ \tnitl ilt - lt \t (‘llL‘t‘tl Mt!“ H‘tl lht‘ audience m a > ~ ‘\% 3%: f3. //._ .5“
- " . ' “'1‘." ‘ l ' ‘ “A“ ‘ ‘ ltUl'llt‘ll til the [my \ \t'mituiiit‘t- \\lttit ‘llm‘l lltt‘uM “15mm! _' I 3,...7 W \ j {A ‘ h. d . -h() -e ()f T
‘ ' - ‘ .1 ll l]: r - t ‘ ' ut‘ll ll"tlltl\ IUHH“\ h J llt‘ hHM\ 5““ “if .‘ml‘H1h N'l lltngl‘it‘l' l‘iil Slnealh oven . ‘ La‘ h‘lll-tnuilhcljffi '1 1102‘: 8“ [TNT ()f
' ’ ' “' "“l‘ " “\‘ \ \ ‘ ‘ lll“ lit tlai'iiiu ttl‘t'lluit'i‘ 'i‘ia' l‘ lit' , y l" ‘ ..- * hurt“ content , s. s. , ; .. t t i. t
', 4 It . .w, . :. m.» I m h ,r,‘ ~ ‘ _' ‘ illtlhk> llLJlti s nu tip k‘ .. ,, i .. 1 ‘
‘ ~ . i , r . r f,“ x , M2111“ if“ iii'ndm’t“l Hallii'bairline-”L ‘ mm.» .imittiiic \xith the eltect of limit: “fluvial[1:12:13th Softlt\t:t:r;)l|l‘:'
I ' " .I L.“ ., f W» U» lg}, 'tpil‘lht‘ltl Hm Mm“ mm: H" hw‘k‘f‘ll‘: l'ttll‘i ptitlt'lth; down outside St tiutli‘iin Lt tii't‘a B‘runild'i .u'ell'ml)
. ._ , . . yin. .. . K no “ H in hip he presentation til \lnx e: Harri,“ mmrmk lurk l‘earmim When Mont- u niu‘t, untaiyh husbLnd 0v”: 8
' '--» ‘l - t-.\ i-it ll s l i i ._ .é ,. ,.
‘ , = Z .' i l . m\ l i 'ttt'l‘ lllu‘ lll‘it'k wr and the twp liltllil‘ n' ”WWI” uiiiiiei‘} Vi,“ ' think “9 “09d to my film thl'kt i'n*(ll‘ (th rou 's Video
‘ l ' ‘ t - “I V. .d. "it A“ \1 i .- ll ‘ ~ ill "ulitlt‘d- ll'ue tn lllt' \lttllt’ “'1 “"m .iiiiithei' kite ’ t'elerring In a lond ex- -‘ mp ‘i 5t. 5 t g p‘.
, '.- ‘ t ,' t; i. Hill. .- I.l\ttl' ttti :n‘ Id Lrltttrut‘lot's t‘ltxarl} tltlllllt'tl iii their IRWIN“? \‘ ml ““1 Halltt‘ shared MW“. albums and mementos
" ' i 'll\t"i ,t-iiilewt-n \\ INN“ st 0‘ y . x , t . ,. ,i .\ - ~‘ ‘ ' ‘_ '
' l " l ' " p'm‘m‘mhm ‘mt‘mHHM‘ " M l' 'llllt‘ll\ l't‘x mills "\tiu Cant flv a - .
’ A ' ' , ' ‘ ’1' 3 "H 3““‘E' "I h“ mm mm“ 5 . i ‘ ‘ " \ 'W‘" " ‘ \L ‘ ; ~ ~ ' l t 200 your:’ 0 le hid trit
‘ i -‘ l . I‘ i i -.-~ (‘ e: dmptml‘ In; high A ( k” h l l \ I kite it‘. the ram J Tm NAVS Keiyteiotatm . \l‘thil‘tlkllo “are; Ati’ll‘iuf) said l-‘erv
- 3 ' .- ‘ ‘ ‘t “H . . i.. , \‘m"‘> -l lites ltlllt’ all (it Fugard's ‘ ' . ‘ " ' '
~ ' ' ‘ " ' ' "JVP' \ll' ‘~ I” 5‘ “- Ml" a . . i n it in- \l“ 1 q“ 3‘ . '1' ' 20 the 0|th on i-
, i V ~ ' . ”N” “T, will ‘mt- huh llt'gln) 'l “m“ H ‘1‘”le "‘ I i-‘T'F >)Itll)tlll>ttt together to commute vnth modern tragedy is supposed to do — ~. '31(l\fpr Hm-tild‘ unit ”11‘ ”Niki”. M ld'fiflrliil. “ho attended the
- :- . i ' f. ‘I l - - 'lt '("lllt'l’l ittwtirin "950““! and ‘t‘tllllt‘l‘ilttldil‘tt‘ Y“ '1“ mm and Hiillie‘s diminishing stimulate 11> audience itmardl} bow“ is being held mp, ,0, tummy. ”-l I'L'm'l) :1!“ "-l the im- he “uh
I" ‘ V ' . l . a , it I .3: H llllt' while the llmmflm.” m 53”” \ “”1"”! 'IHVM‘“ It‘lu'lilllxlllit tn \wll tn the horrors (it through an understanding of morali- u.‘,(,k(,nd (,ngug‘qmmL pm 13 1.; tit “U“ {mu ‘t, Nth) I“ 1’15; block ‘1}
V 3‘ l " r l - t ‘t‘lli‘ti-xl t l’tirt Flt/tr he\ I” hetiiielt) “”1“”? “NAB?” r-‘tixml lii't'jtiiltu» The product IS a t} on an mdtvidual [PVCL FUEE‘rd the Theater DUWHUHUW' 1" LV‘UV :Hfu mfg“? 'h “with L '
3. - r I ‘ 1 ll . mm» hill «lth \\illie l11> \Innmmwr~\ 3“ ”mm” ”M ““3 \\ i‘ipt that lt';l\t‘,\ tin with untied and creates even a keener understanding Restaurant Tickets are $6 ['0' the ””“g " "" ‘ "
, . .1 ‘ 41’"er {11‘5”}. thew “tom through ”1"” "l‘~"'~“’!“l" ""3”“'””‘“ niitlintight tiiiprmiiketl «it personal relationships through his gmwmi public and 55 ,‘m ““41th ————'—————
, , ‘ .H K [.1 , llaiwvrhme .mi \nnn gamut \~ ti uhiile, _\t;lfi.\ " “Master Har~ portrayal of an entire culture and its and MWioH‘iUnwu Bes-Type 251_6525
‘ ‘ ; I , ,' "Tn“ N 1 I: \ ”my" \ In“ m hh 'I‘hriugh lll> lllll1.1l filiK‘lx'iflL ~l‘t'l'i\ iiltt tilllt lllt‘ “ms“ (1005 What dt‘periltlUn __._._____—_______.
- V ' ' ii Litiii" ! ”in” "t",1l'l“ll}_‘ home triim ner\iitt>l_\ t‘t‘t‘titit‘ hi-iiiieiqt me! \e'
.‘ ¢ an an}. llt'.\ llllll all the lll\\‘\'l.l.lit’\ tirii: iii: , i
. , __ , .4 , * ATTENTION BSN CLASS OF 1986
i ~ szxiwm l ‘ ' '9— a
' ' i 7 ‘ i2 1 I 1 g I Why wait to start your nursing career? The Air
3 l- ‘ Editorin chief E"l°be’h CG’OS ‘ “E: _' , ' Force has a special program ‘or 1986 BSN‘s. It
, ‘ Managing Editor :ochoSDeVroomen l g *3 3‘ selected. you can enter Air Force active duty
‘ ". ' ' ' News Editor '0“ tewort :3 26;? )' T? ,' . , .
e - ' when“. Edna.» AlexanderCrouch ' .2‘ i, ‘3: .r-» ‘1 ‘ soon after graduation — Without waiting for the
i , ' Spam Editor WillieHiO" "i‘ ' ‘ , , l we - results of your State Boards.
' ' ' ' ' Arts Editor Gory Pierce " ‘. j r f \ g To apply. you must have an Overall "B“
, . . . » .1 a
,. V -">Pe¢'¢""'°le‘*s 54"" S‘°"w°'d l w » ' § - 3 average and meet other baSIC officer entry re-
‘ Photo Editor J-D V°“H°°59 l - .. .. ”fl"
— v l l l a ‘e t5 ' ” quirements.
| . , , y ‘
" | Adw‘er Catalogrlli‘erson l o 3/ a — As a newly commiSSioned nurse. you II at-
. - Advertising Manager In 0 0 ms - - (f , ( r . t .
‘ -» ' , - ' - m r Air
4 . , Production Manager RhondoO Non ~ , I v tend a five month internship at a aJo
. -, ’ .. ,/.r ’ Force medical faCllltyt It s an excellent way to
' ' Kentucky Kernel is published on (loss dovs during We a M" t T" ‘\ r , I ‘ «1 prepare for the wide range of experiences y0u'll
, , , .' ac w ext d rin mes mmer seSSIOri \ " V ,
' - O p V U 9 U have servmg your c0untry as an Air Force nurse
,' - “Md (ross postage paid at Lexington Ky 405M Mailed subsw (T? mun. I . V ‘ V
, _ - V , o'eS‘Sperse'V‘QS’er S30peryeor } \ , protessmnal. For more information contact.
‘ " I ’ “‘9 Kernel is pr'MeC 0t Scripps-H0word Web Cc 534 BL‘»“'"G' "’H' l «‘ ‘V n4 I??; 33:1:5128r: Drive Room 440
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‘ ' P , 257 “8‘1 ‘ —
' ' h ”8 006 l l A great way at live
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KENTUCK YKERNEL 7M7, m 10, 1“ - 3
______________._______.____.—__—-——___ __ ____.__._ _ .________ _ ._.___.__...- _.. _ __ _____________
I I Speuol Prolects Editor
____ .. .
D] V estment issue transcends black and W h'te [A
Re ardles f t B d, d. O n 0 . . . . . . ,—'
g s 0 on come, oar s lscussmn of 1nvestment policy Wlll likely draw cr1t1c15m .,
B} rm JUIINSUN . ., . ’ p ‘ '
Senior Staff Writer '~ V 'V ‘ '. ' .3, . “A as. . ‘ " \ W " ‘7 ' ”jump” Skm-IW I" the mnf'um ”Y n 'f f h' I -' l
and seo'r'r “.\Itl) .3 . ”1" ' ‘5 In“: ' ' ' “ ’ ,M»., r ' r . ‘ L““‘J'J‘J'"J‘rfi1“I;.’£"”“;"J:J”“ . M' x - ' ,
-.. ,. . ' »‘ . MM .M ,a‘ , M t" L’ Newman“ ‘, ‘
.\[X ( iall io]e(t>. htlitoi ‘t flaw ‘9; fl J J I J J Jr, : ' é a?” fix“ 2' “a " 4 imitated a t ontputer \:.\'(‘lll xaluevt J j ~«‘ . ‘

1 I A M- ‘ ‘ " . ' . . ',‘%»2' We» .1' 31m um and a Sm on t Ash am to ',M, - Mt ‘ ,4; ‘
i'oni acro» an Ocean. waves 6’ :1 \ t ', "I “‘ ' h; . t 1.7%" " "ht' l""”lL’l"’-‘ "l“llll‘lli'.‘ “MW" I :' ‘ " 0 r "
of eonfliet liax'eheen ' i \ “' ‘ m ,Jg_ . ,M ' w ;'. “23,“??? '7 ‘11"? ”"3 \l'ml“? l K ”WWW”? Ll, ' 1M" ' ". "
growing, and during the pi"t r; ‘ "" ‘ \ ‘ fig '1 ' 'I " "J ‘ "1" “1M; . vlezeloiirnerit .\ hoxe Ht! lt‘t » 'v .J; ': '. . "4

ten months have been hitting hard Free J: «3f ‘, " J; ‘M rexponmhlc toi 'llI Moia' Hm; and 1'} ‘ -‘ ,',,'." J. '1 .
against the Americaneonseience ? - _. " _' _ ’ pi'nt'exxlttg n1 pm an mu m the ‘ J" _.’J,., .‘J ~
The conflict IS over the South , south ’ I \ I _ - M , g. 4 l rim-mt; ." -_, .> 1,53}
\triean government‘s s) Slt‘lll of ' ' - I l 1:71,. / 5 - \Vlit'l: d\KH! .uievher pulling out or 1'"? if" {’5 '5'! J;
apartheid a system that has .1 Afrlca- “t. 3 J :,M5,«r” . ll?“ -‘~"Ul"‘i”'"' 'h""“1 and marches ' ’ 12$; ' -' v‘:*’? ' ' _,_' .- , N 3, J, ‘ "'>’l"""‘l "‘ 11"“"'"»“l1' ,." .‘ ‘l. ‘y'f. "z
hau- taken place in many eitie>. ';\ \4‘ ' ' .. ,V axe' ‘ i I h Q ’1‘ ‘ .. “ “I’ll":‘hhfll w‘l'": "”l 'n“ W” ‘Y’ ".- "a 'f,="-=i"'
ineluding Lexmgton. and on man} ‘ \, 'I I, ' 5' 1:3 M‘ Ma {I \ (a .' «a ""‘r' 2‘ ‘1 “”1“.” “I \‘ W” " '-.' - "M {.3 T'cl' M
t‘althlSt’S. ineluding [KS '1 1'14"}; W” 5' 1:373:13” ‘ “'5'", ‘ "V , I A ”new”! ”WNW" A”: "H” my '7: " ’- 2 '~ .- (”31:

Todd} the lioard ot Truxtees mll ' H I ' m" : \L " , f , - w , rx' way. my wt 'he l‘afle! M! V ”W 1"- _'-' ' 't .' - :‘v
eonwler ‘.\ hether l'K Wlll )(lln a . ’ "- J K,“ J,/ _,-t . a: ll'tilwlinxl j. llr Fan 'i'axeim '- " "a." ' J J: J"
Lirouing tide of unH‘PFSlIlES that ' 0 I ' H " ,~. "7 We a dh‘i Tm A31"?! ‘t'kvfal '3 " i
lia\e deeided l<)(ll\‘t‘.\l tosell r ' I. ". ' .\r‘“ 7“,” .- mm“ ”H m" “m” l "t" .55; ; v
lllt'll'SltK'kSlllt"tlll[xtll|(‘.\ that do ' I‘fi” Ar” E ”7‘ "l‘l’mm " V““"""'-"" ” M Z
'ivuwne» in South .\t'riea Regardless ' . "H‘ l""""-'-‘ n" ‘N '3 Q. . ‘ .' .
ot the boards action. it “I“ not haw / ’ o ,x- l "'llil’l'" ”M” “ 'l‘fl" s 1', ' 3" .l a
to look tar totind llSt'l‘lllL'S “' "l‘ V" “ “ "‘l‘” ' 1"" 3'" “It'- - ~-

\\hilewineadamantl} \l('\\ u f '~ "n“ *1 l“’l"m1'»"“ l“'-""'1‘t‘f»' ' M “ 2 hi '-
tltH‘S‘Imt’nl as the "only " .\Ullllltm to \J .\J or“: matte ‘nidtnz , M. ‘Z it,
Jp-il‘tl]('ltl.ju>l as man} i‘et'utethe ‘e t ' » l'lr“""'u‘l‘l‘ “m” “WM” ' 7 “U"- : M M . ‘ ".
idea for \ariou.\ rea>on> Still ()lht'l‘x h ' if < ‘4'"; ' ”W "NW'PV‘HI' “\ 'h' MTV - -' :- - S" '-
t-oneede the) don‘t know what the K " l "’l“'l“’3 l' “ill "“l.‘ ""“""' "i”lt' :V. .‘-" '.
lieMt medieine i> lor South .\trit‘a'M ___________.___._._— __ . , I "W“ l' """ll‘l ”Ml“ 'h‘ ‘ I r '=' ‘ l " :
\tit'i.illll.\ ALANLCSSvG “WNWIZHKHH fiitti‘etilh'flia 't‘iaf‘. . J‘ ". 'J

= E'rzu'oet'ariue , ‘- . "'5' ~.

~oftheeloseot’husme» SMdem' administrators and foc”Ill“ rallied against the South AlM dent Center in early Orfober Tm- mlH wonder. " N ' Hz: . .'.n:entio\et;atxmhm~~ twr‘a; .' - "l. \T‘

'l‘liursda}. l’K‘s total “(0” QOVGFWV‘vent and called for UK divestment Outside the Stu- Anti-apartheid Protest Day. " -:.w::..t ”‘4‘““1‘ W"? ’1i'~"""=t“'1'- M V ' .

holdings in eompanies that do .mul-t 'n- vlt‘lt'itltt‘nlttl tor aié f ‘_> a 5 l "
huxiner S in South Africa equalled —-—————— ____.__..._._..__ 'lllt‘t'?"lt"l 'rade halant e Him; - ' "I g ;
Swami, aeeording to Henry ('la_\ .m. :mw [)l’ttllllllt‘tll J -_ ., ~ '
Hwen. eontroller and treaSurer lor ' 'TllOSC \VhO are iio'h Apall 1 l‘lll\‘lil are il‘, l», 'J . ' .,
thel ni\'er_\|t\ The com itlllt'Sgil‘e ‘ , “ o , \.' ~ : 112ml? in tit‘t. .") " e orlglhalcapitalof an ' “ i M 1. , a M . ouum ax .: t-axonnot llilllH'Sl ‘ 7' I ,‘
endowment eannot bespent. .\othe black people. The} are / ‘. LrLdIL Ill 0ft kthM ll “eat" nomoral ptmtron to >.M' ~, 1, 1'.” ' .'

1‘ .\ . . . MM . . « .r‘ S , '1 . . , .,.,.., _ M .. . ' ' ' ‘ f If-

hlr'vmv l’l“‘>llll('ttl>tirehundim 110“} and Ih€V are W" ‘Q gm'crnmcnt HlOTL" t oui' .n .\inerita ruled that ' . V' ' M
"F l N' rum Kentuek} t‘oni am a - - ~ " - ‘ . x . ‘ l t. \eL'rv. t’ wit \MiS un 'on>t2t tion' l . l ' V’ ’ ‘ ,'
l.UlllS\lllt‘ln\(‘Slnlt‘nl t'irmlt)hat “'1”ng [0 dlC lor the” ObfllndIL ”hit” \\ 1111115 \ , t'lllt’Klntllil ionleetofn . ’ '
iJ’f-ixii‘tstiiizirterl} tothe Boardot C'dUSC.” / / [0 Cllangc. ; . imply 1,3 people a hum) iha‘ :4 ., " 'c, J

rustee> Fir>t Kentuek) IS in . . M \ I _ , , . 1., tt'liliIiSCll a>ked "l‘here :~ >till‘ a , . '~ ,
ehargeot St‘t‘lllL’. \\ hat stocks the Benjamm ["Shun‘ \ “ ‘ \ J. 'J / \mr“ .\ dnd' "hu‘f h' 4' ' teal ot tliwrimination In th» " 9- V» I" '1 i"
“Hammemfi“WIN“ [opui‘ehaSe African Student Assoc. ,-.\ ’ ' I~ \\ protevor emerillh . ~,-\ \M- i twttei‘ am iiu'l‘ MW!) 5 . " ' '
'.\Itlitn uiiidelines (‘Slalillsht'tl h} the ' ' . V ' I~~e~ .I‘. ”We? N'tore ‘M' Y!“~ le‘eil ." " ' ~ ' ~ '1
l'thi'd «)t 'l'ru>tee> J\ deemon [ti # ’ \ J YIMNAYS .,, . J #— ‘r .n \ {INA m tiltjl - ' M , ,‘ ,I 3'
lll:'vrtlihl;ul(lil:::nrl;)l:hli\tlilhfifl'xq {If-3:13;,”$2":th Iha> been signalled Séjlnt‘ll(lnS,th(*rt"JS alxiap another apartheid ptlllC} ot the South \lllil} ll? on k :..i Ma. +- ‘t ' , :. ~ I “J, "‘
Kentuelu ean invest l'K mone‘. in. tl [h , {a t (Junta luu arJthd rom nation lull-ting aiound Lt) take \triean L’UH'rnnlt‘llI. he .‘aitl li 'hel mted van-M he mam lthL‘,(H'('1)H1pli\h('1} J . . JJ. . ~
(men said . \u llll ( lll\(l‘Sl _\ o \xit ra“ it> adtantageot the >aiietron> _ ae