xt74mw28cv2w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74mw28cv2w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-03-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 15, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 15, 1973 1973 1973-03-15 2020 true xt74mw28cv2w section xt74mw28cv2w It 'I : ky _ «m iHUI'IN'lKll‘Hl alimlvnl newspnpvr’

Hll‘l‘dd, iALAMIlll‘

‘lll l X" rd "{ lll'iv' YMIly/ I)? kippl “k7
V v' 1‘ ‘
[.",‘_'., Lu.(]'.i_ l' "V‘Ql’i'i Ki‘V‘ilH l“./ 10506

Women's Studies Program
Faculty council decides late today

I‘.\ t HI lill \\lllll
l\(llill ‘Lull \\iilri

llll \l\\
llll llll‘\l\|l


\\ 14v llll' HI Mil \ii li~il,i~\ )llv l‘.\

l\ ill HI llii \iilu: .iiill

.n iiiil ll :[ n' Il‘i» Hvl [Ha-[H ‘lllll

ii . 'V'llllllil ‘l\ \'\|lllHll' ~

Ilu~ ~i; H ~lill \lJlHl‘ iii liuiil w! ill"

‘i imii ll|l||l\4 III I. ~~.HI:||H lullhl\

lwll‘.‘ lulu .|!Ill imkiim'

Harris criticizes U.S. ignorance of Indians

.-i w-iz A! «l

l'.\ \ \\( \ “\l \ " . "vaifiuitl i~~ .IHll AM Hi
hrinrl \lnll \‘lllt‘l i - .

“‘71“ " “ ‘ ‘\ LrlH!‘ Vllt‘ll' i\p11l uii li.ili..i; .ii...ii» ; _ ‘. . ‘ "5v Ann-Amt“

l‘ HEX.) illill'jli'l
'~ lilvliigii’iiil.‘ WA
" '-‘""‘ “"""""l “"“““l ’1 '7 i" u ‘m il \ii.i~in.iii~ L'a-iiriiil i.u k u! iii .;_ z ”‘1 'i! \llil'lllilli ~m |I'l_\

"M‘" l""“"“'” ""l 4’!" .ilmiil llllll.lli\ llll‘Mld‘» mull! .1! ilH' \n |\ \ um! "“"'l’ ii: I; iti‘m ‘1 wt 'llt‘ l‘illldlith“
ll“ WW" '“i "'l‘l‘lmwl “""‘l" “4‘" ~‘ \'ll|l( Hl (v-iiini ’..illiimii “a.“ 4,. -,‘,H.; (PM m, i \ \Hh.‘ ' ‘ 'iLM \fn rim iniiip x'iiigg‘lwl ini‘

‘l“"~‘7' "‘l“"‘ l' 'l“ ‘llHlllh ”’“l‘” ”“1 liilllilild ll.llll\ ll'lllllll‘l Ill \HH'I'HAHS Ami. 'VH'IE 'iiiin thini Him: .iliii {:H. 1. Innlmm-il «in l’agr 3, (0| 5

UK prof to be threatened

with expulsion from U.S.

l{\l(1b\|HHl . minim .. iu-iiii.iiwiii
hum-l \lall “um :i .m iii lit'lt‘ \li 1‘\llll‘i.ll('\

iii \liilxli'ri \l \li .iii «Mm I'll flu lilll \Hll lit-gin ii1.i
' Milli will iii llH l tt~ at
t’atv 'tt lN'

attx .t ttt‘nttit-tt: xttttt \'l\'ll

I'llfitll‘tlftt'tt‘ll\. lit! \tltt‘ \ttl‘t‘\ lit lttll‘.

'\ 'ltt' ttttL‘lz' ~It


\ittwl t aw tn punt?
thv kt‘t‘lltk‘h} l’t-ntttt' \ t‘at'tx
t'\t‘t'}tttt(‘ \\!llt ’ht'

antl ttltlt‘tl'flt" wt t~_\ lltt‘ ttat"\ l‘ltl
.w t‘t- \ttt’t‘ \tllttt‘llttt' Htti tht‘t't- unttttl
ltkt- in \m' lllt' \ tt‘ltt.t!t‘. Aat‘ c-nvt tut
gtmd .ttttl lllt' t .tlttttt'ttta

lt‘ttttt‘t‘ l)(l}t'llll \\ttt'l\


\Hn lltt‘lt \u‘t‘t‘ lltt‘tt' nttl) a \tt.tt‘\t'
.‘lt tx-uplv attvntltnu the part} \ xtatp

uttncntttttt ttt l.v\tttutttn last Satttt‘

Part at the tattl'. Ht \‘Itttt'M‘ \‘Uttltl
t‘t‘.\l at tht- twt ttt lltt‘ part) th'll
Klan} l(‘(‘l lltt’ nt'aantxvt‘s «It thv

campus k'ltdplt‘t' (‘\Utl(' a tt’t'ltttLl ut
sttpot'tnt‘tt} anti .tt‘t‘ Ht lllt' tt\\tttttttlttltt

tltat t-\t-t'ttttttta thtyx \a} t\ laxt \kitlt

'M-v gun!

f9) ’

Pony express '5"!

Mn thtat'


w 't‘ttt' httt t‘lll‘ ,t'tt lttttl

ftl Lil
'ttt‘ li-‘tvtttvtaat: «rt lll'l‘ltN ta'w

\u 'ltt‘ 't a::


ttttttl'lt‘ \lt‘ll',\ ft an:

"it‘ll ti’tl‘t' .lit‘ l\[j.t.\ ltt‘ up”,

|\l HUM“ t. '1~.Lt'\.t 'la' 'ltttttiltt it:


\tht't" .tttattzx

lta' l l\ \'tlllt'll7 tnnl\


lt.t\ ttt‘M‘t' ltm't: ttt‘t‘ttu‘tl ttl lwtttt;

txz'lt thv


.tt'll\l\7 'It lu'fitt‘t drill
t'\t’('ttlttll‘, wt \t't’HEL’
that t t\
«hunk mum-m. atttl

lttttL:\ tttt'tt Mat-k

l’ull\ han' \htmtt \llllll'lt'\

tttxt' ltl‘lt‘t‘p .t |t|l>

\tttttlxt' ttttHi 'ltt‘tt



mattattx .tt lltt‘ t.tltt§tll\ writ ‘wt’ttl

'tt: llttltattl\t\tt‘¥‘t1lt.l'l.t~' t'I'W' \tlt



\‘lttt' t. l! tlttl‘t 'l‘tl‘ ~tl‘U't' 'lll‘
tttttlttrtt. .t; \ltttlt‘t” .ttt.t'l.l \\I'lt 't.t'
l't‘tt‘tt" l'.tt"\ l'.t‘ t\'-:r:;':'. wt“
Hut"! trt .ttm‘m: ,ill'l ta In: t 'ta‘tt- 'l«
l"",t".'\ l;:;‘l;'\ "5L1‘I'.t..t' ‘ v ,.v t»,
\l'tttitlatt. \‘ttttt-rt \\\.t. .v H. . \

t»:;' a it'\\ .tlw att- z; tl.t!‘.;‘-'t wt t‘\
Ha ma vlttt‘ u wttvtmt'
ll'r tin-mat: lt'wx v.

tunh. ‘twtt \.. nt'a- I.tt‘. tt‘..tl\t‘ 1 it.»

tn tltt \

t't.“ t' 'lt.tl tttt Httt' \Hll l‘t‘ .tltlt' 'H titttlL‘J‘

attxth‘r'tu t? vim-xtzt K‘,.tt!l

atatlttal t‘\t|ttt'1~t.". \Hll l.‘t\t' '.»

wt tithlt alums.

ltt tht' tttt .tttltttit‘ tltflattt/ttltltth ltlw
fhv l't‘ttltlt‘ \ l‘at't_\ ml] ltaxv 'u t t.t\\l
ttt.tl\t‘ ‘t tn

‘ t


alum; atttl tt‘\ tn ‘ltt‘ttt
\ttttttntt tt‘nttt
'ltt‘ x'tttlt'tti lnnl'» .|\ tt '.‘.ltttlt‘ Ht .t\
wuttth-It M tztttttt't t't-nptt- \ t‘at'tx
\l‘ltttlttllttlt atttlttlatr ttt‘\‘\\.tllttt\t‘tltttt

tt‘. 'lt" lto-ttt-utattt l'at'x




lll‘.l"» lt‘. 'ltt‘l \ limit.“
,t 'la ltlw'r tttI|\.tlt‘~ ‘.\t’ 'littllm
unwary x'tux wt tltt- tnlttttla‘w'
tttwtnrn a“ 'tn- ll.tlt~lt'. \ tutti-a.»

"t tnttt'tl'atgl‘ ‘tl ltiI'll ltt'l'.|.tt'tt
:Ut 't I‘tttttlltttii ‘t: ttIllt'Qt‘ l..t\
:ttvt-tn-t: llltl"tl.lll1- tt‘. tltt' taU
'ltlt't .I'.l7‘ \tn'tttlaltlttt lt.t\ tl 'ltt‘

'tawt'att tuttvtx \\\lt'tt1 antic-\t-nrtta;

«ntt w? 'ht- that! tt~tt tt‘..ttt‘» tttatm l('\‘~
tnzntwtlml tn tl\l' « Ullt'L‘J' .t\ .t \ltt-lta-t
'ttItt. tttzlttat‘x \(‘l\ltt'

ll‘..t7 \ ltJll ttt‘\\= tn ttllltttttt\ltttlttt'*~
tattu Ilt'ttt‘tttl Htt tt\tttL{ t'ntnlttttt'ntx lut
’hmt‘ tattlgvtat'x hut

lllt'l'l‘dNIN. “Hull

ttt'\\\ tut Hlltt‘t‘\ tht- utttt wt ttnt‘at‘tntt
ttitl ‘ttmatttt‘tl '\llltl1‘lll\.llt'tllll'LUW ll.l‘
ttt'.k.t‘.-~ lawn a tttnltlt'ttt tt:
ltt‘l't to-tl 'ltan tl \lllllllll lt.t\t‘ llt't'l:

at u
ttt‘tttmt lll)ll .t:

a ttatt It!

\Itl‘t'l‘. wax .tlt't'.ttl\ l.tt‘ ttattt

lt‘r tllltlt ttt lt..tlt' vtttttlltrtt'ttt
'a-ati‘. annular-x thi-
tttt'tt atztt 'Auttttt‘t! I'ltlt‘l mt; t wilt-Lu- tut
t'kt'tt Yhnttt‘h tttv

N" lttttt t‘\t‘t


:‘tt‘tt' v'l .'.Itllt"ll ll.l\ \ltl'fl'tl
'tttw'arflaallx thi-

‘tttt-r :t at-~


\tlllt' tut ttt-atfl.
.t:, .ttttx tn- iltlt'l‘llt’lt'tl tr
ttt.tttlt'. 'tl'tttl :t: .t \llllllll\
ttt'.t\tttL‘.l‘. tuttt «'t ltt'tl xx "'
tl!\«ltlt‘:t't.tltttl} at all rjttnw

l‘:tt.tll'\ tltt-

«ltt atr that thr ltt‘.-l|ttllt‘ ut t‘nllt'L‘t‘ w

tat-A tttittt’tN ttta\ t

t ttlatr ‘.\ltt‘tt' Hlll' t'ttlt‘t‘t‘tl tL‘tltttatt'

antt trtt ltlwtalt/wl .ttttl lt'at‘nwt
lttt.tll\ \\t‘.tt'ltttl utt
lltt\l‘t‘\tlt('\ ttt tht- \t\ltl‘\ \u-tt

lt.t\t'll\ tot llttttt\.ttt(l.\ ut ttlt'itlhltt
\HttttL‘ tu‘t‘xttth ttttltttt‘tl \\tllt tltat ttlt‘a
l't-t‘ltaps tttm that tho- tttsltlltltttttx nu
lunut-t‘ hau- l‘t wt'u- ;t\

(".ttt lw

tuur to-at
itatt'ltt-x lt‘ttttt

ttt‘at‘ttt'al t'ttm't

put tn


\tttttt‘ ut ttlt‘dl




Abortion and
the brain

In ”14- t't't't'ttl pa~t lht‘t‘t' hm lwt-n tttltt‘lt
(‘ltttlt‘1t\('t'\_\ ”\(‘l' ,\ltt)l‘ltl)n tnttt‘aht} Ntnto-
‘.\t)tttt'll at‘t- plague-(t tn lltt‘tt‘ \pt‘t'ltlilltlln
tltat tht- httntan lt'lth tho-t hatl almt‘tt-rl uax
.tlt\t' \tt-wnt: atmt'ttun ttt tht- t'tttttt-\t Ht

l ttttl lltt' tnttt'tlt tttnnth

lulu ttttt'ttt‘vphalngt‘aph'» li l‘i ti
to'ttr “as not attu"

tuttt'rttttutt tlto-tt- t\ ttl) wh't‘tt‘ttal

at lltt‘ htttttatt lt'l.tl ltt'ltttt ’a-t'n
R l. t~‘t»tal

.ttttl l‘,lt'( ll'tN‘ltl t-phalnut‘atthx

\ltnt‘, l‘:lt‘(‘lt‘ttt at’tltugt'apht

t\tt alutt'tmn I~ tt\lt.tll\ pvt‘tnt'ttte-rl tu-tntt

thv tntttth tttttttllt Hm I\ a \Ht'ttllltt‘

tlt\ltlt( .tlttltt lttt' almt ttnn xx htt lt Hlttlltl tn tn-

attt-ptt-rt t‘\t'lt tn thv t'lttt~ttan \I‘(l\

tut: lt_\ lltt'tt tmtt ‘.\Htltl\tt‘\k lll0'_\ ‘.\tll

tt‘tttdttt t'ltll‘l‘ll‘ltl lltt’t\lt.|tttl) ttl.ttttl.lttt\
Nttll \\

tlll\l tn

an tttltt‘t't‘ttl tltt.tlt\ttt {wt} .ttttl


"lll' \Utllltl ~.t\ it‘lttw ttt t1\l]t"~
tlll’\l lltt‘
'lht' \nttl

ltLvlttt-t t-nt-tm til(ttttltttttlttlt‘\lllt)1”\t'll ttt

huh tlt\t‘t)l|l()l'rll¢" ttt ltlttt‘

lltt‘.\t'\¢‘t‘ ttttt‘» tu- won JI\ tho-

Ultt' lt‘tttttlttal t‘t':tltl_‘~ a\ ll)n\tt’ltlt\ttt‘\\

twttu: t'lt‘(ll'll'1ll .H‘lt\ll_\ Itt Uttt' ltt’.tttt\
\ tatt 'Alttt'lt ttt.t\l nut tw «txt-t'ltmkwl t\

tho- lllt'¢‘\ltttlll Ht tv'ttttdtt tt-tal hlv 'l‘mh
haw ttttnt'tt thv tt-tal ht’atn tn tw .‘IlIH'
attt-t' thc- tut't'ttt lttttttll] Itrt'nsttnc- paur
ht lltt' tvt‘atn artttall) t'o‘xplllttl\ tn

’l’ht- ltl'lllll \
t‘lt'l tt II at at ttxttt path-tn |\ fttttlt‘ \tttttlat'

~t-ttatt\t- .ttttl ~tttattlant tlt'llL’,‘

tn that ~t-o-tt tn atlttlh uhtlo' \lt-rptttu‘

lll4‘~" rtttttttttal l.l(l\ \ltttptttl

atmt’ttun t\
tltt o-shnltl

lt-L'alt/atttttt Ht .tltltt'lttll]. tl

twttnt tttl‘tl lu-tnt‘t- lltt‘ [H‘t'ttttl
.latmw “UHIH‘
.ii'. flatulalc- In
I l'\ltlL'l0ll Winn.

Speaking for
the Indian

lttt ~ttt‘t' thv l't-ttttlo' ~ l‘attx antl \\\
ltatl lllt’ |ltl¢'ttlttlll\ mth lltt'tt
-tt-tttntt~ttattun\ ltlll lllt' hvlp lllt'\ .ttt'

, \lt'tttllHL: lit thr lnlltan~ 1 «I \vt\ txptt .Il
ttl tho
it” l-.-

'ltttl it

lmt- \U' Altlli” ttaxr tut .ntt

.ttttl Httt tt.tll\l \tttvt’tt'atr

~ttt: ll\


\kht-n .tt’t' ,n- that

\ltlltttL‘ p0\\l'\\t\t‘ ltm- ttlltttt.tlt'l\ (tttt\t'.\

untnu tn ll'.lt'tt ll1t\
ttttlt‘lt tttttt't' harm than mnnl"

lawn lltltlltllt l hatt- lttllt.ltt llllthl l attt
'l(‘ltlltlt'l\ \klttlt' lwt'attw Ht tht~ \MQ l\\a\
lltmmvt‘, \(tlttt' Int tht- ttttl\l

tatwrl pit-t

tint; '.\tltll\ l l'\t‘l ltI'Jttl ll'lllt ttt'. tt.ttt'ttl\

.ttl'l L‘tatl'l [t.tt1'lll\ :th- tt thm .tuttttt
tthl lt'tt\I' tt.\ ttl'ttlt‘
'tltr tnattt tt'awn tut 9hr tlxt' ttt

l||l1|(1l\ll|‘)lll')’1li."l‘.\"['\l'll"ll\'|(l‘ ltt't'tl
th.- tlllt'\l|lllt ut utnt't'tttttt'ttl \tttn-Hnmtl
lt lltt‘
‘htttt: ttnttt lllt'

twllwl tttlt‘t ll t l'ttt‘I' tttll't \t‘tllltttt
lt.tlt.ttt\ uattt in ll'.tllt vtttt
.KlltltW tl ~ him tn tttatttttttlatt- tht- thnrttt
l't' ttt tux Httt t\ltlllll*l|"tl lau
l'lt .t-t‘

Ht. ( attttttn all“ “until aant tn ttght tn] Ht.-

tnutkttttg tn thnxt ttttlant/a'tntn

l\tt llat lu-t

lunmt tntttttallxltt

Picking at
the pluckers

\ttttttt,‘ |\ lII'tt' .ttttl lltt‘ ttu tltmt-tu at]

t.lttttttt\ att- ttl ltlmtttt | t‘ttat|\ I'ttt|t\


ltmktttt) at llt1'\t‘ tlmutx grouting nut ttt thr
tilttlttttl Ht' nn a tit-«- Ht hush lutt app.tt~'tttl\
Hlltt‘t \Httlt'ttlx tllt nut t'tt'|()_\ Hum-h
Man it I.t at
a nut ltlt‘l'Jll} taped a tu-atttttttl
\Klllll' ltll\ll lll le lll‘\h up“ lltt\\1't‘\ln'ltttttl
\l.t\.x\t ll I'lat r

W "l“‘l’h “‘13 “I 4lit" In a L‘Iaxx Ht \Aalt't‘

ut‘tm ttttt natttt’alh 'l'ttt-xtlm

' .3» t) [It

and ”tr tlmwt’x \u'tu'

\' “Hill” l‘mtn'tn kt'ttlllt'lfl l ttt\t~t~tt\

'ltt' |.tttt|tlt\ t~~ lu-aulttttl \Ktllt tlmU‘t‘
patth Illlt’ l4) tht- ltlll' nt ‘3»
int tat lt [tlltt kml ltl()\\1>lll ll [K

H! lt ttttw t.”

'1 I't u \\l|1'| I‘
ha\ ttlt

tll‘xlt'llt'ltltll nt ”11' tatttttlh

tlwtv t- l lttjt't'\lllt.ll.tllttt‘ltt'ltttflt\"‘l”l
‘ttt lltllttl ltIt [m ktnu lllt\\l‘l\

l‘t‘tltatv- ttt lltt\ \“U \H' (Ulllll \lHtt ‘1“ ll
Ilttl‘ll h .It ltlttt\ I'tt llll' part nt tht- [H'let' ttt;
vattttttt‘ antl tttalu- It a

ttlmt- ltt ,tlll‘llll \1llltttl

lttlttt' lwatttttttl

\lvatmltttr kwp

\“"" ’lttlttttt'tl lttttlll\ ntt thv lltt\\t't\.tlt|l

tltt\\¢l ltt\wt~ le‘) mp“. l"“’l‘|" “h”

'l‘ “W" ”It" lu'atttx ut Httt tantttm
Ilhumla l' \INtian

N‘Ilmr \I h .\ M lt'llt1'\









IIII'. KI‘,\'ll I I\\ I\I'lI{\I‘.I,. Thursday \Itlrt‘h I3. |”T:‘—‘.!


(I page for opinion from inside and outside the lUIH‘t’l'Stly tonintimtty



Ih I I I/ \ItIa'l’IISI'HlKS
‘v Hi“ ya. n-A‘ ‘at. i

lth INNAllr-All was It o‘tltitk on
a Iiida\ i.eiiiti;: when I saw him get
out t-l a shiny ted tar in our diiyeway
"lhaitks tttr the ride‘” he talleil theer
ly as the diner lxtlkl‘tl out A young
man with It!!!\ hlaik hair tit-d hai‘k
in .I pony tail !ll' dropped his hedroll
.tl‘ul ttatk lteside the house and rang
tht~ hill “t'ililt‘ my husband opened
the door I saw the girl with wide
ltiow.. i_\t~. and long hair standing

hehiial rte. \llIl

l steeled myselt tor what I knew
inald lte an t‘llltllltiliitl llit't'llllg‘ enilxir
iassitig tor all «itittt-riit-d \Vt‘ hadn't
\i't'l: «at: l. other ttti oyt-r .i year

"ll' \ltttti'” Ht- \lrwle titttiss the
I!” l:' and twin to kiss me Il.s heard
lttkltul \\ilt‘ll ht leaned forward the
light shone on the stlxer tIt)\\ hang
my trom a llldll‘t around ll|\ milk I
tad Kl‘tl‘ll it to hint \ears ltetttre, after
I'_ had ltt't't: lilt'sst'd at the altar In our
(:‘l‘lrt h lot tine years it had protetted
him in the \illttlllliilt‘ he had thoseii
as llI‘- lifestyle rather than the
"\tia gtit" lite

Not staying here

"lhis is Sally," he \illtl the girl
said that she was happy to meet me.
how illt\t‘ Kt'll talked about his \itilll all
the time

I said I was glad to meet her, too,
hat I added liirt:!\ "You're not staying
ltt-rt- I wrote lillll that"

“\M- don‘t intend to." she said with
great dignin "\A'e'tl Just like to use
\ttllI phone if we iii.i\, hetause \Anth
:is e\t-iy dtiite totiiits"

Ii\e minutes lllll'l. Ken t'alled a
friend and made arrangements to he
ttiiked up within an hour "In the
int-anltmiz” he asked. "t'oiild l take
it \litiwt‘ry'”

"(to ahead." l said “You, too. Sally,
if you wish"

‘\L'.tllt she was dignitied. determined
to ask Ill| favors "No. thanks" she
\(It! "I ileaned up in a gas station.
ltetaiisi- I knew I was going to itieet
Ken's parents" I st/ed her up as we
talked She ltad on attraetue. Sturdy
brown hunts, tailed leans. a tight knit
ton and an Indian «harm on a t’hoker
llt-r three quartet length (oat of some
kind in take tin lay lteside her on the
it)!“ h

I learned that it had tra\eled tar
with her, from “(HISIHIL Ie\~ where
liei lltl'lllt'l had died gi\iiig liirth to
her, whet.» she had Iii-en adopted, had
married, had ltisl her own ihild, and
had heeii d;\ort ed to Hollywood.
(lllll‘ where she lIJI! heen a wait
re“ to ()H‘tititl. where she had met
ltt\ son in a “spiritual" tontmiiiiity

l'his :{lI'l at 33 hid seen more tit lite
tliait l ltad at It) \nd inttre oi death
\hi- hall a peasant woman‘s .stiirdiiiess
and eii\ialtle quality ot helieniig that
\iiftt'iing is an tlll‘\llilh!t‘ part ot' the
Home Plan and that those who set
!!.Il\[\IIII'\\ as llll'lt goal att- destined
t'iti disaltttointntent

Conventional friend

"\Nheie‘s tn\ sliatnttmt'” my son
talled dentatidiiigh

“lit \‘otii hag." she said with the
ILIIII‘IItI' til .i ltitillit'l tlt‘tt'l'tliltii'd not
to lump tip and wait upon a thild,
hut to make ltiiti Sltllltl on llls own
two lt'i't

\\ltile thi- shower “as iuiiiiitig, tlte
tltltlrhl'll rang Pat was there [all
good lttokiiiit. deiteitdaltle Pat. who had

am _

g: , N ficvéwcw ’

f (ogséln’é‘ {,O'V(

.‘éy ’r‘


Hlltt' worked with my son and had
eaten ol‘teii at our table Ni: heard
Neatl'.‘ trimmed hair (‘onyentional
ilotlies ltear Pate still hung at home
With ill\ parents A straight guy With
a «a: aitd a hank dt‘t‘tllllll and a steady
iolt "Any mother would he proud of
him." I thought

\\‘lii-2e had I tailed‘ Where had our
whole family tailed? We had done
what experts reeommt-nd as the
“right” things We had taken our son
to «hurt h ,__ not sent him. hut taken
liiin-eyery Sunday We had shown
him lo\e in a elosely kiitt family that
('t‘lt‘lirttlt‘d e\ery birthday and holiday
together with grandparents. aunts.
tttii‘les atid tousins He had been a
Stunt He had miisie lessons_ driymg
lessons. art titiptirllltlll\ to go to eolr
lege lle rejet‘ted all of it and strui‘k
out till llls own to find a new way
of life

‘I listened'

It wasn't as if we hadn’t "eoiiiiiitr
Ii,«(tlt‘tl " When he li\ed at home. we
sat at the kitt'lien table into the wee
hours ot many mornings talking He
did most (it it I listened lle (”lllltllll‘t!
me on drugs, the false \alties of my
:zeiteiatioii_ the despitahle pieiiidit‘es
atid twotaeedness of plastii‘ people.
\\llt‘llt'\t‘r he paused for hreathl I
hrotight him hat k to (‘hrist_ WIIUst' pa —
ture he so ninth reseiiihled. htit whose
( liaiai'ter he had fallen short of

Bitterness welled up iii my throat
until I had to swallow hard to get out
the words "I‘atf' I said to the sti‘a:ght.
dt-ttetitlahle lad, “I want to t'ongratu-
late \ttu” \ly \Iiite shook “I don’t
like hippies, not that I don't line my
suit. but I tan't ltity his way ot life"

I'at nodded iindeistattdiitgly "We
don't all think alike" he said eeiitly

“l iait't t!l.|ll‘,1t‘ll|lll,t.lll l‘” l asked.
almost pleading lot a toiitiadti’tioii to
the question

My son, harefooted. wearing the
same ieans that he had trayeled met
it‘ltlltt miles in. handed Sally a hair
hrush and sat t'ross legged on the
floor in front of her “'Illt utmost eon»
teiilratioti .iiid deutttoii. she started
brushing his long, itirly lttt‘ks, and
when he at last handed her a leather
string, she tied them haek from his
late Ihen slowly, tlioiighttiillx, tom
pletel\ at ease. she started hru‘hiitg
her own long. straight, shim hlotid

l ’1 I v 1/. I. _ V ,' ‘
‘, ,/' , ,. ”W M” " "W5 ‘ ,'
} MMJWWW ,~ '
I ' ‘ ,Vk ”V7" I ‘1,
, , M I ’

You may go home again, briefl


’ V I —
, ,
’ I .


And I’at. who had tried to
"straighten li.!i‘. out" seat-ral times.
said will}; “No. you ian't You lime
to take liizii the way he is, or not
'II all "

I had heard of "\ihrations" before
htit 1 had nex er experienced them With
sueh ititeiistty That room was filled
with Low \ihrating from her to Ken,
from Ken to Pat, from Pat to Sally
from her back to Ken. liven my hus-
hand and 1. two helpless members of
the Establishment. were caught tip iii
the web of throbbing closeness, I
knew then with eeitainty that I might
he “square" and “tin-hip" arid overly
erttital of youth, but I was expected
to be that. and I was loved in spite
of my attitude. loyed for me alltliUt
All three of them took me as I was.
No. all four My husband did. too

Within tifteeii minutes they were
gone. Later, my son told me that they
stayed that night with married friends.
But first, they made a few phone calls.
and then a huneh of them were off to
.i pith to eelehrate Ken’s homeeoming.
The word was out that Ken was hatk'
No one knew tust how long he would
stay this time, and no one wanted to
miss the opportunity to hug him and
to meet his ehiek and to hear about
their wedding plans, maybe iii a park
Somewhere under a tree. with words
that wouldn't rome from a hook, hut
from the heart

thiihetli Sparks is (I pen name for an
Ohio i'oliintnist and editor


The Kentucky Kernel

.., .pmw.‘ up”, "1 ”m” .‘w
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with t A»

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All mar
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’ " ' I ""‘l" m. $12.00
\l'll‘fiurl Hr- 112‘! la; .1:. 'h.

'lv'um~’ «Huang ~vuln»u: :m‘.
we 900*ed .1 \lnll 'n ulml -~ .’11‘I'\\l!\ m,
l~I|X«I1' .1 !.ll.cl.:1 «I! YI‘Hll‘

\ a “Mammy \ hum} m «Inn h~ uni Real“!onthefashmmtarget our Mlle


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‘ ""' ‘ ‘ Hut Inn» rwul'wl mm. uw ml
‘ ‘ ‘ l“! ‘ “1M“ “"‘ " "V ""1 “WNW” \Iml ”ml ml: lln'l 11ml [Mlllmnn They “‘SUD“’ lili?l7l-‘v"=g}l'15lCr taking ‘YOU
-- ~ vl‘u. w Ier.’ “H”; , ‘
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in .w.“ Wanna. [:nI-L' "mm H‘. ”MINI”
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. l , '1 . .v. a l , ’ , j
1 .. l L. , “.111“.an n 11.1: [mm :\ A In “hule leather,
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ll: llll‘ mm.’ mm H‘H' Hmlt‘

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