xt74mw28ct9f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74mw28ct9f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-03-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1971 1971 1971-03-23 2020 true xt74mw28ct9f section xt74mw28ct9f , a
‘ A
.2' ,
Tuesdya, March 23, I971 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY. LEXINGTON \ til I \ll \u ltttu I» " 4
W :ii,“. 1‘
WA " WW AV" 1 =. ‘, 2
Fl t h d l . _ .2 .. ,
:. ._- .H.._,_t 4:3: - f \ \‘ .._,. 11...”: :j 1
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S G cand l d ac , “Mi/x
t . '..' .. ‘13".
W. 1., .3].
B} “‘ENI)Y L, \VRI(;}[T Ilit‘lUIlk‘. \\t' It' grim; tt- (ll-\Jll' _ f: ‘-
Kerncl Stall‘W'riter [)nint )Ull.“ -. g... 6 F. ' .,~ .;

Ilen Flt‘tt'ht-i Ltlltl l);i\t- l.t-- Flt-ltln-i. .i iiltlllllti lHl tut. .2 ‘- “I than”; t; 2:“ ‘ I. V ”J -‘
Musterunnnunt-t-tl then \ttlltlltlit- Mum Ht llit' rum-nth (ll.\\tll\t‘tl , ' ‘5? “1% 2:.“ ‘ i312}; *’
(it's for Student (:tn‘t'l'lllllt‘lll Stiizlt-nt (I-ni-iniiit-nt .-\\\t-nil:li I? {W fit a] -","‘.2‘; =1
president and \lt't lilt’Nltlt‘Iil .‘illtl llt‘.t(l «it lflx' 2 ltTtiTl Stir __ K. .2512; 2,}. I.”
Monday night. tlt‘iil IiiltilHHll-‘li ‘I‘kklllt. ~..ntltl..it ’ & ,im £2"; ' 3.; ' ~22 , . . t2 f ‘2}

In at“ inlunnul meeting in hi\ lltlu‘l lmx ll'JU'ltllt't'lltllt“llll .2 m 2’ (1,.“ng ‘ :15;-
‘lmu-ll H:ill. (lit: tuz; l‘Jlt‘fxl tii Stutltiit (Lulitmn \‘~ll‘.'ll tint-\- ‘ ”MN" 2: fi’x’: _ _ '
tries into Illt' sprint: lttt‘t' Lllt- llt)l)t‘(l «in that }2=-)\\ll>llll}. IIK‘ .- t“ ‘1' («2; 53-11;"- ‘2-
“()llllt‘t‘dh‘t‘} [)i)lltl\ in their plut» \.tl(l llitll tliungh lu- .tmiimi-il ’ ~ kg?“ ~‘
from. flying. ' ll :mn (“\[lt'tl tht' i‘ult tliut ‘itutltnt (Twulitinn , 3:38“ a.“ i l " ~-

, lltmt-i‘) })lll.l\"\ .intl hiuhlluvn l')lllit‘ll\ lli-li, l’iv-xt-ii: (I.iiii;2:i\ ‘ ’, «9% e2 (2.2... ,5."
\‘in-la-mt“ \‘lill'l|(‘(l it \‘.tv!iltl ulti- . "Mm _ '_ ifi ‘ - ' 4"?“ i .-

in 2. HHIMN rllitlll‘. lu- l)('l"‘\t‘(l '-L"'2§§.%W - . , . 1 2- 5." 2-

, ,0 Hut \(2 h.i:l i= it ll'lllll\ll ll\ "i. no; .‘ ' f 2 1‘ ,,2: ‘1‘ .

‘Mll rrfl‘l‘ tulitkiv -. intl Mal 'vt-t wi-i t . «W ' ' i , t ’ g ‘- l‘, ‘,'

.i:t.-2. i/m; t ll' l -2' i ‘h .;. .l ’62,. ‘ ' ‘ ’2 3 re. @Q‘ "1 ’5‘ a”; , g) 1" ‘

1 ll -'\\v\t‘l l'it'l‘ in: ‘ z '1 li'. -...e' ‘ ~‘ ' “‘3'“: " gs: . 2 .1 i. ‘."“- .

7 \w-i'lf H t t-.i:...:ii§ 221w 2n! ,5? ‘ " 1,“ ‘ m ." 23:. ,2. ii

Stiitli‘nl ~v'-‘,r2i~, . ‘ l , ' "2 ' #9 , 1 ‘.’ ':_ ‘ .1

min. u \l‘ t ii. i'i- I - ~ i t 2- 2 2 . . ,7
_;.ill_\ tn lhm ti:[,'.2.\t-i\1.il 2:1,2; l‘illl‘t imllt h'i :1” I2 ' t - -- (,1iritlitlaitt' l‘m Stiitlt'nt (Lmvr‘nnivnt I‘i(‘\l(lr'lll ll-n In“ -El ll.ill l4" 2n.;.'2i l :2 ‘t :2 22‘  2
“.3 \\‘il‘li.t~: Kllli\‘lt‘ 9:22p, tt,2 i-It‘H‘fll 1“ ‘i 2': 7!” l2. tI-l 2? l-‘li-tt-ht‘r \lrllltL in .1\ hi2 running nutt- Hair I ., ,2: 19m «t, t2 .- ' '2
t.ii:i;>ii\ \lir:._ti \M't "2 '- ‘l“-‘*" .21“! '- l I“:"- V -2 \Ilt-lt'l tall» .iliritit lllt‘H l'l.tll(";t’ tw .i git-m. an «2-» h: 2».‘- ' . ‘,.'_'.
.;it i“. Hm. ‘1 .432 at _,2 4 ~- t _...; mm_mw_2wv~__mw2---—_——_.—_.2—2——222-2—22222222 2 2 ’
1.4.”, my“ \ m -2\,2,.,1.!. 2. Mn 'lllix ili“‘l .‘ _ I- it. 2.12 ~.
l"\‘l)l""ll ,:!.-l ittllzlt. u;- it'vi-r,‘:l..- i.t-2 1‘ . ’ . . > X ‘ ‘ f I ,

hiilntlti. ii-I‘2'2txt-i i2 \tlutl l‘lVH-‘l-tl‘ I'l~-‘”" "‘2‘"“"‘ K }].ll] (F )i.63 ‘7 1 ii i‘15 i=(jl2il 1“ ’3“ " "1“

., _ :tlul in \IIt'Jlx Ill \liiii.i_\ \lt-nr ‘ltlih “l "'l"“-"‘ -‘“‘l ‘ l“ -- it‘m‘“ " \ b ‘ k 4 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ I
«1.0 night, pmlmhlx nmr :iii will” ("\l-lltll-‘lflzh‘lll 1' {-1‘: :‘ :‘Wwflg.
“ll“l)“\- l2t‘2\l‘l\lt‘l. AH JMN-Hll ikf’ The lniverxity‘s unmitil to II.“ will} .ilxrur ugh: ‘ tei. 3n" \-;ti ' a ‘ ' ' ' ‘ "JR-‘25:; . ,3-

' Muiru) l’it \ltlt‘lll llrn if. “lt‘m Ml‘N‘l Ht HUlHH“ ”All spring break may he 3 hum {my percent 3f L3. 1.2»m...l twp-”Aw .2, («nixwtlp-g,» .~, , , 2 >1,- 1..

2 2 22 22 2 hit-”l“ mid llt’ tttllt'lttl tin: pit» Ami 2! lllt'lltht‘i HI ttu- _lll(lltirll students. hut if you risk the local the rest coming: fr-nn l run-run \sz ahwi-uzi. tun- ‘ 22 ' ‘11:}
grain (ll')[ll)t‘(l an haul 4.1th llmirtl. \.ii(l that "\V. llllt‘litl it) retailers whose hmint-ss. rests (In faculty and «tall Hicnll‘u‘lx “in; HHVHN‘T" E 12:: ._ ‘ - ‘2 2':
that Knnxtlt-i’ mnltl H.” in. }M, llltl‘ht‘ \un- that \llltlt‘lll\ an L l\ students‘ money. it‘suhust— won‘t be leaving, (luring: thc- ht-tt firm t«~ t l. .
I‘L‘tlll‘t)!!! the rumpus. lit‘tll'tl. illltl tli.it llit‘lt' iiuhh tn literally . . . break, ’lhe my“: y‘ _ . . ‘3'5'3'5‘2‘ ‘ '

Slitirkx suitl t"()llll'klt‘l\ “llll l’V-“t‘lul “‘M'll'l’l) -”" “"l “kl“ . luvery biiSiriess m.“““ "‘9“? “mat ,Oth” plum-x. ll” ‘1" ltwrkl \trrt “tit-1‘22 i... x , 2
”MT ”Hm .\[)t‘Ltl\k‘l‘\ tnr H“, l'W’ .t\\.t) M lllt'.‘ “H22. LN \[HHHL tron has the lmverxlit)‘ gs ll\ nation 18 differvnt . 2. l ’ K ‘ ,‘W' ‘1 _ l' r'_‘, ‘1‘ _t

_, _ , _ 2 ~- , _ ‘ , - , backbone. If the l. HIVPIKIYV of lt (er )s terrible—l at. \3\‘ .112 ‘H‘_"””l“ ‘“ “' 2 ” ' ..
grain \u-ic uiiiu-lut ll_\ nintutil ””“Uth l“ \“l'lH'HUl K . - l, _ - ,, ag H \hme 2lnr"-' .-. ’ 7.2
urnwnt hut £l(l(lt‘(l theuniwrsit) "that (lm’m‘l ”IN“ lll-ll “" Ht“ Veniueky wasn l. here. we most. half. S‘m‘ an ‘Amp‘li‘e “‘ but thv lrw‘ «2E1 Ml: ‘ 2 av‘é‘n' '-
“lll‘l ltélV $1.750 (Jlllll's3.500t‘t'll- Willis: tn Likt- [nut in (lt‘lllulhlltt- nou'dn ‘ be here. Saul ll‘mleg ,lerry 5 restaurant, “llldl ltd.“ -* ‘ I ‘ . ‘ . _.;‘2'n‘.’:2’ - 2

., _ ~ - l 2.; k ”W WI, T. tiun “N h” ”H “I“ til ”- “2‘3“. tmell. rm nerofllowell .sDuiry hninch near a 2 ix (ltlrlilt umpit-‘x ..‘ -: \1} 2t ".t , ., 1 r
“Ml “"l‘ t" "H h l l k _ _ l .. ll‘ . . l ‘ Dip. a near-campus restaurant. lhe biggest part at (Mt night halt. h» uni ‘vut -:.:~ -- '2 ' 2-,‘2'r
”Mil“ “.“‘ f.“ ”'F‘,“ 2‘2““ “‘H m ‘ “ ”C‘.'21‘ll.lil(t‘m0f;t other SIOTC- business is studentx. .intl \Vlitll drop mmrz- lllitl: mu m . T : Ti-‘i' 'r“

1 l“' ””1” \l’Wl‘t'” “N“, l)” ("““““'-l““““.“ owners in the ['K area, normally they're gone we tlnnt \c’ll n-uulx pend “)H thr ‘2 til\'t'i‘\t?‘~ : .t- ,- tr 2 .
5- l- ”MAIN-1» l’ltV‘l‘lt‘l'lt” 511“ l“fl“’_”"""""" [""\l“‘l"" ””1 expects to lose nearly half his as much food." ll'lklllé‘xx with; 95 perm-N at rm "‘-‘1*~'.Il~x. 98".: 1

l-‘iriiit-iM-n State (fulleut: 1712 ill-ll “V “V““l l" "l““l l'l) tl‘" business during‘ the annual one- up again. she \‘dltl, I)” the \niz— I . "I" ~
(Ilizii'lt‘s Iliii‘xt. plt‘hltlt'lll Ht \l.il~ llltt('('\\t)l \‘llilllLLK' .it Illl\ l lll\t'l- Week holiday. But llt’ and H“, (lav before C‘ldfiex‘ lx-zm. “M H 1"r“,.“““‘f“‘ \'.“- huff .-.' ' 2. 'v- 2‘ ,
t-uni X (inllt-ut: .Hul Philip :\l'- “ll- ““ “4'" l" “”‘l‘ ‘ltll‘llV rest Are hiking the lt‘i'x‘x tn .1 purl hdt‘lx tti Normal h\' \li:l‘.(l.t\ ‘ m" “‘V‘N‘N‘ ”"5 ‘2 \ , "3‘. ,1 ’ 2‘
lmtt I‘m“ a kWh-r .,t' ilu- \nung (llll\,‘l\l‘_\, .tll(l \\ ith .i.\ ltllltll tlt'll' ofdning bugme“_ The l‘ant‘t‘Sl‘tV llrmL MU” 1tunit} t2: 2. Mme. ‘l: ~ M .2\. :fi, f" .-
{\llik'llt .in.\ l“! Fin-tltvni. “It'll ~l\ l)‘-\\ll)lt‘ ‘ “Ill'l” ll“ ‘.‘ ‘ ”Spring hrealx doesn‘t :ifl't-pt eliminated it\ "Drlllll‘l’t‘tlh\l‘fllll ““8 “‘H‘.‘ “‘1‘: ‘ I ' ' A -,"’,’.

Stutlt-nt urnnpx imit- rum-it lk'llt ll [M'Hl’lt‘ «UV it‘ll“: l" th’ll nu- nearly as much now. because completely by t-lming t'mr mtg“, ’Tllt m jin- "in; '2 1 ‘ I 3232;": .2
mum.) ti,1“,,UIU2KIHHHH\ Jl‘ tn tt\ \\ltt'lk‘ it \‘Hlllll\, \\\' l‘.i\t' l m no longer Open ‘24 huurs,“ tnry thmnqfimi u ecl' ‘rclll‘t Wt“ 21“? ‘ ’ s. ‘5‘: .1, ‘.
1‘,\-;[|;l]|((-. fl“. \tmm) Stinlt-nt It) plt‘M'lll llltlll urtli .i tum-nt he said, \ly “1ng huxiness um ‘ ”\M- didn‘t (in {l mu ‘.\ tt ”Ply“ ,2 , 22,
(;..\22m.m2“[ 52,1131” Mam] h. H2. .tli.tl}\l\ 2vl \\li.it \\e- think ]\ all students. and a gnarl 40 per- hit the tint tttlll‘tlt 2.: \I'.tf‘\_ :lm ~: i. ' -'_.‘ 4"}: '.
lt‘tl .i iuiiit-xt lwr tlit- lu:.:i‘il til “will: .intl \\li.it tn -.l-v 2tltt|lil C<’ll.l1"flnl‘hll‘lll9‘\$3le”will? “did “’1“ t'mPth‘ \“" ‘1‘“? il-"W ‘1 ‘-""7 .- 4 2:3,,”
numb ,H “In,” I.“ “mun,” H, ' l.ns year. he \aid. he mp2 « tx talus it .:t tlzi 2m; 2-: :vzm u ' '2 , ‘- , '- .-. ' " ,2-12‘: 26-12:. ‘-

kv? '. >. .z ‘1 H 2' 1 t ‘ 1““: !

£1 ‘ . 2 a“ 0 l 2\\ :t ~ > “.1 - - . j ‘7." 3' If";

. v 2 .— -2 Z um wmkle responds i 0 ‘ , z:

. . ‘Ylllil. ‘l ' ' ' 7-2 .

. ' . . .it;--:‘. l.L. ’ > :52.“ ‘1.
"1- " ‘t ““ “It ‘~ i t.“~‘:‘ :‘l

. , .. , ' Open H ousm 0‘ report ‘2 22 2. 2
:3 g“ “ ‘§ - llr llOlX’rt [umwinlx'ln Vit‘e hi all ftiitlcnts “hm liu- ii: lt';i' l“:f ‘t‘.‘.“"2y‘1‘i‘h‘:oi.\l C2,“, " inf. - 3 ‘ 1 ,.
t ~~' - , President for Student \ffmrxha- dem- ml“ ”w WM .22: r “ t, ' k ,f _ i ~ ' ., .2 2
.1» ‘1?“ , £ \- e»{3g§t “52” . 2 called gectmm of the Student survey \hnwerl thnt'tht lilitltil‘il\' MW- ll ‘ilf‘ {'1‘- ‘ ’ : " =. ‘ ' :21, é,
{of Sgt M u ,ztwe . (Im'emment Open housing com— OI \‘tntlentx living in. H‘Wlt‘nxt F“: “"“dl‘: ‘ J". 1 “ ‘ , . , "L “I. '1 -.' ,'

52%“- - . “a; ”H" mittee‘s report Quite unrealw halls IIIVOR'tl lll‘rt mlrzati-n H Ti 2. - Hm;- ‘21- w 2~ \t‘.’ ‘. ,'. _'
‘ I»? -" * i * 3 tie,“ present open hmrw politim P“ l‘} ”l‘ “PT ”3' ”At . , ‘, . . ..

1‘ ,2; *Z ~ ‘ 1,, it , . , . 2 . . . . i 2 h n m. ”mm . s.‘ .:
w? " "‘ [uniwmkle referred xpecrhml- \ alidity questioned l“_‘ l l“ \1 ’ '2 . t .' 2 ., A
3 gift; J l)’ l“ section thru- Of the “'l‘“ /.lll!]“'llll V 'Vw *‘ wait known as bolls i‘ioyee ‘xiomrs N . ‘ lctl] 21 '1] (1S(‘ I)llSll happens from now on.” enjo
_ . ’ ’ Hriuu‘m all assets of the old motor and diesai Laird said the strikes over T
' .V V some {Vss r.r\orV tin i’rrrarriraliy troubled firm. said tip l 7‘ ,. . the past days have been suc— theA
‘ ‘ ' Z :1" "" ~‘. ' 'i “1'“th ' " W ' ' - cessful in (lama rinr \arn mis-
V L ' ._ . I ; 8;;s ii titltk‘tli‘il’ did not say what ari‘azigerrierits had 50 \ 1613 ()llt (’f Lil()b s1le sites. L L “8“
_' V . '. i 'w-eri are!» it}. creditors indstoikhaldi rsottlr» old company. He said the gtn'kcg vver'e car» I
.» ' ‘ .. _ -' Le----—---’_—'‘-'——-—-~-——_——__—.._._____. \‘\l(£i>\‘ .\l‘ — \ \orth ‘vit‘tilditlLW'.’ tank column hard on the ried out because the \(irtli \iet- Whlli
' ' -' *. ' '~ heels of Saigon troops retreating out ofl.aos was reported Monday namese has fired SAMs over senat
. '- . to have surged to within six miles of South Vietnam's north- the DMZ for the first time since bUSh
'- V' T0111 Em bertOII files westem border. x\ LS. force moved rip to block any \orth Vietna- general bombing north of the gettii
. / f, / mese thrust across tht’ frontier. 17th parallel “‘35 halted in 1968 3 say t
. . , Hanoi claimed a ”great victory” in the Laotian campaign . I Will
' ~ ‘ ' - I and declared that the Lnited Mates had lost its ”biggest gamble." i :5 [foar'rilhtsafdlttlficlenelltiilrefrfi: l votes
_ ' 1 Official figures )ut out by' Saigon head uarters showed that .a0.V, ‘ l " ' .
. " ‘ ' . 0 rltll for 8 overnor govemment forces ihvolved in the Laotian dricvl‘e had suffered nearly fratlon nehverfwas eypVected kto l unarIr
. . . - Ht \\l\'i?( )B'i‘ Kv V \l’ _ Those M” candidates V” c m- 25 percent casualties among their 22.000 men in Laos; aSthoraeié tail] ‘Je tgfigntdlaefir: . tempt
I i l l l \‘t- il o li- ll . mated to file their declaration L'S‘ “at Vbombers “[1.le at targets m \(lrth \ietnanVfor the CS ‘9 De 1, ~ Texo
. ‘ - ' ‘3’ l m” “\ “ W" f.“ “" ‘j"' I . ‘ second straight day trying to knock out antrarrcraft rnrssrle sites tended to disrupt SEPT) l routes more
- V‘ . ‘lHldis‘ i'HV L'HH‘IH'H. [”1” “Hr “Aim" INS" ”'1‘ “‘f‘xl‘ _"" “”1" threatening aircraft covering the South Vietnamese withdrawal and added that It always was -
" . . V berton said Monday his l)||l)l]( next week. lhcdeadliners March from southern Laos. anticipated that the South \ ret- pen”
. _‘ .' lit‘dHHLl uriimnhii oi (icwloiimi: 31' Hanoi's Foreign Ministry claimed that three American jets namese would “Qt occupy terri—
- , V , a platform was the “sound. ie~ l‘illliH'l‘i‘"! “ltd l““'\i"“'“““" had been shot down during the two-day air operation. the LS. “3er Laos." 0‘
, - -. \liirirsllile way to do it, lul‘i'V A! ill” lis'l’llblls‘éllt ‘ldit‘ ”i Command made no mention of plane losses. Laird did not directly answer cannc
. . That approach vvasprcierable candrdatethorunwrthhrm. llovv- North Vietnam's (Iommuriist party newspaper Nha‘n Dan said a question about whether the the 3
~ v' to “oil the «nit statements "“"Vl" “'fL h“ “s“ ”"i ‘VlH‘Hif‘d results of the Lao Campaign would have ”extremely serious con— Laotian operation actually had gressi
. ' ‘ brought perhaps by political e.\— 3.” “I'm “41” chslatedVvv'rtli 1m” sequences" for the ['nited States. been cut short. But he C0m- consti
V .. dewmv V” memlg Hwy Em tor the races of superintendent . Associated Press correspondent Michael l’rrtzel reported that a merited that the North Viet- memlc
._ . » . V bcr‘tori told “WWW follovviriga of public instruction. commis— \orth \ retnarnese tank colrrmn chasing South Vietnamese armored namese had reacted in a ”very ”ques
. . V [mulmm Mr M wmm_m_\ an” sioner oi agriculture or clerk columns on Highway 9 had moved towithinsix miles of the border. viscious, violent fashion." for
,' _- V I“. tried. MM” 1.30 “MM“ hm“ oi the court oi appeals. . Informed sources told l’utzel Vat lvhe Sanh that the opposing Earlier a Defense Depart- Th
VV_ , V VVVVVVVVVVV Kentucky were on hand “Ill“.rm” 35V j. u “uh-H. (,l forces on the highway were still about three miles apart but merit spokesman described the heart
V ,- to “VVVVVM the tiling and to sign ”(hunt Wm”). “I“, “V“ (;(,\V ead eleznents of the Vgovemment column were held up by the Laotian operationVVas a success- mer .‘
, ' ,1“, dctlaration lMlN‘l‘ ”l l'lrn— Louie B. \urm s executive as— enefilya a stream chofmggfi ful Vtest of the \lrtonVadmlnlS- D-MVd
. . ' ‘ bertoii and his running mate ltll' ”ml”! l‘” ”l“ “”13 Will "l in“ out an; so}??? gal dd .thgekntlel) ”l? Stream had been knOCkEd ”anon s \letnamlzahon pro- the Jl
. ‘ lieutenant governor. lamesllest. administration and their \\ as .r a ypass aroun 1 )(’C e 3 anor troops. Kmm- _
‘ V. V f vvlioalso tiled. ‘ member oi the Public Service WW..-—...--.....u.....__..-.--.._.-.__.-..--_--N-.-
1 HM itt ndrn tht lrrnchc )ll :‘U'ml'l“mni ”(lmklm.()tll'mlmt F? 7—4 IF YOU THE
“ " (l u. I . l on. ias servu unn ioti as u @H The I
V \\<‘li' \iiictaiy oi Statchvemictl. public iniormatiori (.mnmlccmn. MA A B’KTHDAY ? HAVE SOMETHlNG :VthtVrVrViVn
. , ”«iilN'i- “h“ " <1 "“"dl‘l‘m' "' er and. later. as parks cominis- FOR SALE! FOR RENT! girl“?
. f \llt t t l-(l lillilst‘li; Agiltlllltllc ””1er Dmt (w “3,1381 3
, V (,wziiiriissroiiei .l- Robert Miller. T‘illllH’l'lHll and Host .ilreadv (401W LOOKlNG FOR A JOB'. 11:11:33;
' . who is running tor state .iiiditoi. have had ”I“, oi ”w“. lls‘iirlllib o 9 o NEED AN APARTMENT VPuhiis
. ‘ ' ““‘I “""i "l Appeals (“”1" D'd‘ on what they believe will be is- OR ROOM! ‘fitl'L‘u‘fi
Av \It‘llllllll‘lll. At (‘tttHlHliitt‘ for stiltt' \llt‘S m ”ns yank (‘itillptllfllh @ lerrVViilVistVrg
' ““1“”“1- The subject of that hearing. . HAVE LOST SOMETHING! Adar
' ' limberton said all three oi which was held in Louisville W/ WANTARIDE OR RIDER! 3732351!
. illlist‘t andidates will be rurruing March 9. was consumer protec- ’ w "W”
I as a team with him and Host. tion. WANT SOMETHING! :
.leiierson (Iounty (Iommon- Other issues which will bethe Mummuwa .. -...- WW...“ .... M“- PERSONAL! e;
\yealtli's Atty. EdwinSchreering, subject of hearings in the com— “N ' mam -
:1 CUP candidate for attorney ong weeks. Emberton and Host PERSONAL MESSAGES IN THE KENTUCKY KERNEL MISCELLANEOUS FrinVoerV.ViV|V
general, also is part ofthattearn, said, are the coal industry, edu- WHY NOT TRY THE KERNEL A“‘i§"‘r"‘
Emberton said, but he was not cation, taxation. crime, trans- CLASSIFIED COLUMN BRING RESULTS. CLASSIFIED ADS! .31.”—
prcscnt Monday. portation and recreation. 0

 l i . .- "
.3 ME“... THE kl-‘N'l‘l ( ki' kl’.R\l-‘,l., Tut-«lg... \iimii 2:. NH ‘2 , . . --9 ‘ . "
I. O . o . . g .I' . . I It . ,
r ° 1X01] ('l'lllCITCQ COVCI' ” l ’
‘ can I ates “ ‘ k ’ 2-. . ~ .. .
{I o o 1 . ‘ _
k d 0 current 308 In VaSlOI]
. \\;\I\lll\(.l()\ .-\l"- l'regj. tage point. I \(‘t’ll lr‘Hlllillrlllli r but lllf‘lt‘ s Willi: "3 ‘3' -i I, .. ‘. T .- x
l I' The following is the list of Tuesday, 2 March dent \ison said \lQndd)’ night .lsked what his problem is in more severe fighting " QI ' ~ ; ‘. ~, ‘I. (A
.‘ people who have filed to run 6;30 p.m.—Boyd Hal] he has less supporters in the 29"”12 l1“ VIM“ and programs He \‘tltl lur .it ‘J. wit. ’ji... '- I -
' for Student Covemmentl’resi- 8:00p.m.—Complex(.‘ommong (press than any president in tho across to the I‘\n‘.(.n(.dn ppm-)1“ \onth \ ietniiinewi...\mhxr~:;w.~! .IiItI. . I. I.
ting , dent and Vice President and 9:30 p.m.-Donovan IIall ~0Ilh (‘E’Mllr‘x but added. ’ if I \irton said its true that 01.1” enemy supply lHHW ..nrl how 5 ." '. ’-'
.'\‘t‘l' Where they will be speaking Wednesday, March 24 fall to communicate With the the presidents 1” ”11‘ @9110”)! l conductedthenisrlim usell .inrh-r '.’,I '-I‘ .~
w“ . this week. 7.00 m —II0lmes ”all American Dt-‘Olflt‘. ll 8 my fault. ' have 19“ WPP‘WV“ ”1&1“ any difficult circuinstaiit es ’ F ‘ I . ‘" ‘
‘ . ‘ p. ' ‘ Nixon criticized Dress han- hresident. \" 3* , l l ' ' . i . ' H.’ -. 3 '-'
. . . 8‘30p m —Keeneland lIall . _ . lxon saw tiey arc in .)' tter i . . . f ,.
. -l . Presrdential Candidates 1600 .Jewell H ll (“302 Of bOth 13“ )ear s I 5. ‘Bad rap' shape than before to handle the '. ~ 3 , 7
”L ' . B - - 5 Fl h 1” ‘ ‘ a military operation in (:LlnllMKll’t l- . - - ‘ 3 ' s l \ . « . " '
. . . enjamin ory etc er, « l t said he res iects the rm. Situation in niiti i. main .i« . -. ,. .
.g.u ,. . Thursday, March 25 and the Cl t s tl \~ ,.. l p l . . . ' n '- .' 3 '3
tics . William A' Gates I” B ‘ l . lIrren ' 0“ l ‘9 I" but felt his [)rEdeCessor. former .\mencan INN“ "““llml' “WW"? 7‘ ' ", " '.’
I s; . ”Lord” Walter Elliott Ilard- 7.00 p.m.— landing mese invaSion of Laos but said President Lyndon li. lohnsoii draw. ”..' .g .. Si _.
_ . . . . . . . . . . .. . - . _ I . . , ‘s -e . .. . . .
L mg 8.00 p.m.—Blanding [III the enomiityoftIhis nation sprob- did get a bad rap from W. Ihe l resident again rt‘Iltft ti-ri a .' .I 2 . 'I .3
Gerard]. Legere, Jr. 91X) p.m.-—BlandlnIg l\ . lems and national friIistratioii press" because Of his style and the proposal ()l(‘()nglt‘\\lhlittlil’ll- - ...' 'C ‘.
{fits Stephen Neal Schwartz 10:00 p.m.—Blanding "lowu make coriiiniinication difficult. his 1'9an origin ' ics that the [ “lied spigot “-4 d -. . : “ ‘ '. '
, . , ) ‘ - . . I . .. . . . I . =. . . . . _
l Leonard W. Taylor 111 Sunday, March 28 “m l “Sldt’nl “.le ”K 5 *0 \.. I . , l I deadline for Withdrawal but he .. .- . ‘. -' A
g Scott Thomas Wendelsdorf 7.00 p.m.—Student Center take the long View in dealing nt ' 1130." 5““ ho has Imam said lll‘» ncx't .iiiiminnenwni ml . '.'
mt § James Douglas Williams 8:30 p,m.—Patterson “all With problems such as \ ietnarii IerIltIs in the prcIssIand hasnm-M [ \ withdrawal plans (1m lli 3': .II .‘ I.
”"5 i Vice Presidential Candidates 10:00p m -—Haggin Hall and opposes that very inviting ”1“de an mdlv'dual upon” mid-WW”- Will Bi” WW- m " "
. t l ' ‘ but dan erous m d f . .. 't or called a publisher. editor or -., -_ . ~
. ) i \«l k H Bl - Monda March 29 g ‘1 O pe‘ul d , . , dlCdllUll (H Y!) lllt' t’li‘i Ml Ill" 3 v .
ler . . ar . an A Y.- any price . . . is going to have teleVlsion station to complain tunnel" “f E \ My)” ml» I“ ‘- ' ~ " 1.
rce Arthur Davrd LeMaster 7:00 p.m.—l\i'rwanl problems cominiini‘cati'ng." he. :‘is long as he can go direttly "It.“ ’ ' ” " ”‘ _II .1); fl . I... “ -._
l 1 Leonard ’\. \ledley 8:00 p.m.—l\irwan Ill said. to the people. he said. lll tail '4; v \ -. H . I , ' ‘ i "
. . .. .. . . .. ,. .. l ii. air; me ~ ‘.‘.z . ..‘ - -. ..
t; Mark \e“ l’aster 9:00 p.m.—l\lrwan “ \IXOH discussed the press sev- to communicate, H \ my tault ‘s rt dkl in I llt ht - t ' ’ l l " ' ' i ‘
* . .. - 1 . . . i ‘ .i ' l“ lull“ ,H ,. _— - -‘ 3
” l Rebecca .lean “ esterfield 10300 p.m.—l\irwan MW” eral times during an hour-long \],\Oil \‘ml‘ ”ll" ”MM” '. ”hm" \iithrlr i\\ din \ ..'. . ‘ “5 " ' ‘ ' "
['9 . I . .1 '.‘ tr III V . . --. c :1 ’ll. ’5‘.l».lt‘i~: I‘LL . , I ‘
”(g LN“ natIQntu it‘lL‘VlXt'tl Hilt‘nlt‘“ ”9““ llltdlu iii. t’rlULllllllt. .tiif‘rli H3. TEL illt’tl ”II, :I , I II ,. . r. I“; I. . - _
, with :\Ili(. L‘OTl’t‘iptilitlt‘iliHUH'drrl problems With 330.000 Marin. ..' .. - I . .
'ed l\. Smith. lhe problems .lrt' mini- Vietnam. .ian n» i»? 1,. t r I, ."l . . .
liis ourt aérrees t0 ear He noted that ti'lMision .n— mous. 0" Wild “Hf \m‘fltdh Withdraw il l." >"*.;‘ 3 l.
' counts of the current ‘Htilli \ iet— I3t."“i3l<‘-1Teiiistlrustratwl by th- lllaH‘ «'-tlk't‘l. .5... a . ‘ ~. '
I . ‘ ' ' , ~ . 3 . .' ‘ t v \ " . .
III» . namese \k'lille’del lriiiii laws IOHR HHUlVPYW‘Hi m \~1»'ii.i';. .i an} s .iricv. ‘3.' 2i say; .H: . ‘ '» ' '
lL‘ . . n , . ‘ . ' . - - I . 1‘. . r. ' ‘-
Lift‘ t‘OiK‘t'nl’rJtlHL'. "it \miith \ lt‘i mmmg (liter the hurrah \\ ..ir : m. rt‘flcqt. .4 ._i I going t - _.-. t . .. . .-
. I’ldlana reCOllnt Pl((l naiiiese ll!11i\ that :yin int» trmi- ’ht‘ 1900‘ V<~ sunrniarr gain. in“. r; 2!). E ,; ‘.':1
““ ble. falling to note the units ' m H”? L’.‘ ”HI 3“ li‘w’: Hf "l1: ”i mean use has: Cit‘ ,‘ '
”l‘ . .. . . .. tth perliimiwl \H ll and "‘.ilitit 0." lll? {Mll‘ lll ’li'l . u. WHY?” \ivm \ rid ";> -': .-. ~ ' - ” ‘ “ b: .. '.‘ I .
\\ ‘.Nlll\(. l')\ \l’ —~ llie lhe levin stiin'ls .i; 92in. It has happened I... ”H. enenix.” be in.” mm.” \.\.I,I, .I.”...t mte'l .. I...“ :i'. -.~‘ .I , I ’“I. ~ .
0“ Supreme (.Ioiir: put\a little shaky takinga $331000 bribe ll’tIfllllltiiliw if,” it“, (‘dmjimlhm {comp \imn said he Lilllltl lint Izrt'» mm «truigth. In”... ,. ., q. , .3, I {...' 2;,”
‘ ‘i ‘ " ’ ' ‘ ’11 i' ' :2 iv - ' '2. . I ' . . 'l'. '> . » . .
”1‘. ground uncerI IenI. aInctIllariIl. \ remom lersI inI thtI .1pll.t.til..l .i \;\.m \.tl(l the natmn . n: u \ (12L! “I”: \IH” “up”... .~. I}... ‘.'ol-.r.-niezit ..v; . . ._ .I 1 II II I
.‘ll. ;enth .1?“ Fllfinflah, )) 1tglt’t’lll%’ .e‘filhangc [qu I)“ fill-13):“ I'HJ'JU‘JIEL reports \u-re (lnlt‘iil‘itittwl in! TV“. 1 at‘ildl‘. LI-lll. \iiltll \. it'tiitlmtw. A {J ”Lin,” . .3 A} in; '.’. ;’. '»II ‘5‘ '-
:0 C0ns1 er .oinicr “(All l'uh‘m‘ mg the” 0“" lyrlflwll‘ifln.ll} "1" Vim-k“ b) silgg. st”). n~ lit‘tl ‘ lll» battlefields iii the do} s aheml. tr \Iirx'iw " “ " . .
L. Houdebiisb s plea for a part: govemmeiit Unix-rig.- t. .mirgwl .1”... ”Hill“? ”.I..I»..(.m. thit : \ . - . 7 .-
al recount ot their close 19m) also with committing perjury casualties “(Wm WM dwi that TIME FOR PROGRESS . . . NOT FOR POLI'I'ICS! - .. : ~.':. ' " -
election contest \\ hen questioiwi: h i grim! \ . » . '. . . I. ' ~
. . Hm... g "1* m “3 . W {1. “i wt TIME FOR OUR FUTURE. . . noroun FACTIONS! ._ . .. ~. .—.
llal‘lke. thf ripplg} fer! ‘.‘.‘lnnf‘? ' ’ ' lldlll llllfllll l)“ I](”tl})Lirtll/.t‘ll .-' '. . k '- 1 . . I"
last \ovember by 4.283 votes. P9n~nittcd aid V)!” ”1 ”WW 'lmlt-i‘ hHP' ' . . ”.3 . ‘I.
)~ has managed until now to bar ‘I ln another net the cunt pencil, he ”(NHL noting that egere an 0" 0' ll ‘ l" I ' I‘
. l x . . if " . ‘ " . . .' '. ‘ ' s . i .
e recount of ballots in 464 pre- voted 6 to .3 to “t‘l’lllll’ (‘oii- the press sees it lruin oiiexan- II.II. .. -_ “I
. cincts scattered throughout 11 necticut to give fillilanci‘il sllp~ 11' I.
> 1 'es. . , ‘ . . , '
t . an ”t1 port of Iioman(.a