xt74mw28cr3t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74mw28cr3t/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1991-11 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, November 1991 text GLSO News, November 1991 1991 1991-11 2019 true xt74mw28cr3t section xt74mw28cr3t Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per Year
LEXINGTON GAY/LESBIAN smvzcx oncmm-rxou, 12.0. BOX 11471, Lnxmcron, xv 40575
By David Williams

The long—delayed drive to extend civil rights protections to gay men
and lesbians in Louisville has gained momentum with a unanimous vote by
the Human Relations Commission reaffirming its 1986 decision favoring
such rights. A political action committee, C—FAIR, has also been formed
for the initial purpose of ———————--—--
supporting candidates who are
friends 0 the gay and lesbian AVOLEXPANDSAIDS SERVICES

"It's time," said Carla Wallace, By Dan Mynear
coordinator, with Ken Herndon of AIDS Volunteers of Lexington
the Fairness Campaign, a group continues to expand its services
orchestrating efforts to have the to the Bluegrass community. Their
Louisville City Council pass the new office at 214 W. Maxwell
legislation known as the Fairness Street has developed into a
Amendment. "There's no going bustling center of activity. It is
back." open Monday through Friday from

"This isn't just another rights 9:00 to 4:00.
issue," Herndon adds, "it's our The AVOL office provides AIDS/
very lives." HIV information, condoms and

The Fairness Amendment would dental dams, and a listening ear.
change the city's civil rights This summer and fall saw a
ordinances by adding adprohibition higher public profile for AVOL.
of discrimination base on sexual Two plays produced for benefit of
orientation in the areas of the organization raised nearly
housing, employment, and public $3200 and created excellent
accommodations. Anyone who felt community visibility. The news
discriminated against because of media has also increase coverage
his or her sexual orientation of AVOL and recently featured the
would be able to file a civil suit organization's work. The "AIDS is
through the Human Relations not a Phantom of the Opera"
Commission. Penalties would also fundraising event in late
be established. September netted more than $5500

The new provision mirrors for the organization. The silent
similar laws in four states and auction for this fundraiser
over 100 other jurisdictions. represented contributions. More
Such an ordinance has been adopted than 45 local businesses
in 25 cities despite the presence contributed to the fundraiser.
of sodomy laws in their states. Two new AVOL sponsored support

The measure has the endorsement groups have been organized, one
of a number of Jefferson County for HIV positive individual and
political and religious groups. It another for their partners. For

 A word from the editor
GLSO News Closets Are For Clothes
. By Chuck Smith
Published monthly by the Lexmgbon Notable gains for gay men and
. . O .. ti lesbians in the work Jplace have
6837/ 1‘33me Services rgimza on, been in the news recent y. In late
P.0. Box 11471, Lexington, KY 40575 September gay and leeblan
—————————— personnel managers attendedh a
conference in New York Cit . T e
ChuCk Smith. edit” called for businesses to eastablish'
Craig Clere.president.GlSOBoard policies of complete non-
discriminaltion toward gay and
. . lesbian em 0 ees.
Mailing. lee. Folding and stuffing. Lee. They sgidysuch policies are in
Laurie. Mark. Steve. and '1“! the companies' best interest,
_________ because gay people are more
groductive when they don't have to
e defensive about their sexual
The Esmeralda's Parlour column orientation. Furthermore, the¥
with news and viewpoints of said that people who are out.o
interest to lesbians in the the closet are more at ease With
Bluegrass is produced by themselves and therefore better
Esmerelda Collective. workers.
Spokespersons for several large
—————-—- corporationfs thatc1 have adopted
. . . po icies 0 non- iscrimination,
Views or o inions ex ressed in GLSO News . . , .
are thosep of the 9authors and don't Said in lnteereWS afitgr the
necessarily represent those of the GLSO confepence that the ROllCleS had
Board of Directors. Submissions are beneflted thalr companies“ weStern
welcome. All submissions become the Bell has such a pellcy' and
property of GLSO and must indicate full reports that it has been well
name and address of the author. The received by non-gay workers.
staff reserves the right to edit In September, LOtuS Development
submissions and ads to meet publishing computer SOftware. company becgme
requirements, as well as the right to the largeSt AmerJ-Fan C°r_P°ratl°n
reject any submission. Placement of #0 adopt a beneflts pellcy. that
advertising in the GLSO News does not lnCludes :the partners Of thelr gay
denote a person's sexual orientation nor and leSblan workers ', The P013933!
1 business's customer preference. . allows_ gay , and lesbians to Slgn
forms identifying their lovers and
including them in the benefits
package. The policy does not apply
to different sex couples, who the
GLSO NEWS NEED VOLUNTEERS company says may get married to
obtain the benefits, an option not
Help is needed and welcome in available to gay men and lesbians.
producing the GLSO News. We need Recent marketing studies
people to write stories and revealed that gay men have one of
reviews, help proofread, and sell the largest disposable incomes of
advertising. any demographic group, yet are
We are especially interested in targeted by ver little
cartoons or a comic strip with gay advertising. We should use that
themes. If you are interested in buying power to sup ort ay
helping, let us hear from you, af irming businesses and) let 1'3le
call Chuck Smith, 253-0661. know we are doing it.
2 - GLSO/November

 things. They are the kind of
1d a P things that spark the gloomiest of
smere a 5 81‘10 r conversations. "They're winning,
3.. , what will we do? Where will be go?
g, Where's my hammer, what happened
‘ ,- ‘ to that closet door?“
“"7 But ya know what? I've hear
<‘ these conversations before. I
heard them in 1980 when the ERA
SO . . . Was It A Good Week, went down in Blazes. I heard them
OrA Bad Week? later again when Reagan was
. elected, and re-elected. I heard
By Tam. Wood them when Bush was elected. This
You know, sometimes it's not so isn't to say we shouldn't be
easy to tell how the week has concerned, even outright worried.
gone, either personally or in the But I like to take it as a
ife of the Lesbian Nation. This reminder that business goes on as
was one of those confusing weeks, usual.
at least for me. I'm writing this The events of Sunday, October 6
a little more than a week after have to keep us on our feet, not
Kate Clinton graced the stage at knock us to the ground. And that
recital hall. Kate along with the brin 5 us back to Kate Clinton and
several hundred lesbians, a anotfier surprising little event,
smattering of gay men and handful the film Paris Is Burning. When in
of hetero couples who "came out" the span of eight short days, in
to laugh ourselves into Lexington, I can go see a Lesbian
convulsions for over two hours comic, and a film about black drag
clearly qualifies as a good thing. queens in Harlem ( olitically
Even coming and going from such controversial as that Eilm may be,
events is a rush. The safety of I'll leave that critique to
numbers means pairs of women someone else).I think it's turned
actually holding hands and out to a pretty good week in the
otherwise touching each other life of the Lexington Lesbian
(sometimes several others) outside Nation.
the confines of our own homes. Events like these make us public
Yes, all in all, Kate, the and force those "others" to
audience and the evening were a recognize (whether they like it or
very good thing. not) our existence. When "they"
But then the next Sunday, about see us out in public, some of
5,000 abortion protesters lined "them" are going to protest, and
Nicholasville Road. I won't even we have to be ready to fight back.
get started on this top‘ic. My There are not going to be any easy
girlfriend and I nearly ad to do victories, and there wi 1 be
physical harm to our waitress, who losses. But the struggle will go
excitedly informed us of the event on, as long as there are women and
Then I go home to read the paper men who insist on having lives
only to be informed that outside the white middle—class
California's governor had vetoed mainstream. And this too is a
the state's gay—rights act and good thing.