xt74mw28cq61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74mw28cq61/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1913-09-18 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 1, September 18, 1913 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 1, September 18, 1913 1913 1913-09-18 2015 true xt74mw28cq61 section xt74mw28cq61 Best Copy Availabl
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University of Kentucky
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Vol. VI LEXINGTON, KY., SEPTEMBER 18, 1913 No. 1  
  V- -lr-=· -~>>i—¢~»-- ~·¤- ~?¥»—-374--q .-»- -·     .77 A V 4 _ E?
•    ‘ § H n
        Read carefully the following facts and _       K      
..._. than act accordingly. `  W |
SB t 20__AIumm Lexm mn In this age of wide and expensive A _W_i+_
S pl 27 F lt, Le Ig t l advertising the average merchant mustn       n `
02:*4 Bil aiu Em sm! °“· place his ads where they wm yield uw!  =2,;-k nynv I {’f'""¤ *"'” ’*“'“'“‘“’ V“°'*“°"· S‘*"T‘“‘; A School or Journalism, with full
_ 0 At` 1; 0 zisioxinstug greatest returns for the money |n»| 4%   __.AI   igluwugu img bpm trying m mak" '·"’ e=quipmem for getting out a daily
I 1 Oct` 18 Olin ' N [hg? i t vested. rn n city “·1me umm ure,   ~ t" ‘ ‘ ‘_’ ‘ " """‘“""' ""°‘° Y"' “°""Pv¤¤>¤r and with full Standing M a
Oc' 2; lol °r1’L€xing0"` Maeveran educamman anmmunns, np! Q       ""r '_"i`""`“’ d"""" U"` ""'"‘"*' r•~<·¤¤¤iz<¤d and separate denurtmnnt.
NCL 1 E J": mm 1 Q: ngtonl [feels that he Is too often culled upon!   _;     gwun “'m‘ this mm in NEW "rm"”'“`_has bevn planned for State University,
Nov. 8—v;B :m't xsgxglumn ~t0 support the college publi(·ntl(ms,!     W Hiiqfg TWP mmm wml many °f'm°`b0ginning this full. All details for
N"- 1; Mm :;;’“·L8 I F · S0, believing that the outlay is of mm,}     n"‘ “‘“"’"“‘ “"" kindly ""“?"`““" *" uw school of journalism have been
N Ov. —-   '   ng On. value, he regards R request. to adV€r·\ A     Ecomp bdck Early and do "lmt ‘hQyia|‘]‘3[]g(§d, Hnancial p|‘()Visl()[] hug bggn
Y V • NOV. 22··L0\IiBV"lG, IJBX H8t.OH. use in 8. College paper Often as H form ‘   §COUl(] {0 $198lSI Ul? DEW S[ll(l9I`|tH in T made to Support it, and President Bap
*1 Nm'- 27“T°'m°”°°· L°""‘$t°“· of chumx or a Dome h0m_up_ But I?   §""‘H"*‘ """"“‘· h°‘“`*““¤ ¥"“"""· ‘*"‘¥’l"?'j kar has Offered me position or head of °
——-~—-———————— Ilet us me if this is many a correct ,3   nment and supplying what may could nnithp department to a Lexington www
View to take of the Situation- The 6 gthe way 0f information and entnrtz»‘n- paper man of long experience and
n . students bring into Lexington each im€m' `revognized ability. It is practically
” ig?. year A revenue of approximately $500,- U TT" thatmyook was IT"? im ubmf n <‘€Fl8i¤ N13! he will ¤¢<¥€Di the D0¤i·
· ` .tt · ` .‘ 2
g,_ ¢` 000 dollars. Where does this money ‘ if aq or uguq 0 8 is remmm U0¤·
`\\‘(`S} ‘€ `A ,. ' '. '.  
go? Practically 95 per cent of this` 1 ( I ufmseq mgm umm rllmn Several weeks ago it became known
book <·0ut.x•:¤:~ much int'urmut!m· that
· sum eventually finds a resting pluve in PPOF JAMES G WHVTE m I i I H that President Barker had mmmls-
~ - · · xv r v-, .t' ·.t * 1 >¤·:
the safes of the business men of Lex- n I plol tl I M Ht" NSW t lh; _t 10 sinned this newspaper man to go to
w no w s Y · . . n
Ington. The merchants who receive ‘·*·’*·· I f U I (L The iw:] Qrssef lH;?r:,;('0lun1bia University, New York City,
n_ o e n · : ·-
    me lamst ,,,,,,.0 are those yvhg amm DEATH A GREAT Loss T0 STATEIU ‘ “ ‘°i`   T"] °" ‘;‘""b“‘ ‘ {und investigate m neun me methods
.   . ,s.- . r. '. `. ' -¤
K ‘f* ’*. and please the majority of students. —.~}. E Pt I { d r mrglt ls nl 8 cgm land principles of the Pulitzer School
\ 1 ll A AB a means of attracting me attention   Brief Sketch of Mon Whose Useful im: 8 P Or gp ng Om Sm I H n oeyof Journalism, the greatest in the
Q  _g,?;;;b_v   or gtudents, we believe mu; the Idea,} Life Ended on Friday. July 18th. °° ` Mw rm, wmpn sg n pun of Columbia
 *‘T=g§}`·,,, `·‘i·}'_ V 1;% because of its wide circulation is one ;·   °’i"°° me Mw “t“d°m“ b°g““ milniverslty. This was done and Sat-
tre ' >- ,Q_ 4»· I _ , ·
T.       f €_,;j»=_n gf me bggt gdvgrugfng mediums xg. n—Miss Marguerite- McLaughlin. £‘°""’ *" mp \· M- C· A- moms havelurday this gentleman, who will uu-
;      ·~ sued in the cuy_ lt gs rem more by Prof. James Garrr··· White, vi»·e- Lbeen wry busy pl"“"’”· “'h"“”’ me bwsidonbmdly accept the position of head
5* ‘ {hg ggngqmg mm guy gghgr pub]|cg.'DX'B8id¢lY or Sum; L ..1vm·8g;y’0ne 0f:¤¤1•¢¤t t0 rend. form new acquaintances of the department, Bam ..I gathered an
E CGACH ALPHA .nu*A°.' tion, because all of its news deals dl- UW oldest ¤¤d m0S£ Wid¤LY known* und attend the Stag wcials given possible information from the Pulitzer
M.] Al h Hmm • Inu. colch rgqgly win; {hone things which are in- €d\1€¤¥·0¥'¤ of th6 SIMS, died at h|8)°v°ry mgm during r°gl°u`°u°n· School instructors, and I believe this
mul p t' ud uu t u tgyggung to anus pwpm home on East Maxwell Street Julyl It has been *’· “°“"°° °f Umm pl"“"is a, good plan for State University to
- s ro
mr ° lu w° yn,. 8 M h t h V IW S b an 18th at 6:45 o’closk after an Illness of Sure to See the i““"`°“t the md ““d·esta.blish a department of journalism.
virfmh Mmun I¤""“t° hu b°°° my mom an S 3 9 A uy B b t t .h [ »new mcn are taking in the work and ·
· chosen as hud of the department of wmmg to un space M their business s ou wo mom s 0 acute stomach {the mm mess with WH h th Although I cantsay positively yet that
{ B t t fm me demands and mm Such Support we trouble. { P P · ‘° BY ‘*°`|{ shan accept the place as head of this
PhY*‘c“ Ed“c“ °n at W ° ° , , , cept the invitation to become members ,
vacancy len by Mr E R Sweemmd are very gm;egu)_ ` Pcr f0rty·flve years Irof. W hire had. d I I I U k inew department the chances are that
· · · ‘  , _ , nan nepm ne wor. | ,
O Coach Bmmage comes to us with me Now coming at uma closer to melxxiiadidutlne infhieme nf .1. leader andi That me work dom) for new lmdamqil shkal:} ini I begexn I se? il grant
__ 4,     . A Y - I   · · · ·»w r can no on r ee
very but recommendations and the mlm it Seems that me maxim uw} ll s un g¤mem.1n men the 5ou1h_iq Ming Iumwciumd bv the fame". 0 nu 0 y 0 n
.. Inf Kentuvky who vntereml smw (`ul-, ` ‘ · ‘ `school but also for the entire State"
teams turned out by him especially und let live, Ilnds u randy npplicwll md mmhmx of the how is ummm], T! I l r H 1
me one we met on Stoll mem mst mm herel we only know our mendsl   on Kvmutky www 1 nlurxuy rm bv mp mmv grateful www we have us mam 0 tvn s new (apartment
_ _· , I11;.;l1e+r education. Ile was u svlmlurly ‘ ” ° ‘ ` `WW rank as ii Yun l”`0f€$¤0*` of the
year attest, too convincingly, his worth by the manifestations nssounwu nun} N_c0ivt_d Dum] r mp mst da, of
fmmdsm so let us show our apymun and a man of profound research.; ‘ *" ’ 5 {!'nive=rstiy. along with the heads of
*8 “ °°“ch· His wmk is his r°°°m` p` iAlw_ _ r U _ _ i _l, . iregistramiou one hundred and ten men the variom other de Brtmems The
1¤6¤d¤U0¤· lm °*·h°*` is ¤°°d°d· We d° predation of the merchants and busi`? dys sen E. undssum ng, ( unt-§~slg11e¢l membership cards and manv ` I D ··
  [0 friend and upighbor, to hhn \' ' ' ' ` ‘ Salflry Win be (’()IIIm€nSUr3t€ wnth NIH
UO'- wish to embarrass Mm by uw ness men who patronize us by deulmgl `uthers spoke very encouraginglv of the · -
enumeration of his mm good q¤·¤¤·=»¤ Wim mem- W¤¤¤ #<>¤ WM ·¤ ¤·¤r··“"           °' """“·.,rk and plans for the w.m..g ,·ea¤"`”`“°"‘ .H`°   `“ Y`m`h°`d “` me
,. ...mher. He spoke evil nr nu om; and   request ot both himselt and President
but we mw ¤¤¥ *¤ ¤ ¤¤¤¤¤ <>' Justice °*‘““" ““’ I ‘*’·“' ’°“' “" *“ the 'd°“· ' n·¤n¤1 wamen to rm men €m(·¢·· in
_ _ , ’nd one spoke evil of him. lt has been ‘ 0 S B Harker.
to an um his strong personality, man- While we do not advocate ¤ boycott? NH _ |_ l V V ' {any wrk m__d€d· _ A Y lt 30 J d B. k i yl I
umn on the new and on the new policy yet it Seems only justice mldimu nn '¤un·rhnm he land nm; txxo up Sum km atmude by me new and Om .' A`np.,u» I .· tn ge; Har ei >ou;.,f1t Int
impress one with the tact that he loves common Sense to help mow who helplterents lll hte. one mm hu huum uml \:UHh.u[% (Um mean but Om) thmg_ `·1U¢U0¤ tw. Ji? I"` I1 NK DMN 0 {18
t f t sake we are truly us the othvr tlw university amd it must ` _ `_.·' “¤¤`¥`¤b' }'¥`\¤U¤1¥ (`0¤¤l¤¤¤Y· M HU
SPOT or BUOY · ' , . ` su"cv*.s.· l;·mcuns ax cleaner moral at-` ` · . .
have hewn so tor no umn could lliI.\'t‘— - -' ‘· .· >0\1U1 L|¤¤•35i0¤1€. Mid this will be
{ 1 M.B withusund Y 1 mr 1 1 ·lL·ti iuunw n   ·     · 
gmdb 3 mv; tr mxlhiiiigs shall ring i mmmu hee ni wb d on Tl (In Qbvwl sn luithrut, sn just, SU Sm.u,sSn`“**’>1’l`\*I**. ·.p_fL¤fr l¤u¤ and 1num,u1IuSt_duSm€ nucleus around whim wm
our · n w n· r¤1nwmsemm1en>»nns     . . -· .-.
we ine;/B N: ud r Hs direction 1 gm lu I) b f X [ful m mow umn um inu·n·»zs. 'l`he· l"$”‘w7Y‘ Lt {Mm" mw m°"d°l"l°°‘ M built one of the best ¤¤w<·|mnirul
ana u e n - n umn- ecaune ears 0   ·   - ·   .
to n gner p esa co ¤ Y iucCUml_lmnm_mS UI. H USUN] mp my,_·Urmm_x.1»•nq¢|m.d·n1n¤n11m» .mmug nur (_>wmiSlHm_mS fm. H school of jUul._
Following is a brief BkB(Ch of his periance has proved that no more pro-1 ',,ug],m·_;· '· .·· ·_ _
_ his monument; hu mwls no mlwr ,·•» • ·` •. . H·U1$!11 UM! ¤‘1l|1 be Dliilllled Mid
athletic cureeri gressive, reliable or acconmuoduungll H I .;1m£_N_.·{n·u.`u_hq§‘§· wm gm", as me h u H
PM10. ,• . `_• _ U2;].
“'“"“‘“° °‘ K“°“““ ""‘“°'“"" ""’“ “"* ‘° "" '°““" ‘“ ““’ °“’“   H 1 l ., , , U ~n·—a,»s-·w»‘¤)»;-lunawe. n.m¤·u¤ of wr., In me 8 uhm M bw H D M
ee uns mru il urrm B tl1l';;, ¢·- ‘ ·· * . · · ll ¤ *2 8 1 Y S6
» ui z d ulticcouch Tl t ·t mt ¤t·I· bun r‘¢‘·     ..
lhysécal me Dru:] Dzntsmnauomu dw (;:€&`0 ng sfalmpmiii mts u;lu»b¢·n· 17. IRIN}, nm! mw ¢·4tn<-;m·q in mm *f*““ ”.f"*l}·“l'*"m_*!’k‘ l"b""°"‘ qlsnrker Saturday are sevemi presses,
w r ereu uns era 011 0 ··· :.   ·- ·- ·
. for :6 1),8:::; t d N yada State antigua at dat , d I { ,   nold HKIVUII (`l>H\*;L0_ ul |[;u·|·U(|Sbun:_ (0u?l:4E} I0]- ¤:N¤}\i\fi|ll lt 8KCh ODE il largv quantity of type and all sorts
n e e s n en s an marc nun · u-— — .   . ·- · . .
school`; lgl et: a O wd same to lt. d H { lh llulvr ¤·eu·i»·in;; his A, 1:, .1.·;;¤·`·.· Mlm “° ‘m$"_"})[Z‘!*"?_°‘*'°`I‘°'ll°" °t"‘l“m*’ of other printiu;:, slmp equipnnenz.
W , ccu · w ur·e xn eucn umn .- .   .. . . .
• NOT? iilmgls M I Graduate and Gm.; il uu 1: 1:5 bli li 1 in i  T"”*¤>>‘lvnn1u um; mn xiuswrs dcgrevwlle bkmmb 0* ‘}· *"°°d °“‘""l°|" °' !-ntvr the l'|liVl’!'5il)' will insmnll lynn-
, . .., r cons er wu u uns xc-: A ,. .- -. ,   ,1 _ _
pos t on “ E (h t S( hool of Su   y I d ti gdi I ful Slulv ['[|i\‘(·['¤i[)'_ His ]||g)[hq~[‘ \\‘;{5 “IH HMI our blu •\\\n h`l\` HU ( [hit H ¥"¥1(‘ lIlilL'llllll‘S illlll O[h•;'I` €t[lll[)lll€ll[ to
· Tuaun e · n nc uc¢·ox·n~. { .. ·· .. . ~ .·
ll1BU'\1L[OIL(;) ua NKY nd n6·d or en U €u(\ u B5   Miss Nunnio (hu_l_aH_d' duughlpr ol. [I|()>( \\llh \\llUlIl \\\ (UNH llhl) (hill) llluku lh`. "\t_`_huui(_ul dvvurtuleui UI-
··} ..a ...     .
Ph)B`Lul uca lf)n   { [ f ———-~-·1·———·— ·———»··-·— (:UV\‘I`II()l` (;ilI'I'Lll'l|, Qlllli his [`;|[]|•*l' \\;{>; (("ud((` lhl pult hh lb the Ildpp} ll"-' "`lllnul of journuusul equal lu u
, exnrmeno V  - . ,. . ., , , _
Athletics mem' img t; S lu r Fdu .l‘mk`. lh·m·y H. \\'hi\\·, of aww }{;u·k·;;_ m°‘ H m‘m*" um MMI md) [N [IM high class small m~wspap•·r utticen
i · ] · Bn ¢ ‘ ··g·   `· ·¤ ·< . .
khybicul Pd¤¤;i T11 0 Ou * MRS, MARY HAWKINS DANTZLER. l(·mm_ Al UN. im, mv 2, _,_.u,.,; hl. l,_,_ *'·*·> U! >°****> ‘*’ “""l‘ ""‘ {"l“"f·· livsndes me jouruulistlv work of um
°¤“°"“‘ *‘““°°“‘°"· °°~*¤*¤°- n.·i...... M. i..\..·..n-. ...- i.. ..,1... 1..11.1 mn-S U. *··¤··¤·‘··>’ ··~·~·~ ¤¤·—**1····‘*···*>- ·¤··*·"···‘· (»`»,.;..—[m.·..( or wu.-.m»¤S... mn ,.n..[n
""_ _"`"W ltlw .\n1·i\·ul¤urnI Ak M¢‘¢‘IlZllli<'i\l 1‘·>\|.·;.;‘· °`"°° uml milun" TM Y` M U A' ing vstublislnnnwm will turn out nil me
FOOTBALL NEWS. Concert, 'Phursduy uvexnlnng, 23111, > 'M. l\__mmk`. U(_mb‘_l_ Hm mm mi unuts an m·1p mm mu WIN. in needs l.ui\___l_Sn\.S Mimmg und mus ww u
——-—— *’· “‘·· '" “"“*’*"· M"“· "“"‘“"°" ""“ »»-n—. »..;n—.a.-.n In mw n·;m.n».·n. 1um..·¤·. "’“ “"" *"“ ¥!"“*' ““ """’· '“ *""` 1n¤·n·· part nr me znmnmnnn or annum
The Wildcat in certainly u ferocious rammed from un eight yours n`Sm°.'H.° lelum. of i|:¤rr·ml>|>ur¤. 'l`\~·»<|;u1;;Im·1·s, °°“l“;° Ul °'m°Hm°{"A ml 'hm" ml" zuuumlly cxpumleu by the Univnrsixy
beast H we draw our conclusions from in Lipzig, Germany, where she l1·a¤€MiS_ Mum “.hn__ uml Mh, U__m_g_` h';lllll\‘l` ns an Sumo l4n•1u·r·>u15; t‘uu1 for priming,
me bunch which appeared on Stoll hmm studying num" and mmwmmf"ililvssina, r`mnm·rl5 Mi>» Mnmlnn \\‘hia··, MN h°`H° VS I`) r°`"m°` lh" 4h°l°°S ml linnxpluyruem for mnny or the nm.
Flgld, SG|)[B[llb6l'   \V6 believe lhhll Reports of her Singing In Lnlzh; Slwuk hl¢‘>i·*’i’ this Ullitill. HVRUNV for \Ulv lull lh`! (Munn; )`.ul.‘.. l|\‘llI5 \\`llU ilI'<' \\Ul'kiI\g their way
we nl-., wn¤n¤·vn¤1v¤ when we uuy max °' “°" "°“`*’ “” °"“ °f th" ""“' "`“*""‘l; mum Many Posmnns. ""‘ "'"" "'“"’“ “"""""" “"""""` ¤nn·nnnn» N-n..».»1 will mw nn .,n.,m|
slum nn.; n vary eneuuruglng ntlwlctlc mm was Wu" hmm in uml °ny‘ mmn Imm.4 ¤®.·· ¤··:·e_» nw \·.u·»¤ »»1m·:¤ In- """"b"" ‘"' ""°‘ °"""` “"`I I"! “` "‘"k hy um priming pmm, nun me buys
prospect 1'ur me year 1918-14. With a °"° °f uuuurpussulm b°"“[y' bh" new ·4¤»¤.¤n·`¤···1 nun swan ¤-Z¤¤¤¤¤· '1`<>¤·· Ash- 'r¤¤<== rule resardins kicking has also hgyg d,Bd_··
Furnishing. goods are now in   land, Ky.; Meisenhelmer, Owensboro, been changed so that the kicker need
  ‘_ Ky.; Chapman, Ashland, Ky.; Neshlt,ln0t of necessity stand five yards back qmck to your postsp he roared in V 
  &   T MWJIBOIIVIUB. KY- `of the line when making a kick. He wrath  
_     l Llnemen. may be as near the llne as he pleases. ··Back gm. m 4
'   . i y pall u lll !—— —;
J. & M. and     Clayton, Murray, Ky.; Jolmson,$'l`hls will probably bring back some Them straight balm.; E; aes igsnpith sl 
. . · ·_ ¤ `Louisvllle, Ky.; 'l` , L ' llla ftl ld i·k kl ·k f ’ L:
Florshlem Shoes Stetson 11.8*8.. li _ H urner omsv e, o `IB o qu l t s rom formation. This Emp sails On, and on and Ons.  
  _· »_   y*'1};_l’Ky., Luter, Murray, hy.; Ldwards, 'lhls is probably the most. important 3 
    C8.ll0)’\'lll•:, Ky. change made ln U18 BBW I‘I.ll6S. And the Shi  
— -·—-—-———j ,·T_ _ __ _ I p plowed on through the i
  v· _ .
    __       \\1th such u bunch ol old men and ———————·—- gw;-my mgm, %·
PROF. FARQUHAR TO LECTURE- M||-|TA[’|'){_?Ul·l-,§]’ll;*_-   the promising new players there is no WILLIAM WHEELER HAGGARD While the oak beams cracked ag ghe n.
——-— il'.:     lreason for anything but a winning KILLED BY TRAIN. rose and fell, M 
\Vlll address the students in chapel FIRST DR1LL——"I`l¤cs'lla>*,·Sé{xten1berlteam. lt is up to the students now ..-.- Tm her deck wml the frown spray  
Tuesday on "The Bible and the Devel- 23rd, at 3:30 p. 1n._ _§qth old and new 1 to give all the support possible by at- www walking along me L_ & N_ was white, _ g
opment or character", Tuesday. cadets will attend. No uniform re-itending every game und doing. s<»¤11ewl,·u(.kS mw- tm, Qgmetgry, w_ H_ Hag. And the wlnus voice mug mw g A 
prop Farquhar or the department of quired. Absence must be made up byltrue consistent rooting. '1`hey znustlgum u S(,l,l,(,m0w in {hg College 0; shriek from hell_ d`
English has consented to give one of squad drill. All cadets are cllurgedistand back ol the team in Yietury anld|A;;,.i(.unu,.€ was Struck and almost m_
his delightful addresses at the chapel with knowledge ol` everything appear-Idcfeat. llut we believe that it ovelylsmml). klued by a L_ & N_ passenger Day after day she struggled on f
·· · . 1 1 nm· 1 · »· - ·. »· . . ·- , , , ’  
Tn lgeiflui nsnumlg qlghfge who xave [Tg :1nut 1+; U gary iusletllil lixxrd ll\‘0ll€ duis his UULY VW WU (Ulm lm {lain. lle uas hurried to the bxperi- But still there came no sight ot land,  
wm- y·0_ grqugar e ore nee no 1; nai 0 `le lyllllliib unl U 118- lV|¢i0¤`i0\1s· ment Station and the best medical uid 'l‘ill the crew were hungry, tired and  
second mvnallon but for the benefit U (Mists Hollis Oui lvl YW! ball, In myuullectioll wilh me gLLlI\(*S for was summoned but death resulted soon wan,  
of those who have not heard 'hlm be- rnust get excuse vurds slléiwd DY thei me ms; [mum games will be scheduled alter he was bought to the Station. llut the captain suld as he stretched 4.
fvre We will ss! lhsi ¤¤Y0¤€ W10 fsils Ulbblwl Ulfufivr wld Wm Mme is to with lronloh ll. S., K. M. l., Louisville lle was one of the best students ln hls hand,  
to hear his masterful treatment of this the Lommandant. [Male, Lexington ll. S., and Slanfordythe college and at the time of his {
inspiring subject will lniss one of UW Us not but ¤°<’°U'J hum u"l*°"'“5 M ll. S. for the second team and thc death was employed at the Experiment "l·`ar ln the west the sky grows clear, ·» 
rarest treats of the coming year. S0 the pattern ls changed. New Cadet; }.·H.sh,m,n_ Nsmmm ms home was ut Wm(,h8BwI, A dark mw now der me waves I
lege have everybody out to welcome Ire TOQUWGU W h=v• UW ""V Pi"¢"" New equipment has already bl·4·n_l(y. 'l‘he Idea voices the sentiment of see,
Mm vn luesday in ch“l’*’l· “”"°"m· ordcrell for the team and ev•·ryllnlm;[tlu~ l·`n•·ulty und students when we say Full speed ahead; the land so dear,
-»·~——·——-———— HY order of the l`unnnandunt. will be m·ovllh·u by lu-ers, \voaw;·_`ll.ul we feel deeply uu, pm, of 0,,,, of Beyond me bwukem www for me'., |
P·¤·°¤j_·• our Ady·•6“y•_ Henry Marsh, Capt. and Adj’t. Curtis and Glllls who have charge oflour members of such gentleulanly ._g_ E_ B_ ·
h. P

·     1 I I   Money Loaned on all goodsof Value. I can save you from 30 to 50 per cent on
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Etc.
LICENSED PAWNBROKER. 110 South Limestone St. Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Phoenix Block
· ` 0  ·:’i;t’;?;·:’·:it;*";.; ;tT" ·;:. ft ··ii:7;.:T·  
é Judge L•fl•rty’• Tribute. 1lIe came into the unlver·-tltv nt its`!)
z '|' ’I' *1* · - · OLLAR SAFETY RA
‘   S   _lmlg,, w_ ·l·_ [AGP"`, dm" 01. mplliirtli and through the entire period F d K zokss
WIN 15 Nytlg his WI] will N lIt¢l’ESt€d to tlIOW """"""°*’ '·**‘" “°“°°'· *‘¤**'= 1"Y "“ “"“""‘ '"` ""“ """“ °"" "' 'r"*`1 In us em Cams"
I         nym. more than forty warg |,mf·1m0at devote:} and potent factors ln its and Ever Ready
1 White has stood ln the from rlmka """"1"l"“""*· JU$T WHAT YOU NEED,
t 15.00 Sllttl f0I' l0.00 $20.00 Suit t0I‘ $13.50 M 8 t•*m·lier of his chosen se-tell.-•·_1 "'|`|nn¤|` jtistice, ull-wltisll tluvtltlml m1" " " " 'W """`1”"
  Q Ml with the university cmllll ll.- mm-;-`tllllb ttlltl |ni= izenuine int•·r•~st lll tllnj  
        S keenly ren, than [Ill'·|)l\BS1l\l.'{ away1“'*""*""""' """">"*""""* """‘ *‘"" “"’""1lN ALL ·rl-as LATEST STYLES AT
· of ous nntnrut and crhclent e<1¤<·¤¤t<>rl"" ""“""“ "'""'" ""` “""""" "" his REDUCED RATES
11 Inwwnua and frlend." influence, 1
1 MEN`S THINGS J u s ··*rit-ti-rm l r· · l · ··"°··
1 A u ge cott on Prof. White. it ia tlc atu ty, appreciat-
1 .1 115 E. MAIN ST. Opp. Phoenix Hotel ··l have known Prof watts all my’""‘ "'“ “"""“" ""`""*"‘”· “""‘*‘“"‘*‘ STUDENTS°
.._é-...—.——....-.*-77- W.--- ~»...·A~—--.. I l d ‘ .` ll -. · Q
 .:::·::T-¢+#1.-...-.- life. When l attended Kentucky Uni-1m] (Umm though su mms yssssl     ’S  
versity I was brought ln close touchlof iirvius mourn his death and wml y
‘ · 1 t · . . — .
with him and lt has always been a1wl ntm 0 trwsum Sasmdly his 341 W. MAIN ST. Phone 1635-x
·'· T- LA"- L- '“‘- M"- pleasure to me to be wm. l,lm_ H,.1""o’"""’· -·T-—-—-—-—-——-——
        WBB 8 g0Iltl€lllRll Ztlld D. SCllOltll‘ £tll(l1 UF0"Mh_ThH[ for the faflultsx      
, talumnl and students of the State l'nl-
_ one of thc best teachers that I everl Incorporated
4   ° H b d h km)w_ Lexington lm., lndecd lost B1V9¥‘Flt>', we express our lleplwttt Hum. Manuhcturu M
`   a       valuable Clllz,m_·· outlay to the bereaved members 0l··HAN[).MA[)E CIGARS
...LTLT..._’"Y.........""__".-..-.ZiLZ"Tl`fZ ;f1w€ me members of me Board of Cm 14  wl 1 `
. Philadelphia and Dr. Charles Leelt   I U K t lk A 1 It I E .1 (04
  Reynolds, [ tl€ SGCOINI Pr .byt rl 1 rc O le gn uc y gr cu Ura xs 1. '
1 { HP · Church 0 I as Q anlperlment Station, do hereby publicly I1 Omcthc
1  (Continued from page 1). rof. James G. \Vhlte was reeog- » - 1giw expression to our Sense of loss 11 VM 7
1 PROF, JAS. G, WHITE nlzed as one of the best of men. For The pallbearers were: Active—Pro- in me Digging of u man grown ven   *"—"’_—-_—‘1·—··*·
1 *· ‘ 1
L PASSES AWAY. many years he was a deacon ln the lessors C. R. Melcher. C. \\'. Math-' . _ _. . J
lt ` _ 1erable in the services ot this
Q lowing Omcesl Instructor of muthe_ lentral Christian Church, but reslgni ews; AL M. Miller, l·. laul Andreson,1uuivwsity and of one who luhomdih
1 matics 1868-1869, adjunct professor of sd ssvsssl yssss ago ss sssssm 0* J' s" sssms J` h' smsksl sus Dss'1so long, and so assltluously [O\\'t].l`dS1111 ,
_°’ ¤ ) ) . V y 1
1  mathematics 18694872. secretary of delicate health. His ability as a J. \V. Prior and I. I. Boyd. Honorary me atmimmmu of the higher 11
1 ` ` leader and friend of oun me w ——l’re ident I-l S B rk r D W T 1 1*
t  A` the faculty 1870 to 1878, professor of y g s ss s ' ‘ s s ’ san ‘ ‘1ideals ot university lite, and so faith-1111  
 " mathematics and astronomy nm to "’"‘“"‘“m°· ““° m“d° MB *’°""°‘°’* ‘“ °“"°'*‘· “°‘· “"*""’“ L°° “°"“°"’“· J~ fully the mm-est of all orange touch-! Ii
1 P  the time of his death· dean of the Col- stsss Usivsrs