xt74mw28bc0g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74mw28bc0g/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1923 journals kaes_circulars_001_1_070_02 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 070 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 070 1923 1923 2014 true xt74mw28bc0g section xt74mw28bc0g » F
 P Extension Division
i— THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
A (Revised)
 · February. 1923
 · Lexington, Kentucky.
  I’11iilis1i»·i1 iu<··»i1m·1·1i·»11 with 11.1· :1:1‘i¤·i111111·:1l pxtoiisiiiii \\‘¤·r1< cnr-
— *]**1**11 YW ¢'<*·\'l*¢‘I`£lli<¤Il ¤¤I` the <`1»11·-:¤· ui` .\2I`i\‘11iIl1I`0, l‘!1i\`i‘1`$i[)' of
'_ i\¢‘11U1¤‘l<)‘. wiih 1h¤· I'. S. 1>¤·]¤:11‘1rm·m 1·1` .-\¥1'i¢'lIiI\I1'L‘. uml la<·c in
 · the agriculture of the \\`¤·~t<·rn States. The ease with which
3 it coultl he t·st:il»IiI`ll1(‘NI£lII4I null tht- lteavy
  yields of exet·ll•·ut I`¤»i‘ug<· uuulc it the oulstaiuliiig f`<»rnge crop
I of that r¢·gi·»u. In the eastern part of the VOIIIIII`}`, however.
  early attetnpts to grow aIl`aIf`a niet with in1-. ll1lt1|1l` 111·· ;_ <  I
fi1\'Ol`[l11ll‘ Stlll t'tllltllllt)ll$_ 1.1llllll`{` 11} 2.111 11 $1211111 1ll21}' *"l11"`i1 -  1
01-cnr jnst as with L‘lt1\'t‘l` 111· §1'11$€. l11t11'111111111ll is 11111 sn ··1··» ~1; 1  1
111 every 1·:1s1- 1-1-1-11 with 111l` gi-1-:111-st 1-:11-1-. :11111 this 1-1-~11li~ ,1  
poor growtli.  1
The g-11-111 1ll‘]11‘llllS 11111111 1111- 11-1-11111)- 111 111(1 soil 1111111 -- »
pei-f1-1·1l_v 11 is 111-1-[1:11-1,-11 litlI` 11111 111-1111; :11s11, 111` 1-11111-s1-_ 111111;; .
$1211111. 'l`l11-)‘i1-111 111' 2ll1'E1l1.I1   lt‘$S l1ll.t't‘lt‘11 11.\' tll`t|1l11l il1[1f; `1 1  
of Uillt*l' l.11l`ElQt* 1‘l't\1)S 1ll`t'i1ll$(‘ 111. 1111- \'l`l`>v 1‘X1t`1l\1\'1’ {111-1    _.
l`t1(1l <_\Y$1L’lll. &11l1l 1l('1'El1l$C 1llt‘ \'1‘l`_\' l`1ll1ltl };`l't1\\'1l1 111. 1111*   i-  ·
111-1-n1i1s 1111-111 111 111:1111- 1-1-1-)- 1-tl'1-1·1iv1- 1151* 111` :111 ;1v;1i1:1111»·    E
'l`111- :1111111)- 111` :11t':11t`:1 111;-11-1- u-111111 _\'l1*l1l> i11 111‘_v s1-;1~1111s1-.-;1~- `1  .
ill11s11-1111-1111111111-Ntz11i11111`:11-111 in 11122. 11111- 111' 1111. 111-i1·~1   — Q  1
{ ever cxp1-1-it-111-011 111 llllj 111111,-gi-:1ss 1·1-g-11111 111` l{1-111111·1<_1-, 1*   Y
1 cuttings 11-1-re 11111:1in1-11, giving il 1o1:1l g-11-111 of t)\'l'l` six 1·11.~; . 1  I
acre, or OIl€ and :1 half tons por cutting. Sneh 3-11-111s 11*113  ` (
are possible, liowcver, only 011 very fertile lilllll, Tln-c1: 1·111Ti2;-  1 1
per year may nearly always be 01)121ll1CLl lll 1lll   ln $— [wr :l<·1·<~. uml
_ 1li·· ;l]·y»li··:ull¤»i1 Ml. lllJ|lllll`<‘ <»l‘ Ul`*l\\`l!|}I ll l_·1·<»]i lu plow l1I1(l<‘l‘ ;m’·
 g .·1}i··i· ilvins ¤»l` ··<·sl. Nw! :•ll lli·· ··¢·~1 slwiilil l·•· ··lm1·;;i·¤l in the
`U '''4'v "N   ;;];`;l!1`;4_ lli·ii···i···i·. l`·»i· s11¤·· <····lliig i·i·<»;»s will l»··ii¤·iit 2`l'l‘2lll_\', \\vl1(‘]1
\ Ply ·  » mk VXIWIIW i` \‘.!_'_ml UW.], MU, PHT]!-,» IN.]-il,.] (if {lw ¢·1‘4i]> ll is
l Th'. if ll   im [Il`r‘iil. 'lilinu \v··1 lz1ii·l is ii··11i‘l_\‘ Jll\\`2i_\'< ]>1··»li1:1l¤l<· i·<·uzml-
Wlllyll l  » lu<~ mill lli·· ~·1·<·;·s tri l»·· !`l`<>\\`ll. 'l`l1·· 11~¤<·l` llmw uml {»l1r»spli;1li¤·
Ml llll    · f.·i·;il§z·~y·s is ;•ls·» n··l-¤·ss;¤1·_\‘ nn ;l lnruu y¤i‘¤»g>·»1·1i¤·ll. ll¤*<*lll'·
l'l"   1  fzl=·i_··l1·;liii;1:‘~· is 11··l s11l`lii·i¤·i1l. l`··i· pi»··i· llll¤l<*l'lll`£llllilQ`(‘ is <¤l.I~’ll
> "·`**"  V fwiiilll wll··i·.· ¤»··1‘. {liv l:1!1llsl1<>l1lil l·¤‘
l<_\‘. lr v_  tili·~·l1·;iii1·»·l. lt is <»l`l¤·u imssllilw1·»_ll1l<‘. f0l`
M! *'UYTiY;`  l Il1<·s¤· ¢·¢·l·i1·< mw Q‘i·]]¢·l';|ll`\' :111 l11·ll<·;1Ili¤l1 <·l` ]l¤><>1‘ ml1'&1lllilQ`<‘.
if {ml ·:‘ Z l·`l·;m· lil' this 4»p4—i·;1ll·»n ls sn Ql`l‘2ll elllil llH‘

6 I1'r11l111·/.·_1; (11`1·1·111111· N0. 70 .
]`t‘Sll11S so (1(>ll1111‘ll1, tl1111 i1 is il S1l1.k‘l' 11l\'(‘S1llll’ll1. 111 1llN11l111;1,.  _
(11`111llE1g(`, \\i111(°11 is ll 11l`l`1l11l1l\*111 1·1·li1·t' l`1·11111 1)1)t1l`t1l'2l1Il£l!¤‘,  
.1 l·'1*1‘/1`/11 $111/ Is I1’1‘11111'1·11I. 1\1t`111t`11 l`(‘(1ll1l`(‘S il 1`('1`111|‘ 11; is
i11l(1 it will 11111 111111111 il s111ist`111·1111·y g1·1111‘tl1 1111 1111111· 1111111, _\1-31 1
1111l1(\l` 111·1111111·1·11111Ii1i1111s, it 1111s 11111 11111v1·1· 111 11111El1lI ll 1lll'f1111`1—· _
111` its 11it1·11g·1111 1`1·11111 111(` :1i1· 11ll`ll 111(I 2lZ<‘lll’)' (11. l1;11·11·1·i11 1.15:.;  1
1111011   1*1111ts. 1111   1Il1(1‘S ll ('U1l$1(1l`1`1l111(` 11i1l`1 111   1l1YI'1j1_  
11*11111 11111 s11il, 11111·ti1·111z11·ly <1lll'1ll;f 11ll* <‘2ll'1}' s111g1·s 11t` u1‘—~ ‘1·. ‘  i
'1`1111 1·1·1111 111s11 111Z11{(°S 1111111*)* 111·11t`ts 11111111 11111 111i111·1‘z11 111·~111~~:;¤·f _
· 11111111 1`111111. ,\1·1·111·11i11g 111 111111l_1·s11s 11111111* 11y 11111 l{··11··; 1·· V1 
RxI1l`1`1111l`111 S12l11t1ll. 1.1>lll' t1111s 11l` 111l`11ll`11 llilj'. 11111 2lll 111.·;~ _ _: 
yi11l1l 111‘l' 21l‘l'<‘ 1`()1` Il s1·11s1111. lllily 1·1111111i11 1\\A(.111§—'1111’|"` 111111:.11 §  *
1111(1$1111(11`11$ 111111 123 1)11lIIl(1$ (11. 111>1il$S1lllll. ,\ 1·111‘11 1'l'<*11 111; 1··_  
11ll$1lL‘1S. 111l'111(1111;! 111111 111111 111111-1111ll' 111llS 11t` S1|l\`<‘l`: 1··-11;%  _1
{l111)l'11X1lll2l11*1}' 1\\·(*1\'l` 111111111ls 11l` 111l(1<1t1l1ll`llS 1111|1 111i1·· _·.·   _; 
1111111111s 11t` 1111tz1ssi11111. 'l`1111s it is 1·vi1I1·11t 111111 21 s11il 1111 ·.·.` Y`. 1
111f111t`11 is zQ`l`<1\\'ll S1lllll111 t`111·11isl1 12ll`Q`1‘illllU1ll11$(l1· 11\~il11111l1*‘ g` 1.  
p11111·11s {11111 1111111ssi11111. \\`l1il1· 1ll1lS1 (I1` 11111 s11i1s 11t` l{··1·; `·_·  1
@1111111111 s11t`ti1·i1111t 1111t11ssi11111 1`11l' 11lt`111l`:1. ll1*2ll`1}° 1111 11111~»·1~;·~`  _'
of 11111 111111111· 1111111g‘1‘11ss s11i1s sl11111l11 I111 li11111·11lly 11‘1·111~.·11   j
SOIIIC Cill'l`1l‘l` 11f 111l11S111l11l'll$. ,\1·i1l 11l111s11l111111. s11·11111···1‘ ’ 
1110111 {11111 1111si1· S1ilQ`21l‘C11l0 1111151 (`11.(\1°11\'(` (A111.1`1\x1`$ (11. 111111~1·`. : 1  
f111· fllféllliil. P1'1111il1)1}' 11111 11111s1. S2l11S1‘Elt'11>l'}' 1111.11l1111l 111` `zég  _ l
these f111·’1i1iz1·1·s is 111 1111111y 11111111 i11 Sll1`111‘11‘ll1 111111111i1i·~<.    { I
1110 111f111f11 is #1111*11, 111 111st f111· 11111 11111·i111l 111111 11111 1·1·1111 is1·x11··‘ i { {
111 st111111. \\'1ll1'1l is 1lSll2l11}' 111111111 l111lll' }`1‘21l‘S. 'l`l111 1`111(` 1`11· .. ]   1
11l111s11l111t0 Zl1l(1 l111si1· sl11g‘ \\`(1ll1<1 111- F100 111 1.000 11(11111l1$ 111·1· ;. F  E t
111111 {`111· S1(‘2ll1l(‘<1 1111111.1 11111111 111111111 112111i tltis 2llll11llll1. \\`l11·1;`1—i   I
. 111 1110sc éll110l1111N. 11111 l1l2l1(‘l`12l1S 111*11 11l`1111}l111}' 111*51 1111111i1111 11F    1 0
A 1·11st {11111 11isk011 i11 111.·l`111·11 1ll‘(‘i11{1llQ` 1111.1 gl-(11111|1. \'1·1‘y li111·.11·1.1·    
1)1l(1l`1lS is 111st 11y 1l¥21l'1llll§l`.   H
If 1)I'CfC1'1`<‘11, a11i11 111111s111111t11 11111)* 1111 111111li111l i11 ~!1.1:ii? Q_. 
111111111i1i1·s \\`1l<‘1l 11111 111l`11ll`11 is SO\\'ll, 111111 111111li1111 111111111111}‘   _. f‘
` 11111 <1l`1‘S$1ll{I 111` 111111111 200 1111111111s 111111 111·1·1e 111 1111 1·1111i\‘:1t·11$’?   "‘
1111111* 11111 first (‘ll11lllQ`,  g` Sl
O1·g11111`g Jlaffcr. Ill 11111li1i1111 111 Ft 1111111111 s1111111}‘ 111` Yi   Oi
111i1101·11l 0101110111S 0f 11121111 1'()()(1, soils of 11111 1}'111‘S 101111111 21  hi
1 ·

  . P
/I/f111f11, 7
111$1l111 1ET1·  · 1((,H111,.];y $11111111] 111· 11·1·1l s111111111·1l with 111;;:11111; ]l12l11('I’ 111 111111111s,
1z1!··. ‘_ O1.w,,,j1· ]|l;111(‘1` 1·1111111111s 1111· 11111·11x1111 111` 1111· soil, 1h1e s11111·1·1e of
1`~‘1`1i1·· M ‘ 1,111-1 111 111l‘ 1111111;:111 11s1·11 |1_\‘ 11|*' 1111'111f`11 1-11111. 11 1111·1·1;;1s1·s 1110
`l‘l· —\1`1· m1,1$1111·1·1111111111;:1‘él11fl1‘1T_\' 111. 1111* $1111. 1‘1*11l11·1·s 1h1· 1‘:111_· 111' ('\'i|I')()-
l1H·!"1‘·¥`·  I 1.1,1{1,11_ 1';11·1!111111·s 11111 1111:1111 111` \\`l|1*‘l`. h11s11·11s f1I'2l1llJI{If‘: I)1',)·
""1?* ]1`·1?-I   \-1·111111111{111::1ll11 1‘l'H·‘1i1ll;: HH11 ;!1·l11·I‘é111_1‘ 111‘11111r111·s 1h1· I>1]}'S1('{11 V
1< 11111*   · 11111111111111 111` 1111· s111l 1`111·111·11I1I1· 111 1h1r u1·1111·1h 111` 1111'1111`11. ]·`111‘—
**1.    1 111('1`111(|1`1°_ 111·u111111· 111:1111·1· 111(1$ 111 I‘1'l1114‘I'11l!` 1h1·1111111·1‘:11 1:1c1111·111S
‘1·‘¤¤1*‘Y1`~·? (1f111;1[]1 1111111 111 1h1· s1111 :11211}:11111*. 111 :111111111111 111 g11·111;g 1111 11s
IVY1"1   ` 1111-1111l;1111 1'111111 21% 11 ¢1!‘¥‘I|_\`*. .\ ;11111111_1‘ SIl]>111_\` 111` (}1.g111]1(' 1111111121
**1 ***-1* -  1 1S;l1)1'11Il1l1`_\' 1‘1*11111!‘1·1111·111 111IiI 111‘1111111·111·1· Sf111_
·IMl1·Q`t'_:  1 $1-111 ('/111·11· ax II ]'1‘111111‘11/1`1111 for .11//`11/_f11. ()ll1‘ 111` 1111}
    1111-1 1»1·s1 1]1l‘2|1l< 111' 1!l¤'l`¢'I|\1I|{j` 1h1· '71`!I11111‘° 111:1111·1 111` soils 1; 111
   · g1·11\1‘ 11 1·1‘1111 111. s\\`1*1*1 1·111\'1*!' :11111 1lll'1.1 11 ll1li1*'1`. A 1'1`()1)1l1` $1 111 -1
I HH _.\` 11:1 3  111111 11111- ;11·1·1· 111` 1·111·1·11 s11‘1·.1·1 1·111v1·1‘ 1< 11111 1111 111111S·11111 }`1f*1f1. 111111
`1H1|1V:11 M   15 01111111 111 12111 1-1 111111 111 ZI\'1'1'i|§I•‘ 1111*111 IIléll1IlI‘(‘ 111 11111 {1]11()111lt
I{MV_‘l.__   11f111·g111111· 1111111'*1` 111·111·1111~11. A 11111 111` 1·1111·11 »w1=1·1 ('1(I\`(*]‘ ('(I]l»
_.   1111111 1`111111 40 111 51) 1111111111x 111` 11111*11;*1111, ]'(‘1>l`('Sf‘]l11lI'[[ [1I1]P1'(Ixi·
;jmv111__ _1  ` I]1il11‘1_\` 1111x 111111111111 1:1111111 11*11111 111|’ 1111*. .\< 111*1·1‘11111s1y S1Z11(}(1. 11
· I; 1  , f1111·s1111111_v 111` 11111·11g1·11 111 1h1·s1111s1~··111s111111—1·ss1·11111111111111`1111`11
     ; 1111215 111s11 111*1*11 §1lf1\\`1l 111111 >\v1·1·1 1·111\‘1·1· 1< 111111· 111 1111;1· 1il]'?f‘
11 UI. Fi; 1 111111111111< 111` 111111111;_jf;   T]1l]]§(*11111(°1(_\~ ,\;!1'1('1111111`111 1`:X1)(11`1111(*111 $1:1111111 111`(`11111`(\'1
1m;111\-   Q  f<1l‘ 2l1f`2111`:1 :1 1`11111ll1` 111111 1111·1·1· 111` 11111|1 1111 11111 1`;11·111 (11; 11111 1.111-
l1l1\.;1.1,,1f1;  QZ <‘01I1 1ll$111Il1(‘ 111 g1l1‘11l_\' (`1111111_\· 11_v Q'l'<1\\`11lQ' ll 1ill'Q`t‘ 1·I'1111 111
  $W1‘<‘T 1·1111‘111· [11111 1II]‘II1lIQ` 11 l111l1l‘l`. r1`1l1‘ 111*111 111` 1\\`l`1\'<‘ 1·111I1l1QY
P1}. 111{  · 0f1I11`1111`11 111 1`11111 _1·1·;11s {l\'('1`i1Q`(‘(1 1.113 11111s 111` 111*:111. 111*111—1·l1l‘<‘11
1 1-,,1,111 S   11111 DGP 11<·1‘1· 11c1 1·1111111g·. (1111} 111` 11111 hosi 1111·1·0s of 2111211121 0101*

S 11011/111-/ry C1I'1‘l([1lI` Nu. 71)
Q'l`O\\'ll 011 1110 ]·]x111-1*11111-111 51:1111111 .1`ill'1ll 1`11l11111*1·11 il 1*1*111 E  ·
sw1-1-1 1-1111*01* 11*1111-11 was lllI`l1l‘1l 11111101*.  
lf 1111- gfl`U\\`1ll is 11111 111-:11*1* 111 1111*11 1111111-1*, 11 lllily 11.. `·  
l11-1`111·1- 1111- s1-1-1l1·1111-11s 1-111111g*11 111 31*1111* :11111 :1l|1~\1*1·1l l1P111*11111_; ·  I
1s111‘11111*.\\‘111-11 11 111:1)* 111- 1-111 1111 \\`111l il lliili l1:11*1*1111* :111111111 ··.~ _ '
llll1l1‘l'. (.l11l1*l' 1·1·1111s. Slll‘1l :1s 1·1111*111·:1s, s11_v111-:111s, 1-11·._ 111.11; `
g*1*11w11 111 11c 1lll'll1‘1l llllll1‘l' 111 1ll1'l'L‘Z1NL‘ 111*g:11111· 111:1111-1· 1111·_ __  _
$1:111-1l. 1111 111111-1· 1-1*1111 1‘1]ll2l1S s11*1·1-1 1·1111*1-1* 1.llI` 111is 11111·1··»~·-. E  ·
$1111111ll 111- 1.(}l·1lll 111 llllllll 111:11 llllllllpf 1s :1s ll(‘\'1‘>S21l'}` 1`111-1 ·_-_ .»  
` 1·l11vc1* :1s l`111* :111`a111`:1. j
]'l1[).H1 .‘{([H11)'(l. 1`lill`lll llli\lllll'(‘ 1s :111 11111-x1·1-111-11 \*‘1l1`*·· »  
Ol·g·{1lllL° 111:1111-1*, 11111 11 1s 11111 il1\\'il}`$ 11111:1111:1l111- 111 s111`111·11-117   .  5
11111-s 1`1¥l' :1l1`:1l1`:1. ()1`l111l111'11}' 11-11 111 111*1-111)* ltllls 111-1· :11-1*1-    l
111- 11s1-11. )l:111111*1- 111.11*11 1-:11·1·11-s 1:11*g1- 1111:111111i1-s 111. 11 ····. 111 .  
{11111 s1-1-11s 1111 ;;*1*:1ss1-s; |'ll1lN(`(|l1\`111l)- 11 1s 11111 :111v1s:1l1l.· 111.1-  
11 :1s :1 11111 1l1*c-ss111g. 11 sl11111l1l 1111 :11111111-11 1101111*1- 1111- g1·11·;; Q;  g
11111111-1.1. 1*1-1*11:1115 1111- 111-s1 1111111 1s 111 151*1111* il ('ll11l\·{11|'*l 11*111.    1
:111111)*111g 1111- 111:111111*1-.  .
'1`111- z11111l11·:11111111 111' 111:111111*1- 11111-s 11111 1:11:1- 1111- 111:111- 1.{`1` 1.  
1111:111-s. )l:111111*c 1s 1111111- 1l1‘111'l1‘lIl 111 1l11(}¥l}1l()l`l1< :11111 *11*11.1  
:11-1*·1111111:11111-1111y 1111- 11s1- 111 111111s11l1:111-s 1111 1111- s1111s :111*1-:111* { ~  1
111-11 :1s 111-111;* 1lC111*l1‘ll1. 111 11l111s11l1111·11s.  
Z.1`1111*s/111111 111 g·(`ll1\l'1l1 11 1s 11s1-l1-ss 111 1111111-1*1:1111- 11  **  1
:111:111:1 1111 s1111s 111:11 1111 11111 1·11111:1i11 (‘ill1‘llllll 1·:11·l11111:11e 11;:-   4
$111111* ~. A\lf:1l1`:1 1*1-111111*1-s 1:11*2*1- :11111111111s 111' 1°1111'11ll1l. :111   ‘   1
1`1111111l 111 1-:1l1·111111 1»:11‘l11111:111-_ :11111 111*11l1:1l11_v l`l"lllll`l‘$ 11 111   *  .1
1101111111 {(11.111. 11111- 11111 111. :111`:1l1`:1 11:1}* 1·11111:1111s :11111111 11.11"j»~‘  I- 1
111111111ls 111 <*2lll‘1lllll. :1g:1i11s1 :11111111 1w1-11*0 111 1l1'11*1'11 11111111-1*11.  ii
1-11111 1-1*1111 111` 1i1'1_1*l111sl11-ls. l1l1‘ll11llllQ‘ 1111- S11*\`<‘l`. .\11 :1l1`:1lt`1¤*‘ 1
1 01 1`11111* 1-1111111gs 111-1· s1-:1s1111 111:1)* 1*1-111111·1- 11*11111 11v1- 111 1-*11 T ·  1 Y
:1s 111111-11 1·:111·111111 :1s :1 1-1*1111 1111 1·111·11 Q`l`U\\`]l 1111 1111` s:1111»- *`111i1l···- A f
111* s111l. $111111- 1<<‘Il1ll<‘1{_\' s1111s 1-11111:1111 1-:111-111111 1-:11*l11111;1‘~~"·  1 I;
111*:111}*. Sll1‘1l ;1s l1I(‘ 111111* 1111111% 111. 1111- lI111`11I1‘l'1] 11:11-1 1l1.111"\i‘   d
1 \\`lI{‘l`(‘ S\Y1‘(‘1 1-1111*1-1· :11111 :111`;111':1 11Il`l\'l‘. N1\11S 111:11 1-11111:1111   Q  H
(’:1l'1)1}1l111l’ !`(`ll(`l·1111)v sl11111‘ 111111·1*111111i11;1s 111` l1lIl1‘N111111‘ 111* 1··-F'- in  4
1`1·:1u*1111-111s 111' l1Ill1‘S1111I(‘ 111 111· 111-:11· 1111- S1ll'1.i1¤‘l‘ $1111. #-·f1<‘Z"   a
1111 11111 $ll0\\' 1111-sc 1·11:11*:11·11-1*1s111·s :11*0 {Q`Cll(‘l`2ll1}' s11111‘ 1-1‘ iii-   Q
1  '

j Alfalfa 9
" """i'   i uttttn they may he tl&ttt*. Uttv ts the littttlls—{t1t]><*t‘ test, Wltiwlt is made
l IUI- \ I`i`   2 as fittlltttvs; -\ utoist elw} ot` soil is ht‘okt·u opett. a foltletl strip
l st·ttt·-.. t i ot` hhte littuus-pap··t· t’whit·h ina_t· he ohtaittetl trotu tlruggistslt
.  _· is ins»·t·tt··l att·i the ttt¢·t·¢·s ot` soil art- pt‘t·sst.·<·r·ot· the soil at the plat·e of insertion.
I  , lt is ·l<·uhtt"ul 1t` this test is of tuueh value uuless made by 21
__ _  _` pt·t·s<>n of expet·ieut·e.
  illili  J A test that will show the pt‘esett<·e ot` r·al<·itutt earhottate iu
___M\_\. A t the soil is <·at·t·ietl out itt tlte t`ollowitt;;· mauuer; lu a hall of
` ` A moist soil. make a shallow tlepressiou aud pour iuto it some
kv T4    ` strottgl1_x·tlt·o··ltlt»t·it· at·itl. lt` t·alt·ium t·at·ltouate is preseut. there
Imc lt.} _'  will he au t·tl`et·x·est·euee. lt will not he viuorotts uuless there is
ml   . ‘ it large atuouut ot` <·alt·iutu t·at·l»ottate iu the soil.
hl .t___ . i lly usiuu these two tests itt a t·at·ef`ul mauuer. oue may gain
H iE»t....___»  V Some itlea as to the ue essity t`<»t· applying lime.
_l_uN|p;;__  E Gtwttttttl limestone is l't‘l‘ll) ot 1\zll[\lk1\§.

10 11'011!111·/ry Cl·I`('1ll(l}` N0. 70 y
111 0110 l111111\{2,' t0st 011 1110 EX[1("1`1l11(‘111, Slilllllll 1`111·111 :11 1, ;.   1111
ington, 1110 soil of w11i1·11 is ()1ll}' v1·1·ysl1;11111y i1l'1(1, 1111* 1'111l..~_1_j1; 1 {ll'
yi0l1ls w01·0 1111121111Ull 1'l'l)1ll 111110 1‘1l11111{§S 111 llllillll }'(‘&11`S;   1·11
U111i1n011 soil ....,....1..,.....,,.....,.1.....1......1.. 1.11 tons l11\)' 111~1· 111-1-.1 1 mi
2 t0ns g1·011n11 11Ill(‘S10!l0 11(‘I`1l(‘l`L *... . ...... S.·1 tons 1111y 111·1· 1111-.1 · Us
4 t0ns ground l11ll(‘S1()I1C 111-1· l1.('l`\‘ .........1 9.7 tons l1il)' ]11*l' 111-1..  1 1111
6 tons ground l1lll<‘S10Il0 p01· :11-110 .......... 9.-1 tons 11115* ]1¢‘I` l11‘l‘·; _;  H1,
Th0 11ay 011 1111- nnl1n101l Z1l`l‘i1S always 1·11111ai111·11 21 1,;;   lvm
’ p1‘Op0l'11011 of \\'1·011s 111111 grass 111111 111 1111* l`11(1 111. 1111- 1111···1·1:- 1; V Trix;
p01‘i01l 1110 a11`al1`a 111111 ]11`211'111'21l1}' 11isa11111~:11‘1-11. '1`110 1111`;11;`_1 - ; Shi
*1110 11111011 Q'1'0111111 was l[11llC flllilx 1'1`111ll w1—1—11s. 11111* 111 1110 11~ ..·. 5  ,
gr0wtl1 0f alfalfa w11i1·l1 110111 1110111 ('11(l1{(`(1 1111w11. T
 1 111
Seeding Practices   1111
It is n0t 1111`111·nlt 111 001 Z1 s1an1l (ll- 1111`z111`z1. '1`110 *l`¢`|l\ g»; ·,__1  1 UH
112110 11ni1·1\\' :11111 11as1111·0 g1·11~~~—~1   lh"
just as 0asily 111_1111`(‘1l 11y w01-11s as 1111`a11`a. 11111 1110 1`ll1`llll'l` 11~·1    . O? 
211*0 $0011011 with small grains w1111·l1 1111111 1110 w1·1·1ls in 1-* a   11111
until 1110 0l0y01· 01· grass is 0stal11isl1011. 'l`11is l11t‘1l1111l 111` s ·~—· ii:   Ml
alfalfa has 1101 p1`O\'(‘(1 v1·1·y S211lN1`211‘101‘}', 1111w0x·01·, 1l*l1*"iU  1 [llc
s0011ing_>· in tl10 spring 0n filll-S11\\'1l grains. S1‘1‘1ll11L[' 11111:.»-   Sm
21 sp00ia11y pl`(‘]1l1l'C11 s0011 11011 is YICl1CI`211l}' 1·01·111111n1·111l1·11. 11*1* .i   mh
1 thus $0011011 in tl10 spring w0011s 1nay 111·0v1· \'1’1'}' l1'<111l1l*‘*    gw
1 Cral1g1·ass 211111 fnxtail a1·0 (‘S[)(‘l'11l1l}' 11·0n1110s0n10 in l{1·11t‘1  1 hm
and in s01n0 s0as0ns will pl‘2l<'111‘21ll}' 11<‘S11`(\}' 1111- $1211111. _ O?  
A111·1111{11g0.c of S'11n11111·1· S'001l1`ny. T%1~1·1111s0 111` 1110111111:»t‘ J   gm
11*0011 injury w110n alfalfa is SU\\`ll in 1110 S[1l`111§!`, S1|1111111‘1'* »0~· Wi   sw
i is usually 2l11\'f'11‘211l‘1‘ 1111111111 l`<‘!i`1(11lS, i\l11111S1 111·1·1'1·1·*   i  .— thm
0011*11*01 may 110 S(‘Cll1`C(-1 by su1nn101‘ s0011ing‘. {11111 11 is l111<1*llll‘i' 1-1  fl mu
1110 Szlfcst practis. Sunnnor SOC(1111Q` has (ll1\'111l121}.K`l‘S 11111111   1 {md
Wced COI111‘0l 10 I`OCOHlIl1C11(1 it. Spring s0wn 111-111121 11111*111* V1  ml
1  Q1

 1 F
’ A/fa//:1 11
M L '',,_ tltttms little llil_\’ lll¤‘ tl1'St }`¢'2ll‘ 1ill(l the returns from the land
`,]l(_,.,\i`Ar · m·1·5]||illl. lll Slll1l1ll¢‘l' Stflblllllg; the léllltl <‘2lll he used during the
, _ ` l.;H·l_t·p;11·t ot` the SVIIWPXI tor s111:1ll ;:1*:1i11s or for growing an early
I i lllilllll`ll|K 1·11ltiv:1t1·1l t'l'Ul) sueh as potatoes or lUl)2llJl!0. There is
"""` [|§l|{|ll-\' ntore ti111<· to [ll'1‘}lZll't‘ the lllllll ll1U1'l'lllLi' ll<‘¤'il|lNl‘ ll'l‘|`$ the hest f1]l]lUl`llllIll_\' to ohtain thoro
n llltlvlllilllllll of lll1‘]ll2l||lS. The l‘;X]N‘l`ll|lt'|lt Station ]'Ut‘U]llIIlC]l(lS
tl TV-- §lll[ll[l<'l` seetllllgj lll l{•‘llll|l‘l<_\', <*N]t¢‘¤‘lilll}' t.1>1‘ the i11Cxpe1‘lel)eed
ll` *‘’‘· [-~? s gt-.,tt·,·t·_ ot- \\`llt‘l'l'\'l‘l` the £l$\lIl'£|lll'(' ol` :1 Sll(’l'(T>$l.lll stand is the
tt‘tl.·* l _, 1·hh·t` t'ltll>l¢ll‘l'illlllll,
tim" T 1 .~'1»1/171;; ll'{/It :1 .\`111*.w ('mp. It is the l‘0IlllllU]1 experience
  ot Q`l`ll\\`l'l‘S that :1ll'z1ll`:1 plutttetl on lillltl that has [ll`t'\`l<)llSl)' been
 , i11 11lt`11lt`:1 thrives llt'll\‘l` than the lirst seeding. T11is is unllouht-
l`   p   olly due to the llt'I'l·<‘<‘l llltwllliillllll ot` the sol. A erop of sweet
`  v_''' p` t·lovt~1- will also zive ]lt‘l'l-l‘l‘l ll1¢ll‘lllilllt>l1. It seeins quite prohahle
ml    that the lllll'_\` I'l‘$llllN l.l`lllll seeding: :1lt`:1lt`11 with a
M    _ l1llI‘~t* t'l'llll Ill2I_\' he due to :1 large extent to poor ll1t‘lllillt‘ll. At the lixperiinent Station a very
IMM-   gowl st:111·l ot` 11lt':1ll`:1 has heen tllltillll(‘tl hy sowing i11 wheat 011
{Um   Q; l:1111*ot1·i:1l on soil known to he well ll10t‘lll£1tO:ll'lt‘_\’ is tleeilletlly the hest nurse crop
hw     flllll wheat the next host. Rye is good it` pastured 1*:1tl1e1* heavily
MN pr  i 111 the spring, lf spring oats are used, they Sl10uld be pl2111t€Cl

12 lfenlue/ry ('ireulur No. 70
at about half the usual 1·ate and eut for hay in the milk stay., · I,
Spring barley is regarded as mueh better than oats, 1)ill`lil‘lll;t[‘,;_ tl
the beardless spring barley. Spring—sown grains do not eouqgul , ,,,
weeds 11early as well as winter grains, however, and this is ,,;_ ,,,
important point, as already explained. I,
lt is probably true also that the inability of all`alt`a    . ,,,
alone in the spring to eompete with weeds is due to iinp.·ry`.».~ _j 
inoeulation. When well iuoeulated and on favorable soil _vi.·,;_; Z  1,,
alfalfa plants grow very rapidly and a thiek stand holds t·. .·.t Q.  , I,]
, in cheek quite sueeessfully. At the Experiment Station   [  ,.,,
trials of seeding alone in the spring were not very Slll'4't·ssfi,; A tp
These were made on land that had never been in alfalfa b··:`~:·   nt
In 1921 a tield that had been in alfalfa a few years previo·;;_  ‘i ,1,
was sown in this way. A perfeet stand was seeured and    A th
plants grew so fast that a fair eutting ot` hay was obtaEn»-ti_   pt
early July. \Veeds gave praetieally no trouble, and a  tj he
eutting of hay was obtained in August.   or
Preparation of the Seed Bed "  li,
iqannner Seeding. Sueeess in sunnner seeding neee~~[t.y—  ‘
a very earefully prepared seed bed. lt should be well pnlv··rQ{  l W]
and tirni and should eo11tain sutlieient moisture to insure prerrj ,],,
germination of the seed and rapid growth of the young plan ’ ],,,,
ln order to obtain these eouditions the seed bed should be gr-  I SH,
pared as far in advanee of the time of seeding as possible. A im
Small grain stubble should be broken in early July    A gl-,
soon as the grain erop eau be removed. lt` early tln·eshir.: —   f.,,~
not possible, the grain should be removed so that ]¥I`t‘]¤ill`It`i`.  
of the land will not be delayed. The ground should be plv. *t‘· {  Z out
if at all possible, even if hard and dry, beeause it is theri Ei.   pr;
condition to absorb and hold all rainfall. llisking Il\<~i’~iQ` if lan
before plowing is advisable when the ground is dr_v. 'l`he .i`—}:  I the
and drag should follow the plow elosely to break up the ··l·~Y~ ;_  th-;]
_ before they beeonie dry and hard. lf possible the preparttf;  i ine
of the seed bed should be eoinpleted at onee by further tlisliiili  f pre
and rolling. l"I‘Cf[\lCllll}' small elods eannot. be pulverixed arr]  - is (
IllOiSi0ll(‘(l by a shower, but thoro working after pIowing\\`iii  : Wet
i  L

.·I/fttffttl ifi
lc stil:-. ' ll1·ii1:‘tl1t-st- ttl tl1t- s1i1·l`:1t-t- wht-1·t- t-vt-it :1 liuht SllU\\`{‘l' will stlftt-11
lt‘[]l;t[‘l;_ {Mm ul, stl illlll tht·_\‘ t-:111 llt- t‘2l\ll_\' ]tlll\'t*l‘i%t‘tl. A\lI[(‘I' tht; st-t-tl
t't*lliZ'tL t.,.(t it tl1·t-tlttrt-tl. t|1t- Nl||'l·Ht't‘ Nlltlllltl llt- sti1·1·t-tl lightly with ll
li l~ gl; ]t;ll·t·tlw \\‘l1t*l!¤‘\`t‘l' ll l¤t‘t‘*·lll-‘S <'I`llNlt‘tl tll‘ \\‘llt*ll >tltlii ns tht- ll2i_\' t·i‘