xt74mw289t9d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74mw289t9d/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1945-02-02  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February  2, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, February  2, 1945 1945 1945-02-02 2013 true xt74mw289t9d section xt74mw289t9d Best Copy Available

Postwar Army
Flans Discussed



For Trainees Professor

Will Discuss

Have Moved
To Kappa Sig,
Sigma Phi Houses

Norman Couilns, editor of the
Saturday Review of Literature and
former editor of Current History
magazine. Hill be the speaker at the
first convocaton of the winter quarter to be held at 10 am. Tuesday
in Memorial hall.
All third hour classes from 10
a.m. to 11 am. will be dismissed
far the convocation, according to
The Literature of Democracy" will
be subject of his address. Mr. Cousins has written several books on the
mbjject of democracy;
one "The
Good Inheritance,
a study of
Athenian democracy and the presME.


Town Meeting Moderator
Norman Cousins is moderator of
the town meeting at "Norfolk. Conn.,
where he lives with his wife and two
children. There he also is a member
of the board of directors of the
Young Men's Christian association,
lie is a member of the Conference
on Science and Religion of Columbia university, for which he has prepared and read several papers. He
is also a member of the board ot
governors of P.EJf, Uie world's leading organization of writers; and a
trustee of Brlarcliff college.
Editor of C.S.A.
In June, Mr. Cousins was appointed by the government to the edltor-tlii- p
of the magazine, U.S.A which
is sent abroad in several languages
a poeJtion which he fills in addition to his editorship of the Saturday Renew. In X943 he was
of the Victory Book campaign, sponsored by the U.S.O., the
American Library association and
the American Red Cross.
Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, dean or
the 'University, will preside and
the speaker.

Glanton To Speak
To Pre-Me- d
Dr. James Glanton, resident surgeon at St. Joseph's hospital, will

sospeak to the Pryor
ciety at 7:30 pjn. Tuesday in Room
313 of the Biological

will be, "Medical
His topic
Schools." Following the lecture refreshments will be served in the


Panel Debate

members on the campus are opposed to compulsory military training for men, according to
the results of a vote taken following a panel discussion of arguments pro and con held Tuesday
night at a joint Y meeting.
Scott Reed Presides
Scott Reed presided over the discussion in which Rex Turley, Virginia Baskett. Claudine Gibson, and
Bob Preston participated.
The objection of some was that
the training would "interfere with
democracy, and destroy all American forefathers had fought for;
that the U. S. would plunge Into
war sooner if it had a standing
army than if we had to build from
Money Question Raised
It was also questioned as to where
the money would come from, since
the national debt will be so tremendous after the present conflict.
Some felt that training of this sort
would be good for the health and
discipline of the young men, but
there was also some feeling that
there would be bad
The problem of interrupting the
education of young men just out
of high school also entered in. and
it was stated that it might be hard
for them to adjust themselves after
being segregated from society in
general for a year.
At the end of the discussion the
audience indicated by votes that
they disapproved
of compulsory
training after-thwar.




Sunday Meeting
the YM and YWCA will meet this
afternoon hi Room 119 of the


University freshmen wno vacated
Kinkead hall to make room for the
new ASTP and ASTRP trainees
who arrived this week, have moved
into the Kappa Sigma and Sigma
Phi Epsllon fraternity houses.
45 Freshmen Move
Approximately 20 freshmen are
now living in the Sigma Phi Epsilon
house with Mrs. T. W. Sweatt as
house mother, and 25 freshmen are
in the Kappa Sigma house with
Mrs. Bertha Bruce as house mother.
Dean of Men T. T. Jones said this
week. Upperclassmen who vacated
Kinkead hall found quarters in
town with the help of Dean Jones.
The new soldiers, 96 reserves and
44 advanced engineers, bring the
total of military men on the campus to approximately
300. They
will begin their studies on Monday.
The 170 soldiers previously stationed at the University returned
this week from one week furloughs.
Quarters Temporary
Dean Jones said that the quartering of men in the fraternity
houses was temporary as is government operation of Kinkead and
Breckinridge halls, because these
students may be called to the army
at any time. The present housing
system is In accordance with the
ruling that first year men students
must live in residence halls.
The Sigma Phi Epsilon house had
been in use as a boarding house by
men students, and the Kappa Sigma
house was a residence hall for
women last year.

Valentine Dance


Farms Need

Approximately half of Kentucky's
Onion building.
Plans will be discussed for Inter- farms need to be changed from
racial Sunday which is to be Feb- "poor land" to "good land" farms,
ruary 11 and for the World s Day of Dean Thomas P. Cooper of the University College of Agriculture and
Prayer on February 18.
A review of "Strange Fruit" will Home Economics said Wednesday.
Presenting a "basic program for
be given as part of the program.
Kentucky agriculture" before the
Refreshments will be served.
33rd anual Farm and Home convention of tlie University, Dean
Cooper said:
Need Improvement
"Millions of acres are involved
and the people who live on them
will fare poorly until the soil is
improved. On all farms there is
a need for maintenance of fertility
or further improvement by best
Sweater swing . . . will be held fanning practices."
More and better livestock in Ken
from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Monday in the
tucky is one of the tilings most
Student Union ballroom.
will meet at needed. It would necessarily in
Philosophy dob
7:30 pjn. Monday, in Room 105 of volve better breeding and better
Frazee hall. Prof. L. S. O'Bannon water supplies on the farms.
"More than a third of all Ken-lucwill speak on "The Science of Basic
farm families operate tracts
Business Education rlub . . . will less than 30 acres with an average
have Miss Elizabeth Dennis, assist- of less than 10 acres suitable for
ant principal of Lafayette high cultivation." he stated.
iteltrr Highways
school as speaker at the meeting at
Better highway systems for the
4 p.m. Monday in the library of the
fanners, extension of electricity and
University Training school.
club . . . will meet at 7:30 p.m construction of better farm buildTuesday in the, Student room of the ings were listed among the outstanding needs of the farmers
Agricultural building.
Worship committee of YWCA . . . today.
Dean Cooper stated that three-fourtwill meet at S pjn. Monday with
of Kentucky's farms do not
the chairman, Joan Scott, in the
electricity and
have central-statio- n
YW office.
do not have teleWar Effort committee . . . will meet that
at 4 pjn. Thursday in the Union phones. He further stated that a
fourth of the farm homes are overbuilding.
are in
Phi TL'psilon O micron . . . will meet crowded and that
at 5 pjn. today in the Home Eco- need of major repairs and that only
have convenient water
nomics building.
Valentine dance . . . will be given supplies.
A higher level of education and
from 9:30 to 12 Saturday in tht
room of the Union better medical and hospital services for farm people were advobuilding.
Independent pasty . . . will hold a cated by Dean Cooper.
Bailey Speaks
called meeting at 6:30 pjn. WedGovernor Thomas L. Bailey of
nesday in the Union building for
for the skit which the or- Mississippi spoke briefly following
ganization plans to present. Per Dean Cooper's address. Governor
sons with "talent" axe asked to Bailey advocated neighborliness of
individuals and
and a
try out.
that everyone has a
YWCA planning committee
of realization
the Kentucky arei will meet to stake in the community as being
make plans for the conference to the way for a state to develop.
He told briefly of Mississippi's
be held in February.
of the SUB efforts to have a balanced economy,
Dance committee
will meet at 4 pjn. Tuesday in the outlining the main points of that
state's policies.
Union building.
Governor Simeon Willis of KenUedertafel . . . mill meet at 4 p.m
ednesday in Millerhall for a pro- - tucky spoke following Governor


4-- H

To Be Granted

Leave To Continue
Research Study
Knight, of the
Professor Grant
English department, was chosen
Professor," in the
1945 election by the professors of
the Arts and Sciences college.
Reward For Research
This annual Distinguished Professorship honor has been established by the College of Arts and
Sciences as a reward to those professors who have done research, and
as an encouragement to those who
have not. Each year, nominating
ballots will be sent to all Arts and
Sciences faculty members, and each
member will nominate one person.
Quarter Leave Granted
By act of the Board of Trustees,
this Distinguished Professor will be
given one quarter leave of absence,
with salary, for purposes of research
and writing.
Instead of the usual four Arts
and Sciences lectures which are
given each year, there will be one
lecture, which will be given by the
of that
Professor Knight has stated that
his lecture during the spring quarter
will most probably be on some aspect of contemporary

Came in 1921
Professor Knight came to the
University in 1921, after he had
gotten his A3, and A.M. degrees
at Albright college in Gettysburg,
Penn. He has taught English at
both Bhipparsburg State Teachers
college (Pa.), and Gettysburg college. He was visiting professor of
English at Hunter college, New
York city.
Professor Knight's writings are:
1925, "The Novel in
English" 1931, "American Litera-

ture and Culture"

To Follow Game



Lane Allen and the Genteel Tradition" 1935, "The Sealed Well"
(verse) 1943. He edited "Readings
from the American Mercury" 1926.
He has written reviews and articles
for literary and scholarly magazines, and for the Dictionary of
American Biography.

Saturday Night





The War Effort committee of
the Union board has several
hundred letters to be sent to all
soldiers, sailors, and marines
who formerly attended the University. Each student on the
campus is asked to take one or
more sheets of names and send
these letters to them. The letters are mimeographed and will
have a small space at bottom
for a personal note.
Names may be obtained from
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday and
Tuesday in the Great hall of the

SGA Reports

Give Explanation
Of Council Meeting
Reports of committee and an explanation of the proceedings at the
Lexington city council meeting attended by five representatives Tuesday, January 25, composed the business at SGA's meeting at 4 p.m.
Monday in the Union building.
To Investigate Conduct
A plan to form a
student committee to Investigate
student conduct was suggested by
Bill Buckler. The plan, offered as a
result of inquiry into complaints
to University authorities of student

misconduct would consist of two
SGA members and three outside
Claudine Gibson was granted Uie
support of the SGA In conducting
a survey of student opinion concerning student forums on current
Committee Requests
The activity file committee headed by Betty Fraysure asked an extension of time to complete its investigation.
The file system, if
found desirable, would be a card
index or each student's activities,
facilitating the work of honorartes
and University authorities investigating activities.
The grass committee headed by
Betty Tevis was asked to discuss
Ideas for campus
with Prof. N. It. Elliott before committing its report to the SOA.


atom-smash- er






'Cats Improve

Metropolitan MezzoSoprano
To Present Recital Sunday

Since First Tilt
With Georgia Tech
By Dick Lowe

The Wildcats' engagement tomorrow night with the Georgia Tech
Engineers, win be the third conference game of the season for the defending champions and the second
meeting this season of the two

Mona Paulee
To Sing At 4 p. m.
By Casey Goman
Mona Paulee, young
who won the Metropolitan Auditions of the air last year, will present the musicale at Memorial hall.
Sunday at 4 p.m.
Remembers First Solo
Miss Paulee well remembers her
first solo appearance on the stage
as a singer when she was ten years
old. "Father owned a movie theatre
in Oregon at that time," says Miss
Paulee. "It was a small one. but It
had a stage, and a pit for an
orchestra, although most of the
time, we just had an organ. It was
about 1926. and of course, there
were no talkies then. And so to
lighten up the silent film program,
the words of some of the current
popular balads were flashed on the
screen, so that the audience might
sing them in a chorus to the organ.
But the audience never sang. Maybe
they were frightened. Maybe they
were just lazy. Or maybe they liked
to listen to the organ music alone."



Not Bashful
Miss Paulee says. "At any rate.
I was far from bashful. I loved the
sentimental lyrics, 'and the melodious tunes, and so, all alone, almost
every performance I'd sing Char- ma ine and Diane. I guess the
audience must have liked it, because
they never walked out on me. I
used to stand down hi the pit because I didn't like being seen, and
while the colored slides were being
thrown on the screen, I sang end
that was four shows on Sunday, too.
Those were really my first appear
ances in public, and I hate to admit
it. but at that momentous epoch in
my life, I was still wearing braces
on my teeth, and wore my hair In
two stubby pigtails!"
Program Scheduled
Miss Paulee's program changed
somewhat and she stands on the
'stage, now. "'
She will sing "Dido's Lament,"
Dido and Aeneas, by Purcell; "Se
Florindo e fedele," by Scarlatti;
"Nacqul all' aff ano," from La
Cenerentola. by Rossini.
The second group: "Im Herbst,"
by Franz; "Der Schmied," by
Brahms; "Zur, Run, Zur Ruh." by
Wolf; "Der Ton." by Marx.
Stevenson Barrett, who accom-panMiss Paulee, will play the
"Capriccio in F Minor," by Dohnanyi.

Third Group
Miss Paulee's third group: "Le
Temps de Lllas, by Chausson;
"Automne," by Faure; "Habanera,"
from Carmen, by Bizet.
The final group: "Velvet Shoes."
"To the
by Randall Thompson;
Water Lily" by Grieg: "Gossip." by
Victor Young: "He's the Lily of the
Valley," arranged by Arms Fisher;
and "God's Time," by Jotin Sacco.

S.E.C. Schools

Enter Tournament
All Southeastern Conference
schools with the exception of
have notified Tournament
Chairman Senile A. Shively, athletic
director at the University, of plans
to enter the annual S EC. basketball
tournament at Louisville, March 1.
Van-derb- ilt




Teams entered are: Kentucky, defending champion; Tennessee. Georgia Tech. Florida, Mississippi State,
Tulane, Louisiana State. Alabama,
Mississippi Georgia, and Aubum.

V- -




it J.


Kentucky licked the Engineers in
a close tut January i.
Atlanta. The "Cats have shown



Mona Paulee

56 Students
Now Interned
Fifty-si- x



In asking Uie survey question
"What do jou consider the University most In need of?" we found
students ready with answers, such
as new buildings and equipment,
more forms of recreation, and more
departments in academic work.
No university can ever be complete in every senate. However, after
this war, there will be many improvements taking place on campuses all over America. For the
present, though, all we can do is
plan and plan safely and thoughtfully.
To plan completely calls for suggestions from the students, the
faculty, and the officials of a college. All those eager for the University's success and enlargement
1 f f or tiio i"!.r yj), e
f!co5 Tiich

would mukc this campus a batter
Something to be done right now
was suggested by a coed who is a
major in Sociology. She suggested
that a benefit bridge should be given
in the Union and the money donated to the Infantile Paralysis drive.
"Many organizations sponsor such
projects and benefit from it. The
and the University
could do many such things to help
the Infantile Paralysis drive or the
War Bond drive," she said.
One sophomore coed suggested
that there be more forms of recreation on the campus. "Since some
new soldiers have arrived we should
have more informal dances," she
said, "And there should be a
of all the sororities and independents."
Several new buildings are needtim
ed OH tli" fjimp,!;

student said he believed the Art sell sandwiches too. And I think
department should be given a build- after the war one of the best iming of its own and alio more ex- provements to the Book Store could
tensive equipment. Several journal- make would be to put in lovely
ism students declared the building
seats something
most needed is a journalism build- like those in Uie Union."
ing. One group of students suggestA faculty member suggested that
ed that a Dramatics department after the war more buildings, labshould be established and there oratory space and equipment should
should be more classes offered in be provided for. He said, "There
They grimly declared should be more facilities for carrydramatics.
"The Gulgnol could certainly use ing on Uie work a major universome new equipment."
sity is required to do and should
to fulfill its functions."
The editor of "The Kentuckian" doAnother faculty member
said she
thought that hi the future more
money should be appropriated for believed "there should be a coordinated understanding between the
the publication.
administration and the faculty in
A coed sitting in the book store what constitutes a college educagave her suggestion with hungry tion."
eyes. "Oh, won't it be wonderful
The suggestions most often given
after Uie war when Uie Book Store were a new field house and more
can have millions of Hershey bars MEN. It is planned to have both of
ecfevi-t!!,zii'l "nrUes. I f.'iili tl:vy ta 'jmI'I s
IiHM aitsr tils ? it.
plush-cushlon- ed






and with the several hard scrimmages that Coach Rupp has planned
for the team In preparation for this
return encounter, Kentucky should
win. in an easier contest.
Substitute Freely
Monday night's game with Georgia
allowed Coach Rupp to see all of hio
team In action and he should be
able to substitute freely without too
much noticeable gap or loss of
Coach Rupp has always been able
to put winning teams on the floor


dents have been declared prisoners
of war In Japan. Italy, Germany,
Spain, and Rumania.
Japanese Prisoners
Those prisoners in Japan are:
Wilbert W. Buckhold. Hazard; Edwin Wilson Rue, Harrodsburg; Nor
man A. Wides. Lexington; J. L.
Leggett, Lexington; William Henry
Gentry. Harrodsburg; Basil J. Gilbert. Lexington; Thomas W. Spick-ar- d,
Princeton: Ben F. Van Saut,
Mt. Victory; Oeorge A. Van Arsdall,
James R. Hester,
Mayfield; Alfred Hicks Eckles,
Arch Ball Rue, Harrodsburg; Alfred W. Moffett. Lexington;
Owen W. Romainc, Ft. Thomas;
William Ross Yankey. Lexington;
Whitesville; Richard John Toohey.
Winchester; Richard K. Anderson,
Lexington; and Lee Gardner Miles.
Those held prisoners in Italy are:
Grondall Foster. Ashland, and Samuel E. Levlnson. Greenville.
German Prisoners
In Germany there are: Alexander
J. Blair. Henderson; Arthur Lee
Milbourn. Lexington; Ivan L. Russell, Poole; John Lee Kirkpatrick.
Paris; Jack W. Owen. Cynthiana;
Charles Franklin Tate. Drakes-bor- o;
William S. Davidson, Hazard;
William M. Taylor, Maceo; Charles
Leland Smith. Lexington; William
Ernes Mitchell. Madisonville; Carl
Edward Morgan, Ludlow; Daniel
Isrig. Paris; Bernard T. Moynahan,
Jr., NicholasMlle; Robert M. Watt,
Lexington; John Logan Cox, Jr,
Ray Miller,
Bowers Holt Wallace,
Slurs Is; Howard Cam be II, Fulton;
Ben Doom Johnston, Lebanon: William A. Hockensmith, Frankfort:
James William Simpson, Buniside:
J. Hulihan, Lexington:
George Reece Holloway, Lexington;
Jesse Allen Tunstlll, Jr., Bowling
Green: Fred Rogers Baker. Lexington: Sidney R. Smith. Louisville;
Darwin Gayle Norton, Williamsburg; Wilbur W. Bishop, Louisville;
Branch H. (Jack) Henard.
Walter T. (Jack) Conner. Lexington; Marion W. Holbrook, Harlan; and Menl Blevins,
One In Spain
Prisoner in Spain is A. P. Adair
IIL Paris.
Those in prison in Rumania are:
William Granville Clark. Lexington, and Raymond Paul Warner,
Lexington, who has recently been

whenever playing Tch. losing only
one contest in the 14 meetings oi
these two southern rivals.
To Use Same Lineup
two forwards.
The Engineers
Dick Collier and Billy Williams gave
the 'Cats the most trouble in the last
game as they collaborated to toss
in 30 of their teams total score. The
Kentucky squad has been well versed
In ways of stopping these two sparkplugs. Broyles, center: Holladay and
Stewart, guards, comprise the other
members of the starting five. Ken
tucky will use the same lineup that
started the Georgia game: Schu and
Tingle, forwards: Campbell, center:
SturgUl and Parkinson; guards.
Game time is I p.m.



What Does The University Need Most? Independent Party
By Miiry Louise Pat ton


Blues To Tackle Engineers
In Second Meet 01 Season
Tomorrow On Home Courl

Union building.

Scientific Atom Smasher

Sherwood Slated
To Conduct Panel
At 'Y' Tuesday



Students Asked
To Mail Letters

UK Physicists Completing



Grant C. Knight Chosen
Outstanding Professor

2, 1915

A Valentine dance will be held
from 9:30 to 12 midnight Saturday
in the Biuegrass room of the Union
building. Music for the dance will
be furnished by Miff Moel and his
and the ball room
will be decorated with a Valentine
day theme.
The informal dance, which will
be held immediately following the
game Is sponsored by the dance
By A dele Deiunan
4- committee, with Doris Smith as
chairman. Admission will be 75
An atom smasher,
technically has been constructed behind the
cents for men, and women will be known as
a Van dc Oraaff electros- physics headquarters, to house the
admitted free upon presentation of tatic generator is now in latter apparatus which is set in a steel
hostess cards.
stages of completion m the Uni- tank capable of withstanding a
versity physics laboratory. The ma- pressure of six atmospheres 13 feet
chine, a comparative newcomer in high and 8 feet in diameter.
the field of scientific experimentaprocess consists
tion, is one of twenty-fohi the of aiming an electron at an atom in
United States, and one of two in
such a way that the two bodies will
the south.
collide at a very high speed, causTo Produce Million VolU
ing the outer walls of the atom to
Dr. H. N. Sherwood will conduct
a student panel discussion on the
The machine, which Is modeled shatter.
subject, "Can Amer- after one
built at California InstiSince 1910, it has been possible to
icans be expected to help police and tute of Technology, was begun
in remove electrons- - from atoms, but
world," at the Upperclass-feed the
1939 by Dr. Louis A. Purdue, proscientists now seek to penetrate the
meeting on Tuesday.
fessor of physics at the University, hard core of the atom or the nucle-ou- s.
Before coming to the University, and will probably produce a potenwhere he is now acting head of the tial of a million and a half volts
Evidences of the cracking of the
Political Science department, Dr. However, the largest machines at
ninety-tw- o
elements have been
Sherwood was president of GeorgeWcstinghouse and Carnlgie Institown college and has long been an tute are equipped to produce three found, although there is no way of
absolutely controlling the type of
educator in political science and and a half million volts.
elemental fragments which will rehistory. He recently received noParts for the assembly of the Van sult. Radio-activ- e
particles with
tice that one of his articles, "The
Value of Historical Stud'," has been de Graff apparatus have been made properties similar to radium have
reprinted in the "Native Teachers In the physics workshop by Karl been created arlilicairy by" the proJournal" of Pietermaritzburg, South Sclmcider, who came to the Uni- cess.
versity in I91!7, after serving apAfrica.
Work Began In 1939
the Karl
The students who will participate cal company at in Jena, Zetz
Gmany, Work on the machine was, begun
bi the discussion are the
serving as an liisirunicnl-murk-e- r
as a part of a program Initiated 5
Wanda Lee Spears, AkS, Pikeville, and
years ago, for the building
with Keuffel and Enjer, at
Ky.; Richard D. Baker, A&S, SomN. J. The building of the specialized apparatus needed for the
erset, Ky.; Margaret Benson, A&S,
machine is sponsored by the Univerinstruction of
Pleasant Hill, Mo.; Shirley Meister, sity, under the supervision of Dr. obtain higher students seeking to
degrees In physics at
A&S, Lexington, Ky.; and John
v Clyde Crawley
of the physics de the University.
students' to participate' in the dls - ! partment"
When completed, Uie machine will
A,u,ex ,,ons
be utilized for demonstratlonal and
cusslon will be chosen later by Dr.
A building annex, 25 by 15 feet, experimental purposes.





Knigbt Named
Cousins, Guesl Speaker Freshmen
Al First Winter Convo Vacate Hall Distinguished

Dean Le




Asks Recognition
As Organization

The Independent party will present a petition to the dean of the
University witliiii Uie next ten days
requesting recognitions as a campus
The action mas decided upon at a
meeting held Wednesday night. Although the party has been active
for a number of years it has never
been recognized as a campus organization.
Under Uie direction of Uie newly-electpresident, Betty McNamer,
members moved to place Uie request
before Dr. Leo Chamberlain as soon
as it had been signed by all party
Members of Uie committee to write
the petition are: Juanita Hendry,
chairman: Patricia Gable, and Bon- ed

Sweater Swings
To Replace Movies
A Monday night sweater swuig
will from now on take the place
of the movies which have not
drawn the expected crowds. The
dances will be held from 6 to
7:30 in Uie Blue Orass room of
Uie Union.

The Student Union Board announced Uiat the Friday night
sweater swings will continue as

By Shirley Mebter
Are you in favor
compulsory military trainin;
teen-ag- e
boys after the war


Hatpin O. HackrtU Law. sophomore: Yes, for two reaoons; it will
be good Insurance for the country
m case of future International injustices; second, it will take the
"high school Harry" out of "Junior"
so he'll make a better "college J'f- "
Jane Clark, A AS- - freshman: N".
I believe It's undemocratic.
Mary t'ajweod. A AS. frehmn:
Yes, I think we should be prepared
for any eventuality.
John H. Young. A AS. sophomore:
Yes, because it would be one of the
many steps necessary for a lasting
ggy this. A AS, freshman: No.
because I think it sounds as if
were expecting another war
Ed AUin, A&S, sophmnwrc: Yes.
if we stay prepared it will prevent
another war.
Hnhry Thomas, A AS. Irnhaun:
No. because it will make them military minded instead of peace conscious.
Helen Rose. Ld.. junior: Yes. because it will mature the boys and
give them an adult outlook on
entering college or going Into
some business.
Nancy Skeen, A AS. frohmnn:
Yes. it is necessary for a realism-foreigpolicy, but I think it is
futile as far as buzz bombs are cin .
Walt Meade. A AS, freshmau: Ye.
it will make better men out of them
and they will be more disciplined for
women after their training.
Betty Jo Vt oolum. A as- - sophomore: I think it should be optional
It would be good training for the
boys, but should not be compulsory
Anne Benckart. Ed., freshman;
Sure. I think it will improve Uieir

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The Kernel Editorial Page

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;its ,i"o when

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ill llif

time in a jieacciiiiie existence.
A citizen army implemented hv universal
military training is advocated and, as before,
colleges and universities will be called upon. It
has always been the hope that this country
would not have to adopt compulsory military
training, but considering the experiences of the
i!i ii
it was imperative lor national
past few years, and looking at the probable
Ii was necessary for even
world of the future, it is hard to see. the advanman to Ksixne temporarily anv thoughts of
tages of any other method.
fiii In i inn education and ilieie weren't manv
The program, favoring a citizen army in prei
allium nis against such a .io;raiii.
ference to a professional one, is in following
was a(eited liy millions ol i en ai;e Ixivs.
with General George C. Marshall's idea that it
wli.i uc i acc ustomed only to an in ii
onnient of would give us "greater potential strength, would
Signs Of
saddle- siloes. strixd socks, cokes and juke boxes,
lie more economical and more democratic, and
:.s an e inc ite ne y another jol to be- clone.
probably would be less likely to breed a warNow that the first half, invoking the preparalike national attitude than a large standing
tion of one of the world's largest armies and army."
ii:iics. is completed, the second pan of the
The establishment of an enduring peace is
By Dora Lee Robertson
From the Queens Journal a
etui i gene y is evident. The xstvar delense pro-i;ranecessary to our society and since the future
A choice morsel from Campus
columnist hisses . . .
will Income an important cpiestion for is so unforeseeable, maintaining a
Comments . . .
stable deI like exams,
illusion in the months to lollow. not because' fense means keeping gun in hand on the chance Jerry: You look all broken up. I think they're fun
What's the matter?
our allied war is almost won. hut localise once that statesmanship alone might fail. Final
I don't cram
Carrie: I wrote home for money
And I never flunk one
aain national safely will he c hallcnged this does not mean the end of the struggle.
for a study lamp.
I'm the teacher.
Jerry: So what?
Carrie: They sent me the lamp!
She was only a moonshiner's
George Washington U. daughter, but I loved her still.
ininiU i.l

majority of young men u;is to continue- ilnii education, draliin
into the armed
lours tlicsc nun. some of whom wcie not vet
ili 'c jiiachiates. vas an inipoiiani
I In
Mason lor this was plain to understand









What Goes On There



Once upon a time a temperance
lecturer came to Auburn. He was
Professor: What's the shape of
lpctnrinc- , on the evils of nlrohnl onn v. -- a
in the course of the evening he asked
Stude: It's in a helluva shape.
his audience, "Suppose I placed a gir
phi Beta "Just let a student do bucket of water here and a bucket
nd tnen brought
anvthincr wonderful nnrl the TTn- i- of beer 0V" eT
They called her "Checkers" be- out a healthy donkey. Which do you cnuse she tumned everv time vou
',cs "lm auul
suppose he would drink?'
ana a sneer tor every grade under water," someone in the crowd said. made the wrong move.
Campus Caravan
lOCv." "I suggest," she continued, "Why. yes. Now can anyone tell me
why?" ' Cause he's a jackass," cried
'that all outstanding students be
given a leave of absence with pay. the voice.
You kissed and told.
2. Sports:
All sportsmen
But that's alright;
the hardships of three things
The boy you told
"I can tell you drive a car by the
blood, sweat, and beers.
Called up last night.
way you tighten down on the clutch
The newest evil thought u