xt74mw289g0m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74mw289g0m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky 1959  athletic publications English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Media Guides (Men) Basketball, 1959 text Basketball, 1959 1959 1959 2012 true xt74mw289g0m section xt74mw289g0m  UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY 1958-59 BASKETBALL SCHEDULE
Date		Opponent	Site        Starting Time
19 5 8			
Dec.	1	Florida State ...........	................ Lexington, 8:00 p.m. CDT
Dec.	6	Temple ..................	Philadelphia (Paelstra), 9:30 p.m. EST
Dec.	8	Duke ......................	.......................... Durham, 8:15 EST
Dec.	11	Southern Methodist	............... Lexington, 8:00 p.m. CDT
Dec.	13	St. Louis (TV Game)	................ Lexington, 3:00 p.m. CDT
Dec.	15	Maryland ................	............... Lexington, 8:00 p.m. CDT
Dec.	19-	20    U.K. Invitational Tournament (West Virginia, Ohio St.,	
		Oklahoma St., &	Kentucky) .... Lexington, 7:30 p.m.
			and Apx. 9:30 p.m. CDT
Dec.	29	Navy .......................	............... Lexington, 8:00 p.m. CDT
Dec.	30	Illinois ....................	................. Louisville, 8:00 p.m. CST
19 5 9			
Jan.	3	Georgia Tech ............	................ Lexington, 8:00 p.m. CDT
Jan.	6		.................. Nashville, 8:15 p.m. CST
Jan.	10	L.S.U. (TV Game)	............. Baton Rouge, 2:00 p.m. CST
Jan.	12		
Jan.	17	Tennessee (TV Game!	.............. Lexington, 3:00 p.m. CDT
Jan.	26		.................... Atlanta, 8:00 p.m. EST
Jan.	29		............... Lexington, 8:00 p.m. CDT
Jan.	31	Florida .....................	................ Lexington, 8:00 p.m. CDT
Feb.	7		
Feb.	9	Mississippi State .......	........... State College, 8:00 p.m. CST
Feb.	14	Notre Dame .............	Chicago (Stadium), 9:40 p.m. CST
Feb.	18	Vanderbilt ................	............... Lexington, 8:00 p.m. CDT
Feb.	21	Auburn ....................	............... Lexington, 8:00 p.m. CDT
Feb.	23		............... Lexington, 8:00 p.m. CDT
Feb.	28	Tennessee ................	................. Knoxville, 8:00 p.m. EST
 University of Kentucky 1958-59
For Press  Radio  TV
o a-
Prepared and Edited By SPORTS   PUBLICITY OFFICE
Ken Kuhn, Director Mrs. Phyllis Purvis, Secretary Scottie Helt, Student Assistant
TELEPHONE: 2-2200, Ext. 2241 Memorial Coliseum PRIZED 'HARDWARE'Kentucky's fabulous collector of tournament "hardware," Coach Adolph Rupp, shows off an unprecedented array of four NCAA Tournament national championship trophies to his newest All-America hope, Johnny Cox. Runner-up for most valuable player honors in the 1958 NCAA, Cox was highly instrumental in Kentucky's pickup of the record fourth trophy being examined by the pair. The game ball from the championship contest rests in front of the trophies. TO THE PRESS AND RADIO
Here is your copy of the 1958-59 facts booklet on Kentucky basketball which we sincerely hope will aid you in covering and answering questions on the Wildcats this season. If you desire additional information, special stories, pictures or have questions not answered herein, please feel free to contact the Sports Publicity Office in Memorial Coliseum (Telephone 2-2200, Ext. 2241).
WORKING TICKETSAddress requests to Sports Publicity Office as far in advance as possible. Tickets cannot be mailed less than four days in advance of the game requested for and may be picked up at the Information Window at the main entrance of Memorial Coliseum.
COMPSNo individual game allotment.
WESTERN UNIONWire facilities are available at court side. If you intend to file from the press row, please advise when making ticket request and also see that the Commercial Manager of Western Union in Lexington is notified.
RADIOStations desiring to broadcast play by play accounts should apply directly to Len Press, Radio Director, University of Kentucky, Lexington, supplying information regarding proposed sponsors, network arrangement, power, etc. Seat assignments will be made and tickets supplied by the Sports Publicity Office upon receipt of approved permit from the Radio Director. Spotters are available if requested in advance. Stations should order lines installed by contacting Commercial Department, General Telephone Co., 151 Walnut St., Lexington.
TELEVISION AND MOTION PICTURESOnly the official cameramen of each team are allowed to make motion pictures of the game for showing on television or other use. News clip highlights of the game will be furnished to TV stations by the Sports Publicity Office at actual cost upon arrangement at least one week in advance.
KEN KUHN Director of Sports Publicity
Mrs. Phyllis Purvis Secretary
Scottie Helt, Student Assistant
Kentucky's athletic program, a well-balanced and ambitious activity featuring inter-collegiate competition in nine different sports, is organized under the Department of Athletics and a corporation known as the University of Kentucky Athletics Association.
The program is conducted without overemphasis or sacrifice of educational objectives and in strict compliance with the rules of the University, the Southeastern Conference and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.
A Board of Directors, headed by UK President Frank Dickey, maintains overall policy supervision of the athletic program. Dr. Leo Chamberlain, vice-president of the University, has general supervision over the Department and serves as vice-chairman of the Board. Dr. A. D. Kirwan, one-time Wildcat coach and UK's faculty representative to the Southeastern Conference, serves the directors as secretary and Dr. Frank Peterson, UK vice-president for business administration, acts as treasurer in an ex-officio capacity.
Supervising the steady growth and balanced development of one of the nation's top athletic programs is Bernie A. Shively, a former Illinois grid All-American and a veteran of over 20 years in the post of Director of Athletics.
The Association's Board of Directors is composed of the following:
Dr. Frank G. Dickey,
Chairman Dr. A. D. Kirwan, Secretary Dr. Ralph Angelucci James B. Allen Dr. A. E. Biggie Dr. Aubrey J. Brown Dr. Thomas Clark Dr. Lyman Ginger
Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain,
Vice Chairman Robert Hobson Prof. John Kuiper Paul Oberst
Peter Perlman (Student)
H. D. Palmore
Dr. D. V. Terrell
(With Season Record)
1905-	F. E. Schacht (1-1)	1932-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (15-2)
1906-	W. H. Mustaine (4-8)	1933-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (20-3)
1907-	W. H. Mustaine (2-4)	1934-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (15-1)
1908-	W. H. Mustaine (5-6)	1935-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (19-2)
1909-	W. H. Mustaine (4-4)	1936-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (15-6)
1910-	E. R. Sweetland (4-5)	1937-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (17-5)
191 1-	-Iddings (6-6)	1938-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (13-5)
1912-	E. R. Sweetland (9-0)	1939-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (16-4)
1913-	J. J. Tigert (6-3)	1940-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (15-6)
1914-	Alpha Brummage (9-2)	1941-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (17-8)
1915-	Alpha Brummage (7-5)	1942-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (19-6)
1916-	James Park (8-6)	1943-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (17-6)
1917-	W. P. Tuttle (4-6)	1944-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (19-2)
1918-	S. A. Boles (9-2-1)	1945-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (22-4)
1919-	Andrew Gill (6-8)	1946-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (28-2)
1920-	Geo. C. Buchheit (5-7)	1947-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (34-3)
1921-	Geo. C. Buchheit (13-1)	1948-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (36-3)
1922-	Geo C. Buchheit (10-6)	1949-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (32-2)
1923-	Geo. C. Buchheit (3-10)	1950-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (25-5)
1924-	Geo. C. Buchheit (13-2)	1951-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (32-2)
1925-	C. O. Applegran (13-8)	1952-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (29-3)
1926-	Ray Eklund (13-2)	1953-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (*)
1927-	Basil Hayden (2-13)	1954-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (25-0)
1928-	John Mauer (12-6)	1955-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (23-3)
1929-	John Mauer (12-5)	1956-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (20-6)
1930-	John Mauer (16-3)	1 957-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (23-5)
1931-	Adolph F. Rupp (15-3)	1958-	Adolph	F.	Rupp (23-6)
Supervising the steady growth and balanced development of one of the nation's top athletic programs is the Herculean task being carried out successfully by Bernie A. Shively.
Few who have observed the untiring efforts of the tall, silver-haired former All-America footballer in the service of the University of
Kentucky since 1927 and as Director of Athletics since 1938 will argue his fitness as an athletic Hercules. Not only has Shively guided the development of Kentucky as a nationally-respected power in major sports, but he has also gained personal prestige through a fair-minded approach to many problems.
During his tenure as Athletic Director, Shively has directly supervised major expansions in Kentucky's athletic plant resulting from the progression of the school's football and basketball teams to greater national prominence and increased patron-ace by the sports-minded public.
The seating capacity of Kentucky's football stadium, McLean Stadium on Stoll Field, has been doubled to bring the current number of seats to approximately 36,000 and on par with most other schools located in heavier-populated areas. Powerful lighting equipment also was installed during the 1948-49 construction to bring night football into new popularity. Partly to satisfy the overwhelming number of basketball devotees, who could not squeeze into the 2,800-seat Alumni Gymnasium, a long-planned Memorial Coliseum was completed in 1950.  Seating 11,500 persons
6 for cage contests, the four-million dollar Coliseum also houses the Athletic Department and provides the first permanent home for the school's many minor sports teams. More recently, Shively directed the acquisition of a pair of modern, ranch-style living units which have served as the home of the football team since 1954.
A large dressing room building and football practice field, used since 1955, was abandoned this fall to make way for a huge new men's dorm to be built by the University. Under Shively's supervision, a spacious new Sports Center is being prepared a short distance away on the University farm to take even better care of the footballers and spring sports teams.
All-America Guard At Illinois
A native of Paris, III., Shively attended the University of Illinois where he was an All-America guard in 1926 on the same grid team made famous by Red Grange. Demonstrating a claim to being one of the finest all-around athletes in Illinois' history, "Shive" also laid claim to the Big 10 heavyweight wrestling championship and annexed letters in track before graduating in 1927.
Shively came to Kentucky in 1927 as line coach of football under Harry Gamage. A shift in the coaching ranks in 1933 resulted in Shively's promotion to head of the UK Physical Education Department, a position he retained until he succeeded Chet Wynne as Athletic Director in 1938. During this period and the years following, he also served as track and baseball coach until 1944. The next year, 1945, he assumed full charge of the grid squad for one season before turning the job over to mentor Paul (Bear) Bryant in 1946.
The Kentucky Athletic Director served as chairman of the Southeastern Conference basketball committee for a number of years and for the past five years has been president of the SEC Coaches and Athletic Directors Association. He also is a member of the NCAA Basketball Tournament Committee, chairman of the NCAA Summer Baseball group and is active in numerous state and civic projects, including current direction of the Fayette County Recreation Board. Thousands of his friends honored his 30th anniversary at Kentucky by presenting him with a Cadillac at the Tennessee football game in 1957.
Shively and his wife, Ruth, have two children. Doug was co-captain of the Wildcat grid team in his final season last fall while daughter Suzanne, a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of UK in 1957, is attending Edinburgh University in Scotland.
"Nation's Winningest Basketball Coach" 28 Years  Won 584, Lost 103  85%
, faC
For nearly three decades, the sports world has watched an amazing record being forged with near perfection out of meager raw material by a colorful figure in the Bluegrass country of Kentucky known familiarly to hundreds of thousands as the "Man in the Brown Suit."
He is Adolph Rupp of Kentucky and when the sport of basketball is mentioned today, a direct chain of thought brings out the name of this maker of champions who holds undisputed rank as the "Nation's Winningest Basketball Coach." The name of Rupp, feared and respected in opponents' hearts and beloved by the millions who have witnessed the remarkable success of his Wildcat cage teams, has become synonymous with the game of basketball.
Such unprecedented recognition for the fabulous mentor is only natural since his success in the past 28 years as head man of the fabled Kentucky cage thoroughbreds has been nothing short of phenomenal. It would take a book longer than his own technical bestseller, "Championship Basketball," to recite the record completely. Briefly, however, that record includes:
8 An amazing 584 victories out of 687 starts against many of the nation's top twenty basketball powers of the past quarter-century for an unmatched winning average of better than 85 percent.
An unparelleled honor roll of four NCAA Tournament national championships, including last season's surprise triumph by the "Fiddlin' Five."
Nineteen Southeastern Conference titles since the league was
organized in 1933. A National Invitational Tournament championship in 1946 that
makes Rupp the only mentor to guide a team to four national
tourney titles in six years. Olympic Trials collegiate bracket laurels in 1948. A nominal world's championship as co-coach of the successful
USA entry in the 1948 Olympic Games, which included members
of the NCAA champion Kentucky team. Four Sugar Bowl Tournament championships. Three titles from the first five U.K. Invitational Tournaments
featuring the cream of national cage powers. Development of more All-Americans (20) and more material for
the pro ranks (17) than any other tutor. Election to the Helms Athletic Foundation College Basketball
Hall of Fame in 1946 and selection as national "Coach of the
Year" in 1950.
Recipient of first plaque of appreciation awarded by Sugar Bowl committee (1951) and twice made honorary citizen City of New Orleans.
Election to Kentucky Hall of Fame (1945) and as outstanding citizen of Lexington (1949).
Tournament invitations in pre-Rupp years were almost unheard ofKentucky played in only seven sectional eliminations. In contrast, the Rupp-led Wildcats have the distinction of not only playing in more tournaments of all types than any other team but also hold the record for most appearances (10), most games won (20) and most championships (4) in NCAA Tournament play. All told, his Bluegrass five has achieved the unequalled feat of 128 victories against only 33 defeats covering action in 30 national classics plus 29 conference meets and the '48 Olympics.
Although the competition was nowhere near as rugged as the schedules played by today's nationally-recognized Wildcat brigades, Rupp's very first team compiled a respectable 15-3 record and Kentucky basketball has been on a winning plane ever since.  The most games lost in a single season since Rupp added his touch was eight in 1940-41, but even that year was a winning campaign (17-8) and the remarkably low average number of losses per season in the Rupp Era is three.
His teams have finished as national champion in the polls four times in the last ten years. They were unranked in the top 20 only once during this period, that the 1952-53 campaign when they were idle. Possibly his greatest achievement came in the 1953-54 season when the Wildcats rolled unchecked through a 25-game schedule of top-flight opposition to become the biggest-winning, perfect-record unit in all basketball history up to that time.
Rivaling that achievement, in the opinion of the sportswriters and broadcasters, is the tremendous coaching jobs turned in by the basketball miracle man in the past two seasons. Two years back, Rupp guided a moderately talented club to an 18th SEC title, third place in the polls and a ninth NCAA Tournament appearance while achieving a 23-5 record. The surprised experts, who had predicted UK would not win their own conference, voted Coach Rupp the runner-up spot as "Coach of the Year."
Even that effort went by the boards in 1958, however, as the Bluegrass Baron masterminded a drive that carried Kentucky to an unprecedented fourth NCAA title. Only one organization accorded him "Coach of the Year" honors, but the coaching feat was widely acclaimed. The Wildcats were unsung and almost unknown except by reputation and heritage, not a single man had been honored on the All-Conference fives selected before tournament time and they had lost more games (6) in regular season play than any UK team in 17 yearsall of which added up to sure defeat except for the coaching genius of Adolph Rupp.
Rupp is recognized by sports authorities with doing more than any other modern tutor to make basketball a national spectator sport. From the very outset of his career at Kentucky, which began in 1930, he has introduced or popularized many new and revised trends in the game that have aided materially in making the country basketball-minded. One such innovation was the controlled fast break offensive pattern that has since become the crowd-pleasing trademark of Wildcat cage teams.
The colorful Kentucky Colonel has become, without a doubt, the best known and most widely quoted cage coach in America and his personal fame is equalled only by the success he has instilled in the highly-publicized Kentucky basketball powerhouses.
10 The masterful story-teller is equally renowned on the banquet and coaching clinic circuit and is in constant demand as a speaker in the off season. Last year, he appeared in 17 different states to speak before Bankers Assn. banquets, the Iowa State School of Agriculture banquet, cattlemen's groups, purebred breeders assns. and dozens of other national and state conventions. He has conducted more coaching schools than any other coach in the history of the game.
Internationally recognized for his avocation as a registered Hereford breeder-enthusiast, Rupp is currently in his sixth term as president of the Kentucky Hereford Assn. He maintains one of the finest herds in the South on his many farms surrounding Lexington. Also a grower of Kentucky's famous burley tobacco, he is a director of the Central District Warehousing Corp., world's largest tobacco marketing organization.
The coach is active in Shrine affairs, being chosen in 1950 as one of the 10 outstanding Shriners of the nation and holding honorary memberships in temples throughout the country. He is a Past Potentate of the Oleika (Lexington) Temple and serves as vice-chairman of the board for the Shrine Crippled Children's Hospital in Lexington.
He has his own television and radio shows during the season, produced two film shorts in the past year ("Basketball: Individual Offense" for Coca-Cola Co. and "Parade to National Championship") and written books on virtually every phase of the game.
Born in Halstead, Kansas, Sept. 2, 1901, Rupp attended University of Kansas where he played guard under Phog Allen. Following graduation in 1923, he coached high school ball one year at Marshall-town, Iowa, and then at Freeport, III., four seasons before coming to Kentucky in 1930. His fame as "The Man in the Brown Suit" stems from his superstitious preference of brown as the color of his game-night wardrobe.
1933 ............ Kentucky
1934 ............ Alabama
1935 .... Ky., L.S.U. (Tie)
1936 .......... Tennessee
1937 ............ Kentucky
1938 ............ Ga. Tech
1939 ............ Kentucky
1940 ............ Kentucky
1941 .......... Tennessee
1942 ............ Kentucky
1943 .......... Tennessee
1944 ............ Kentucky
1945 ............ Kentucky
1946 ............ Kentucky
1947 ............ Kentucky
1948 ............ Kentucky
1949 ............ Kentucky
1950 ............ Kentucky
(Tournament decided champion until 1951. Title determ play starting in 1951. Kentucky did not play a schedule suspension.)
1 1
951 ............ Kentucky
952 ............ Kentucky
953 .................. L.S.U.
954 ............ Kentucky
955 ............ Kentucky
956 ............ Alabama
957 ............ Kentucky
958 ............ Kentucky
ned by regular season in 1953 due to NCAA HARRY LANCASTER
Assistant Varsity Coach Head Freshman Coach
When Harry Lancaster finds a spare moment to reflect on his days as an all-around star athlete at Georgetown (Ky.) College back in the early thirties, he can recall with a degree of dismay how close
he came to never pursuing the "round ball" sport that in the days since has earned him a highly respected position in the basketball world.
An All-Conference halfback for three straight years and captain during his last two seasons, Lancaster's football career almost overshadowed his play on the basketball court. In the cage sport, he was equally suc-J^, cessfulwith three All-Conference ^HHhF' nominations    and    two    team cap-
iJmBH taincies to his creditbut considered himself a better football player than eager. Experience, however, proved him a good student and teacher of the sport of basketball as he began his coaching career and he now has no regrets over the choice he made.
Lancaster bosses a promising group of yearling cagers and holds down the position of assistant varsity basketball coach and general right hand man to the fabulous Adolph Rupp.
Born in Paris, Ky., in 1911, Lancaster attended Paris High School where he played four years in all sports, being coached at one time by Kentucky's current Head Football Coach Blanton Collier. Following graduation in 1928, he continued his athletic career at Georgetown College and gained star recognition in football, basketball and baseball. After finishing at Georgetown in '32, Harry remained on for the next school year as an assistant coach in both the grid and cage sports before moving into the high school field. He coached several sports, mostly basketball, for nine years and was a high school principal for
12 six years before coming to the University of Kentucky in 1942 as an instructor in physical education.
Soon thereafter, the war intervened and Lancaster saw 26 months'' Navy duty, rising from apprentice seaman to Lieutenant (Senior Grade). Returning to UK, he became a part-time assistant to the Wildcats' famous cage mentor, Adolph Rupp, in addition to carrying on his teaching duties and gaining his master's degree. He also served as Kentucky's baseball coach in 1946-47 and picked up the assignment again starting with the 1951 campaign.
Becomes Full-time Assistant Coach In 1948
He was promoted to full-time Assistant Varsity Basketball Coach in 1948 upon Coach Rupp's recommendation. In addition to his coaching duties, Lancaster manages to sandwich in a large slice of traveling. Besides checking on the nation's best high school cagers as potential material for future Wildcat national champion crews, his travel stems from a plan to extensively scout upcoming opponents. Coach Rupp was one of the first in the country to inaugurate this widespread scouting system in basketball and believes it has contributed materially to Kentucky's past success in carrying off championships with almost reckless abandon.
Lancaster also traveled to Greece in the summer of 1951 on a special athletic assignment for the U. S. State Department. The mission called for the Kentucky aide to act as an advisor to Greek Basketball Federation officials on Olympic procedure and other matters. He also conducted numerous clinics, coaching schools and gave public lectures on the cage sport as played in the U.S.A.
Lancaster's coaching success with his freshman teams has been commendable. The yearlings have lost only ten contests under his tutelage the past nine seasons against formidable competition that included the more elite junior college clubs and top-notch service quintets.  His record stands at 85 wins, 10 losses.
13 DAN CHANDLER Assistant Freshman Coach
A 22-year-old veteran with an enthusiastic love of the Kentucky-style of basketball, popularly known to thousands of UK cage fans as the "darkhorse" of a well-stocked stable of talent during his playing
days, is the newest Wildcat coach.
The name is Dan Chandler and he's the son of the Commonwealth of Kentucky's famous Governor A. B. (Happy) Chandler, but prefers not to think about his heritage.
Dan has no visions of following in the footsteps of his internationally-respected father. He has a solid background in the sport of basketball and is determined to make his own way as a teacher of the game.
Small and speedy in the best tradition of Kentucky guards, the scrappy Versailles, Ky., native played with the Wildcats for three seasons in an era
when the competition was particularly keen and the UK teams among the most successful in the schools' history.
He was a freshman in 1953, the year of no outside competition due to NCAA suspension, and gained an extensive schooling at the direction of Coaches Adolph Rupp and Harry Lancaster. In 1954, a national championship season in which the Wildcats went undefeated, he had to take a back seat to such greats as Cliff Hagan and Frank Ramsey but saw important relief service. As a junior the following season, Dan again was stymied by more experienced talent ahead of him and had to settle for only token game action while picking up valuable pointers in practice.
Service duty called before Chandler could start his senior campaign, but he relieved some of his frustration by playing basketball and getting a start on a coaching career while stationed at Ft. Bliss, Texas, and Ft. Stewart, Ga. Discharged last summer, he was retained by Coach Rupp to replace Coach Bill Wireman as assistant freshman mentnr. In his new position, Dan helps Coach Lancaster in tutoring the yearlings and will handle some scotuing and recruiting assignments.
Season	UK Won	Opps. Won	Percent
1930-31 .........	15	3	.833
1931-32 .........	15	2	.882
1932-33	20	3	.870
1933-34	15	1	.938
1934-35	19	2	.905
1935-36	15	6	.714
1936-37	17	5	.774
1937-38	13	5	.722
1938-39	16	4	.800
1939-40	15	6	.714
1940-41 .........	17	8	.680
1941-42	19	6	.760
1942-43	17	6	.739
1943-44	19	2	.905
1944-45	22	4	.846
1945-46	28	2	.933
1946-47	34	3	.918
1947-48 ....	36	3	.923
1948-49	32	2	.941
1949-50 .	25	5	.833
1950-51	32	2	.941
1951-52	29	3	.906
1952-53		(No schedu	le played)
1953-54	25	0	1.000
1954-55	23	3	.885
1955-56	20	6	.769
1956-57	23	5	.821
1957-58	23	6	.790
28-Year Total	.. 584	103~	..........850
Total PointsKentucky 41,890; Opponents 29,825 Game AverageKentucky 60.9; Opponents 43.4
Kentucky will defend its NCAA championship in 1959 with a club minus four-fifths of its starting lineup and basing hopes for staving off revenge-minded opponents on a tall and talented, but inexperienced group of sophomores plus a couple of junior college products.
The lone returning regular in Baron Adolph Rupp's traditionally well-stocked bluegrass basketball stable is lean and lanky Johnny Cox, a 6-4 Kentucky mountaineer sharpshooter who stands out as the South's leading All-America hope. His clutch scoring with a deadly-accurate jump shot and hook together with sensational rebounding helped immeasurably in the Wildcats' drive last winter to an unprecedented fourth national collegiate championship and record 19th Southeastern Conference title.
All-America guard Vernon Hatton, leading scorer on the '58 club with a 17.1 average, departed along with fellow starters John Crigler, Adrian Smith and Ed Beck plus six key reserves who saw considerable game action.
Mills May Move Into Starting Role
Joining Cox as returnees are a trio of reserves from whose ranks Coach Rupp may pluck one starter to fill part of the graduation riddled front. They are 6-6 Don Mills, a lad who came into his own at tournament time and is rated the best chance to break into the starting lineup; 6-5 Phil Johnson, and six-foot Lowell Hughes, star quarterback from the UK football squad. Between them they accounted for 168 points last season.
While the ranks of the bluegrass thoroughbreds are pretty well depleted and the outlook is far from sunny in the old Kentucky home, there is a not-so-surprising confidence among followers in the masterful Rupp's ability to re-build shattered foundations into another banner season. While there is every reason to be pessimistic, the almost exact opposite is true with hopes rallied around the slogan, "what was done once can be done again." Fervent rooters and even impartial sportswriters recall that Rupp, admittedly the nation's winningest cage mentor, followed up the loss of the "Fabulous Five" Olympic titlists and two-time national champions with a sophomore-studded outfit in 1949-50 that posted a  remarkable 25-5  record.   For unexpected
16 achievement in the face of tremendous odds, the Baron of Basketball was cited as "Coach of the Year."
Facing his 29th season with an amazingly similar situation, Coach Rupp reverts to unusual (for him) hedging when talking about prospects. "I was lucky once before in replacing a national championship crew with a bunch of sophomores, but times have changed," he points out. "Next year we will have even less experience than the other time, the schedule is tougherparticularly in our own conference, and we will be on the spot more than ever before."
Experts Put More Faith In Rupp Than Material
It's probably more faith in the ability of "The Man in the Brown Suit," who has never experienced a losing campaign, than in the potential of the sophomore material he has to work with that prompts the unfounded expectation of another winner. But some claim that Rupp has corraled plenty of potentially dangerous talent, inexperienced as it may be.
Most of the new blood comes up from a yearling team that posted a 16-1 mark last season in competition with other frosh units and junior college teams. One of the best bets for starting duty and eventual stardom is 6-3 guard Bill Lickert, a schoolboy All-America from the University city of Lexington who had a 20.1 average as a freshman campaigner. Rupp classes him "a natural for our style of offense." And there's height, too, in the form of 6-8Vi Ned Jennings (tallest Wildcat since seven foot Bill Spivey), 6-4 Carroll Burchett (not eligible until second semester), 6-4 Howard Dardeen and 6-4 Bobby Slusher.
The junior college material brought in to help plug the all-important gaps at both guard posts includes 6-1 Sid Cohen from Kil-gore's national junior college championship outfit and six-foot Bennie Coffman, a product of Kentucky's Lindsey-Wilson. Cohen was chosen most valuable player of the 1958 junior college tourney and on the first team JC All-America while Coffman's claim to fame stems principally from his ranking as the ninth best scorer in junior college ranks on a healthy, 25.6 average through 22 games.
Forwards6-4 Johnny Cox, 6-5 Phil Johnson Centers6-7 Don Mills Guards6-0 Lowell Hughes
ForwardsJohn Crigler (6-3), Bill Smith (6-5) CentersEd Beck (6-7), Dick Howe (6-5)
GuardsVernon Hatton (6-3), Adrian Smith (6-0), Earl Adkins (6-4), Bill Cassady (6-2), Lincoln Collinsworth (6-3), Harold Ross (6-2)
Guards6-1 Sid Cohen and 5-10 Bennie Coffman
Forwards6-4 Bobby Slusher, 6-4 Howard Dardeen, 6-5 Carroll
Burchett (not eligible until second semester) Centers6-8 Ned Jennings
Guards6-3 Bill Lickert, 5-10 Dick Parsons, 6-1 Al Robinson
Dec.    6    Temple at Philadelphia ...................................... Sheraton
Dec.    8    Duke at Durham .................................... Washington Duke
Dec. 30    Illinois at Louisville ............................................ Kentucky
Jan.    6   Vanderbilt at Nashville .............................................. Noel
Jan.  1 0    LSU at Baton Rouge .................................... Capitol House
Jan.  12    Tulane at New Orleans .............................................. Jung
Jan. 26    Ga. Tech at Atlanta ................................ Georgian Terrace
Feb.    7    Mississippi at Jackson .....................