xt74mw289c8n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74mw289c8n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1888-03-jun7. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1888-03-jun7. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1888-03-jun7. 1888 1888-03-jun7. 2011 true xt74mw289c8n section xt74mw289c8n 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 6, 1888 - page 78-79

     On motion Mrs. Lucy B. Blackburn is appointed Matron
and assistant in the Preparatory Dept. at a salary of
$500 per annum.

     On motion the expenditures for papering the dwelling
house occupied by the President amounting to $286
is ordered to be refunded to him.

     On motion ordered that the request of Prof. White that
he be allowed to contract with D. A. Ving for a plane
table at a cost not exceeding $50 be allowed and that
the reports of Prof's. Neville and Crandall be
received and filed.

     The report on the condition of the Preparatory Dept.
was reported upon by Philemon Bird. The work therein was

     On motion ordered that Judge W. B. Kinkead    Ch'm.
Col. Hart Gibson, Col. Bradford and Dr. Clardy were appointed
a committee to prepare an address on the condition and proa-
pects of the State College, for the information of the
general public.

     On motion ordered that an additional room at a cost
not exceeding $300 be referred to the Executive Committee
with power to act, as an attachment to the college occupied
by the Commandant.

     The Board of Trustees thereupon adjourned to meet at
9-1/2 A. M. on the following day if practicable, if not,
then to meet after the commencement exercises.

     June 7, 1 P. M. Board of Trustees met in the
Presidents room.

Present                   Dr. R. J. Spurr   Chairman

                          R. A. Spurr


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 7, 1888 - page 80

                         3. D. Clardy
                         W. D. Nicholas
                         W. B. Kinkead
                         Philemon Bird
                         L. J. Bradford
                         Hart Gibson

     The Minutes were then read prior to adjournment. By
general consent the secretary was instructed to omit from
Judge Kinkead resolution relative to the late Prin.
of the Normal and the late Professor of chemistry the clause
inclosed in parenthesis viz:    As the notification of
the same to,
     On motion/that-the Secretary be directed to tender to
the Eon. A. L. Peterman of Monroe Co. Ky. the position of
Principal of the Normal Dept.  of the State College of
Kentucky at a salary of $1500 per annum, The further condi-
tions are that the incumbency of the position hereby tendered
shall be for one year only and that the official tender
on the one hand or the acceptance of the position tendered
on the other binds neither of the contracting parties to
a continuance of the relationship thereby established,
beyond the limit designated above but that each is at liberty
to contract further or decline to contract without further
notice or prejudice to the other.

                                W. B. Kinkead   Ch.

James K. Patterson
   Asst. Secty.