xt74mw289b7h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74mw289b7h/data/mets.xml Janson, Charles William. 1807.  books b92-159-29919304 English Printed for J. Cundee, : London : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Slaves United States Social conditions. United States Description and travel. United States Social life and customs. Slaves United States Social conditions. Stranger in America  : containing observations made during a long residence in that country, on the genius, manners and customs of the people of the United States : with biographical particulars of public characters ; hints and facts relative tve to the arts, sciences, commerce, agriculture, manufactures, emigration, and the slave trade / by Charles William Janson ; illustrated by engravings. text Stranger in America  : containing observations made during a long residence in that country, on the genius, manners and customs of the people of the United States : with biographical particulars of public characters ; hints and facts relative tve to the arts, sciences, commerce, agriculture, manufactures, emigration, and the slave trade / by Charles William Janson ; illustrated by engravings. 1807 1807. 2002 true xt74mw289b7h section xt74mw289b7h STRANGER IN AMERICA.




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                         ON THE


                     Ofr THE PEOPLE OF THE

               UNITED STATES;




                  Zcbe Iflae trabe.

                L-!te 0  the State ol ItR1h4e blad, Connedhi at L.,-


                       ALBION PRESS:

                  PATERNOSTER-ROW, LONDON.


This page in the original text is blank.



 WHEN the Author of the following sheets, previous to his taking up
 the pen to commence his contemplated work, reflected on the many volumes
 which have already appeared on the subject, he must acknowledge that he
 felt no very strong inclination to add his own lucubrations to the list.
 Year after year has this impression contributed to restrain a rising desire to
 communicate to the public the result of his observations respecting our once
 trans-atlantic brethren, but now the only remaining republicans in the civi-
 lized world. The persuasions offriends, together with the favorable oppor-
 tunities of obtaining a thorough acquaintance with the true character of
 the Americans, afforded by a long residence among- them, and the avo-
 cations he pursued during that time, have at length induced him to give
 to the world his ideas on the subject. He disclaims the vanity of aspiritg
 to aplace in the class of authors; had this been his ambition, he might
 have gratfied it sevcral years ago with equal facility.

 In perusing the contents of this volume, the reader should bear in mind
 this circumstance, that the author did not visit the United States for the
purpose of making a regular tour through the territories comprized in
them. He removed to that country with an intention of passing a con-
siderable part of his life there; but the disappointments he met with often
caused him to change his residence, occasioning ajourney first in this di-



reelion, their in the oilter, and hiv return, several times, to the same
point.  To this cause must be ascribed the want of regularity and of
plan which sonie may think fit, at first sight, to alledge against this
work. On a nearer examination, however, it will be found that, in his
remarks on each state, the author has preserved, as nearly as possible, the
geographical arrangement, commeneing at the north, and ending at the,
south. In what year, month, or day this observation was made, or that
ehicionstance happened, must be matter of perfect indifference; in their
accuracy alone can the reader feel interested, and on this sulbect the
writer assures him, that he has introduced nothing into his work but a-hat
resulted fromn personal observation, or rested on the most indubitable-

   To a portion of the readers into whose hanus this book inay chance to
fall, some of the anecdotes contained in its pages may probably be familiar.
For the younger and the most numerous. class, he flatters hiimself that they,
will have the charm of novelty; the circumstances to which he alludes
having occurred while they were yet unborn. If he has occasionally had
recourse to the writings of others, it has only been for the purpose of
illustrating the subject under review, or supporting his opinions bIy their
testimony. In some instances, it is true, it will be found that he has en-
deavored, and, as he hopes, with success, to refute error,, and to combat.

   The great length of time to which the author's visit to the United State
 was prolonged, was far from being agreeable to his inclination, for an.
 English traveller willfind his curiosity thoroughly satiated in as many



moons as fortune assigned years to him, in a country in every respect utl-
congenial to English habits, and to the tone of an Englishman's consti-
tution. During the early part of his residence in America, and about
the time he was planning his return to Europe, specious and tempting
offers induced him to risk a considerable sum in a land-speculation, (a fatal
snare laid for every emigrant) and the hopes of again realizing some
portion of it, prevented his departure.  He is obliged to confess the com-
mission of a second act, equally injudicious-the embarkation of another
sum, in mercantile concerns, which eventually proved unfortunate, owing,
in a great measure, to the unprincipled conduct of the commanders of
the vessels in his employ. Thus were his hopes beguiled, frotm day to day,
for more than thirteen years!

   The rooted aversion in the hearts of the Americans against the inha-
 bitants of Britain, was to the author a source of perpetual uneasiness.
 Among the lower order, in spite of his endeavors to adapt his behavior to
 their satisfaction, he was regarded as proud and haughty; while a dis-
 tant kind of envious obsequiousness, tinctured with an affectation of supe-
 riority, was but too evident in the majority of his equals. Such being
 the case, it cannot be surprising that he was never so happy as to form a
 true friendship with an American.  From Germans and Frenchmen, num-
 bers of whom are Ibund in different parts of the United States, he received
 many civilities, and these he doubts not would have been extended to acts
 of friendship, had he needed them.

 His opinion of the American character is not the efect of premature
prejudice, nor is it founded on, precarious observation. Had the author, like
an ordinary traveller, merely rolled through the country, in the stage wag-
                               3                                  gons.




gons, his strictures might with some shew of justice have been challenged
as the efusions of spleen, or unbeconing partiality. So far from being
ifluenced byfeelings of this nature, he trusts he shall be believed when
he asserts, that he never would have embarked for America, had not his
mind been potterfitlly biassed in favor of the United States and their in-
habitants.  Nor was it till long experience had uniformly exhibited them
in a point of view very different firom what he had fondly expected, that
he adopted his present sentiments, which have been strengthened and con-
firmed by an attentive study of the genius, habits, and manners of these
people, during a constant intercourse with individuals of every class and

   The author is peCjctly aware of the reception these remarks will expe-
rience in America, and that a host of scribblers will rise up in arms to
attack his work. He will, however, anticipate an answer. Americans
make a point of denying every truth that in any way tends to expose a
defective habit, or a national error.  They bow before the shrine of
adulation, fondly conceiving themselves the meritedfavorites of heaven;
and the United States " a country where triumph the purest principles of
legislatian which ever adorned civil society; a country in which the human
character is already elevated to a superior species of man, compared with
the miserable wretches of Europe."

   All nations, it is true, have their follies, their caprices, and their im-
peifections; but the manner in which they are affected by the exposure

                      Austin's Letters from London, Boston, 1804.






of them, is wideby diflerent. For instance- John Bull    laughs at the recital
of his own follies; while the slightest sarcasm rouses a spirit of resentment
in the bosom of the sullen Yankee.

   Though the Americans declaim so loudly in favor of liberty and equality,
yet no where are those terms more unworthily prostituted.     That equality,
the establishment of which was a faivorite olject of the revolutionary re-
publicans of France, is still the idol of the mob in the United States.
The meanest plebeian would be quite ungovernable, did he barely suspect
you of harboring the idea that he was inadmissible to equal rank with the
best informed of his fellow-citizens. Hence you are accosted by people of
the lowest description with familiarity, and answered with carelessness.
This, it is obvious, cannot be a very enviable state of society for a person
educated in European notions of the decorum necessary to be observed in
civilized life.

   With such chimerical ideas of liberty, the degradation of the slaves,
and the large proportion of their numbers to that of he white population,
in some parts of the American republic, must form a striking contrast in
the mind of every reflecting reader. It will be seen, with horror, that
the cruelties practised on this unfortunate race in that land of freedom,
can scarcely be exceeded in the West India Islands. That this state of
things cannot be of long duration, must be evident to the most superficial
observer; and accordingly it appears, that very just apprehensions begin

   This humorous personification of the English character is most ably delineated in the comedy under
the same title, written by the ingenious Mr. Celnman, who does not hesitate to lash the vices and
follies of his countrymen, with unrelenting severity; and the universal approbation this piece has expe-
rienced proves the good temper which John preserves under this kind of castigation.






already to be entertained on this subject in the American States. The
principle of the trade in human flesh, is too horrible, even for those most
deeply interested in it, to defind: however they may value its profits, they
cannot possibly Withstand the conviction of its ibdustice. It is rather a
sinqwlar circumstance, that the last discussion, at which the author was
present, in the iouse of representatives, in the city of Washinoton, re-
lat'd to this abominable traffic, and that, on hisfirst entering the house of
commons, a/I'er his return to London, he there heard an interesting and
animated debate on the same subject. The eyes of governments appear to
be opened to a serious consideration of the mischiefs which the prosecution
of the slave trade must, sooner or later, entail on the regions to which its
influence extends; but whether the present be a seasonable moment for its
saipi-ession by the administration of Britain, he does not attempt to

  America, however, labors under none of the embarrassments which an
implacable enaeny has found means to throw in the way of the commerce
of England. The question under the consideration of congress last year,
wcas the propriety of imposing a tax on imported slaves, till an entire stop
is put to the netarious tragic, which, by a provisionary act passed some
yeeimrs since, will take place in 1808. 7Though no one can be a more decded
adtdocate.Jrm an amelioration of the condition of these wretched blacks,
than the author, yet he is convinced that their emancipation would be
attended with imminent danger, as he has endeavored to show in the
sumbsequent pages treating of South Carolina.  Some evil even attended
the manumnission of the slaves of the late General Washington. The
author hasjifequtently heard the measure reprobated in the neighborhood
of Jiwiuit Vernon, where he died.  With a great part of them, liberty
     3                                                             was




  was prostituted to the purposes of licentiousness, which was supported by
  plunder. Many robberies were committed at this time, and great mis-
  chief done to the negroes still in bondage; who, doubtless, were anxious
  to participate in the outrages and idleness committed and indulged in by
  their free brethren.

    The author has been at some pains to unfold the prospects that await
  the European emigrant in America. On this subject he is qualified NQ
  speak, not only from his own experience, but from that of many other
  persons, whose delusive hopes have terminated in disappointment.  lle
  has endeavored to expose the knavery of American land-jobbers, and to
  shew the fallacy of all that native writers have advanced relative to the
  facility and small expence of forming an establishment in the western re-
  gions of the republic. The history of the author'sfriend, Mr. Gilpin,
  furnishes a striking and melancholy example to such as repair to the new
  world on agricultural speculations.

  The United States may still be considered as a new country, in etery-
  acceptation of the term. As such, therefore, it is but natural to suppose
  that those arts which supply the prime necessities of man, would there ex-
perience the greatest encouragement, and be held in the highest estima-
tion.  Accordingly, the farmer and tihe mechanic must stand a better
chance of success than arty other classes of emigrants, and when we so
often witness the failure, even of their hopes, can we be surprised at the
yet more frequent disappointments of the professors of the liberal arts and
sciences; or of such whose occupations are subservient only to the luxuries
of life  These can prosper only in the countries where society has ar-
rived at a high degree of civilization, and where fourishing manufactures
                                    b 2                            andl




and commerce have diffused ease and opulence. Society is still in a state
of infancy itn America. What encouragement is held out to the study of
architecture, for instance, in a region where many of the inhabitants are
satisfied with log-houses; or what progress can be expected in the arts of
design, if, ftom want of education, or deficiency in taste, their beauties
are neitherfelt nor relished  America has, comparatively speaking, no
manuftctures; and how intimately the prosperity of arts and sciences is
tonneeled with these, it is unnecessary for the author even to attempt to

   All his observations on emigration flow from no other motive than re-
gard for the we/ffire of his country, and the happiness of his deluded
ft1low-sulyects.  Impressed with this sentiment, he has developed the illicit
practices of American traders on the northern coasts of Ireland, and the
impury which not only the revenue, but likewise the empire at large must
sustain from their continuance. He flatters himself that he may be the
means of directing the attention of the British administration to a subject
which appears to him of no trifling importance; and f his endeavors shall
lead to the application of a remedy to this national mischief, or shall pre-
vent only one discontented fellow-citizen from  quitting the substantial
blessings he enjoys at home, in order to seek imaginary comfort, happiness,
and wealth amidst the unproductive wastes and unsociable inhabitants of
another hemisphere, his time and trouble will not have been bestowed in

   During his residlence in America, the author was no inattentive ob-
 server of passing objects and events in the extensive territories of the
 United States. Accordingly, the notes and observations which he made
                                     2                                are




are both copious and varied. From them. he has selected the subjects of
the following sheets, and on the reception they may experience will depend
the publication of a second volume, much valuable matter still remaining
unemployed in his possession.

  With respect to the engravings which illustrate his work, the author
can assure the public that they exhibit correct representations of the ori-
ginal sulyects. He was induced to give a preference to those of which
they principally consist, namely, remarkable buildings, as affording a
means of comparing the progress of the arts in America with that of other
countries. Should it be objected that too great a proportion of them are
taken from one city, the author's excuse is, that, in truth, scarcely any
other city in America contains any edjifce worthy of delineation.

   Aware that many imperfections may be found in the following sheets,
yet conscious of the rectitude of his motives for publishing his observations,
in which he has been guided by a sincere desire that they may prove bene-
ficial to his countrymen, the author throws himself upon their candor,
and solicits the exercise of their indulgence in the perusal of them.


- -





Page 108, for CHAP. Xl. read CHAP. XII.
Page 296, instead of the two last lines in the second column, read:
                17. Ohio    -    -    -    -    I
                    Mississippi Territory  -    I
                    Indiana Territory -    -    I

                                     Total    143



                            CHAP. I.

MOTIVES of the Author for going to America-He embarks in anr
American Ship-Chased by a French Privateer -Conduct of her
  Crew-Seizure and Recovery of the Author's Papers-Specimen
  of American Mianners-A Squall-Singular Manner of catching a
  Shark-Treatment of the Passengers-American Duplicity-Noc-
  turnal Adventure Arrival at Portsmoutl-Curiosity of the Ame-
  ricans-Boston            -    -    -   -    -    -   -

                            CHAP. II.

Excessive Heat-Bed-bugs and Mlusquitoes-Processions-Orations
  -Bunker's Hill-Death of Major Pitcairn-Vaults containing
  the Remains of the Officers wvho fell at the Battle of Bunker's
  Hill         -     -      -      -      -      -      -    22-30

                           CHAP. III.

Extent of the United States-Present Number of Inhabitants-Ac-
quisition of Louisiana and the Floridas-Conjectures on the Du-
  ration of the Federal Government-Statistical Survey of the United
  States       -      -      -      -                        31-34



                           CHAP. 1'.

General Observations on the History of America-Province of
  Maine first explored by the English in Search of Gold-Artifice of
  the Natives-Anecdotes of Sir William Phipps-Freebooters-
  Productions of the Province-Portland--Falmouth  -    -     5_4

                            CHAP. V.

Connecticut-N'ev London-Rigby's Mountain  -      -      -    42-44

                            CHAP. VI.

Adventures of Generals Whalley and Goffe, two of the Judges who
  condemned King Charles I.-Their long Concealment in various
  Parts of New England-Whalley's second Childhood described by
  Goffe-Account of Colonel Dixwell-Strictures on Dr. Stiles's
  Publication relative to these Regicides -      -      .    45-56

                           CHAP. VII.

Extremes of Heat and Cold in New England-State of Vegetation
  and the Produce of the Field-Direction of the Winds-Meteor-
  ological Observations on Rain-Uncertainty and State of the
  Weather         -                                          57-66

                           CHAP. VIII.

Multiplication of Wild Pigeons in New England-Their Abundance
  in Carolina-Fecundity of Fish in New England  -  -   -    67-69

                            CHAP. IX.

Mountains of the United States-The Blue Ridge-The White
  Mountains-Alleghany Mountains-Lakes-Survey of those with-
  in the Territory of the American Republic-Lake Superior-
  Huron-Erie-Ontario-Last Engagement between the American
  Troops and the Savages   -    -           -    -    -      70-79






                            CHAP. X.

Excursion in Connecticut-Substantial Breakfast-Dinner-Horse-
  Corn-General Aspect of the Country-Frogs-M1anners of
  the Inhabitants-Effect of Republican Principles-Dangerous
  Passage of HIell Gate-New York-Description of the City-
  Machinations of Genet, the French Ambassador-Dallas, the
  American Secretary of State                               80-99

                           CHfAP. XI.

State of Religion in the United States-Sundays-Generosity of the
  Roman Catholic Bishop of Maryland-Shakers--Baptists, Anec-
  dotes of them-Camp Meetings of the Methodists -  -    - 100-10o

                           CHAP. XII.

American Public Characters-General Gatces-General Hamilton-
  Colonel Burr-General Pinckney-General Putnam-liMr. Albert
  Grallatin-Mr. John Randolph-Mr. Levi Lincoln -Lord Fair-
  fax-Sir John Oldmixon-Thomas Law, Esq.-Paul Jones-
  Captain Hacker-Captain Peter Landois-Geoeral Arnold  - 108-164

                          CHAP. XIII.
Retreat of General Washington from Long-Island-Execution of
  Captain flale, an American Spy-The Army-Opposition to
  capital Punishmients-Pay of the Army Establinhient  -  _  65-16i

                          ChASP. XIV.
Journey to Philadelphia-Stage-Wagaon-Miserable Roads-Com-
  municative Passenger-Philadelphia-Populationi of the City
  --Thle Market-Method of rearing Hogs-Extremities of the
  Seasons-Punishments inflicted Onl Crimninal Offenders-Advan-
  tages of the Criminal Code of America-The Jail-The Better-
  ing-Ilouse-The Hospital-The Bank of the United States-
  Beggars-Waterworks-Bridges-The Library-Peale's Museum
  -American Manufactures  -                               170-19
                                c                          CHAP.




Washington, the Federal City and Seat of Government-Slander of
  its Founder-Extract from the American Hudibras-Wretched
  State of the Roads about Washington-Disappointment of Specu-
  lators-The Capitol-The President's House-Causes of the
  deplorable State of the City-Horse-Races-Mount Vernon-
  Alexandria     - .       -    -    -      -      -    - 198-214


Embassy from Tunis-Extraordinary Conduct of the Turkish Ne-
  gociator-Drunkenness of his Attendants-His Departure from
  America-Deputation from the Creek and Osage Indians-Their
  Appearance in the House of Representatives-Their Song-
  Dance of Savages in the Washington Theatre-Sudden Death of
  one of the Chiefs-Particulars of the Expedition for exploring
  the Missouri           -    -   -    -      -    -    -



The Lawv-Judges-Procrastination-Term Reports-Bankrupt-
  Law-Facility of evading it-Example of fraudulent Bankruptcy
  -Necessity of a different System

                          CHAP. XVIII.

    Drama-Its Rise and Progress in Philadelphia-Mr. Cooper
  -The New York Theatre-Air. Hodgkinson-Poverty of Ame-
  rican Managers-Charleston, the Grave of American Performers
  -Mrs. Wrighten-Miss Broad hurst-Miss Fontenelle- Mr. Vil-
  liers-Eminent Living Actors-Indecorous Behaviour in an Arne-
  rican Audience-Theatrical Criticism

                          CHAP. XIX.

Artifices and Frauds of Land-Speculators Method of Cooking
  Land-Difficulties of new Settlers in Kentucky-The new Mis-





   sissippi Bubble-Grant of Land by the State of Georgia- Infa-
   anous Fraud practised on the Purchasers-Altercation between
   General Jackson and a Printer-Proceedings in Congress relative
   to the Mississippi Company's Claims                      239 -26i)

                            CHAP. XX.

Conjectures on the Existence of the Madogians, or Welch Indians
  Narrative of Maurice Griffith-Expedition of the Shawnese to
  explore the Missouri-Discovery of a Nation of White Indians
  -Natural Abilities of the Indians-Dialogue between an Indian
  Chief and an American Agent-Adoption of a Warrior by the
  Canadian Indians     -270-e83

                           CHA P. XXL.

Order of the Cincinnati-Satire on this Institution-Imaginary Ad-
  ventures of one of its Members-The Eagle-Burlesque on
  American Elections-Badge of the Order   -    .    -    - 284-296

                          CHAP. XXII.

Deplorable Effects of the uncontrolled Liberty allowed to Youth in
  America-Smoking-An Academic Frolic-Slingers-Eleveners
  -Gouging-Biting-Kicking-Picture of a Carolina Loghouse   297-305

                           CHAP. XXIlI.

Bee-Hunting-Adventures of an American Quarter-Master Serjeant
  -Alligators-Establishment of a Carolina Farmer and Inn-
  keeper-The Locust-The Cock-Roach-Ants        -    -    - 306-312

                           CHAP. XXIV.

Miranda's Expedition-His Operations in America-Judicial Pro-
  ceedings against Mr. Ogden, Proprietor of the Leander-Tyran-
  nical conduct of Judge Tallmage-Spirited Defence of Mr. Og-
  den's Counsel-Singular Notions of Liberty displayed by a Re-
                             c 2                            publicaR





  publican, Judge-Failure of Miranda's Enterprise-Particulars
  of his crly Lit -    -             -    -                3- 13-326

                           CHAP. XXV.

Norfolk, in Virginia-The Great Dismal Swamp-Lake Drummond
  --Deer-hunting in the Swaamp-Extraordinary Dilemma-Little
  Dismal Swaamp-The Panther-Dreadful Conflict between Plan-
  tC!s and Bears-Canals-Cultivation of Tobacco-Frauds of
  Americans in that Commodity-N-Natural Bridges in Virginia  - 327-345

                          CHA,1P. XXVI.
The AMocking-Bird-The Red-Eird, or Virginia Nightinoalc -The
  Woodcock of the Southern Statcs-The Woodpecker-The Whip-
  poor -Wi ill-  -    -    -    -    -    -    -   -       346-348

                          CHAP. XXVIi.
Eccentric Advertisemcnts-Of a Publican-A Lottery-Office Keeper
  -A Hair-dresser-A Negro Oyster Merchant-A Poetical Fri-
  seur-A Political Barbacue-Porter Seller-Itinerant Parson-
  MIlatrimony-Divorce                                      39 -- -- 4355

                         C11AP. XXV[II.
South Carolina-Valuc of Plantations-Houses of the Planters-
  Saves-Their Treatment-Plan for improving their Condition-
  Slave-Trade-Dangers to be apprehended from its Prosecution-
  Intended Insurrections of the Slaves-Influence of Slavery on the
  Political Representation of the States Propensity of the Inha-
  bitants of Carolina to Duelling-Gold-Mines discovered in
  North Carol ina-Gold Company-Cultivation of Cotton-In-
  digo                                              -    - 356-370.

                          CHAP. XXIX.
l eatment of Slaves-Barbarities exercised on them-Punishment
inflicted on a Negro for a Rape-Singular mode of Cure adopted



  with another-The Dying Ncgro-Observations on Slavery, by
  Jefferson and Dr. Morse   -    -   -              _       37S84

                           CHAP. XXX.
Agriculture-Prospects for the Emigrant Farmer-History of N-r.
  Gilpin-Yellow Fever-Symptoms and Treatment of that dreadful
  Complain t-Land-Jobbers-Squattei-s--A Log-House-Fences
  -Tue Culture of Indian Corn-Journey to the Blue Ridge-
  Orange Court-llousc-The Dancing-School-'Madison Court-
  l-louse-Alarm of an Insurrection among the Negroes-Night
  Expedition in pursuit of them-Their Punishment -  -  - 385-401

                          CIiAP. XXXi.
Indian Corn-Precarious Produce of that Grain-Husking Frolic
  -Breeding of Sheep-Prospect for the Emigrant Mechanic in
  America-The Law-Physic-The Church-Ohservations on
  Mr. Toulmin's Plan for purchasing and stocking a Farm in Ken-
  tucky-German Settlers-State of Literature in America-Book.
  sellers-Typographical Society-Book Fair-Arts and Sciences-
  Strictures ott Austin's Letters from London-Funeral of General
  Washington -                                             405-424

                          CHAP. XXXII.
The American Captain Little takes a French Corvette-Tried on
  Charges brought against him by the Prisoners, and superseded in
  his Command-The French Ship repaired at the Expence of
  America, and restored by Congress-Blockaded in Boston by a
  British Ship-Action off Sandy Hook between the Ambuscade
  and Boston-Circumstances attending the return of Adet, the-
  French Ambassador-Blockade of a French Frigate in Newport
  by the Asia-John Pierce killed by a Shot from the Leander-
  Proclamation of President Jefferson on the Occasion     425-436

                         CHAP. XXXII!.
Gypsum-Large quantities of that substance imported from Ca-




  nada into the United States, and employed as Manure-Pittsburg
  -General Observations on the Western Territories-Military
  Tavern-keepers-Quality and Produce of the Soil in Kentucky
  -Reason for the loss of Teeth among the Americans-Difficulty
  of bringing Produce to Market from the Western Countries

                          CHAP. XXXIV.

Thomas Paine -    -           -      -    -    -    -    -

                          CHAP. XXXV.

Emigration-Smuggling-German Redemptioners


Abstract of a Report on American Roads -

-   _    _    - 465-470

Abstract of the Report of the Secretary of the Treasury
Duties of the several Ports of the Union  -   -    -
Salaries of Public Officers --   -    -    .   -    -
Public Expences of the United States, for 1805 -   -
AMessage of the President, communicated December 2, 1806 -




- 470-47
- 477-478
- 478-479
- 479-481
- 482-489





                            CHAP. I.


 FIFTEEN years have elapsed since I first entertained the idea of
 undertaking a voyage to the United States of America. In early life,
 my mind was inflamed with a desire to visit foreign countries. Under
 this influence, I first proceeded to France; and there my ardor to cross
 the great Atlantic was encreased by the description of America, given
 to me by some French officers who had served in Count Rochambeau's
 army in the revolutionary war of that country. My fortune, with a
little frugality, was adequate to carry my designs into execution. I
accordingly hastened my departure from France, and returned to
London to make preparations for this important undertaking. I was
advised to place my property in the American funds. This step, I was
told, would not only be the safest remittance, but I might calculate
upon considerable gain, from the late grea