xt74j09w3p3w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74j09w3p3w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-02-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 1988 1988 1988-02-01 2020 true xt74j09w3p3w section xt74j09w3p3w  





Ellis, Davender lead UK to victory over
Notre Dame. SEE PAGE 3.





The Boys Choir of Harlem is
coming to UK. SEE PAGE 8.



Today: T-storms and showers
Tomorroszore showers




I Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCI. No. 98


University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Monday, February 1. 1988


Two join staff to fight alcohol, drug misuse

News Editor

UK has two new answers to the
growing concern of substance abuse
—— Lisa Stof er and Todd Warnick.

Stofer. a substance abuse coordi-
nator, and Warnick, a substance
abuse counselor. were hired by UK
after it received a $90,123 two-year
grant from the US. Department of
Education to establish a substance
abuse prevention office.

This grant "gave the University
the chance to do some educating and
counseling in relation to alcohol,“
said James Kuder, vice chancellor
for student affairs.

That educating and counseling will
be done by Stofer and Warnick who
have backgrounds in both.

Warnick earned his undergraduate
degree in psychology at UK and

went on to earn his masters in cou-
seling at Michigan State University.
He is a Certified Chemical Depen-
dency Counselor (CCDC), he said.

Stofer. originally from Lexington,
is a graduate student at UK in the
department of social services.

Prior to becoming UK’s substance
abuse coordinator, Stofer worked as
a family service worker in Hardin

“My training and my experience
has lead me to do some training and
some counseling," Stofer said.

But counseling isn’t the only issue
in her new job, Stofer said. It‘s im-
portant that both “education and
counseling" are emphasized.

In addition to counseling students
who have drinking problems, Stofer
and Warnick will be teaching stu-
dents to “recognize substance abuse

problems," said Mary Brinkman. a
health counselor.

Warnick and Stofer will be teach-
ing students “how you tell no prob-
lem from a problem," Stofer said.

Stofer will coordinate programs to
inform students about alcohol and
other potentially hazardous sub»
stances, while Warnick will be doing
the one-onone work with students
who have a problem or know some-
one who has a problem.

“I‘ll be working with individuals
who have a concern, or who want in-
formation about chemicals." War»
nick said. “It could be someone who
has a concern about their own use or
it could be somebody who has a con
cern about someone else‘s use — a
friend, a girlfriend. ”

Warnick and Stofer say that they
have set their goals for the program
and those goals all point to student

participation. “Students helping stu-
dents.“ Stofer said.

In addition to Warnick and Stofer
speaking with student groups, Stofer
said that they are developing a pro-
gram that involves students speak-
ing to other student groups .- such
as fraternities. sororities or other
organizations — about alcohol

But in order to be effective. War-
nick said that the program is going
to have “to be out there so that peo-
ple can realize that we‘re here.“

"Here" is the third floor of Frazee
Hall in the Counseling and Testing
Center for Warnick. Students seek-
ing counseling can schedule appoint-
ments with him there. he said.

Students wishing to have a presen-
tation made to their groups can con»
tact Stofer in the Office of the Dean


Shootout _


finals in Knoxville, Tenn.

student category.

The Student Center Gameroom was the site Sat-
urday of the Association of College Unions (ACUl) re-
gional qualifier in billiards and table tennis. The tour-
nament had 90 entries from the UK community,
making it “the largest turnout in 20 years," said Jim
Heath, Gameroom manager and a professional bil-
liards player. The winners of this double elimination
tournament are eligible to go on to the ACUl regional

First place in the men's billiard division was Ken
Hughes (right). with second place going to Steve
Campbell. Tammy Scott won first place in women's
competition and Spencer Provan took first in the non-






Dance instructor wins
choreography award
over 2505plus applicants

Contributing Writer

A UK dance instructor was one of
the recipients of the 1987 Lawrence
S. Epstein Choreography Award.

Rayma K. Beal, director of UK‘s
Dance Ensemble. shared the award
with Barbara-Ann Carver-Hunt,
from the University of Southern Mis-
sissippi. The two received the prize
for their proposed production of “A
Snake-Hand Tale on the Nature of
and Necessity for Angels."

Epstein presented Beal with a $250
check and a plaque in Lexington on
Nov. 7. The proposal won out from
more than 250 other submissions.

The Lawrence S. Epstein Award is
a private award and started in ms.
There are very few private dance
awards as most dance awards come
from the National Endowment for

The Epstein Award is the first
major award Beal has received for

“Choreography is an organizing
and thinking, planning process, and
ideas to be presented through
movement.“ Beal said.

Beal has been dancing since she
was 5 :;...s old. “My first experi-
ence in modern dance was as a
physical education major: with a
dance emphasis at Arizonia State,"
she said. She concentrated on ballet
as well as modern dance.

Beal is a faculty member in the
Health, Physical Education and
Recreation Department. Beal
teaches modern dance, ballet, jazz.
folk dancing, dance history, chore-
ography and dance production. She

In addition to modern dance, East-
ern dancing from China and India


UK dance instructor Rayma K. Beal was one of the recipients of
the 1987 Lawrence S. Epstein Choreography Award.

of Students in 513 Patterson Office

We want to ”get individuals inter-
ested.“ Warnick said.

One way Warnick hopes to do that
is through structured groups that
will meet together and talk about
their problems or their concerns for
friends or family members. or their
curiosity about alcohol.

Warnick and Stofer's positions are
funded under the grant for the next
two years. after that the University
will have to fund the positions. War-
nick said he thinks that the t'nivei»
sity is committed to the program

"The grant itself is just seed
money." he said. “This is kind of
like the money that was funneled in
to get activities going."

And while Stofer says that she
thinks the grant money isn‘t quite

Sec TWO. Page '




will crown student
at UK this month

By .I.'l‘. Ill)l'N('IIfll.l.
Staff Writer

University of Kentucky women
who have ever dreamed of wearing
a crown will have a shot at the title
of Miss Kentucky Valentine IlllS

The pageant is sponsored by the
(‘ommuter Student Board and co-

sponsored by the Off-Campus Ai-

fairs Committee of the Student Gov
ernment Association.

The annual event. in its eighth
year. is free to the public and will be
held at 8 pm. Feb. 11 in Memorial

Tina Shah. a civil engineering sc-
nior and president of the board. said
the purpose of the pageant is to
“raise awareness of the commuter
student board and to bring commut-
ers and residents together.“

All registered L'K student organi-
zations. including dormitory govern
ments. greck organizations. and
academic honoraries. are eligible to
nominate any UK student as their
representative. Shah said.

Pageant contestants are judged in
two separate categories. Personal
interviews with the judges make up
65 percent of each score and are
based on confidence. intelligence
and grade point average. lntervicws
will be held Feb. 8 and 9 from 1 to S
p.m..Shah said.

The second category. stage ap-
pearance and modeling ability.
counts for the remaining 35 percent.

Sharon limits. the board‘s sponsor
at the t‘nivcrsily. said this is only
the second year for the modeling
portion of the pageant. The contes-
tants \Hll model in both the casual
dress and ewnnig gown competi~
lions during the contest.

This year‘s judges include Beth
Ann t‘lnrk of images Model Agency
and reigning \liss Kentucky USA,
Steve Schniit-deknecht of Reflections
Hair Design and a representative of
Vogue .\lodcl Agency. (‘hilds said.

The first and second runners-up
will receive plaques and roses for
their achievement. This year's
queen will be crowned by reigning
Miss Kentucky Valentine. Marlyn

The duties for Miss Kentucky Val-
l’llllllt‘ 1988. Shah said. include visit-
ing Shriners Hospital for Crippled
t‘hildrcii to hand out valentines.

l‘liitertainnicnt during the model-
ing is being provided by Tim Glass-
cock and the show will probably be
hosted by a local television news
pt‘l‘Sttllttlll} . t'hilds said

The pageant is “something we
want to become as prestigious an
event .is homecoming." Shah said.

Student organizations interested in
iionniiatini.I a representative may
pick tip applications and pay the $15
entry fee n; tot; Student (‘enter The
deudlinc for applications is 4:30 pm.
Feb 3

New Kentucky budget
pleases almost no one

Associated Press

FRANKFURT w When Gov Wal-
lace Wilkinson talks about reaction
to his budget. he refers to the
“micro-politics“ involved.

Wilkinson complains that so many
of those groups share the same posi-
tion, it has become an issue of

Translation: Almost
hates his budget.

That may, however, work in his
favor when crunch time comes for

There are. of course. two sides to
the budget. One side gets the
money; the other spends it.

On the revenue side, the players
and their positions are clear.

Highway contractors oppose the
use of $35 million each year from
the Road Fund to pay for state po-
lice highway patrols.

Police and firefighters oppose the
use of money from their salary
supplement fund to fill in gaps.

Retired public employees, espe-
cially teachers, are distressed about
the plan to have the state contribute
'less money to their pension pro-
grams than in previous years.

Perhaps loudest of all are the
complaints from sportsmen that Wil-
kinson wants to take money from
the Department of Fish and Wildlife
Resources This interest group is
particularly worrisome became





most of the people involved have

(in the spending side. the com-
plaints are just as loud.

State employees don't like the
prospect of getting only a 2 percent
raise in fiscal year 1989 instead of
the 3 percent many consider their

Active teachers fall into the same
category with state employees, but
Wilkinson also put them in a touchy

He has proposed continuation of
the longevity pay program under
which the teachers with the most ex-
perience get the most money. He
has also asked for more money for a
host of educational programs.

Teachers — make that the Ken-
tucky Education Association ~ now
must find a way to complain about
the 2 percent raise without appear-
ing to be simple money-grubbers un-
concerned about anything in educa-
tion but their own paychecks.

Legislators have already begun
grumbling about the whole budget,
but Wilkinson turned that around as

Wilkinson said he agreed with the
complaints about where he fund the
money and the fact there isn't
enough to go around.



 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Monday. February 1, 1088

lntorrnation on this calendar of events is collected and coordnated through
the Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center, University of Ken-
tucky. The information 3 published as applied by the art—campus sponsor, with ed-
itorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expresdon. For student organiza-
tions or University departments to make entries on the calendar. 0 Campus Calen-
dar form must be filed out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the
publication date.





ofirx-rts Aik‘llx Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes Free Alumni
Gt" is" ti it; ' (IdliL’ht‘ 0‘82 272 l013

moi-goth (NW-Ml irrt- Drama Practice no auditions tusl bring enthu -$ports Japan Karate Club — SHOTOKAN Free, Bueil Armory. 7 30-
».iti" v’VPNtt‘. F Litiv- in»- 508 Coiumhia Ave 6 308 p m Call 9 30pm
, N ("J oReligious Lunch 8 Last Lecture guest speakers share about topics

oRi-i ;, .il.-; i'w 'SD‘LI bt'lrlt‘i“ warm a casual gathering time cl Singing item their careers 5 lives $2 00. 508 Columbia Ave , 7 30 p in Call 254-

"i- - mods F’l‘t‘ "VG Colurrrna Ave 8 9 30 pm Call 254 3714

oReligious "Tuesday Night Together” — TNT — a time tor worship 5
fellowship Free 429 Columbia Ava . 7 30p in Call 7-3989

nReligious Campus Crusade for Christ —WEEKLV MEETING". Free.
Student Center 245 7 30 p m .Cail1-3989

OSeminars Learning Skills Program — Motivation 8 Your Success.

.- 1 (him —8t.‘(l""lets WSlzoftiP Wrestling experience valu- SlOsemester or $25 semester. 301 Frazee Hall. 3 30-4 15 pm . Call 7-
‘ ."i S." L i" n in 30pm 04118 4156 8673


OSports UK Fencrng Club: Free. Alumni Gym; 7-30-9'30 pm: Call

movies arts





. Ni. - in. : .t-iiin; Fellowship lunited Campus Ministry) Free
‘. ‘i w :r' r 1‘ 1' Ca11254188‘
rm.- Mv-ittiamm Gi-iiir Free Newman Center 6 p m Call


OMovies — 2/3: Dirty Dancing; $1.95; Worsham

Theatre'epm'Ca117-8867 ~Concerts — 2/1: Symphonic Winds. W. Harry

Clarke, Director; Free; CFA Recital Hall: 8 p.m.; Call 7-

L-t'VIim Avrorws F'ee n“ House 412 Rose St 3 30 D m

---:m--,.- l‘v-nnx w Harri, Ciaike Drrec'or Free CFA Re
.11 ‘ l' 1‘:
." Nu m Winds Ratio Comer! Free SCFA — Recital Hall

v», -'.. its rr- gaw- — Sr rm Skills lor Math $10 serves
-;. h't‘r wall 1' 1‘ 50a m Call 7 8673
Not" n il-ir‘ 7' New O‘ticeis etc ’Everyone Wei
' cum-r “- ‘ :10 ;- "‘ Call 8 6298
" - i' .k‘ Pam-- G'oup ~ 7me to relax share 5 relate w st..-
iier 'w or. W Call 255 8566
' Meet no ~ discussion 0' upcoming events A all Stu
v-mvitir Center 4p r' Cal“ 255 8566
. 1., a: -r AJ'SH‘L‘ Servinar v Early Elementary Edit
z- Elva». Hair 1 ,1" r i .150 m Call 7 797r

OReligious RCIA —Program For Adults Studying to Become Catholic.

Free Newman Center 7 30 9 15p m .Call 255-8566

sRel-gious Basrc Catholic Traditions —Hialory A Symbolism, Free. New-

man Center 7 30 p m Call 255-8566

OSports Aerobics Free Newman Center, 5 50-7 p in .Call 255-8566
ISports Lady Kat Basketball vs Mississippi Free with UKiD: Memorial

Coliseum Call 7 1818

0Acaderrilcs Last day to drop a course wtthcur it appearing on the stu-

dent s transcript

OAcadernics Last day to change grading option (pass’iail to letter grade

or letter grade to pass tail credit to audit or audit to credit) in dean's otiice

-Religious Bible Study — general discussion at the Bible — all students

inv:2ed. Free. Newman Center 7-9 p m . 03112558566

.Rellglous Prayer of the Rosary tor Increase in Vocations Free. New-

man Center 7 p m Call 2558566

00ther Ground Hog Day

OMovies — 213: The Rocky Horror Picture Show;
$1.95; Center Theatre; 10:00 pm; Call 7-8867

OMOVles — 2/4: Dirty Dancing; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-8867

oMovies - 2/4: The Rocky l-lorror Picture Show;
$1.95; Center Theatre; 10:00 p.m.; Call 7-8867

0Movies — 2/5: Dirty Dancing; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-8867

0Movies — 2/5: The Rocky Horror Picture Show;
$1 .95; Center Theatre; 10:10pm; Call 78867

0Movies — 2/6: Dirty Dancing; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-8867

OMovies -— 2/6: The Rocky Horror Picture Show;


OConcerts — 2/1: Symphonic Winds/Band Concert;
Free; SCFA— Recital Hall: 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900

OConcerts — 2/5: Lexington Philharmonic. Kyung-Soo
Won; Free with UKlD; Center tor the Arts; 8 p.m.; Call

OConcerts — 2/5: Lexington Philharmonic Concert:
Kyung-Soo Won, Guest Conductor; $12.50, $15.
$17.50, $20; SCFA — Concert Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-

-Concerts — 2/6: All-state Choral Concert: $1; SCFA
— Concert Hall; 2:30 p.m.; Call 7-4900

OConcerts — 2/7: Piano Forum/ Sam Holland; Free;

$195; Center Theatre; 10:00 p.m.; Call 7-8867

0Movies —— 2/7: Dirty Dancing; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 7 p.m.; Call 7-8867

OMovies — 2/8: Action Jackson — FREE SCREEN-
lNGl; Free; Worsham Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-8867

SCFA — Recital Hall; 3 p.m.; Call 7-4900

°Concerts - 2/7: ”Festival of Sacred Music"/UK
Alumni Assoc: Schuyler Robinson, Director: Free; SCFA
— Concert Hall; 3 p.m.; Call 7-4900



~M0viss Dirty Dancrng $1 95 Worsnam Theatre 8p m Call7-8867
‘MOVteS The Rocky Horror Picture Show $195. Center Theatre.
10 00pm Call78867


at; Wit-'51“ Martial Art Beginner Classes Free Alumn


C1= 26r- i’r ‘ CZ
. ' uni-vim. .s Miss-ssipp ‘Home Free With toltlime
‘ , rial 1 'R‘R. tAcademics Learning Skills Program Study Skills tor Health Selences.
; «it-t “Tight" ~ tips tor Critical Reading $10 so 510 semester m 525 semester 301 Frazee Hall, 2-2 50 a m. Call 7-
.. 11 'F'iger- Hall 1 1 Sup m Call 7 8673 8673
; 5‘ a? Wll'Sl'lti'Vl Theat'e an m Call 7 8867 oRi-qumus Cornerstone MUSIC Practice — enthusrasm is the only re-
.Y Hr-v'rv p’c'lflt- Show 5‘. 95 Center Theatre uurremenl Free 508 Columbia Ave 6 30-8011'1 .Call254-3714
' IReligious DeCiSion Paint Bible Studies locussrng on Human SEXUBMY;
‘ as Mr 1i"1“=1 A good company (Wesley Foundatront L.ving in America ETC Free 508 Columbia Ave 8-9 30 p rh ; Call 254-
- “rip!" Cal125411714 3714
)3 ”Wot Grnur‘ Frpp Sliidenl Center 232 r 30 IRellglOlJS D a L G71" (Devotion is Lunchl. $1 00; 429 Columbia Ave.
12 150771 Call7 3989



tB-uflmt'ts uermmo Wrestling experience .alii
. i t: 31? Carin 4‘56
:r‘I'Wr' Cult; Meet-H; Free 245 Student Center 7

- Aw int. \ "F't‘ K HOUSE .113 Rose St :3 30 p m

’u'; r-r' Milt ‘Ei-ariric -— Upcoming Sunday 5 Gospel read is
- NE:W'";1" Cer‘tet :9 1L1.“ '11 Ca11255 8566
.,,; A"; it -,..r,- c For» New/Mar- Center 8 8 45 1‘ "‘

il— -'«-:t,' r trims Program masses Swimming $60 View:

2 4 " Cat: 7 369*,
.lt' A um Frrwsl- Pro-tram rlasses Walk Jog $60 Seaton

' Cali ‘ .1695
-t i:»< A'i-ili Flinn-ass Program classes Aerobic Dance SM)
1:411 7 .1635

AFNMC lrrtorr'talion Se-~~i..~r: MEL; Pr-tytinis 0'
1.“ Mans Frei- S'iideiit Center 125 3 ‘i 011‘- Catt '

- ,H't " asst-mate :lrn‘essor 0‘ English Never ti Nevei
N-r-trt N015." CniIQi" 3995i
= 1,1 awn An. am; ‘39"‘0-1' -- Middle School Educ.-

Fri-ir Dru-t, Flai' ‘15 13 ’35 1‘." Call ’

Eur-J ioiir Wage Piiblir Relations ‘01
”1‘ Noon Cal ’ 3295

IReligious FCA —Fe|lowship at Christian Athletes Free; 502 Columbia

Ave :4 p m Call'z33-0315

-Sporls Japan Karate Club — Free Introductory Class Free, Alumni

Gym Baicony 5 30-6 30 p m Call 76832

'Sports UK Fencrng Club Free Alumni Gym 7 30-9 30 pm; Call


-Sports Japan Karate Club - SHOTOKAN. Free Alumni Gym Bacony.


uSports UK Ping Pong Club Free Seaton Center Squash Court 7 30

10pm Calla-8161

OReliQious Thursday Bible Study — Christian Student Fellowship. Free.

502 Columbia Ave 7 p m Call 233-0313

-Reiigious Spiritual Reading Group _ DISCUSSIOH of Various Spiritual

Writers Free Newman Center 10 30-Noon Cal1255-8566

050mm Aerobics Free Newman Center 5 50 7 p 111 .Call 2558566
~Religious Basic Catholic Traditions ‘Hlstory 5 Symbolism Free New-

man CL-ntr-r ’ 30 p 'r‘. Ca|1255 8566

'Sporls (Through 2 7i UK Women's Tennis Rolex National indoor, Min-

nesota Call 7 3838

0Academics Last day tor reinstatement 01 students cancelled tor non-

payment 01 registration lees 8 or housing a dining lees Reourres payment
0' tees plus 550 reinstatement

OReliqnous Thomas Merton Study Group —discu55ions oi writings ot

Merton Fri-e Newman Center 7 30p m 03112558566



‘ A5 Emir-ham 'hrgalrr- dl' 1‘1 Call 7 886'
., .4, " :r P' MW 31' M 3‘ 95 Center Theatri-

. l ti- 'Tuir Tittkfi Fur-1.1 invitational Games-rile

., . . Shin-ct Retreat vCatnolic Newman Center
: .; r Ctiit g‘w'n 8585
,r. 1' .irrwr r “Hurt; 50' i‘ron Frei- w-tr‘ UKlD
mil ' irs‘
i'i-‘rar'r 'i Crime-i Kninu Soo Won Giles'
5' ' ' 311:, \CFA - Ciir‘i’w' Hat: 8 p n:

w'ha‘ . . Alabama Rirrn'uhar“ Free wrth ‘JKii'
ri ‘ --

v-n ‘V't""-l"“"fil “nitric-11’s - video tape Adltlg'
> i, itif’tlt- r Nu;- ,y‘i’; ivy-p a 1 a; ((4,; ~

\ - ‘t-w-n t Unm- .’-i.i ivtti'ir- DESSA ROSE «tr
‘ 1,.i-r ' "w 'w t‘ " ‘viiur' Cdll 7' HQ“


~Movies Dirty Dancing $1 95, Worsharn Theatre 80 m .Catl 7-8867

'M'J/IL'S The Rocky Horror Picture Show, $195, Center Theatre.
tr: 00p rn Call 7 8867

'Rellqlous The Hub Cotleehouse — Christian bands. drama groups.
leilowsnip 1. iurt‘ Free K House 412 Rose St 7 30p m ,Ca11277-5190

‘RellgIOUS Catholic Celebration 01 Mass, Free Newman Center 6 o m .
0111255 8566

-Corrr;erls Allstate Choral Concert 51 SCFA — Concert Hall 2 30
ii in Call 74900

'500115 wildcat Basketball vs Mississippi State - Away. Starkvrlle. 4
[:rY- Call71818





cMeetings — 2/1: SEDS: Nomination 01 New Offi-
cers; etc (Everyone Welcome); Free; Student Center
115; 7:30 pm; Call 8-6298

OMeetings — 2/3: Cosmopolitan Club Meeting: Free;
245 Student Center; 7 p.m.; Call 7-1655

OSeminars — 2/1: Learning Skills Program —— Study
Skills for Math; $10/semester or $25/semester; 301
Frazee Hall; 11-11:50 a.m.; Call 7-8673

OSeminars — 2/2: Learning Skills Program — Motiva-
tion & Your Success: $10/semester or $25/semester;
301 Frazee Hall; 3:30-4:15 p.m.; Cali 7-8673

OSeminars — 2/3: Learning Skills Program —- Tips for
Critical Reading; $10/semester or $25/semesier; 301
Frazee Hall; 1-1 :50 pm; Call 7-8673

OSeminar — 2/3; Food for Thought: “Polishing Your
Image: Public Relations for Everyday Life": Free; Stu-
dent Center 231 ; Noon; Call 7-3295

-Seminars — 2/8: Learning Skills Program —- improv-
ing Concentration; Sic/semester or $25/semester: 301
Frazee Hall; 3-3:50a.m.; Call 7-8673






special events





uirnri-w Mar'at Art Bert-ri'ier Classes Free Alumni
A If
- 4- 3‘ l‘ ;-v lK'tdY“ 1 mm- 7‘i'1" Cali ‘ 8867
‘1'le ,. ' w nah-r free 502 Columbia Ave 7 [\rt’l
;; V . ;. N. r; ,, «maxim rum Alum. Gym Balrriny
' t- gamma-i.- rMa“ rum Newmar‘ Center a it,‘
Cal :‘tii MGM!

irvin ‘mf' unilam rum SCFA w Recital Hall .3

me ~. 11 "-1 'yai red M‘lSl( UK Alumni Assot Schuyler Rob
.. mam r mt urtHaV in t» Call r 4900
- v Has-email .r. Gorirgia Away 2 p m C3117 1818



-Religious Cornerstone Drama Practice no auditions. lust bring enthu-
zziarri' (Wesley Foundationl Free 508 Columbia Ave 6 30-8 pm. Call
P54 3714

oReiioious Worship Service warm a casual gathering time of singing.
prayers I. messages Free 508 Columbia Ave . 8-8 30 em. Oil 254-

IRelinous Monday Evening Fellowship friendship; group discmsion.
parties a. pot luck dinner Free. K-Housei412 Rose St . 6 p m . Call 254-

nReligious Free Meditation Group. Free; Newmm Ctr. 6 pm. Oil
266 4918

.Sports Judo Club «Beginners welcome; wrestling ewlence W.
Free Alumni Gym .0" 5-6 30 p m Cdt 84156

'Sports Aikioo Japmese Mmid Art Beginner Classes Free, Alumni
Gym Loft 8 300 m 001266-0102

oSeniinaa Learning Skills Progrun - improving Concentration. $1010-
mesler or $25 semester301FrIzn Mail. 3-3 50 a m .001 7-8873

'Soorts Curious Aerobics Free. K-Rouserdi? Rose 81 3 30 pm,
Call 277 5190

'Mowes Action Jackson — FREE SCREENlNG‘ Free. Worm-n
Theatre 8 p in Call 78887

-Other College of Education Adi/icing Serriinu — English Education -
Seconde (registu in Idvmcel Dolley Hall 135 1-3 35 pin, Cut 7-





-Academics —- 2/2: Last day to drop a course with-
our it appearing on the student's transcript

OAcademlcs -— 2/2: Last day to change grading op-
tion (pass/fail to letter grade or letter grade to pass/tail:
credit to audit or audit to credit) in dean's office

°Academics -- 2/3: UK Adult Fitness Program
classes: Swimming; $60; Memorial Coliseum; 11-11:50
a.m.; Call 7-3695

OAcademics — 2/3: UK Adult Fitness Program
classes: Walk/Jog: $60; Seaton Building; 5-5250 p.m.;
Call 7-3695

'Academics — 2/3: UK A tult Fitness Program
classes: Aerobic Dance: $60: Ban 3r Hall; 5-5:50 p.m.;

'Academics — 214: Learning Skills Program: Study
Skills for Health Sciences: $10/sernester or SZS/semes-
ter; 301 Frazee Hall; 22:50 am; Call 7-8673

sAcademics — 2/4: Last day for reinstatement of stu-
dents cancelled tor nonpayment of registration fees Nor
housing a dining fees. Requires payment of tees plus
$50 reinstatement.

OOther -— 2/ 1: College of Education Advising Seminar
— Early Elementuy Education (register in advance);
Dickey Hdl135; 1-3/3-5 p.m.; Cdl 7-7971

OOther — 2/2: Ground Hog Day

OOther - 2/3; Summer Study Abroad information
Session: KIES Program/Office 01 international Affairs;
Free; Student Center 228; 3-5 p.m.; Cali 7-8139

UOther - 2/3: Percivd Everett. associate protessor
01 English: “Novel (1 Nevelist . . Free; King Libruy
North; Noon: Call 271-3999

OOther — 2/3: College 01 Education Advising Seminu
— Middle School Education (register in advmcs); Free;
Dickedel135; 1-3/3-5 p.m.;Cdl 7-7971

OOther - 2/5: Attention: All new lnternetiond Stu-
dents - Video up. "mm to Americm Collin";
Free; College 01 Nursing 802F; 3 p.m.; Cd 7-1855

OOther —- 2/5: Women Writers Conterenoe Book as-
cusslon: DESSA ROSE or STOW HEAVEN; Free:
StudsntCenter 231; Noon; Cd 7-3295

OOthOr-2/8: ColegeoiEmcatlonAdvisIngSeminsr
May Rd 135; 1-3/3-5 p.m.; Cd 7-7971

OSports — 2/1: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-
House/412 Rose 31.; 3:30pm.;Ca11277-5190

OSports — 2/2: UK Fencing Club; Free; Alumni Gym;

OSports — 2/2: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center;
5250-7 p.m.;Ca11255-8566

ISports — 2/2: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Mississippi;
Free with UKlD; Memorial Coliseum; Call 7-1818

OSports — 2/3: Wildcat Basketball vs. Mississippi —
Home; Free with lull-time UKlD; Rupp Arena; 7:30 p.m.;
Call 7-1818

ISports — 2/3: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-
House/412 Rose St; 3:30 p.m.; Call 277-5190

OSports -— 2/4: UK Fencing Club; Free; Alumni Gym;

OSports — 2/4: UK Ping Pong Club, Free: Seaton
Center Squash Court; 7:30-1O p.m.; Call 8-8161

“Sports —- 2/4: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center;
5:50-7 p.m.; Call 255-8566

esports - 2/4-2/7: UK Women's Tennis Rolex Na-
tional indoor; Minnesota; Call 7-3838

OSports — 2/5-2/6: UK indoor Track Florida invitatio-
nal; Gainesville, FL: Call 7-3838

OSports —- 2/5; Lady Kat Basketball vs, Alabama-Bir-
mingham; Free with UKID; Memorial Coliseum; Call 7-

OSports — 2/6: Wildcat Basketball vs. Mississippi
State — Away; Starkville; 4 p.m.; Call 7-1818

OSports —— 2/7: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Georgia;
Away; 2 pm; Call 7-1818

ISports —- 2/8: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-
House/412 Rose 31.; 3:30 p.m.;Ca11277-5190





looking ahead

02/9 —— Seminars: Learning Skills Program — Organiz-
ing Exam Review: $10/semester or $25/semester: 301
Fruee Hui; 2-2:50p.m.; Call 7-8673

02/10 through 2114 -Sporta: Wildcat Goir Gator invi-
tationd; Gdnesvilie; FL: Call 7-3836

02/10 — Seminars: Food tor Thought: "Women in
Poverty in Kentucky" (Bring 8.1mm; Free: Student
Center 231; Noon; Cdl 7-3295

02/10 — Sports: Lady Kat W vs. Dayton:
Away; 7pm,; Cut 7-1818

02/10 — Sports: Wildcat W VI. Auburn -
Away; Auburn; 8:30 p.m.; Cd 7-1818

02/10 — Other: Coley. of Emma Wing Semi-
ml; Dickede 135: 1-3/3-5 p.m.; Cl 7-7971








Kentucky Kernel, Monday, February 1. 1008 — 3



Todd Jones
Sports Editor





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Jim White
Assistant Sports Editor




Ellis bakes

not shakes
in 1st start

LOUISVILLE — Shortly before
UK's basketball game against
Notre Dame yesterday afternoon,
coach Eddie Sutton walked into
the visitor‘s locker-room at Free-
dom Hall.

He was looking for his fresh-
man center, LeRon Ellis. He
found the 6-foot-11 pile of arms
and legs in the back of the room.

“Would you be too nervous to
start?" Sutton asked Ellis.

“Not too nervous," Ellis an-

Not too nervous at all.

Instead, Ellis was too cool.

The 'I‘ustin, Calif. native gave
up his normal off-the-bench role
—- and his shaky freshman ten-
dencies — to become a Wildcat

And at least for one game, Sut-
ton found a solid performer to fill
that elusive fifth starting positon.
The position that has already
passed by seniors Richard Mad-
ison and Cedric Jenkins.

“I was still pretty nervous,“
Ellis said. “I knew that this was
the game before the Super Bowl
(on A80 and I knew everybody
would be watching. I knew the
TV crowd would be bigger.

“I was just scared I‘d get out
there and do something really

Ellis was bad in the street-ball
sense of the word.

Gone were most of the fresh-
man mistakes that had Sutton
worried earlier in the week. The
coach said it was time for his
rookie to forget about his age. If
i ‘y.l$.‘.lfi‘5 to breaks two-game con-
ference losing Streak, Ellis wOuld
have to contribute.

In UK‘s 78-69 win over the
Irish, Ellis had a lot to contrib—
ute: 14 points, five steals and a
big-time alleyoop dunk via se-
nior guard Ed Davender.

As a reward for his efforts,
Ellis was named the game‘s Most
Valuable Player.

His most valuable play came
with 24 seconds remaining in the

With UK leading 72-69. Notre
Dame star guard David Rivers
put up a shot which bounced off
the rim. His backcourt partner,
Jamere Jackson, grabbed the re-
bound and leaped toward the bas-
ket for a seemingly sure put-back

Ellis, however, had a different
idea of where the shot should go.

All 225 pounds of him came
bounding through the lane and
pinned Jackson‘s shot against the

A quick outlet pass after the
block resulted in an intentional
foul and two Davender free

After that. the Cats coasted.

At that point, Ellis seemed'far
from nervous.

"When I found out, I went up to
him in the locker-room and said
‘Well big fella, you're starting.“
UK senior center Rob Lock said.
“I told him ‘don‘t be intimidated'
and he went out and he wasn‘t at
all. Now we got two California
guys starting — at Kentucky.“

Both Lock and Ellis started the
game in a frontcourt combina-
tion that worked — finally. Sutton
has been juggling lineups since
the season began trying to find a
stable unit.

“It was the twin towers," he
said. “It was kind of nice to have
two big men in there."

"This is by far and away the
best Ellis has ever played,“ Sut-
ton said. “He made a great block
down there at the end. His de-
fense was excellent. He played
with a lot of confidence and

The question ntiw‘ is‘ whether
Ellis can continue the upswing.

During the first half of the
game, the freshman grabbed the
ball out of the hands of Notre
Dame‘s Keith Robinson and took
off down the court. After pulling
up his dribble he lofted a slow.
sloppy misguided pass behind
Rex Chapman into a circle of
Irish defenders. A shadow of the
pastor glimpse of the future?

“I think I‘ll keep improving,"
Ellis said. “I'm just glad they
gave me this chance to start. It
was all pretty exciting."

Assistant Sports Editor Jim
White is a journalism and politi-
cal science junior and a Kernel
sports columnist.



Wildcats make Irish eyes frown, 78-69

Staff Writer

LOUISVILLE — The UK basket-
ball team everyone has been search-
ing for all season may have finally
arrived yesterday.

Powered by an outside and inside
attack, Kentucky washed away
David Rivers and the Notre Dame
Fighting Irish in Freedom Hall,
78-69, and may have found itself in
the process.

The Wildcats, now 14-3, were

aided by their usual trio of heroes ——
Winston Bennett, Rex Chapman and
Ed Davender.

But it was the unexpected good
play of the inside players that car-
ried UK to victory.

“We felt coming in that we had to



, i 4’
,V we ' . 0’ .'

control Chapman and Bennett,"
Notre Dame coach Digger Phelps
said. “We thought that since their
inside game wasn‘t as strong, we
felt we could match up."

But Phelps thought wrong. UK
freshman LeRon Ellis was inserted
into the starting lineup.

He responded with a 14-point, six-
rebound attack that pleased the
roaring crowd of 19,502 and earned
him Most Valuable Player honors.

“I was extremely pleased with the
play of Ellis," UK coach Eddie
Sutton said. “This was far and
above the best game Ellis has

Ellis was not alone underneath.
Rob Lock