xt74j09w3n3b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74j09w3n3b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-04-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 17, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 17, 1979 1979 1979-04-17 2020 true xt74j09w3n3b section xt74j09w3n3b ‘— W m
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I]! MARK GREEN of Vortht'arolrira, reported ina paper point ol legal drunkenness. A good problem will decrease, “Ihis is a ifi’éftsté‘r infigés‘f‘r
Stall writer on alcohol abuse that pr‘oblenialcohol rule of thtiiiib is riiore than oirc ounce partial truth,“ said Ray Daugherty. “ ' ' ’ ', I , I r ‘ ‘ .. .
use is a response to “personal of liquor per hour is too intich ) executive director ol the KAC. “Not ' ' ., I .. , II 2-
(l'rdm’n "M‘" ”l" " “0“,”, inadequacy " and “alienation" it "Basically. their. alcohol is not at every onedrinkstocscape.Drinkingis ' i i- : woos
““""’""~‘~‘ “W'I‘V (”W'L u l A “"”" feeling of cstrangerrient. a lack ot very saledrtigiothc pomtthat ldotibt cultural. it is social. It is habitual.“ 1 ,- ‘
slut/i student at Is.4( this H’Hle'vlt'hlt Wm” and a rerection 0| society‘s rt tlte (ledcrall food and Drug KAC is the ortly program in the ' "759 i « '
"mm" a ’I”""‘/’“” “'r’“ """""’“"-k’ values, Administration would release it were country which advocates the "ethic" ; .
alcohol abuse. [tht'm'tH \IUrt‘ “I” Manynewcollcgcsludcnlsarclaced to just to be discovered.“ [Wing‘s approach for dealing with alcohol
rlealtcithilre /¢‘Idlu/t'u/ltl/\llltlruim‘.) “I”, these problems according to report stated. abuse. lhe program allows moderate I '-
l-‘wrirg. lhey have new tree-domI Researchers ol alcohol usetheori/e drinking in addition to abstinence. .. .
responsiblity and challenges. and that drinking reduces persistent (Other similar programs tthttCfltC
Remember all those parties. those under stress. they increase their negative leelings (hypophoria) from abstinence exclusively thus allowing ‘
nights spent barhopprng. tradirig drinking. perceived unpopularity and failure. no possibility of abuse). . I I
drinking stories until early in the Students who increase their lack ot contidence and resentment lhe "Cthlt‘" l5 it thWC‘StCP Pitt" it"
mornmg‘.’ Drinking is part of the drinking olterr lirid themselves against \tlc‘lc'l), Social scientists have an individual's approach to alcohol: . ‘
college experience especially at UK experiencing inner conflicts l‘wirig “\de problem drlnlu'r‘ “hilt kittd 0t ”‘9 “C‘ll'lhlll‘m "l Mill'td tnlttrmittitttt V
It‘s great fun. but unfortttnately there said. One method ol dealing with this situations produce a craving for 'dbOUt tthht‘l “1‘“ ”till" Wit-"35). it 2'
can be drawbacks, he observed. is to tall in with a heavy. alcohol lhe following responses were clarification of personal Vitlut's and i' 33/! mg. XV? - a, i
lhe odds areagatnstit.butdrinking drinking peer group. received (numbers represent the learning of alcohol-related decision ' H We
can become a serious problem, Nine Alcohol has profound elleets upon percent of the time the response was making .skills. g ,_ I 4:. '6 '
, out of ten drinkers have no problems liv irig cells l-‘wrng said “ l he given): Within the guidelines of the “ethic" ., . 3' a .
at all with drinking. butthat leaves one pleasurable effect of drinking with its “Cprt'ssltm ... . . . . . , . - - 2 . . . . .93 it" lttdtt'tdttitl makes his 0W" dCClfiiUn a? it A'
-. in ten WhU Will. associated sense ot relaxation. Nervotisness . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . .90 on how he will use alcohol. According gr “III a" i "
Stastics from the book Problem lightening ol burdens. and euphoria is Bad leelings , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 to Daugherty, with the facts. ati ,3
Drinking Among Ameriiari Men one that man) of us enjoy. Sadness .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7X individual will either choose moderate " .
show that the highest amount ofabuse Unfortunately there is a line. btit ill- Boredom .,.. ~-~~~ - ~ - - ~ ~ -77 consumption or abstinence. MaeStror i '
occurs in young adults (a category defined. line between a euphoric dose Strt'ss , - - ~ - , - - - . - , - , - . , . . . . - .77 Daugherty said tht‘ major I
which includes college students). and a tosicdose. Idoubt it any normal l-arlure. - , . . - - - ~ ~ - - - . . - - - - . . .72 Cttmtdt‘t‘ittttm when ltttlktttg at UHC‘N please! . "
According to Judith Franklin, drinker is delibrately trying to get (\nsiety ......,..............63 personal approach to alcohol is 7 -. I
assistant director of the Kentucky drunk when he overdoses himscll." ()ttt' 0t lht‘ WWW“ tttt‘thttds 0t whether or "0‘ ”WW l5 any htfitt’ry 0' .
Alcohlism Council. about 75 percent (lhere is also a fine litre between a approaching the alcohol abuse alcoholism or abuse iii one's tamily .
of adults(those of legalagelchooseto legal dose and an illegal dose. in the problem is totreatitasa mentalliealth and one's reaction to alcohol (an Iwfiwggm
drink. state ol Kentucky a blood alcohol level problem, lltC s‘ttltCCpt i8 tltttt ll rirental WWW“) high or '0“ tolerance 0t Director “f l‘K.‘
Dr, John A.Ewingol'thel'niversity of _l() pcrcetit ic recogni/ed as the health is improved. the alcohol alcohol can lead to abuse). Jail I-insemble ll »_ v
(Jordon llenderson . i "# . '
did his share of : . .
Performing at last . f -
. night‘s concert. The .. i '
yau ensemble played : t, ' 1933
in Memorial Hall. , * "’ Z;
2 ,
. , - ' . ' vk
voi. tut. mu. m . "““T"'-‘ "f "f“ “‘ ’ By JisiM curios '
Tuesdny. April 17. I979 an independent student newspaper It-ungrrm. tseniursy .
W K"""”"" . ’ .
N / [.17). h / d l I I77 // / I"?
9W pr 0,0088 ('0 8/ mate 88$ 68, 8 ays In S a C a/ S COUNS .
By BrthA A D Bl lIlowIcvci. diet the plaintilt has won llcpaitrutni ol Justice has sct tip .t [he average day in court is usually ( oiirt Program in l)orchester. Mass. paralegal assistance and undertaking -
(f R5 “W . . . . d not and butt awarded -t lltslgltlt‘nt \eighborhootl liistrce (enter that l0 minutes. but we spend one to two Started in I975. the prograrir has community information programs.
(ItthVIl’lghl s (ollcgrnte (onsumer Reporting (which shotild include coiirteostsl.the liairdles all types of cases. lwo other hours with people." he said, “We're handled about l.000 cases and settled lhe act would also provide (or a
Semt‘t court is usually of no helpincollecting such esperimental centers have been more iii-depth than the courts. We more than three-quarters or them~ central clearing house to assist state
7 A t' t d th ll | Lhe mugg- ”w Msminhl (”km f”; m “p ”1 ku'N“ ( ”.‘~ MW and '0‘ have a scten—day backlog. asopposed nrostlv intra-lamilv disputes. disputes and local governiirents avoid the i
..'m' rc‘mllill’i‘.t‘ . . . ... ,,, . . .r ' . ' , . ».
n est aIe 6 II tI pupc titc ourts loan in studying l. .\ngelcs but only .\tlanta has to 45 days in the cotirts for civil between lrieiids and neighborhood pitlallsoccurringinsoinesmallclaims
use small claims courts in this country small claims courts nationally that-10 enforcement powers. Ruhnka says matters disputes He said this program was '1 systems lhe bill c‘tllst u Sl‘ mill '
. ‘. - . . .. . . ~ . . ' ' - -. « t~~ Iona ,
every year in anIIattIcmpt to resolve percent ol rudgemcnts are ncyer . lhe three \eighborhood .liistice "lhere are no leesor costsmvolyed. model (or the Neighborhood .lustrce year to help ltiiid new or improved '
disputes “1th business or Indl\|du\als. collected from defendants who fail to (enters were started last year by and there probably never will be. (enters, programs.
Bhut accortIiIing tIoI one IsItudy. even ll show up it] court. arid 35 percent are Attorney (ieneral (irillin Bell to People solve their own probcms by Bill S423 would esparid suchettorts lltc bIll Is cspectcd to be voted on . .
t‘ eIIv wtnt ctIr CdIm3.t t} may never not collected lrom those who do provide an alternative to the courts. talking together in a structured and would compliment esrsting small sometime this month. lhe llouses‘ - '
. (ofifgitfigiim iblrm‘ I 1 ”II dpp\eI.tIr. d' I lheImethod used is mediation. and environnment. We don‘t provide a claims courts. Kennedy loreseesthesc version, ”3863. was introduced by ' .
h i. ctI cc It] pri e I i(in n y tII cI ccor mg to Denver lawyer .lttlllt, participation is voluntary. (ases riiay service like lawyers do. We are opening in various locations. holding Rep Robert Kastenmeier. l)-Wisc,.
sI ortcoIming t e . aItiona enter or (. Rulinka. author of a book be relerrcd to the ceirters by the courts lacilitators,“ mating and weekend hours. providing and is still in coirimittec
. State ( ourts found in the system that analy/mg the WW study.thecourts do and by social seviceagencies. or people . A ~ ‘
, was created ‘0 enable persons ‘0 3U? almost nothing to help the plaintiff can go directlv to the coriters without lhe Atlanta center has 5” volunteer . .
for small amounts M money at €01]ch relerral. ' tratried mediators. lhey are lawyers. . . ,
minimum expense 10 lht‘le‘t‘St “l’laintilts have to transfer to civil lhe cetiters a re now being and the rest come lrom various walks ~ - I
lhelederalgovernment. however. is court; have to file a writ of attachment evaluated. btit they look very good so (31}ng including ltousewives.Iteachers. : -
tryingtodealwiththese problems. lhe and so on to get the money." said (at. aceordtngto William Ycomanstyt gra ““3in Id“ students, lhcngeta
Department Of JUStK‘C has begun an Ruhnka. At this point air attorney is the .l ust ice Department in stipend for espenses. Slayton suld' - . ,
. - , . . ~ . . . .. - . ’ . . Fach center is funded 3‘00 000 by natlon
experimental program of Justice usually necessary and civil court costs “tlsltlttg’lttll. ht, . . _‘ ~ . VI ,
the law Enforcement Assistance Act 0 -
"TI I . . . . . . "lhe centers are being accepted." and mav be the models for future ROBBERSMIO'I‘! l’ Al’l‘ROIAI'OR SH'I Rll'\ l.‘\('.btanclioitrceand ,.
( ) I ) ‘ - ) - . .. . ' . ‘ ‘
19 ( Hr“ ”laIl "0’ he the appt 0.1)} la“ UMHHHHHM leomans said. lhey‘ may settle centers to be funded by local. state or an ariiioied truck in “alerbury. ( oiiri early yesterday. killingthiccgttardsanel 1-.
IO handle all I) [‘0]? [0111.82 Nt’lg’th I'll () ()(f disputes that never get to court orthc‘)‘ federal governments. il Senate Bil|423 ”UMP “”l‘ 3' w" ”“H‘“” ”1 “"lt- “WC“ W‘Wl’.‘ “"‘l “““l “8‘"th t'lltlm'ttt“ , ".
; -. . . . . . . . . . may handle them early and prevent is passed. “”‘l' '3'
r9/011()n3/111).8 (an be Halted bIl llllgaflOn (”1d ('0’? [)0 other problems, ' _ . \egotatble securities which have become harder todispose ot inicccni \cais .' '
‘. t’ert‘ (OW/V n “lhe courts may not b' th’ I lntorduced tn l‘cbrttary b.‘ Sens. and an undisclosed atiiourrt ol cash were left behind. police said '\lllllt‘flllt‘\ f i
' - ‘ - ' appropriate insititution' to htn:ll all ladward Kennedy (l)-Mass.l. -l0hn did not say how triticli the securities were worth 2' I
. . , ‘ - 5 ' C' . ' - ' . , - . . . . . . ‘
,i’v centers that use mediation instead 0t range from $250 [0 350” he said. problems Vetghborhood re‘lation l)anlorth (R MO.). Birch deh in -\t least two llllttL\ .iimcd with liigli—powctcd titles waited behind the i ..
litigation. And on Capitol Hill. bills Despite this. Ruhnku said all 1000 shl \ Uni] be full] ‘d b . l'li II t. . d lust.) and Howard Met/eiibaum (lI)- l’urolatoi garage and litcd through a garage door alter the J .|.llt arrival or an : ,
'I have been introduced that would help persons questions for the study 'itter CImp- he‘ very rktlv lwl‘ IElit I0" dtit Ohio). the Dispute Resolution Act is armored truck e‘attytng motte\ lioiir Ilarttortl tur eleliveiiy ltlse‘\c‘l.tl \ett toils ;, - - .
-' . .' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ‘ i ‘ — C” .- e “P9 c‘ i h' d i . d | - ~~-d l' (its banks police s‘tid ' '
v. states and lo“ ov _ .‘ I . _ I II . . I . . _ I . on .tst ir go~droun . tpassc ony . - . a .
.. . a g crnmIcnts establish using small claims courts reported contcrs will be lastcr and will get more the Senate last "ar lleyen bullet holes were visible in .t ‘JtlltlL't‘ door and another bullet pierced the i‘
. alternatives to small claims courts. they were ser\ed well lheir 'ivera ie . ' 2 - . . ~~ ‘ ‘ M ‘ . ‘ ‘ .~
f F I . . . . ‘i - ‘ L \ittlSldctOr) results. . . tiiick s windshield. authorities said Sewrirl wiiitlow panes wciekiiockcd otit ol a t
. . .ycry state has small claims. or cost was under $75. It took an average lhe ccntcrs attempt to get both sides lht‘ btll WOUld loster the rear door to the garage. behind the ttitck. arid silver change was scattered tn the I? ' ' ‘
i yIusticeI. courts that handle cases olIZS dayslroriitrlingtothe resolution together with a neutral third Pitt” to development and improvement of driveway near lltc door ‘3 .’ . . _ ‘
involving modest sums of money. ol their cases. as opposed to the twoA negotiate a solution. according to small claims COUFtS and arbitration. is? .
.. I Systems vary from state to state in the year average in civil courts. |.inwood Slavton. executive director mediation and c""“””“°" programs. ‘:r ‘
- maximum dollar amount handled. in “With defendants. race. income and of the Atlanta center. “ is backed by the American Bar world 2”? ‘
' the kinds of court assistance available education made no difference btit use "We have handled 2.000 cases since Association, the Department (ll '3' '
and ”t general Operating procedures. iii an attorney did, lhose “ah March 1978 and mm. mowed ahom Justiceihe Department of(‘0mmerce i‘tl‘w‘isit'i‘rt) IN AV :\’l'l»|~il\ll'l 'l'() (ovistitsorttit ts isit \HI 3:... .. _ .
A “EUdem ‘fmdcr a “a“. 5 [Cgal age attorneys dld hCltCl’ (lc‘lc‘nding claims 55 precent 0' ”1ch Both parties mu“ Mid (‘ongress Watch. AIRLINER. l’alestintaii terrorists threw a gasoline htllllhillltl a grenade intothc 5 ' .
must me :IcIyamII through an adult. but than those whodidn‘t have attorneys." be willing to submit the problem to the ln introducing the hill in lanuarv t-rowdt-d lobby of the Brussels. llelgluni aiiport yesterday police said the bombs § I I 4
infsnio 08d agc mId} hulk withIor He also csplamcd that delendants center. and the case must be Kennedy told the Senate that a l97o "Hg: ‘Uh‘LqIULm \hmm'm ”1le H ”my“ I l \l l l 7?
'I OH ' ' ' ‘ ‘ . . . “ ' - . . . . .' ‘ ' r "t " 'i ' .c e; "r " -'
. I_ an attorne) s :0 Suing don‘I get much bcnetrt lrom court- appropriate for mediation. If the American Bar Association strrvev k gun p" I“ md mum) “mm M ”u m I I m ”u k Wm“ ”.001 Ci. ‘
without an attorney is usually provided ““hmn ., , d h' . . . , _ _ , . the terrorists alter a guiibattle btit said one ol the two blended into the panicked ,
. -. . , . . ,. . 1 cc. an t at states parties cant agree. then they go to showed that two-thirdsol cttrlenslack‘ . . . ‘ <7 '
satisfactorybecausethe couriprovides barring attorneys lrom small claims court " era 'ton .. ‘d ' . , _ . . . . I . .. WWW“ and Ndps‘d :- .
both assistance inlillingoutlormsand courts houll :t . . . y sat . dc‘css t0 TUOlUthU 0i mlm" dlSPUlU‘ lwo persons. including one terrorist. wcre hosprtalr/ed \H the wounded. :
.- .. s en . lhe unresolved cases were caused “Judicial institutions designed to -s-- tth-i- w r - - lt-l-- ?
adviceon what papers orproolshould Another problem Ruhnk'i b s - . . -H- _ - - , . , ‘ “P ‘ ”"r" ~ “m ‘t-""“
, be brought to triall m t d I h' , . - y me party unwi ing to participate. resolve disputes between eiti/ens have Authorities quoted llte captured terrorists as saying ”in were hour the § . .
1h ~, . II en tone is t at Itudgcs havent kept he said. generally not fulfilled their function." Palestine | theration ()iganr/atroirand that the airliner was thetr itrtciitledtargct 9'
I he apIproprrate court can belound tip with consumer legislation. lhe ————————_—_—_—_—_—.___.' it i' . '.
_ in t e p one book listed under the studv recommends that 4 ' '4 ' I
. . . Irtidges have u' . . . - . ' . . ' '. V . ' , " ‘
local. county or state goyernmcnt. check lists of new laws. ”If (It (’1 age (1(1) ”1 (DUI! 1“ usual/J [0 "MINI/(’5. NATIONALIST Cl I‘RRIH as Blli“ l'l’ ()ll. STORAGE HNKSantl i
’ ‘ F'lmg COWS“ 0i PaylntlIaI tee of Recommendations made by the but ll't’ spend (H1? (0 [WU hours With [WU/’19. ” lttt'ttt'ht‘d ktttas'lsHmat trust tncpolllne placesas Rhodesi-ins prepared tovote ‘ . ' '
usually under $l5 and ltlltng out people questioned include more ______.__—_____________ todav lor the nation's first black maroiity government ? '
forms.I The Person sutng Is the pretrial assistance. nrore informal trial 'll'pical cases handled by the center he said. ”"3 """Wv‘ “7mm” ”1‘" ”n" ""Hmn “”H‘m‘ "1 m9” “M "m 'h‘mmmh 0' E i
zafintélf. the one being sued is the proceedings (courtroonrs are often include the division of personal Currently. courts don't answer the 1""”""“‘I'““0“":“(':llc‘lm‘IfI'"I“"l‘ik‘vl‘m‘m‘ sund‘" "'“l‘ldllhd‘mc‘ « ' .
‘ i . .s , . ‘ . . , _ i ys . . . I . I .
. caph antIIIII crowed with spectatorslandtrialsheld property by a couple who is needs of people mistrustful of the “"{WHI‘IPMLV "I: "1:”; iiiwit k II \ll II I he s'tndtv . ..
. .. ,. - - , . . , r' r 'r ‘; ‘..' ‘r" "t. t
, . enI thing. the complete legal in smaller places. Holelingtrialsinthe separating. disputes between process ortntimidated bvlormalitv.or “vying.” 1:“ “,2 it!“ ”Kr 1.3”“? i ii :2]; fi‘wltknrillikisllrtlt'l: l I
' ' " s . , , ". . . . ' ' . t .( t‘stt‘stlc‘ce t i'L' e‘t is it. t'c‘ . - .
. name 0 t e store. corporation or evening was favored. [his is already landlords and tenants about security who cant afford lawyers and long 1"R ‘h . d . . ~k ll-db L .. t .. h 'dl-l h' h. m ,
. person being sued must be used as bein don‘in V‘w Y k(“t . h‘ .. |l ‘ . _ r . IL sat twogticirllas were I e Ivscctirtty orccs uta tct t att cpt rng ,,
t 'l h . - - . 8 t - c or iyw crea ceposrts and accusations against delays of courtroom procedure. he plat.“ \Mllbcoperattngnormally “MI“ . I _ .

. I I, ,3 met 35ft edcorrect address.()lten when small claims trials are held between persons lor assault. Slayton said. No said. i 4 i ‘
, I , .i an: re eItIn anItI recIervesIIthe summons 6:}0 and l0pm. maximum amount of money is “Now approximately 20.000 \ . "
f ... . ; out :3 ”95‘ Ic PIaintill ts serious. an Another problem. reports Riihtika. stipulated. but the average amounts businesses in the United States are weather '

. . w Bmpfl-firurt sett emenIt Iisharriinged. is that when a case is a Civil-criminal involved are usually under $300. using arbitration in settling consumer I
" ' - .-‘ casegoestotria .t cpaintil mixture the small claims courts lall “lhere isaneedforthis ~ " ‘~ ~ " ' n'
.. . - . . » - - prOCCSS-lth disputes. l‘ive years ago the Better . . . . . . - -
‘- i : m ' ‘ ,, .. .. . - . , . ‘ " ‘ ; ,- N , )NRarrl .-
. , sulclii present Tlldrelevant documents. down because they cant issue workable and could be used in rural Business Bureau started a nationWide h 8: MM” LOOKS I‘I'I‘" III” IR" liti tintinnthnmrri'tzt(in'iitticsunn: . -.
'- .,-. . ‘ , c , , - . . .. 't v r. r tw tii e t ‘. . an. .
II I . I I as none checks. guarantees. restraining orders. while criminal and metropolitan areas. lhe feedback consumer abitration program whichis u m" mum" sum“ 'm ml ( m n I | g , . .. 7 -- .
.. v . , written emmam bills ofsaleand' . . , - , , d .. .. s 2 . . . Ws‘alher looks like might be around tor another day “Hit a htlllt "U" 0 .. '.' ‘ .
I.I th I. b .I . any courts cant awarI money. is very good. Slaytonsaid.whorsalso in most cases tree and voluntary." “Immmw " . .
I I I . I. (CVIIer su stapiiatrng evidence. lhis problem is currently resolved a lawyer and an assistant professor at Kennedy said. y- . r_ .
-' ' ,- inesses .. . . - - . ,
. .2 -, . may e called '" Atlanta. “he” the “-5- Atlanta UWVCTSHY- Kennedy also mentioned the Urban r;
‘»~ r. st, "It‘o‘
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kit-hm sittimuia Mm Holds Ruth M-"inrly tn, “illis .lohn ( In) rind. ( Impbell i t
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students, new Withdrawal policy i s s. /, .
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l: etade :irtlattott cant be w lit 1 ed. there ll‘rtn be wasiit the ease wttlt the recently ado ted course 3 t \u . ~ - ‘ g . ‘4’ s: g .
_ tr . - - 1/ w ‘s ll» n m sss it .\_ ‘ \\ .-.
ways to srtletititk ll ()rte teehit.que that will be \trthdtawal policy. . . " ‘. ‘ , A I‘m ' , ~“s‘ \‘VAQ 3%.?“ \;\:\§:\\‘\ t ' .
, . . . t. n f t as . -: ' . . u \\‘I s .t \\ ‘
atailtible to pez'toiinattee—tttritded l ls students llC\l lhe l iii\etsity Senate deCtded to Issue W 1/” l , l" at; \I‘. am wt _ ..\ .\ \t§\\ s\‘_“\' :\‘§Q\‘t ‘ . ' ’
.t I I I 1 , I I I \s ~ "\ ~ I . , I w ‘I . I x \ 'u‘eI . s . y \ .
tail ls 'isriii; “telattye grade traitsettpts to get a more grades to stttdents who transler out ol courses alter " . . ,1 s, . ’ A ‘N‘éfib :.\s“‘:\ 1;“ .\ ' - .
I I . _ . s . I t \_\‘ ‘ ‘ .\ \ \‘e .
preeise pietiiit- oi now they rank .ieadetttiealtt seteit elass days and belore the end ol the semester. ' ~ " -—~. ‘ *I‘, I , \k ‘ ~_ ‘ ‘ \‘\\ ‘ > .
lite Seitam t'otzttetl last week appioied the \ttppotlels ol that policy .said it was necessary asa - I._;t .,/. I“! Mylti'yfiflrm/I
prograitt. on .r tiiliinrary basis In a ll'ldl prourattt. wat to inelttde more information about a student‘s \ 3 I» , ‘/; //// , , ’ ' - ~ 3
students to the College ot \tts & Sciences last academic career A .l. . i . k .
sezttester eoiild reeette their itutneiieal grade til .i lltit t.te iitloiittatton eontained In a single W ts _ . ,,- ~-,’.— ‘ \ M '. - ‘ , s . K r;
Rhett course. tlte .itetttls's‘ grade iii the eoutse. lat less pteetse tltart that conveyed in relative ," - ‘- ‘§ ewb _ j g d ‘xv‘i‘ ‘ " - 2i
I‘I \ - ‘ ‘ ,;
.iseiage grade point awrage and total number or llttnsel'll‘ls. -\ “\\ does not tell why a student Kin \ * “ll i, 11. , - - \ 5 ‘
e ‘N‘ \. ,
students in the eourse dropped out ol aelass.does noteventellwhetherthe \ .— 7* . 'C A r .
. . _ . . I / GJ 7 ~
Ihe benefits oi suelt rnlorittatioit are ohtiotis student was passing or tailing. and probably 1 I‘PEI_WA~7IAN§AQ\J A Dlg- :1
l tttployers or graduate school admissions discourages stttdettts lrotn trying out new subjects. 1 , I l y ,t u \ . .
departtttettts eatt ttow diseein what those numerous and trout leatittg classes they should not be in. 1 I. ' , i ' ”" j
" \‘C and “Bk“ realix mean. in eontpriratite terirts Simply ptit. inlortttatiott should not be included 1 l I‘ ” K , ' . . »I
lit making tlte l‘FOL'ltllll \oltirttan.theeoneept oi on a transcript il it can be misunderstood as the ' t‘ i . , . " .'~ , '5. 1. {
. . . , , . 1 . .. I , .I .
using ‘etter grades is retained and the eontpetttite m\stettous "\\ 's" will undoubtedly be. _ ~' 1““ .9911:- ~ s\‘ . 3‘ ‘ I . ‘9‘} ‘ 5
. . . . . I‘ '.~ .I .‘ .\ \ \ \ ’ J
aspeets ol education are not oier—etttphasi/ed. [it (me would think the 49-45 majority that ”fw\ / ‘ . \~ ‘~ ~. ‘ . Ngd§ ,
. _~ ' t ‘ 1.. .~ . . It
the tuturt. howewt. ll the telatrte traitset'tpts wo: l's .tppiowd tlte polttw would haye had the decency to v ‘ \ 0 ‘s' :5. ‘. . 4‘ ‘ 5 . ‘
. ‘ . r,- r - .- , . . - .4 ' \ '
too welt and become too popular. there rsa risk that make it a \oluittary program. as the relative x . 3"; , £§ 37.: . , ‘ "1’ m I» - .‘
.7 letter L’l'itllnL' will be tunored or tb'tt‘idoned tt ittst‘ttpt procedure is l hat way students who " ‘ “S - i ‘ i D ‘ . i \i ' ‘ - "H “V; '
G‘- “ ‘ ‘ ‘k ‘ l ‘i r. ' ‘\.'.“‘\ \\s\ x 6 «-.
perloitttattee ttattseripts ma\ become required in wanted to show graduate school selectors that they ‘ i‘ .I ~ . ., ‘I - .. QC] *. g, I) e 1‘ - - .. .
. . ' . , ' . ‘ e 3 ,-
___ business and graduate sehools Iotlow ed a sure. straight and narrow undergraduate l 1’ uh»: I~ s \\ , ’, I J c
lhe kind ot iittorntatton eort\e\ed bi relatite eotirse eoiild do so without interfering with their ’ §L.—‘.QI‘3' \. . . e ' “ ; is" l . ,
l' I .. . . II . i I, . . .. l ' ’ \“ "e\ . _' \‘ K1) 4
tattsttipts is what grade traitstitpts should intrude. elassittates education. 1 - . cs - ) a £J;) , .' , 1-. "0y
data that is clear and readily understandable, lltts (rh well. ma\be one ottt ol two isn‘t so bad. 1 's\ %“S\“ESS 5? . . J 55" "§” 1 t
' . ' t . - . 31‘ r
l 3 - i-‘fim “314' t
l H A ‘s\ ‘ ‘W’ ,
Weber case 1 WW \\ - 2 . I , .
i 10'9ther \ \\\‘ s ‘3 “ ’J i / s. 3
Indirect [70/7 malevolent exclusion l m“ “ “ ' E i “Z '
— 1 ‘ . \ \\‘ E ‘ \ s " ‘1 / W
I 1 w 3* ‘ /._ ,(: \ ,r [/I,‘
f - '13 f t . >3 — J -v . . MW
0 [Tl/n0” IeS deserves de ense 3 3 ~"“- . . - ' ,
i ' ‘ W 29‘7wym :wz f
r 1' “I“ ”W" t
! ~ .-
lit a sense all allitmations are recount/ed in corporate actions But were not hiIredI any more than my 1WASH|NGTDN 3.6 MILUON Y‘M HB‘JCEZ MVRfCWE/S MY RES/HIE WWI/W: Elm/D HFEEAREOFA ;
negations. at; aeeeptanees are there- are other \;1lll'\‘\I tneludrng aim was R‘JLI‘CIlOH of women whenIl [W (254mg 5N3 mpg/,4 53140;? CREAM WHO WAS mfg/Bur MFWAGSOMEm/NG.1 1
teieetions \\ hen l Chums“ ”RC “116. l eontmtirrrtx spirit and soeia] took one wile. Ihe Kaiser company is 1 W..- WW" ____*,,.. . .. ,,- II ,- . ., - II II _ . ”3., __--_-. ..__-,__.t
~“il*’mdli~'dllf~ WWI Ali ””1” women t'tttt‘ibutiott \1ost Luge e'tllllpJHICs not being racist. maleyolently rejecting — - , ~~ fl... ~ , , , , "ate“...
some will itotjortht thinls this is undue pay good money. and litre good “whites" when it extends the program '
punish'ttert! ot the one rather than the workers to eieate a la\ otable ‘0 hliik'kfi- any more than l was being etters to t e [tor ;
many \wt‘is‘tl‘is‘lrv. thitUgl‘. l atittospheie towaid them in the misogynist on my wedding day. , , , ., , 3 , - ,, . _ .....A.__...,., g: '.
imptteith tweet women by the surrounding etittirrttittitt lhere are many kinds ol . . t
.'l‘.lilit‘ll\.llltii‘llA settleortotte.rttyaet discrimination. and the eyil kind FOOtba" '3 a game persons name; I I '0' ”Ch student. I 35‘de what she t ‘
I.‘ q or F’ in”, Q; nega t r t tr-d Immd at in the I964 0‘” Rights Act . . , e) the grand _iury did not “clear. would do tl lwere to take two books. I:
e\eltisottaiu ..r misogynist It is the O" I er was exelustonist on race grounds. The hl‘or the: 0‘ you who nIowaeheVe ‘fesoneratcfi‘ W “acquit" I”)? eight She repliedthatshe WOUld do nothing. (3
posa t; thine that matters not the by garry Wi/IS (‘nil Rights Act ol I964 did not mean t at eter)ItII1ng dbf’m ”‘6 l‘Klootball loothall players; only a petit Jury: on but again explained that then there ,3:
eorteoirrn‘..taitt but tndrreeteselustons to prewnt inclusion ol all parts of a rape case '5 "k?” ' none fl” soblind the Circuit court letel can do that. lhe wouldn‘t be enough books to go ,3
I am ltllhif‘g. in parable. about the 11k. KIN“ IIIPII‘IIm \ltl‘il'll III“ WI eontmunity with an exclusionary “5 [those who “l” "0‘ 5°C . _ . grandiury tor next term could take up around. Il said once more that l was ,r .
Brian \Venet Jase ‘s\e are told. in this up a “I.“ I1 1111114.},1“, hum“: aspect that is only indirect and non- IorIthC others. three “"65 ol ”‘9 9353 and hand “‘9’ those students only taking one b0°k per student,not '
matter That .i'i‘. “drsetattinatioit”is the proui Im th IIInmm U" ,1 II 1m: malemlent. like the Kaiser training ana W} . m a regular Judge and Jury. two tor myself, 3.. l
"" same. that. .r‘; .‘lieet. no preterenees 1 . 1 ,,,, , M ' i ii i: Lr Prouram. a) What IS (001138" but a game: I believe the conduct of the At that point. another woman s s
shortid he \ltti‘Ml triat totielate with .‘II,I::I,1;H:I‘I '11 lifhlmI‘" ”“I “I‘m K b) never believe a rumor that Commonwealth‘s Attorney's office in behind the counter interrupted and g
L t H i'. . L' " 1;”. t‘ \g ‘ " .' . ' ' . . . . . .' . . 5 ‘
Ltrior ses. eisetl. ete W I! J 1 t II 1 ‘iuhi ' ‘ ‘ itl ” (“"3 “ms '59 Slndlflfl’d columnist PUTPOTl-S ‘0 know 50 mUCh abOUl d this case should beimesttgated bvthe said thatif myhusband wanted one. he '3‘.
it t' ‘sL‘u t, ULa‘ i ‘s s) t' t .' . - - , v .' . . , . ' . . . {t
()r earns.- ,1is.rrmissr‘hlgtricwmdc lll‘\ did I II lll' h I‘Ii ls Milt it”? “h” "m“ 0‘" 0' 305“)“- H" ““3“" young lady/s reputation when Bar Assocration. I also believe the would have to pick it up himself. Both I"
3 L . it .xL'tt ttt'. .ttr\‘ at I‘ ~ . '. . , . . s
preterettee “ene: ltitttse‘tt argues tor bring .. “I1. 1 I ‘rke-s trmnkorrtvde columnm “PP""S every Tuesday. that rumor cant CW“ 8'“? US that Iwrne/ should print a correction women then told me that I was free to . ‘
"tttsemrma' triflietantage Heuunls \III, ,II‘.1II:'I Ix in II r II" “saint . H, , ....__._.,_A_,,,V .__.a.--,3. -___, , _ ,- I regarding the facts of the grand jury take one book. I walked out of the , _- =
ttt .i. L:«ll tls"' . .. . » .
{ht hllttb i~ .2-3 “in. a.“ .iL-k-Ltplgd m be . I hl'lkh\ ”it I I m unit _‘ th- , 1 process. office in disgust. empty-handed. I, , i
V Uimmm“ “HUM 1" um“ ”I 4" r‘e'teit' "wk sup N surrounding e ers p0 Icy l Thom“ 5P3ldmg “It-SC schedule books. e an” d‘ i
st‘l‘:rttl’;l's _i postme- taaie no: I IIIIIIIIIII "t 1 Pre-law senior are printed in a new format. at much -
Lump, chm-mica Mn. __\,l.i[ ‘ ' " 1,... MW». Am,” \..I_h.._,nm m, (..,,.,.-.,,.(,i,m./,,r,ou.rt, “murmur lI inconvenience to both students and :'
l‘lm. ttt‘t-‘tlttll‘s “I.” 1.1;, wentttrtlx \t‘“ I‘s‘-I‘L13‘llis" Yl‘i‘i l?“ 1‘ llUl «1 s‘ltUlHdILK‘ toiiiiihuiions Hunt the l‘K ("l‘HlsIH‘ll’lulllltllhl‘ IIA mnrrrrrmili. rrr/ 1 SChedule book advisors, to save the University ‘ .
\ tho . I, I II III I ,. .I qilt‘sllitl‘. .’ mix“; or g. on; hlll ol d U'l‘illl‘illlllh tor,niihlieationoirtlieeditotial WWI“ ”"714'7"tm’ '1" "WM/"W 1”" _ _ .lfthis new format is indeed so ~ '
‘IL “ " l“ "" “ ‘ '“““d “H” “Hum,“ .WI I..\I,. I‘ ”I.“ .vtt' Winn-ts , rr/iiirlllltI'UII/lt‘Kcnluclu Kerilel 1 Haye you picked up your lall money . _ k
“’1'” ‘ “‘3‘. I“? ‘l 1““31 pelted it“ i i ' i i I I r i letters it‘lllllllls intl eomm'ntiri‘ " ’ h d l‘ b 3k "I" 0 l“ 'da' IDCXPCHSIVC. surelya few more bOO S ‘
hiaelts «Hart 9 eirattee tir .it‘ "titre the “H“ 1. MM ill“. ‘W 2” «HIM l"l|\' n-ii i tlt "~ ' ~d -td( 0 Opinions: ' K c 'Ut 0t 3 i n' n ‘V COUId beprimedtocndthisl’l"3blfl“0f ‘
. .L' ' work int- “n“ ,,,\ , . 1, .mm. " ‘ ‘ p“ “". ”“9““ ~‘”‘ """‘ Slit-JI/r/l'r vii/i;.v.t.u/irtt,»sri mmmm l morning. I stopped in the office ol the . . 1.
\L'nl‘tflt‘I I1: -1k ttllt‘e‘lJl l\tll\s'l Fulfil m ' r .. « ~ . i t \ L . hide the writers signature Atllllt‘ssund ["7 line 1 COIngC 01- my major to [3le up one [00 {CW b00k§ Wthh SO dlSll‘CSCCd Q .
l Ull2\i.1.'.tl blacks made up -tn|\ 1g stir-or .‘ :s .r:.e ssa . I“ mural? plume ntirnhei l K students should trii-eum/m )lulllu HHlIlUIl tt’flrlllllll' 1 II . II . (hesetwo women(wholdon't meanto ?
- 1n ”11.1.1... ,1”. ,., H. 1. ,. W. .. .,...,......1,,.,, m, ma ,m N W” n“ ,I_ I I I k , schedule book for myself and one for , .
pervert; iii ill: ‘s\t)l'l\k‘.'\_ .l‘. all ill't‘ll ‘f’