xt74j09w3n15 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74j09w3n15/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-02-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1977 1977 1977-02-03 2020 true xt74j09w3n15 section xt74j09w3n15 on


Kernel Staff ther

The winter of '77 is now a little
more than six weeks old, and it
is already the coldest on record

Across half the country,
Americans are arming them-
selves to fight the falling tem-
peratnres and the even-faster-
fallirrg srow. The President has
declared several states

general alarm is evidenced on
the front pages of the nation’s

That mood, has not yet
reached UK. Nearly 600 students


“disaster areas,” and a mood of.

spent all or part of Tuesday
night camped out in front of
Memorial Coliseum, waiting to
buy their tickets for the up-
coming Mideast Regional at
Rupp Arena.

Though the temperature
dipped below five degrees, a
down-protected army of intrepid
basketball fans played cards,
tossed footballs, drank and slept
out on the concrete as they held
their places in the seemingly
everexpanding ticket line.

The line began forming
around 4 pm. Tuesday, and
grew steadily until about
midnight, when it began to level

off. By that time there were oyer
200 peque involved. Some tried
to warm themselves with
Coleman stoves and lanterns;
many simply zipped themselves
into sleeping bags and slept.

’ The line was marshalled by
SG Vice-President Hal Haering
.and various members of the
Assistant Dean of Students’
office. They devised a system by
which numbered “control
cards” were passed out to those
in line at midnight, and then re-
issued at 2, 4 and 6 am.

On the whole, the process was
quick, efficient and relatively
painless, except for an unex-

pected delay of over an hour
when a janitor failed to show up
steam. tolet the mob irrtothe
coliseum, where the actual
selling was to take place.

By 7:30 a.m., the overnighters
had all been issued “white
cards" and seated in the
coliseum to await the 9 am.
Opening of the ticket booth. This
last hour-and-a-half turned out
to be the most enjoyable, as the
standers-in-line were treated to
live enterta'mment of sorts.

A group of men who had been
near the front of the line all night
produced from among their
supplies a basketball, and took


’Blue flu’ conquers cold, sends fans to coliseum waiting lines

the floor for a few quick games.
The crowd watched them
dispassionately for a few
minutes—for lack of anything
else to do—but soon became
actively invdved.

One chubby would-be cager
became the center of attention
with a limp-wristed set shot
from 25 feet. For almost an
hour, the crowd oohed and
aahed the antics of “Dr. Melvin
Swish,” as the game sort of fell
apart, and all concerned forgot
the unpleasantness of their
recent chilly ordeal.

In the end, it turned out to be
just anaher case of the “Blue


Flu," the same d'sease that
afflicted thousands of
lexingtoniam in December, and
spawned a similar slumber
party at the same place. At that
one, remember, 10,000 tickets to
the Peach Bowl were grabbed
up it three hours.

The Mideast Regional is not
sold out, however. Since sales
were limited to two sets of
tickets per student, the over-
nighters only claimed 1,200 sets.
Sales continued throughout
Wednesday. All of the choice
seats are gone, but an estimated
1,000 seats rema'm.


Vol. LXVIII, Number 100

Thursday, February 3, 1977

Wessels keeps University 7‘4ch



an independent student, ne

warm during 'catastrophe’

Kernel Staff Writer

In the Ice Age of 1977, Jim Wessels
is helping a cold University com-
munity keep the boilers cooking and
the heat flowing.

The director of the physical plant
division (PPD) had a plethora of
problems that grew out of the cold
weather, which is testing UK’s
physical resources. “We’ve had
natural gas curtailments, coal and
oil delivery problems, frozen water
lines, fire alarms, fires, elevator
problems and budget problems," he

Wessels anticipates relying solely
on oil and coal for a week as a result
of the natural gas shortage. So far,
UK‘s daily consumption of coal per
day is 1,745 tons, which is the
equivalent of two full railroad cars
of coal. The daily consumption rate
for oil, 8,000 gallons, approximates a ‘
fully-laden fuel truck.

Wessels is in charge of a working
unit so diverse, its 769 employes can
be found working at registration,
football and basketball games,
graduation and the Sigma Chi

“We‘re involved in physical
arrangements,“ be explained. “For

. . . interesting job

instance, at the Doobie Brothers
concert, we set up the chairs and
stage and spotlights. At football
games, we open up gates, toilets and
locker rooms, turn on scoreboards
and lights, and clean up the stadium

Agents from PPD also set up
chairs and tables at registration and
open and close Memorial Coliseum
on days of ticket sales.

Unfortunately, Wessels’ position is
arch that when a situation is serious
enough, he must be notified—
whether it occurs while he’s
listening to a UK basketball game or
when he‘s sleeping.

“I started at 5 am. Sunday on a
busted water line call. Some guy

from Eastern broke a water line in
Holmes Hall and we had to get a
man out of bed to fix it.

“Saturday morning I woke up a
little after 7 am. when some boilers
shut down at the Med Center. They
lost steam pressure and our men
worked five hours fixing them.”
Those boilers provided‘beat‘l‘or most
University buildings on the other
side of Rose Street—including the
Blanding-Kirwan Complex. Another
battle won.

Wessels handles emergencies with
amazing calnmess. With a positive
belief that the people in his depart-
ment can handle anything, he said,
“I always hope the complaints are
taken care of before they get to me.”

“Because each shop is so
specialized, like the plumbing
department or the electrical shop,
most problems are handled
routinely. My secretary is capable of
delegating 95 per cent of all com-
plaints to te night department.”

Not long ago, a temperature
control device in the Coliseum went
awry and the swimming pool’s
temperature plummeted to 45
degrees. PPD corrected it.

Last week, PPD had 50 calls
waiting on frozen water pipe com-

Continued on page I?

a n .nu¢._...aa,...m&ws
semiannual-«1e «as
nun-Inlumn-nu v-

. we
‘ .

Playing the (snowflield

Members d UK‘s women‘s rugby team won

practicing. They're playing behhd the Seaton Center.

't let snowy turf prevent them from

Newspaper / Micrciext

FEB 312;!

University of Kent .rcky

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky



Mayor 11. Foster Pettit said yesterday he will
“use my influence" to fight against widening of
US. 27-68 (Paris Pike) between Lexington and
Paris from two to fourlanes. Pettit said he would
consider appealing to Gov. Julian Carrol to keep
the road two lanes. Opponents of the state
project contend widening the road would ruin its
scenic appearance.

Boyd t‘ofer. a junior from Louisville, has filed
suit in Fayette Circuit Court charging a metro
police detective assaulted him last Dec. 3. The
suit. which seek—s $100,000 damages against of-
ficer l’_hil Vogel and the Lexington-Fayette
Urban (‘ounty Government. contends Vogel hit
(‘ofer with a flashlight for no apparent reason,
causing multiple head and mouth damages.

state .

State Energy Commissioner bamon Harrison
said yesterday Kentuckians should not stop
conserving natural gas and other fuels just
because temperatures are expected to stay
above freezing for a few days. “In terms of
recovering natural gas storage, these tem-
perature fluctuations are just blips," Harrison
said. “People shouldn‘t take warm weather as a
sign they can relax.“


Congress approved yesterday the emergency
natural gas legislation sought by President
(‘artcr to dealwith the bitterly cold winter which
has thrown more than a million persons out of

work. The bill gives Carter the new powers he
requested to deal with acute gas shortages
precipitated by severe cold weather east of the
Rocky Mountains.

l’.N. Ambassador Andrew Young opened his
mission to Africa yesterday with a round of
briefings by top-level British officials. He said
afterward his optimism for a quick settlement in
Rhodesia had “waned. Nobody's given up hope,
but nobody expects any easy answers," he said
after an hour-long meeting with lvcr Richard,
chairman of the stalled Geneva talks on
Rhodesia, at the Foreign Office in London.


East Germany's armed forces have been.
alerted, fearing widespread dissident unrest or
other disturbances, West German newspapers
reported yesterday. Newspaper-accounts said
that in addition to putting regular forces on in-
creaseda lert, Communist authorities also issued
a military mobilization order affecting East
German men under 35. There was no official
comment from East Germany.


Snow mixed with rain today and tonight. The
high will be in the balmy upper-30‘swith a low
tonight in the mid-20’s. Tomorrow will be cloudy,
the temperature staying in the 30‘s. There is a 70
per cent chance of snow today and a 40 per cent
chance tonight.

Compiled from Associated Press and
National Weather Bureau dispatches





Students worried

School closings in county put
’future teachers’ in a pinch

Kernel Reporter

(‘cld weather has forced the
Columbia Gas Company to ask
Fayette County schools to close
indefinitely. There are numerous
problems, but comider the plight of
the student teachers.

According to Leland Smith,
director of laboratory experiments
in the College of Education, student
teachers need 12 lab hours, which
means 12 weeks of full-time
teachirg. “We plan to do everything
we can to prevent these students
from not certifying or graduating.
We have several contingency
plans," he said.

The first of these plans, goirg into
effect "is week, is a system of
various seminars and workshops set
up to help the student teachers in
(fifferent aspects.

lf school hasn‘t resumed by
Monday, a second plan will be put

into action. Acca'ding to Smith.'

local area kindergartens and day
care centers have agreed to let the
students earn credit by teaching

Complications will a rise, however,
if school hasn't begun by Feblt.

“The student teachers won’t have
trouble if they go along with the
Fayette Cmuty calendar,” Smith
said, “but that may mean no spring
break and possibly an extra week
beyond the mat semester."

There is a possibility that five to 10
days of the school year will be
droppd, according to a schod board
official. The school board can’t
make a decision, though, until it
receives the State Board’s recom-

Yet, there are still quite a few
days to be made ‘up. Just how that
will be accomplished has not been
decided upm. Among the alter-
natives being considered are: an
extarsion d the week, meaning
classes on Saturdays, a shortening
of qrrhg break to two days, and an

extension of the scth year into
summer vacation.

From the students‘ point d view,
the situation seems very upsetting.
Cheryl Brenner, a special education
senior, said she just doesn't like
waiting to see what‘s going to
happen. She has a job arranged for
this fall, butshewon‘t beable to take
it if she doesn't get certified.

“The problem is. if we have to stay
longer than the usual semester.
some people won‘t have anywhere to
stay, and maybe not everyme can
afford an apartment," Brenner said.
"At one time, i was going to have
two sprirg breaks and nowl may not
even have one, but if I can just get
certitlal, I‘ll be happy."

“i haven't been to school even
once, but we might start teaching at
day care cenbrs pretty soon," said
Sharon Schutte, an early childhood
education senior. "I only teach six
hours per week so I'm not really
worried; it's the fuI-time teachers
that really lave a problem."












Once upon a time in the moun-
tainous Land of Orange. there were
lots and lots of snails. There were
snails in the hills, snails in the dales.
even snails in the rivers. Point of
fact is. there were snails

This was a problem because. well,
snails produce a lot of slime and
because slime is, well. pretty slimy.
Nonethele$. the Great Ecologist in






the Sky was inclined to ignore the
mess until. one day. the Great
Environmentalist on the Ground
threatened to revoke his Creator‘s
License unless he did something
about the pollutant.

Reluctantly. he decided to comply
without a fight. remarking that his
hands were “tied" and that “slime

control isn‘t in my jurisdiction

“Let there he escargot"

He then issued a press release.
"Let there be a snail delicacy known
as tscaigot.” it read. “and let the
human consumption of escargot be
fashionable in order to relieve our
overburdened hills and dales of the
curse of snail slime. And for good
measure. let there be snail-eating
fish so that the rivers may also be
free of slime pollution."

And it became so. For in, the old
days. when (‘reators wanted
something done, it was done. for red
tape hadn't yet been invented.

The little snaileating fish became
known as “snail darters“ to the
people of the Land of Orange. But as
sometimes occurs with the best-laid
plans of mice. men and Creators.
things went astray.

The snail darter became faced
with the threat of extinction. In fact.
it was designated an endangered
species in 1975 by the Great En-
vironmentalist on the Ground. just
two years after the fish was first
discovered by humans.

Little did anyone know that only
two years later snail darters would
suddenly become a powerful voice in
Orange affairs.

Ht il forces emerge

Meanwhile. active forces of evil
had gone to work. A group known as
the Tributary and Valley
Abolitionists (TVA) proposed in 1966
to build the Tellico dam on a river
known as the Little Tennessee.
Incidentally. that river was the
world‘s only habitat for the snail
darters. and unbeknownst to anyone
at that time, damming it meant sure
extinction for them.

(‘ontroversy raged over the
proposed $100 million dam for years.
Environmentalists yelled “Rape of
the land!" and cries of “Save the
Little ’I‘!" rang through the hills.
Groups of huniam expended years
of time. thousands of dollars and
many beads of sweat to try stop the
dam~-—but to no avail. The project
began anyway. before the darter
was even discovered by humans.

('oncei‘ned citizens gnashed their
teeth and wailed over the fate of the
scenic river and the [6.000 acres of

land that were threatened by the
dam. However, the little snail
darters remained calm, for they
knew they could do what no human
could do. They could save the Little

And they did. finally. Last Monday
the 6th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals
ruled that the three-inch long fish‘s
endangered species classification
takes precedence over the com-
pletion of the $100 million dam,
which was scheduled to open early
this year. As a result. TVA people
are now .the ones doing the wailing
and gnashing.

Not that they have given up. An
appeal to the Supreme Court is in the
works. Congress could take the fish
off its endangered species list. But
the snail darter today swims free
and proud, more powerful than huge
government agencies. more per—
suasivethan any number of citizens‘
groups, and still fat on snails.

Now ain't that a fine kettle of fish?


Dick Downey. in his second year as a
Kernel columnist. is fast approach-
ing graduation from the UK law
school. His column appears every

Oil companies ignore needs for profits

Last weekend in the Midwest. the
Northeast and Kentucky came
dangerously close to disaster.
Temperatures fell to 10 below in
Kentucky and much colder to the


North. and it was conceivable that
gas pressure could have failed in
pipelines leaving thousands without

In fact. (hiring the previous cold
wave. a line serving Alabama and
Georgia did lose pressure. How can
this happen in a country that is a
major producer of natural gas and

NBC Nightly News had a report on
the reasons behind our present
crisis. The report stated that most of
the gas used in the Eastern US. is



pumped in lines from Texas. The
report goes on to say that natural
gas in Texas sells for $2 per unit.
with price controls in effect for gas
sold across state lines. If companies
sell gas from Texas to other states
they must sell it for less.

Thousands face the possibility of
losing their heat and a million and a
half have been laid off. It would
seem that the only rational action
would be to pump gas to the states
where it is needed. right'.’ Guess
again! The gas stays in Texas. We
live in a system where decisions are
made on the criteria of profits not
the needs of the people,

How do the oil companies propose
to solve the problem" They say we
should tie-control the price of
natural gas so they can sell it at the
rate us sold in Texas. They need the
incentive of “it'risonable” profit.

Sounds fair. doesn‘t it? And it would
get gas to where it's needed.

There‘s me small catch, though.
The companies that buy the gas to
sell to consumers will. of course,
want to maintain their profit rate.
They will do this be making us pay
larger gas bills or more rent. It will
not end there. (‘ompanies that use
gas in their production will raise the
price of their products.

That's how it works. The govern
ment we‘ve been taught represents
all the people and not just the large
com panics is already moving to
comply with the oil companies~

The American people have a right
to know how much gas there is and
how high the pmfits of the oil
companies are. We should be able to
see their books. If there is enough
gas, we have the right to demand

that it be pumped to where it‘s
needed to heat our homes and
protect our jobs.

If the gas companies refuses to
protect the country‘s well being,
then we. should nationalize the
companies and run them ourselves
to make sure no one freezes and no
more jobs are lost. Finally. we need
a labor govemment to back up all
the moves necessary to ensure our

The Winter of '77 has done one
thing besides keep me cold: it has
reconfirmed for me the need to
replace this irrational system with
one that is concerned with the well
being of its members -a socialist


This comment was submitted by
Young Socialist Alliance member
Bronson Rotter.

banana», -- «-'

Although the Student Lounge in M.
I. King Library has traditionally
been a smoking area, it is the only
place in the library for non-smokers
to drink coffee or get change. We
believe that. just as smokers have
the right to smoke. non-smokers
have the right to clean air and clean

Aside from the smoky air, ashes
and cigarette butts litter the floor,
tables. and even chairs. In light of
this, we recommend that the newly
opened. additional room in the

' t No- smOking

A fiShy tale... Darters defeat dammers.

”menu, a»- ‘-

lounze. hemmed as a smoking
room. This would clear the air and
the floors in the main room for

Petitions supporting
viewpoint have been placed on the
4th. 12th, and 16th floors in Patterson
Office Tower and beside the Reserve
Reading Room door in King Library.
(in Thursday, Feb. 3 between 11 am.
and 1 pm. we will set up a table in
the downstairs Student Center
where students may voice their
opinions and-or s’gn the petition.

Catherine Moore
Stanley Campbell
Library Science graduate students

Cars running red
should be rammed


Paul Harvey had many nice
things to say about Lexington after
his recent visit. Obviously, Mr.


Harvey didn’t do any driving while
he was here or he would have
noticed our fair college town's
most visible creep.

I am sure many of you have
grimaced. groaned. cussed and
moaned while you sat behind the
wheel of your car waiting for all
those bastards who run red lights
to get out of the way. In no other
city have I seen the problem this

I have waited as long as 15
seconds for the privilege 'of
crossing an intersection after the
light turrs green. Okay, I know 15
sccondsis justa tidbit of time and I
shouldn’t be in such a hurry, etc.
But I am concerned with the
principle of the matter.

This isn't anything of the
magnitude of the destruction of
South Hill, but it‘s ridiculous when
you can't feel secure driving
through a frigging green light.
Surely there are others who can
relate to what is being said and
share my grumpiness. What the
hell are we going to do abpout it?

Listen. we‘ve got to do



something, we need to take action.
This thing is liable to get out of
control unless we nip it in the bud
starting now. Naturally. since this
is a clandestine operation of sorts
we will need a signal to alert others
in the group.

Next time someone runs the light
in f iontof you, shoot them the bird.
Right away this relieves pressure.
If this catches on we could make it
terribly embarrassing to run a red

If this doesn‘t work then we will
have to take more drastic action.
Only an adamant lunitic would
attempt to run a red light once we
start ramming offenders with our
own cars.

That's right. attack them with
the spirit of George Patton. Hit
them hard as hell and quicker than
grapes through a goose. What do
you have to worry about? It‘s the
other guy‘s fault and most
collisions completely stop traffic at
any Lexington intersection. so your
witnesses should be pretty secure.

If you are caught. wounded or
killed the author wull disavow any
knowledge of your actions. In
memorial, a $29.95 scholarsh'p will
be establidied in your name at the
Sears [hiving School. Good luck.


This comment was submitted by
John S. Taylor, art education



mm: “W...“ ~33“... £331"...
“whim “a.“ tam Chum."
. . “interline. Nth-Shaun Ste-articula-
editorialsda comments rmir; mm am- m“ t
Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University E.:.Lfi1flflh“mmm'mmmf Jumdmm I: m can;

<3 I


I I I I fl I . Kai


us. can criticize, not inte ere, With Sovrets ..





. . . . . . . . exp

The new administration is in the process of The Sovrets have made it clear that they Will wee

laying the foundation for directions which will not tolerate interference in setting internal fan.

guide at least the next four years of US. foreign policies. mei

policy. Soviet policy-makers, of course, are aware of she]

President Carter and his Secretary of State. increasing pleas for civil liberties, particularly heat

Cyrus Vance, have an immediate opportunity to those from the intelligentsia. Indeed, Soviet SPel

establish meaningful strategic arms limitation leaders, themselves intellectuals, have A?

controls with the Soviet Union. Although some historically been divided between their respect 93"

key points remain unresolved, the Soviets have for pereipience and the desire to maintain We

never indicated a greater interest in reaching a maximum conformity to government ideals. :11;

mutually acceptable accord. . Consequently,the ruthless disregard of human gua

Tl“ opportunity '0 scale down useless global rights employed in large scale during the Stalin batt

militarism couldlbe endangered, however, 'f the era has decreased in occurence. The latest Ther

new administration goes ‘00 far '" "5 pledge to Soviet policy regarding dissident intellectuals is but

beoverseer toworld human rights. Carter has banishment from the country. . u;

said the administrationscommitmerit to human The US. is powerless in any attempt to this

rights is absolute while Vance said the US. regulate internal Soviet policy. Moreover, mer

,w‘” "9‘ Speak out m every case or human reckless attempts to do so could result in c?"

”ghls. V"°]‘_‘llons' , _ blocking significant negotiations like the C a

While this country has .too many historical strategic arms limitations talks. mar

scars to claim perfection in human rights, the

US. more than any nation has taken steps to Rather. the proper US. approach toward

ensure equity and fairness to its people, The Soviet human rights policies, which Carter and “
government has tried to be human rights con- Vance seem 10 favor, allows for criticism but no
scious. efforts to intervene in Soviet affairs.,This is a

. . . . Cont

That conscmusness has prompted denun- realistic approach and one ts that less callous plair

ciations and sometimes actions against foreign than Kissinger‘s policy 0f ignoring infringement mon‘

governments for theirtreatmentof “dissidents.” of human rights in Russia. recei

Past negotiations with the Soviets have broken Unfortunately, the US. cannot snap its fingers Her

down When the US, attempted to impose and effect change within the Soviet Union. But it Hunt

stipulationsfor the protection of Soviet Jews and can voice disapproval and exert some pressure mOI'}

dissenters. without jeopardizing other considerations. too.



, .



snows” Tl





1e air and
room for

, .

g this
ed on the
an 11 am.
a table in
: Center
ice their

ine Moore





Kitty litter, rock salt

Short hours, shortage of goods mark winter

Kernel Stall Writer

Lexington merchants
waited with breathless an-
ticipation for word from up
north...it came across the
wire...the word was out...

The groundhog saw his

This means Lexington can
expect at least six more
weeks of winter and some
fancy shuffling by local
merchants to stock their
shelves and keep their stores
heated through the next cold
spell. No easy task.

As it stands now, jumper
cables, rock salt and kitty
litter are in short supply.
There are still a few batteries
available, but no one will
guarantee that the size
battery you need is in town.
There is plenty of anti-freeze
but no tire chains.

“People just aren’t used to
this kind of weather and the
merchants have really been
caught in the middle," said
Charles Ruder, Sears
manager. “I know that we‘re

gomg to plan more
aggressively for the weather
next year so we won’t get
stuck like this again.”

Service stations around
campus claim their supplies
were practically attacked by
hordes of marauding car-
owners during last week’s
cold snap. “We sold 15 to 20
batteries one day last week
while everyone was making a
mad rush to get their cars
started,” said Lindsey Quire,
manager of the Euclid
Standard station.

The Chevy Chase Exxon,
High Street Texaco, Ashland
Gulf and Lansdowne Exxon
stations also reported battery
shortages and said jumper
cables or tire chains just
don’t exist.

Consolidated Sales Com-
pany has plenty of batteries
now although they sold out
last week, according to store
manager Jim Wylie. “If it
wasn’t for this weather we’d
have enough, butwe’ve had to
double our orders for the next
couple of weeks,” he said.

Another inconvenience
Lexingtonlans are suffering
because of the weather is that
their favorite restaurants and
24-hour hang-outs are closing
early to conserve fud.

In fact, things may be
getting out of control.The
Lexington Chanber of
Commerce has set up an
“energy desk” for area
merchants to organize early
closing hours.

Last Monday, Gov. Julian
Carroll requested that “non-
essential users of natural
gas” cut badr their use by 40
per cent. Since then the
Chamber of Commerce has
been organizing local
retailers’ hours for the next
couple of weeks, said the
desk’s manager, Pat Allen.

“Until next Wednesday,
local merchants will be
operating on a 75 per cent
curtailment of allotted
energy,” Allen said. “This
meats they will only be
allowed 75 per cent of the fuel
they used last year.”

Businesses like Kroger’s

Wessels has his hands full

Continued from page 1
plaints, mostly from Com-
monwealth Village. It also
received calls on frozen sprin-
kler systems in the Thomas
Hunt Building and Buell Ar-
mory. PPD took care of them,

Of the disasterous results of


the cold weather Wessels
said, “It’s the worst
catastrophe I can think of
since I’ve worked here
because it‘s lasted the longest
time. We’ve never had so
many problems compounded
all at mce.”

When asked what came in


second, he said, “I guess the
worst before this was when
we had the riot, with the
marching and the Euclid
Avenue classroom building
being burned down. We were
concerned with what could
have happened, and we stuck
with them all night when they
marched. Then they’d sleep
during the day when we’d
work. We hardly slept
because we were planning all
day and marching all night.”

In the end, Wessels said he

couldn’t be happier with his’

job. “This is probably the
most interesting job in the
University,” he said.

Fortunately, the job is
interesting to somebody, lest
we all freeze to death.

Blood taken
at Haggin

The Central Kentucky
Blood Center will be ac-
cepting blood donations today
from 24:30 pm. and 6-9 pm.
at Haggin Hall. Anybody
giving blood will receive a
chance for two free tickets to
the UK-Auburn basketball
game. The seats are adjacent
to Dr. and Mrs. Otis

We goofed





and Jerry’s, both 24-hour
stores, are affected by the
energy curtailment.
“Although we’re closing
early, we’re really not losing
any business because people
are adjusting to specific
hours to shop in," said
Kroger’s manager Phillip

Butshoppers who do get out
in the ice will find some items
scarce. “Freight derailments


and problems with the semis
on the highways have made
some things impossible to
get," Keams said. “We just
can't keep bird seed or frozen
fruit juice on the shelves."

Jerry‘s Restaraunts in
Lexington will be keeping
their regular hours, post
poning early closing “until
the gas company tells us it‘s
absolutely necessary," said
Galen Quin. vice~president of
Jerry ‘s Itrstara unt.


11 a.m.—~6 p.m.

Wenneker’s Shoes

Ben Snyder’s

Phillip Gall and Sons
O.G. Wilson‘s

J.C. Penny’s

Sportswear Mart
Phillip's Shoes

Sears Roebuck

Moore Music Center
Fayette Mall
Turfland Mall
Lexington Mall
Eastland, Northland and
Southland Shopping

Lexington Center Mall

9 a.m.—3 pm.

All Lexington banks
Friday, 9 a.m.—5 p.m.
(closed on Saturday)


Abbreviated hours

ll (rm. 5 pm.

llart’s Family llrug Stores

11 am. 7 pin.

Hart's Store (Waller Met

9 am. -7 pm.

Begiey‘s Drugs

ll u.rn.~ 9 pin.


A & l’

Shopper's (‘hoice

Also observing restricted

Hospitality Motor Inn
lrela nd '5


'(‘ontinental Inn

long John Silvers
Pizza Hut

Springs Motel

Stanley llemos'


(‘oachhouse 7-4



’I‘III'Z KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday. February 3. l97‘l—3


Student Government

will sponsor
an information meeting

Common Cause

get involved and find out
what this citizen lobby is

all about.


February 3
Room 206 S. C.


QIN- viii. an... no“ ‘00... O“ Ii. Hilly d u-mmmnk. lydel.

"cum. .1 Alvaro. - $3.5. Door
Kennedy's look lion. really look Olen,

luyefie Mall
III. 6
1 I I

”all: "All
Into 606 2511755 1546589




At University Bookstore’




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