xt74j09w3k2n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74j09w3k2n/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1940 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1940 Vol.11 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, May 1940 Vol.11 No.7 1940 1940 2019 true xt74j09w3k2n section xt74j09w3k2n , 3 :32 W V
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5 5 53555 55 ‘3 555 ‘ THE KENTUCKY PRESS S
5 55559.5 3‘ . 5 . . bi . advertisers will be 0115 53 Pt'
5 .5551 3 i S Page Two 01 our 50-51150: 1§CW Ones Will be taking M.
, .52: 1', 3.‘ 0 1e )lctur . . . ~
5 5 55551.5 ‘5 5 A DiStlnCt O15 55 )Ilaces. New ones wlll be buymg
5 555555 517.35. .t Press 5515C55b55§ Space Some of the“: new ones
: .. .S . -ie . ‘ '. . . e-
3 . 5 31‘. Communl Y 5m the halo tenows. the 1013136221; . R
51' .t' 1 35 o a . ,- . 1'06- 10 In 7;
' 3 5 , S ' 5 . - l . ' .5 3 o‘CtLlllO a ‘ . 1
55 5555555 5'5 ° InStl “- Ion Chants 1355,31: thii)’ 311‘ properly “5151'
. :3 n . - 3 t0 353 ‘ 3 '
5 5555555 55 55 Amerlca- 'f job printing rCV‘enueh 50“ 551’ 1iow some of them W111 gIOIW 11155510 .
35515? 515 not paying ul)’ 1 ~ (1 ertiSCI‘S 811‘ "at“ 5 5 1 and really Worm" ”5 .
:1 55,313 .1‘ . 1e world be- slump, If a v 3 bin‘rer merchan S . [ ears 3
3 1 3.. ‘1; 111 . n the who , 1 ve taken a - what n5 . - . 3 )a1)61 a 6W 5 3 9:
‘ 3 . hele €159 1 3 .d States 1a . . ~educt1011 . . - _ NS “31.5 in 10111 1 _
.- .1113 55., NOW . i [he UnltC din a mate 1 1- s” ad\ £1 13 33 0‘
1S 3 1 . ordelS 0 _ demfiln g 3 311696 tnngu 3 5 '
3. 13.5.5351. .1. yond the h . 1 re exlst a country . 0ng to do abouL 1 1d hence. _ . have never yet. ’
3 ‘5 5 5553‘ 555' and Canada does He The small are 5556 g 1 current Problems demal Some of them, Perhaps. er ad
‘ 5 33.55.13 ‘15 consequence- ._ All of [1656 .. T1ese prob- ‘ . , 01d on HOWSPaP ' 3
. ‘ 3 of any - A 1er1tflh .. 3 nswels- 1 . thorolwhl) S .
.1 1 15.. 1 press . er .5 an 5 11 1 {ons conect a 1, and bet“ 3’ . hound to have the 10.
. :5 1- .24. 1 mt IICWSPap . fes— 50 u 1 ’ , 1 outrageous ) . ,5 u some 316 3 . ,. ‘ 3
, s. 1 commu Y Cagcy prO .. 1). mcLlec C . 5C1 tislnh‘ 1 [10m
1 15.51... 5.. . . id John H- * ’ lems mubL C ‘ . was nevel ‘ b ’. - 1 mi the 11135501191
, 5 3 3.5: :5 1 15 instituuon. 53 . .1, of Older . (‘ood Judgment ,~ -.111 stufl' 111 13 ‘9 ’ . . 1 ade _
3 5 5 55 3‘35 5 ‘5 ‘ ~ lism UniveISI ) 11116111061151)“ " cement 05 “g ' 5 rchants ale to 3C In -
11155: 5 S01» of 10mm 3 t3 . t in [he manab . 1ich the blg me . . . 11 t wn '
1 , 1 ‘5.-:‘ 5 . . _ 11 01313.1] . 1 1 '161 W 1 1 . L '61 7 511121 0
. . .5 11115111 5 homa. institution, as 1n51tu- 515-0151602211pnC‘lW‘PaPer and tlnough 315i“, 5 C. penny stalled in Lice: Other very . 10
I 55 51 ‘5 " 5 16W ' l 115 5 3 . 5 f imnlO 3 ' . . , .' lc 0 )011 S c 3' . 2
3_ 1 .5115. 1 5 .1 Yet, IL 15 a 1 . 361111161153 . . . US {011115 0 t 1n the V‘ IL 5 ., . 1 111 a
: . 1 Sf 515;: '1. 15 . - till 111 the 6X1- _ , ( “any (115215510 . . ‘ .3 US hEIVC 011 . ~ [5 h’lVC Sldl [CC
5 5 $555553 5 5533th515 go. It IS 5 rendy made a peimd- 65 that even the 35011153655 05 5 food SU(:cesslUl 1116.1 Challf «tifess are the 5515105
. 5.31:: ;S .S3, .. C It has 831313a 1 knows — .. 1 ' assmg- Those . 11 VZIV. Times 0 5 “ . 1
.. .. sta . oboc to 115 P . . 5 .ma ‘ / 5 . d 81“
. .1 15.1 t .11 gt 13cc for itself, but 11 y borne Wltness l e sul‘VIVCd have s leaders are chelopc
H“. 3.1 5 3 .1 3 121" 3 S hCll nCVV ‘ 5 . 1 .\re we
. 1...; 33 5 5 men 1 . erchants Who et new W ~e dethroneC- .
3 5* - “5555 - 55535 [015 sure. newspaper has flourished “hanged their methods to 1118 of our when old leadeis1 $51? 10.
. - :_. 111 -~ . . c k S . .. ‘5 '115. '
, 1.355153 . . 1,1 The count:1 institution hand In hand competition and the demant 11111). awaic 01 1t t are we doing toward
. 1;.313: j« 1 1 n AmerlC . . ”(1 mo( es . _ A (1 if so, w 1a _. _
.; 1111112.. 515 .13. as a _ [i011 implo‘C S )a)€1"S now (1- 11185 .3 11 , . t nCC 01 Shese em .
3 3'15: :1 1 ' 1 )uth educa ’ vern- new 5 I . er has 1113. C ‘ 7- . thC acqualll a ._ .
3 1,-1.5- WIN 1 - 3 h opular g0 O1d—t1me grOC . ,. maklng - egg commulll
5 55‘1.‘555 if 5’1 3 - ~ n111111111cauo ’ p - I ' h The .' 1 Xit frol‘fl UK 1) a in 0111‘ b115111 3 1
. . 1 ,1. .. .. 3. 01 thIC0 h e hfe w 11C . 1 t Tacelll e 1 r .0 leac us ~ d 1 en‘ c011-
. is 1 holeSOIne 0111 3 mvthlng )u g 1etely — ) 5 . 3. [~'en(l§l11p an 5‘ 103
1 135.. E ment and a W . - 'tutions the c . 1 . and so comP . ' .3 whllC then 11 3 fl ,1 mere 3
. 5. .335“. 3: ‘. . 3 . an 1nst1 so recent) 1 - - n a 510 _ , . 1d [01 516 .
,' 5 5151555 555 aSSOCIated A5551161251155511elped to create and Shageugh failure to use adveltbllS5Ug hich fidenCC is yet 10 be h(
_ .. 1.. 1 . : 1 . 1 3 . . 0 - 1C W . 3
5‘ 135. . 5 5:: ountl editol 1 . . t r - . bu 3mg Pu - 3 in ‘P .' 5 3101153 5
.15 5.1 5 555: fights galiantly to inaintalladudine our more enlightenei1nd 5a recluCCd marglh askA lgittle want ad has comlmeil Edver. '.
. i. - -‘ tions, 11 a 11. for 131‘1Ce5: (1 acts 3 .. 1‘ newspaPe‘ ’3. 113
5% :35. 5 ‘3. But these instittl . re con- Ca 5 ‘1d1cman — an 3‘) 1 [he 130WC1 0' .' 5 3 ‘
1 3 3. 1 5 . [ath. They a . 3 fit to 1he 111“ . . ' 3513- ands 0 : ~ ercham PImce 5
.5 S . me not 5 . ks 0! 1m) _ 3)a gel aavc. . , O1 0111 m .
. . . newspap€153 . he 01 us thm 1 thrOUO'h ncW$1 1 mmux some - . in a Small 3
. 1 115‘ 5 5 1 n ing. It any 0 . 1 them botl a - e . ted in business .
1. 3.3. ..; ,; Stantly Cla g - a3e1‘ IS ”6 . .3 , S ho haVC 553“ 3 . (1 “11th 3
5 5- 5555 5‘5 551 for a moment that 1115 “6:552:15; 01‘ even t1s1ng. 3 must ICCOgnize that (3‘5”— 555av have also at first 0X55635555L555Col very 5
3 7: ., 5‘13 - irt 01" 5W ut first we ‘ . . mav W / . 1) 1 me 1150 3 1.
55 55555 5 555 same as It WEI: tiling/turn back t1le pages (1311:5013 are Clil‘l‘erent and 5.55135 515:1eytihe5 newspapCY 25(55 (355555555550 Every newSPaPer 155-1
5‘ 151 -. ”35‘ ten years 3330’ e 1 5 and see for 1 .‘ - 1 [013 a comic era e 3 3 1.111 spacc- It IS UP _ . l'ke these ~-
11 5111’ 3. 5 “ - 1 eWS aper fi 65 remam (1155feren -. the same 5“ ‘ , . . 11 111 tunes 1
S3 1.. 1. 3. . . 1118 0k 11 P 3H be qulte 131-11013 to SCC 50 - . vell ‘
:1 5 :5 51 5?“ 0f the! may “9‘ ML Pu ‘5 ._ are ust 35 V -
5 5 55 55555 5 55 5 himself. ' 1 5‘ the country editor 5556 555555,. bht better eventually. How 55:15agC that thOSe littled 35d; as gciod a Chance
. 3 51a ’ 5 d neit 161" 15 h album aga _ . 1 n how We r1121 . .3 _ 111d Stan 111 5 the
l3 5E5 55 5 An f 1il ’ photograP Wlll depem O » race W1 Ittcn ‘ 5b~5n reSUItS for
j 1: 153.31 . me The old an 1 h He too, 536““ 5 . with what eou .b 3 monately to 11 g co 1
i: 5 E95151 5a ' 1 t uickly enOug 3 ’ . . 3 times 05 stiCSs, - .. ye are propO f the full-page P
' z1 .t .5 '1 5.11.11 reveal £13 Cl _ han he llka ”1 . d regourCChllnesS V lrertiser as some 0 COPY
3' .3‘ ‘2‘3 ..3 « 5 mol6 5 3 3 nce an ‘ - . 3 a“ {1111' age
. 51 , 5 S11 5 has changed, Pelhapaplmaiance' But he 1131615136 meet and deal With these new _ if any of you get1 a515510w55215€ worth Eng
2 . .‘ . ‘. . 1~ - - 1 1n 3 a e O 1 litt e e L
1 1 13. 1.5. . .3‘. .33 3 to admlt: CV61 . - 100 and hlS . . 31 se dayS- T16 - lot 05 ‘
1; 1 11-13 .3 5,. . 3 0 11110115. 3 .. mons. . 3. 3 lav ”e . ant1m€ a
.3. 5 55 555' 5 ‘3 5 has changed hls p - c of 1156 and cond ~ace itself is here LOCI 1 Shivatmg- In the me 5 ft b the
55 5 55 55"5 5| 5 5 1 ght processes — 111s VICW The human 5 ast demonstrated C5 1 (1 11911) to fill the gaps 16 Y : S
11 is 2.3.5. 1 3i .i": [10“ - 1 'n . 5t has in ages P ‘ 5555 C a S 5 pr
:5 1 55 5.3‘1 = 55 555‘ .3 iL’ £1530UL 111 ' . . ‘— l'JCCause 1 1_ .‘ [50115 as ex‘ 1 r . 211' e 01’163- . .
1 ‘ 55 ’5’113355 5575.01 huma: 5 1 V many Of 1115 edlt015a15: its ability to meet new 351m? changes 0[ 50558 05 ad5C55l 152351 by the WaYSIde 5555153655
3; f . ~ 1m ( . - tauon '0 1‘ i ua S ' # ut 000
. 1 1 .5. . 5! .1 1 Won 61 . . 1 today cou . .1 a 116 adap , . lnt 1V blemS .
. .. .55.. .1 ed1t01 0 . . )resset m g . .. 3le dmO- - 3 new Pro
, . . . .. . , .. o 116 _ 1_ 1 1.13311 1cpt1 1 1 to solve hes 5 ~
1. 1 SS 1 3.55 0120 years ag , frved then pu nment- The g 70 they a1 hole, marc , 1011.
3 I 1‘ ll 1 .5153» 3 .3 dorse? FheY 5 13f_ Cn‘llo .3 some of them 11 race, as a W '[h ‘
1 1. S11 5. .3 1... hearllly 611 11d be (1 . .1 centullCS. . .. the huma CO e W
.3: 1 S 11 ._ the WC1 r5 0[ paS : . .. [ult . d 1ean5 t0 p
:3 55 3 1 s '. , doubt. But Y (1 5a“ ‘ 1 out ol thC Plc . 1 110 ways an 11 , 1
c 15 1 51 5 pose, 11O . d more 50““ ’ . 3 1611-111 1)asse( . - 1 on, fin(1 t, Hmong, )ur
« ‘- . ' 1...» em an feet m g ’ .. r W1Ll .. 3 me cont
5.5 i 5 59 =5‘ 55: 5 ferent, mOSt 0351515 t05day Many Of those because they Could COPL nluthenumer— new and [1011531050 31 S owr.
3 1; 3. 3. 1S 1: .511 . _ 1 e if ert‘en ' . eek— . . r with “611‘ ——— .3 111‘ Pmc ‘
. .4 ‘3 5 55'. Wt 1013 3 h gkleS men 5 ‘ 11c changCS “0 . . . - , ) swallow \0 3
5. «5 5. 5. 55.5 - s 13 lauded to t e 5 t Chma ' ‘ emleS. [3 11 its WlSC t( ‘ ’
S . 3. . 1 _ .1. 113 5 ed 011 , 3 1161' en 0 LC . ' 3 T3
5 E 5 35 55 '55 5 3 ‘Edlmpublic 055fice who 125561: twin public ous, though sma e59 we haVe witnessed and CODSCI‘VC YOUT (331)1535' 750’
1' s 1 35,1, 51 5.5 :57 111g . 1 unWOYt )5 0‘ 161' 01115 very C)’ ‘ d ‘ ”——
1 1 5 S .. 1. 1.3 oundle s . . 00d UnC . - Of our m0 6111
. .1. 1. :31. [.0 be 5C . Wmten m g . [fined extinction .
1. 3: .1 1. . . he wele _ . _ the thlea . 5e thC’ . .. 3. ~
55 I 5' 555 .1551 thL B555 :uir515e and that IS all-111111)Or dinosaurs, the raflroads, becaiielves t2). I3”()(:almn(l.l Amcl“ 1. York Nebraska. .
11 5. 55555 55‘ 55 5‘55": faith, We as. 5 5 1? After all tiese ‘ 1 . to adjust “56555 5 1' citizens 0' ’ 3 ~ials‘
1 S .: 1 -S . 3. 3,. - . , 11g 1. h 6 been S 0“ ~ 1: 0[()1" LCEK mg . . . t edltm
- t5 1. a 5. .3. 15.55 Yet 18 that eno k 3 1 EX- 3V . - 3 -h £01m 0 m -~ bltln gues . .
; .SS...S 1 1 .3 taut. ; ‘ ble to JUC g6. tltlon 11] L 6 . J bCCH Conill 1 g . 11655 3
5 o5 13 15$}: :3. 133'. . feel better a ‘ C new COmPe A' 1he rall— have 3 ' each g
1 S . . _ .. . 5 t last ublicatlom
: £15 .5 53 55147:. VEaYS we 5 much. 6150 W 1motoi buses. . _ . 3. .1 9 local R613 . . . 1 the
' 1 : ‘. 25.? 1.3.3.: I - 1 g taught u ’ _ trucks 351C , d [tm at to 51 . . l 1 ’11“ O ‘
1 . . . . - . 11 g. . - . 111 11$
. t5 3 5.95 31 . 3m 1e11c€ 1a 11 htencd 1“ k min and a n 3 - . mm the g hat
3.1 3 . . 1.1 l . 356d. An en g - ads are aw?!1 e g .5 3 editoual g1 g theorv 5 3
3 V. : 5 ‘. 1: 5: 1313 have not Plogre And much r0 have competlt10n3 . , .3 On the 3 .1 1
S . _ S 5. . . . ~ caLlOH- - witl
. a 1 _ . 3.5 .1 5.1 . '5 ours, We hOPe least, that they . hand wlltCl 3 V0 . 1 1 .11. busmtbb
. ‘ .‘ 5,1 13 55:11 telll ence 1 .- ‘ alread’ at 3 - discuss “C 1.1 .
55 1&3 1.11.1; 15. 5.7":1 tong are different. I fact Perhapsthe tlme IS. in 13101.6 atten- men like to this has Proved a way 1: 3. 100
. a 1 . ”5:5 1 . 5 are so different. fl 5 when we should be g1" g1 “rhen this each Othel’. - -3 subiCCt a part 0‘55 5
5, F ‘1' E5 51 5951C0nd1t10ns ne SO rapidly that who , t0 the small advertlsel- thin making thCll” laVOIlte « -.'
‘5 01 . 10H . . . ' . ‘ .
, L] S . 3. .3 1 .. Changes have cthe be“ course to Steei at 5)criod of busmeSS mess 15 Roman? the 10Ca1 newspaper- 35. ,.
.. . 13.. .. _ _ , ‘32:-
. 11 . 1115 5451533 knOWS What 15‘ . e? If adVCTUSlng V01 1 than an unpleasant memory :1 5.3.
5-. y‘ 1.15. 11 this part1CUIal tlmfl- if subscribers are more , 1-5 .11,
5 0 53: 5.15 55 5 lune has fallen O ’ 3 ~ ’
1 n 5555 5 53 ~ '5 5
2 3. 1‘, .5 3 1 3 . . . 5
5 5: 1 -. . '
L5 ~ ‘ 5‘55 5 5 . .

 . ' .315 '1'. "
gi- ‘ 3"" E:
'Y: 1940 ."‘ , 1940 :E 3.; i,
'3,’ Ma}, THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three , EE EEEE .. .
., E _ ,, V . , - . _ <
11): 261$” . ngi'am gfdMEthuirti7iel Saturday Mornmg in net income.” . EEEEEE'E , E:
)e bu inf Meetmg, a W“ a June 5-8 10:00 A. M.—Newspaper exhibit contest, This publisher is a shining example "E'i‘ll I»
new 3116‘; Thursday Evening PTO-f. Victor R. Portmann, of good business tactics, but he is by‘ri‘n'éo EEEE ‘EEEEEE
nger mer- . chairman. means an impossible one to emulate. '"EEE "E'
. . Reg15t61'- ‘— Follow this )ractice of a ealin to 'Eyl'E . E1331 “
Lflm yolur 7:00 P. M.—1’>ulfet supper, Hotel Irvin N“ Revenue GOES U19 3555 people’s practlical sense as £511 as gheir ‘."EE Eli
grd/wci'nib Cobb. Per 100 Subscriptions desire for a premium A ‘ EE'E ’EEEE
o ' ..: i1 .1“. 3'1
t > ‘ p-jd VI . '. C d- ,. - ———-— WEE ”$121“
Ior hwhile \ 11 ay 1 01 71mg [pncnjed from Circulation Manager. Mrs. Fannie Bell, Publisher EEEE l EEEE _
6W years : 900 ~\ M —Re . ... goo way to make more money is G) . , . . E; :1 *j'EJE .
. . . _ gistci. t . .. . cmgetown Times, chs E E .sait -
.- 10.00 A M —Business Session 0 cut expenses. How can the non-metro- :1; E E315 .
never yet. ‘ * ' ' I Welcome 1) E M2; ’or Pierce politan newspaper publisher reduce cir- MFS- Fannie MOOFC BCH, 71, part-own— ‘ 'EE . Ell ’ -
paper ad- E Lackey E E culation costs? er of the Georgetown Times, died of a ', E'EEET E’EEE '
h t . ' . _‘ .. ' ' . - . . s. .4195 -
)rEaEVEr he _ 10:15 A. M.—“Legis1ation A 1 1 e c t i n g E. Cne practical way is to get longer- geart attack achcr home on South E E E EEE .
1 0m ‘ Newspapers," talk by Tyler min su scriptions. Example: It pays a roadway May 2/' ‘EEE E '. EJ'EE .j
3e made, Mun ford chairman of daily paper to go after subscriptions for She had been confined to her home _i E ‘é' .z'E'
nall town . KP& 1e islative committee a year instead of three or six months; it for some time, but her illness had not EE E IELEE‘E
)ther thl‘y . 10.45 —\ M ~Greetings bv Walter thn: pays a weekly to go after twO— or three- been considered serious. EEE E1 ‘ "E'E'
rted 1." a ' ' ' mm Chgatta/nooga Tenn year subscriptions, instead of one year. The wife of the late Tyson C. Bell, E1 551E l'lE ‘
L11,CE'1"'CS treasurer of Southern News: “thy-y Because it costs just as much sheis survived by a daughter, Mrs. Flein EE'E'E ' EE'E'
7P“ and paper Publishers Associa- to enter and handle, and almost as much Smith, whose husband is editor and ‘pub- E' 1‘: ' 'E'E
d. Are we tion ‘ “ to secure, a three-month subscription as 11511” 0f the Georgetown NCWS; a grand- ll' E'EEE'E
' v . . _ - - “5 1E; "“11"
10‘ tOivard 10:30 A. M. _ Talk by Robert L. Kin- 1E does a three-yeai sub-And the longer son, Flcm Smith III, and several nieces E! E E. EEEEEEE
p caid Middlesboro K tie term, the less handling and vaUISl— and nephews. E E .11 EEEE ;
these ein- .' “Selfin Kentuck Throuyfi [1011 cost you have. ————————- E"EE:E'E1E
coinmuni- the Pagk Prograilii.” g Short-term subscriptions are largely Norman Parks, Editor El 'EEil' E
““1 CO” .V _ . a matter of habit with readers. The P2,“ County News, Dies ' HE "' E'E‘i"
the mere 10.90 A. M. Talk by Col. B. F. Forgey, often indi t f . h y f -'. E : EEEEEE E
‘ president, Ashland Inde- )art of thca e bzpn}: eagtedness-on the Norman Shelby Parks, 36, editor of E EE’,’
"ed thous ~ pendent, Ashland, on “The 1 e pu .15 ner. eople W111 take the Pike County News for the last nine 1 E'EEEEEEEEEFE
Ber adver‘ . KPA 20 Years Ago.” long-term subscriptions, by and large, if years and wid e1 known thro h 1 E 1'3 E; El "'1"
.- , 11:15 A M —Ta1k b Director a . P the publisher makes an attractive offer. t' f 1 y - ug out “at :Ei"'EE"i??i=‘Fli"
it piinces ~ - . y I mes . “I h 9_ _ . _ sec ion 0 tie state, died suddenly at his “.1 Emir: ‘EEE
_ . ave a $12.. a yeai weekly, and it costs . 11.. . El».
.11 a small ' Pope, 0* the Tennessee Val- me just about fift cents t t b home May 25. He had been in failing E, WE E' 1921"“; .
nth with 2 ley Authority, on “TVA’s scri tion b E ma‘1 ,,y N E0 gle a su ' health for several months following an EOE EEEEE‘E
[SC of very .' _ Meaning for Kentucky.” lishgr E 't) “ml/1’1 a1 CW ng and pub- attack of pneumonia. . IE; EEEIEE """E
iewspapei‘ “545 A. M.—A11110uncements. sub “'2'. es. en . g“ $2 for a years Parks, survived by his wife and one ETJ'E' EE'EE'
like these 12:00 Noon~Luncheon, Hotel Irvin 1 ESCHIE Egan at. a cost 0f fifty. cents, I son, Norman Jr., came to Pikeville from BEE: E'EQ E"
t as well ‘ C0131). Talk by Herbert 191W E ' net. On a subscriber who Peoria, 111., about ten years ago. ' EEE 'i EEE
L a chance I Agar, Editor of The Cour- ES 563 Ely 51:11pm a year at a time, I Spend He was actively engaged in his pro- E' u'EEu'EE
ts for the lerJournal, Louisville, Ky. years es COSt m a period or three fession in spite of the fact that a back ErEE'E'Il'lE'
e c0 ’ .' u H . . ' ' ‘2 i""i'
P:ge cog; .Fnday Afternoon I got to wondering if I could get 1:;::ya:1(rln;11(€l§ .ftracture. a rfiurnber d "E'EEEIEE'
:1”? worth E Boat Ride, guests of United States three—year subscriptions at a time. So I Elvear bfaces d1 necessary 01 hm] to it EEIE'E'
a lot of nglneer Department. made an offer to readers whose time was Parks wa‘anl useha Effie . E E 'E'EE
'eft by the Golf at LakeView course (prizes) . running out that if they would subscribe corre ) d b _a :0 . t e. ssoc1ated Press EEE :E E E'1"'
. Bridge for the ladies on the boat for three years at $6, I would give them round'irCiH-l tentt 0' PikeVille and sur- "l E", ‘E
side when EVE???) . a nice set of kitchen knives (wholesale g erri—ory. l""E‘l'
ms # but 000 iSit TVA dam at Gilbertsville, $95,. price, forty cents). My argument: You . __—___ EE' i. E“: "1'
marches r .000 'flood control project, 50-mile are going to take the paper every year Lexmgton Herald-Leader "' "“i‘
icope with WEI/(i1 trip 1:1 Your own car. anyway. Why don’t you send your three- Installs New G0” Umt 1E ‘ E: El
)115. buri $1111 _ V\1ckliffe Mounds, (ancient Year subscription now and get this beau- The Lexington Herald-Leader recent- AEEE l, '1
0“net City) 64-niile round trip in your tiful present? 1y installed a new l5-page GOSs unit to EEEE EEE‘EEI' EEEE
. . r . u .11 i"v‘1.7“
sour pridc 55;; . Over fifty per cent took my paper for its press equipment. The new unit has its - E E'iE i 13' E '
(Take inrng. . three—year terms. I kept careful records own motor, but can be duo-controlled ijiEi EEEEE" 1'1
7 O'ClOYEUIthOlCC of any of the above.) on expense and found I got these three— with the original press of three 16-page EIE‘ Ei' i 1' E
C — inner, Hotel IrVin . Cobb year subscriptions at a total cost of units in series. All units are connected EE. M E E9
\’ebraskfl 1101M garden, compliments ninety cents, which included the prcm— with a central folder. The new unit in- \ ‘ ,E’f EEEE IEEEE
'editoriflh‘. 10 Paducah Sun-Demo- ium. creases the capacity of the pressroom to EEEE 'lll I'E
. ‘1 uest crat. Toastmaster, Attor- Result: On each three-year sub I a total of 64 pages while a complete 16- - '3S1E El" '2: ' E13"
Etc 105% the my Thomas. S. Waller. took in $6 at a cost of ninety cents. Had page issue can be printed in case of EEEE EE EE EE .
.s .. that Ialk by foreign news edi- I got the sub for three years, a year at breakdown or emergency of either press EELE EEE; 3E EEE“
Eeotis)s “i111 , tor, of the Assoc1ated Press, a time, cost would\have been $1.50. ________ . 'El'f EE'E'U 'E ‘
new 1 ‘ “ . u ' . ‘1 ”‘4‘. .
11 way of pen ’E/Var Coverage Prob~ f My net revenue was boosted sixty- Carlyle once said that people could 1'95 Eli; ‘i .
‘ nis. ive cents er subscri don—$65 e 100 1 ' . "E: 5' MHZ-3 1:35; 1.
*t 0E: 10:0 _ . . P P P r on y be taken in b uacks when the ‘ E12. m ~ '~ '5:
a pai E 0 P. M.—]?ance on Hotel IrVin Cobb subscriptions — on the three-year sub- had a certain elemEenCi; of quackery it: El; E EEEEE
,, lOOf. scription. That is a worth-while gain their own' souls. , E'E' En E .
E “ » EEl'. \‘iidi. '3 ’J ,
. . if. Eta: ittié
. _. '1: :EI‘ EM .TzEEE:
,_ ' ' ' 51’; 'EE'SIF I. iéti‘ .
~ 112:3 € -;£ 3 , - I'EEE :. L‘EEEE 3

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i 3 133‘“ Ofacial Press Publisher building 51:11 Comm n121in thigstridly labor‘ Tclassincamf 111C Lype 065 SO“16 idedg
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. Ti“ ' I Press ASPresid‘E‘é'ndogegger- Dan golmnefi othat the P11 HouSe CO in Supel fol-c1116“ Tl Forfimei1 1. plant: gexchI
' ' AI‘II II I lay, eSu Mes . _ ‘ , t . e .I - ‘ ' II - . 16 . ’I’”.
if I; I ‘II ’ n M. Pegrice-Pfrrresu .“ee chair; - 01tan upon [I] inte” wol‘kmg. as “L ‘10: 0‘ Qt. 'nstltl“ awlll'
' I {M i I Gracefi DycArlxggck, sece 00mm) gazettfi’dvocagfi. 1mP) moVe and P1 1it' )dllcllon Low, 1111“ 1nd 111 1 blrn
‘ = :L I” 1 I: I . Russe tls .ecuti" unto“ field Journ _' (10 s( I _ ” “tors Comm 1)r( , [ac I _‘ 101 i I
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,y, 1940 31??? May, 1940 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five . ‘ ,11‘1li1, 1|11l 1 1', .
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working %Acres 0f Diamonds worked out a series of homespun we when a neighbor called, directing atten- , l 'l l 11 1 ..;
'vices are ll Are In Your Back Yard cess and experience stories. tion to the last sentence: “You have l I ‘ l' ‘1 l
.1‘1 . Condensed from 1‘0 glve an added touch we supphed ach1eved success 1n that you have l1vetl 1‘ 1'; 1 11;
1161‘ hand, The Oklahoma Publisher a certificate—gold seal and all—to each longi laughed often, and, loved much. f1 l,‘}‘1
sually are h he dar of the Chautaut ua man, and they were proud of the (118