xt74j09w3h7g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74j09w3h7g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Ky. University of Kentucky 1977 1978 The University of Kentucky Gradute Schools course catalogs contain bound volumes dating from 1926 through 2005. After 2005, the course catalogs ceased to be printed and became available online only. course catalogs English University of Kentucky Copyright retained by the University of Kentucky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Graduate School course catalogs University of Kentucky Graduate School Bulletin, 1977-1978 text University of Kentucky Graduate School Bulletin, 1977-1978 1977 1977 1978 2020 true xt74j09w3h7g section xt74j09w3h7g ‘ . ”‘0‘.
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 University Archives 4 fee/1Q”. e. nc r3. (Lab
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1977 Fall Semester

June 15—Wednesday—Last day to apply to the
Graduate Admissions Office for admission and
readmission for the 1977 Fall Semester

August 29—Monday—Registration for new stu-

August 30—Tuesday—Centralized Drop/Add for
Advance Registered Students

August 31—Wednesday—Class work begins

August 31-September 7—Wednesday thru Wednes-
day—Late registration for returning students
who did not advance register and new applicants
cleared late for admission. A $20 late fee is
assessed students who register late

September 5—Monday—Labor Day (Academic

September 7—Wednesday—Last day to enter an
organized class for Fall Semester

September 12—Monday—Last day to change from
credit to audit or from audit to credit

September 12—Monday—Last day to drop a course
without a grade

September 29—Thursday—Last day for filing ap-
plication for a December degree in the Graduate
School Office

September 29—Thursday-—Last day for payment of
registration fees in order to avoid cancellation of

September 29—Thursday—Last day for new stu-
dents to pick up ID cards from Billings and Col-

lections in order to avoid replacement fee

October 21—Friday—Last day to withdraw from.
the University or reduce course schedule and re-
ceive any refund

October 31—Monday—Last day to pay thesis/dis-
sertation fees for a December degree in Billings
and Collections Office

October 31—Monday—Last day to apply to the
Graduate Admissions Office for admission, and
readmission for the 1978 Spring Semester

November 7-16-—-—Monday through Wednesday-“—
Advance registration for 1978 Spring Semester

November 8—Tuesday—Last day to withdraw from
a class before finals

November 22—Tuesday—Last day to schedule a
final examination for candidates for a December

November 24-26—Thursday through Saturday—-
Thanksgiving Holiday (Academic Holidays)

December 14—Wednesday—Class work ends

December 16-22—Friday through Thursday—Final

December 22—Thursday—Last day to submit a
thesis/dissertation to The Graduate School for
candidates for a December degree

December 22—Thursday—End of Fall semester.

December 26—Monday—All grades due in the Reg-
istrar’s Office by 12 noon, three days after final
examination is administered

1978 Spring Semester

January 16—Monday—Registration for new stu—

January 17—Tuesday—Centralized Drop/Add for
Advance Registered Students

January 18—Wednesday—Class work begins

January 18—24—Wednesday through Tuesday—
Late registration for returning students who did
not advance register and new applicants cleared
late for admission. A $20 late fee is assessed
students who register late

January 24——Tuesday—Last clay to enter an orga-
nized class for Spring Semester

February 13—Monday—Last day to change from

credit to audit or from audit to credit

February 13—Monday—Last day to drop a course
without a grade

February 16—Thursday—Last day for payment of
registration fees in order to avoid cancellation of

February 16—Thursday——-Last day for filing ap-
plication for a May degree in the Graduate School

February 16—Thursday—Last day for new students
to pick up ID cards from Billings and Collections
in order to avoid replacement fee

March 10—Friday———Last day to withdraw from the

University or reduce course schedule and receive

any refund.



March 17—Friday—Last day to pay thesis/dis-
sertation fees for a May degree in Billings and
Collections Office

March 20-25—Monday through Saturday—Spring
Vacation (Academic Holidays)

April 1—Saturday—Last day to apply to the Grad-
uate Admissions Office for admission and read-
mission for all 1978 Summer Sessions

April 10-19—Monday through Wednesday—Ad-
vance registration for 1978 Fall Semester and
both Summer Sessions

April 14—Friday—-Last day to schedule a final
examination for candidates for a May degree

April 24—Monday—Last day for Kentucky Teach-

ers to submit all required documents to the Grad-

uate Admissions Office for admission and read-
mission for all 1978 Summer Sessions



May 5—Friday—Last day to submit a dissertation
to the Graduate School for doctoral candidates
who wish to receive a diploma at Commencement

May 6—Satu rday—Class work ends

May 8-13—Monday through Saturday—Final ex-

May 12—Friday—Last day to submit a thesis/dis-
sertation to the Graduate School for candidates
for a May degree

May 13—Saturday—End of Spring Semester

May 13—Saturday—Commencement Day

May 16——-Tuesday——-All grades clue in Registrar’s
Office by 4 pm. three days after final examina-
tion is administered

June 15—Thursday—Last day to apply to the Grad-

uate Admissions Office for admission and re-

admission for the 1978 Fall Semester

1978 Four-Week lntersession

April 1—Saturday—Last day to apply to the Grad-
uate Admissions Office for admission and read-
mission for all 1978 Summer Sessions

April 24—Monday—Last day for Kentucky Teach-
ers to submit all required documents to the Grad-
uate Admissions Office for admission and read-
mission for all 1978 Summer Sessions

May 15—Monday—Registration

May 16—Tuesday—ClaSs work begins

May 19—Friday—Last day to enter an organized
class for Four-Week lntersession

May 22—Monday—Last day to drop a course with-
out a grade

May 22-_—Monday——Last day to change from credit
to audit or from audit to credit

May 29—Monday—Memorial Day (Academic Holi-

May 30—Tuesday—Last day for payment of regis-
tration fees in order to avoid cancellation of reg-

May 30———Tuesday—Last clay to withdraw from the
University or reduce course schedule and receive
any refund

June 13—Tuesday—End of Four-Week lntersession

June 13—Tuesday———Final examinations

June 15——-Thursday~—Last day to apply to the Grad—
uate Admissions Office for admission and read—
mission for the 1978 Fall Semester

June 16—Friday——All grades due in the Registrar’s
Office by 4 pm.

1978 Summer Session

April 1—Saturday—Last day to apply to the Grad-
uate Admissions Office for admission and read-
mission for all 1978 Summer Sessions

April 24—Monday——Last day for Kentucky Teach—
ers to submit all required documents to the Grad-
uate Admissions Office for admission and re—
admission for all 1978 Summer Sessions

June 13—Tuesday—Registration

June 14—Wednesday—Class work begins

June 15—Thursday—Last day to apply to the Grad-
uate Admissions Office for admission and read-
mission for the 1978 Fall Semester

June 19—Monday—Last day to enter an organized

class for the 1978 Summer Session

June 27—Tuesday—Last day to change from credit
to audit or from audit to credit

June 27—Tuesday—Last day to drop a course
without a grade

June 27—Tuesday—Last day to pay registration
fees in order to avoid cancellation of registration

June 27—Tuesday—Last day for filing application
for an August degree in the Graduate School

July 4—Tuesday—lndependence Day (Academic

July 13—Thursday—Last day to pay thesis/dis-

sertation fees for an August degree in Billings

and Collections Office


 July l3—Thursday—Last day to withdraw from the thesis/dissertation to the Graduate School for
University or reduce course schedule and receive candidates for an August degree
any refund August 9—Wednesday—End of Summer Session
July l8—Tuesday—Last day to schedule a final August 9—Wednesday—Final examinations
examination for candidates for an August degree August l4—Monday—All grades due in the Regis-
August 9—Wednesday—Last day to submit a trar’s Office by 12 noon

Note: For Graduation and Diploma information see page l5.















Otis A. Singletary, Ph.D.‘ ,
President of the University

WimberlyC. Rayster, Ph. D. Deon
Margaret E. W. Jones Ph 0., Associate Dean
Roger Eichhorn, Ph.D., Associate Dean




The University of Kentucky began offering grad-
uate work in l870 and awarded its first graduate
degrees in 1876. The Graduate School became a
distinct unit in the University organization in l9l2.

The Graduate School is concerned with advanced
study, graduate instruction and research conducted
by the faculty and students of all colleges and de-
partments. The total graduate resources of the
University are merged under it for the purpose of
promoting the acquisition of knowledge in an
atmosphere of free and lively inquiry.

Graduate work is offered in most colleges in the
University. A general description, tabulation of
courses, and name of the Director of Graduate
Studies for each of the various programs is given in
the Programs and Directors of Graduate Studies sec-
tion of this bulletin.

The following advanced degrees are conferred:

Doctor of Philosophy
Offered in following fields:

Germanic Languages



Mechanical Engineering

Metallurgical Engineering
and Materials Science



Pharmaceutical Sciences



Physiology and Biophysics

Plant Pathology

Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Engineering

Animal Sciences



Chemical Engineering
Chemical Physics

Civil Engineering

Crop Science

Diplomacy and International

Commerce Plant Physiology
Economics Political Science
Educational Psychology Psychology
Electrical Engineering Sociology
Engineering Mechanics Soil Science
English Spanish
Entomology Statistics
French Toxicology
Geography Veterinary Science

Master of Arts

Offered in following fields:

Anthropology Economics
Art English
Botany French
Classical Languages Geography
Communications German
Diplomacy History

The Graduate School

Library Science

Phi lasophy
Political Science

Master of Science
Offered in following fields:

Agricultural Economics
Animal Sciences

Computer Science
Crop Science


Theatre Arts

Pharmaceutical Science


Physiology. and Biophysics

Health, Physical Education,

Plant Pathology

Plant Physiology


Soil Science



Veterinary Science


Master of Science in Agriculture

Offered in following fields:

Agricultural Economics
Animal Sciences

Crop Science


Other Degrees

Doctor of Business Admin-

Doctor of Education

Doctor of Musical Arts in
Music Teaching

Master of Arts in Education

Master of Science in

Master of Business Admin-

Master of Fine Arts

Master of Music

Master of Public

Master of Science in

Master of Science in Agri-
cultural Engineering

Master of Science in Chem-
ical Engineering

Master of Science in Civil

Master of Science in Clinical


Plant Pathology

Soil Science
Veterinary Science

Master of Science in Dentis-
try with Specialty in

Master of Science in Elec-
trical Engineering

Master of Science in Engi-
neering Mechanics

Master of Science in Home

Master of Science in Library

Master of Science in Me-
chanical Engineering

Master of Science in Medical
Radiation Dosimetry

Master of Science in Metal-
lurgical Engineering

Master of Science in Nuclear

Master of Science in Nursing

Master of Science in Radio-
logical Health—Specialty

Master of Social Work

Specialist in Education



Organization of The Graduate School

The Graduate Faculty consists of the Dean of The
Graduate School and all persons appointed thereto
by the President of the University. As the chief
University agency for the promotion of the ideals
of graduate study, it determines the policies of The
Graduate School and makes recommendations to
the University Senate and to the President, or to
other administrative officials as appropriate. All
rules affecting graduate work and the inauguration
of new graduate programs must be approved by the
Graduate Faculty.

Any proposed change in the rules of The Graduate
Faculty must be included in the agenda of the meet-
ing and circulated to the Graduate Faculty at least
10 days prior to the meeting at which it is to be

New Graduate Faculty members may be proposed
to the Dean of The Graduate School at anytime by
the college deans and department chairmen con-
cerned, or in the case of persons not attached to a
college faculty, by the Vice President for Academic
Affairs of the University. Eligibility qualifications
are as follows:

1. The doctor’s degree or its equivalent in schol-
arly reputation.

2. The rank of assistant professor (or equivalent),
or higher.

3. Scholarly maturity and professional productiv—
ity as demonstrated by publications, editorial
services, research surveys, creative work, or
patents; and research in progress at the time of

4. Definite interest in graduate work and the will-
ingness to participate in the graduate program.

Appointment to the Graduate Faculty is made by
the President of the University on nomination by the
Dean of The Graduate School after he/she and the
Graduate Council have studied the credentials sub--
mitted in support of the proposed members. .

Associate members of the Graduate Faculty are
appointed by the Dean of The Graduate School.

Administrative officers assigning teaching and
other duties to members of the Graduate Faculty
_ who are taking an active part in the graduate pro-
gram (i.e., are heavily engaged in directing theses,
carrying on productive research, etc.) should make
appropriate reduction in the duties required of such

The Role of the Dean

The Dean of The Graduate School is charged with
the administration of the policies adopted by the


Graduate Faculty and the University Senate relating
to graduate studies. The Dean presides over all meet-
ings of the Graduate Faculty and calls meetings of
this faculty whenever he/she thinks it advisable or
whenever requested to do so by one-fourth of the
membership. He/she makes recommendations to
the Graduate Faculty respecting the requirements
for advanced degrees, the regulations necessary to
insure a high standard of graduate work, and all
other aspects of the graduate program. He/she
appoints a committee for each graduate student,
arranges for final examinations, advises students
with regard to their studies and the requirements of
The Graduate School, and in all other ways ad-
ministers the graduate program in the interests of
efficient instruction and the highest attainment
possible on the part of each graduate student. He/
she is responsible for determining and certifying to
the Registrar candidates who have fulfilled require-
ments for advanced degrees.

The President, Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs, and the Dean of the Graduate School are
members ex officio of all committees of the‘Grad-
uate Faculty.

The Graduate Council

The Graduate Council is composed of 13 mem-
bers and the Dean of The Graduate School, who is
chairman. There are eight elected faculty repre-
sentatives and three faculty members appointed by
the Dean of The Graduate School. One of the
elected members is from the College of Agriculture,
two from the College of Arts and Sciences, one from
the College of Business and Economics, two from
the College of Education, one from the College of
Engineering, and one from the College of Medicine.
The member or members from each of these col-
leges are elected by the Graduate Faculty members
in that college. Two graduate student members are
selected by the Council from a panel of four sub-
mitted by the Graduate and Professional Student
Association. The term of office of the elected and
appointed members is three years, and that of the
graduate students is one year. No member may
succeed himself/herself until three years have
elapsed since the completion of his/her last term.

The Graduate Council approves or disapproves
proposals concerning courses offered for graduate
credit, and advises and lends assistance to the Dean
in his/her execution of policies and regulations de-
termined by the Graduate Faculty. Specifically, the

1. Studies requests of departments relating to pro-
posed graduate programs.

 2. Reviews existing programs and courses.

3. In cooperation with the Dean, initiates recom-
mendations to the Graduate Faculty. (This pro-
cedure is not intended to prevent a faculty mem-
ber from bringing any recommendation or re-
quest directly before the Graduate Faculty.)

The Graduate Council has such authority as is
herein granted, or such as the Dean or the Graduate
Faculty may delegate to it. A majority of the
Graduate Council constitutes a quorum for the
transaction of business.

Directors of Graduate Studies

A Director of Graduate Studies serves as adviser
to each student majoring in his/her area until the
student has a thesis director. The Director of Grad-
uate Studies then recommends that the thesis direc-
tor be appointed the student’s adviser or committee
chairman. In areas where theses are not required,
the Director of Graduate Studies is the adviser for all
students not writing theses. All student schedules
must be endorsed by the student’s adviser.

If it is desirable, a Director of Graduate Studies
may recommend that additional advisers in the area
be appointed. A Director of Graduate Studies who
is to be absent from the University for as long as
a semester must call this fact to the attention of
the Dean so that a substitute may be appointed.

The Dean of The Graduate School, with the ad-
vice of the college dean(s) and the approval of the
President, may recommend to the Graduate Faculty
the areas of graduate study and research into which
the University may be divided. (The logical unit for
an area is a department. By common consent, how—
ever, certain departments may be grouped into an
area; and in exceptional cases a department may
be divided into two or more areas.) The Directors
of Graduate Studies for the various areas are ap-
pointed by the Dean of The Graduate School.

Establishment and Modification of Graduate Programs

An area which wishes to establish a new graduate
program or modify an existing one must submit its
program to the Graduate Council, which will make
recommendation concerning it to the Graduate Fac-


It is the responsibility of the student to inform
himself/herself concerning all regulations and pro-
cedures required by the course of study he/she is
pursuing. In no case will a regulation be waived or

an exception granted because a student pleads
ignorance of the regulation or asserts that he/she was
not informed of it by his/her adviser or other author-
ity. Therefore, the student should become familiar
with The Graduate School Bulletin, including (I) the
section presenting the requirements for the degree
which he/she plans to take, and (2) the offerings
and requirements of his/her major department.

The student should consult the Director of Grad-
uate Studies of the department in which he/she will
do his/her work concerning course requirements,
any deficiencies, the planning of a program, and
special regulations. Departments may have degree
requirements that are not listed in the Bulletin.

It is to be noted that the Graduate Dean inter-
prets the Graduate Bulletin. Only the Graduate
Council may waive requirements stated in this


An applicant for admission to the University
shall not be discriminated against because of race,
color, religion, sex, marital status, or national origin.

Students seeking admission to the University of
Kentucky Graduate School must hold a baccalau—
reate degree from a fully accredited institution of
higher learning. A minimum undergraduate grade-
point average of 2.5 on the basis of 4.0 is required
by The Graduate School. Individual departments
may require a higher grade-point average.

All applicants for admission to degree programs
in The Graduate School must submit scores on the
verbal and quantitative portions of the Graduate
Record Examination. Requests for waiver of the
GRE requirement must be initiated through, and
submitted in writing by, the Director of Graduate
Studies in the program concerned. If the GRE is
waived for'admission, it must be taken during the
first semester of enrollment. The College of Business
and Economics may substitute the Graduate Man—
agement Admission Test for MBA, DBA and Ac-
counting students. The Medical College Admission
Test or the Dental College Admission Test may be
substituted with the approval of the program con—

Application forms can be obtained by writing:

Graduate School Admissions

Room 304, Patterson Office Tower
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Applications and all supporting documents must
be submitted by the stated deadline (See Calendar).




It should be clearly understood that a graduate
student may not be able to begin immediately a full
graduate program leading to the degree he/she de-
sires; it may be necessary for him/her to satisfy pre-
requisites which he/she omitted in his/her under-
graduate curriculum. Deficiences are determined
by the program in which the major work is to be
done. Ordinarily, a graduate student may begin a
full program in any field in which he/she has a bal-
anced undergraduate major or its equivalent.

Admission to The Graduate School entitles a stus
dent to take such courses as he/she desires, provided

he/she has the necessary prerequisites. However, ‘

a student is not a candidate for a graduate degree
until he/she has been Admitted to Candidacy.

Attendance in The Graduate School at the Uni—
versity of Kentucky is not a right. It is a privilege
which may be withdrawn by the University or any
area of graduate study if it is deemed necessary by
the Dean of The Graduate School in order to safe-
guard the University’s standards.


All non-US. citizens except permanent residents
of the US, should request the Application Form
for Foreign Students. Applicants must have excel-
lent grades and rank in the top quarter of their
classes. To be considered for entry as a graduate
student an applicant must have had four years of
university level work. Indian students: (a first class
record is normally expected although high second
class holders in non-science areas may be consid-
ered if they can offer further evidence of having
been in at least the top IO percent of their graduat—
ing class).

When credentials are submitted in support of any
application, they should be either the original docu-
ments or certified copies (i.e., copies certified as
”true copies” by a notary public or a United States
Embassy official). An official translation must be
attached to these records if they are in a language
other than English. Credentials should include a
record of all degrees earned, detailing all subjects
taken and grades obtained. Grades must be listed
in the indigenous system. Remember that uncer-
. tified photostat copies are not adequate. Applica—
tions for admission are not considered complete
without official scores for the verbal and quantita-
tive portions of the Graduate Record Examination
or the Graduate Management Admissions Test in
Business. For information concerning either of the
tests write to: Educational Testing Service, Box 955,
Princeton, NJ. 08540, or Educational Testing Serv-
ice, Box I502, Los Angeles, Cal. 947OI.


English Proficiency Requirement: The University
of Kentucky requires a score of 550 on the Test of
English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) of all ap-
plicants whose native tongue is not English. The
test is given four times each year. To register you
must obtain the TOEFL Bulletin, which includes a
registration form. Bulletins are available in many
locations outside the US, usually at American
embassies and consulates, offices of the United
States Information Service (USIS), United States
educational commissions and foundations, bi-
national centers, and many private organizations
such as the Institute of International Education (IIE),
African American lnsitute (AAI), American Friends
of the Middle East (AFME), and American Kor—
Asian Foundation.

Candidates who plan to take TOEFL in any coun-
tries identified below must obtain a copy of the
Bulletin from, and must register through, the agency
that is responsible for that country or region.

I. All countries in Europe (including Cyprus, Great
Britain, Ireland, and Iceland):
Postbus I034
Arnhem 6000, Netherlands

2. All countries in the Middle East (except Israel)
and North Africa:
American Friends of the Middle East
Abou Shakra Building
Post Office Box I249
Amnan, Jordan

or : Any office of AFME in the Middle East or
North Africa
3. Hong Kong : Education Department, External
Examinations Section
Canton Road Government Offices
393, Canton Road, IIth Floor,
Kowloon, Hong Kong

or : Institute of International
408 J. Hotung House,
Fourth Floor
5/I5 Hankow Road,
Kowloon, Hong Kong

4. India : Bureau of Educational Research
Ewing Christian College

Allahabad, U.P., 2I I003, India

5. Republic of China : Language Center,
2-I Hsu—chow Road
Taipei, Taiwan (I00),

Republic of China

 6. Thailand : Institute of International Education
National Education Commission
Sukhotlai Road, Dusit
Bangkok, Thailand

Students who cannot obtain a TOEFL Bulletin and
registration form locally should write, well in ad-
vance, to: Test of English as a Foreign Language,
Box 899, Princeton, New Jersey 08540.

Financial Resources Requirement; Graduate ape
plicants must certify that they have at least $4500
available per year. We estimate that this amount
will cover the cost of tuition fees ($1600), books and
supplies ($200), room and meals ($2000), health
insurance (explained below) and incidentals, for a
single person, from the end of August to early May.
Living and incidental expenses for the summer
months will total approximately $700.

At the beginning of each registration period, the
student must have $1500 on hand to pay for tuition
fees, room and board and health insurance. These
items are payable in September and January and
cannot be paid in monthly installments.

University Housing. For information on Univer-
sity of Kentucky housing, write well in advance to:

Cooperstown Office
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40508

Health Services. The University of Kentucky has
an excellent health care program for its students.
The Student Health Service clinic on campus is
staffed with physicians, surgeons, psychiatrists and
other health professionals who are specialists in the
problems of young adults. Students who must be
hospitalized are admitted to University Hospital.

Health Fee. There are no"’free” services but
students pay only a nominal fee each semester (it
was $15 in 1976-77) which covers most of the ser-
vices provided by the student clinic: doctor visits,
laboratory services, some drugs, allergy shots, im-
munizations, etc. '

Health Insurance. In addition to paying the
health fee, students must have health insurance to
cover the cost of hospitalization, accident care and
surgery. These services are not covered by the health
fee and since they are very costly in the United
States students must protect themselves (and their
families if they are married). Foreign students must
have insurance that is payable in the United States.

As a service to students who need insurance, the
University makes available a Student Group Insur-
ance Plan. The cost is about $70 per year for a
single student and about $120 per year for a stu-

dent and spouse (without maternity benefits). If
there are children in the family, or if maternity
benefits are desired, the cost is about $220 per year
to cover the entire family.

The premium for this insurance is paid in two
installments at the beginning of each semester. The
coverage of the policy begins on August 26 for
those enrolling in the fall and its provides benefits
anywhere in the world during the period for which
premium is paid. Two premium payments provide
protection for 12 months.

Additional information about the health fee and .
health insurance are available at the University’s
Foreign Student Office and at the Health Service.
It should be noted that dental care, examinations
for eye glasses and some drugs are not provided by'
either plan and students must pay for these services

Health Report Form. The Certificate of Eligibility
(Form I-20) cannot be accepted for admission until
the Graduate Admissions Office has received a
completed health form indicating that the student
has had a recent physical examination. Health
Forms are mailed from the Graduate Admissions
Office prior to final admission.

Application Deadline For Foreign Students. Ap-
plications for admission and complete credentials
should reach the Admissions Office at least six
months before the opening of the term the student
wishes to enter, that is, February I for the fall se-
mester which begins in late August, June 15 for the
spring semester which begins in mid-January, and
November 1 for all summer sessions.

Summer Program in English for Foreign Students.
The Program in English for Foreign Students is
available only to foreign students who have been
admitted to the Graduate School contingent upon
successful completion of the program. It is offered
by the English Department during the Eight-Week
Summer term. No credit hours may be earned for
the course. The registration fee of $275 will cover
cost of instruction and certain cultural activities
connected with the course; it will not cover room and
board (estimated at $400-500 for the eight-week
period). For further information or applications,
contact the Chairman of the Department of English,
12th Floor, Patterson Office Tower.


Former University of Kentucky students in good
standing are eligible for readmission. They must
file an application for readmission by the stated
deadlines (See Calendar). An exception to this rule




is made on behalf of students who attend only Uni—
versity Summer Sessions. These students do not
have to apply for readmission to a Summer Session
if they were enrolled for the preceding Summer

Registration forms, which must be prepared in
advance for any registration period, are not made
for a student after one semester’s absence from
the University. It is only by the filing of an
application for readmission in advance that the
Registrar’s Office can be alerted to the fact that
a student intends to re-enter the University and
prepare for him/her the necessary registration
forms in time for registration.


Students who hold a baccalaureate degree and
who wish to pursue graduate study without a de—
gree objective and students who do not fulfill the
entrance requirements of The Graduate School may
apply for admission as an unclassified graduate

Admission to this status may be granted to an
applicant who (I) demonstrates promise but has not
qualified for admission to a degree program, or (2)
intends not to complete a degree program. Students
may take courses for graduate credit but may not
apply more than 12 hours of credit with a grade of
A or B earned in the unclassified status to any de—
gree program leading to an advanced degree at this
institution. All transfers of credit hours to a grad—
uate program must be approved by that program’s

Director of Graduate Studies and the Graduate


An application