xt74j09w247w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74j09w247w/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1969 journals 185 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.185 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.185 1969 1969 2014 true xt74j09w247w section xt74j09w247w T, KENTUCKY
  UPTEQ/ZESH * Progress Report 185

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  U w Note: See Table 3 for exactntest locations
Acknowledgments are made to Mr. John Byers and Dr. J. C.
Williams, Department of Agronomy, for assistance in summarizing
the results presented in this progress report. Also acknow- I
ledgments are made to the following persons who aided in the
conduct of this year's performance test]
Shirley Phillips, State Grains Specialist, Lexington, Ky.
Charles Tutt, Research Specialist, Princeton, Ky.
Paul Appel, Station Superintendent, Princeton, Ky.
C. E. Wyatt, Area Extension Agent, Mayfield, Ky.
Stuart Brabant, Area Extension Agent, Henderson, Ky.
John Kavanaugh, Area Extension Agent, Hartford, Ky.
Clifton Taylor, Area Extension Agent, Franklin, Ky.
George Armstrong, Station Superintendent, Quicksand, Ky.

l. Pedigree of Experiment Station Hybrids Tested in
2. Hybrids Tested in 1969.
3. Agronomic Information Pertaining to 1969 Test
4. Annual Summary, Normal Population, Lowes, Ky.
` 5. 2-Year Summary, Normal Population, Lowes, Ky.
6. Annual Summary, Normal Population, Princeton, Ky.
7. 2—Year Summary, Normal Population, Princeton, Ky.
8. 3—Year Summary, Normal Population, Princeton, Ky.
, 9. Annual Summary, Normal Population, Henderson, Ky.
10. 2-Year Summary, Normal Population, Henderson, Ky.
ll. Annual Summary, Normal Population, Hartford, Ky.
- l2. 2-Year Sum ary, Normal Population, Hartford, Ky.
13. 3-Year Summary, Normal Population, Hartford, Ky.
14. Annual Summary, Normal Population, Franklin, Ky.
t 15. 2-Year Summary, Normal Population, Franklin, Ky.
16. Annual Summary, Normal Population, Lexington, Ky.
17. 2-Year Summary, Normal Population, Lexington, Ky.
18. 3—Year Summary, Normal Population, Lexington, Ky.
19. Annual Summary, Normal Population, Quicksand, Ky.
20. 2-Year Summary, Normal Population, Quicksand, Ky.
2l. Annual Summary, High Population, Princeton, Ky.
22. 2-Year Summary, High Population, Princeton, Ky.
23. 3-Year Summary, High Population, Princeton, Ky.
24. Annual Summary, High Population, Lexington, Ky.
25. 2-Year Summary, High Population, Lexington, Ky.
26. 3-Year Summary, High Population, Lexington, Ky.
, 27. Annual Summary, High Population, Princeton and
Lexington, Ky.
28. Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Test, Normal Population,
Frankfort, Ky.
29. Annual Summary, Normal Population, All Non-Virus

C. G. Poneleit and K. O. Evans
The objective of the Kentucky Corn Performance Test is to
provide unbiased performance estimates of hybrid seed corn sold I
in Kentucky. This information, hopefully, will aid farmers as
they select hybrids for use in the following season.
The changes initiated in 1968 were continued in 1969.
However, modifications were made on the equipment to speed up
the planting and harvesting procedures. Details of the proce-
dures used in l969 are provided in following sections of the
Selection of Hybrids
Ky lO5 and Ky 592lW (Table l) were included as check
varieties. The commercial hybrids shown in Table 2 were selected
from those being marketed in Kentucky. An asterisk (*) identifies
new hybrids and experimental hybrids. These may or may not be
available for seeding in 1970. The hybrids included in the test _
were recommended by independent groups: (1) a committee of
farmers with broad interests throughout the state and (2) the
hybrid corn companies. The final selection of entries was made
by the test personnel and the state grains specialist. Seed was
obtained from dealers and processors throughout the state.
Location of Tests
The 1969 test locations were identical to the 1968 test
locations except that the Lexington test was moved from the
University of Kentucky South Farm to the University of Kentucky
Spindletop Farm. Each location sampled a different soil and
climatic area of the state. The map on page 2 shows the loca- _
tion, and Table 3 shows pertinent agronomic information for each
test. The Lexington and Princeton locations had both a normal
and high population test, while the other test sites had only
the normal population.
The Frankfort test site was specifically chosen for the
presence of maize dwarf mosaic virus. The hybrid corn companies r
were asked to nominate only those hybrids that were known to have
virus resistance. This was done to eliminate known virus suscep-
tible hybrids that would only increase the size of the test and
add little new information.

 Cultural Practices
The seedbed was prepared by conventional tillage methods at
all locations. Fertilizer was applied as indicated by soil tests.
The test areas were treated with herbicide and supplemented by
» post emergence cultivation when necessary. Table 3 shows the
specific treatments for each location.
Experimental Design
Uncontrollable variability due to minor variation of soil
types, fertility and other factors was sampled by using three
— replications of an 8 x 8 balanced lattice. A separate randomi-
zation was used for each location. Information presented in
` Tables 4 through 29 is adjusted for block and replication differ-
, ences when shown applicable by statistical analyses.
All plots were planted with a conventional four-row corn
' planter modified for small plot work. The planter boxes were
replaced by special planting heads to permit clean-out after
‘ planting each plot row. Each hybrid plot consisted of three
side-by-side rows. The two outer rows bordered the middle row
i from competitive effects of neighboring hybrids and were not
used for collection of data. The row width at all locations
r was 38 inches. Population was varied by altering combinations
of row length and number of kernels per row.
All plots were harvested with a conventional tractor-
` mounted, one-row picker-sheller. The middle row of the 3-row
plot was picked, shelled, and the grain collected in a metal
container. The grain weight and moisture content of each plot
were then measured and recorded on the harvesting equipment with
` a portable scale and moisture meter. Later, acre yields were
calculated and adjusted to No. 2 corn at l5.5% moisture. Only
grain picked up by the harvesting equipment appears in the yield
column of the following tables. Dropped or missed ears were
not gleaned from the plot.
Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus
` Each hybrid in the Frankfort test (Table 28) was rated for
virus resistance on a l-9 scale. A rating of l indicates complete
resistance to the virus, while a rating of 9 indicates extreme
susceptibility. The virus rating should be used in conjunction
with yield performance for evaluating hybrids in the Frankfort
test since the yields of the hybrids were noticeably influenced
by severe lodging which may or may not have been caused by the
virus disease. Yields were also reduced owing to animal pests
and birds. Therefore, the virus ratings plus the yield perfor-
mance data should provide the best evaluation of a hybrid's

Tables A through 29 present the results of the 1969 Kentucky _
Hybrid Corn Performance Test. Each table heading gives pertinent
information for a particular location. The Princeton, Hartford, _
and Lexington locations will have annual, 2 and 3-year summaries.
The other locations will show annual and 2-year summaries. Plant
populations at Princeton, Hartford, and Lexington have varied
from year to year. The 1967 data included in these tables re-
present a population of 17,42h and 23,232 plants per acre for
normal and high populations, respectively. To obtain these
populations, the plots were overplanted and thinned. The plots
in 1968 and 1969 were planted at 20,000 and 26,700 kernels per
acre for the normal and high populations respectively and were ,
not thinned. The percent stand indicated in each annual table,
when multiplied by the number of kernels planted per acre, will
be the actual plant population of a particular hybrid. A percent
stand less than 100 would indicate some loss of plants owing to
incomplete germination, seedling diseases or other factors.
However, a stand reduction of 15% is not uncommon.
The purpose of this publication is not to recommend particu-
lar varieties but rather to provide unbiased test results of hy- Q
brids grown under com on conditions. Data presented give the
reader opportunity to consider not only the hybrid's relative
yielding ability but, also, the hybrid's ability to produce good
stands, to withstand lodging, to resist disease, and its maturity
relative to other hybrids.
Comparisons between yields or other characters of any two
or more hybrids should be made only with data from one table at
a time. The testing procedures employed do not allow comparisons
such as a hybrid grown at one location and population with another
hybrid grown at a different location and population.
Table 1. Pedigrees of Experiment Station Hybrids
Tested in 1969.
Hybrid Color Cross Pedigree
Ky 105 Yellow AX (T8 x CI21E)
(38-11 x Oh 7B)
Ky 5921W White AX (CI64 x 33-16)
(Ky 201 x CI66)

 ' Table 2. Hybrids Tested in 1969
Hybrid Color Cross** Source of Hybrid
Dekalb XL 45 Yellow 2X Dekalb Agricultural
XL QSA " 2X Association
A XL 66 " 2X DeKalb, Ill.
XL 82 " 2X
XL 85 " 2X
XL 390W White 3X
_ 999wl ·· ax
1006l Yellow ax
Excel E-7lX Yellow 2X Excel Seed Company
E-944ll " ax P.O. Box 1629
E—8244- " 2X Plainview, Texas
- Funk's G4333 Yellow 2X Funk Bros. Seed Co.
G4595 " 3X 1300 W. Washington St.
G4697 " 3X Bloomington, Ill.
, GQ76l " 3X
r G5757 " ax
G5830W White ax
*2344lW " 3X
- *23413l Yellow 2X
K.A.E.S. Ky 105 Yellow ax University of Kentucky
Ky 592lW White ax Agri. Exp. Station
` Lexington, Ky.
_ I
King, W.O.
& Son K 60 White ax W. O. King & Son
4 Hopkinsville, Ky.
. Meacham's M -lOY Yellow 2X Meacham's Hybrids
*MK-l5Y " 2X Route 3
MK-50W White 2X Morganfield, Ky.
MX—75Wl *· 2x
Migro M-44-SX Yellow 2X Migro Hybrids
_ M-750 " ax Box 7
Mitchell, Ind.

 Table 2 (continued)
} ‘
Hybrid Color Cross** Source of Hybrid
P.A.G. SX-l7l Yellow 2X P-A-G Division
SX-29 " 2X W. R. Grace & Co.
SX-31 " 2X Aurora, Ill.
sx-392 ·· 2X 7
*SX-53 " ZX
SX-BOW white ZX
SX-99 Yellow ZX
399 " Bx ‘
A37 " AX I
A39 " 3X
Pioneer 3l88l Yellow 2X Glod.) Pioneer Corn Co. Inc.
*3l9ll " 3X Union City, Tennessee
3196 " ZX
3306 " ZX
3308 " 3X
3369A " ZX
3516 " ZX A
356A " 2x (Mod.)
5llA White AX
Princeton SX803 Yellow 2X Princeton Farms
SXSOA " 2X Princeton, Ind.
svsml ·· Ax
99ZOA white AX
99OB " Ax
Schenk SS—75A Yellow 3X Charles H. Schenk &
SS-77A " 3X Sons, Route A, Vincennes,
*58-88Al " 3X Ind.
S-96w White AX
Southern 720 Yellow MX Southern States Coop.
States 750 “ M  Inc., Seed & Farm
82OS " 2X Supply Division
860 " Ax Richmond, Va.
865 " Ax
866l ·· Ax .
935w white AX

Table 2. (continued)
Hybrid Color Cross** Source of Hybrid
Stew. SXA7 Yellow 2X Stewart Hybrids Inc.
card. *SX85 Exp. " 2X Route 1
· Princeville, Ind.
Stul1's 307Yl Yellow AX Stull Bros. Inc.
A00wl White AX Sebree, Ky.
. 500W " AX
72OSX Yellow 2X
727SX " 2X
· ‘ 800w white 2x
§ 807ASX Yellow 2X
*Exp. 1808l “
7 Taylor- Cashmaker Yellow 2X Golden Acre Hybrids
_ Evans E—20-Y-A " AX Tay1or—Evans Seed Co.
M-20-W1 White Ax Tulia, Texas
4 . *VR-2OW- " AX
VR—2OYl Yellow Ax
*Exp. 6916 “ 2X
, Trojan M—1lA Yellow 3X Trojan Seed Company
*Exp. 2650 " 2X Box 367
· C.F. 66 " 2X windfall, Ind.
C.F. 105 “ 2X
. C.F. 1161 " Ax Merger with Crib Filler
*C.F. Exp. 2709A " 2X (Mitchell Farms)
* Hybrids available for the first time in 1970, may be available in
limited quantities only; and experimentals which may or may not
be released.
** 2X = Single Cross, 3X = Three-way Cross, AX = Double Cross.
M  or SX = Multiple or Special Cross.
A Entries in Virus Test Only.
3 Substitute variety for P.A.G. SX-8OW at Hartford Location,

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 Table 8. Three-Year Sum ary, Normal Population, Princeton, Ky.
A (1967-69)
Yield Avg Z Z Root Z Stalk Average
Hybrid Bu/A Moist Lodged Lodged Z Stand
A Yellow
Stew. Card. SXQ7 118.5 18.8 0.2 6.3 97.9
Schenk's SS—77A 110.7 19.0 0.0 8.0 93.7
i S. S. 820S 126.0 19.2 0.9 6.2 9h.6
Princeton SX803 109.2 19.Q 0.0 7.7 91.7 ·
Pioneer 3196 125.6 19.4 0.3 7.6 92.3
Pioneer 3306 122.1 19.5 0.0 8.1 92.2
‘- G. Ac. E—20—Y-A 106.6 19.8 0.0 8.9 85.2
Trojan C. F. 105 133.0 19.9 0.5 7.7 99.3
Ky. 105 108.5 19.9 0.0 11.3 87.8
Princeton sx804 llh.9 20.1 0.0 7.5 89.6
j Stu11's 807A SX 113.2 20.3 0.6 5.3 91.8
Q. S. S. 860 109.1 20.3 0.0 13.2 92.5
Trojan C. F. 66 123.9 20.5 0.0 6.3 91.2
Yellow Average 117.0 19.7 0.2 8.0 92.3
S. S. 935W 127.5 20.6 0.2 10.9 96.9
. Schenk's S—96W 122.4 20.7 0.2 8.1 92.8
G. Ac. M-20-W 125.7 21.0 0.9 11.5 91.2
Princeton 920A 110.7 22.0 0.0 8.8 92.8
Ky. 592lW 119.7 22.1 0.0 9.2 90.8
' Stu11's 800W 112.5 22.5 0.0 11.6 7Q.2
White Average 119.7 21.5 0.2 10.0 89.5
Grand Average 118.h 20.6 0.2 9.5 90.9

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