xt74j09w1x24 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74j09w1x24/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1942 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 18, No. 2, Autumn 1942 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 18, No. 2, Autumn 1942 1942 1942 2014 true xt74j09w1x24 section xt74j09w1x24 $IX+“ X6-<|$I`K¢XX+X|KIX+ ·?é<€—.’|XI%X§=I_
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". . . +0 His Feel  `
The timid, sweet V
Four-looiecl ones oi earlh shall come and lay,  
Forever by, +he sadness oi +heEr day .... "  
Published Quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Lexington, Ky. 5 V,
Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year l tl
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Oiflce at Lexington, Ky., l
under Act of March 3, 1879."
Copyright 1942 Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.
, I

/  ,
/ I
  J i ·
E?  E; Q Qbrnstmaz Qlarh I
eon BLESS l
_ The lillle lhings l
+hiS Chrislmeslide  
All lhe lillle  
wild lhings  
lhal live oulside  
V  Lillle cold roloins and  
l rabbils in Jrhe Snow g l
Give lhem good lering » l
and a warm place lo go l
` l
All lillle young +hingS l
lor l·liS Sake who died  
Who was a Lillle Thing  
a+ Chrislmaslide.  
Margaret Murray  
l ll A
z l

. . -» ll
A Christmas Card Margaret Murray 1  
Acknowledgments 12   ‘
An Appeal to Agnes, Poem Elsie N. Kelly 22  
Beyond the Mountains 61 { 
Childbirth and War (illustrated) Mary Breckinridge 4 ii
. Christmas Baby and the Chimney  
(illustrated) Rose Evans 18  
Christmas On the Off-Trail Contributed 36  
Come In and Warm (illustrated) Edith Anderson 26  
Field Notes (illustrated) 68  
In Memoriam 20  
"Make Another Selection" (cartoons) Barbara Whipple 42  
Old Courier News 37  
om starr News L 45  
— The Frontier Graduate School of  
Midwifery (illustrated) Dorothy F. Buck 31 at
The Garden House (illustrations  
inside back cover) 13  
The Visit of Mary to Elizabeth in T  
the Hill Country (illustrated) 3  
Thirty-Six Miles to a Telephone  
(illustrated) Elsie N. Kelly 23  
Christmas Bulletin Subscriptions 41  
Dig It Out Again 60  
Directions for Shipping ·· 81  
Egg Control ‘ The Manchester Guardian 44  
I Wanted To Live, America (review) _ 41 ;
Just Jokes, At Sea 19  
Just Jokes, From Punch 17-60  
Just Jokes, Speaking of Food 25  
Knitting (cartoon) King Features Syndicate, Inc. 67 V-  ·
Old Bidding Prayer 66  4_
Remedy For Worry 59 l  
Schools in Leningrad National News-Letter 60 4. l
The Friendly Man and the  `Q
Little Mother British Paper 78  
l _;.:¢

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5 The Visit of Mary to Elizabeth in the Hill Country
E ` When the British Hospital for Mothers and Babies in Southeast Lon-
_ don was bombed on September 14, 1940 and two of its wards were utterly
H`! demolished and the other two wrecked, no harm came to the sixty pa- .
tients and the numbers of other people sheltering in the basement. Not one
 1 mother or baby was hurt. Left unharmed also was this statue in the
5 antenatal clinic portraying the meeting of the Mother of the Little Lord
g *1 Jesus and the Mother of John the Baptist before the births of their sons.
A 3

"L0ok at me! Here sit I, after a dozen battles and some of  
the worst climates in the world, and by yonder lych-gate lies Y 
your mother,—dead in her teens." ‘
The General to Jackamzpes—EWing ` E
We are in the throes of the mightiest war that ever shook  
this planet. Whether we consider it, as General Smuts of South  
Africa does, as Part II of one World War with a long armistice  
dividing it from Part I, or whether we think of it as a separate  
convulsion it is still the gravest crisis the world has ever known. gf
We have called on the flower of our manhood, as we always do 2
in war, to face the shock for the rest of us and push on to vic-  
tory. Our young men have responded as the young men of a  {
virile people always have and always will. This is not the place  .
in which to discuss the issues that result in war. Oliver Wendell  
Holmes once wrote: "War is the surgery of crime. Bad as it is · 4 
in itself, it always implies that something worse has gone be—  I
fore." The enlightened peoples of the world could have co-  
n operated in time to prevent this war, or to nip it in the bud.  
Until they are willing to cooperate, cataclysm will succeed cata-  
clysm at ever closer intervals and in an ever yet more terrible  {
form. In the words of Saleeby, "We are still in the rude fore- `f 
shadowings of a civilization that is to come." Each generation  
of young men is born into a world that may blow up under ; j
their feet.  
What of the generations of young women? It is still the  T;
custom to measure their heroism by a secondary scale. They ;
will take the place of men in the factories and on the farms.  
They will free their brothers for the posts of danger. They are 1 
an asset in war but to- them comes no danger. They aren’t called  
upon to fight.  qi
There is also another role assigned to women in time of war, ¤ `
to young and old alike, and that is vicarious suffering. Young  ; 
girls will lose their lovers and husbands; mothers will lose their _. ¤
sons. As the war deepens, to many a woman will come the cry “  l
"My heart in me is a molten ember  
And over my head the waves have met."1 g 

  Yes, women are called to vicarious suffering and to the factories
` < and farms of a warring country. But, except for a handful of
  nurses and others who accompany the troops, they will not be
‘ called in our nation to the physical dangers of war. In other
I { countries they h a v e
  shared such dangers. .   'l~. ·`   _ » V .
it Our safety has been ·  ’ i:-`   ‘$i.   —   I ` .
assured by the agony   {Q;   A I ~ A ,   »._,   ·
A of those faraway sis-           ~  A
ters of ours. It has a... _ 2;; ·_~·p i      
' given our men time to F   _;   .,___,  
i arm, to nght overseas, ` A   ,p,, ‘ A       ‘·t__ f jx tg? t 
. and so to protect us T   fi. .3:.1    
~ here at home. . . ·   ‘,lir\RT    
  Thus the lot of _ vg- .,{p ·   ~qq€·~, " __
lj American women in , . °l.»2..Z ..Q, ALQQ  
;   this war is a protected · I ¤ ·       "  {T? {2   Q
LQ tht. That is why it . * -   F *‘ *··’* *·~"*·j'U Q  » . _
  has become the cus- H bliii @{13 il Iixiilii I `
  thm th think of the A tempt: niltztkqnntt ;  _
  role of women as one A   A A   A   _ I
  of competence in fac- _ jk   Qlll;  —   H ·
ij. tories and on farms; » A S   ‘Y"“‘l~* V   ».
  as one of vicarious , ~——.. f A  .
if S“ff€rmg· _ I ; , .,_.-     ,....   ..__     I
E B ¤ t t h G Y 0 ¤ ¤ g  ttt   .it=  _.  
  W<>m¤¤ has a battle-       t= 2   -;,·t  
  field of her Own wd  
5 t h a t is childbirth.    
Q Here the hazards for .   t`i·    .
. Americans throughout   .. _ , — n` * l    
· our years as a nation -_   ‘ A   ·· A `   ..
g have been greater   __     ‘
; than the hazards of A CASUALTY
‘, war, and with higher
il casualties. Death and mutilation—mutilation and death, that is
Y the lot of thousands of women every year throughout the gen-
1. erations.
E I Here again let me repeat, "We are still in the rude foreshad-
_ g owings of a civilization that is to come." We do at least follow
g, 2
. li
J `

. 5
those darling boys of ours up to the very edge of the battle.  
We tend their wounds. We save every life that can be salvaged. .  
But, and need I ask the question, do we tend our girls like that? g
Over the years I have wondered why Americans were more {
7 blind to the dangers of childbirth than they are to the dangers   *
, of war. I have decided that it is for two reasons chiefly. First,
, war is recurrent and spectacular. We do not take its dangers §
o for granted as part of our expectations and they come with a gl
F jolt. The second reason is because few Americans know the rela-  
tive dangers of childbirth. And indeed the mortality figures both l°
_ for war and childbirth are hard to get hold of. Insofar as I can  
. a
dig them up—here they are. l
Colonial Wars: No complete record Q
= Revolutionary War: No complete record  
War of 1812: No complete record i¤
Waiiwith Mexico: ` I
killed in action 1,044  
died of wounds 505 1,549  
ordinary deaths 10,986 ll
accidental or other causes 411 3
Total 12,946  
War Between the States:  .
Confederate No complete record  ‘
Federal {
killed in action 67,058 i
died of wounds 43,012 110,070  t
died of disease 224,586  j
accidental or other causes 24,872 ·  QV
Total 359,528  if
Spanish American War: i` 
killed in action 498  ¥
died of wounds 202 700  {
died of disease 5,423  
accidental or other causes 349  
Total 6,472 {
worm war 1; ·. 
killed in action 37,568 `
died of wounds 12,942 50,510  
died of disease 62,670  ?
accidental or other causes 6,776 i
Total 119,956  .
* Figures are from the War Department. F 

  Faoiwimn Nunsmc smnvicm — 7
P- .
  Now if we add the war deaths of all our men from the Mexi-
.   can War in 1846-1848 through World War I (and include deaths
gi from disease and accident as well as from wounds) and if we
{ double the number of Federal dead as a rough way of estimating
  * the unknown Confederate dead, we get a total of 858,430 men .
who have died in war in the past 96 years. True, this is not an V  
2 exact figure. The Confederate dead may have been more or less l
  than the Federal and they were certainly not exactly the same. l
  Then too, we have included in the iigure all the deaths from I
li disease and accident, and thousands of these men would have
  died from disease and accident had there been no war, although
{ the mortality rate from disease was far higher in World War
§ I in the armies than in a comparable group in civil life.
  Another reason why this figure is inexact is that it does not
  include the soldiers who died in the frontier wars with Indians,
  or the marines who have died in fighting between wars in
i skirmishes all over the globe. However, after we have made all
  allowances that might raise or lower the number of deaths of
§ men in war, we still face the fact that in the past 96 years war
-2 has cost our nation the lives of some eight hundred thousand
 , men in the flower of their youth and in their prime. And be-
  cause of the quality of these men, inestimable to a nation is
  the loss of their unborn children. A mountaineer expresses it
 R- like this, "I don’t see how the generations of the earth have held
 s up as well as they have after losing their choicest."
 s It is far more diflicult to arrive at an estimate of the number
 , of deaths of women in childbirth than at a comparable estimate
  of the number of deaths of men in war. All civilian deaths in
  the last century are shrouded in a mist of inexactitude. The
  maternal death rate is now estimated on the basis of the num-
 { ber of maternal deaths per thousand live births. But it was not
·,  until 1915 that the first Birth Registration Area was started in
 _ the Continental United States and it consisted of reports of
  I births from only nine States and the District of Columbia. It was
  not until 1933 that the Birth Registration Area included all of
  the States.
 1 Statistics on the number of live births and the number of

‘ F
maternal deaths were collected in the censuses of 1870, 1880, §
1890, and 1900. Although these figures are not as reliable as  
those obtained from registration, they do indicate that the ma-  
ternal mortality rate as far back as 1870 was probably no higher  
· than in 1915, namely, 6 maternal deaths (and a fraction over) ..
, per thousand live births. On this assumption, Mr. Philip M.  
Q Hauser, Acting Chief Statistician for Population of the Bureau r_
· of the Census, prepared the table for us on Estimated Maternal f 
H Mortality for the United States, 1871 to 1940 inclusive, which  
is given in full in an appendix. He used the published registered  
number of maternal deaths from 1933 through 1940. From  
, 1915 through 1932 he assumed that the maternal death rate  
for the expanding Birth Registration Area was the same as for ji
the United States as a whole. The birth figures in his table  
are registered births, uncorrected for underregistration or com-  
parable estimates.  
For the period prior to 1915 the maternal death rate is  
assumed as six deaths of mothers per thousand live births of  
infants. A glance at the table-in the appendix will show that  
this estimate is conservative. From the time that we began to  
register births in 1915 until 1934, the death rate of women from  
causes due to childbirth was never as low as six and in 1918, F;
the period of the influenza epidemic and the period also of a  
shortage of nurses and doctors for the civil population because {gl
of the War, the death rate of women in childbirth rose to 9.2  
mothers per thousand live births of infants. It is only in the  
last seven recorded years that we have brought the rate down  
to below 6. ” {li 
From 1871 through 1940 we have a period of three score  
years and ten. A long life span. During these seventy years,  
over 900,000 mothers have died on their field of battle. l _`
In giving the figures of deaths of men in war, we included  
the deaths through the Mexican War in 1846-1848. It is impos-  Y
sible to go as far back as that in figuring the deaths of women i 
in childbirth. We get into a region statistically so nebulous Q
that the estimated number of births for even the decade be- ` 4
tween 1861-1870 is very rough. However, by estimating the t
births and using the same figure of six maternal deaths per  
thousand live births, the Bureau of the Census figures there were  H
 n l

;’ _ imonrrmn NURSING snnvxcm 9
T around 79 000 maternal deaths in that decade. This would brin
Q our maternal deaths to 992,000 in the past eighty years. But
  if we go as far back as the Mexican War, we can, on any as-
' . . . . .
{  sum tion ii ure that over a million women have laid down their
l Y
  lives in giving birth
. . .       ¤··   ··—·   .-         E—·=   -VVi-;  
` to American CIUZQHS- Zi     ·’·ii.niii.iv.   V·`·       V v4‘- V·   i¤—;   $01]- VV
*‘ V  Although these fig-     V   ·_T._f     V`_’     ff I   °   ,
t  Moo oro "highiy op- ti   V    vnv‘ T ·* 7   
        , I   .                 ,_... ,. ,... ._
‘  i-ooo E- T¤ioS ,   T ?‘   T , x T}  V     .4  
 V I hovo sivoo oooh         ¤’/ V V ·        
A  ovidoooo oo I oouid    1.   .     ii.i     i·‘  
 ·¤ . .   ‘V,-    i                 ·
 {i dig UP and P0mt€d     V V as     F  i-V    ‘.o’   .._.  
i · · · ·      i**  ;-    f e   _V·,
_ out its limitations.              
‘· ·     .   V`o`      
V Over a period of sev-   t;   —V       »»V.»
 r ·   ¢.V      ·..-.     .V.. 1 V
i eral generations, all   ..i   ,_  .i   V
 T the girl babies who A BATTLE WON
V were born stood a
 Ll greater chance of dying in childbirth than the boy babies
“ stood of dying in war. The hazards of war are greater while a
s war is on and if we had fought every year we would have lost
_  more men than women, but even in war, judging by the only
  evidence we have which is for World War I the deaths of
. 7

women in childbirth increased markedly because of the influenza  
and pneumonia which also killed more men than died in battle,  
and because of a shortage of doctors and nurses to take care  
of them. Many years ago, a famous French General now dead,  
said to me, "When men refuse to bear arms and women refuse s 
_ to bear children, then is a nation decadent." His words express {
'- not only where the hazards lie for men and for women, but also  
` the heroism expected of each sex in the iield peculiar to each.  
. ~ “ When we are all of us more civilized, when we have achieved  
a higher measure of intelligence and good will, we can overcome 7,
A the causes that lead to war and we can reduce to a negligible Y 
figure the causes that lead to death in childbirth. E  
i The world in which we are living is the world in which our  Z
forefathers lived. We walk today on the same piteous trail that  p
men and women have traveled throughout the pages of history.  
We recognize the quality of heroism in men and women. We find  i
T this quality in nature and we believe it to lie at the heart of  
God. As for nature,  
"T0 sacrifice she prompts her best."2  
As for God,  .
". . . for all things perishing, He saith, fi
‘My grief, My pain, Aly death} "3  i
For women there is always that added role of vicarious suffering.  F,
Young mothers are bearing sons to men overseas who may never  Q
see them. Older mothers went to the very gates of death to  {
bring sons into the world whose lives may be taken from them  
now.  ,
"Thy mother’s lot, my dear,  
She doth in nought accuse; L
Her lot to bear, to nurse, to rear,  ·
To love—and then to lose."4 yy
1/ Algernon Swinburne, "Itylus."  
2/ George Meredith, "A Reading of Earth." , 
3/ Laurence Housman, "A Prayer for the Healing of the Wounds oi c
4/ Jean Ingelow, "S0ngs of Seven? _
‘ ` 

S. Estimated Maternal Mortality for the United States:
  1871 to 1940 inclusive
i_  Registered (igZiKr;lJil> N0. of R¢¤i¤¢·3¤·=·1 dlggggrrgxzg N0. ot
j Year cl:;lt;fl_;‘l:ilc per _ maternal Year cljlllfliglgrggilc per _ maternal
— estimates/1 thojiiiéilnél/lzive deaths/3 estimates/1 th€;)l;;?§;I/give deaths/3
  1940 2360.4 3.8 8,876 1904I 2223.0 6.0 i 13,338
;, 1939 2287.8 4.0 - 9,151 1903 2203.7 6.0 13,222
if 1938 2287.0 4.4 9,953 1902 2184.4 6.0 13,106
 ‘ 1937 2203.3 4.9 10,769 1901 -2165.1 6.0 i 12,991
*  1936 2144.8 5.7 l2,182‘ 1900 2145.8 6.0 12,875
  1935 2155.1 5.8 12,544 1899 2116.9 6.0 12,701
 i 1934 2167.6 5.9 12,859 _1898 2088.0 6.0 12,528
fi  1933 2081.2 6.2 12,885 1897 2059.1 6.0 12,355
  1932 2208.4 6.3 13,913 1896 2030.3 6.0 12,182
Q 1931 2263.1 6.6 14,936 1895 2001.4 6.0 12,008
  1930 2360.0 6.7 15,812 1894 1972.4 6.0 11,834
 ` 1929 2323.4 7.0 16,264 1893 1943.5 6.0 11,661
 , 1928 2402.9 6.9 16,580 1892 1914.6 6.0 11,488
-. 1927 2514.2 6.5 16,342 1891 1885.7 6.0 11,314
Q:  1926 2545.6 6.6 16,801 1890 1856.8 6.0 11,141
 - 1925 2603.0 6.5 16,920 1889 1839.6 6.0 11,038
  1924 2661.8 6.6 17,568 1888 1822.3 6.0 10,934
  1923 2597.8 6.7 17,405 1887 1805.1 6.0 10,831
  1922 2568.6 6.6 16,953 1886 1787.9 6.0 10,727
 Q 1921 2719.7 6.8 18,494 1885 1770.7 6.0 10,624
 { 1920 2622.7 8.0 20,982 1884 1753.4 6.0 10,520
i.  1919 2425.2 7.4 17,946 1883 1736.2 6.0 10,417
 5- 1918 2607.2 9.2 23,986 1882 1719.0 6.0 10,314
 . 1917 2595.0 6.6 17,127 1881 1701.7 6.0 10,210
; 1916 2591.1 6.2 16,065 1880 1684.5 6.0 10,107
‘_ 1915 2575.5 6.1 15,711 1879 1655.2 6.0 9,931
  1914 2452.4 6.0 14,714 1878 1625.8 6.0 9,755
 i‘ 1913 2423.9 6.0 14,543 1877 1596.5 6.0 9,579
 J 1912 2395.5 6.0 14,373 1876 1567.1 . 6.0 9,403
 ¤ 1911 2367.2 6.0 14,203 1875 1537.8 6.0 9,227
,  1910 2338.7 6.0 14,032 1874 1508.4 6.0 9,050
 .' 1909 2319.4 6.0 13,916 1873 1479.1 6.0 8,875
 `~ 1908 2300.2 6.0 13,801 1872 1449.7 6.0 8,698
g_  1907 2280.9 6.0 13,685 1871 1420.4 6.0 8,522
Y 1906 2261.5 6.0 13,569
  1905 2242.3 6.0 13,454 Total 912,820
1/ Figures from 1933 through 1940 are registered births uncorrected for underregis—
’ tration. Figures for earlier years are estimates assuming same extent of under-
registration as from 1933 to 1940.
  2/ Figures from 1933 through 1940 represent registered maternal deaths per 1,000
;  registered live births. Those from 1915 to 1933 are corresponding rates for the
expanding Birth Registration Area. Those prior to 1915 are estimates.
3/ Figures from 1933 through 1940 are registered maternal deaths. Figures for
Y earlier years estimated from first two columns.
3 Bureau of the Census
May 20, 1942 Washington

i The cover picture for this issue of the Bulletin of St.  e
Christopher bearing the infant Christ across a turbulent stream  .- 
is a gift to us from Mr. Bernard Sleigh, R.B.S.A., of England,  
  whose wood engravings are things of rare beauty. This is the  *
g second design Mr. Sleigh has made for the Frontier Nursing  .
 A Service. He was so kind as to choose for his subject the legen- `
dary character of St. Christopher who is peculiarly dear to the ,_
I Service. Safely stored, we have the glorious Fifteenth Century  
, window given us by Dr. Preston P. Satterwhite of Great Neck,  
l Long Island. When the war is won, we shall have our St. Chris- fl
topher’s Chapel. Meanwhile, we read together each Christmas  
, Eve at Wendover and each Christmas Day at Hyden Hospital  
Q from The Golden Legend St. Christopher’s story, and then we `j
. read Laurence Housman’s poem called The Death of St. Chris- Q
~ topher. Those of you who would like to read them again and  
. who keep your files of the Bulletin have only to turn back to `,.
the Autumn number of 1939.  
1 The exquisite wood cut on the inside of the Bulletin We
cover was made by that loyal friend of the Frontier Nursing _]
Service, Mrs. Peter Hill of Coventry in England. It came to us  
once as a Christmas card and we asked her permission to re-  ‘ 
produce it.  
We reproduce the cartoon by O. Soglow, which we have  
‘ entitled Knitting, through the courtesy of King Features Syndi- 5-
H cate, Inc. and the Knoxville Journal, where the cartoon was  
printed in an issue of July 16th under the title Laff-A-Day. `gf
The horse cartoons under the heading "Make Another Se- . 
lection" were drawn for us by our courier Barbara Whipple of =  
Rochester, New York and Swarthmore College.  
The two photographs used in Childbirth and War were V.
taken by our courier Mrs. Jefferson Patterson when she was  
with us as Mary Marvin Breckinridge.  
The photograph of Santa Claus and the mountain child , 
was taken by our courier Mrs. Robert S. Rowe who, as Barbara A .
Jack, last year filled the post of volunteer Christmas Secretary. R »
l The photographs of the Garden House on the inside back gf
cogiir were taken by Dorothy F. Buck and Alice Ford of our . I
st . ·
The other photographs used were taken by other members  
I of the Frontier Nursing Service staff.  

° FRONTIER NURSING smzviciz is
  (Illustrated on the Inside of the Back Cover)
I (Abridged)
 Y  Found in a Highland Cottage
.: God, protect the house and the household,
A  Bless my rising in the morning early,
E And my lying down in bed
  What time the flocks ascend hill and Wold. . .
  Carmina Gadelica by Carmichaels
  The new Garden House is finished and occupied and the
fs hum of its activities spins out from the very site where the old
§ Garden House burned on the eighth of last January.
  The pictures, just our own amateur pictures, can’t begin
{ to show even the external beauty of this house. As for its
  internal arrangements, they are beyond praise. We toyed with
·_ the idea of reproducing the blueprints and then decided to sub-
  stitute a verbal description.
  First comes a huge basement of solid stone which was the
i. gift of Mrs. Henry Alvah Strong. In it is a room practically
 j fireproof for records and important data; a storage room for
  canned goods and supplies; a sunny, ample laundry; furnace
_ } room; coal bins; a shower and toilet; and a long recreation hall
  for folk dances, when the boys come home, for carol practice
g t and all social activities.
 i The office floor is the first one above the basement and that
V  is the gift of the E. O. Robinson Mountain Fund of which Judge
  Edward C. O’Rear is Chairman. Airy, light oflices for Statisti-
  cians, Bookkeeper, Social Service Secretary, Executive Secre-
; I tary and the rest make a day’s work a delight for the staff who
  have been overcrowded like a slum since that dark day in
- January when the old Garden House burned.
 i . On this same office floor is the clinic for the Wendover pa-
y; tients, with a bathroom and a large waiting room with books
Y and magazines and toys for the children. The cost of this
? i clinic was met by a gift of $963.00 presented to the Director
  by members of the staff of the Frontier Nursing Service, secre-
¢· . I 

 · 1
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taries, nurses, couriers, current and old, in memory of her  
brother, Lieutenant General James Carson Breckinridge. 3
The third floor, except for a small staff living room and  .
two baths, is all bedrooms for couriers and some of the secre-  
taries, with the resident courier’s room immediately overlook-  Q 
ing the barn so that she can dash out at any hour of the night 7 .
on any horsey emergency. This floor is the gift of Mr. and Mrs. T
q George Clapp. It has verandas at both ends with ladders for  
t fire escapes and a little bridge at the back on to the mountain  
for the same purpose.  L
Lastly, there is a huge attic running the entire length of  »
the house with ample storage space for household, barn, office  A
. and other supplies and for the clothing sent us until it has been  »
distributed. This attic is the gift of Mrs. Henry B. Joy. The ti 
heating and plumbing above the basement floor were given by  
Mrs. Herman F. Stone. The cable electric wiring for the elec- f
tricity we hope to have when the war is over, and its installa-  
tion, were given by Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Rogan. The fire- Q 
proof office safe was given by Mrs. Morris B. Belknap. The ii 
fireproof roof was given by Mrs. E. O. Robinson, the widow of Q_ 
the donor of the original Garden House. The furnishings for  e
the Garden House, including all of the office equipment except  
the safe, have been given by a host of friends from almost every  
section of the United States.  
The total cost of the new Garden House, its excavation, re- 1· 
taining walls, its household furnishings and office equipment,  ‘
as of November first was $19,142.95. The total gifts as of the  
same date were $20,916.25. A few bills were yet to be rendered,  
nor are the furnishings quite complete as a good many of them  
are being made locally. On the other hand, a few pledges are { 
yet to come in before the close of the year. Gifts have met  
costs, with a margin over for final needs, and there is not one 1 
penny of debt. Furthermore, the Executive Committee esti-  -
mated that it would cost $25,000 to build and equip a place of  L
this size with first-class materials and workmanship and such  
costly pieces of office furnishings as a safe, a calculating ma-  ' 
chine, steel files, typewriters. So far from exceeding the esti-  ,'
mates of the cost, we have saved $5,000 on the estimates.  ·
Two people are primarily responsible for this record. The  

  Fnoiwxmn NURSING smavrcm is
j first is our Executive Secretary, Agnes Lewis, upon whose
Q shoulders has fallen the brunt not· only of planning and direct-
_ ing the rebuilding of the house, but also of all the endless Gov-
  ernment forms to fill in and the ceaseless need of shifting and
2  readapting plans in a world where the orderly processes of
 ._  building had ceased to exist. The second person is our Builder,
, Oscar Bowling, who has for years acted as our Maintenance
  Man for the upkeep of properties during the periods intervening
 5 between new construction. His intelligence, industry and good
 - will are beyond all praise. He has a happy faculty not only of
 lf working hard and fast himself, but of inspiring the will to do
 L likewise in others. He has coordinated all the specialized work,
  such as stone masonry, plumbing, electric wiring, painting, and
  kept it all going in such a way that no time was ever lost. We
  moved into the new building one week ahead of the date Mr.
QV Bowling said the work would be iinished. Everybody, including
 ` our local men and the skilled mechanics on the heating and
  plumbing from the outside, took an interest in what they were
 f doing. The atmosphere of all the workers was a kind of dis-
 A ciplined jollity.
[  We tender special thanks also to the following people and
  firms. To the Combs Lumber Company, Lexington, Kentucky,
  for drawing up the plans and making the blueprints free of
  charge; for furnishing all inside finish materials at little more,
I  if any, than cost to them; for obtaining for us any items or-
 *.  dered which could not be furnished out of their own stock.
  And to their architect, Mr. Clarence E. Smith, and his secretary
  for making out the complicated application form necessary in
  obtaining our Building Permit No. 9999. It required an enor-
 * mous amount of work to list every item of material and equip-
  ment that was ordered for the building. In spite of the fact that
 T already stocks were getting low and priorities were going into
1  effect, every item on our bill of material was not only obtained
  but delivered by the time it was needed.
 __  To our local stone mason, Bill Turner, of Hyden, who had
  the contract for all of the stone work. He and his crew of men A
 . worked steadily and rapidly from the time they began to quarry
 f the stone until all the stone work was completed and never kept
  the carpenters waiting while they reared the huge chimney.
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To the Home Lumber Company, in Hazard, from whom we l
obtained all of the rough lumber for the building. Mr. Morton  
and Mr. Brashear of this company went to no