xt74j09w1723 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74j09w1723/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1975 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 45, 1975 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 45, 1975 1975 1975 2012 true xt74j09w1723 section xt74j09w1723 I I `I
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For Members and Their Immediate Families l_
Presents __ '_  Z. J   ·_  gt  
1   ;s§a=· r jégsggfj  7 sis.  ii  _._._    
» ··=·=;gZ;£;i;;:·.·:·······--:5S;E;E;E;i5:;E;Egigigigizi==·‘·‘°‘5=’="""°=5gi;555;QE:;E;isi;E5E;Egi:S:}$$5;5;E55;5=£5$£;5;S=5·¤·'  21
Round trip jet transportation to Honolulu via Ameri-  
  can Airlines (Meals and beverages served aloft. Stereo 21
music and in—flight movies included)  
  $ 4 9* Traditional Hawaiian Flower Lei Greeting on arrival l
F b   2 6 . _ Deluxe accommodations at the beautiful Sheraton l
8 ruury ' Princess Kaiulani Hotel lor similar) ·  le
• . PET p€'l'SOI'l·DOUbl€ OCCUDBFICY ' I d d ~
LOUISVIHQ Single Supplement - $100.00 . [R°°.m tax mc u E 1 l
· . Sightseeing tour of Honolulu and Mount Tantalus by
Depcnure deluxe motorcoach l
— · _ Exciting low-cost optional tours available {
g · " All gratuities for bellboys and doormen
AA All round trip transfers and luggage handling from l
via airport to the hotel "
American Experienced escort and hotel hospitality desk  
l,. Airlines gl
J, ,¢.··-e \ . wg   ` l · Ai>i>noxi1v1Are cost - $65.00. g
~ * pa \ . ll
 0 , Q ly . Q stay at the Princess Q1
 't  5   ' "l ’ I K · I ·_ I    il
_ ln` ,~ ildgw Z aiu ani- p ay I . 
P Qlfr·_®¢{,;• '° - charge at all five Call or Wrlle for  
_`l0/ [  Waikiki area Free Color Hotel Brochure l 
' 6  "  i * · S ——-·""' Sheratons. `  i
·. 1   °   sgyei l
el dt 4 r,,¢,{’5, .·,° *44//’ _ _ -- 
lll '/,•$%l•j!lg Q/,·'&.¢ .6.*6  / T Trip price reflects current American l
• `Q . ,4‘v’/`|$»i‘q :3   Airlines tariffs "on file"- Subject to  li
7 g %\€2\€%» :. D ·- —` glg change on the effective air tariff for 1976. . 
’ #0 ` - —‘ — * Due to the Hawaiian time zone difference when you T 
tags .. . 2 ; 
r - - ~ return from Hawaii, you arrive the following day. 1 
`...........•....·. Reservation Cgupgn .......................  
F9" funhw i?f°rmati°n’_°°"¥act and man deposits tg: Helen G' : Note: To ensure that you are enrolled on the trip of your choice,  
King Alumni House, University of Kentucky Alumni Assoc. ; make certain lhsl you use mls eeupolll l 
I-¤>* ¤e eceepled ¤¤*eS$ me *°'
tharetolor received for such person's trip which monies have not been or should not be ot · . IOWINQ information I5 C0mP)€i8dZ  
erwise refunded to him, All tickets, coupons and orders are issued subject to the foregoing • , l 
and to any and all [9|n1§ and conditions under which the means of transportation and/or : Member S Nam€  _ 
other services provided thereby are offered and/or supplied by the owners, contractors or · _ _ _ .
public caxiers llor whorg Arthurs Traligl Center acts splely as agent. Arlllhurs Travel Centrer Q Dale JOll1€d Orgarlllallcni M0nth 1..Y€al'.;——- .
reserveter int ‘ et'nt n tn ‘t’ t ‘ ‘ t . . . . -
sim¤ri‘..tiiné3 wllhtgtit l1§'icJ%..a‘i§- ..-.$,°r32§.£?" ° ° ' '"°'°" °' °°" °°"'°' °' ° l For ¤¤r·—r¤em¤ere e¤r<>li•¤e on tr·¤(e>¤
Dua to the fuel situation the 'airlinesanticipate the possibility of price increases for fuel. : Name _  
Lllelnelregiilghne sggaggsigfgcsuctgjset to increase based on any surcharge levied by the airlines E Relationship to member: U Spouse D Child C] parent  
|Air transportation - 171 s&t American Airlines Boeing 707 Jet Z Name -——{——— F
Estimated can - $267.23; Land - $191.62; charter cast - $45,697.66 ; Relationship lo member: El Spouse El 1Ch1ld El F’are¤l_ V ;
· NOTE: Inlormnllon will ln tant to you four to six weeks altar your deposit is received.  
, . 1

 University Alclllvzs
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FEATURES: the Annual Report
Director’s Comment .............................................................. 6
' Alumni Glossary .................................................................. 7
Finances ................................................................................ 8 .
‘_ Membership .......................................................................... I0 I
Programming .......................................................................... I I I
Club Leadership .................................................................... I3
. Board of Directors ................................................................ I5
Around Campus Briefly .......................................................... 2
Sports Gleanings .................................................................. 4 I
Profile: Warren Rosenthal .................................................... I8 ‘
Profile: Mr. Tommy ............................................................ I9 I
Class Notes .......................................................................... 20 I
Alumni Activity Line ............................................................ 23
Book Reviews .......................................................................... 27 Y
FRONT COVER: The year in review includes, from the top, moving
clockwise, President Otis Singletary`congratulating Helen King,
first permanent secretary of the Alumni Association at her class'
1975 OFFICERS 50th year reunion; Bob McCowan of Ashland and Alumni Direc- y
_ tor Jay Brumfield at club meeting in Ashland; two alumni leav— I
Presldenl ing on an Association tour to England; more alumni traveling- '
George L" Atkins [63 this time to the NCAA basketball finals on an alumni charter /
Hopkinsville, Kentucky Cmd Homecoming 75-
James W. Stuckert ’60
Louisville, Kentucky ASSOCIATION STAFF Ada Refbord '39
Treasurer Linda Brumfield Olga Varrone .
Mrs. Joe F. Morris ’38 Dana Burch
Lexington, Kentucky Ruth Elliott · I
Secretary, Director of Alumni Affairs Roy Fugitt EDITORIAL STAFF y
Ja Brumfield ’48 Amelia Gano Editor
Le;/;gr;¤t·V= ·~ ti.§';E.l2'J?Z;.‘.§“.;';:;,;;i;;f.;;; .... ....l..i. Clule .. .... nt. nl. l
e Q A H A who pcrllclpcted in Gl-, ll-ll-emcltlonql schedule included the American Unl- -·
¤ l T AS L ND seminar in Japan in.July. Professor VO"$llY in Beirut, Lebanon. Wn€"€ he
9 l A teaching approach to introduc- Funk, who is stepping down as engl- WOS te $OOl‘_ OlO$O"_OOOPO"OtlOn bO‘
l-   tory psychology at Ashland Com- neering dean, is director of the In- lewiin ll”?Prln$t'll-'OOO Ond the UK
6 _ munity College makes use of mod- stitute for Mining and Minerals Re- O Ogg O O"m¤cY·
h ularized work units, a series of mini- search. Dr- Michael R¤m¤¤¤. special as- T
if courses developed by the instructor, Dr. H. M. Swick, Department of sistant to the vice president for the l
lf { as well as scheduled classroom ses- Neurology, was elected recently to Medical Center, has been ¤¤m€d TG
d l sions, all designed to serve the com- fellowship in the American Academy a consultant team that will introduce l
S l munity college student in an effec- of Pediatrics. initial plans (OV O new medical and
e l tive fashion and to improve the Lane veltkemp, assistant profes- dental school at Oral Roberts Uni- l
l- quality of instruction. sor (social work), Department of Psy- versity in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The l
l· l The distinguishing feature of this chiatry, took part recently in a panel initial €l€Vel0Dme¤T Gi the $<3h00l is
y l approach, designed specifically to discussion on "De|ivery Services to estimated to cost $60 million and it l
  meet the heterogeneous needs of the the Paor," at the National Confer- is anticipated the first classes will g
l Ashland student body, is to allow the ence on Social Welfare, held in San begin in September l978. Dr. Ro- r
Y student to go at his own pace which Francisco. mano is ene at the founders at the ¢
__ permits him to move through the Dr. Othmer Ekkehard, associate UK dental school. l
rl course at a speed commensurate professor of psychiatry, recently Dr. Anwar Hussain, associate pro- l
,_ with his ability and other demands served as a consultant on sleep C0m- fessor of pharmacy, spent the sum- l
;_ UPON his time. The plan has been in puter program and research methods mer in Iraq, where he was a special
3 .
l .
l I __ ..· 

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COACHING NOW In each sport—basketball and letics program for fiscal ’75-’76. 5
Mike Prem is cm Ossismnt Couch baseball UK lost potential stand Such fanancaa support places UK i
. . . outs who decided to by-pass college among the top fave an the nataon ~
at the University of North Carolina .... . . l
, for profat-playing. Ball Willoughby alongside lndaana, UCLA and Penn i
at Charlotte. One of UK s most ver- . . . , *
. wall be dribblang for the Atlanta State. Compared to UKs male ath-
satale and durable court performers, H . . .
. . , awks and Chuck Ross wall be catch- letacs budget whach approaches $3 i
hewasan a||—SECselectaonan 69 and . . . . ,
, , . ang balls for the Milwaukee Brewers mallaon annually, the women s bud- ~
70 and named to the 70 Academic . . . =
. rather than the Kentucky Waldcats. get seems lake a drop an the bucket.
All-Amencc Squ¤d` Compared to the prior year allocation
THE pm DRAFT a>nEr~aoMENAa. FEMALE sa>oaz·rs ¤i$l§k2£O»*l)O;9héW¤m€¤'$]¤*l°l€**¢$
Cl CIVE ll'} E9 COl'Tl€ O Ong WGY, `
Kevin Grevey was the first to "Phenomena| growth", "futuristic baby!
finalize ·a pro-basketball contract. step" and "national ranking" are       a im   l
Grevey signed with the Washington some of the ways Sue Feamster, the   ~   __.. Q./pil;. ,·_   { . r
Bullets. Mike Flynn and Jimmy Dan first director of women’s athletics,   _~  —.,, llial T \__ .   yr  y 
Conner will cast their lots with describes the program at UK. Y°·  Q          
their home states. Flynn will play To wit, in l970, 500 girls partici- =""f ·”`l ; 2-   ..Q........ {TT
with the Indiana Pacers; Conner with pated in women’s sports; last year   l ·    
the Kentucky Colonels. Bob Guyette more than 3,000 enrolled.   FT  ` mm   $1;   `gll QV xw
is playing basketball with a Euro- "UK has perhaps the largest par- vm ,3  _   lg   Q E
pean team, ticipation of any school of its size in l 0   A Q
In baseball, Leon Murray, a fresh- the country." Currently five sports- l V   ff f   i
man quarterback on the Wildcat basketball, golf, tennis, gymnastics   _»  
football team last year, was a first- and field hockey—ho|d varsity sta-   A _    
round pick of the Baltimore Orioles tus. Golf and hockey have won na-   a_$.__     if   g  V V4._ Qf l .__    5 7 l`  y
in the secondary draft. The year be- tional recognition in the first ear          
fore he was picked by Kansas City of varsity level competition. By the       1 ‘ I `t·i   v a
in the regular draft but elected to end of another five years, swim-     `R §J_ ic.;  , `
attend UK. ming, softball, volleyball and fenc- I A l` in   V ` T A
Catcher Marvis Foley was drafted ing should have varsity status. READY TO RUN — The jerseys of T
by the Chicago White Sox and in- The "futuristic step" was that running backs Chuck Servino, Sonny ‘
fielder Steve Bush, by the Chicago taken by the administration to al- Collins and Joe Dipre await their i
Cubs. locate $90,000 for the women’s ath- owners in the Wildcat dressing room.  
4 l

x .
z The UK Alumni Assoclatlon brings you
T • •
; an expanded merchandlslng program.
ll Non-Member Member
29AV01 16" x 16*' SQUARE
PILLOW $34.00 $28.65
{ I   .,.. T. se \. Complete kit includes Persian yarn, needles, I
l   ` J   J Wildcat Seal hand-painted in Royal blue on ~
  `   A ` VT " " `I *·` °*   # l2 mono canvas, blue backing fabric, and
gi l '   instructions for complete at-home finishing.
i .4     I IB" x IB" square finishes as l6" x I6" piI·
` i low.
.     ._ - Heavy duty Naugahyde items, light blue,
  V. i`§. I embroidered with the Kentucky Wildcat Head
l " and "UK" underneath. Each item to be l
I · personalized with a 2" high, 3-initial block
- ' ‘ letter monogram. Zipper unconditionally
l guaranteed. Kindly specify monogram initials `
l when placing order.
y 05A\,01 Man’s Garment Bag,
.  ~ _ .. 42" long $40.00 $33.50 ·
E a, N. /I   _ O5AV02 Woman's Garment Bag,
l ‘   _l§ »   · _   · 50" long $42.25 $35.30
` l l a ll V .     Garment bags hold 2 or 3 suits or dresses.
6 V 7 {   s‘ Completely lined with inside pocket. Loop at
4. i _ . J         Jl . bottom slips over hanger for easy carrying.
Y fl)., gg l   `_     05AV04 Tennis Bag $43.75 $36.60 _
  ll I I   ., lle ll A stylish bag for men and women. Holds all
l L ., = .' " tl .
.- .— _ V   li your paraphernalia and one racket on the
°   %._   . as .. . if s . l ¤¤*s*ds- ’
  ’fi·§.  = I `.*r . Qi 05AV06 T nn' Racket
  "   €l'$nlD money l$ trrmsferred lO the OD€l'OllnQ b
the financial support of our organization. The orien— lund to Service ln€‘ well OVOF 3,000 life n’l€n'lb€F$-
tation session was courteously received by the directors, ll-ne income Ond €XP€ndllUl’€‘$ Ol the l'€$ll'l€l€‘d OD€V· b
50 wgll in fact thgt l fggl thgt gvgry duggrpqying mgm- ating fund is listed elsewhere lh this publication, You
ber of the Association, or life member, as the case Cdn $99 Wndl Dl'ODOl'llOn of lné total income is used
may be, might also be interested in learning how the ld" Pnnllng €O$lr PO$l¤Q€r telephone $€FVl€€, trcvel,
Association is funded, something about our sources CIUO ¤€llVlll€·$, Gnd $Om€ ofthe salaries.
of income, grid how we qccount for these funds_ A third account the Association draws on is also a b
It should be common knowledge that the University restricted account (money which can be spent only on
of Kentucky Alumni Association receives funding from the recommendation of the Alumni Board of Directors)
the University and, of course, the University receives and is referred to as the Century Fund account. The i C
that money through tax support by citizens of the Century Fund, as you probably recall, was started in  
Commonwealth. Salaries for the director and eight I958. Receipts from those original gifts made possible I
other staff members of the Alumni Association cur- the construction of the Helen G. King Alumni House,   C
rently are paid for out of the general operating fund which so well serves your Alumni Association today.
of the University of Kentucky. Salaries for the other People who have joined the Century Club at a later  
three members of the alumni staff come from dues date find that their contributions of $lOO per year are i
dollars or life