xt74j09w169n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74j09w169n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1927-04-01  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April  1, 1927 text The Kentucky Kernel, April  1, 1927 1927 1927-04-01 2012 true xt74j09w169n section xt74j09w169n Ml











b NH
flNV LiIILj HrKh

Fifth Annual Institute Will Be
Held at University April 9
Organization Was Founded
By Professor Gillis




Kentucky Branch Will Hold
Meeting in Conjunction
With Institute

Banquet Witt "Y"

Women's Administrative Couni cil Is in chare of Tickets;
Miss MefaAlf Will PrPsidp

The annual women's banquet of the
University of Kentucky will be held
at the Phoenix hotel, Thursday, April
7. The Women's Administrative Council is in charge of the plans and tickets may be purcTiaed from any
member of the organization.
Miss Jeanette Metcalf, as president of the council, will act as
The subject of her toast
be "Ambition."
toasts will be given by the class
Virginia Boyd,
Senior; Pauline Adams, Junior;
Rankin Harris, Sophomore; Isabel
Smith, Freshman.
The W. A. C. members will sit at
one table while the other tables will
be arranged by classes.
At this time the opportunity will be
taken for Chi Delta Phi pledging, the
presentation of the Alpha Gamma
Delta scholarship cup, and the announcement of the Y. W. C. A. of
ficers for the coming year.
toast-mistres- s.

Universities and colleges of thirteen
or fourteen different states will be
represented at the Fifth Annual In
stitute for Registrars which will be
held at the University of Kentucky
The organiza
next week, April
tion, which, is the first of its kind in
America, was instituted several years
aeo by Professor Ezra L. Gillis, regi
strar of the university. It has held
all of its meetings here.
The Kentucky branch of the Ameri
can Association of Collegiate Regis
trars will hold its fifth annual meeting in conjunction with the meeting of
the institute, as has always been
In previous years, two days
have been given over to its program
but this year, only one afternoon will
be devoted to it The sessions of the
institute will close Friday morning
and the meeting of the Kentucky Dean Wiest, Dr. Leland and Dr.
branch of the American Association Jennings Speak
will take place Friday afternoon.
Club Banquet Will Be
is as
The program of the institute
April 19
follows: :
Monday, April 4 STUDENTS
10:00 to 10:30 a. m. Registrar's of
The Commerce College of the uni
Greetings 10:30 a. m. President versity held the first general convoca
McVey, of the University of Ken tion in its history in White Hall.
Thursday, March 24, Dean Edward
Outline of Courses and Round
Wiest presiding. All commerce stu
Table Conferences
dents were present and enjoyed a very
9:00 a. m. The Registrar As An interesting program.
Administrative Officer, by Ezra L,
Dean Wiest gave a short talk on
Gillis, Registrar of the University of the benefits of a good commercial ed
ucation to the young man just out of
Tuesday, "The Registrar and His college, that he can make himself at
home in most any concern in a very
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) short time, due to the basic training
he has previously received.
Miles, president of the Commerce club.
gave a short talk on the possibilities
of the college on the campus, and was
followed by Ray Brian. Dr. Leland
was the principal speaker and he
brought out very clearly that leaders
Consolidated Coach Corporation should be chosen solely on the basis
Schol-- . of merit in their respective lines, and
Announces. Forty-Seve- n
not on account of popularity or other
arships for Farm Boys and
minor reasons. Dean Wiest then
Girls to Junior Week
called on the other members of the
TRIP IS HIGHLY PRIZED faculty for "speeches,"" and Dr. Jennings' usual witty talk was thoroughn
scholar- ly enjoyed by the students.
An award of
The next convocation will be an
ships' to boys and girls to the annual
Junior Week at the University of nounced in the near future, and it is
Kentucky in June has been annunced reported that a speaker of national
by R. S. Webb, Jr.,
and reputation is to be secured for the
general manager of the Consolidated occasion, to which everyone is extended an invitation. April 19 was set
Coach corporation, of Lexington.
The scholarships include transpor- as the advance date for the annual
tation to and from Lexington, and an Commerce club banquet.
allowance for board and room during
the week. The winners of the
scholarships will be selected by
School Facultythe county agent of each county, from
the members of the Junior Agricul-




Three Alumni Are





Misses Bishop and Tandy; and
Kyle Whitehead .Teach at


The counties included in the Consolidated Coach Corporation's scholarship award are: Boyle, Lincoln,
Fayette, Boyd, Carter,
Greenup, Leslie, Harlan, Knox, Clay,
Laurel, Jackson, Lee, Pulaski, Rockcastle, Madison, Estill, Montgomery,
Bath, Nicholas, Mason, Bourbon, Harrison, Bracken, Pendleton, Kenton,
Campbell, Grant, Boone, Mercer,
Franklin, Owen, Gallatin, Carroll,
Wayne, Russell, Washington, Shelby,
Henry, Trimble, Oldham, Jefferson,
Hardin, Grayson, Logan and Barren.
Efforts are being made each year to
reward farm boys and girls who take
active parts in the junior clubs, with
a week of education and recreation
at the .university and in Lexington.
The award of these scholarships by
the Consolidated Coach corporation
will help materially to bring the benefits of the junior week to the worthy
farm boys and girls, and will increase
the number of boys and girls attending to over 500 from seventy-fiv- e
Since only 500 scholarships are given among the more than 20,000 club
members in the state, they are highly
"prized. According to J. W.
state club leader, winning a
trip to junior week is one of the
highest honors awarded, and helps
greatly to stimulate work and study
among club boys and girls.

The department of journalism is in
receipt of the faculty edition of the
bulletin of Murray State Teacher's
College. The bulletin contains photographs of the faculty of the school.
Included in faculty one notices three
recent University of Kentucky students, Mr. Kyle Whitehead, Miss Margaret Tandy, and Miss Mary Leona
Bishop. Mr. Whitehead, who is now
director of publicity and instructor
of English and journalism at the
Normal, was graduated from the uni- -







for the debating team

will meet the representatives

f Cambridge University here next
year, will be held April 8, at 7:30
o'clock in the Little theater in White
hall. Six men are to be selected to
compose the squad. All students, including graduate students, are eligible
to try for a place on the team.





Ten Weeks' Course Is Concluded
With Banquet Tuesday Night
at City Y.M.C.A.
Groups Honored
Groups Participate
in Discussion Conducted by
University Association

Thirty-on- e

Five Bible Discussion Groups were
honor guests at a banquet given Tues
day evening, March 29, at the city
Y. M. C. A. by the University Y. M
C. A.
The banquet was in charge
of the Women's Auxiliary pi the
Y. M. C. A., a committee from the
Women's Club of the university. The
groups honored were 336 Harrison
Avenue 100 per cent, 601 S. Lime
stone 100 per cent, 324 S. Upper 100
per cent, 401 Linden Walk 100 per
cent, and Kappa Sigma fraternity 98
per cent.
There were 31 groups organized at
the first meeting of the year and 21
of these groups completed the course
Meetings were held once a week for
ten weeks. The largest number in at
tendance any one week was 506 and
the total attendance for the ten weeks
was 4,039 making the average at
tendance for each week 403. This is
the best attendance in the seven years
that the groups have been organized
and the university leads the schools
of the South in the matter of atten

KY., APRIL 1, 1927


Fourth Hop


Cadet Dance Will Be Given
in Gym Saturday


The fourth of the series of five
cadet hops sponsored by the military department of the university
will be given in the men's gymnasium Saturday afternoon from
3:30 until 6 o'clock, according to an
announcement made this week by
the committee in charge of arrangements. Peck's Bad Boy eight
piece orchestra will play for this
hop. As usual' all students are invited and those not having season
books may purchase tickets at the

Carl Sandburg Speaks to Students at Two Convocations on
Wednesday ; Large Audience Fills Gym





"The Truth About Blayds," the annual Stroller play has at last been
definitely decided upon by the direc
tors. The tentative list of the cast
that was given out in The Kernel sev
eral weeks ago has been changed
slightly but the cast as it now stands
is composed of the following: -Oliver Blayds
Harry McChesney.
Isabel Blayds Henrietta Black
Mary Vir
ginia Hailey.
A. L. Royce A. Y. Yeaman.
Parsons Thomas Adams.
The play centers around the figure
of Oliver Blayds, who is to be por
trayed by Harry McChesney.
will not be, the first time that Mr.
McChesney has appeared in dramatics
on the campus as he has taken part
in several of the Romany plays. He
has always been greatly interested
in the Strollers and last year he took




O. T. C.
as the nation as a whole, Mr. Cooper
unit have been
declared. His talk contained many tary department arranged by the miliof the university for
humorous sketches, one of which fol
April, according to Col. H. P. Hobbs.
The dates set are April 6, 11, 21 and
"I live in old Kentucky,
26 and the ceremonies are to be held
Where they never have the blues:
during the seventh and eighth hours.
Here the captains kill the colonels
ihese practice reviews have been
And the colonels kill the booze."
arranged to prepare the university for
To make up for this slam at the
the annual regimental inspection bv
moral conditions of the dear old state the Board
of Inspection of the War
Mr. Cooper assured his auditors that
uepartment which will be at the uni- the whisky business is really decreas
ersiy on May 2 and 3 this year. May
ing, thus relieving the situation.
15 has been
set as the date for the
Mr. Cooper wa3 reluctant to speak
day, the
at the convocation because Mr. Sand formation field the year. last military
burg spoke on the same subject only
President McVey will present to
the day before, but consented at the the
request of the students and faculty. Aprilunit at newlyfirst formation on
6 the
elected sponsors.
He gave the same talk last evening
also the new national and recimentnl
at the Lafayette hotel.
colors, with due military ceremony.
New regimental colors have just been
completed; they are light blue, having on them the U. of K. coat of
arms and the R. O. T. C. lettering
After the presentation, the recular
regimental parade will be conducted,
to be followed by such other regimenPrograms Will Be Presented tal training as may be ordered at the
Each Person Attending Con time. The orders for this exercise
will be published in a few days.
cert to Be Given in GymThe K. O. T. C. band will particinasium at 3:30
pate in all formations and ceremonies.
new sponsors will be present at
DIRECTOR Theformations to lend dignity
and inspiration to the cadets, especially the
The university mens' glee club will
give a concert next Sunday afternoon freshmen, proving to them that the
"army life" is the "only life," and not
m the new basketball building at 3:30,
according to Prof. Carl Lampert, di- so bad as it may seem.
According to Colonel Hobbs, the
rector of the club, who is personally
supervising the afternoon appearance. (CONTINUED ON
Programs will be presented each per
son attending, in order that the pro
gram may be appreciated the more
The following program will be pre
a. On, On, U. of K.
b. Mulligan Musketeers ... Atkinson
Scholarship Is Given Annually;
2. University Quartette
3. a. The Bellman
Forsyth recipient Must Be Arts and
b. Morning
Science Student and Memr
4. University Orchestra
ber of Evangelical Church
Selections from II Trovatore.'
5. The Bells of St. Marys .. Adams AWARD IS
WORTH $250
6. Sylvia
..Baritone Solo
John R. Beam
James C. Burnette. or Tomnkins- 7. University Quartette
Selected ville, Ky., a senior in the College of
8. a. Old Kentucky Home
Foster Arts and Sciences and a member of
b. Hail Kentucky! Alma Mater!
the debating team, was awarded the
University students are extremely Patterson scholarship of $250 last
fortunate to have such a program at Saturday night at a special meetiner
their disposal, and it has been made of the Patterson Literary society. At
possible only by the unceasing activity the same meeting the Patterson oraof the music department to provide torical medal was presented to O. J.'
something worth while for the stu- Bowen, of Lawrenceburg, who spoke
on "Bleeding China." Bowen is a
freshman in the Colleee of Arts and






University Y. W. C. A.
Publishes Nominations
All Members Are Requested to
Vote in Elections, April
5 and 6


The nominations for new officers
of the Young Womens Christian Association for the ensuing year are
as follows:
President Lydia Roberts and Virginia Robinson.
Secretary Rankin .Harris, Kath- -

Plan Observance

Plan Press


rV r f T
Uf JK. U. 1. L. U Nil


Dean Anderson
Freshmen Prizes


Tells Auditors About Abraham
Lincoln at Convocation

Wade H.
Sev Continental Cooper, president of the Formations
Are Planned
Ago Has Been L. C spoke Trust Co., of Washington Preparation for Annual Regi- in
eral Weeks
on "Abraham Lincoln'
Changed McChesney and
mental Inspection
at a convocation of the College of
Blackburn Have Leads
Commerce in White hall yesterday
May 2 and 3
at the third hour. Mr. Cooper is
GRIFFITH STAGE MANAGER Tennessee man, and the son of a Con FIRST DATE IS APRIL 6
federate soldier,
Ha i ley, VanMeter, Weakley, Mr. Cooper took the stand that Lin Unit Is in Unusually Good ConHagerdon,
coin went on record for the promotion
Yeaman, and
dition According to Colonel
of the union and the protection of
Adams Also in Cast
it and never did he oppose slavery
in it sessence.
"Lincoln was the best
Having beelriajehearsal for sever
Four regimental inspections
al weeks the personnel of cast of friend that the South ever had, as well views of the university R. and re



Wade H. Cooper Speaks'cpT HATCQ CfiD
To Commerce Students L 1 U1LD TV IS

Tentative List Published







Carl Sandburg the "vagabond poet"
and philosopher from Illinois, spoke
to the student body of the university
Wednesday in the men's gymnasium.
He spoke at 11 o'clock and again at
4. Mr. Sandburg spoke to the largest
assemblage that ever attend a uni
versity convocation.
In Mr. Sandburg's morning address
he portrayed Abraham Lincoln as an
artist, as a droll character in whom
the tragic and the comic were
The speakers at the banquet Tues strangely mingled and as an epic
day were Frank Melton, Bart Peak, figure in world history. Mr. Sand
President Frank L. McVey, burg is the author of a book on
and W. G. Woolum. Frank Melton Lincoln.
Using varied incidents from Lin
acted as toastmaster and music pro- coin's life to show different traits
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) of his many-side- d
Sandburg talked on quietly, in even
tones, standing motionless with his
hands in his pockets, until he grad
ually brought his hearers under the
spell of his personality and they saw
Lincoln through his discerning eyes
He then read to them from two
Twenty-si- x
Members of Men's volumes of his book on Lincoln, select University Glee Club, Which
Musical Organization Return of passages to illustrate he analysis Has Just Returned from Sucthe man about whom
said more
cessful Western Tour Will
From Week's Tour of Westhan 2,700 books have been written.
Give Program Sunday
tern Kentucky
Among the chapters he read was
for which the basic material had been
FIVE TOWNS ARE VISITED worked out, he said, by William H. PHI MU ALPHA PLEDGES
Townsend, of Lexington. It was enThe Men's Glee club of the univer titled "Commonwealth of Kentucky "A large audience turned out at 3:30
sity returned from their annual spring vs. Abraham Lincoln," and recounted o'clock Sunday to hear the University
of Kentucky concert band, under the
tour of one week last Saturday
morning at 11:15 o'clock. The trip (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) direction of Prof. Elmer Sulzer, render a pleasing program of overtures,
was a success in every way, tne ciud
folk dances, and waltzes, at the gympresenting one of the best programs
Will nasium. This was the second appearin its history.
ance of the concert band this season,
Men who made the trip were: first Offer
and, from all indications, the organitenors, Rollin Gibbs, Austin Graves,
E. F. Norton, Clarence Valade, and Two Annual Awards Will Be zation bids fair to take its place as
one of the best in the South.
Frank Brown; second tenors, Taylor
Given For Best Essays on
The program:
Isen Howard Jenkins, Henry Mad- "Pattern Making"
dox, Frank Melton, Melvin Nolleau,
1. Overture "Joiiy Robbers" Suppe
Dixon Rapp, J. H. Sweeney,
Serenade "An Autumn Romance"
According to an announcement
Clarence Kress; first bass, E. M. ButKing
H. S. Caplinger, Russel Laugh-li- made by Dean Anderson, it is his
Scenes from Musical Comedy "The
John fi. Beam, and C. A. Poole; desire to offer two prizes annually
Prince of Pilsen" ..
second bass, Foster Adams, Herman for the best essays on "Pattern Mak
Hungarian Dance, No. 5
Coombs, J. Turner, Forest Mercer, ing" written by any member of the
Selections from the Opera "Or
and T. H. Green; Prof. Carl Lampert, freshman class of the College of En
director; F. L. Yost, accompanist, and gineering, j The essays may be illusHunioresque
"Th Wedding of
trated by drawings," sketches or photoG. H. Bright, manager.
Hemie and Kathrina"
The following program was pre graphs and each essay must contain
"Moonlight on the Nile"
1,000 to 1,500 words.
AH the essays submitted to the de
a. On, On U. of K
Grand Potpourri "Oh Fair Dove!
partment are to become the property
b. The Mulligan Musketeers
Olr Fond Dove!"
Atkinson of the College of Engineering. For
Bass Solo "The Octopus and the
the best essay a prize of ?10 is offer
ed and for the second a prize of $5 is 10
Finale March "Chicago Tribune"
The prizes will be awarded
annually until further notice.
During the intermission Alpha
awards will be made by a committee
of three men appointed by the dean (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
'Go to Church" Sunday Will Be of the College of Engineering.
April 10
If, during any one year, no essay is
submitted, or if those which are subThrough cooperation of the various mitted are deemed by the committee
ministers of the city, the University to lack sufficient merit to entitle them Centre College Newspaper Men
Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. are planning to to prizes, the committee may withhold
Will Be Hosts
observe "Go To Church" Sunday on the award, and, the prizes available for
April 10. At this time the associa- that period may be carried over to a
The University of Kentucky has
tions hope to have every student and future time and awarded to worthy been invited by the Centre Colege
every faculty member of the institu- contestants in any manner which the Press club to send delegates to a con- tion attend the church of his own committee may desire. All awards vention to be held in Danville May
may be discontinued at the discretion 20 and 21. The purpose of the con-- 1
On April 10, various ministers of of the donor.
vention is to form a Kentucky Inter- the city have promised to preach
collegiate Press Association.
special sermons for college students. Rifle
Score Drops Two delegates from each college!
If the plan is successful this year the
publication in the state are invited.
Y" plans to make the observance of
They will assist in grading the var"Go to Church Sunday" an annual
ious papers, the best of which will be
Begins Firing Third Series of awarded prizes.
2,000 Shots in National In-






Alpha Delta Sigma, professional
advertising fraternity, held pledging
exercises for Doctor J. B. Miner,
bead of the psychology department of
the university, Thursday night, March
24, in the Business Offices of The
Kentucky Kernel.
Dr. Miner is the first faculty member to be pledged and when initiated
will serve as an advisory member.


The Patterson scholarship funds
were instituted by James K. Pattter- son, former president of the university and founder of the Patterson
Literary Society. Fve thousand dol
lars was invested, the interest of
which is given each year as a schol-- .
arship to some student in the College
of Arst and Sciences who is a member of the Patterson Literary Society
and of an evangelical church. The
interest on a $500 investment goes
toTiurchase a medal which is awarded
on March 26 of each year to an orator
of superior ability. At the end of
every five years the collected interest
on another $500 investment is given in
a lump sum to the student who eives
the best oration on the life of Doctor
Patterson. This prize wil be awarded
next year.
Burnette. the winer of this vear's
prize, has been attending Berea College for the past three years. He
entered the university last Sentember. At Berea he was captain cf the
debating team which won the state
championship. He is a member of
Tau Kappa Alpha, honorary oratorical
fraternity, and of Phi Delta Phi, honorary legal fraternity.

tercollegiate Match

Co-e- ds


Plan Feast; Only Reason

The University of Kentucky marks
men completed the second stage of the

Kernel Staff Has Annual Dinner;
Papers Bank Account Is Thinner

National Intercollegiate firing match
Tuesday with a total score of 1955 out
fit a possible 2,000. This represents
a drop of 23 as compared with the
Stunts to Feature Women's Dinner, Music, Speeches, Conve- first stage score of March 16 to 23, in Food Is Late But Not For Long, Speeches Made
When Food
rsationAcrobatic Acts That Startle, Also Bold
clusive, according to the
Is Gone Business Force Is Much Maligned,
Music Fraternity Continues
Washington report, where the targets
Food Is No Minor
Drive for Subscriptions to
Shrop. and Conn Reply in
are graded.
Campus Song Book
So far, the firing this year has been
named Epicurus made eating fashion- better than last, this year's score for
Alpha Gamma chapter of Phi Mu
and a numthe first and second stage being 1,978
Alpha, men's professional musical
According to the women students of able. Not to be outdone by this fam- and 1,955 respectively,
The Kentucky Kernel, by courtesy ber of guests not so young but just
fraternity, held pledging exercises at the university that oft quoted col- ous personage we're going to really with previous scores of as 1,975
and of Mr. Shropshire, business manager as hunrgy assembled at the Phoenix
the band concert last Sunday after- legiate query "When do we eat?" will eat, the pennies in our little bank 1,912.
thereof, entertained its staff at the to partake of the food of that famous
noon during the intermission. The be suitably answered next Thursday will go for a jioble purpose. In adThe meal, much to our
Firing on the third stage began annual staff banquet Friday evening, hostelry.
dition to the feature of eating, the
following men were pledged: Clar- at the Phoenix hotel when "us girls"
chagrin, was some five minutes late.
program committee has let out little Tuesday and will be continued for March 25.
ence Valade, Penrose Ecton, Robert as Professor Grehan would say are
When the
another seven days, during which the
If you will look on the masthead of open we doors were finally thrown
Carter, J. Humphreys, C. F. Daley, going to give a big banquet. We've hints as to certain daring impersona- marksmen hope to run up an even The
remembered our manners
Kernel you will see about sixty long
tions which we wilhbe allowed to witRobert Hayes, Beecher Adams and been hearing a lot about banquets
enough to allow President Mcnames of members of the staff. Just
ness, impersonations of persons of better score.
Forest Mercer. Actives in the chap- lately, engineers, scientists, journalwhy the staff should include so many Vey and Professor Grehan to proceed
ter are Niel' Plummer, Frank Brown, ists, and bachelors seem to have de- hitherto unquestioned authority and
is not known, but as Frank Davidson the assembly into the dining room.
impeccable reputation.
When quesCyrus Poole, Frank Cummings, Guth- veloped a remarkable propensity for
The table was arranged in the form
said in his monologue they have to
tioned as to the identity of these
rie Bright, Ralph Platts and Law- eating a la mode in public.
Orders for senior invitations will be have some kind of activity. The edi- of a huge "K." The news and business
oelebrities, the program committee
We women students, not to be out
rence Freeman.
taken in the hall of the Administra- tor and managing editor have a natur- staffs were seated at opposite horns
Phi Mu Alpha is still conducting done, are going to meet together April gives a knowing smile collectively
if you can imagine such a phenomena tion building this afternoon from 1 al desire to become acquainted with of the "K" and the meal proceeded
their subscription campaign for the 7, spinsters, spouses, bachelor girls
to 4 o'clock; tomorrow (Saturday) all the members of their staff, a desire merrily. After we had done all damcampus song book which they are and what not, and give ourselves a as a collective smile.
morning from
o'clock, and Mon- that is never gratified during the year. age possible to a really excellent dinAlso, a number of superlatively day
publishing. The publication cannot little publicity. It is time for the
afternoon from 4 o'clock. This Hence, The Kernel staff banquet. It's ner we turned to the other feature
trained acrobats will perform start- - is the last chance to order
be sent to press until one thousand eating activities of our sex to be
invitations. the one sure way to get all the staff which, according to Professor Grehan,
have been subscribed to those aided a bit more,
tpgether at one time.
' A number of years ago a man (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
who subscribe for it in advance.
Chairman of Invitation Committee
Friday evening this band of hungry (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)

Is That Banquets Are in Season

Phi Mu Alpha Pledges
Seven Men at Concert

pseudo-journalis- ts



Pi Mu Epsilon Honors
Newton on Anniversary
Chambers and Willey Speak at
Commemoration of Newton's
Death 200 Years Ago
Pi Mu Epsilon. mathematical fra
ternity, held its monthly meeting at
the Civil Engineering and Physics
building, Thursday, March 24, at 4
o clock.

The meeting was of particular in
terest as the commemoration of the
anniversary of the
death of one of the world's greatest
mathematical geniuses, Sir Isaac
Mr. Wilbur W. Chambers crave a
sketch of the famous Englishman's
life. He dwelt on his personal traits
and idiosyncracies in a way to make
Newton a real person, not a name.
Rare editions of Newton's "Prin- clpia" and "Opticks." published in
1704, were examined and discussed bv
the fraternity.
The other speaker of the afternoon.
Mr. Grant C. Willey, explained the
development of the gas law equations
and their applications in chemistry.
He also discussed the empirical equations and their mathematical proof.




Subscribe for

Members of Phi Mu Alpha, honorary musical fraternity on the campus have taken upon themselves the
work of preparing and publishing a
University of Kentucky Song Book.
This book when completed will contain all the songs of the University
of Kentucky as well as songs representing all the fraternities and sororities on the campus. In addition to
this it will contain some representative songs from other universities and

This is a praiseworthy
ing on the part of these young men
who are interested in music The ven
ture is not one that has as its object
the making of money for individuals
since the book will be sold for only
enough to pay for preparing and pub
lishing it. Any surplus that might
arise will be used by the fraternity to
promote the cause of music at the
university. The whole project is un
der the direct supervision of the de
partment of music of the University
of Kentucky which assures a book
worthy to bear the name of the Uni
versity of Kentucky.
The young men who are publishing the book, lacking in funds with
which to have the book printed, have
been forced to resort to advanced
sales. They are sending out letters
to a large number of interested
alumni asking them to purchase a
copy of the book in advance of publication and also giving them the advantage of a lower price. This University of Kentucky Song Book is. a
book that every loyal Kentucky man
and woman should own. The alumni
should also encourage the work of
these young men and support them in
their efforts.
A copy of the University of Ken-- i
tucky Song Book would make a most
acceptable gift to some classmate or
fellow alumnus.

Class Personals




Legislature of
Acts to
This is a little article that is adAugment the Income of Agdressed mainly to those graduates
riculture and Mechanical
and former students of the UniverCollege
sity of Kentucky who live in the
state although the .university would OPPOSITION IS
profit as a result if those alumni living out of Kentucky would help, in
the cause.
When the legislature of 1870-8- 0
Throughout Kentucky there is a convened and the report of the comwidespread ignorance of. the Univer- mittee had beeen presented, considsity of Kentucky and its many ser- erable opposition was encountered
from the friends of the old Kentucky
vices and position in education in the
University with which it had been
state. There are distressingly few formerly connected. They argued that
citizens of Kentucky who understand two institutions of learning in the
the university as they should. Few same county would be one too many,
know what work and the Institution that Kentucky University already had
is doing for the farmers and school the field and was entitled to prece
dence over any other institution that
children of the commonwealth.
might be established here, and espec
UniWithin a very rew years the
ially qyer the agricultural college
versity of Kentucky has widened its which, under the care and mainte
services to Kentucky a hundredfold. nance of the state would develop into
The actual monetary value of the Uni- a formidable rival, and that inas- versity of Agriculture in Kentucky much as the Kentucky University, the
cannot be stated but it is safe to say legitimate successor of old Transylable to
that the savings to farmers in Ken- vania, was and art do work in science,
equal to that done
tucky, brought about by the work of by
the best institutions of Kentucky,
the different departments of the uni- to bring and establish a rival here
versity within the last five years would be an unfriendly act. The re
would run into millions of dollars. port of th ecommittee, however, was
The Department of University Exten- adopted by a considerable majority
sion is offering to th