xt74j09w158h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74j09w158h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1866-02-jun27. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1866-02-jun27. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1866-02-jun27. 1866 1866-02-jun27. 2011 true xt74j09w158h section xt74j09w158h 


Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky
                  June 27, 1866

Report of
Corn. on
Laws and

Con. on
Agri cul tural


Report of
Com. on
Salari e s

Report of
Com. on
Buildings &

from Church
of Christat
Harro dsburg

Majority &
report on
to Mercer

     Board met pursuant to adjournment. The Comn, on Laws &
Statutes continued their report. It was then taken up for con-
sideration          to the order of yesterday. On totion it
was unanimously resolved that the Report of the Committee so
far as read be adopted for the government of the University
until further modified by the Board.
     Coo. on Agricultural College recommended on their report
that the College be opened as farm as practicable next fall.
Recommendation unanimously adopted.
     Corn. on Treasurers resignation & appointment of Solicitor
Reported that the Treasurer at his own earnest request, be
relieved of his office and that the Regent be authorized to
appoint an assistant solicitor for the Agricultural College.
     The Committee on salaries reported that in their judge.
ment, based on their estimate of the probable income for the
ensuing year, their salaries shall be as fol1owst
     Presiding Officer        2000
     Other Professors         1750
     Adjunct Professors       1000 to 1200
     On motion the report of the Com. as above was adopted.
     The Report of the Committee on Grounds and Buildings -
Reported a recommendation that the purchases made by the
Regent of four-hunread and thirty-three acres of land embrac-
ing Ashland and the Woodlands with the obligations assumed by
the Regent and Mr. J. B. Bowman be confirmed. They recommend
the present Buildings be used for University purposes. The
property is in a poor state of preservation.
     A petition Communication from the Ladies of the Harrods-
burg Christian Congregation in reference to accepting from the
Board some assistance in repairing their House ot worship -in
consideration of the occupancy for a year ahd a half by the
Students of the University n Referred to Board of overseers.
     A. Communication from John Taffe in reference to receiving
indemnity for the loss of his Library by fire some years since.
Referred to Board of Overseers Executive Committee Reported
their Records in full which were read and adopted.
     The Report of the majority of the Special Committee on
the subject of Refunding to cities of Mercer Co. Reports that
in their judgement the Regent should be instructed to refund
according to the Laws requiring the Board to refund to cities
of Mercer Co. the full nominal value of all the unpaid Coupons
subscribed & paid by them to the endowment of said University
which may be claimed by them and also refund to said citizens
all of the Bacon College Scholarship  subscribed according to Law.
     A minority Report was offered to the effect that the en-
dowment fund should not be diminished but that the Board ought
to adopt some plan by which the money may be raised.
     The Report of the majority was then adopted.



Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky

                  June 24, 1866

to refund
to Mercer
County laid
on the

This report
may be
recorded in
page 133 at
the bottom

Honorary degrees
of A.M. confer-
ed on J.M. Lo4g

Con. on Nomi-

Curator R. M.
Davis resigns

Payment to
the President
Amendment to
she Charter not

     A resolution was offered by Curator Worthington that the
amount to be refunded to certain Citizens of Mercer County, in
accordance with the provisions of the act of the Legislature,
be refunded immediately, insted of by annual installments, as
was originally contemplated and ordered by the Board.
     A motion was read ead seconded to lay this resolution on
the table. Curator Worthington called for the Ayes and Noes:
They were:
     Ayes$ Curators Smith            Noes: Curators
                     Williams              A. H. Bowman
                     Herndon               Givens
                     White                 Wasson
                     Ricketts              Steele
So the resolution was laid on the table.
     The Report of the Committee on Auxiliary Schools was
read by its chairman Curator Smith. On motion, said report
was adopted.
     A resolution was offered by Cureator Ricketts, and adopted,
that in accordance with a recommendation contained in President
Milligants Report, the Honorary Degree of A. M. be conferred
on James Madison Long, a graduate of the University, of the
class of 1863.
     A resolution was offered by Curator Smith and adopted
that a special Committee of three be appointed to make nomina.
     Whereupon, Curators Saith, Steele and Allen were appointed.
     The resignation of Curator R. M. Davis was offered, and
on motion unanimously received.
     The recommendation of the Executive Committee that the
full Salary be paid the President, and also his account of $37.90
for stationary, was on motion adopted.
     Curator White proposed the following amendments to the
Charter of the Universitys that section 7th be so amended as
to insert "fifty Thousand dollars" instead of "one hundred thou-
sand dollars" as the amount of the Bond to be given by the
Treasury, and also that the Treasurer shall take charge of all
the funds of the Institution, except the Endowment Fund, also
that the following be added as Section 21st of the Charter:
It shall be the duty of the Chairman of the Executive Committee
to take charge of the Endowment Fund, and other permanent Funds



June 27, 1866

of J.B. Bow-
man as Regent
& Curator.

part) from
Con. on nom-
inations &
election of
new Curator


Ex. Coi.
elected Regent

Faculty Bible
College elected

Faculty of
Col. of Arts

Faculty of
Ag. College

Division of

of the University and invest the same in safe and profitable
stocks, as the Board may direct, and to preserve the proper
evidences of the same, and to pay over to the Treasurer the
income arising from these forms. These proposed amendments
were not adopted.
      A note was received by the Board from John B. Bowman
tendering his resignation as Curator and as Regent.
      A motion was made by Curator Wasson and seconded by Cura-
tor Ricketts, that said resignation be not accepted. An amend-
ment was proposed, accepted and adopted that a Committee of
three be appointed to whom should be referred the communication
of Curator and Regent Bowman. Whereupon Curators Wasson, Wil-
liams and Smith were appointed said Committee and on motion of
Curator Rickette, the Chairman was added to it.
      A communication was read from Rauck on motion referred to
Ex. Con. with the recommendation that 200# additional compensa-
tion be added to the salary of Ranck provided any funds remains
otherwise as appropriated.
      A partial report from Cor. on nomination was made by its
chairman Curator Smith - On motion of Curator Goodloe said
report was received and adopted & the following were elected
Curators $
         W. T. Withers of
         F. K. Hun )
         D. T..Morton  ) of Lexington, Ky.
         G. W. Elley )
         J. S. Woolfolk)
         Enos Campbell of Illinois
         T. M. Allen of idisseuri
         R. R. Sloan, of Ohio
Jno. G. Allen was on nomination unanimously elected by ballot
The following men elected Executive Committee J. B. Bowman,
Chairman J. G. Allen, Benj. Gratz, Wasson, Morton, Jnol B.
Bowman was unanimously elected Regent.
     Of the Bible Colleje, R. Milligan was unanimously elected
President, Jno. W. McGarvey, Professor, and William T. Moore
     Of the College of Science, Literature and. Arts.  Robert
 Graham was unanimously elected President, Henry H. White Jno.
 H. Neville, Professors, and A. E. Milligan Adjunct Professor.
     OfheAgicuralCollege Jno. Aug. Williams was unan-
 imously elected President, Robert Peter, James K. Patterson,
 Alexander Winchell, E. W. Koch, Professors and W. E. Arnold,
     Orders that the distribution of labor among the Professors
of the different schools of several Colleges, be made by the
Board of Overseers upon conference with the Professors.



Tender of
and rooms
to Profs.
White to
$250 as

President &
Secty of
the Board

Richard A.
Buckner de-
clines & J.B.
Huston elected
Prof. in Law

Reconsi lera-
tion of adop4
tion of the
report of
Cos. on Or-
gani zation.

Assi stant
for Prof.

eport on
Schools .


     A resolution was adopted that the Executive Committee
be directed to tender the Regent, Presidents Milligan and
Graham & Williams and Professors with families, the use of
such buildings as belong to the University and to Professor
Neville a room in the dwelling at Ashland, or at the Wood-
lands, as he may elect, for their use, free of charge; and
also that said Committee be authorized to give Prof. White
$250 to act as Librarian.
     Ordered, that the Executive Committee be directed to
organize an efficient Academy, under the provisions of the
law authorizing the same and that to this end they are au-
thorized to appoint a Principal and such Teachers as may be
necessary to accomplish the order.
     R. Id. Bishop was re-elected President of the Board of
Curators, and Joseph Wasson, Secretary.
     Whereas, Richard H. Buckner, Esq., has declined to dis-
charge the duties of Professor of Common & Statute lmw, and h
has signified his intention to tender his resignation of his
chair; therefore resolved that said chair be declared vacant.
Whereupon, Jno. B. Huston, Exq. was unanimously elected
Professor of Common and Statute-law. Ordered, that the Exec-
utive Committee be authorized to employ such person as steward,
and at such compensation, as they may deem proper.
     A resolution was offered by Curator Smith and adopted,
That the action of the Board on yesterday adopting the report
of the Committee on the organization and laws of the University,
be reconsidered. Ordered, that when this Board adjourns it
shall adjourn to meet in the President's Room in Morrison
College, on Wednesday, the 11th of July next, at 2 o'clock,P.M.
     Professor Peter recommended to the Board the appointment
of an assistant to the Professor of Chemistry. On motion, this
recommendation was deferred for further consideration at the
next eOB tng 0of thi s Board.
     nhe Ctomittee on Auxiliary Schools would reports That
Kentucky University should in accordance with the Regent's sug-
gestion at as an early a day as possible rid herself of pre-
paratory School and to this end should.
1. Zacourage auxiliary Schools in the City, and in every com-
munity, to prepare young men for the regular College Classes,
or even of the higher Classes in the Colleges. The moral
discipline would be more efficient and the expense of education
far less.
2. Then auxiliary Schools should adopt the same course of



preparatory studies, as those in the University.
3. That the University cheerfully tender its aid and counsel
in procuring competent teachers in the order and arrangement
of the schools and in the best manner of teaching.
4. That the auxiliary schools shall be requested to report
at least annually to the University Overseers, and their
Principals and Teachers be cordially invited to attend the
meetings of the University senate at least once in each year.
W. L. Williams, A. G Herndon & J. Smith Com.
     On motion of Curator Smith, the minutes of the whole of
the present session of this Board were unanimously adopted.
     On motion of Curator Smith, the Board adjourned.
                           R. M. Bishop

Jno. Aug. Williams
     Sec. Pro tern.


Kentucky University
     July 11th, 1866

Meeting of
July 11,

Election of
Curator Jas.
L. Caldwell

Report of
Con. on organ-
adopted in
A.&.M. Cole

     The Board met in pursuance of adjournment, present,
Curator R.M. Bishop, Chi. Allen, A. H. Bowman, Jas. Smith,
W. S. Williams, R. J. White, Ricketts, Steele, Gratz, Goodloe,
Morton, Elley, Woolfolk, Z, Smith, Groom, and Wasson. The
minutes of last meeting was read and amended by substitutary
the words, "Zxecutive Committee" in place of the word "over-
asers" whereever the latter occurs, the minutes was then
adop ted.
     Curator J. Smith moved to take up the report of the
Committee on organization -- agreed to.
     On motion of Curator Z. Smith, Judge James L. Caldwell -
of Shelbyville was unanimously elected a Curator of the Univer-
sity. J. Augustus Williams Chairman of the Committee.
     On motion of Curator J. Smith it was resolved that so
much of the report of the Committee on Organization as contained
the acts of the General Assembly in regard to the Agricultural
and Mechanical College of Ky, and adopted as a part of the per-
manent code of law of said university.
     The Board on motion of Curator Ricketts, proceeded to
take up the remainder of said report, item by item. Clause /135/
first relating to the office of Regent and his duties was taken
up and discribed.
     On motion, all parts of the report relating to the office
Regent was read, Curator Elley moved to strike out the words
"Whose duty it is, as the personal representative of the Board
of Curators during the recap of the same, to see that the sev-
eral laws and statutes of the University be faithfully carried