xt74j09w157x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74j09w157x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1925-01-jan3-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1925-01-jan3-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1925-01-jan3-ec. 1925 1925-01-jan3-ec. 2011 true xt74j09w157x section xt74j09w157x 

     IMinutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, held January 3, 1925.

     The iecut;.ve Committee of the Board off Trustees of the
TJniversity of Kent-lucky met Saturday, Jan 'ary 3, 1925, ii? the
office of President iMcVey with the following pre sent:  stud e
R. i. Stoll., Se1nator H. M. Froman, Honorable McHenry 1lhodls,
Honorable R. T. Gordon, President F. JJ M!cVey.

     On motion, the redaaina of tthe minutes of the pr eviout
meeting was dispensed with.

     1. Additional Housing Facilities fTor Women Students.. Presi-
dent McVey- reported to the Committee that the members of the
Board of Control of dormitories for women had repeatedly asked
fox scme er:pression upon 'he question whether steps would be
taken to. the f orthcoming session oJL 1925-26 to house an addi-
tional number of girls who desire to enter the University as

     The President asked the Board for an expression upon this
matter,   The project was discussed and several plans for meett-
ing the emergency were zone over in detail by members present.
The Bresident was requested to look further, into the possibili-
ties of such project, and report to a subsequent meeting of the

     2.Request from the Secretary of war. President I4cVey re-
ported to the Connmmittee that a request from the ~Secretary of
War had come to the University that it make a petition that, tW
Government establish at the University a cavalry tiunit in con-
nection with R. 0. T. S. activities.    Ahe President- reported
also that he had made such application with the understanding
that if a unit was established at the University, the Univer-
sity itself could not meet any expense connected. with such
establishment; and that if the War Department decided upon this
step it must do so with that understanding.    In this connec-
tion the President submitted the following letter explanatory
of the status of this project at this time:




                                     Fort Hayes, Columbus, Ohio
                                           December 22, i924
   President ?ran'- L. IcVey
   University of Xintucky
   Iexin,,t0on, Lentlicky

   Dear Doctor Moaey:

   'icur letter of zhe 2-tUth instant with the inclosed to the
   Secretvry of ','ar has reached me.  We will immediately
   write to Colonel 14Zihy Y.`alker, Chief of Staff of the 64th
   Cavalry Division advising him that you have filed. your
   application for the establishment of a cavalry unit at
   sour uriversity.   He has been doing some missionary vwork
   in third matte:- with the view of securing the cooperation
   of the Kentucky Congressional delegation in having the
   prohibitionary clause relative to the establishment of
   new cavalry units removed from this year's Army appropri-
   ation bill.

   I would suggest that you write to your Senators and Con-
   gressmen stating that you have made this application with
   such supporting remarks as you deem expedient.    This will
   place you on record as being favorably disposed to the es-
   tablishment of a cavalry unit in your university.    I woul.i
   also suggest that you have Colonel Hobbs get in touch with
   the newspaper people- this matter will rno doubt prove very
   interesting reading to the people of Kentucky.    A support-
   ing editorial as the result of the news item might be forth-
   coming in your local paper.   Colonel Hobbs can call Upon
   Captain Byrd who is on duty weith the Organized Reserves in
   your city in giving such publicity as he deems expedient.

   I thank hyou for your pro mpt and. satisfactory action in
   this matter.

   Yours very truly,

   David H. Biddle
   Lt. Col. of Cay. D.C.L.
   Officer in Charge of R.O.T.C. Affairs

     3. Communication from the Dayton Structural Steel Company.
The following communication from the Dayton Structural Steel Com-
pany was received by President McVey:


                       :AY:ON, OHIO

                                           December 29, 1924

Mr. Frank L. McVey, Pres.,
     University of Xe-ntucky
          lexington, Lentucky

Dear Sir:

     About a year ago we entered into a contract with the
i3lanchsrd-Crocker Company to f-urnish certain structural
steel required in the gymnaisum which has been built on the
campus of the University.

     For some reason these contractors did not meet with
much success on this v.work and although our material was fur-
rished' in an acceptable miei.mer in every respect, there still
remasr.s unnmeid a b;Iano   " o  5.000.

     "'e did not care to embarrass the University by filing
a lien aln, tierefore, refrained from doing so thinking that
this matter woui.@. be properly straightened out in due time.

     It now appears that some others who furnished material
for this building aid file liens and are pushing their claims.
VW.Je are without 'egal recourse, but our claim, which is a con-
si.derable suMS is just, as valid as any other from a fair buoi-
ness point of view.

     We realize that the University and i'ts officers are in
no way responsible for the situation which has arisen but
we would appeal to you to give us whatever assistance you
cpn in connection with getting the account settlee-    We
would be pleased to gait a' considerable time for our money
if some arrangement could be made whereby the account would
be paid off over a long period of time.

     Thanking you for any assistance you may be in a posi-
tion to render us, we are

                                   Yours very truly,

                                     The Dayton Structural
                                       Stes1 Company

                                         Ii'. C. Worb8

P. S. A similar letter has bean addressed b Judge Is. C. Stbi_.



     T'he Committee in diEcussinrl the foregoinlg comrmUnication or-
,I qredR that it- be rqj7=rra to J . Pe-ba-la Johnston, attorney 'for the
University in the Blenchara-Crocker case.

     4. Awar9s M,;Iade to the Fxperiment Station. Presidenlt McVey
s ibmitted che fcil win? eommiiunication frorm Dean Thomas P. Cooper,
Di'ector cf h',xp:eriiaient Station, reporting prize awards made to
the            S'x'terimnt Station:

                                                January 2, 1925

   rresiaent P. L. Mcta;
        University Cf I' ertu3k-

   Dear Yresident !MIcVeyt,:

        "he  2 xperiment Station has shown live 9tck at the BluP
   c^rass Fair, the State Fair, and the international Live..Stobk
   Z'fXposi ti or..  L thor.ht ',-i Board would be interested in
   knowine someth na of' the winnings durinR the past year.
   Therefore, I am enclosing a statement showing the various
   prizes won and the tctal aoney value of the awYards made to
   the Experiment Station.

                                      Very truly yours,

                                      Thomas Coo!)er
                                         Dean and Director

     Prizes "iin at 1924 Int4ernationall Live Sfock i8'xositiOn.

   Reserve grand champion wither
   Champion grade and crossbred wether
   First grade anid crossbred wether lamb
   First jearling Hampshire wether
   Second, Third, Fifth and Sixth Ha-ipshire wether larmbs
   First pen of three Hampshire wether lambs
   Riese rye clh.ampion Hampshire wether
   Fifth; Southdown wst'or lamb
   Second pen o. three Southaown wether lambs
   Third, fourth yearling Cheviot wether
   First, sscond, third and fourth Cheviot wvether lamb
   Reserve Oharnoion Cjherviot wether
   First Suffolk wether lamb
   First pen of thres Sluffo'k w.'ether lamrbs
   Champion Suffolk we-ter
   First, second, third. la-ibs, John Clay specials
   Champioi wether, John C'la  Specials
   Second pen of five lambs. John Clay Specials
   Second aOed Cheviot ram
   First pen of threq Cheviot wether lvmbs



           Prizes Ton at 1924 Blue G~rass Fair

Breeding Cattle
     Shorthorn bull      second
     Hiiref ord bull     second
     HirertoC cOv:       third
     Heref-ord heifer    third

Ste ers
     Senior cearlnve s
     Junior Ca~l e s

first and second
first .nd second

Prizes .ion a-t- 1924 State Fair

     Junior vearling
     Senior calf
     Ji1nior calf
     Senior yearl ing
     Junior yearlinz
   grades and. Crossbreds
     Senior ,7ea-.rl ing
     Junior yearling
     Senior a.1f
     Junior calf


f irst

f irst
first and third

Champion on Junior yearling, Stepalong

Internationnl Li-re Stock Exposition
Zentucky Stste Fpir
Blue Grass Fair

. ,.
;468. 79
857 .79

     5. Professor Sax's Gift to the University.   President I4cVey
reported a gift of `500 by Professor C"arol Sax to be used in pro-
curing speakers for -various convocations at the University.  The
Fxecutive C;ommittee then adopted the following resolution: t1That
Professor Carol Id. Sam be extended a vote of thanks for his Pen-
erous gift of 5F00 to be used in procuring speakers for convoca-
tion services at the University, and that the Secretary of this.
Board be authorized to convey to l'ir. Sax an expression of their
sincere appreciation for the generous gift."T

     6. Account of starwick-Mditchell Co pany. President ,!cVey
submitted an account amounting to `600 by IMarwick-Mitehell Com-
pany, of-Louisville, for professional services in the auditing
of accounts of the University for the year ending June 30, 1924,



and report thereon.   On motion by Mir. Stoll, duly seconded,
the Committee authorized that this account be paid.

     7. ;Reou3st of Professor Leland for Leave of Absence. On
mction duly seconded an_ adopted, the request of Professor Le-
land filr leavn;  F abeence for one year to attend the University
of Chicago for the purpose of finishing his work for a Ph. D.
degree was g-an tad, the -matter of arranging the leave of Pro-
fessor Leland: ,o be lft to President Mc~oy with pcwer to act.

     8. Bids Submi-tted fad Addition to Chemistr~y Boi1ling.  Slne
Comraittee then ftook ar  sh  .   of canvassing bids submitted
bZT various contractor-s for the work of completing the addition
to the Chemistry Bulld.i-nR.  After discussion at length of these
bids, the following motion was adopted:

     "That inasmuch as the aggregate bids on the proposed addi-
tit i. to the Themistry PuiTi4fg are in excess of the amount
availabll  to Trect that boiiring, all bids be and are hereby
rejected:  that all bidder's checks be returned to the makers
thereof, nnd that President IiIcVey, Senator H. X1I. Froman, and
Judge Stoll be and the same are hereby appointed a committee to
revise plans in consultation with 1M1r. George A. Truelson, repre-
sentative of the firm of Coolidge and Shattuck, Boston archi-
tects, who drew the plans, or such other representatives as the
said company migh- elect, with a vie t"o curtailing the expense
of the proposed building and that their action be reported to
this body upon call of thi special committee for further cor-
sideration of these revised plans.1"

     9. RE   t of Professor }. V. Terrell Ps Engineer of tha
Stadium.   The following report of Professor D. V. Terrell as
engineer of the Stadium was submitted by the President and order-
ed incorporated in the minutes:

                                           January 3.0, 1925

   Professor Enoch Grehan
        Uni-ersity of Kentucky

   Dear Sir:

        I should like to have included in tha minutes of the
   Board meeting on December 9, 1924, an itemized statement
   o.f the expenditure of :3,183.29 for engineering work.

        The account as shown by requisitions issued by me is
   as follows:


Surveying -
   .I, C. J. Tate,
   J. Lewsis
     T. Benson
     Fyan F7 nsRo
     H.   1  - a  -ml 'C!L' Ofn

Drafting --
     H. P. rOreal,
     H. nL   E l'' -ransGe
     M. Vi ana
     R. L. Mays
     A. W. Stone
     H. W. Mer-rv.wet'haer
     I. R. Bourrough

Specifications -
     IMIrs, H. E. Glenn
     1Mr-s. J R3. F~rd

Blue Printing -
     J. Bitterman
     H. E. Glenn
     D. V. Hanb3rry
     A. Arthur
     Johns Photo Co.

Supplies -
     U. S. Blue Print Co.
     Fagene Deitzgen Co.
     Po stge~

     Lexington Leader
     Lexington Herald

Consulting Service -
     Osborne Fnrineering
     Frankel & Curt is

2754. 00
235 .00
12 .50
20.00          663.00






Inspection -
     C. J. Tate, 7 mo.
     C. S. Crouse, 4 mc.

Photographs -
     L. k. NUllau












Yours truly,

    I. V. Terrell
      Prof. of Civil


3-3 . 50




     10. Resignations, Arppointments, and. icrease in Salaries.
The following resignations, appointments, and increase in sala-
ries were rqcermnended by,,T President IMVccVey and on motion duly
seconded, where adopted:

     Resignation of fiss Lois Dietrich, secretary to the Assist-
ant Dean in the Colleas of Agriculture, effective December X1,

     Resigna-Iion of hiss iNicola Brent, stenographer in the office
of the Dean of the Col!,o3e of Arts and Sciences, effective Decem-
ber, 31, 1924.

     Ap~pointment of Miss Lucille Young es clerk in, the office in
the Assistant Dean in the Tollege of Agriculture at a salary of
,pl,32O a fyear, effective January 1, 1925.

     Appointment of   Herold Barber as head herdsman at the Ex-
parinent Station at a salary of ;31,8O a year, effective February
1, 1925.

     Appointment of M.l4iss Belle Bates, acting head of the Art
Department for the second semester.

     AipPointment of Miss Anne Callahan as assistant in the Art
Department,. Teond.siester, at a selary of :?500.

     Appointment of MIr. Harry A. Ward as field agent in farm
iranagemant at a salary of` $2,400 a ye.ar, effective December 10,
     Appointment of Mr. Curtis Malone, assistant county agent,
Mclean County,?, at a salary of 7100 a month, from November 29 to
December 31, 1924.

     Appintinent of Mr. Albert G. Middleton, assistant county
agent, Mercer County, at a salary of $200 a month, froma January
2 to February 28, 1925.

     Continuation of employment of H. D. Triplett, county agent,
Bourbon County, at a salary of '200 a month, from November 16,
1924, to November 15, 1925.

     Continuation of er.1ploynrent of Phil Watlington, county agent,
14cLean County, at a salary of $183 1/3 a month, from October 1,
1924 to September 30, lS25.

     Continuation of employment of F. L. Britton, county agent,
Leslie County, at a salary of ',141.66 2/3 a month, from January
I to December 31, 1925.



     Continuation of employment of I. H. woodhouse, assistant
county agent, JeLferson Coulaty, at a salary of ;.-9180.83 1/3 a
month, f-rom_ January 1 to Decernber 31, 1925.

     Continuation of g lployment of D. S. Greene, county agent,
 :lOtt County, at P. salary of '141 2/3 a month from January 1.
to Decamber 31, 1925.

     Continuation of employnment of h. -. Greene, county agent,
Mason Oouinty,  aa Sala.ry of "225 a month, fromr January7 1 to
August 31, 1925.

     Continuation o, e^-aplovyment -f P. 1I. Frye, county atgent,
0-.ley County, at av salary of ;,'141 2/3 a month, from January 1
to De cember 31, 192;.

     Continuation of e-lovaesrnt of R. J. Meatson, county seent,
Boolne g ounty, at a SaJ3.r! of ,183 1/3 a month, from Januairy 1
t Ocember 31,      .

     Continuntion o ' employ-nent off 0. 2,. Carrithers, county
agent, Harlan CounteCs at a salary of el73 1/3 a month, from
December 1 to December 31, 1924.

     Continuation ofP eia;i-loy.m-ent of' M.iss Lula Holmes, Home
Demonstration A-igt. B1 alla rd. County, at 21133 1/3 a month,
effective Jpnuary 1, 1925.

     Increase in salary of :MIiss Lioula Pharis, clerk in the d.e.-
partment of public service 1aboratories, from, ,,80 to "90 a month.

     Increase in salarv of Mliss Fannie B. Merritt, record clerk
and assistant, department of public service laboratories, from
$565 to '5 a month.

     Increase in salar-y of Mr. R.   Tolle, inspector of feeds
qnA fertilizers, from ;.1,500 to 01,800 a year.

     Inresaose in !hal;r-ar7 of M.Iiss Anita Burnamnw, field agent in
club work, from ,:2,300 to '2,400 a year.

     Increase in salary of Mr. C. A. Lewis, in charge of public
informat ion, from $ 2,800 to 213,000 a year.

     Increase in sala-ry of Mr. -. 0 . . ilson, assistant state
agent, extension division, from i42,800 to V.3,000 a year.

     Increase in 3s1ary of r. i C. E. Harris, who has been temporar-
ily employed. at  a a .aJ of 311,600 to be retained as field. a;rei.t
in poultry at a salary of 41,800 a year.

     Meeting a djoirned.

                                     Enoch Grehan