xt74j09w155r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74j09w155r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1955-03-apr5. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1955-03-apr5. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1955-03-apr5. 1955 1955-03-apr5. 2011 true xt74j09w155r section xt74j09w155r 

         Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Ken-
tucky, April 5, 1955.                             I

          The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the President' S
Office at 10:05 a. m. , CST, with the following members present: Guy A. Huguelet,
Vice Chairman; Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Carl Dernpewolfe, J. Stephen Watkins,
M. W. Moore, R. P. Hobson, Wendell P. Butler, Smith D. Broadbent and Harper
Gatton. Absent: Governor Lawrence W. Wetherby, Chairman; Mrs. Paul G.
Blazer, Paul. M. Basham, Thomas A. Ballantine and Ben S. Adams. President
H. L. Donovan and Secretary Frank D. Peterson were also present.

         A. Approval of Minutes.

         On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the Board of
Trustees of January 11, and the minutes of the Executive Committee of February
8, 1955, were approved as published.

         B. Approval of Purchases,

         President Donovan submitted a letter from the Comptroller listing State
Requisitions, Advices of Emergency Purchases, Vouchers, Special Orders, Stores
Vouchers, et cetera, which had been made by the Purchasing Division from Janu-
ary 1, 1955, through March 31, 1955.  The President advised that the purchases
had been made on properly drawn documents at the request of the various depart-
ments, had been charged against available funds, and the documents were available
for inspection. He recommended approval.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,

                       State Requisitions numbered  562 through  910
                       Emergencies                   137 through  198
                       Vouchers                       I through 3960
                       Special Orders              6501 through  7750
                       Stores Vouchers              834 through  1292, and
                       Job-Order Vouchers          2845 through  3100

were ratified and approved.

         C. Budget for 1955-56 Approved.

         President Donovan submitted to each member of the Board a copy of the
complete proposed budget of the University for the Division of Colleges, Plant Fund,
and Restricted Funds.  He read the following statement:


        McVey and Hughes in their book, PROBLEMS OF COL-
tion of the annual budget seems to us to be the most important .
single administrative job of the year. " After twenty-seven years
as a college president I have come to the same conclusion.  A
considerable amount of the time of the President, Vice President,
Comptroller and the deans must be given to this important aspect
of administration of an institution of higher education.

        That the trustees may be better informed as to how our
budget is prepared, I should like to give you some of the details.
First, the Comptroller is requested to prepare an accurate esti-
mate of the total income of the University.  The next step is to
appropriate to each of the colleges and other independent adminis -
trative units a just and adequate sum of money for their operation.
The distribution of the total funds of the institution among the various
units is a delicate and difficult undertaking.  Unless great care is
given to a fair distribution of the funds, the University can be crip-
pled in its total responsibility to the citizens of the state.

        In performing this duty, tradition has somewhat determined
the relative ratio as between the colleges and various divisions of
the funds. For example, the amount of money which a college has
been receiving over the years in relation to the amount appropriated
to each and every other college determines to a considerable degree
how new funds are to be distributed. The enrollment in a college
is one of the major factors to be considered, but not the only one.
Over a period of years the seven colleges in the University have
been maintaining a rather constant ratio or about the same percent-
age of the total fund appropriated for the maintenance and operation
of the University.  If a. college has a new responsibility placed upon
it, a somewhat larger amount of new funds will be appropriated to
that college in order that it may discharge its functions properly.

        The President, Vice President and the Comptroller after
careful study will finally allot to each college and other independent
administrative unit the total amount of money it is to receive during
the current year and so notify the dean or the administrator of the
unit. After this is done the dean and the heads of the departments
of his college will make the distribution of the funds the college re-
ceived between the various departments of that college. The dean
and the head of the department, sometimes with the assistance of a
committee of the department, will consider the department' s budget
as to Personal Services, Capital Outlay and Other Current Expenses.
Salary increases will be recommended to the dean by the head of the
department, but the dean will have final authority on such matters.
After the dean or head of an independent unit makes up the total
budget for his college or independent unit, the dean meetts with the
President, Vice President and Comptroller and each item in his
budget for the college is reviewed. Changes may be made in this
final review, but usually the recommendations made by the dean and
heads of departments will be approved if they do not exceed the sum
appropriated to the college.  The recommendations on salary adjust-
ments come up from the department head and the dean to the top



administrative officers of the University whose approval
they must have before being submitted to the Board of Trus-
tees. Every budget of each college and independent admin-
istrative unit of the University is carefully reviewed, many
hours being spent in going over these budgets by the President,
Vice President and Comptroller. After they are approved,
all of the budgets are given to the Comptroller and they are put
into the form which you have before you. It usually takes from
six weeks to two months from the time the budget studies are
initiated until they are completed for your consideration.

Estimated Income

          The estimated income for the Division of Colleges,
(page 2), is listed by source and fund groups.  The total General
fund income for 1955-56 is $4,964,465. 60 which is $117,067. 50
more than the revised estimated income for 1954-55. Although
we anticipate an increase in enrollment of approximately 600
students for 1955-56, the increase in student fees will be only
$4,000 since receipt of accrued Federal tuition for prior years
was included in the revised estimate for student fees for 1954-55.
The income from State appropriations, Federal government, En-
dowments and Sales and Services is the same as 1954-55. Income
from Auxiliary enterprises will increase $113, 067.50 because the
University will operate two new dormitories; one for women and
one for men.

         Plant fund will receive $167,019.40 from self-support-
ing enterprises for payment of their respective debt service costs
for 1955-56,  Debt service costs for instruction and research fa-
cilities total $163,324. 50 for 1955-56.  This sum will be trans-
ferred from the current General Fund.

Estimated Expense

          The estimated expenditures for the Division of Collegefs
are listed by function and fund groups.  The total General fund
proposed expenditures for 1955-56, (page 5.96), is $5,429,941. 83
which is $358, 360. 71 more than the approved budgets for 1954-55.
The appropriations for Educational and General expenditures are
$254,939. 96 more than the amount budgeted for 1954-55.  This
increase was used for adjustments in salaries, increased operating
expenses and expansion in present programs.

         Appropriations for Auxiliary Enterprises totaled
$364,268 for 1955-56.  Plant fund appropriations, (page 97-100),
totaled $330, 343 9G for the 1955-56 debt service costs.  The debt
service costs consist of $188,500 for principal, $141,216. 62 for
interest and $627. 28 for trustees, fees,



          The Division of Colleges General fund surplus on
June 30, 1954 was $637,925. 18.  The estimated surplus on
June 30, 1955 is $473, 742. 16.  The unappropriated balance
of the June 30, 1955 surplus is approximately $9, 000.

Restricted Budgets

          The Board of Trustees has authorized the establish-,
ment of various funds classified as Restricted or Trust Funds
(Kentucky Revised Statutes 41. 290).  The Board directed that
these "private funds and contributions" be retained and deposit-
ed in a local bank. Budgets are included herein for most of
these monies.  Those not included were omitted because suf-
ficient data were not available.  In all cases Restricted Fund
budgets are submitted for approval at the time of receipt of
funds. In the latter case, acceptance of the funds by the Board
is considered to be authorization for spending the funds in ac-
cordance with the terms of acceptance.

          Although we are anticipating an enrollment increase
for 1955-56 of approximately ten per cent, or about 600 students
more than we have had during the current year, we have not
increased our faculty to provide for this increase in student
load. During the current year we had an increase of about ten
per cent over the preceding year, and we did not increase the
staff last year. We are taking care of the increased student
load by adding more students to the classes rather than employ-
ing additional teachers.  This is the only possible way we have
of increasing the salaries of the faculty and staff.

          By another year the faculty will certainly have to be
enlarged if enrollment keeps on going up, as it will.  But
this is a matter to be taken care of at the next meeting of the
General Assembly when we make a request for a new budget for
the next biennium.

          By not increasing the size of the staff we will be able
to provide a number of salary raises for faculty and staff mem-
be rs.

          Congress has just voted to increase the salaries of its
members from $15, 000 to $23, 000 per annum.  They now have
under consideration increasing the salaries of all Civil Service
employees; the post office employees will receive not less than
a 7 1/2 per cent increase in their wages.  Many of the labor un-
ions are planning to ask for an increase in wages or they will
strike some time during the spring or summer.  Fortunately,
teachers do not use this method of demanding increases in sal-
aries.  However, if increases in salaries do not come, many
of them quietly steal away and accept jobs elsewhere without
any "to-do" over their departure.  This is what we have to fear


            at the University of Kentucky.  In my last annual report I
            pointed out that in the past thirteen years 260 professors, as-
            sociate professors and assistant professors had left the Uni-
            versity to accept better positions in other universities, gov-
            ernment and industry.  This number did not take account of
            probably 150 to 200 instructors and technicians who also left
            the University during this time. One of the big problems,
            not only of the University of Kentucky but of all colleges and
            universities, in the years ahead is going to be to find adequate
            teachers to provide for the larger enrollments that we are
            certain to have in all institutions of higher education. There
            are fewer people preparing to teach in college today than any
            time since I have been a college president. With an anticipat-
            ed increase of two to two and one-half million more college
            students by 1965 or 1970, it is hard to predict what is going
            to happen to higher education in this country during the next

                      Congress has not yet made its appropriation for
           Agricultural Extension and the Ejcperiment Station.  The
           budget bill is now pending before that legislative body. It
           will probably be passed by June.  The indications are that
           the appropriation for Extension service and the Experiment
           Station will be approximately what it has been during the past
           year -probably a slight increase.  The budget for these two
           divisions of the University will have to be submitted at a lat-
           er meeting of the Board of Trustees,  They could not be
           included in this budget for the reason that we were unable to
           anticipate what the Federal government would provide for
           these services.

                     I am recommending the adoption of this budget as
           reported to the Board of Trustees,

           The President then invited the attention of the members of the Board to
page 1 of the proposed budget,which recorded summary of surplus and estimated
income for the fiscal year 1955-56, with the comparison of the income for 1954-55.
The estimated income from all sources for the General Fund budget for 1955-56
was $5,438,207. 76, compared with $5,485,323. 28 for the year before.  He stated
that the proposed budget would show an increase in estimated income of $117,067. 50
for 1955-56.

          The attention of the members of the Board was then directed to pages 3
and 4 of the proposed budget recording a summary of departmental appropriations
aggregating $5,429,941.83, as compared to $5,071,581. 12 for the year 1954-55.
The proposed budget reflected an increase in appropriations of $358,360. 71.

          The President explained the compilation of the budget by departments
and divisions. He invited attention of the members of the Board to sections dealing
with the various colleges and divisions,




          The budget was examined by members of the Board and, after due discus-
sion, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, was authorized accepted as a
basis of maximum expenditures for the year 1955-56.

          The inclusion of the name of any person in the budget is not to be con-
sidered as a contract of employment, and the Board of Trustees or the Executive
Committee shall be authorized to make such changes in the budget as may from
time to time be deemed necessary.

          D. Parking Lots Established.

          President Donovan made a statement concerning the parking problem
that exists at the University.  There are more cars coming to the campus than
we have parking spaces. It is very difficult at times to find a place to park a car.
Many visitors come to the University and spend quite some time trying to locate
a place to park their cars while they transact business with the various depart-
ments of the University. He recalled that the University Board of Trustees has
a regulation prohibiting the owning of cars by freshman students at the University,
and stated that it might be wise for the Board to consider directing a survey of
the total parking problem.

         Preoident Donovan recommended that houses located on lots at 703 and
711 Rose Street, the house at 318 Clifton Avenue, and the Scott Street barracks
be torn down and these areas developed as parking lots, It was estimated that
some four or five hundred cars might be taken care of on these four lots.

         Members of the Board discussed the problem at length, and upon mo-
tion duly made, seconded and carried, the houses at 703 and 711 Rose Street,
the house at 318 Clifton Avenue, and the dormitory barracks on Scott Street were
authorized razed and the lots developed for parking.

         E, Policy Governing Management of Residence Halls --Schedule of Board
and Room Charges.

         President Donovan stated that it was necessary to establish policies
governing the management of residence halls and to fix a schedule of board and
room charges. He felt it desirable to read the statement as follows:

             Policies (Governin the Management of Residence Halls
                  and a cede oand Room Charges

         The new residence hall for men located on Rose Street will soon be
     ready for occupancy and it is hoped that the new dormitory for women
     can be opened in September. It seems desirable, as a consequence of
     these developments, to recommend certain changes in the policies gov-
     erning the administration of the residence halls, and to propose a new
     schedule of fees for board and room.  These proposals have been re-
     viewed carefully by all administrative officials concerned and we are
     confident that they are in the best interests of students and of the Uni-
     ve rsity.



It is recommended:

1.  That the Scott Street Barracks be abandoned and disman-
    tled as soon as the occupants can be moved .to the new
    residence hall on Rose Street, and that the site of the bar-
    racks be made into a parking lot.

2.  That all first-year students presently living in the Scott
    Street Barracks be required to move to the new residence
    hall; and that all other occupants of these barracks be
    encouraged to do so.

3.  That beginning in September. 1955, all first-year and
    second-year men, except those who are married, resi-
    dents of Lexington, or commuters, be required to live in
    the ment s residence halls unless given special permission
    by the Dean of Men to live elsewhere. In making room
    assignments the Dean of Men will give priority to first-year
    students.  First-year students shall not be permitted to
    reside in fraternity houses.

4.  That all men residing in the residence halls be charged
    for two meals daily (breakfast and dinner) in the cafeteria
    of the Rose Street dormitory.  There will no requirement
    with respect to lunch and the student may have this meal
    in this cafeteria or elsewhere.

5.  That the charge for the two meals be $165 per semester.

6.  That the following schedule of room charges prevail, beginning
    in September, 1955.


Br eckinridge
New Dorm
New Dorm
New Dorm

Type Room

Single (Small)
Single (Large)
Double Suite
Triple Suite

Student Price
Per Semester



Student Price
Per Semester


       7. That men students not residing in the residence halls be
           permitted to take two meals per day at the same semester
           rate as that charged the residence-hall students, with the
           understanding that signing for this privilege for a semester
           will constitute a contractual agreement.

       8. That for the eight weeks' summer session there be a single
           room charge of $40. 00 per student per session, applicable
           to all rooms in all the residence halls for men.

       9. That the girls residing in Patterson, Boyd, and Jewell Halls
           and in the Lydia Brown, McDowell, and Dillard Houses con-
           tinue to have all their meals in the dining room of Boyd and
           Jewell Halls with a single combined charge per semester
           for board and room,

      10. That beginning in September, 1955, the girls residing in
           the new dormitory and at 643 and 635 Maxwelton Court be
           provided two meals daily (breakfast and dinner) in the
           Student Union Cafeteria. There will be no requirement
           with respect to lunch and these students may have this meal
           in the Union Cafeteria, or elsewhere.

      11. That the following schedule of charges per semester for
           board and room in the women' s residence halls and houses
           become effective September, 1955:

           a. All residence halls, Lydia Brown and McDowell
               Houses, and the residences at 643 and 635 Maxwel-
               ton Court .e.................... $240.

           b. Dillard House (semi-cooperative) ...$2... . $Z20.

      12. That the women, s barracks be dismantled after the close
           of the current school year.

      13. That for the eight weeks' summer session there be a single
           room charge of $44. 00 per student per session, applicable
           to all rooms in the residence halls for women.

  Until students actually have experienced the effects of the above policies
they will be critical of some of them, It seems desirable, therefore, to
comment on certain of the proposals.

  The students who move from the barracks on Scott Street to the new
residence hall on Rose Street will be paying approximately twice as much
for their rooms,  They will be living, however, in a superior environ-
ment and with every convenience, as contrasted to the sub-standard sit-
uation in the barracks, Moreover, under the boarding arrangement in
the new hall the student can probably save enough in food costs in a semes-
ter to compensate for the higher charge for his room.  If the University
has any apology to make, it is for having permitted boys to live in the



barracks for as long as it has.  They should have been dismantled three
years ago.

   Since September, 1943, the University has required all first-year
men to live in the residence halls, unless they were living at home,
were commuting, or were given special permission to live out by the
Dean of Men.  During the same period first-year students have not
been permitted to live in fraternity houses.  These requirements
clearly have improved the standards of living of men students and the
quality of their scholarship.  It seems desirable, therefore, to ex-
tend the residence requirement to include second-year men to the
extent that the residence-hall space will permit.

   The requirement that all men living in the men, s residence halls
take two meals daily in the cafeteria of the Rose Street hall seems
justifiable for several reasons.  These men will be assured of more
wholesome, better balanced, and better prepared meals.  Too much
of their food in the past has consisted of hot dogs, hamburgers, potato
chips, cokes, and candy bars.  Many parents have argued that the
boys should long ago have had the privilege, like the girls, of having
a part or all of their meals in supervised dining halls.  It is certain
too that the arrangement will be more economical for the student if
the quantity and quality of the food are the same.  Admittedly, a
student can eat out for less, if no consideration is given to what he eats
or how much he eats.  The requirement also will tend to keep students
on the campus over the week ends, and the necessity for emphasizing
this grows more apparent every day.  A student comes to the Univer-
sity to obtain an education and he defeats his own purpose if he spends
every week end on a vacation,  Finally, a requirement of this kind
seems imperative if the costs of the residence halls are to be amortized.

   The same reason applies, of course, to the requirement that the
girls living in the new residence hall and on Maxwelton Court be required
to have two meals daily (breakfast and dinner) at the Student Union Cafe-

   It seems desirable to permit all students assigned to the cafeterias
to eat lunch wherever and whenever they choose.  Some classes are
scheduled during the noon hour and for many students the lunch period
cannot exceed one hour.  Furthermore, many classrooms are at con-
siderable distance from the cafeteria to which the student may be as-

  Room rents are being increased for both men and women students.
For the men the average increase in room rent is about 17 per cent and
the cost of room and board for women is advanced about 10 per cent.
We are reluctant to add to the cost of attending the University, but the
costs of operating dormitories and dining rooms continue to rise, and
the construction costs of new residence halls must be met.  Fortunate-
ly, we can make the above raises and still enable our students to live
more economically than in private homes and at lower rates than stu-
dents are paying in comparable universities,

The student who seeks a private room near the campus will find that



a double room in any way comparable with the rooms in the residence
halls will cost from six to seven dollars per week per person even
where double, rather than single, beds are provided.  This is equiv-
alent to a semester rent of $100 to $125, as contrasted to a maximum
charge of $90 in the new hall on Rose Street,

  Summarized below are figures comparing current charges at eight
other universities with those proposed for the men' s hall at the Uni-
versity of Kentucky, beginning in September, 1955. No one of the
eight institutions will be charging as little as the University of Ken-
tuc ky.

           Chares for Room and Board per Semester

                at Selected Universities, 1954-55*

Institution               Room Only                    Room and Board

University of Kentucky  $60. 00 to $90. 00* *  $225. 0c to $255. 00
Proposed 1955-56

Indiana University                                  295, 00 to 366. 00

Vanderbilt University    62. 50 to 100. 00

University of Georgia                               243. 00 to 2.70. 00

University of Florida    60. 00 to 100. 00

University of Tennes-
see                           112 50                  277. 50

Purdue University                                   302. 50 to 340. 00

Michigan State Col-
lege                                                  322.50

State University of
Iowa                     9 2, 50 to 120. 00

* The figures for Indiana University, Purdue University, Michigan State
College, and the State University of Iowa were reported on an academic
year basis.  In each case the figures were divided by two. The figures
for the University of Georgia and for the University of Tennessee were
reported on a quarter basis. In each case they were multiplied by one
and one-half.

** There are four small rooms housing a total of ten students for which the
semester charge is only $55 per occupant.



          There will be some complaint from the fraternities on the ground
       that their dining room operations will be jeopardized by the cafeteria
       policy; and in some degree they may be adversely affected because
       their first-year men residing in the halls will have to eat breakfast
       and dinner in the cafeteria. It is understood that second-year fra-
       ternity men may be excused by the Dean of Men from living in the
       halls. Furthermore, any pledge would have the opportunity of taking
       as many as seven lunches a week with the fraternity, assuming his
       schedule will permit. Fraternities have not ordinarily required
       pledges to eat more than five meals at the house.  There is evidence
       that much time has been wasted by pledges as a result of remaining
       at the fraternity house after the dinner hour.

          Finally, mention may be made of the fact that the summer charge
       for a room in the women, s halls is $4. 00 more than the charge in the
       men' s halls.  This is justified, we believe, because of additional
       services and the more costly program of supervision and guidance.

         President Donovan recommended that the statement of policies and schedule
of board and room charges be approved.

         Members of the Board discussed the recommendation, and upon motion du-
ly made, seconded and carried, concurred in the recommendation of the President,
effective June 13, 1955, this being the beginning of the summer term.

         F. Report on Plans for Shawneetown-Employment of Architects.

         President Donovan reported that Mr. Thomas P. Edwards and Associates
had, on their own initiative, developed a plan for re-developing Shawneetown. He
stated that Mr. Edwards and Associates had appeared before the Executive Commit-
tee and outlined a plan for developing permanent type housing to replace the existing
housing facilities in that area. He advised that Mr. Edwards and Mr. Scruggs
were available to discuss with members of the Board of Trustees and the President
models and plot plan for developing this area into permanent apartment houses.
These gentlemen were invited to appear before the Board, and did explain their
exhibits and plan.  They proposed construction of 80 efficiency apartments that
would accommodate two persons, 80 one-bedroom apartments that would accommo-
date four persons, and 18 two-bedroom apartments that would accommodate six
persons.  Their plan suggested the construction of 13 buildings at an estimated
cost of $1, 560,000. 00. The models and preliminary plans, as shown to the mern-
bers of the Board, were favorably received.  The matter of developing Shawnee-
town was further discussed, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
Thomas P. Edwards and Associates, Architects, were recommended for employ-
ment to develop, design, write specifications and supervise the construction of
the project.  The architects' fee shall be set by agreement.  The Comptroller
was directed to request the approval of the State Property and Building Commission.


1 2

          G. Report on Newcomen Society in North America Banquet to Honor the
University of Kentucky and President H. L. Donovan.

          Mr. Guy A. Huguelet further reported the Newcomen Society in North
America had decided to honor the University of Kentucky and President H. L. Don-
ovan at a dinner on April 14, 1955, at the Phoenix Hotel in Lexington, Kentucky.
He stated that Mr. John E, Tilford, President of the Louisville and Nashville Rail-
way Company, and chairman of the Kentucky Committee of the Newcomen Society
in North America, would preside, and that Mr. Guy A. Huguelet, chairman of the
Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, would introduce President Donovan.
He stated that he thought this was a worthy recognition; that the University had made
great progress in the last decade; and that President Donovan had rendered out-
standing service in the cause of higher education in the South, as well as in Kentucky.

          Members of the Board were invited to attend and to bring any guests they

          The report was received, and members of the Board expressed their
delight at the recognition of the University and President Donovan.

          H. 'Lease Agreement for Texas Land,

          President Donovan submitted a lease agreement between the University
of Kentucky and Jim Bob Daws of Throckmorton County, Texas, for 316 acres of
land in Young County, Texas,  He advised that Mr. Daws' existing lease expired
April 1, 1955, and that the new lease price would be $1. 50 per acre, which is an
increase of fifty cents per acre over the old lease. The lease agreement was
handled by the Graham Land Office of Graham, Texas.  The President recommend-
ed that the lease be authorized executed for a period of three years.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation was
concurred in and the lease authorized executed on behalf of the University.

         I. Bakelite Company Agreement Approved.

         President Donovan submitted agreement between the University of Ken-,
tucky and the Bakelite Company, a Division of Union Carbide and Carbon Corpora-
tion. The object of the work to be done under this agreement is the making of a
systematic and thorough study of the use of films produced from polyethylene for
the control of weeds and the forcing and irrigation of v