xt74f47gtf72 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74f47gtf72/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-01-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 21, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 21, 1983 1983 1983-01-21 2020 true xt74f47gtf72 section xt74f47gtf72 t
V ’* .c r; ‘iirr 4 _’
I r vi
g ‘ ,. Local jazz enthusiasts received ,
I V ' another chance Wednesday
.: . 4" ' .2 ' night to observe one of the ‘
‘. ‘ _ . *1 field's masters. Pianist Oscar
' ‘h- ., t Peterson performed to a near-
" ' s ‘ , ,‘i it} capacity crowd as part of the _______H___
\ \ ‘ University Artist Series. See
.. if page 4.
Vol. Lxxxv, No.97 Friday, January 21, was An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
8 t council delays discuss 'o a R b' F t
.-'—l—— .
By JASON WILLIAMS “but there was no time to discuss comments from the Uth’rSIl)’ fac- not exploitation." he said. "I am ba~ Trustees set up a committee of ad-
Senior Staff Writer it." ulty on Issues that Should be ad» sically opposed to desecration of the ministrators. faculty and students to ' w,
At a meeting of the Student Gov- dressed by the University Senatein land " create guidelines for the policy . .
._h_.~_._~_~__._ eminent Association Senate Mon. the coming year.“ he said. “The big, He also said the council at its next ~ .
day. Ann Phillippi. president of Stu» 895‘ reSponse (four letters) was meeting will renew its discusston of Exemptions were proposed for i
The University Senate Council dents to Save Robinson Forest, RObinSOD Forest . the (‘ouncil of Higher Education's outstanding athletes and minorities. V‘ a a "
yesterday postponed discussion of a charged that “the faculty has ch0» lvey said that In Spring 1981 the proposed selective admiSSionS DOhCy the latter in an effort to maintain a j 1‘.
Board of Trustees proposal to begin sen to ignore this issue and place it Senate [00k a stand against anflar: for state universities viable minority student population. ‘ ~
4. timber-farming operations at Robin- intoyouriSGA‘sihands.” lier Board proposal ‘0 allOW mining The policy would involve stricter which many cw” rights groups ' I;
" son Forest. but Senate Chairman lvey. however. denied the charge IMhHOWS‘ , guidelines for incoming freshmen feared would be in danger With the ”‘ .5’
Don lvey later denied charges that “The Board met in December." he The lullSenate WI“ meet Feb 14 The guidelines have not been estab- new policy.
the Senate is ignoring the issue. said, "The full Senate has not met lvey said he has "0‘ 599" the d‘X'U‘ hshed but would most likely involve
Yesterday‘s meeting was taken up since. We‘ve never even discussed ments by which the E 0 Robinson a set high school curriculum of The high school curriculum would Q:
by discussion of personnel matters it. Mountain fund granted the Eastern classes needed to be completed be- include a minimum study in En: , l f
and a two~hour address to the closed “l will argue (at the next council Kentucky teaching: and research fore admission. as well as a mini- glish_ social studies. mathematics 9,“. ‘ is: ’.
session by President ()tis Singletary. meeting Jan. 27i that this is an issue preserve [0 the Universuy in 1923 mum ACTtestscore and laboratory sciences y -’,'.’:. .. ‘ $7» , >‘ ~
lvey said there was not enough time we should takeastand on.“ he said. and 1927- But he Said ht‘ believes the The policy was first proposed in 3/ ‘ K‘; V f‘ . > 3
to bring up the Robinson Forest lvey said the Senate has already documents do not allow timber September 1981 in a report by the The policy would take effect in ~ T- 3'; ' :‘ 5‘ ' ' L. .' ’
issue. indicated it wants to take a stand on farming in the forest Committee on Higher Education in Fall 1984. The high school ('urrlcr
"1 said to the COuflCll today we the Trustees'proposal “individually it is my belief Kentucky‘s Future. ulum would not be required until DON lVEY
ought to take a stand.“ lvey said. "Earlier this year. we did solicit that ithc grant' was for education. The following month. the Board of 1987.
PI- ...» . ~ .... mum-.7- mom!
Impton , - , mwmm ,
Journalist obtains ' -. Simithhcempuetodey
first-hand msrghts ', . c ‘
,’ i. t». Harvey Sloane, Wit gubernatorial candidate, will
_ , visit campus today on campaign and meet with administra~
By scorr WILHOIT ’ , tors and faculty. members. a Sloane campaign spokesperson
. Senior Staff Writer . ‘ . ”5d yum ,
‘ V : Arts «Kim Adviser Carol Paisley, Sloane’s ooordi.
""" "_ ‘ “‘ v- ' “ ‘ nator for Warranties at UK, said Sloane will arrive at
. Author George Plimpton described - (wt ...: ‘3- _ . the Student Center at thw, where he will meet informally
his brand of participatory journa- e‘ W.“ V/ ' , withstudents.'j . ' 5'
“sm ‘0 a campus andlence 0‘ abou‘ \ ' Paisley said flame is laterexpected to meet with Presi-
500 le last ni ht in Memorial i. ..
l Collsgflon‘: g ~ ‘ f ' d0!" 0m 9w -: Oxides Graves. an architecture pro.
l. In his speech. “The Amateur m , 3. V . ~,‘.‘. '01 3 - ,1- - , tessor coordinafiagflame's faculty supporters: and Jim
I" Professional Sports.“ a part of the . 5:, Vet}; Dinkle. Student Wt Association president. He also
Central Kentucky Concert and Lec- M? ' willspeakwithanumberotdeans andiaculty members.
. “hr: items. 1 Plimptond ramilniscsid 1% W ... She soidSlo'ene is scheduled to leave campus at l:30 far
. a ut 's expoits on an o t e a - ‘ C III .
{J letic fieldover the past25years. one . m, ’ . otheracti , ”m “if” la" .
Q: "What i do is enter other people's , ' L]
professions. very briefly. in order to on ~ WWW m
f.‘ sit down and write books and arti— ., ‘WV , . m ’ .
.r gels! on what happened to me, he one F . l V V? , . s . 3 . “My char into a suburban
—: Saying what he dom is nothing M ' house tggMMW a man who had barricaded
new. Plimpton encouraged all jour~ .. himself ineidewflhagshotéfimtormorethan twohours.
>; nalists 10 get closer ‘0 their Storlfi. w _ -. ‘ Lt. tarry WWI the Lexington/Urban-County Police
l as he has done w1th professmnal and John Mahor. business ‘ $ Q M Mammal W (we unit said Wilbur Oaks,
i semi-professmnalteams. administration fresh- .. - . ' . - ' I 1 "50d com H d 00"
- "There is no better way to under» man (ri ht) and D M ' ._ " ‘ ‘2' w M,” Q m r ' e sat s ap-
! standing the skill an athlete must 9 : ave . . . ,, — MM ”km,“ W of drugs and had '0” con-
.: develop than by doing his sport Anderson, busmess ' _ .. . - sciousneas. bathtmm and tried to resist capture
9 Yourself."he said freshman, brave sub- .. , . . . mm was“ Mthdfim‘mulmh bit."
9 Plimpton sa‘d his first involve- fr°°1lng temperatures "=2. '-~ PW'WWID ”We. located in the Cardinal
I. mentinastory was not by design. yesterday for a friend- 5% W ~ Vol I. (ll _|> I ”a“ ...... . Jon 0' Dunkirk and Len-
l “l was looking for a Job. (tune in- ' arne of one-on— ‘x‘: «new» « M > , -' ‘ i - .
i nocently. with the Harvard Lam- Y 9 one he , dond-rvv Mum “Emu. Walsh ‘md-
. l poon.” Plimpton said “The editors :asketball“ beh'"d ' m a“ it». « ‘ . «. ‘
u make yet go through a sort of initia- Oggin H0 . . ' ‘- ». - ' » V ~. , . . . '
it tion before they Will accept you So. i I-‘~'\\"’: =’ 2;." fl I? ~ ' . i us.
f‘ what mi editors made me do was ,’ 3...: : C “
5 enter the Boston Marathon. A : f,_ .c __ , : said .3," there is a 2
3 “Now. not being a runner. what i w “"mwww ’°" We” ”#2:; WAIIIIIII | a". MI I IV “a Y day
, . _, a, w * percent chance that debris from a disabled nuclear-powered
did was to enter the race one and a we: .' N. _ . . - aft -
half blocks from the finish,“ Plimp- ., ‘3; . jé ; «.. 7 Sowet spy satellite will hit the United States or entering
ton said. “And to the horror of the 3%? ' tr; . ~‘u the atmosphere sometime between i a.m. EST Sunday and
poor fellow who was in the lead. I . {‘5' : g 3p.m.E$T W.
entered the race Just as he passed ’ ’t “so: Hm W experts said the Cosmos I402. which
n... by; a . . . , g “m, ,' mu, ,.
“And after the race was over. to .. $5 3’ ’ «éfime ‘ V M’ _ earth 0' '0" "’5" gr”??? rm
my surprise all the media and your 1’ g we... ', “W’gsh . * may plunge-in” the atmosphe re ate unV y mg .V
nalist were paying more attention to . ‘- 1 " " m .\ w. (W W“ 3°“! "‘3'" M‘dY
me than the fellow who won the : ' ' Wt . . would 5. "59‘ MV My "45. to ”animate warning of
race." Plimpton said. ”it was at this .M . ' ' ' WMOMOMNW'h-”
potnt.tthat ‘l‘ delcided the way I was ’“" ' V .t’Vt mas-woe». W... M, » WW . F The Pmemm is a 70 percent chance the Cos-
some oma 9d "int! _ - 5;}: ”15’“; . ,~ 1. a-»..;.: @ mos My“ Wm mg: “an " over water, l5 percent chance
Plimpton has played football With .. ., . . ““3; 6 w « .... :. ,;V; ...- : 3,2: 5" . It . ; ~
the Detroit Lions. basketball with . . . .,. mate’s. ”jaw. . so 1-“ it over the Soviethfir . t chance over Canada and 2 ~
the Boston (‘eltics and hockey With m ‘ . . . ‘ percent WWW ; State:
the Boston Bruins and boxed with . , f . , .. . . .. ._ . ..s .’ _
former heavyweight champion Ar- . I . . . . (5.. "[43de "W, . a};
chie Moore. " .' ‘ .
The holder of degrees from Har- [ . Better may lacunae plen not to run
See rum-ton. page 3 ' ‘
WASHINGTON -— Senvte Republican leader Howard H.
' l ' ' Baker Jr. intends to announce soon -—‘perhaps as early as
003' aramedic S workday II'IVO VBS variety gore Nov ~ «in i. win no. ...t, Mm" in we. rowed
' sources said last nightlaker initially had hoped to make his
decision known at an afternoon news conference today. but
.V , . .M fits/.w'fiiwga H) \SHIEYBRANTIEY hi. 9'0!“ become "mt" Wh." h. dOVOlOpI'd O (as. of
of; Vii} Reporter the flu.
"V’" :Vga‘ig: First reports at Mer’s tentative decision not to run
5' ‘ ii“ came from unidentified sources several days ago. And
‘ " 1 ~§"‘§"v'*'r‘ ' he I icon has ref sed to confirm the
- «:3: it was 8:30 am Lexmgton‘s (‘entral Fire Station received a call about "h". ' W W .u .
.0. rm»; a possmle hanging on Walnut Avenue Alarms sounded. men ran to emer widespread m. neither he nor his aides have 10h.“
. ,r. ‘J “a: gency units and sirens walled. .9. ‘ Wormwdispute them.
.... .... zwxipvh‘: 1 ,V “a. - W P ,._.,__.... _._ +o .__. ~ - -
~ . s ...". _ g " ‘41:" , When the paramedics arrived on the scene. they found a l7-yearold illl inlh‘ll - ~ - f0
.___. -.., ’ ‘ " : 5 ‘ 1-8 .' . s n : - _ male still hanging He had been dead for about ll\‘(‘ hours Th. . _ h“ ”may." 3.03.0" was made r
. ‘ . ‘ _ ' ‘ {std . . , . The boy was no stranger to the paramedics because they had respond: 90m. m M M "o' m' '
y . ~ . ,- 53.x» ,3 V 1- i . ‘ « ‘ '
. . . - s it; - ' ed to two of his suicide attempts during the summer (in the first try, he >
_ K _. V“ ”’ had slashed his arm. in the second. he had taken pills ‘ “WV: ~ t}; '-
... r _ - . V V! as . a . - Although both these incidents may have been futile cries for attention. V§£A£mg§ ., “’24:?“
$3.; 5.2.}? 'gl‘féjlwi -3343 ‘35? , neither had come close to killing him. according to the paramedics Air in _" :‘j" ' " ” ‘ . "-l':
V-y, » “3V V ‘. L. , Xvi - riving on the scene this time, the paramedics were surprised to find that V; ., a ‘5 s n g ‘3 .~ '. I .
4.. W (a Q ‘ ”Wig” : he was ““13“." dead ZétV gaudy; , ‘
3 ‘ i ,’i..";r- 4‘» .;.?1‘f'T‘,_:i:3~.;§i ,3 .r: ' . . They returned to the fire station and made iokes among themselves. “‘“ttfig? amiss-sq,
, ....” a. $52,, . ...c w,e,.¢
i»V ’ " Y, .. f”;'_.‘j: trying to forget what they had just seen Then another callcamein . _. _ VV _, .t .
i V ‘ . : ,‘irdi‘vM’ii‘zslw: V . An old man had walked into Kerr Bros Funeral Home. at 463 E Main ’ ‘ "‘
' If“ “it; ‘ ...”..- if: .“gfligedolattzyrgaagril driver as license to the receptionist and told her 'I ' I ' . h h” ' II ' I I . CI I
"f. 9" 3%" He went outSide. put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger He was m . u M m m flh 0' m I“
- lit. “maintain. “it 32$. lying in a pool of blood when the paramedics arrived His suu‘ide attempt Imh~mfi * :
’i’ ' Whit hag???" successfu‘l llv m ‘mor' bl f ir f fi hter Fred Wor ‘tiam ore = . n I d
' a“: N of the paramrdzfzsejrfhei‘entrjl Fir;l Stgti(on who fesponded to both calls I I” I“ “fl“‘h. M “an... I II
I -‘ :EEgQM-“A Usually the emergency calls he responds to are not as disturbing In M W * . w d ”I
‘ ' 1"" fact. a lot of his runs are cases in which an ill patient needs a ride to a I~~-fio
.~""'i. “at“. am .. ..1. See El 0". 909.3 . a”. . -. ,. .t s .. .
“RIM/Kernel 5m"
. ’ i ‘

 . . ,fi. ! ..
i . ' '. y N" 2..
J 7A., ,.._.._._,,
K22”? Bel :
Illl “olden Andrew Oman John Orlflln Moron W. Lorna: tlnl I. Ind-bl 1.0. VOM Ion (IMO-rd ‘
ld-tot m (hint Nonsttiiioi Ans httm Spettsldoot SpoualF‘voixis tdtior Photo (ditor Gmphuu Editor -
mm Idwln mm. can... "In unto. IIII I. Wldonov u. Mlcioy mm...- x-m. Million Ion Von nook Chris Anti .
- Munugvngidilot it"“t'iaihtt'w AuotontAttsldttut AssntanlSpothfd-tot SpgcialPIO|KilAll|SlOnl Chl..Pho'oglaph.l (amount-.4 -
W .
- I
- 0 save 0 inson orest. mmammwmecmmwwmm“ »
s I
- I- ~ .
' t
In t e rustees orever - I J . - l
l O '
' ' '0 ever seen a Godzilla movie? The be treated as such. Timber farmin undoubt— v:
HM)" . , _ _ . {Mb -7 «mg/905m
Japanese lead invariably succeeds in bury edly is not an appropriate way to trcat suc ». g 70 WKME“ ‘
~ . ‘ v ' . .. .. . . I = \ it! 7 [WI
ing the monster. but somehow it always digs a tool. . i g i, 0/45le %
”Mild-l batkoutiorasgquel . . tit course. theres plenty oi protit to be «1?».154 u. I:
When '1 comes {0.} e mm?“ 8‘ Robinson made bv cutting the forest. And it would , 't’flé? ‘ . m
m ‘ , . a ) ‘ . , ‘ ,: d} ‘ j . ‘
l-orest. the Board oi I‘rustees IS eginning to probablv allow the preserve to pay tor itself. (EEC? ‘ r t l
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' - \ . r ‘ V ",-/ .' . l .
resemt’k‘ ("Kl““d d. '0" Although. ”l‘ But it s tantamount. as one trustee sug- All , H ‘ y . 1- J. ' a .,
Board s proposal to‘mine coal in the im est gested. to the chemistry departments pro- ‘1 7. 1‘ , / f //r , _ 2
was shot down in September by protesting ducing chemicals for sale on the open mar- t ‘ I" , ) / , //I g l
students and iaculty members. as well .is ket A L'niversity's purpose is education. not ‘ téi’. t9, , )4 . // (W i l
the impracticality 0‘ deep "‘E’E't‘g there. H“ turning a profit. even in a “state that s run :6 :4; _ — 4 f§$s \ M/l/ \ (f , g :i
beast has emeiged again. thistlntt‘. "“ like a business" tanother old monster that V a” ‘ o' z ‘ a l‘ l ‘16, I‘ ll." -
Board lis iny esti‘gattiting {Ll‘le'pOSSlEMltly oi illltttt ”fluxes todiei. a)» “/4 . “ 5 it l. 0
ing at east par 0 e ntversi v~ownet ca . . . . in?! .. m..- .
z ' .. , n . ~ - a i a \“ -. - l t
ching and research preserve in hastern Ken I Hi “m t b‘ Mild 'llt ”“5 p‘3’1t8“[h‘,lt‘h‘ r ‘3“ j ’7‘ \\.\S iffy/Db .
i W ' k‘ I i x ) ‘ ~ ' S \V y \
tiickv intoa timbertarm. "m " rtpdrtmosf: 3;“ Twat“ “ id in thi [15,", ,./ / ”fill l
The producers oi the movie have managed “1”" fl] 12195“ k ‘ rusfcgestotppost 0th (t ~ I 7/ /. .l
. I' - . l x ' ' a i j ‘I ' v . ’ i i l i
to keep the leads tor the sequel. Ann Phil ip “ “' ‘ 0: mdh‘ (yer; ‘ or ” ”Tut” t d \Ilr all /// t .
‘ ‘ , . x . , . . .. .1
pi. president oi Sttideiits to Save Robinson "“fh‘r. 2“".t “ roa ‘ dh propoia (: turn g (V; l 7 ‘ty ’
Forest. is back. decrying what she sees .is W” ol hi e torest into 59 paring 10 ”I; ‘_ , 2/ l 4 " 1
v . . ) _ I l l ' \‘ l ‘ I
an unwillingness on the part oi the [ niversi “’m‘ ”t (r proiit 0mm“ operation (ocsn F J, j _ ‘ 4 L1,“ f .
‘ I I ‘ ) _’ 4 t’ /‘ y ‘ ‘
ty Senate to condemn the proposal, And 'iic "l“ '2“ 4 ORE W %, V /, xv .. 4 /%/7/”/ ,/, , r/L ,
: n - . . , / \ . , .7 I, .’ J,
Student (rovernment Association has passed the kev is overcoming the argument that TI 6} A \ g %/ , J 52/, 7/ //////// ,5, _
y .. ‘ . . _ . , /‘ ,- // . . "y . . a , «,t
a resolution against "timberhiining in the this Hoard cannot bind another into perpetu- Ml I ‘ ~K r, %1 ',‘///‘A ,, «i ,1 / 35‘ // .
. , . . . ‘ ‘ . / - I _
iorest. vowing to light it with newspaper atis :ti advanced in September when the 1rust- "(flea / ‘ Kg? ” [/éfi. 1 dx _/ ~. 1
i ‘ "I, - ‘ /’:»’,-.;_ v / \ /
and other appropriate means ,, that .s ccs reiused to place a permanent ban on PAM , ‘ iii/7 ['7 ’ If; /\N .o , K .9 7‘
more rallies and or general student assem mining in the forest. Those who are combat- ,u 7 / / 37W” / /) " . M‘- l -
blies ting the proposal should not overlook this v g 1 / /I///",v%/////t _ _ . t , ,
.. ,I, I, ,- ‘ ’ , err/i. ’ / ‘ ‘
[is a classic had guy—good guy coniron .i or once again they may lind themselves de— ‘ ’3 ' / - w ~ - ‘7 —— 5 . / 'fi.‘ ’ ,l .
tion As S't‘iA's resolution states. RuhlllS-itt tending Tokyo against the onslaughts oi a . A“ - .
Forest is an educational “tool“ and shoutt: tire breathing lizard. ,4
——————————————————————_—.—_—.—_——_—_—_— i,
I i
shou e no wn or academics, not only basketball
The atmosphere is always tense tniortunately. we barely scratch my lellow employees ironi summer [K is a party school lithers bluntly many people. iii and out oi this crop and deities the potential oi a f 1
when I call Don i'rom my home in edthesuriaceonthesequestions. The lll‘S‘l question asked by most admitted they ielt [K was a Mickey state. haye doubts about l'K‘s aca- good to-average student \‘irginia . ‘
Virginia during the holidays and se- [)on and l are good enough triends concerned the [K basketball team .‘lousetiniy'ersity demicahilities says it has an equalopportunity ad ‘
mester breaks I can‘t decide be» and students to be embarrassed to Not one asked about academics or Kentucky students remember last The argument is that [K produces tiiissions policy. but ii you didn't "
N99“ ('alltng htm and getting the ‘4th ("Wm timid“ or any other col college in general I went along with .H'itt‘ S ratings Ill rho New York jump shots and prospective barteiid graduate or live in Virginia. lorget '
vacation rolling. or being lazy tor a lege matters He wasn‘t ashamed oi the conversations on basketball and limes 5pr ttie (node to Colleges ers btit iew scholars There is a it .
few more days .i 37 grade point average last seA ended up boasting about t'K steam 198.” H. which ranked [K as a party great iiiisuiiderstaiidiiig \‘irginia and others are respected ’ ‘
Whenever I pass by the phone on tiiestcr but hismind was elsewhere The same discussions on basket- school oiieriiig an easily acqutred [K is a school oi scliolastit. ath tor the type oi institutions they are. 3
the way to the kitchen. I consider ball dominated talks with neighbors college education. Survey lorms for letic and socialopportunity so why isn't l’K acknowledged as 3- ‘
making the first call But I usually —'——_— Again. there was little or no mention the guide were reportedly never an My peers seem to think easy ad the well rounded. equal opportunity. 7
divert myseli to the rei’rigerator olacademics, swered by‘any students. mission means an easy school betterthanraveragc academic t
doorinsteadoi‘the phone Maybe nobody knows anything However. the lTniversity' still took Shouldn‘t a good school give virtual» school it is" J
“71119 I “’35 1%“ng around tht‘ good about l'K's academic program a hard blow on academics front the ly anyone the opportunity to prove I don‘t believe students here think
house the first tew days oi that isworthdiscussing. guide'sopinions. himseli acceptable" l'K IS a Mickey Mouse school Most
(‘hristmas break. I awaited a call OPINION The nation knows [K has a top Several l'riends I questioned in My low .r\t"l‘ score is a tar cry students wouldn‘t get a to without
from Don lknew Don was t'ecuper basketball program. which appears Virginia made references to the troni my current grade point a\'et'~ reading. studying or going to class. '
ating from his studies at the Inner several times on national television gutde's reports Word getsaround. age The system can be proved as guidesatidtx-ers say 3 l
sity oi Virginia. as I was irom t'K m— and lingers up and down the college When I was a Kentucky resident wrong .-\cadeiiiics are the reason there is i ‘
Eventually. Don broke the ice and polls. But when on percent ot every attending high school. and l moved Although [K is requiring a tough ii place called the ! iiiversity oi Kerr 7 ;
called Monday alternoon l had tton began to talk about the wm- conversation revolves around one to Georgia. my teachers. counselors er high school curriculum to get into lucky .\o graduate is given a de j
hoped the bulk oi our conversation less Kentucky iootball season and sport. l'm bothered ttf‘lgthTS and peers tabbed ['K as college and Is adopting a more so gree ,
would center around school. espe the college basketball ratings that [asked my friends. lellow employ- an educational .tOkP The consensus lective admissions program. l'K ltii tired oi not hearing iavorable . y
eially with grades iorthcoming ltti' ranked Virginia No i I expressed ees and neighbors why they never was nottogotol'K should not turn down an eager stu comments about t K s academic , t
itdidnt my disgruntled views on each ask me about ['K‘s educational pro» ()bviously. some teachers. stu- dent programs It istimetotwheard ' 1
How did we each do on term pa statement. then began to talk about grams Theansw'ers were shocking dents and others have biases and The l'niversity oi Virginia has a .
pers“ “as iinals week rougher than work and holiday plans Some said ['K is just another easy gripes about l'K. whether justified separate and elitist type admissions Damon Adonis t\ it iotunulisni stiplt 1
usual" When willgrades comeout The tollowing day at work. I saw state university Some others said or not. But the tact remains that policy that keeps the cream oi the iintritt'utttlttKt'ttti’lI’tilttt'tttts‘l
1966K I b. b k . t.ld td tl'
erne 8 ring ac memories 01 S If e S U en [19 t
Tht‘rt“ \“tttt'ttttttfi t oltlt‘ ~t-"J-‘tL’t' l4" .‘t'itr‘ “*5 ”“5 H'itP‘ L‘ ”10W And WNIWINWIENOWHR their lives as they see lit. those sionally (Topped up then and now The music was better then. but
and unsettling .ittoti' muting l\t'l decorative. readone column It's even more irightening that against thiit acceptance shouldnt be But It Is harder still to look back lit liiesurewasiit
llt‘lSlrtin‘i\t‘.tt\t_1tiltt‘ti‘. liven the students iron: him; look some people at this l'niversity' still ostracized a bit oi history without being a little
Hr. 'he stiriacc ttit- Kernels arc older tiittcholder believe that is the "right" way to It's hard not to get prmghy about bit humored and ciiibittet‘ed about limbtiio l’ritc ,\