xt74f47gtf6g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74f47gtf6g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-12-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 02, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 02, 1982 1982 1982-12-02 2020 true xt74f47gtf6g section xt74f47gtf6g ‘ / l

Apregnant pause
9 Meriah Kruse hasn't let her pregnancy
\ I stop her from staging a full‘length
.. dance concert this fall including 0 per

" ‘ 2‘ d . formonce on campus tonight and tomor

ros. For a look at the effort put into this

I original production see pogeS

, a I’ I l 1

Vol. LXXXV, No.80 Thursday, December 2, 1982 An Independent student newspaper University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
Brown to call Jan ar legth 1" so '0
__—________ The governor said he informed Senate is placed on the agenda. Asimilar measure there maybetoomuch racinginKentucky. The upshot, the Brown administration

By SY RAMSEY President Pro Tem Joe Prather, D-Vine failed by one vote in the 1982 General As- . . . contends, would be that two-thirds of Ken
Associated Press Writer Grove, and House Speaker Bobby Richard- sembly. The Kentucky Racmg Commissmn. voted tucky’s 1.1 million taxpayers would get a
son, D—Glasgow, of his intention to call the The legislation against drunken driving, 4'3 Tuesday to extend summer T391118 at break, while one-third would pay more in
-WM._____~_.__.___ special session. Both previously had said known as the slammer bill, probably will Churchill Downs "l ionisvflle. despite the taxes.
they did not believe such a session was nec- emerge in a different version than a bill de- complaints bx LOUISVllle Downs, a harness The goal, the administration has said, is

FRANKFORT — Gov. John Y. Brown essary, but Prather told reporters yesterday feated in the Legislature’s regular session "30K and Ellis Park. a thoroughbred "30k to shift the burden of taxation from the poor
said yesterday he is calling a special legis- that legislative leaders will work with earlier this year, Stuart said. near Henderson, that the action WOUJd harm to the middle class and rich. and the point
lative session Jan. 10 for lawmakers to con- Brown. A governor has the power to call a special the" busmasses. at which a taxpaying family would break
sider his income-tax proposals and possibly Prather speculated that the session would session, but only the lawmakers can decide The news conference was Brown's first even under the current and new system
a fey: other subjects. last no more than three weeks, and he said when to adjourn. Only the governor has the appearance since returning from a trip to wouldbe:27.000a year.

T e governor said at a news conference he thinks the tax concept “will be well re- power to list the topics for discussion. -- - . _ . . .
that the plan to revise the state‘s income ceived." But he also said he thinks most Brown hinted that, depending on further gziaiesfles; :rngrgzgglznzrfiigdmgég abgldf figflfiifegtgisréinsofii 3:15:33
tax to a flat rate of 3.65 percent of adjusted legislators want to know more about the research by his office, he may want to in- Brown said he is thinking of establishing a‘ he indicated he would ex t the Le is-
gross income had received favorable public plan. clude on the agenda the subject of racing Kentucky trade officein'l‘okyo. lature __ if it went for Brownpgsc eneral in
reaction ateight hearings around thestate. Sen. Gene Stuart, R-bouisville, the mi- dates and organizations in Kentucky. He _ to makechan esin the overngr's bill p

Brown said he hopes to limit the topics of nority leader, said he doubts that Brown has said he wondered about a possible conflict 0n the tax matter. Brown said “the dema- g g '
the session and to keep the work simple. He all the votes necessary to pass the income of interest in goals of the current thorough- gogues haven’t come out yet." The General Assembly will meet in an or
indicated he is considering adding proposed tax plan, “but he thinkshecan riskit." bred racing commission and harness com- Basically. the proposal calls for a simpli- ganization session at Frankfort Jan. 4‘8 to
legislation to permit formation of multi- Stuart said he believes a bill to allow hold- mission, and whether the two should be fied state tax return, as short as one page. prepare for the 1984 regular session. Under
bank holding companies and a stronger bill ing companies to acquire banks across combined. and an end to itemized deductions and cred- state law, no legislation can be enacted dur-
to curb drunken drivers. county lines has the votes for passage, if it He said he also has some concern that itfor federal taxes paid. ing an organizational session

I 1"““:2.
t” .
SGA committee » — 3.3..
. :~r,j“:~".:’.~r:= ’ . s » . .,
approves fee vote . ' * ~ ' ,

Student boord rejects allegations _ - ', e A. l

e e e I, he” . . . g l

in accepting health referendum :.»..- it?» l

By ANDREW OPPMANN And. the charges that SHAC ille- '- .. ,: , .ee , . l
News Editor gally influenced students by stuffing . , '3 » 3.; ;

pro~health fee literature in the resi- I.:. ,- 4te _ o . l

______________ dence halls were dropped because it ’ g, ' -_ 4 ; i

A referendum endorsing a manda- is not listed in the SGA procedures I; l, «x i
tory health fee challenged by Stu- and therefore not a violation, Bing- g _3_ f . . . - l
dents for Political Choice was ham said. ., /» , . ‘. e ' . e. !
upheld unanimome Tuesday night The pamphlets were removed one . _ l
by the Student Government Associa- and a half hours after the polling .. . " I”; . 1
tion Referendum Board. place opened, she said. I ' .. . i

The board rejected charges that Bingham said that Rosemary ‘-.- ’ l
the Student Health Advisory Com- Pond, associate dean of students for / , -
mittee influenced the election by il- residence hall life, reported that s r . e l
legally distributing campaign infor- SHAC members had contacted her ‘ , ' _~ , l
mation. and asked if they could place infor- " ‘ . a . l

On Nov. 10-11, students voted 2,134 mationindormitory mailboxes. .1 er: ‘ l
to 1,611 in favor of a mandatory :25 “She said, ‘It is tacit agreement ‘\ ‘ ,
fee per semester to subsidize the that mailbox stuffing may take , . i
University Health Service starting place without sending information . 4%?” f , ea l
in Fall 1983. University administra- through campus mail,’ “ Bingham M ,, . s. . l
tors requested student opinion be- said. _ .. . J: 2_ , i
fore presenting the matter to the Pond said the same courtesy " ' " . * -_ :
Board of Trustees. would have been extended to SPC if _ " ‘ .e 3

Leslie Bingham, SGA cabinet sec— they had contacted her. .. . l
retary and board chair, said the “It was an appropriate ruling," . .t'v: .
charges alleging the health commit- said Marion Fish, SHAC president. . . ’ ‘ ‘ ‘
tee had violated SGA rules regard- “There was a violation. but SHAC .*_
ing referendum procedures were not wasn't responsible for it." ‘ l
considered. Fish said the literature appeared ‘ '

The board, admitting that the at LTI because Jean Cox, Health no, my,“ ”mew i
health committee violated proce- Service administrator, was asked to i
dures by placing information within bring some information to the school . Lori Rowland undecided sophomore catches up on some studies lost nighl in the Music f
5 feet or a polling place at Lexing- “591$ COX “)0“ the information and Energ Ize me Listening Room in the Student Center Addition. Students can plug into the wall and listen to l
ton Technical Institute, ruledithat left. it with the person in charge of albums, cassettes or radio stations of their eheesme- |
the Violation was not a Significant registration. l
factor in the election, she said. See IIEI‘ERENDUM- page 6

THURSDAY Reagan .n dinner toast ‘ Reagan agrees to loan
From Associated Press reports
BRASILIA, Brazil — President Reagan mode 0 verbal slipup '
when he toasted the people of Bolivia V instead of Brazil BraZII emergency funds
Kennedy WOn't seek presidency in ’84 °' ° dinner hosted in his honor yesterday by Brazilian
President Jooo Boptisto Figueiredo.
WASHINGTON -— Sen, Edward M. Kennedy, noting "i don't Re°"z'"9 “'5 m'smke “'5 5°°" 05 ”‘9 W°'d “”5 °U' 0* “'5 By MAUREEN SANTINI lems as well as our own." He did not
think there's any mystery I would like to be president,’ nev- mouth. Reogon ”I?" [compounded the error bY saying, Associated Press Writer elaborate.
ertheless said yesterday he won't seek or accept the 1984 That s'where i m gotng. , , _ However. as the two leaders mi“;
Democratic preeidemie'nemmeflen. Boliwo is not on the agenda for his four-notion Lotln _;___._.*—_._ Reagans press office amounted it
- . . . American tour. had Signed a proclamation waiving
The deCi5ion left former Vice Pre5ident Walter F. Mon- BRASILIA, Brazil _ President US. quotas for sugar used to pro—
dole as the frontrunner in on already crowded field of un- . _ _ Reagan conferred with Brazil‘s chief duce gasohol and alcohol for indus-
onnounced Democratic candidates_ Rale Statlon sells 50-00!“ gasonne executive yeSIerday abou‘ that COUIl- trial purposes-
His news conference was televised nationoll and e" try‘s troubled economy and agreed Although Reagan administration
. , Y LOUISVILLE l Ch'll th d t f h i to provide an emergency $1.2 billion officials had warned in advance that
tended by his three children W Edward Jr., Kara and Pot . . _ - '9’"? ' ?'5_W°5 "‘ e m' 5 ° ° ”99 '0' loan to help it pay urgent foreign this would not be a trip in which
rick and scores of applauding aides. ”'C I°m '" dOWNOW" LOU'SV'He 'OdOY bU' She was ”‘9"? W bills until longer term financing is there would be L'.S. handouts at
Kennedy said he would not accept 0 draft for either the chemo. 0050““? was selling for 50 cents 0 QOHO" 0' 0 arranged. every stop. the gesture was seen as
presidency or the vice presidency in l984. but also made ,t downtown serwce station as part of radio station WLOU s The US. loan iseintendedeto per- symbolic of the administration‘s ct-
cleor he didn't rule out a race for the White House in later promotion Cl ”5 new owners Johnson PUbllCOllon C0 Of ".1“ Braztl to “9‘1"“ buying for- {ms to ease the trade protectioniaili
A 50 h Id b d'd ' ll . i th ' Chicago. eign goods until it negotiates a $5 Figueiredohas decried.
YeO'S‘ ' 099 . e (0” 9 ° ‘0” ' ° 9 we "‘ ° 9 ”9" . billion to $6 billion loan from the In- As the world's largest sugar pm
decode ”“5 '5 ° "”355 °'”' " SO'd Childers. 3‘” 50 (en's ° ternational Monetary Fund in ex ducer. Brale complained that the
In Brazil, President Reagan told reporters that Kennedy 5 gallon "10' 5 WWW waiting for. Change for belt-tightening measures quotas Reagan imposed last May to
withdrawal is "a problem for the Democratic Party and AbOUt 0 dozen city police officers were called to control tostabilizeitseconomy. protect the U-S sugar market would
they are welcome to it_‘ Asked if he might follow Kenne- the traffic jam, which had traffic backed up in both dlfeC' “9"8. “"1 Mecho and. Argentina. cost up to $400 million m exports this
d ’ | d b t h l98 h' if R . tions for sever blocks most of th m r B d Brale ls among the Third Worlds year
VS exomp e on ow out o t e 4 contest 'mSI’ eo e 0 "mg on '00 way most heavily indebted nations. The This is just a fraction of Braul's
9"” said ”‘0' I" do "0' believe ”‘0' there '5 mUCh Of 0 '9' L0”'“'”" 5 ma'" east-west “reel prospect of Brazilian default on an total annual exports of $22 bllllilf‘i.
cord of me imitating Teddy Kennedy." To help out during these depressed times we wont to estimated $80 billion in foreign debt. but the issue typifies the South
Show the communny that we love them that we wont to and defaults by other Similarly trou- American nation's complaints about
find someway to help ‘ said William Summers Ill WLOU s bled mmnfi- has'p‘om'pted talk m [Is restraintsonitstrade.
manogementconsultont. international banking Circles of a Reagan also told reporters he l\‘
globalcreditcriSis. conSldenng a request from the B017
Udall pondering presidential bid Reagan also agreed to ease the rut govemment to increase the num-
impact of US. sugar quotas for Bra- ber of US. peacekeeping troops in
zil, the world‘s largest sugar produc- Lebanon and also seek other no
er tions' partiCipatlon in the multinatio-
WASHINGTON —— Rep. Morris K. Udall D»Ariz., said yes Reagan met with Braleian PreSi- nalforce,
terdoy he may become a candidate for the Democratic nomr WEAT dent Joao Baptista Figueiredo at the “We will be talking to friends and
inotion for president in the wake of Sen. Edward M. Kenner HER P818932 d0 lplaliallO. thedfllloeemistl: allies about that . . because tic
dy s Withdrawal. His decision forces everyone including Ezieban‘teandnangace. an 3 er wen 33ml): derisitgitegoeieigeoe‘rintt: [hetip
myself to reevaluate what role I might play. Udall said. "We have come to some anon." Reagan said, referring to me
UdO” noted his relO'lOMh'P Wl'h KennedY over "‘9 905' agreements about future cooper Israeli. Palestinian and Symi.
20 years and said he would decide sometime in the next Cloudy and mlld through tonight with a ‘0 percent :leten,"gReagan said after the palace forces that remain in the strife-torn
. lew weeks Whe’her '0 seek the 198‘ ”omm“"°"- chance of showers. Tada 's hl h will be in the low 10s, m , coun ry ,
Udall was an unsuccessful candidate for the Democratic tonlght'slow In the uppeISOsf Rfiaganmeuho ariiived Tuesday 0" his first official imp. ’0 South
'd t l "ommmion m 1976 when Jimm Carter was mgel at start 0 a four-nation Amenca‘and this City built on the
pres' e" '0 ' y COMIHUOJ mild tomorrow Wl'h a good Chance Of Latin American tour to promote de- high plants 25 years ago. Reagan
chosen and won the presidency. mow." and a ”9" In 9... law 10., mocracy and strengthen relations. spent the day engaged in activities
said he looked forward to “working that were closed to the public except
with Brazil on their economic prob- for brief picture-taking sessions.

 148““ I -, -
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Illllnldon AminwOppm-nn JohnOrlHln humus-mu: u.|‘,[.“b. rev.“ helium: g
Editor inrOiio. News Editor Arts [dttol Sportsidtlor Spociol Protons (dive: 'hoio Editor ("09th Editor
PE RSUASION “mm WWW W mm“ mm»... mm A
Monogmgiddor Editorialfduio: A!SIS'O"'AV'\EdHOV AssistanlSpovnEditor Spocinl'rotodsAulIlont Chioll’hotogmphu (opyDesl- Chlel
Refine noise ord'nance t0 0 11 I1 ‘sance calls I
There is no question that every individual dozen.
has a right to privacy — a right protected by A large number were, then, nuisance calls THE ”/8! COP HAS 77/6 TO SAYTO WWW
the Constitution. But a precise definition of that tied up police personnel and equipment
“privacy" has never been established. that might otherwise have been available for
In recent years, elements of privacy never more urgent calls. One complaint, reported-
before recognized have been widely debated, ly, was about the volume of a neighbor’s air
in particular the concept of noise as an inva- conditioner.
sion of privacy. That one has the right not to As originally planned, the ordinance would 1
be awakened at 4 am. by a neighbor’s party have relied on scientific reasearch about the 1
has always been a given. But, until recently. effects of noise to specify decibel levels com I
many municipalities had no ordinances ex— sidered annoying, harmful and dangerous. ,
plicitly prohibiting loud disturbances. Police would have carried instruments to ,
Hundreds have now reacted with noise or- measure noise, scotching any chance their 1
dinances, including Lexington. Victims of findings couldbechallenged.
noise, for the most part, now have the option But the Lexington-Fayette Urban/County 7
of prosecuting offenswe neighbors. Council dropped that idea as a basis for the
The effect of the naise ordinance here, as law after receiving complaints about the ex-
much as the younger crowd may despise it, pense of purchasing decibel meters and
has been generally positive. The heretofore training police to use them—$40,000ayear. .
unswervingly rude are learning consider- What remains is totally subjective and = 0 \\ \ /
ation, albeit under the threat of stiff fines. thus, subject to abuse. As such, it solves no \ /ay /
But the ordinance is far from perfect. Its problems — only creates them. And anyone § Q -\ , -:;;'_.';_ 4
most obVlous flaw IS. that it does not say who wants to challenge it could make a hell 5‘ __\_ a
what, exactly, constitutes a nOise distur- of acase. a“ \ E W
bance. It merely prohibits any sound that en- 3 / ‘ w . ‘0 y
dangers or injures the safety or health of hu- Council members will meet Jan. 17 to con- c l , ll y
mans or animals, any sound that annoys a sider changes in the ordinance. At that time, __.'-- “'~'.i-'5I.-':.-':I:':;:§5-'757-3151?""‘"-':‘;=-.-,.-,.._ I 1
reasonable person of normal sensitivity and it would be wise for them to give the original \t 0'; L‘ ,H - 1:12:55? a
any sound that endangers personal or real language another look. ~ ’ v' 1' I:
property. Surely the noise ordinance is worth hav- 9
Which means exactly nothing, without a ing. And just as assuredly, the $40,000 a year ‘
definition of “normal sensitivity.” Thou- it would cost to administer it pr0perly is no ‘
sands of complaints have been registered more than what it will cost the police to com or :1; ;
under the ordinance since it took effect July tinue answering hundreds of nuisance calls {’0' “9 l
1. But arrests and citations only total a few brought on by an ill-defined ordinance.
Thanksgiving is his day to cook LETTERS
Come on . . . call me a sissy. I mixing. One stick of butter should and set them in water. At the end of , , , if
dareyou. M d m tie ice colgland a??? slightly soft the first half of play, I put mquaiims GALUS preSIdeni on rude and flawed comment :3
I imagine my avior uring e or sprea 'ng an en 'ng. Fresh inthe oven tobegin baking. e eft- . . ,, . . . . . . 1??
last three Thanksgiving Days might peppercorns should be in the pepper over dressing also goes in, covered. I would like to thank the'Kernel uality, espeCially lesbiamsm, what little remains of your brains, 1w-
make some males squirm in their grinder. The oven temperature Then things get bisy. Making for its support of the_princ1ples of smacks of hetero male fantasy but we are not ashamed and will “‘1
easy chairs. Thanksgiving for most shouldbechecked. cream sauce, putting the white on- GALUS as expressed in the editori- and has no baSlS in typical lesbian not return to our closets because of " ‘.
of them denotes watching football, Then I get out my recipes and go, ions in. Draining the oysters slicing al of N9“. 18. One can only hope behaVior. We have no tissue to em- bigots suchasyourself. . '
on either the professional or colle. mincing onions, dicing celery and the bread, combining the two with the majority Of the student,body ulate (or emasculate) men 3'14, 891118 83y need not mean leading . 4,
giate level. and being once-a-year slicing mushrooms and slightly dry milk and butter and sending the dish does indeed share the hemels lib- therefore, have no need for phalli, a lifeof ridicule and damnation" " *
gourmands. wheat bread. I butter the turkey’s 0“ to bake. Moving the cranberries eralstance on cml rights issues artifimal orgenuine. _ and, in fact, is only charaIXerlzed *
To me, however. Thanksgiving cavity, cook the giblets and the from the freezer to the refrigerator. and ‘5 h°t ready tolabel the paper As far as a "906810’ for a 883’ as well by peqple who are unwil- ,.
starts with kissing my wife goodbye liver, then mince them and toss Putting the white potato in the oven a t°°l 0? communist propaganda, orgamzatlon on campus 806, what has to accept differences in others. I
in the morning. Being the breadwin- them in. An egg, a little poultry sea- fu- mashed potatoes. Uncorking an- as was Impliednln a letter ( Re- better proof do we need than igno- What “ain’t natural” is refemng to , ,
her in our home, and being an inte- soning, a little chicken broth to other little green one. And basting. name the Kernel )of Nov.29. rance such as yours? Perhaps ex- the student body as “boys and ,
gral part of an intensive-care unit, moisten the mixture and my famom In no time at all, I hear the door Unfortunately, at least one stu- posure to straight-forward homo- girls, rather than as adults who :
she goes off to work on Thanksgin blend of thyme, sage and rosemary open and my wife is home. “Mmm,” dent is not Willing to cope With life sexuals would shed some light into are capable of choosing a loving ji'
ing. and then into the bird goes the emf- she says “Something smells good." in the 1980s as was eVidenced in his the abyss of your mentality. There partner. Maybe if you weren’t so g
__—.._—— hhg- Leftovers go into a bowl for ‘ rude and flawed comment concern- are those, however, who have a hateful, you wouldn’t have toresort
chilling until laterinthe afta'noon. Thirty minutes late, the table is Iing GALUS’ presence on campus. genuine desire to better understand to the “physical pleasure" of video
_ Then the bird gets what I call my spread wide with food. The turkey It is hard to conceive that even and accept an alternative lifestyle. games, about which you seem to
Jim masseuse treatment. Taking a table comes out the color of honey. The Lexington could harbor such a It is for these individuals, as well knowagreat deal.
HARRIS spoon of butter in each palm, 1 rub stuffing from the bird is piled into a throw-back to medieval prejudices as gays and lesbians on campus,
3%» him down, making sure to get a nice bowl, and it’s flanked by the bowl of and mismformation: that we have opted to make our- Stephanie Hrkman
yellow coat on his breasts and mashw mum and the plate of His “contemplation 0f homosex' selves known- You can VOHlit 0‘“ President, GALUS
Ifollow rly usual morning routine thighs, then pepper him lightly. I baked yams. . . . , . .
—— I brew a pot of coffee, have a pour a little chicken broth into the nghts 1'0 opinions letter should have been based more Pauls letter expressmg disgust at
light breakfast and watch the mom- roaster, then cover it and toss it into The scalloped oysters sit next to 0" facts and 1‘55 0'1““th A5 for: GALUS' It was eVldently inspired by
ing news. Then I move the television the oven, writing the time on a piece my plate, and beside it is a bowl of It always ShOCkS {he when some- the comment about 5001311“ fags, Brother Smock, and t feel 1 must
to the kitchen, scan the channels for of paper. creamed onions and one of peas. one cohfi 0‘“ PUthly and V0|CeS 1 MW“ heard GALUS state any reply. _ _
the least saccharine coverage of the Then I have a beer and watch the The relish tray garnishes the table the °P1hl°h that another person’s politicalaffiliation. Phi claims to be a sophomore lh
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in rest of the parade. I like the bal- with its orange, green and red col- freedom should be taken away he 1 d0 have hope for the author 0t political selence. He *5 certainly
New York City, pour myself a loons. In between Snoopy and Bull- ors. cause he/she holds values that don't the letter. He did say, “I don’t think sophomoric, but I question whether
Mason jar full of orange juice and winkle,lbaste. fit the norm. When I read the antl- that you homosexuals should be someone with such a narrow mind is
start my day. The cranberry sauce goes into the That night, when we go to bed, my GALUS letter, it bothered me to find kicked off campus.” That, however, capable of studying any science, es-
I check the sharpness of my freezer at noon. The NFL ”We wife rolls over and hugs me. As she that people. are still very closed was the only encouraging note. pecially one that deals directly with
knives. My mixing bowls must be report comes on about that time, so kisses my cheek, she ‘ whispers minded. I dldht expect t9 hhfil SUCh , human behaVIOF.
rinsed. The vegetables should be I uncork another little green one. “Thanks for the great dinner." ”01'th prejudice atauniverSity. . 14!th Baughman HIS comments show a profound
fresh, and they should be washed AndIbaste. I have to thank my mother_ I owe GALUS, like all organizations, has Telecommunications sophomore confusion between love and sex, a
and dried. Around 1, l peel the white onions it alltoher. a purpose: to voice the opinions of confusion unfortunately common be-
My cutting boards should be free and set them in cold water in the re- its members. The anti~GALUS letter tween the immature. “Reproduc-
of all dust and dirt. The eggs should frigerator. I also slice some celery Jim Harris is a journalism senior said, “Get back m the closet.” , “Oh" and “getting the M done:' are
be at room temperature for even and carrot sticks and some radishs, and Kernel managing editor. GALUS has as much right to v01ce Blatantly Ignorant apparently what he believes It IS all
opinions as the Democratic Party, aboutlpityhisgirlfriend.
the Student Government Association While I was initially irate at Joe In my view, human sexuality can
u n u e n or The Daughters of the American Paul’s letter in Monday’s Kernel be described as a bimodal distribu-
Wlnnlng at llfe means stayln In the ame Revolution. Just because you don’t (and, to some extent, incredulom tion. It is known that our physical
agree with what they believe, you that a person attending an institu- and psychological sexuality is a
shouldn’t “send them back to the tion of higher education could be so product, in large part, of a balance
Editor's note: The following is re. out. awhiletomostofus. closet.” Maybe you should listen to blatantly ignorant), I'must admit of so-called male and female hor-
printed by permission of the Simpso— A truck crushes the cat beyond And once in a while someone com- them and grow 8 little- That! PeOPle that 1 now feel a “"31" amount 0‘ mf’hfi- I say 5008““, because .3
nian (Simpson College, lndianola, recognition. mits suicide. are standing up for what they be- pity toward hlfn. mixture of these hormones exist in
lowa). It was first published April The singer doesn’t sing, they have After all, think of all the loose lieve, a right given to every Ameri- how awful it must be to be so de— all of us; only the proportions vary.
24.1931. to sedate her. When they leave her ends you tie up. All those bills, the can. prived of love for and understanding Most of us are clearly men or
alone to sleep, she staggers to the troubles, that cough from smoking. As for the idea that we don’t need of one‘s fellow human beings that he women and, thus, define the two
"When the dog bites, bathroom and takes half the pills in No more responsibility, no more GALUS, that isn’t true either. Col- must resort to comparing love to a modes of the distribution,
When the bee stings, the cabinet. heartache. lege is a place to learn; how can you Video game, not to mention detailing There are many people, however,
Whenl’m feeling sad, As a final, drugged gesture, she You do the one thing nobody else learn if you 80 through four years 0‘ sordid fantasies 0‘ another’s love who simply do h°t fit into the con-
! simply remember my favorite scrawls “Good-bye, cruel world dares—endinglifeitself. Suicide. your life and only hear one side of life. You may not approve of my ventional definitions. They are not to
”' things . . on the mirror and stumbles off Who knows, there might be a bet- every story? You’re not being choice of a lover, Mr. Paul, but at be feared, hated or pitied for their
And thenldon ’t feel so bad." to die. ter world beyond. It's a gamble, but taught to think; you’re being taught least I am capable of love — and to sexuality; they are not out to cor-
Money, fame, magic. To her life so what? I once bet $20 on the turn to memorize. Hear both sides of the me that more than compensates for rupt anyone. And if they suffer ridi-
. was cruel? of acard and heck,lwon. story—then decide. any petty insults you and your ilk cule and condemnation, it is the bit- 1:;
nd western si er . The difference is if I'd lost I’d In the letter against GALUS, the can hurl at me. ter fruit of the ignorance, if.
A country 3 ng . , ,
sings to her cat. I personally knew a young man have gone home hung'y. If you lose, author said he‘d rather not know intolerance or bigotry of Joe Paul ‘
——————— who did himself in, committed sui- you rot in hell or some such dive. they were here. Besides being a Brett Siereveld and Jed Smock and not their own.
James cide. We delivered iuas together, Suicide isn't a gamble, it’s a suck- very closed-minded approach, ignor- A&S teaching assistant They are people, which makes as
for God’s sake. Wl'lg'l he shot him er's bet. You put up everything you ing an organization won’t make it go “them" pretty much the same as "a?
STOLI. self, he got four column inches in know and love against something away. The comments about “pseu- . “."us ”I
theobituaries. you'llgetforfreelatet do-humans,” “feeling like a man" Immature bellefs hm
--———'————‘—‘—‘ Only a few people will ever know “No man need court death, for and a means of “physical pleasure" Roger S. Perrone
"'5 "001108 absurd, she’s not he lived; even his memory will die death will come to all." I think were insulting and out of line. The l have been thinking about Joe Microbiologygradstudent f:
crazy; she’s just had the cat forever with them. Romeo made the text- that's from Shakespeare some- a.
and She thinks it brings her lUCk. h books and glory forever. My friend where. DRABBLE ’ by Kevin Fagan
has always been with her. even Doug will only know the yellow legal Somehow we got here. It may .2 1 ,
when she went to Vegas at the padofmy roughdrafts. mkeus feel like hot stuff to takea melanin) warm Mo 1 ARE some NORMAN 100R LITTLE «MM _.
Sands. Her assistant stage manager What about you and me? hand in arranging a return trip, but REMEMBER 10 00 OUR HOMEMK news “OTHERS mums 0‘ fig
sits down front and hoch the cat Are there things in life you care that routeonlybooksone way. WNW... WNLR‘. ALL NE E]? WOMEN“. “NM: NM .
through the performance. about? Material objects, people, va- I'm much more content to see the ,, l ’ T A1' '1, HELP RE 40'? g SNWEO.
The cat gets into it. He always sits lues perhaps? rest of my cards before I call mis- fl ‘ i.‘ I ’ (3)06) ‘03 (All 6E1! ! ,
up and listens when she sings. al- Randi times can come to all of II. deal. When I won the 320, it was on a a; l p . \ . . ,\ 8
ways behaves. It’s a magical thing, We could come to picture life as ve- straight flush; but I’ve won his 771/ i o a [1th I 'll 1’ [ g '
a beautiful thing. The singer is suc— lifeless. composed of day-by-day de- hands beforeonapairoftwos. g 3‘ ,4 - E; ell ‘ v t” f
ceeding.Thecatisinthe news. pression. Justbystayinginthegame i T ‘ jg, 3 , ,
One night in Nashville the stage “How weary, stale, flat, and un- Believeand Be. i ’— ’, g / \
manager goes to get a ribbon for the profitable seem to me all the uses of t » t L ’f / fl _
eat before the show. A boy frightens this world," Hamlet said. I’ve felt Janice A. Stall u a theater sopho- ' / g _ / / g-W ! '
it; the stage manager reaches. cries that way before; it happen: once in mfiexeml columnist. — - ' ' 4 l l l y.

Dan ’ rform no I n " " ’
_ car 3 pa a e p a s .,
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not ha ted by pregnancy _ g. . .
' x r. _ « .
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By RONA ROBER’IS Those who attended the performances were so enthu- ' _ ’ v .
Kernel Contributor siastic about it that they encouraged Kruse to restage ' ' ' - " l
the work. Consequently, two additional performances .. ' ’ ' ’- ._ , -
_ have been scheduled for tonight and tomorrow in Me- ; ,. y, l
morial Hall. ‘- ‘
Meriah Kruse‘s dreams of staging a full-length dance While she is the creative force behind “A Pregnant "‘
concert nearly ended this summer when she discovered Pause." it is the joint work of Meriah Kruse and 1%,; ‘ v. r , ~
she was pregnant. Friends. a group of about 35 dancers, actors and musi- 3__ . . i “U I
“At the time I was deciding (whether or not to stage clans. She said the encouragement of those people con- a ..,._,: ' 1 l‘ ' 'l
the concert), we did a performance in Woodland Park, tributed to her decision to return to the work of rehears- . _. .. . ""
and it was so much fun I just decided to go ahead with a ing and reproducing the show. m- . “I“ at W #‘i m. ‘
fall concert . . . I didn't have any idea what would hap- “This has never happened to me before," she said. . ' ' ., W ,
pen." “But the performers had a feeling that they weren't fin- ’ . ' . i g , W“ , '
Krtse eventually decided that, in addition to the ished with this show. It’s very high ener