xt74f47gtd5b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74f47gtd5b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-03-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 12, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 12, 1974 1974 1974-03-12 2020 true xt74f47gtd5b section xt74f47gtd5b The Kentuck

Vol. LXV No. 129
Tuesday. March 12. 1974

an independent student newepaper

y Kernel

University 0] Kentucky
Lexington. KY. 4050‘


Senate meeting focuses
on Krislov tenure report

Kernel Staff Writer
A lengthy discussion concerning the
Krislov Report on tenure and promotion
dominated the University Senate meeting
Monday Avote on its 10 recommendations
is scheduled for the April 8 meeting.
The report was placed on the agenda for
discussion only at a previous meeting but
no formal votes were taken. Amendments
were proposed and discussed but could not
be passed at either meeting
Each recommendation was discussed
separately and the ad hoc committee
suggested that they be voted on in-

KRISLt)\"S Report resulted from an
ad hoc committee study to re-evaluate
tenure and promotion. which was
established by the Senate in fall 1972. The
committee was composed of 13 faculty.
students and administrators.

No significant changes were suggested
by the committee but it did offer 10
changes in the present system.

The changes include It prior service
rules; it faculty files. 3) information for
new faculty members; 4) performance
review and tenure; 5t defining standards
for tenure; tit names for area committees;
7 t advisory committees within colleges; 8t
reasons for nonrenewal; 9t advising and
Hit student evaluations.

discussion was the recommendation
suggesting student evaluations be included
in decisions made for faculty promotion
and tenure.

After several Senate members ex-
pressed displeasure WIth the idea of
student evaluation. Joseph Krislov, chair-
man of the ad hoc committee on tenure
and promotion. said he did not think the
suggestion was a very revolutionary

He added comments from students
would be presented to Senate area com-
mittees and didn't think there would be
reason to fear going overboard.

Continued on page 12

Records confidentiality report

released to senate council

Kernel Staff “rite-r

A. report investigating student records
confidentiality at [K was released and
distributed to the Senate (‘ouncil last
\\ ednesday'

More than a month ago. when grades
posted in residence halls caused con-
siderable controversy. Dr Stanford Smith.
Senate (‘ouncil chairman. requested in-
formation on the subject from President
tttis A, Singletary'. who asked the Student
Affairs office to carry it through,

The report said the practice of making
grades available to residence halls has
never caused individual complaints.
although “from time to time general
complaints have been voiced ”

H t I..\I\IH) the procedure is a means
for rm proving low grades. recognizing high

News In Brlef


eUK gets grants
eHealth column
oAmnesty urged
OVesco tipped off?

oToday's weather...

grades and obtaining dorm and corridor
averages for the purpose of competition

H ‘sidencc hail job descriptions and
dorms academic aimsa re cited as further
reasons for the present policy.

The report explains the procedure
followed for transmitting grades to dorm
staff. and said although dorm staff
members already understand the im~
portance of grade confidentiality. written
instructions will be issued in the future

RUSHNIARY POND. associate dean of
students. said she did not consider con-
fidentiality a problem.

"l don‘t think written instructions are
going to have thatmuchof an impact." she
added. “If I did. we would have written
them up years ago."

The report also cites pertinent sections
from the Senate Rules and the Office of

g \\ \SHlMiTUN — The University of
Kentucky has received federal grants
totaling $612.26?) to do research on
malnutrition. the office of Sen. Marlow
t'ook. HrKya announced Monday.

(‘ook said the funds would go to six
t iiiversity of Kentucky departments He
said the research will be centered on
siibclinical malnutrition. a state of
malnutrition whose “‘ptoms cannot be
identified by clinical means alone but
requires more complex laboratory

(‘ook said information gathered from a
survey of families in Anderson. Franklin.
Henry, ttwen. Scott and Shelby counties
would be used in the project funded by the
t’ S ltepartmei-t of Agriculture.

O'l‘lll‘.‘ Ill-EAL"! Service feels that it is
crucial for the information in the Your
Health column on page 3 to be read by all

Streaking attire

The latest in campus fashion is exhibited at Performance. a clothing store on
Limestone Street across from the Commerce Building. t Staff photo)

Registrar's policy statement concerning

DR. HlBl-IRT H('KER\I.\\. dean of
admissions and registrar. gave his ape
proval to arrangements made in the
report. provided they were consistent with
tniversity policy and precautions are
taken to protect grade confidentiality

The report concludes that the needs of
honoraries and deans lists for (trade Point

students. Women students are urged to
retain the article and. if possible. consult
their mothers about this article during
spring break,

Both men and women should be in
formed about this so that they can provide
accurate information to friends or family

0 \\ \Slll\‘tiTtt\ - Former Army
Secretary Robert F Froehlke urged
(‘ongress to legislate amnesty for Vietnam
war draft evaders and deserters
Testifying before a House ,yudicrary‘
subcommittee hearing. Froehlke said
"amnesty is the opportunity to begin
healing the hurt that goes far beyond
Vietnam itself ”

He urged amnesty for all draft evaders
who agree to serve a period in public
service For deserters. he proposed
creation of a review board to consider
amnesty for them on a case—by'case basis

Averages and student employ ment in
l'niversity offices "should be borne in
mind" along with residence hall grade

Smith said the memo andum had been
distributed.at last Wednesday's Senate
t‘ouncil meeting. but other business would
probably prevent immediate discussion

"I would guess you are not likely to see
any action until after spring break.” said
Smith "You may never see any."

0 \i‘i“ \‘UltK — A mysterious federal
sourcetipped off f'inanCier Robert L \‘esco
months in advance of a criminal in
dictment that also named former Atty.
(ten. John N Mitchell and onetime
t‘ommerce Secretary Maurice H. Stans.
government witness Harry Sears testified

Mitchell and Stans are accused of ime
peding the SEC investigation that led to
the civil suit in return for the financiers
5200.000 contribution to President Nixon's
1972 campaign

...damp spirits

Showers and cooler weather will con-
tinued to dampen streakers' spirits today,
Decreasing cloudiness and cool tem-
peratures should move in tonight.
tomorrow should be sunny and cool,



editorials represent the opinions of the editors. not the university



The Kentucky Kernel

Published by the Kernel Press tnc Begun as the Cadet in ten and published continmuely
as The Kentucky Ktnel since 1915 The Kernel Press Inc. Med 1971 Third Ciel
Dance Deld et Lelwtm. Ky Bust hes: attic. ere located In the Journellsm Building on
the University of Kmudty campus. Advertluno, room now News Depertmmt room
m. Aavertlelno publimea herein is intended to help the reader buy Any ill” 0"
"MSW-dine eavertlelno should be remrvea to the Edlbn.

Steve Swift, Editor-in-(‘hief

Citizen‘s indifference

Whether the citizens of Kentucky wish to admit it.
their collective indifference has stripped the state
legislature of its role in the lawmaking process: by
proxy. it has given the governor virtual dictatorial


Normal procedures call for a bill passed by both
houses to be sent to the governor. who in his turn.
either signs. or vetoes. it.

In the latter case. the bill is returned to the
legislature and again brought up for a vote. If a two-
thirds majority supports the bill. it becomes law in

spite of the govemor‘s veto.
That is all weLl and good. but it. doesn’t work that

way in Kentucky.

There is a stipulation in the statutes which gives
Ford 10 days after the session ends to act on any bill
passed within the final ten days of that session. In
other words. any bill sent to Ford within the final ten
days of the session is subject to gubernatorial veto
without a subsequent review by the legislature.

The implications of this practice are staggering.

For instance.

if a bill

passes both houses

unanimously. but within the last ten days of the
session. Ford can veto it. To do so would, of course. go
against the wishes of the majority (in this example)

but he does indeed have the power.

And the

legislature can't do a thing about it.

Since Kentucky's legislature is famous for waiting
until the last minute to submit the vast majority of its
legislation. virtually all important legislation is at
Ford’s mercy. And the legislature is powerless to act

in defense of its bills.

Kentuckians can. however, bring this practice to an
end. For one. with a bill which calls for all guber-
natorial vetoes to be made while the legislature is still
in session. For another, to make explicit in the law
that all bills vetoed must be referred back to the
legislature for review and an override vote. A third
possibility is annual sessions (although voters have
shown an amazing reluctance to allow their elected
representatives to perform anything more than

rubber stamp duties).

W i .1 at! q













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Letters to the Kernel

Lawson King vs. the streakers

This letter concern“. the alt
tention of (‘ounty Attorney
Lawson King to “ask for
maxim um sentences for indecent
exposure of $5.001) fines and one
year tn jail." iThe ('ourier-
Journal. March 8. l974l. for the
two ‘streakers' charged with
indecent exposure at the
l'niversity of Kentucky campus.
This action could well lay the
groundwork for the legal in
stitution to move forward in
erasing the more serious crimes
in today's society. for example.
jaywalking. parking on yellow
lines. and-or driving barefoot.

It is interesting to see a public
official in a position of respon-
sibility approach his duty with
such fervor. loyalty. and sense of
righteousness. In fact. it seems
that legal fervor can only ap—
proach such a high pitch when
one‘s sense of righteousness is
offended. The approach of the
Honorable Attorney King to his
legal duty highlights the two
separate institutions operation

After 26 years, ‘high. risks'

B) ”R. I.E\\IS lll(‘KS

ln 19481) Watkins Smith. Ph.-
1) . of Brookline. Mass. reported
on 632 pregnant women to whom
Diethylstilbesterol ‘DESD had
been administered because theirs
was considered a “high-risk"
pregnancy Dr. Smith advocated
DES for the prevention of
spontaneous abortions
tlillSCdl‘l‘lagE‘S'. other com-
plications of pregnancy.
premature deliveries and late
'oxemta of pregnancy

Some of the early data seemed
promising and Dr Smith's
method of administering DES for
the “high risk" pregnancy
rapidly gained acceptance
'hroughout this country Even as
early as the above mentioned
it)“ paper. “T Smith already
had the collaborative support of
it? obstetricians from 48 cities
York. New
Pennsylvania. District
llltnots. North
t‘arolina \trginta. Texas. New
\lt'\l(l’- and all of the \ew

and towns tn New
ot t'oltimliia.

England states

Sl’BSl‘IQl'ENT [).-\T.\ was not
supportive of the original claims
for DES but this method of
dealing with threatened and
habitual abortions lived on into
the late 1950's.

All this would be nothing more
than a bit of medical historical
trivia except that some of the
effects of the DES are now
hci rig discovered in the daughters
of those women who received this
drug while they were pregnant
1325 years ago

There have been a few hundred
girls in the 13—25 age group who
have been found to have cancer of
the vagina which could be at»
tributed to their mothers having
taken DES while the patient was
but a tetusm her mother‘s womb.
However. all of the girls with
cancer have signs and symptoms
which stimulate them to seek
itiedtcai .tttentton and it would
he iiiost unlikely that there is a
single toed on the l' K campus
with such a problem
fired girls on this

flew-W4 t.ndottl'itedl\
.t’t marina} :tii:

ltl'illn A'w .w-i'e exposed to

DES while they were but a fetus
and it is very likely that portions
of their vagina might contain a
covering and glands like that
usually found up in the cervical
cana‘l rather than in the vagina.

\\ E PHYSICIANS know of no
serious consequence of this
unusual finding but only bring it
[0 women students attention in
that we feel that the presence or
absence of such tissue should be
ascertained and. if present. it
deserves special attention at the
time of the usual semi-annual
visit for pelvic exam and Pap
test. If such tissue is present a
biopsy is indicated.

lt ts the purpose of this article
to advise each young woman
between the ages of 15 and 25 to
inquire if her mother took DES
during pregnancy. Such a
daughter should ask. "Mother.
did you for any reason take
hormones while you were
pregnant with me‘” Information
t‘oncet .itng whether this hormone
was llf‘IS and other pertinent
data might be obtained from the






4 PhilimWeisbeckt-r
under a single framework in

'modern' society. an institution

begin to

mothers physician or a phar-
macist's record.

For those receivmg a pOSitive
response to the above questions.
we advise a special pelvic
examination which does not rely
solely on visualization by the
naked eye This is to say. we
advise inspection of the vagina
with an instrument called a
colposcope which magnifies the
visual field 13 times. Such an
exam IS essentially the same as
the usual pelvic exam except that
this is a bit more detailed. Biopsy
is indicated if abnormal tissue is
found in the vagina. The UK
Medical Center is one of the few
places in the country that has a

IF \\\' l K woman student has
any question concerning her
possible exposure to DES tn the
tnanner described above. she
should call 333-6143 and make an
.tppotntment with Ms Mott or
\ls \Voodrtim at the Student
Health Sel‘ytt'e .\t that ttmt‘ her

'ndiytdtlal situation will be


n”? '


til legality drawn from historical
tradition and an institution of
morality drawn from the internal
t'tllhlt‘iltlns of those in a position
of sticial force As well. the in-
tention of Mr King serves to
emphasize the ordered control of
a culture by forces completely
UUISldt' of 'and not represen-
tative of that culture

My congratulations go out to
Mr King At a time when the
defendants of crimes w htch may
well he the most serious and
damaging iii Western political
history are being charged as
pickpockets. his strength and
conviction encourages us all.
It is most gratifying to learn the
manner in which he approaches
his position My only wish is that
he sleeps and showers in his
clothes for a thousand nights

\\ ill Ross

l’olicitcal Science-grad student


assessed and. if indicated.
referral to the l.'liiver5tty
Hy necology l'lintc will be made
for further evaluation It should
beemphasized that while it is felt
that evaluation of all DES ex
posed women is imperative.
there is no reason for alarm
Each individual will be counseled
and an attempt will be made to
answer ali questions.

It should also be emphasized
that increased risk of vaginal
cancer does not exist in the
mothers who took DES years ago
or in women who have received
DES as a “morning after pill".

The cost of the evaluations and
clinic v isns willbe covered by the
health fee for those women who
have paid the fee. No woman who
feels that she might be in the
exposed group should hesitate to
be evaluated because of the cost.

Dr. Hicks is an assistant
professor in the
department of ob-
stetrics and gynecology
at the Medical Center.





. rs”...












. rflvw.




Participate in


WARREN. Mich—As a hat on we have
launched oarselve; on a m::st ambitious
social agenda. We want to achieve even
higher standards oi education, health,
and well—beng for all our people. We
want to abolish poverty. We want to
rebuild cur cities. We want to pre—
serve and restore the beauty of our
grreat resources: our land, our waters.
and our skies. We want to give every
Amer cane of whatever color, religion,
or background—an equal opportunity
to be~on1e all he is capable cf becom-
i'itv, We aim fo: full employment, and
even more—the full opportunity for
everyone to partICipate in all that
.-\mer.ta has I'i offer.

These tasks are inherent and they
are rigid—right for our country and
for our time But they are formidable.
and s istained achievementWilirequire
a full committal of our moral and men-
til resources. Right now the hard fact
:s that the material. resources essen~
tial to this task \vill simply not be
available unless our economy stays
healthy, and ths is possible only if
bnsziness rema ns profitable. Not one
of our grand national goals—mot one
—-."in lte accomplished unless business
prosper; Profits, from which come all
wages. fares. and dividends. fuel the
grout-i of our nation. and our future
depends on the profitability of free

\et we are daily c.nironted with
«tv dence that not enough Americans
understand th's, To them, the word
“profit" has a grubby. selfish sound.
The Vice President. Gerald Ford, noted
recently. that man, Americans con-
sider a legitima;e profit as a “rip—oft
something that the bad guys steal
from the good says."

My concern today s heightened be—
cause so many «if the mos; pressing
suites confron'ine our nation are
tcorto me in nai-ire 'I here are dollars-
.ind-tents consider-itinns, hard ques—
:ions of profit and loss. in the energy
~i.Ii.’it.on, in homing, the deterioration

f DU"ilC transzt in the economic in-
weaitiw; between the races Yet most
of oar people are ill-equipped to rec-
ognize the ecmomics in these issues.
. :uch less~ to recommend the economic
ren‘wlies This lack of public under—
standing seriously threatens the con-
tinuation of our competitive private
mterprise system.

In America pubiic understanding is
fundamental. The people still have the

ultimate power. Nothing endures—not.
on Capitol Hill, not in Detroit, and not
anywhere in our nation~except by
the will and vote of the American
people, however unwieldy, however
imperfect, however capricious the dem-
ocratic system may seem. In the last
analysis, the pepple determine what
regulations will govern our economy
and the condua of our business.

Remember when we used to say,
"Fifty million Frenchmen can't be
wrong." Now 200 million Americans
can be wrong on balance if a growing
number of them believe, as they seem
to, that profits are too high, that more
regulation is needed, and that big buSi-
was: is getting too big.

The opinion polls present a grim
:irithn‘etic. According to a recent sur.
vey. only 3 per cent of the American
people th'nk business as a whole is
not making enough profit. while 33
per cent—or more than ten times as
many—think business is making too
much profit. The latest public estimate
of the average manufacturer's after-
tax profit is 28 cents on the dollar.
whereas actually he earns in the neigh-
borhood Of a nickel.

For the first time since World War
fl, a majority of Americans no longer
thinks that companies should be al-
lowed to make all the profits they can.
The trend instead shows a growing


public support tor a government ceil-
ing on profits. And it may be signifi-
cant that this study was taken before
the energy situation was brought to
the forefront of public attention by the
oil embargo.

The public is wrong. Dangerously
wrong, because the typical corporation
is not the insensitive, unchanging in-
accessible giant that so many picture
it to be. On the contrary, it is one of
the most flexible and responsive of
man's creations. It takes on the char-
acter of its times.

We in General Motors know there
is no conflict between corporate prof
its and social progress. We know that
each is necessary for the other. Wt
expect that the American corporation
will continue an be one of the most
effective and efficient assets to so-
ciety that mankind has devised to
achieve his social and ECOHOI’ITEC goals.

In addition our ei'mits at General
.‘vIotors to earn a profit. anl largely
he'sause of our success in thise efforts.
we are helping to create a better bal-
anced system of transportation in this
country and throughout the world; to
cxplgre space: to cleanse our air and
wa‘.er: to develop new materials and
means of itianut‘aczure: to recruit. hire.
and advance minority employes and
women: to foster minority enterprise;
to support education and a wide range


of other community and civic pro-
",rams. In shorz. to heip do what must
l,_- done lI our tountry and the world
ere t, become all that we want them
to be.

In such ways a corporation and
remember that there are more than 1 6
million of them in the country today—
ean help swell the tide of social and
cc .nornc advancement for all the peo-
ple of this country. ey en as they seek
a profit.

We make these contributions todaj.
because the people—that is. the so-
ciety we sen e—expect us to. In that
light, these contributions make good
business sense, indeed, the times allow
no alternative. And we 'Wlii continue
to make such contributions for as long
as our bus’neSs remains profitable.

In the minds of many people. these
:'oc;al contriba'ions are no longer
und’rszood as ancillary to a corpora-
ton‘s oas.c purpose: they are iudged
[1) he basic——respons:bil:ties whose
performance is even more essential. or
a‘ least more praLscworthy, than pros
‘.l(.lit‘.’1 value for the customer. wages
for employes. and a fair return on the
:3:c.:kiiolder‘s imestment.

In many popu;ar trends of thought.
basics have been turned upside down.
A pr.va.e corporaticn is being con-
fused with a public. tax—supported
agency. Profits are not applauded:
‘hey are scorned. Busmess is not er.-
coaraged: it is regulated. Enterprise
is not rewarded: it is questioned ar-d
regarded with suspicion.

This is a road down which we dare
not travel. It is a road darkened by a
lack of public appreciation of what
makes a person willing to risk his
capital or to work harder than the
next fellow. It is a road which leads
to the dead end of excessne and lr<
rational Government regulation—and
ultimately to the end of private enter-

This. I know IS not what the Ameri-
txzn people want. But this :< what we
will all get unless more understanding
is gained of the importance of profit.
Somehow, we must convince people.
more people than we haw: already
:E‘Vti :1 COrpOr.‘j:]0n-—f‘lr any hll