xt74f47gtd35 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74f47gtd35/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-02-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1972 1972 1972-02-15 2020 true xt74f47gtd35 section xt74f47gtd35 {2;
If you thought yesterday’s Th‘ H‘flfll‘kg '
weather was the beginning of a '
trend, forget it. Tuesday will be '
partly cloudy (partly sunny?) -
and cooler with a chance of -
umbrella weather in the offing. ‘
Don‘t let Tuesday's high of 50 , .
throw you off guard-there is a 30 I
percent chance of rain and the vm.. LXIII No.90 LEXINGTON, Krzxi‘i't'h'v 405m; 'I‘l'I-ZSDAY.FEBRL'ARYI5.1972 . ' ,
low Tuesday will be 20. "
USAC ' t Afa’S h g i
’ By LYNN MARTIN held at 4 pm. Wednesday, Feb. hours of lower division work. In alone or whether the student In order to receive a BA. or a . .
' . Kernel Staff Writer 16, in room 139 of the Chemistry- the proposed revisions 45 to 54 prefersthe five 0f eight plus the A 33- degree. under the proposed
Students, time is running out. Physics Building. hours would be required.“ 8; 5 proposed TeV'tSh)” The revisions. a student ”‘9“ Chm' -
Thereis only one day left until the New revisions Rebecca Westerfield. St} vice- second is whether or not the plete three areas: baSic skills, . .
fate of the entire College of Arts These proposed revisions president, and Glen Harvev‘ e0- StUdeht prefers the Bachelor 0f breadth 0f StUd-‘V‘ and depth or . '
and Sciences is decided. 0” WOUId require students to meet chairwoman of USAC, asked that (ieneral Studies degree. “Udy' ‘
Wednesday the Arts and Sciences additional requirements along all A & Sstudents concerned with The introductory statement to The haStt' Skills ihClUdeS
. faculty (A & S) will vote on the with the five of the eight General the additional requirements the proposed revisions includes ChmPOStthH and expression. .
. proposed revision in the Studies Areas required by the attend the Wednesday meeting putting the {Ocus on what the Bach student must demonstrate - ‘,
requirements for the Bachelor of University Senate. and vote in the referendum person becomesinstead 0f 0“ any his ability to write coherent -‘
, Arts (BA) and Bachelor of According to Mark Paster. today particularint‘ormation acquired. EltgltSh according to haSiC »
Science (BS) degrees. USAC co-chairman, some of ‘ Student referendum It also states the emphasis is standards 0t form and Stylfi 1“ ‘
In last night‘s General Student these two sets of requirements The referendum is composed of placed on the conception of t‘ddlt'Oh tht‘_ Stutkfht mUSt ‘ i ,
Assembly meeting students were would overlap but in his two parts. One is whether or not education as a life-long process demonstrate hl-‘g ah'ht." t0 “59
urged by Student Government estimation the proposed revisions the student prefers the five of rather than as something com- tht’St’ Skills ”1 his (‘XPN’SSIOH 0F
and the University Student Ad- would increase th number of eight Genera 1 Studies areas plt’tt‘d within a COUI‘SO 0f StUdY- Continued on Page 2. C01- 1 '
visory Committee (USAC) to hours needed to receive a BA. or - I
attend this meeting in an effort to BS. degree. Paster said. “in the
block the proposed revisions. old requirements a student was Hall drafts J-Board [Otte ry '
' ' - The A & faculty meeting will be required to take between 21 to 30 v ' ‘
By JOHN GRAY and Professional Students When a new jury was needed the ' ‘ .
. w . M, . New... 3“. Editorial Page Editor Association will be submitted by Hearing Officer would go back to .
. . .. alight 38% -. h A revision of the University J— [K President ()tis Singletary at the list otuiso names and choose
. g at“ t . ”If, ' Board that would have student 'l‘uesday‘s Board of Trustees the next five students on the list
' ' WW 3 3m £2;th jurors chosen by lottery instead meeting in I'Zlizabethtown. for jurors. ‘ .
" v. 3 _ T's 'i‘v'é of having them appointed by the the five members of the all- (‘urrently the .l—Board has 1.9 '.
. . , W . tiara? Vicevpresident for Student Af- student .l-Board would be chosen members all of which serve one< . ‘ ‘ .
. . it? 3‘2. g ' WM“ fairS. with the advice of the from a list of 150 names selected year terms except for four ' ,
- ‘ a .. ' 9» A ' aw“; Student Government president. at random from a larger list of mt‘mht‘l‘S “h” St’l‘Vt’ t\"“’."t’ilr . "
. gig" 3% {a gfitfl heads the list of proposed 300 students selected by com— terms. . '
» » ”1 ‘ we . m' .» changes in the Student Code outer from the list of full-time M” Br“”"‘,"‘h“rgh‘ “WWW ,
. - i q ‘_ :4. submitted by Dean of Students StUdt‘nls. 1” the “5““? ”1 Students, *1“: the
, 4” 'Q I ~ P .' 7 . '3' Jack llall. Each jury would serve at the propose changes were ma 0 to ‘ ‘
I w as?” . it???” Eb: :Zfi The proposed changes along discretion “ttht’ Hearing ()tttt't’l‘ “mi-0.1“} moreflstudents m the
‘ a} wt hm “ ' with (‘ode revisions from Student hUt WOUId be prohitibed from Jumual process. put the J- '
t . "‘5 ' . _ “3%” . ' Government and the (iriiaduate serving for more than 30 days. Continued on Page 3. Col. 1
. . . . __,. i ena e o ays p an
, . ‘1; ‘3 _ 1' , B." ”NCULN R- LEWIS. JR- Berry argued (‘LEP should be large majority and Berry left the
. , F1 ‘1 g g Kernel Staff Writer used only for advanced meeting. ‘
. ' ' . ‘ i ._ University Senate considered placement. and not granted AS adopted. the “0‘" official . j
. , ' W .. ‘_ . $2,... . the report of the Ad Hoc (‘om- course credit. He said students Senate policy states that all ‘ ' '
. ‘ . 3 fight ‘5»? . ‘ mittee on Accelerated Programs eapabje of superior or advanced academic units must file a list of
‘ - , f I Wrote“ ' in its regular meeting yesterday work should be placed in ad- courses available under (‘LEP -
, . . e fiz¥£~C#e ' and sent two recommendations yanced courses. rather than be with the Dean of Admissions and '
_ .. w: is), back to the committee before passed out ofthe area with credit. Registrar. Any student in good ~ '
_ “g“ ”0* . .. adjourning. "Do we want to be a super- academic standing wishing to
as» f“: r _' The sessionwitnessedaheated market and a bureaucracv'?” take a (‘LEP examination for
, ”a _ 3 it debate between Prof. Wendell Berry asked the Senate. .“It credit shall be allowed to do so. u .
*- , > ’ m Berry, Department of English. seems to me the better the l'nder an amendment for- .
. . « and committee members con- student is. the more he deserves warded by Dr. Wimberly -_'
. . cerning the implementation on a from us.“ Itoyster. Dean of the College of
While legislators heard arguments for abortion. several women University wide basis of the Arts and Sciences if a depart-
' . - protested on the capitol steps against controversial House Bill College Level Examination The Committee‘s recom— ment refuses to allow a (‘LEP
m7. Program (CLEP). mvndation was adopted by 8 Continued on Page 4. Col.1 '
R l ? Abortion 'ni us a 're ‘
_ Opl o l ,d '
‘ ' - epea or reform. . .
m Frankfort hearings .
. , ByKARICN BECKWI'I‘II Cathy Lewis. a Lexington shortly after I began to bleed.“ The proposal would allow who cannot afford medical '
. KerneIStatt‘Writer Women‘s Liberation abortion Lewis said. therapeutic abortions under the consultations or the hospital
A subcommittee of the House counselor,madea moving appeal “With the contractions of my following stipulationsi 1’ l0 stays made necessary by the
Judiciary Committee. composed for the repeal of anti-abortion uterus. the IUD traveled up in- preservethelife of the mother.2t proposed reform. Brown said.
of nine men and one woman, laws in speakingof her own side my uterus andlwas unable if continuation of pregnancy Moreover. “reform fails .
heard testimony today on an experience of havmg an illegal to retrieve it.“ Several days presents a threat to the mother's because it threatens to introduce . _
. issue termed bv one witness as abortion in Kentucky. later. Lewis said. she was ad- physical or mental health. 3) if a new 'abortion racket‘ through . '4
“strictlyawoman'sissue." That Placed in a financial and mitted to a hospital where she there is a risk of phy5ical or the fees for consultation by
. issue is abortion and testimony familiar situation where abortion received compensatory ”"ht‘ mental defect 'h the fetus. and 4) physmans Wh059 approval must
on House Bill 197‘ Section 276 was was her only solution to an un- ment. Lew'is was not questioned if the pregnancy is the result of be obtained." she said.
presented as hearing on the wanted pregnaiicy. Lewis said after her testimony. incest or rape. Any of these four In regard to Brown's role as an
controversial section of the she took drugs in an attempt to l‘K student Jane Brown spoke stipulations “'OUld have t0 be abortion counselor. she was
proposed penal code opened induce a miscarriage With the for complete repeal of the C(‘Tt't‘hd by three licensed (IUPSttOM‘d thUt the “moral
' today in Frankfort. failure of drugs. Lewis said she existing abortion lawas"the only PhNS'C'a".5~ “"th sworn 99'“ conduct” of the women she
The afternoon session differed contacted “an old friend“ who viable solution." Present Ken- tlht'iltt's filed. “"th the hospital counsels through Women's " ‘
in tone from the objective inserted an intrauterine device tuck)’ laws 8'10“ anabortion 01"." twodays prevmustotht‘abOI‘IIOIl. Liberation. ”i don‘t know what
morning presentation as Ms. (IUD) into her uterus. “Very to preservethelife ofthemother. “Laws are not reaching the poor Continued on Page 6. Col. 3

 - J
R . t I A (5’ S d .
" .. . . . - . i .. ,. - m‘i.o ' ' r' '
. ‘ Continued from Page 1 ioneunlt ls conSidered equivalent three units of one foreign ~studUllImUbl complete dt least 12 l U tf coInLIent ated study Im
, ' » ' speech to one year of high school or one language and one unit of general hours in each of the natural ( (Pdar min a l 01‘ k ”1-
. Also coming under the basic semester of college work) of one linguistics. selences. humanities and social “rI 9p“ mkcnta W01: ’ pre-
' . ' ' 3 skills is translation and in- foreign language or three units of The last division coming under and behaVloral SClences to be minord WOF h, and OUtblde WOY‘k
» * ‘ , terpretation. This means a one foreign language and two basic skills is abstraction and eligible for a B.A. degree, A 1‘1 ate ‘0 d e deOF program. A
‘ ' -' ‘ ‘ studentmust complete four units units of a second language or inference. Astudent must havea student must complete nine hours rtcent thU ent COUld 3150 d0 a
‘ level of proficiency required to in these three fields to receive a systematic and coherent study Of
5 . 7 V ' “x .. . . mi» amass“ “ . comlvlete four units in formal as. degree 3. “Ingle ‘99" that “”5 across
Z . . .' I . mg sciences such as computer The area of depth of study lines of eXistlng programs.
8 K i ‘ . x & science and mathematics. requires the completion 0f at Copies Of the proposed reV‘S‘O"
. . . . . . .K‘ Breadth of study least 46 hours, 40 of which must are on reserve "1 the M- 1. King
. . 1 > s 11E}i RIGERATORS in the breadth of study area a be in courses 110‘ 0P9“ to fresh- Library.
. . $.35: ‘ .\
' .. . I Figs} '-i\. .
' . I' ~ ' § TERMPAPERS FULLY RESEAR Q 0 b l U 9
, , . ' - ' , 3233:. CHED, WRITTEN, and - 4 1‘) at K
» 1 ‘ " ,’ reduced rental \ PROFESSIONALLY TYPED by our ° qulz 0 0
. » . . .' , . \ § staff of professional writers. ALL of our
~~ ' . ~ ' « -K'°.- '\"‘ writers have at least a B.$.—B.A. and
,. , ' ‘ ‘ 3:? charge \ are EXPERTSinthefieldsin which they A Y 32 l t
' ‘ , i . -:X-. i -.~
'I . .‘ ' -, ' ‘s\ write! Just send us the TOPIC and o - 88, team s 0 S
t‘ . i . I , . i g TITLE of your paper, and include
. . ' - '.--: .“=: COMPLETE DEIAILS of approach and
. . . g. .- >:\.5:-. '
. _. . ' int as: e» I $3.25 er e to: , ~ v s . v s - i
I . . I § EXt. 8-5222 :°K‘_ SCO:EROMUPSAPERDREZZQARCHI INC. B“ ('A‘ LI“ NIC(IL 1R!“ BFOWnS? Nope"lt S the annual
.I - . . I . L'\\£ I P.O.Box 4374 Kernel Staff Writer UK Quiz BOW], sponsored by the
. z I I. , ‘she‘o ' .-:: «amass. 5"V9' 59""9'Ma'md" 2:04 - ' Two teams square off for Student Center Board. T0 m any
. f I “' ‘ ‘" ' ‘ ‘" " ‘ battle. . .frowns of intense UK students, it packs as much
, .V, . II concentration crease each punch as some international
VII I.’ I . " , . II Are you sure that you want your college to offer a bachelors degree with player's face- T911510” mounts as SpOI‘tS extravaganza.
II . . I . . . I . C:;:qu'i|r|et:egst°tr:r thIan 11:0 hmérs? BeI’fcIi;e yotIJhdeIfide, asdk yougsIelf: the dock races toward the finish. Applications for the 32 team
. ‘, -_ .I o '. . a Wl is o o eva ueo my agree. you in I can oany ing What is [hi i r) .
‘ V I 4' i . it t. . other than hurt you then the lessons of inflation have been wasted. The Th . S g ant marathon. SIlOtS can be Obtamed at the
'I ; . I . ' Q value of your degree (your degree, not your education) depends entirely e natlona] playoff 0f the Green StUdent Center and mUSt be
: .' ' ' ' upon the reputation of your college. If your college starts to proliferate Bay Packers and the Cleveland completed by 5 pm. Feb, 15,
: . trashy Idegrees the value of yours caIn doInotIhlng but decrease. Your Those eligible to enter a team
> 3 I . education represents a tremendous finanCIal investment and years of
_' . - ' work. Your degree will probably be your single most important composed Of {our regUIar and tWO
.1. .i‘. ’, .- , I' credential in obtaining a good job. Decrease the value of your degree and alternate members include
'. ‘ ' , i . you are in a weaker competitive position. - t
.1 a. - re 1 n e halls. Greek
. I. . . . i I , O Advocates of this spurious degree claim that transcripts and recom» The united States 5 de C . . ‘
‘ . ' " h 'I, ' tu e "ts In mendations are really what counts. But the meaning of the transcript and 0 i‘ g a n l Z a t l 0 n 5v C a m p u S l
’ . '. II the weight of the recommendations can only be considered in light of the organizations. and independents. .
I ’ r j.) I , .I _ . . school's reputation. People who read letters of recommendation have Army Offers more Academic competition
- . f . I . ‘ . usually never heard of those who wrote them. Letters written on the - Q
I' ' . . - ;- i . letterhead of a reputable institution by a person on its faculty are given I f The ‘ tUdent Center Board says ]
‘v‘ " y ‘ " rts an attention. Diminish the reputation of the school and there is a opportunlty or the purpose ofthe qu12 bowl is “to l
I. ,I .I ‘iI I _i . ' I. corrispondtiIrIigI loss IiIr;I tIhe weighIf othhe recommendationsIA similar promote academic competition 1
- ; I ,. . . ‘ SI ua ion 0 ains Wl ranscrip s. ave you ever seen a ranscrip .
.- ‘ ‘ I . Worse still, have you seen two different transcripts from two different young women 9“ an undergraduate 1(IEV81I and
I -. " . . schoolsand tried tocompare them? For thetranscriptto yield any but the increase interest in maintaining
; . . ' , _ most superficial indication of the ”character and quality" if the work it 8 hi h scholastic attitude."
II ,' '- ' . .v ” r ' SCIences represents, one would have to be thoroughly acquainted with the in» college graduates. wg d C l h ' fth
.' . , I. ' . r . _ stitution in question and with its catalog dflring the time the work was Ian e o e, c a‘r‘yoma" 0 . e
.' . . . . ‘ done. Do you think every potential employer is prepared to do this? QUlz Bowl Committee, said.
. . , _. . . . . .I’I ‘I Again, tItIie transcript depends, for the most part, upon the reputation of “We’ve had a tremendous ‘
-. '1 .' .I _. ~ . your co ege. ‘
I' I. j . .. : ' .» Of course, no one is asserting that everyone who took such a course amount 0f CQOpeIraItlon from
,. ,- ,. . '. would be undermining the foundations of the university. However this professors who ve indicated that
I .1 - . . . program, as it is now presented, could prowde a haven for academic Be more than the usual. they would donate the” ttme to
, . . . - parasnes. Anyone on the outSide (where the iobs are) could hardly be - - b ~
» _ . . . . . e moderators in the bowl.
, I. -. , . . ,- . faulted for haying doubts about the graduates of an institution which Achieve more ma "I I Th U S
' ~ _ fl . . i . ‘ / would offeradegree without some minimal setof requirements. Armyisoffering diCectecgriiunaiissiorss foa Others have helped make ou‘
-_I . ‘ . -. -‘. " If you're willing to allow even one parasite an uncontested, free ride selected number of young women who questions for us.”
I ‘ ' I . f / because you think it doesn‘t involve you--you should reconsider. are graduating from college this year, or
I~ I' ' ~ . ' I urge you to seriously consider voting against the 868 degree in the who have a degree and a few years of Cole said this year's bowl
., V . . N student referendum. Let the advocates of such a program come forth working expreience. it YOU want to put
- ‘ I' ' . =‘I with some minimal requirements which will guarantee the integrity of your talents ”"° {"9" 9“" the "e" 'I‘”° wou'g have more balanced
.I ; I : . . . your degree. years can be fhse richest, most rewarding questlons over a Wider range of
,.I‘ .' . ‘ - J g ' _ . in your i e. tart or c e - i
, '1 . _ - II . loffer these comments from the perspective ofeight years asIa student office, in an executive 90:53:": :Ismag categories than last year S
. , I . . . I I , ‘ :nddfourIyefrs asIa faculty mdemIber. ldhfiI/Ie bothIIreadIazdI wgittIen hl'mh chauenggngflewarding fumreI For more contest. She said the committee
II, . . I I . , . I re s o e erso recommen a ion an ave a amp 6 o is ingms information about the women's Army . -
-. - II ,I'. : ‘ I among numerous transcripts. i know that the reputation of the college is Corps Officer Program contact your had mcIIUded questions apOUt
I . ’ 3 ' . ' of paramount importance in balancing one applicant against the other. A'mY REC'U'le' at 251““ accounting. home economics.
- ' .1 ' ’ Pau'Isak'" and other categories untouched
* . .I ' ' . .v '. Faculty Member, Arts and Scuences . .
. , . ' by preVious qUiz bowls. .
I 'i j- .. l' ‘ I. , Prizes will be awarded to the
'. - if 'y . . first and second place team
.. . . . A Paid advertisement winners. Four all-star individuals
~ . ‘I ,—- . -__. — . , _ ,. —~-,—-————~ _ .. . , selected for outstanding
‘. .‘ ' I _ .‘ . I . . academic ability from all quiz
It, i I " "I KEN I "C KY C LEAN ERS bow} entries wm prizes.
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'. . I III . , . D c t BEAUTIFULLY Mailed five times weekly during the
‘ ‘ . - 'w‘ .‘ . ' Trousers, Sklf", resses, on 8, school year except holidays and mm
: .I I t I . I . periods. and once during the summer
i . . I I I i .. . mflon. .
I I I . I “ SWOO'OI‘S RCIIICOC'S or two [AUNDERED SHIRIS Published by The Kernel Press. Inc.. 113
I ‘ I . I ‘ . . . ' . . Journalism Building. University of Ken-
. II I I I of Sportscgats. men 0'- lud'es 3“"! , lucky. Lexington. Ky. 40506.
2 I I ‘ ' $ ” Begun as The Cadet in 1894 and published
'. "~ .. .tc ONLY I ' continuously as The Kentucky Kernel since
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. . I . .‘ . I . . ' $ ” Advertising published herein is Intended to
. . I . ' - . I I I ONLY I help the render buy. Any false or misleading
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 . I ." . '. . '1 '- ' 4 . l ‘ I
THE KEN’I‘U'KY Ki;ii.\i;i.. Tuesday. February 13. NOTE—I; -'T-’_ 5 ' .
o .54.}.-
-B d b h b l tt i "
J 031' JUPOI‘S may 6 C 08611 y 0 ery ,4 ;
l in -l.‘ -.‘ :4
Continued from Page 1 selected jurors, the Hearing tending Lexington Technical student counseling records. without the consent of the SlUdt‘lll 3‘. '
Board in just a jury role“ and Officer serving asajudgeof sorts Institute il/l‘l) under the [7K Presently the section allows except "whenthere [SL1 clearand .‘I'I'V'KI.
“abstract jury selection from and a pI‘OVision allowing the (‘ode for nonacademic offenses. Student Health. the l'niversity Illllllt‘llt’lil danger to an in 5.5.337".
whatever pressures that might defendant and the University two (‘urrently they are SUbleCt ‘0 the ('Ounst'llng ('t‘ntt'r. and the Dean (“Vl‘lUi‘l “1‘ WNW} I ”r ”l“ . '3' 11:..3 '- -.
(’XlSl-H . peremptory challenges each of (‘ommunity (‘OHPEE’ (TOdt’. of Students office to share in- student 1S llkt‘l} to "cause injur} ’ 4
He said the new selection the prospective jurors, Brandenburgh said. which was formation about a student if to himself or others." The Dean '3; . ‘. 3".“
system would be somewhat LTI effected modeled after the JUl)‘ 1969 UK "professional consultation is of Students may release general ‘ .. I"
similar “to the jury system Other prOposed changes would code. advisable.“ information such as the students ’f‘f
downtown“ with randomly put the over 300 students at- Students at LTI. however. New rules address and classification and I5,
would still be subject to the The revised section sets dif. more personal data such as birth I'f-jfilI’
A d k Communityt‘ollege Code as far ferent criterion for the three date parents' address and social 27.7,; gig—(7'
n eat your ca 6 tOO as academic relationships are departments. They prohibit the security number "on a 'show t.‘ 13,qu
concerned. Brandenburgh 53|d~ release of any information cause' basis only "
Scholarships and awards were point standing as a freshman because their “curricula is more [.' v. ; 1‘ " f'":
presented to fourteen Home Home Economics student. similar to the community E3; 7" 92"..“4
Economics students at the Fifth The Home Economics Club colleges.“ ll 5r"? 5.“
Annual Awards Banquet for the presented Patricia Roach the Still another change would m '15; “ ‘51}3-[331-
College of Home Economics. New Member Award, Donna delete Section 3.23 of the Code 2 eat 21‘ up
The banquet was held in the Harding the Mary Lou Hicks which deals with the releases of
Student Center Grand Ballroom Award, Bonnie MacShara the ' ' l t “- l l”-
Thursday night with Jim Din- V‘an Camp‘Award, and Monica F b 1 343 SOUl’l't Limestone IS now i
widdie as the guest speaker. Estes the CIHSCO Award. 8 ruary 6 1’c’k'ng orders for ‘ 3":
Sharon Perry received $500 ‘(Jynthia Lmk' Marsha Herdon. AS" WEDNESDAY l .- l
from a newly established Susan Jarmqn‘ and Bonnie Serv' CUSTOM MADE SANDALS v ..
scholarship sponsored bv the MacShara received other awards Ices ______ __ _____ I ‘5 55"»~
' - and scholarships. - . . ' l
gen t u}: icyF dE xtenSIOn I 7-30 o.m. order now and av0id Spring rush l --‘.,-
(gmema .eib. egerahion.” h t THE YUM YUM SHOPPE l 2 205 and 5.30 p.m . ‘ .. *5 .:\ '
y main ainin e ig es . . r-
grade point standing in the FRESH Hm mm ST I l We also have the finest selection of 5
College of Home Economics FREE CAMPUS DELIVERY 0 AUGUSTINE s brass belt buckles V a.'
during her first three years of "you RING we same" "APEI- ‘ F I a".
college, Nancy Frields received ' c available in the E08? -
the $300 Borden Award. 252-5751 ‘7'
Other scholarships in the ~.~_ 474 Rose Sl- l M H d d I f " " ’3"
amount of $300 were awarded to § 2 4-3726 an on ma 9 fems o Infere f I; ' . , I
Carla Skaggs. Katherine May, § TERMPAPER ARSENAL'lnc' 5 y s
and Sarah Warren g find ”-9036?youlttdetscrlptive I .' ‘1..." f9». 1',
. . - . caaogo., quai ermaers - . 1 Y
Phi UPSilon Omicron. the 5196LENRO¢KAVE.?SUITEZ§03 INQdUIRER 5 CLASS Members Of Ken’UCkY GUI/d of ' I": 4?
' ‘ L05 “6 , . . ‘ Yin}. .;
professmnal Home Economics § (213?477E_§f7s4°f5';7_952?,§‘ Sun OYS Of 3 p‘m' ArfISfS and Craftsmen ‘;' :‘. -
honorary. recognized Joy Gwm go: “We needalocalsalesman” beginning Feb. ]3 ._____* ____._ l 1.? 4
for achieving the highest grade 0W . w-fl , . — ”El—‘3‘ x * -_.‘r,~ .
: I'll-rill;- I vy‘. ;>.’
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speCIaI low prices on Victrola Records ,,
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 V 4—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. February IS. I"!
- ...CI‘€ It ere CI‘C It IS 116
. It I ' V (‘omimfl‘d from Page 1 students are tested on knowledge The recommendation originally have previously been without celerated Programs urged the
\ examination, ll "W5! JUSUfl' its obtained outside the classroom authorized the Registrar to grant course credit. Dean of Admissions and
. U , refusal ‘0 the dean 0f the ap- and. upon successful completion credit for ("ollege Entrance “Pt‘Ommends credit Registrars Office, to increase
' . propriate college. of. for which students can obtain Examination Board Advanced George Dexter of the Dean of efforts and propose experimental a.
' ' ‘ Quickerdegree credit." Placement Program (CEEB-APl Admissmns and RCElSlI‘aF'S programs whereby h'gh SChOOI 0'
. .. - .5 ~ According to the Committee on . examination scores of three or office told the Senate that some students can attend the G
. ' ' Accelerated Programs. “CLEP DEW“; the debate over the better, 300 high school students with University in lieu of their senior sr
~ " I . is a program through Which CL“) proposal, Dr. William 5 advance placement capability year..." M
f. . . V. . Plucknett of the Department of Dean Rogster again for- went out of state to school par- The recommendation carried R
j l = . —_ Chemistry" sald‘ ”ThlS pFOgram warded amen ment, thlS one to [iafly because UK does not offer the Senate with a large majority. SI
.' .. ’ L ’ , “Howmnv offers a student a chance to get restrict . approval of the course credit with the CEEB-AP Recommendations Five and
. , . . A Commm Line 05 Your Favorite his degree a little unicker so he examinations for credit to the examinations. Six of the Committee were sent
- .V . . ,' -. V Liquid Refreshmentsand Party Supplies can get on With his education. appropriate academic unit. A recommendation Will be back to the Committee to be
‘V .' V ‘ . vV .‘ 'VV '. Sm" Dem“ From U.K—. Campus V Recommendation Two of the (‘EEB—APV examinations are made by the Senate to the Office modtlfled arid rersmrted out at the
‘V , f '. nos Imam Shopping Came, (/ommittee report encountered used by high school students of Admissions to publicize the "9X regu 5” enate 595510“
' ‘ . ' - . , V. heavy debate also in the sessmn. seeking advanced placement and possible acceptance of the CLEp scheduled for March 13.
. ; ; . . . Special examination
. ‘ ‘ ‘5 w and CEEB-AP examinations for . .
1' " , . ' - .. credit Recommendation Five
. V . V . . -. :3. ~:' :1":--..‘-'..-,1‘,.::;’:E:5..:_”I:'II.I--Ivf_.II-_:-V:;}v_,'3'-:Iv._-:'I-'V:f:.:.V:-V,’V:I-.»VI I pr0posed amending the present U
_ , I _ ,7 ' Another recommendation of . . .
, \ . . . Senate Rules concerning speCial l
> -. ‘ i the Committee was passed With . . .. P
V ~ I. , . . examinations to allow any b(
V . . . 'u.” I [E D ' amendments that Will allow UK ‘t d t 'h th f ll t'
‘ : "”””un...,” I. D students to use “correspondence 5 u 91.] ' “. e er . u - ime . or g‘
" ~ . ' . - #- "”"" ' ‘55 courses" from other accredited part-time. to be give a special
e'. .V. l ' . ”, ‘ . 5 B th F. t I Me,5 institutions and ain course examination for criedit. dr
2 - , '-I i! V M“ " e e lrS 0n ‘ 7% ‘ t . g Both recommendation Five and I
. .I I; r 1:54.- credit upon approval of the ap- .. . p
.. .. .V , , . -. 55555 . i “l ' 5 . . . 51x were challenged extenSively F
; . , . r. t . our 0c propriate academic unit. . 4'
, , . , ~ e “ j iil.‘:"‘.i" ' Th) "1 l . V d on separation of undergraduate By
. ' - ‘ . .5 i, QQ Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q . . . 5 . . ff P2090“) absoVenuZVuragVe and graduate students. As Sh
.' V " . n ‘1 Q : le. f‘wdt-V‘ mun ”5V“? exefop proposed. the recommendations ag
’V - l V ”I‘llffirh;‘j¢ ”In." x'l Q g . V: itlt‘stu \ VVcouVrEeth .Or granted the right to special St
' . ' 1 . ‘ nihi‘fl“ ”all” ‘ E 1“ . “’,°P“_ra““ u“ “n 0 er m' examinations to both classes of in
r 7 ’ - ' “ ‘ I’ll . g I. E Q 1: stitutions. students ‘
.2 " j ‘ f . ‘Vrflil ' - V V .‘ l . . 1 . . f .. lll
,, ‘ . i E ,. Q preiinuntal piogramzfs It was on this point that the
. V. ‘. VV V VVVVVVV .3 - g. i . .." RecommendatioVn Four 0 the Senate voted to send the ar
‘ , 7 'Z . ,. ’ ‘ ”Wig .5 , I]: ‘V’ . "\d ”0‘ (ommittte on AC' proposals back to committee. wi
’. 3 7 . fl - ' . AW Vi‘l . I} INTERVIEWS: Recommendation Seven, which an
-, j ‘ . ' i - v S. 5"" ' * d ditorial chan es in
. . - .- , . .5. .V. .,i . VI Q g concerne e g of
‘ l . ‘. : 3 ““1! y." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3;; n the Senate Rules necessitated by de
I,» 1 'ST CITY SHOWINC ’5 FOR M STORY' the passage of the previously be
I l J .‘V . i - j V ”I . .7 ‘l If YOU have dropped OU' and returned Ol’ considered mOthnS, was post‘ 40
. ' . > i: plan todrop outof u,i<.caiiRa5’ipn Long poned at the Committee's
Vr ’. VIV V, 5 “ml" V VIV 1 Its GOH‘g 0“ NOW! 257-1800 request.
. ' 7 " ' . wl‘ illllllll ,Aiiim. ”l" .- r A
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i V. V . I . V . ' , VV lli l V VV V ViVV “VV . o t 'V
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' ‘3 V . .r ' " Iv Y ll' WI“ lmill'ii '1 " Hum“ :llmll I ,1“ l l < di(
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. l I1 ’ . “ i ‘l!llll‘lllll§f M "li'VrVVfimiil VVJV’IViV'I." VV W” I "-------—----—---——--—----.............l : V..V-___V-V-.4;;:;:iiiv:435';:':‘”1'-'-3=€=---- s‘sligigi
' ’ t , w ‘ ’t." ‘ will» ‘ ‘ 5:535.
. ' . V' . V‘ VlVlliil‘ V i I .‘rV‘lVV ‘ ’ ‘I‘l ' VVfrVi‘njV’ V”
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- .V .‘ ' ‘ V ~ ~ I r»‘lII!ii..uillllllVV‘VVlI 0 OFF- On the way home from the doctor's office, stop in at I.
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