xt74f47gtc21 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74f47gtc21/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1939 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/16 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing November 28, 1939 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing November 28, 1939 1939 1939 2019 true xt74f47gtc21 section xt74f47gtc21 Fri/52275 ,//é _ /
”’t as” War/Qatayeee”nix: , i :22: .. ye~ iii

' Vol. 1, No.16 Federal Works Agency, U. 8. Housing Authority — Nathan Straus, Administrator November 28,1939
I O .
Two Favorable Decrsrons PHbllC Health Experts to Cooperate
‘ o o o o I
011 State Housmg Laws With USHA 1n Administrative Survey
Rendered by Courts . . .
In line With USHA policy of found-
Stating that “there is 110 more rea- LOWELL SETS RECORD ON BID AWARD ing its program on a basis of practical
SOD Why the Legislature Of 0111” State The construction contract for the fact, Administrator Nathan Straus
may 11013, under its Power Of eminent North Common Village project was recently secured the cooperation of
domain, take private property in Signed Within 72 hours 0f the Open- the Public Health Service which as-
order to effect slum clearances than ing 0_f bids by the Lowell (Mass) signed Dr. Joseph M. DallaValle,
in order to provide for roads, rail- Housmg Authority. Meeting at Sanitary Engineer, and Mr. John C,
roads, and swamp clearances,” Justice 7: 30 P_- M., November 6’ the local Leukhardt, Research Analyst, to ad-
Joseph L. Bodine of the New Jersey authority voted 1ts recommenda- vise and assist in public health
State Supreme Court recently handed tion for award and dispatched the matters,
down an opinion upholding the State’s hld documents by all“ mail to_ the The first concern of Dr. DallaValle
Local Housing Authorities Law. Regional Office. USHA Admlms' and Mr. Leukhardt will be to study
With the right of local housing au- trator .Nathan Straus ered the administration and methods of public
. thorities to obtain land by condemna- authorization to award on Novem- health and public housing agencies in
tion at issue, Mr. Pasquale Romano, ber 8' The evening 0f November order to coordinate their activities.

v Newark property owner, had sought 9 the local authority met Wlth the This will involve investigating how
the Supreme Court’s decision. successful contractor and Slghed local health officers and local housing

Because the Supreme Court’s de- the contract. authorities work together; how local
cision in New Jersey is not final, it is authorities can best utilize local pub-
likely that Mr. Romano will appeal a ' 7’ lie health facilities; what part county
his case to the Court of Appeals and Educate the PHbllC, health officers might play in an exten-
Errors, New Jersey’s court of last re- Ohio Conference is Told sive rural housing program; and how
sort. At present, the highest courts new public health legislation will af-
in 16 States have upheld State hous- Speaking before 100 delegates from feet the public housing program.
ing legislation. They are: Alabama, cities in Ohio, Kentucky, and Michi- In addition, the new advisers will
California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, gan, at the third Ohio Housing Au- devote themselves to the development
Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mon— thorities Conference, which convened of better criteria for measuring sub-
tana, New York, North Carolina, this month in Cincinnati, Charles P. standard housing, taking into account
Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Taft, member of the Cincinnati City ventilation, sanitation, over-crowd-
Tennessee, and West Virginia. In Council, said the big job of housing ing, environmental nuisances and
Florida and Montana, the Supreme authorities is to educate the public. neighborhood congestion. The re-
Courts have twice upheld the State The public must be given the facts, sults of their study will form the sub-
housing laws, making a total of 19 Mr. Taft declared. They must be stance of general statements which

, favorable decisions. shown that although public housing will be issued by the United States
‘ Constitutionality of the law per- costs money, the expenditure is legiti- Public Health Service. These state-
mitting the construction of low-rent mate and necessary. Public leaders, ments will also contain recommenda-
housing projects in Jacksonville, Fla, Mr. Taft said, must be shown that tions calculated to assure selection of
was challenged by a group of prop- their constituents want housing. tenants from homes most detrimental
. erty owners headed by J. H. Higbee, The Ohio Conference was held to health. They will further discuss
- ‘ before the Duval County Circuit November 10—11 under the direction health factors which might disqualify
Court. Judge A. D. McNeill dis— of Ernest J. Bohn, Conference Chair- (See PUBLIC HEALTH EXPERTS Coopsm'm

missed the bill of complaint. ‘ (See ”EDUCATE THE PUBLIC" on p. 2) WITH USHA on p. 3)


 l Current Housing Literature I Nursery School Conference Discusses

——-———-'—‘~“‘—‘—‘—“"“‘—‘_ 0 I C O

Wiii'i'ili-ii: 'i'iii-i (li'i'r‘I, by Lewis lVl'uml'oril, DeSIgn and superVISlon for PrOJects
The American City, November 1939, pp.

(SO-62' “Proper supervision of the play of developments with those in this coun— . .
Mr. Mumford advocates slum clearance, large—scale _ ' __ . a
housing. neighborhood planning, park development. young children benefits not only the try. Housmg information necessaiy
and “her “mum“ impmements' children and their parents, but the for nursery school teachers in public
COMMUNITY PLANNING, Building Amen-c“, whole neighborhood,” is the opinion housing projects, and the importance

. 9 9 _ . . . . . .
Novembel 19°9’ VOL V’ NO' 2’ pp.’ °4 6.3' of Dr. Mary Dabney DaVIs, SpeCIalist of coordinating local serVices related
Includes articles on the growth of American Cities _ ,- I a .. _ f hld 7 ]f n [I 1 d
and towns, the city slum problem of today, the USHA in Piimai y and Nui seiy Education 0 to c 1 W e aie weie ( iscusse . .
Driller“, “:1 [thelnéflossffyt flments 01' community the U. S. Office of Education. The members of the discuss10n
p anmng' m us” 1 “S m e" Dr. Davis was one of a group which group agreed that it is the responsi-
PLANNING BODY URGES NEIGHBORIiOOD discussed “Nursery Schools in Public bility of all organizations and individ-
STUDY, Real Estate Record, Nov. 11, LBS), , . u , , , . . _
p 3 Housmg PrOJects at the Biennial uals interested in the education of
Survey of New York's metropolitan area by the Conference of the National Associa— children to cooperate with local hous-
Regional Plan Association indicates that the potenti- - a . . - - - a. . . . a _
alities of the neighborhood policy have not been com tion f01 Nui seiy Education, held in mg. authOiities in planning and p10
pleteiy realized. Williamsbuig Houses cited as the New York City, October 24—28. Viding the faCIlities required to meet
“10““ ”mach t° ‘1 ample“ “e‘ghbm‘hmd‘ Others in the group were: Mrs. Alva play needs of the youngsters in a local
DAILY’s CAMPAIGN STARTS Low Cosr Hous— Myrdal Founder and Director of the project ,
‘ . 4 , . v o I o -
ISSQPROEECT’ Em” and Publishe” NOV' 4’ Stockholm Training College for Nurs— Widespread 1nterest in the whole
p. . 1 . . . . ,. . .
Hm; ,, lows“, housing Dun-ed was started in New eiy School Teacheis, .Molly Flynn, SiibJect of mu seiy schools in public
Brunswick N- J-’ “Na rest”: 01; uganglvaiggwagfl Farm Security Administration; Dr. housmg prOJects led to the adoption
' 'l' H . ' c . .
‘gfi,£§.f:§,fifick,”“w ms m e Im a" ”n S 0 Grace Langdon and Miss Isabel Rob— of a recommendation that the mem—
FHA Moves FORWARD WITH PLAN TO HELP inson of the Work PrOJects Adminis- bers of the group prepaie fol publica—
Lower: INCOME GROUPS, by Staff Con-es- tration, and Mrs. Kate Edelman and 131.011 a summary of the princ1paltop1cs
pendent, American “Standard” News, No- Duane V. Ramsey 0f USHA. discussed.
vember 1939, pp- 1, 4- Throughout the discussion empha-
. . . . . (‘ ' 7,
New FHA program designed to aid families With . . A Educate the Publlc
incomes as low as $900 to build their own homes. SIS was placed upon the 1InpOl tance Of (Continued from p 1)
$3,800 BUILDs SWEDISH ECONOMIC HOUSE, des1gning space, bOth OUtdOOIS and _ . f th Cl 1 (1
Practical Builder, November 1939, p. 12. indoors, for varied use. _ man and. DirectOi o. e eve an . .
Desczipfion of flow-10°“ onlf-stbm'y “for “with? Although in special instances, space Metropolitan H o u s i n g Authority.
Swedis custom o utiizing‘ t e asemen or par 0 . . v n A
the living “We“, Illustmtions and “00,. plans. can be set aside excluswely for the The El st day was degolt‘ed to selpai age
~ ~ 11 inanCia r -
HOUSING PROGRESS IN SCOTLAND, by G. B_ use of a Nuiseiy School, .111 many sessions on ega a d C t pto
Johnson, Commercial Intelligence Jom-nal places the nursery education. w01k lems, Planning an .ons rue-ion,
(Canada), July 22, 1939, pp. 150456. must be carried on in rooms which are Management and Public Relations.
History of Public Musing in Scotland since the also used for a variety of other The following day, delegates visited
Great wan activities. Laurel Homes, former PWA Housing .
“ASKINQEN NEWS .LETTER’ 13y_The Ame?“ Sliding or folding doors, screens, 0r DiViSion Pr01e0t in Cinc1nnat1, and .
can Munic1pal Assomation—lhe Federation , , h h F
of State Leagues of Municipalities, New movable lockers which can be used to Green Hills, one of t e t ree arm
Jersey Municipalities, November 1939, pp. subdivide a large room into smaller Security Administration Greenbelt ,
25—27. areas are among the devices which developments in the country.
Dismisses me“? “HS”? 37‘.“ Changes.“ We)" have been developed to adapt com- 0. W. L. Coffin, Secretary of the
the USHA, appioval 01 additional housmg pimects, . . _ _
the decentralization oi USHA’s administrative staff, munity space to the requirements of State Housmg Board and prominent
3”“1 the f‘”"°i"t‘“°“.t M 1)“ Sm": A150 mm?“ a" nursery education Without destroying Cleveland realtor, also emphasized
item entitled “Architect‘s Convention l‘avors Lederal t f 1 f th t “1; th (‘1 f p bl'c ducat'on M1
Planning Assistance.” 1 s use. u ness or 0 er ac 1V1 ies. e nee or u i e i . “.
EMERGENCY LEGISLATION AFFECTING Hous— Outdoor play space must also be Coffin pointed out that authorities
ING AND BUILDING WORK GENERALLY, Jom- planned for use by groups of chil— often become too engrossed in plan-
Wl 0f The ROE/ail histitute Of British 14”,”:- ‘dren with limited supervision. ning and administrative detail, neg-
tms’ OCt' 16’ 1939’ .pp.‘ 997—9992 _ Ways in which the nursery school lecting the important task of keeping
Short summary of principal war legislation af‘fect- . . f _ . t a t (1
ins: English housing and building industry. program has been adapted to meet the public in ormed and in eies e .
FACTORY-BUILT HOMES, Federal Home Loan fins and other reqmrements were de— Speakers emphasised that successful
Bank Review, September 1939, pp. 373—375. scribed. If mothers are not em— public relations involves a frank,
Most recent contribution to the low-cost housing 10 ed for exam 1e half-da Sessions stl'ai htforward attitude on the art
D y i p , 3’
field is the prefabricated steel house which will be on a . A . .' -
the market in November. Illustrations and floor plans. f01 the youngSters plus 1nSt1 U-Ctlon on Of ShihauthI Eeslé USHA C
. . ' ~ ~ ~ rine . r on—
HOUSING PROGRESS, The Municipal Journal dlet’ pioper léslc’ etc"f01 the'anthers 1 a lie . ’51 au: ’ d f"
and public Wop/cs Engineer, Oct. 13, 1939, may be a satisfactory substitute f01 su tan ., lecen y re urne 10m an . .
p. 2204. the all—day nursery school. extenSive European trip, addressed
Brie‘ res“n“? °f_‘}°“Si“g aFtiViti?S in Manchester A comparison was made of the the Conference on “European Hous-
and other English Cities. OffiCial attitude toward post— . . . . ' . n
,mnement of housing scheme due to wm. condition Nursery Schools in Swedish housmg ing as I Saw it Last Month.

 /}/2 /]§’
9 .
' . ' .. . S racuse Holds ZaDa
' . ‘ . . o o
Cooperate Wlth USHA PROJECTS. ludward .l. Leonard, EXhlblt 0f Apartment
C , If 1 Chairman of the Allegheny County I‘ 1 nin of th q House
I ' . . - . 4 ' ' 7A ‘ ' 0 M . r
, . ( ontmue‘ mm D ) (Pa.) Housmg Authority recently 3a}. y 0pc g , *y “
families from tenancy, and necessary . . (N. Y.) Eastern prOJect was heralded
' ' ' ‘ ' pioposed to the County Commis— b th ‘ 0 nt exhibit of an attrac
health se1v1ce fac111t1es on the pioJect sioners that they contract with the ty 1 efienei h d t ical a 31 tment
" . . . r ‘ .
“te' . Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh to we.» ur s (i . yp . p
The new arrangement gives USHA _ . The 2-day public inspection was spon—
. . , furnish books to urban and rural , .
the SGI‘VICBS 0f the Nat10n S final au- - . sored by the Women s Housmg Com—
. . . areas in Allegheny County through , .
thorlty on matters of health. It 18 . . .. - mittee. Mrs. Florence Kemp, Tenant
. . . local housmg prOJects. Projects in , .
ant1c1pated that the techn1cal state— . Relations Director of the Syracuse
. McKees Rocks and other communi- . . _
, ments Of the USPHS Wlll settle long- _. . . . 1101.18ng Authorrbsnhad charge of fur-
. . . ties Wlll include library space to be . . .
standlng questions concerning con- , . nlshlng and decoratingtheapartment.
. . . . used by people of the communlty as .
structlon standards. Cost lim1tations . Nearly all the furniture used was
. . well as pro.) ect tenants.
and the necess1ty fOI‘ Strlngent econo— second-hand, but had been carefully
mies present many varied and serious renovated. The kitchen contained a
problems to low-rent housing techni- methods of plumbing installation in red dinette set and a white porcelain
cians. multiple dwellings constitute a health work table. In the sitting room, be-
. For instance, do present USHA menace, or should local building codes sides a couch and desk, were several
minimum standards provide adequate be revised? And finally, how can the arm chairs which had been covered
heating facilities? Is complete‘cross- whole collection of home hazards— with bright-colored chintz, The bed—
ventilation essential? What is the the falls resulting from loose rugs and room was equipped with double bed,
proper relation between window and slick floors, the bathtub electrocu- dresser, chest of drawers, and small
floor space? From the health stand- tions, and so forth—be minimized? chairs. A p a r t m e n t walls Were
point, does concrete or wood make the In offering its services for the con- painted in ivory.
more desirable floor? How many sideration of these and similar prob- Demonstration units of this nature
cubic feet of air are necessary per lems, the United States Public Health have been found by local authorities
person and, consequently, how high Service is making an important con— to provide an excellent public educa—
should ceilings be in relation to the tribution to the country’s housing tion medium, while at the same time
other room dimensions? What are program. Of equal value is USHA supplying valuable suggestions to
. . the advantages and disadvantages, assistance to Public Health, for each future tenants. The method is being
hygienically, of ice and mechanical time a slum area is cleared a public used more and more frequently as a
refrigerators? Do new, economical health menace is removed. preoccupancy technique.
Before After
‘ 31?. V . .- i; it'll i3Il-gifiijggt‘iggggg i“,
f “Ff.- .1'1‘3/3 in. in ' ' ' “H II" ,_
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. . i Y ”My 0 7 H . ' " ” ’ Awnmvmwamajaéwanchr ..33.;..;;,:.
‘ Six families (11 adults and 10 children) lived in this Syracuse tenement now replaced Syracuse will soon have more than 300 of the 668 units in its first USHA project ready
by the Eastern project. They paid from $12 to $17 monthly rent, and were without for occupancy. Average rents will be lower than those of the slums which formerly
either private baths or private indoor flush toilets. The wooden fire escape is the only occupied the site. The homes in the project consist of modern, sanitary 3-slory apart-
exit for those living on the third floor. ments, Z-story apartments, and group houses.

 _—————————————————-———-—-——‘ . A ' I
Construction Bids 7 7, I
Bid Openings Definitely Scheduled IN THE UNITED STATES I
Local authority and Number Date of bid I I .
project mnnlwr of units opening 0 I
Anniston (Alas-l , l),___, 106 12—18—39 3 I
Atlanta (Ga-VII -3)_____... 634 1214—39 .
Atlanta «men‘s Pt. I). .352 127 “~39 I - 1
Atlantic City (N. .If I g a n m n g a a H H m g UNDER $I,ooo h
l4+1)_,_._._____-____._____ 37:3 12—20739
Baltimore (l\’l(l.-~2—-7).__, 700 l2-— [V39
. I
Camden (N. J.—10+1)..._ 275 121 8—39 I I fl I“ H H H ”I H WOO—L499 Bl ‘
Charleston (5. C.—1—4)_, 128 12711—39 I
Columbus (GarI72—A). 1041 1242—39 I
Corpus Christi Tcx.— I l500—I999
S—l—R Pt. 11)_____._____ 21 12—13739 l 8 fl 8' H n ' ‘ B E I
CorpusRChristi (Tex.— I
8—2— )_____.___.~_.__.__,_ 210 12+13—39 I .
C .. , I HHHMHHIMBI ennnnnnnnnnr,
OI‘pUS Chl‘lStl (TeX— I .Dwellmqlmlhpevmnvuluusollesslhun $550 excludad I
8—3—R ..__-_._.._________. 100 12—13~°9
Fall River (313.55,— U I Each Symbol Represents 500.000 Families Each Symbol Represents |00.000 Units I
6-1) 354 12— 1-39 I . . . .. _ 0 mm, m, ,e 1
Great Falls (Monte S°“’C°“ZFF'.";“J.ZZZI1213351173233.§°§fi"$i'al"§tmcii‘2SIT?“5239554113333913.3.6332'2’34.Elsa lymEaure'ut oILabov macaw I
2—1)________.._________,___, 156 12+15~39 I cover years 829-1938. I
Laredo (Tex—ll—l)....,, 272 12— 8—39 ‘ fl ”5,. I a n I
Meridian (Miss.—4—l)__,, 89 12— 6—39 I 5:773],flZfi‘,;l’,‘;”,,m,,,, 5:45;; smaflii‘, 2/7313; I
New Haven (Conn.— I—_7’J#_iirw “#1-.. ,.l,_~#,.#___._ifl_l
4—])__.____________.__.__.. 460 12—19739
Oakland ECalif.~3~)2)____ 154 12—é3—39
Paducah ,l\'y.—G*1 m... 125 11~ 8—39 . . - ~ ' '

- 111es those With 1ncomes of 2 000 or
lijiiigggtia(ii<‘ifa—§g—2i)w 158 iiiijg only 2257000 Unlts Billlt over)( Almost half of all iew con-
£ittslfnrglr(Pa.(—(1~1§1I__,. 1, 758 1242—39 For Ten Million Families 3111:3311((3438:)?‘332 “is aimtcidat
can Iranmsco ‘ai .— e e“ e mi les VI 1 111—

1-2-11)«-------—--------—» 472 11—23439 The great discre anc between 0- 0 ~
Savannah (Ga.—2—3)-_,__ 330 12—18—39 . “’1 . p y «p comes 0f $0900 01" 0‘79“
Toledo (Ohio—6+2)“,____, 112 11-28139 tential iousmg demand and actual
—“——’—————‘— private housing production is strik— C - - .
- - - . . onstruction Re ort Anal 518
Ed Openmgs Tentat‘vely SChEduledl ingly illustrated by the above chart. p y
Localnuthorityand Number Dnteofbid According to National Resources During the week ended November
1)“”I°”“"mh°r ““1” 0pm"? Committee estimates, almost 60 per- 17, two new projects were added to
Alleghcnv Co. (Pa.— cent of America’s urban families had those under construction—216 units
642)) 288 1248—39 incomes of under $1,500 a year in in Wilmington, N. C., and 1,531 units
‘ . . ar_ 0 ' a 7 _ . . . .
Iliflfgfgllf‘gfifé1422i); £8 Iggfigggg 1939—36. Only about 14 percent of in New York City. The addition of
Meridian (NIiss.~4—4)_,,, 89 1249739 all housing units built during the de— the new projects brought the total
30‘" 0mm“ (1435103)” 916 12‘19’39 cade 1929 to 1938, however, were number of dwellings now under con—
New Orleans (La—1+5) 903 1249739 available to the some 10,000,000 fami— struction to 51,053. The average
:3:“fiIILDEiEEI‘MQJEfL 1'35 1251939 lies in this income group. At the over-all cost of new housing per unit
1" n 750 12—19—39 other end of the scale, 74 percent of showeda slight increase, but the aver—
mm... ,. ”5,1,1“, ".3‘J-<1=1-" I,(.,.,0,1',H,,“.m,p bid Mwmm the new housing units were built for age net construction cost per unit
gang:,rg,I;";3;;:;~;;.g3.1:,$13,157,,{Igdwm 5“““'" “9"“ 26 percent of the Nation’s urban fam- remained unchanged.
Weekly Construction Report ,
Item Week ended Week ended Percentage
November 17, 1939 November 10, 1939 change
Number of projects under construction,-_,,___,V_,__,__c__,_____,,_fl_d_______,,_ 122 120 +1.67
Number of dwellings under construction__-,__—m,_,__,______,____,_V________,V 51,053 49,306 +3.54
Total estimated over-all cost 1 of new housmg $234,340,000 $226,150,000 +3.62
Average over—all cost 1 of new housing per umt__ $4,590 $4,587 +0.07
Average net construction cost? per unit $2,891 $2,891 No change
1 Includes: (a) Building the house, including structural costs and plumbing, heating, and electrical installation; (b) dwelling equip-
ment, architects’ fees, local administrative expenses, financial charges during construction, and contingency expenses; (c) land for pres—-
ent development; (d) nondwelling facilities.
2 The cost of building the house, including structural, plumbing, heating, and electrical costs. . '
Publication is approved by the Director, Bureau of the Budget. as required by rule 42 of the Joint Committee on Printing.
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, VVashing‘ton, D. C. Subscription price $1 domestic, foreign $1.80 per year. Single copies, 5 cents.
Material for PUBLIC HOUSING should be addressed to Informational Service Division, U. S. Housing Authority, Washington, D. C.