xt74f47gtb9k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74f47gtb9k/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2008 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 2008 Vol.79 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, July 2008 Vol.79 No.7 2008 2008 2019 true xt74f47gtb9k section xt74f47gtb9k Per. Dept
4700 KPA will embrace new Kentucky Press Association PRE-SOR/F STANDARD f C i C) -n l
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See page 3 e p E“; 5:1? En) ,
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Cheap training for papers 8
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VOL. 79-JULY 2008- NUMBER7 W ° ypress°co ' .
People and Papers i.
, , Journalists, postal servrce honor Ieadrng vorce in the effective use of marl 3.
Ron FIIkIns, Bardstown .
. as Max Heath steps down from day-to—day newspaper duties 3
publisher, KPA Board 3
member, passes away I d k fi t 0 2‘:
Ron Filkins, publisher of The a n m a r g u re re I r e s
Kentucky Standard in Bardstown f
and KPA/ KPS Board of Director for BY JOHN WHITLOCK
D‘Stmt 5' pass“ away June 25 at KPA News BUREAU ;. ei’fiw MM . 7
Filkins, 57' had been publisher Of With the announcement he would ‘ l $1,“ ‘ let i at
The Standard Since 2002, coming to be retiring l u n e 30 as a vice p r e si- , , : x . ; , ‘ 2;“ “wigs . ,
Kentucky after being publisher _ Of dent with Landmark Community 4;; ,, w . " ,. H 32 “ .1
the Perry County New in Tell City, Newspapers Inc., Max Heath has been 3» 7"" .‘ . . , V .1 a 2’} a
'* IN., and serving on the Hoosier State drawing praise for his commitment . ‘1 g ' 2 w 22.5%“: .“ j'
lites: AziS-ocitatgon Board Of Directors. educating newspapers across the coun- , » , '2: 2 ll 2 g; i 2 '2’
e a .1115 een %% try about the ins and outs of the US. , 2' ’ ., . 5 g?_ "f ‘ . 2 f
elected in January ,, Postal Service. , ~. 2, :2 m...
ihreehlysearsectoerri A native of Campbensvine, Heath 4 ' '1
1'... we» , graduated from Campbellsvflle “em/isflr , 'e .’
En the KPA/ KPS 5%? ego??? College and began his journalism $1::¢%fiz§gf:§?%hfl ‘3
A onzgzvalsQSOOI'r1 2 2, j 2. tor of the Central Kentucky News. gig/«ZWMQQ . ,2
Cug. .1 ’ Bl ffm - He later served as managing editor, ”5:,53’335 ,. , . 2 2' ' 2, 5;
I ounc1H u S’ 5;, editor and general manager of CKN] flg’mflflflgfifii :1
owa. e was a for more than a decade before bein a3‘wM% 37%;? " , I: » f
1968 raduate 0f RON g flanfl/wa‘WM . -
Th g ff named vice president and executive {ghee/“”hgfl’aQ/ . V, ;"
HOE“? I: elrso: FILKINS producer of LCNI in Shelbyville. . /;’ia;:~:/fl ~. 1:» E,
1 1g HC 00 d Heath’s career is marked with ”023/;ng .1 '- '- f ;_
owa. e earne . . achievements and recognition from his ,//~w~ '
hls undergraduate degree in hlstory peers and the public :. Mascarasww .
and journalism at the State College Heath served sevén years as chair WMWWWWMW”aw“...,..m,.¢..sVW”,W”Wm”...W4- MWWWMWN,.....,,,,W...W.W..mwas .,,..4.,,.,..- ‘-
Of Arkansas and received hls MAZm of the postal committee of National '
Communications at the UniverSity Newspaper Association which award- Brenda Lea, left. senior accountant for Landmark Community Newspapers Inc., and Max
of Iowa. ed him its President’s Award in 1989 Heath share a laugh during a retirement reception for them. Max has been with LCNI 39 L:
He began his newspaper career Ambassador Award in 1992 and presti- years and Brenda celebrates 38 years with the company. Pam Gray was also honored during 7
delivering papers in COUHCil Bluffs gious Amos Award for service in 1994. the reception, retiring after 21 years with Landmark. "
for The Daily Nonpareil. In Bald He is also a former president of f”
Knob, Ark., he Single—handedly Kentucky Press Associationand _ . 2
published the Bald Knob Banner named most valuable member in 1985 advocate for the newspaper industry Will be glad, too, because they know
which was the beginning of his and 1988 He was also reco nized for and his knowledge of postal system is that he's not going to let them rest 2
career in community journalism. He his dedication to communitg service unmatched. until they fix newspaper deliveries
then honed his skills in Perryton, b the KP A in 1992 y ”We know that where Max and and arrange the system so we can con-
Texas working under the leader— y Heath was elected to the Kentuck postal issues meet, the Energizer tinue to serve readers,” Rush said. “I
ship of Harold Hudson, publisher Journalism Hall of Fame in 1998 y Bunny has met his match,” Rush said. count on Max on a daily basis to work
of The Perryton Herald. Ron joined But des ite the awards it's Heath’s ”So we’re delighted to know that as with me on postal policy and would '-
Southern Newspapers and worked commitmelnt to h el in others that Max’s relationship with his company be lost without him. The industry
in Dumas and Seguin, Texas, then ins ires and arnerIs); regs e ct withi n moves into transition, he’s still going owes him a great tribute and also owes
joined Landmark Communications, th epn e w s a egr i n d u st r 21nd the 0stal to be working with NNA member its thanks to Landmark for supporting
Inc. in 1996 where he worked in Tell service 13 p y p newspapers with his usual enthusi- his work these many years.” 2‘
City, Ind. for the The Perry County Tond a Rush the director of ublic asm.” Marc D. McCreary of the US. Postal
policy for the National N ewspfper Rush said respect for Heath extends Service said Heath not only impresses
See PEOPLE on Pa e 2 Association, said Heath is a tireless beypnd the newspaper industry. 2 S HEATH Pa e 6
g ’ Our friends in the postal world 69 on g

 Page 2 oThe Kentucky Press . July 2008
P A S S I N G S -
Edna Flener www. ypress.com
Edna Mae Flener, 96, a long—time columnist with the Butler County Banner, has T H E M o N T H L Y P U B L I C A T I 0 N 0 F T H E , .. d5
passed away. he
Flener wrote the Cromwell Society News for the Banner and the Ohio County K E N T U C K Y P R E S S A: S S. O C I A T: O N
‘ Messenger, often under the name Mrs. Boyce Flener. a 1
Funeral services were held at the Green River Baptist Church in Cromwell. KentUCky Press ASSOCIatlon Offlcers It
President - Taylor Hayes District 10 - Cheryle Walton ah
_.___.—____—___——_ Kentucky New Era Beattyville Enterprise :1;
PEOPLE HOpkmSVllle District 11 — Willie Sawyers -
_ President-Elect — Edmund London Sentinel Echo tei
continued from page 1 Shelby District 12— Donna Carma'n in
Jackson Times Case Count News In
News and in Bardstown for The Kentucky the paper 36 years (24 > y y P9
Standard and PLG-13. as general manager , Vice President _ Chip District 13 - Wayne Snow 1n
Ron was a Rotarian for three decades and publisher) recently : , ,_ Hutcheson _ Princeton Times— Lexington Herald—Leader K]
and was a Paul Harris Fellow. He was announced his retire- ; , Leader _ ' _ “ 1 m‘
on the board of the Kentucky Press ment, effective June 30. DIStr'Ct l4 “ 503“ C- Schurz Jr.
Association, Kentucky Child Now, The Donna Carman, who 2%: - , Treasurer- Dennis Hetzel Advocate Messenger P1
SNtephen Foster Drama Assoc1at10n and has been w1th the Casey : g Kentucky EanIrer State At-Large )u.
elCASA. He was a member of the paper for 27 years (the s; . 2;; Covmgton , W-
Bardstown United Methodist Church, the last 10 as editor) will is“) g John Mura ' Courier-Journal ca
Society of Professional Journalists and the take over as general W m / ”l PaSt President ‘ Kriss Johnson ROb McCullough ' Morehead it,
Bernheim Arboretum Research Forest. manager. RANDALL Lexington Herald-Leader NEWS fu
”Ron not only was a skilled manager Vaught worked his VAUGHT d f . Mark Van Patten -
for LCNI but also a good friend,” said Don way up, holding a num- B_°a.r o D'reCtors Bowling Green Daily News 7 ha
Porterfield, regional manager and new re'v- ber of different positions » D'StrICt l _ Loyd Ford . Dennis Hetzel _ Kentucky C(
enue director for Landmark Community under former owner and . . . The Lake News! Calvert Clty Enquirer DC
Newspapers Inc., ”I always looked for— publisher Burkhard. He t; I. , District 2 _ Ryan Craig Division Chairman pr
ward to our time together regardless 0f the tOOk 0Ver daY'te'daY Todd County Standard News Editorial Division - Mike .
Siwaiéonfissil .Will. miss. him. sites-fly .It- operation of the Paper . " ' '3 ... . Alexieff Bewlin G D i m-
. gives me personal satisfaction at this time in 1984. '3'" ”I“ "‘7‘“: "5“ ' Vi , ‘ 2‘" ' District 3 - DaVid DiXon ' ~ .. > ’ ,9: men a‘I‘y . 0t
of sorrow to be able to say that 'Ron‘and I. Carman, who'lfa-s‘al‘so ‘ " "7 5 ‘ Thé Henderson GIEaner‘ ' ' '7' _ .Newsf . _ i _ ’1’" ' 20
talked about our faith often. This is a big held a number of posi- .3 _ _ Advertismg D'V'Slon _ ENC th
loss t0 those that worked with him and tions at the paper type- District 4 —JeffJobe Ballerstedt, Oldham Era .
friends close to him. setter, circulation man- * DONNA Butler County Banner Circulation Division — Jamie in'
Survivors include his wife Dr. Kathleen ager, reporter took over CARMEN District 5 _ Sizemore, Elizabethtown News in‘
Filkins of Bardstown and his daughter as editor in 1998. Enterprise
Rachael Turner of Ashland Associates Division _ re:
A memorial service was held June 30 at 0 ' 0 0 0 District 6 - Julie Satterly Helen Carroll _ Toyota Motor th
the Rotunda of My Old Kentucky Home, Mark Ivancic has been named Kentucky Oldh am Era Manufacturing in,
In lieu of flowers, expressions of sym- Enquirer editor. . . PI
pathy may take the form of contributions Ivancic has been with The Enquirer DlStrlCt 7 ‘ Kelley warnle Journalism Education W:
to The Stephen Foster Drama Association, since 1996, first as business editor and later Gallatin County News Representatives Ch
Kentucky Child Now, or The Society of as page 1 editor, night city editor and as a D' . 8 B b H d . k Stan MCKlnney _
Professional Journalists (Louisville Pro bureau chief. He previously worked at the 'StnCt _ 9 en “C son Campbellsville University
:hapter). Wichita Eagle, the Orlando Sentinel, the MaySVIlle Ledger Pat Moynahan
On June 27, the Kentucky Senate passed Dallas Times Herald and Miami Herald in Independent Northern Kentucky [University ‘ F
1 resolution honoring Filkins and his work a variety of reporting and editing roles. District 9 _ Loretta Tackett General Counse|s ,
1s a journalist and in the community. He replaces Dianne Gebhardt—French, Appalachian News-Express Jon Fleischaker, Ashley Pack,
who was named assistant managing edi- Dinsmore & Shohl AI
0 ' C ' ' tor/ community publishing where she is 0f
. res onsible for overseein user-submitted . . f0]
vaught retlres after 36 conIient at all The Enquirger’s publications . KentUCky Pr'eSS ASSOCIatIQn Staff 0g
and Web sites. DaVId T. Thompson, Executive Marketing Coordinator ' se:
years Casey County News . . . . . . Director Sue Cammack, Administrative av
Iobe Publishing employee Lesia Bonnie Howard, Controller ASSIStant . . de
One lon _ t d' t Th C L d h d th Off‘ Teresa Revlett, Director of Sales Rachel McCarty, Advertismg t
g S an mg era a e asey ogs on was onore as e 1ce David Greer Member Services Assistant 9.
County News Will end In June and another Professronal of the Year at the Hart County Diiector Holl Willard IN AN Business Clerk Bi.
will begin as Casey’s award-winning news- Chamber of Commerce’s annual Office John Whitlock News Bureau Ash)lee Marston Tearsheet Clerk
paper moves toward a managerial change. See PEOPLE on Page 1 2 Director 1.. se:
Randall Vaught, who has been Wlth David Spencer, New Media Staff members, officers and direc- Er
Administrator tors may be reached by e—mail using me
o o Buffy Sams, Bookkeeping the individual's first initial, full last f
Newsprint usage down in March Asssssn nsmsskypsesstsm. r;
Stephanie Conrad, Research/ 0A]
Newsprint consumption was down 15.2 percent in March 2008 compared with March The Kentucky Press (Permit #478) is published monthly by the Kentucky si<
2007, according t0 the National Newspaper Association of America. Press Association/Kentucky Press Service, Inc. Third Class postage is paid wr
Final inventories averaged a 45 day supply at the end of March 2008, compared with at Frankfort, Ky. 40601, Subscription price is $8 per year. Postmaster: Send av
43 days a year earlier. change of address to The Kentucky Press, 101 Consumer Lane, Frankfort, mt
There were five Sundays in March 2008 and only four in March 2007. KY, 40601, (502) 223—8821.

 The Kentucky Press - July 2008 - Page 3 f f
anges may e on e orlzon
w. ‘ what 13 gentlemen talked about on Jan. 13, 1869, i: .
C _ . . e in downtown Frankfort. f
hange. You’ve heard it all during pres1— On S e co n d Thou ht 3% tit. That was when KP A was formed, a ”soci- i
, .. dential Primary season and you’re hearing it 9 - f,/ , , ety” for newspaper people around the state. I - i
here. . _ , . g 32%; wondered if they envisioned a day of selling $5 ;
Elsewhere in this month 5 Kentucky Press 15 BY DAVID THOMPSON 4' million in advertising, of 600 people attending .. l
a new column, wrltten by Dr. Darryl Armstrong. v a convention, of lobbying the legislature being :
itbis 113123237013 11:;2320‘3 o‘h‘ lion“?! “”13 KPA Executive Director .1 so important, of days when the newspaper was ;
a on , an .' n 1t 18 a out our _ d and wasn’t printed on paper, for some offered 5
future. It 11 be publlshed monthly for the next . , both the printed and the electronic version. 5'
few months. The board spent five hours w1th Darryl on That was 139 ears a o This strat e i c lan- if
' KPA/K135 President Taylor Hayes submit- May 23 and Will Spend many more hours in ning rocess isn't, desi ged to think ofgwlleat the 3:
ted an idea to the board last fall that KPA/ KPS the future. And besides the board, a committee medil: will be like in 237 But it is desi ed to 3 »
undertake a strategic planning process dur- Will be meeting monthly. He also spent a couple see what KPA /KPS should be in three tgnfi
ing his year at the helm. KPA needed this, not 0t hours With two groups of KPA/ KPS staff, years ve 3% '
because KPA requires change, but because the involving them in the process. After all, whatev- - ,
industry is changing. Rapidly. Thus KPA and er this plan develops, it will be the staff bearing . . . . . 7
KPS probably need to change to make sure we most Of the responsibility 0t getting it done. It was from Dec 22 1959 Sli htl ellowed
meets the needs of our member newspapers. One thing this exercise could lead to is a new but still in ver 06d sha e ' g y y
‘. We went through what was called a strategic name, a new structure for KPA and KPS At a Five or six grges a eaIr) the u old u s” from ,i
planning process about 13 years ago. That was time when some state ”press” associations are the 1965 Geor etown l—Ii h senior clgssy et 3 i
l‘iSt a one—day session With Jim Bryant, then changing their names to ”newspapers associa- together to taltlec about rgwin u all thge trou- ii
With Landmark community Newspapers, Inc. it tion,” KPA could move away from either name ble ”the ” (I never did? et in§0 I:md the sill i
came during a KPA Fall Board Retreat and from and become a media 01' new media 01‘ even things Vile did g ' y i i
itr the board came up With 62 ideas to shape the multi-media association. At our lastigatherin Herndon Price brou ht i 5
future of the Kentucky Press Association. NOt because we want to reflect a new opera- 3 co of that issue of tgllle Geor etown Newsg ‘ .
Most of those 62 items were implemented or tion bUt because that's the way the industry we M th news a er la out andi e have i it
' had been by the time the retreat was finished. represent, we work for, is changing. MOSt 0t you cthged in thdesep48 eirs p i :- .
Compared to what the board is going through no longer are lUSt newspapers. Each of the 10 or l2 gathered that da had
now, that wasn’t close to a strategic planning AS Darryl POihtS out, you're more an ”infor- our name in that issue because we all 1);; ed :?
process. mation source" now because Of the internet and Little League basketball in Geor etowh 'lyhere '5 i
This one Wiii take months 0t discussion, your website. And because some are developing were six or ei ht teams and it “is the first ear i
a ihPUt from board, from staff, from you, from niche publications. of little leagueg basketball We talked about the 5i t
_ , . others and hopefully by Oct. 31 at the end of the That’s lUSt a possibility right now. Ahd so local retailers that sponsored each team and the .5
”i ' 2008 Fall Board Retreat, we’ll have a picture of ' is everything else. Perhaps there won’t be two colors of the t-shirts for each team it es
the KPA'Ot tomorrow. companies, as at present With KP A and With! There was 'a story about a uarter a e i
. The process actually began with you KPS. It could be combined into one. Or maybe about the games thelp r evi ou setiatur dap $011 E ‘
involved. Darryl put together a brief but we’ll evaluate all the member services, concen- c a n’t make a story on Little League b aZketball i ,
involved survey about KPA- trate on those we do best and the ones used award-winning but it didn’t matter how well it :t .
Typically, any survey we do of any kind most by you and refocus what we offer. Maybe was written. ' - " .
results in no better than a 30-perCent return. For there Will be membership status for online Because within that story every one of us
this effort, 84 responded. That was encourag- newspapers. _ _ _ , had our name in the paper ih the box score and “
ing. Many were complimentary 0t their state It .5 really an exc1t1ng time. Challengmg em in the story for those who were a team’s leading i
press association; others pointed out areas exc1t1ng. scorers in the game. :3
where more emphasis or, here’s that word again, When I readied the staff for what to expect in 'i, ‘
change, is needed. ‘ their meetings with Darryl, I wondered aloud See THOMPSON on Page 4 I»
o o o o o o -
, - First Amendment Center InVItIng nominatlons for award .;
The Scripps Howard First The Madison Award will honor The nominator must submit a letter ners and the director of the Scripps
Amendment Center at the University those who have labored or taken a identifying the nominee, listing the Howard First Amendment Center. I
of Kentucky is inviting nominations stand in one or more of these areas: nominee’s address, phone number and The director may select two more
for its James Madison Award to rec— open government and open records; position, and explaining why the nom- members of the committee, as appro—
ognize a Kentuckian for outstanding robust debate in the marketplace of inee would be a worthy recipient. The priate. The committee will have the
service to the First Amendment. The ideas; promotion of the watchdog role letter should detail ., . . 9‘, . option of not selecting a recipient if
award honors the nation’s fourth presi- of the press; against government or the specific efforts H i V ' I“ i' it does not believe any candidate is ’f
dent, whose extraordinary efforts led private censorship. taken on behalf of e“ deserving.
to the passage and ratification of the Honorees do not have to be jour— First Amendment ”it“ Nominees not elected initially will
k Bill of Rights. nalists. The Scripps Howard First rights and should “l ”:‘f automatically be considered for two :}
_ The James Madison Award for Amendment Center encourages recog— discuss obstacles 23% ”4" more yearS. .5
‘ service to the First Amendment hon— nition of those outside the journalism and difficulties as e i =’ The postmark deadline for nomn
_ ors someone with significant ties to profession for their contributions to well as the impact i inations is July 31. Nominations '1‘
__ Kentucky whose efforts have resulted protect or expand First Amendment of the nominee’s should be sent to the Scripps Howard '
g in the preservation or expansion of freedoms. Nominees may include, for efforts. The nomi— W First Amendment Center, Grehan
freedom of the press and / or freedom example, educators, lawyers, judges, nator may include MIKE Building, School of Journalism and 5'?
of speech. Dedication to the First scholars, librarians, students, or ordi- up to three letters of FARRELL Telecommunications, Lexington, Ky.,
Amendment principle of free expres- nary citizens. The most deserving support as well as 40506—0042. 1
5y sion is not accomplished in a day's recipient will be someone who has other materials such For more information, contact Mike "
d work but rather a lifetime. Thus the made a significant contribution regard- as published or broadcast information. Farrell, director of the Scripps Howard
d award recognizes a long-term commit- less of how much public attention it Entries will be reviewed by a com- First Amendment Center at (859) 257-
t, ment to such ideals. has received. mittee that will include previous win- 4848.

 . _ . ,. . . 71‘ , ‘1‘. ., ..l 1,, , “"..~-s.~. ",V«»« «A- , .i
g Page 4 - The Kentucky Press . July 2008
I formation is key to strategic planning E
strate lC Plannin s able doing so and are thanked for their input.
‘ I g 9 st Seventh, organizations are always composed of
he Kentucky Press Association’s decision * so hi talented Psohle wtlhOItWhen thlfy fegifghey are m'llkdo ]
i ' to under 0 strate ic lannin is not only a timely “ % mg C011 1'1 u 101‘s a can ma e a 1 erence, W1 .
project itgis also tlgie rijght thifig to do at the right BY l.. DARRYL ARMSTRONG hi; 1‘ so. These employees once they see their input being i, e di
; time. Never before in the history of the newspaper Guest Columnist egg? C0nSidered nnd used when pOSSible Will become But i
business has the industry faced so many profound 3Ws ' . more. energized, interested and valuable to the orga- per i
changes in such a short period of time. 1 nization 1n the process. . char
2 The first step in such a process is that of informa- . " . Eighth, organizations both for profit and non- cell 1
i tion and data gathering. That process is well under- own paceiand assume control 0f its own destiny the profit are notorious for not running their busmess taint
way. Members who wished to respond to the sur- change Will be forced upon it by internal and exter- like a busmess. Department budgets, goals and cost
vey, the Board and staff of KPA have all provided “31 feeters- metrics must be established and managers niust. B-
l input. Third, the excuse that :Vtie can’t do that because manage these criteria while motivating and inspir- acro
However, I want to emphasize that as the con- we 10h l have the mzhei'd ls hOt acceptable. MOhfly 1ng their- people. Budgets, goals ahdilfietrles must for e
sultant assisting in this project I am open to input at can e reprogramml: It 0 e; programs sunset, an be built in a collaborative process w1t sgnlilor man- I’ve
any stage throughout the process and 1 am encour— new programs C311 6 este t0 secure DEW sources agement. Such criteria cannot be success u y built theii
i aging that. Of fundmgs . . H fit the top and handed down: Once this process 18 seen
5 Please don’t hesitate to share it with me by send- Fourth, the inevitable excuse 0f we have always inculcated into the organization employees at all b u d‘
ing me an e-mail at drdarryl@aol.com or calling me done it this way” Shhply won’t stand against the levels Will have more ”buy-in” and Will perform at on ti
‘: at 1.888.340.2006. I will ensure anonymity if you forces Of change. Taking COthI 0f your dEShhy as a higher level because they have been part Of the a t
E wish. Being open and candid during the informa- an organization requires taking at least calculated process, Sap
. tion sharing is critical. risks and often times new programs Will have to Ninth, job descriptions and expectations tied 3];
Over the next few weeks we will be carefully be tweaked and restructured more than once to to measurable criteria with incentives have to be t H
reviewing all the input we receive. I will in subse— achieve new outcomes: _ developed and fOllOWEd for any organization to :e‘;
quent columns share with you the major findings . Flfthl If an organization does the same Fhlhg and ultimately “exceed the need”. .
that we believe could impact the future of KPA and SlmPIY labels It With a new name _1t “(111 Still get_ Tenth, successful orgamzatlons and the people , .
the future of the industry as a whole. the same outcomes. That 19: organizational insanity. that work in them understand their customers, their lied"-
There are 10 parameters that all organizations Staying invested in a program just because we have customers’ expectations and are always Willing to Its {1
i that are undergoing change must accept at the out— always had the program and done it a certain way continuously improve their operations to keep their eXCh
i set if they are to be successful in the strategic plan— leads to self-deception thUt reality. . . customers satisfied. 15 to
njng process. , SlXth, most fill contributors In an organization Finally, plans that result from such a process are kho‘
First, organizations must accept the reality that have Valuable ideas that ShOUld be thoughtfully always resilient, flexible and can be easily tweaked ab01
change is inevitable. considered during the change process. They Will and modified as needed. The}
Second, if an organization doesn’t change at its share those ideas assuming that they feel comfort- We look forward to being of assistance to KPA. schrlo
__.______———__._.____________.____________________________—_ I; ers x
' V ’ and
; . .- THOMPSON that
: West Kentucky Press Assoaation Confinuedfmmpages
i brov
3 0 The story also included the league stand- wicl
2 Ch a n 9 es n a m e to In CI u d e at h e rs ings, the schedule for the next week, and usm
the top 10 scorers for the first six games of (111?
l , _ , , , . the season. None of it was in agate type or ti
_ Organization Will now be called t Sigiizgggerfiabrd 0; dlrec- either. 1-
5 - - - or ’ a oar mem~ ”w As I read throu h the stor , it dawned on te e
; WEST KentUCky MEd la ASSOClathfl bers Will serve staggered three- s“ me that today theri wouldn’ty be a quarter thel
2 year terms. . .5” page devoted to Little League basketball,
E The West Kentucky Media Association, formerly WKMA PIESIdhht 'Rae l” with every boy’s/ girl’s name listed in the __
: known as the West Kentucky Press Association, met Wagoner and-Ford lWlll continue ,s “Vi???” a b oxs core, with league stan dings and the
1 recently to reform, reorganize and reinvigorate the to serve until thell' terms end ‘ i . W fish"; schedule and top 10 leading scorers. And a I
: organization. Dec-31, 2009 While WKMA Vice , N f 10 or 12 year old today probably won’t be e
, Treasurer Loyd Ford of The Lake News presented PreSident Jared . Nelson 0f the it} ; 3 ”5,; carrying around a copy of this week’s news-
{ information about the group’s reorganization includ- TimeS-Leader will serv1ce until ' , 2% paper 49 years from now to show his /her
i ing the new dues structure($25 for individuals, $50 his terms ends in 2010. ' - friends. B e
i for companies), and the opening of membership to Newly elected board mem— RAE We asked Herndon Why in the world
i persons outside of the newspaper industry. bers Include Sarah Craig of the WAGONER he kept that one issue of the Georgetown C
”We have to recognize that this organization is TOdd County Standard and Amie News. All the others-were long discarded, Task
. for networking,” Ford said. “and we need to invite Waltrip 0f. the McLean County maybe as soon as his parents read them. 1y tc
people from the hospitals, schools, government and NeWS- Their terms Wlll also end Herndon responded, ”You know what. men
3 other businesses to join us.” 1n 2019- . 3:5 That’s the only time in my life that my first on tl
. WKMA members are encouraged to nominate Chlp Hutcheson 0f the Times- .5 , and last name appeared in a sports story.” a ”c
i their contacts for membership in the organization. Leader shared information with .. Hern d on had scored two points for his tion
. Ford has worked diligently to register WKMA with the group about the upcoming ’ a]? i team and his name was in the story. His last '_
the appropriate governmental agencies and to relo— postal increase for periodicals 3, name only was in the boxscore. He’s kept from
. cate the group's finances after the tragic and untime- and hOW newspapers can save ‘ f that one issue all these years. Just because 0f 1
i 1y death of long-time treasurer Jed Dillingham. on postage and get. newspapers t “ , his full name was in a sports story. Besl
Ford wants the group to offer more that just net- mailed to the“ deShhahOhS fast— 5 .1 He made a copy for each of us because mad
working though. er. , , our name was in there, either in the story or VlSl‘
, ”We need training, training on web design, on Hutcheson also Cited infor- LOYD the box score. But he held tightly onto that T
, IndeSign, and more,” Ford said. mation from Max Heath at the FORD original page because there was his name. led l
Members voted to suspend any non-reorganiza- National Newspaper Assoc1at10n Do you have any story this week about in J;
tional expenditures for the immediate future and and the NNA 5 fight against h1gh~ a local kid that would make them want to proc
concentrate on recruiting more interested parties and er postal rates on behalf of its carry around a copy of your paper 49 years data
charting a course for the future. members. from now? men

The Kentucky Press . July 2008 - Page 5 l '
Ed't ' It ' ' b d t
I orla ralnlng on a ll ge
; ;:
Oh by the Way and company pohc1es. We wandered through the l .
. . l ' ' ' “ paper and I Introduced them to people in eve 2
t’s been 10 years smce I last had the tltle ”* ff (:1 t t Th h‘ h d d Ill, 1
“editor” attached to my name in any newspaper. fit if fipar mtehn ' en Wet I: t e Far an it rioth em
But I still look back at that part of my newspa— BY DAVID GREER 9/? :ndweh e 1comm1t1n1ty o tpelie optdt he an rrliark; l
per career with great fondness. Technology has . 1} 0 er p aces 0 1h eresw. rea e .t em to unc
changed substantially in the past decade — in 1998, KPA Director Of " and asked about their family and the“ personal
cell phones were only slightly smaller than con- Member SerVIces LA mtrewwrlegflsl had another re rter h th h ’.
tainers of oatmeal and high-end digital cameras . , P0 s 0W em ow 9
cost as much or more than midsized cars. and usmg the phone 15 the only way to meet dead- to use the newsroom computer system. Making a a
But one thing hasn’t changed in newsrooms line. And in this time of rising energy costs, using good impressmn on a new employee was time well
across Kentucky and the nation and that’s the need the phone is more affordable than driving all over spent. . _ _ - . :_
for editorial staff training. Nearly all journalists the county to gather news in person. . Pomtlng out .e Here- in the paper IS a neces—
I’ve worked with want to get better and improve We faced this same issue at Che Of my papers. sary part of an ed1tor s Jeb but one that should be .
their skills and that often means training. But it Gas wasn’t all that expensive at the time but we handled Wlth thoughtfulness. Stomp mg into the -
seemed, at least in my experience, that the training covered a very big county. Sending a reporter to newsroom ahd screaming something about morons
budget was always small and the time to spend some outlylng communities meant a 50-mile round and stupld mlstakes in the same sentence 15 “Of ,
on training was even smaller. Getting that darned trip or more. Instead, relying on the phone made part of the blelst practlces for edltors manual. I can -.
paper out every week or every day or every other sense. But 1t’s hard for reporters to establlsh a asshrle Ytou; i“- d 1 ful f . h' h
day always got in the way. good rapport w1th sherlff s deputies, flreflghters, hns ea , ma e awp ay game 0 1tww 1c i
But here are some training regimens that I tried pollce, small town mayors and counc1l members got t e pomt across Wlthoht hurtlng feelings “QEd' ; .
at little cost and without too much time taken from and others by using only the phone. l