xt74f47gt968 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74f47gt968/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1990-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, June 1990 text GLSO News, June 1990 1990 1990-06 2019 true xt74f47gt968 section xt74f47gt968 NEWS 1990 ) L5 (fl
5 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
from GLSO NEWS Staff
President George Bush si ned the Hate hotline was not "mandated" to collect such
Crimes Statistics Act at a pubiic ceremon on information.
April 23, i990. It is the first federal legisfation NGLTF notified Representative Barney Frank,
to include sexual orientation ever signed into Rep. Gerry Studds and Sen. Paul Simon of the
law. The ceremony also marked the first time roblem. Members of the coalition which
gay and lesbian activists had been invited to lbbbied for the Hate Crimes Act, including the
such an event. Anti-Defamation League and People for the
During the signing ceremony Bush explained American Wa , were contacted and lent their
that the Act orders the Attorney General to support. Folllowing intense pressure from the
collect information on "crimes motivated by lawmakers and coalition members, the hotline
religion, race, ethnicity or sexual orientation.I agreed to track such incidents.
The US. Senate passed the bill on February 8, The hotline is operated by the US.
after defeating an anti-gay amendment Department of Justice (DOJ) Community Relations
proposed by Sen. Jesse He rns (R-NC). The Service and was established to help the DOJ
ouse had passed the bill last year. mediate and conciliate incidents of hate
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force violence. It is not a substitute for the formal
(NGLTF) began lobbying for the legislation four data collection effort' victims must still report
years ago and deve oped a diverse coalition of crimes to the local police.
su port. NGLTF hailed the event as a major The relevance of the Act is being questioned
miiiastone in the national and rassroots lesbian by some who are not affiliated with NGLTF.
and gay movement. NGLTl-g was invited to Writing in The Advocate, Dave Walter
bring seven people to the ceremony. "The suggests, "Some Capitol Hill activists might claim
team we brought to the White House represents that the federal law will serve as a model that
the team-effort NGLTF marshaled to pass this will spark le islative actions on the state level.
historic bill,’I commented NGLTF's Peri Jude This is wishfiii thinking. Furthermore, when the
Radecic. "The critical players in the passing of first batch of federal hate-crimes statistics is
the bill were grassroots political organizations, released, the figures will undoubtedly understate
gay Republican roups, survivors of anti-ga the actual number of crimes against gays.
and lesbian vicfience, Con ressional staff Homo hobes like Helms will run around saying,
members, sup ortive members 0% Congress, and '| toldp you so,’ while ay activists are busy
an extremef; inclusive coalition of law explaining the myriad reasons why the
authorities, people of color, Jewish groups and gay-relate numbers are too low, the primary
other organizations." reason being that many gay-bashing victims
Althou h not required by the Act, Bush refuse to filea lice report.|
announceg at the ceremony, "that today the Lesbian andpgay victims of hate crimes are
Department of Justice has established a new therefore urged to re rt incidents to the local
toll-free phone number for reporting complaints olice, and, to RR: national hotline at
of these hate crimes." Activists later discovered T-800-347-HATE. it is open 24 hours, seven
that operators would not take information on days a week. Beginning with this issue, the
” ay bashings" and religious-related reports. National Hate Crimes number will a or on
Ogificials claimed that since sexual orientation is the "DIRECTORY" page of GLSO NEWS.
not included in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the '

 [ ] Please send me information on GLSO. AUNT MARY
[ ] I’d like to become a votin Member ol
GLSO, includin home delive oi the ——
GLSO NEWS and discounts at GLSO Dear Aunt Mary,
lunctions. Membership oi S10/yr. I moved away from my home state when I
individual, S15/yr. couple, is enclosed. was nineteen and only occasionally visit.
Several years ago, I found out that my best
[ ] I don't wish to become a Member but friend lrorn age three till the time | Ielt home
please send me the GLSO NEWS each was a born again Christian. I had also heard
month. I enclose the $5 annual lee. rumors that he had lived with a man lor several
years and that they had iust broken up, but I
chose to locus only on what he told me.
Name: Recently he told me he was gay and we went
to the gay bar in my hometown. Since then I
Address: haven't ke t in touch. I treat him the same
now that I Rnow he's gay as I did when he had
City, St, Zip: his born-again experience (he's no Ion er
born-again). Wouldn't it make more sense gTor
Mail to: Newsletter, P.O. Box 1147] me to want to rekindle our friendship? E.M.
Lexington, KY 40575
Dear E.M.,
It sounds like its been several years since you
left home, and it's likely that you've changed a
GLSO News is published monthly by the great deal and that our "old" best lriend has
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. also changed (several, times). In addition, your
(Lexin ton Ga /Lesbian Services Or anization), contact WIII‘t your lriend seems limited by the
P.O. Box 1 14%, Lexington, KY 40595. visits you make to your hometown. Lile goes on
and people change. Cherish the time you
Craig Clere, Managing Editor enioyed early in your lives.
Angela Martin, Asst Editor - Esmerelda Parlour As an op ressed and stigmatized group we
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist sometimes believe that membership in our group
is all that is necessary for friendship. When
Additional Contributors: Angela, NGLTF, Craig, one first ”comes out'I it is helplul to surround
Debbie, Teresa, GLSO, Alan, PFLAG, The onesell with all sorts of similar others. Doing so
Advocate; Typist: Craig; Equipment: Dave; Layout: allows each at us to loreqp many at the
Craig; Mailing: Bill; Courier: Bill; Foldin & negative stereotypes we may ave had. Later
Stuffing: Mark, Steve, Steve, Craig, Gerry, ATan, on, however, Friendships are likely to be based
Willie, Jim. on more than sexual orientation. We tend to
seek out similar others for Iriends, and as we
become more comlortable with our sexual
orientation we seek out friendships that are
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are those oi the based on other aspects as well. You and your
authors and do not necessarily represent those oi the GLSO lriend shared 0 great deal 05 children, but since
Board at Directors. Submissions are welcome. AIIsubmissions then your lives have one in very dillerent
become the property of GLSO and must indicate the lull name directions. TI'tCiI you're Etoil‘t sell-identified ays
and address of the author. Anonymous submissions are not isn't necessarily enough to rekindle o lriendsfiip.
accepted. The editorial stall reserves the right to alter Aunt Mary
submissions (including ads) to meet publishing requirements, as
well as the right to reiect any submission it deems oliensive or
discriminatory. Placement at advertising in GLSO News does II yOU would like to write to Aunt MO , send
not denote a person's sexual orientation nor a business's your letter to: Aunt MO , C/O GLSO, rPO BOX
customer prelerence. 1 1471, Lexington, KY 4'6575.
2 Jun GLSO

LOCAL NEWS from Greg Lee, News from AVOL
————— A 30-year-old white gay male from Fayette
LOCAL MAN VICTIM OF STABBING County tested for HIV at the Lexington-Fayette
from GLSO NEWS Staff County Health Department in December. He
had tested once before (negative) about a year
Thomas Ray Palmer, 23, of Lexin ton died earlier. Can you identify him? Neither can the
at the UK. Medical Center on May T5 from a health department. hat's because testing
stab wound to the chest. Palmer was attacked through the HIV/AIDS Program at the
on Water Street behind the Barney Miller store Lexington-Fayette County Health Department is
sometime after 10:00 pm on Saturday, May 5. done anonymously.
Accompanied by friends, he reportedly Last November ou heard a lot of media
exchan ed words with his assailant before being hoopla about HIVY "becoming" reportable.
stabbec? near the heart. He staggered to the Actually, the only chan es were that physicians
ad'oining parkin lot of The Bar before and hospitals joined Iagoratories in holding the
collapsing. PaFmer was enrolled at the res onsibility to report HIV infection. Doing so
University of Kentucky at the time of his death without using the patient's name and address is
and ha operated a local floral sho . still possible and strongly su gested by the new
Shortl after the incident police arrested regulations. However, tie re Ulations do
Terry L. Earbour, 26, of Lexington. Originally require physicians and hospitals amt not the
charged with assault, Barbour has now been labs) to include the patient's initials or a
charged with murder. Sources indicate he was soundex code taken from the patient's name,
known to police as a prostitute who frequented their date of birth, sex, race, risk of infection
the area where the attack occurred. and county of residence. For man , that sounds
like too much information. Ma be that's why
ANNUAL AIDS MEMORIAL SERVICE HELD some may think the Health Department no
from GLSO NEWS Staff Ion er does anonymous testing.
The new regulations have NO EFFECT on
A service in memory of those who have died anonymous testing at health departments
of AIDS was held at St. Augustine Chapel, Rose because no ph sicians or hospitals are involved.
Street, on the evening of May 28. Or anized The Lexin ton-Féyette County Health Department
by AVOL, similar services occur woer-wide, DOES stifi provide anonymous testing. No
each year, around Memorial Day weekend. initials. No codes derived from names. No
This year's service was interdenominational. birthdates. Nothing but an innocuous
Music, prayers, and readings were incorporated description like the one in the opening
from the Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish faiths, para raph.
with various clergy attending. Prior Lexington Tfjie HIV/AIDS Program at the
services drew upon Episcopal tradition because Lexington-Fayette County Health De artment
of St. Augustine's affiliation, and, because of a encourages anyone with risk of HIV inféction to
strong interest in AIDS ministry within the local think about testingr. . . especially now with the
Episcopal diocese. Attendance has rown each evidence that A , aerosol pentamadine and
year as more and more are touched Sby HIV. other therapies can be critical in managing HIV
infection. Please don’t base such an important
MAPPLETHORPE EXHIBIT LEAVES CINCY decision on rumors. Get the facts and base
from Herald-Leader your decision on what you find to be true. We
also encourage you to test anonymously if you
The Robert Mapplethorpe exhibit has decide to test, and that you receive pre-test and
concluded at Cincinnati's Contemporary Arts post-test counseling. For more information, or to
Center. The controversial show attracted almost schedule an appointment, call the Fayette
80,000 patrons, a Center record, and resulted County Health Department HIV/AIDS Program at
in the indictment of the Center and its Director 288-AIDS. Of course, your name will never be
on morals charges. requested.
Jun GLSO 3


tram Teresa Reynolds & Craig Clere
NAMES PROJECT KENTUCKY The GLSO Board of Directors held their
CONTINUES OUTREACH monthly meetin April 25, I990. It its first
trom NAMES Project Kentucky action the Boon? decided that the Forum needed
a break and would discontinue meetin until at

NAMES Project Kentucky held an least September of this year. The Eorum or
organizational panel makin workshop at some other type of general membership meeting
Maxwell Street Presbyterian Chgurch, Saturday, will be re-organized at that time.

April 28th. The workshop was deemed a great The Ca Ieehouse & Dance Committee
success by participants. The workshop brought reported a record proiit at $903.75 from the
many people t ether: those who want to April Coffeehouse, eaturing Yer Girlfriend. The
make panels toroToved ones, et maybe do not Board expressed its Fgratitude to the committee
sew; and those who know the art at sewin , tor makingj1 the Coteehouses such a success.
but have not known someone personally to dTe No Cottee ouses are planned for the Summer
at AIDS. ”We Bring a Quilt" was shown, months, but will resume in the Fall.

followed by people sharing stores, thoughts and John Cutright and Debbie Currie reported
ideas about making panels. news from the Pride Week Committee. The

Monthly panel making workshops will be most exciting news announced was our featured
held at Quilter's Square at Dudley Square, 308 speakers: Joanne Loulan, s eaking on June
South Mill Street, Lexington, the second 8th, and Robert Bray at NGLTF, speaking on
Thursday at the month from 7 pm until 9 pm. June Iith. Other activities for the week were
Ms. Beckie Olson will be available to assist outlined tor the Board.
individuals in designin and makin quilt anels GLSO's rattle to purchase a new computer
for the AIDS MemoriaPQuiIt. The Tocal blAMES system for the Gayline is read to begin and
Project ho es to have ei ht panels corn Ieted to will culminate with the drawin Tbr prizes during
take to tfie Re ionaI dgis lay, ColumBus Day Pride Week. Nearly $208 in prizes have
Weekend, in CEicago. The June workshop is already been pledged.
scheduled for June 14th as a part of The Nominating Committee reported progress
LesbiarXGay Pride Week. Other activities in tiIIing the slate of positions tor the upcoming
planne tor Pride Week include representation June Board elections. The full slate will be
at Arts Night by hangin the si nature quilt presented at the May Board meeting.
panel and an iniormation Booth at The picnic. A discussion on the Coming Out Support

In Louisville, Co-chair Dee Dale has targeted Group prompted the Board to request a
two events in June to enlist volunteers and cIariIication regardin the exact relationship
increase community awareness: Gay Pride between GLUE and GTSO in sponsorship of the
Picnic on June 24t and the March tor Justice group. Teresa Reynolds will report at the May
on June 30th. meeting regarding this issue.

Benefits are bein planned in both Lexington The Publicity Committee reported Crai
and Louisville to hgp detray the costs at the CIere's willingness to continue editing GLSS
Janua , Frankfort display. Wednesday night, News through the end of I990. The
June 20th, there will be a show at The Bar to newsletter is continuing to distribute 550 co ies
benefit the NAMES Project in Lexin ton. A per month with 225 at those copies mailed3 to
celebrity auction is currently being pIEJnned for paid subscribers and members.

Louisvile. The Board approved a Treasurer-sponsored

The NAMES Project has |'Five Pieces at recommendation to chan e signatures on the
Work" — displays, panel makin , media, GLSO bank account to reflect the current otticers
outreach and Iundraisin . NAMTES Project of the organization.

Kentucky needs YOUR heap to "Keep the Love GLSO Board meetings are held the last
Alive." We hope to see you at an upcoming Wednesday at the month and are open to the
event. membership at large.

4 Jun GLSO

 GLSO BOARD NOMINATIONS Girlfriend (4? (what a surprise, ri ht?!) A
from Debbie Currie &Teresa Reynolds stron secon choice was Reel V\/%rld String
BandS(32z, followed by Rita Beach (18), The

Yes, it’s that time of year again! The Grinders 6), Tendre (5), and Meriah Kreuse
elections for the GLSO Board of Directors take (5).
pllace this month. This slate is presented by the Of reat interest to us is how you find out

ominating Committee. about tlge Coffeehouses, since we sometimes feel

Two-year terms: that publicity is our weakest area. The maiority

Treasurer Bill Log ins of ou said ou found out about them from the
Secretary Teresa Re nolds GL§O Newsletter (28), by word of mouth {20},
At-Large Melanie Otis and/or at the preceding Coffeehouse 10.
At-Large Linda Laporte Although only 3 people said they heard about
At-Large Kate Jacques them on WomonSounds, we suspect that this
One-year term: may be an untapped publicity source, as. it has
At-Large Dave Radez been used only rarely.

On smoking at the Coffeehouses, 24 of you
Elections will be held during Pride Week on said that ou think that smoking should be
Wednesday, June 13 at Arts Night. All current restricted, 9 said no, and 5 were indifferent.
members of GLSO are encouraged to come out However, when asked whether or not you
and vote. would still attend were smoking restricted, a
whopping 35 said yes while only 1 said no.
This is very important for us to know, because
DANCE COMMITTEE YEAR-END REPORT there is a possibility that the Unitarian Church
by Debbie Currie may institute a no-smoking olicy within the next

year. We will keep you ingrmed.

Our thanks to the 43 kind people who filled Finall , re ardin the questions about GLSO
out the Dance Committee Questionnaire at the membership, g2 indcividuals said that they would
April Coffeehouse. We were very pleased with consider joining GLSO in order to take
the response, and, for the most part, it provided advantage of the $1.00 off admission discount.
us with the information we needed. Prior to It’s a real deal when you consider that for
examining the results of the questionnaire, l’d $10.00 ($15.00 per cou le) you get the GLSO
like to take a brief look back at the Newsletter, which is a $500 value, and $1.00
Coffeehouse "season" just ended. Of the six back at each Coffeehouse. So, don't delay . .
Coffeehouses we've had since last Se tember, send in the coupon at the front of this
four showed a profit, with the April Coffiaehouse newsletter and ioin now! (Sorry, I couldn't resist
bein the lat est by far. This is the first year in a plugl).
which we've Eftad two Coffeehouses fail to make And now, as is customary for these year-end
a profit, and we’re going to take a long look at reports, we need to acknowledge some folks.
that as we begin to plan for next year. We First and foremost, I'd like to recognize the
had erformers at all but one of the 89/90 Dance Committee, which was comprised
Coffeehouses, which may have been a bit of Kenneth, Teresa, Teri, John, and myself.
ambitious, but we definitely came out ahead. Working just as hard, but not officially on the
Many thanks to Yer Girlfriend (who performed Dance Committee, were Angela, Kathy, Melanie
twice), Rita Beach, Tendre, and The Grinders. and Natalie, without whom we would have

And now, back to the questionnaires. The been lost (and that’s no exa gerationl). And a
Dance Committee has not begun planning the special thanks to those kind9 souls who lent a
90/91 season yet, but those of you who filled helpin hand on occasion: B.J., Karen, Julie,
out our questionnaire have told us what ou Teri, T