xt74f47grx65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74f47grx65/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1931 journals kaes_circulars_214_02 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 214 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 214 1931 1931 2014 true xt74f47grx65 section xt74f47grx65 Sym, i UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
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H l Extension Division
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THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
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en har- ] CIRCULAR NO. 214
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  ju   Published in commotion with the grgriculturul extension werk carried
' on by cooperation 0f the College 0f Agriculture, University of Kentucky,
with the U. S. Department ef Agriculture, and distributed in further-
ziuce of the work provided for in the Act 0f Congress 0f May S, 1914.

 C O N T E N T S
Pwe  ‘
4-H Club Work ...................................................A...................r........»»»......r...... :1 i
Age of Club members ............»»................................................................____ 4 ;
Cost ..................................................»........ . ........................................................ 4
Membership .............>................................................,.......................»»..........,... 4 ·
Projects .>..................>.,..........,..................................l.................,..............,.,,____ .1 “
Interest in club work ............... , .........................................,.....,..................,r 7
Enrollment of members ..........................................l...........................l..._.____ 3
Organization of a club ...................................................,.,......,.,..........._,,,.,,_ 1 7
Constitution for Junior 4-H community clubs .....,,...,........,,........._.______ to { _
By—Laws ..................................................................................,..................,._____ 111  
Community 4-H Club Programs .............,......,,,......,,.................________________ lj ·
Junior 4-H club Charter ......,r.............................................................l..,,,_____ 1:1
Parliamentary training for club officers ,,._................_..............,,,.________, 14
Simple rules for conducting a club meeting .......r.......l..........,l..,_..,___r,_,__ 14
lvlembership ceremony ...........` . ................................................r..........___,,____ 1 •;
, The 4-H club emblem, motto, colors, pledge, Hag salute .__......________,__ lf »
Adult 4-H community club leaders ................................,................_.______,__ 18
Supplies for community club leaders ,.....................r..,.........,,.,..___....______,, 1x
‘ Community club leaders conferences .,,............................,........._,,____.__. 15
` What 4-H community club leaders do ..........,,.............,...r_t.....___,......._,__ 1$¤
Adult 4-H club project leaders ,...,.......................r.............,..,........_____,,,,1____ 1E•
Project leaders conferences ......,............................r........_.._..._...__r1t..,_________ 2u
County 4-H club committee .....................r,r... . ....,,._,_...._.,......._.___,_,_.________, 2n
Leaders’ pins and certificates ................,..C.._..._.._..,.......,.,....______,r__,______,___ 21
Motion pictures and slides ....r...................l......................__...,_._.,_,t,_.._______..,, 21 7
Junior Week ............................................r................,.....,....,....................rr_.r.. 22
4-H club demonstrations ,.._....................,..._..___rr.,,.________.___________11,__,____,_______ 2Zi
Health .............l....................,..._........___....._.._....,......_,,..._____1___._________,____,____,t_,___ 25
~ Style show ._.................................,,..........,,.......___,l_,.._____rt.__________,,___________,_____1, 29
4-H club camps .....,......,,l........r......._...... . ............ , A.,,,,..______._,,______1____,_______,,._. 2%*
National 4-H club camp ._,,................,,....__.,,....__.........__...._,.___,t..,_____,_,...,___.. ZW
4-H club exhibits ____,,............,,.........,.................__r,l_...______,r_____________,_r___.___,.._. 332 `
Livestock and poult1·y judging ,,...,.......,,................_._,,,....______,,.._____,....tt...,, ilfi
Home Economics judging .............................._._,._....___1.....___,_....__,_......,_....r. 33 `
, Achievement exercises ......__......_..,.........,.. 3 .....,l.,..____,.,...____.....____cc.,_..,tr..r.. 33 ‘
The University of Kentucky 4-H Club ,.___.,._.._____....__,_____,__,___1_1___.,_l.....r. fi?
Junior community club score card ____,_____________________,_________________,1_________....r SS .
Songs ...___1,,..l..............._,.____.,,,______.,,,._._.,__________________________,__________,______,__________.t... ·iU
Yells ____...............................Ac.......,c,.____.._.,,......____,...__________________,_1_,,__,__1___,_...l..,.. 43
Games ..,.............,..,.........._,..,..1......,,_,_____,,.________r___,________,_,1_________,______,____,_,_,..... ll
Stunts ____........._....._..____..,._l___.____,_._________,,_,_,___________________,________________________,___.__... lil
intelligence test _____,____,____,___,__,______________________________,____Y___________,____,_,_________,..,, 5*,*

;_  (Revised)
..,_._ Ii · ——-—
ill ti  - Manual for Junior 4-H Club Leaders
»·----    t By J. W. WHITEHOUSE, State Leader, 'Junior Club Work
iiiiii A   ,_
.e,_ t  o
I ....r lv · 4—H CLUB WORK
_____4 tl ` l
---—--   = 5 Boys’ and girls’ 4-II Club lVork in Kentucky is a part of
ij; 1; · the National Agricultural Extension System. It is supported
»—»er— it by the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the University of
ji;   _ Kentucky in cooperation with individual counties. The Junior
.~·~·. 18 4-H Clubs compose the largest organization of rural young people
ii;   in the world. In 1929, 700,000 boys and girls, in all states of ‘
...... it the union were engaged in club work. In Kentucky, in 1929,
'‘‘‘‘‘   · 21,592 were enrolled, of whom 15,516, or 7 2 per cent, completed
if it] their projects. Not only is this the largest organization of its
·‘*’··   kind, but it is composed of the brightest, most industrious and
___r__ gg most ambitious boys and girls of the rural districts.
·--·-·   V (`lub work has four distinct phases: Educational, Econo-
Q;   mic, Social and Recreational. In carrying out their projects,
——~-·-   club members learn and demonstrate to their communities i1n—
Iii jg  ' proved methods in agriculture and home economics. They learn
»---..·   to do by doing. By keeping records, shipping livestock and
iii   other products, transaeting business with banks and other organ-
.......   i izations and with individuals, business methods are learned.
ii;   ' The records show that a large percentage of those who follow
____,,_ 4:: instructions and complete their projects make money. The
·*··‘‘‘    A Hlontlily club meetings provide opportunities for self—exprcssi0n,
iff] so 5 recreation and social development. The 4-H Club tours, fairs,
·ll111l<>1‘ \Veek and other events create greater interest in COlll1'f1‘y
lite and develop leadership. In short, club work supplies the
  kind of training that builds character, develops good citizenship
 , and makes for success in life.

 4 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. .214  }
Membership in the 4-H clubs is open to boys and girls ten to  `
eighteen years of age, inclusive. ,
c0sT Q
Since the 4-H clubs are a part of a publicly supported edu-  A
cational system there are no membership fees or dues andthe V
instruction, project circulars, record books and other literature ’
are provided without cost. Y
Membership in this organization is purely voluntary. The t .
object is to make the activities so helpful and attractive that a 1
large number of boys and girls will want to have a part in them.
In order to be a member of a 4-H club each boy or girl is
required to learn and demonstrate some better practice in agri-
. culture or home economics under the guidance of a competent i
local leader. Each piece of work is called a project. A record
. must be kept on each project and turned in to the county exten-
sion agent when the project is completed.
A 4-H club project is any definitely outlined piece of farm
or home work such as growing an acre or more of corn, feeding
and caring for a dairy calf or flock of chickens, rearranging and
improving a girls’ room, or canning a certain quantity of fruits
and vegetables. Each club member must do personally all the
work required to successfully complete the project selected. ln
breaking land or other heavy work, small club members may
have the help of adults. Each club member must keep a com-
plete record on his or her project in a record book provided for
that purpose. °
In order to meet adequately the needs of 4-H club mem-
bers under the varied farming conditions in Kentucky, twenty-
five 4-H club projects have been outlined and circulars of in- I
struction prepared for each of them. Leaders and Extension
Agents should help club members select projects best suited to
their individual needs and conditions. Younger club members V
should not undertake more than one project a year but older V

 Z  Manual for Junior 4-H Club Leaders 5
S te t  f Ones dud it desirable to carry two or even three projects within
H 0  i H year, It is recommended, however, that no community select
T  more than five projects and under average conditions better
 ` results will be obtained if only two or three are chosen. If a
ed edu.  t large number of club members demonstrate the same project the
ihdthe  I . V .. [ ,,,;. -,     ., . , .,,
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· 4-H club girls demonstrate their ztbility to reiinish old furniture—H0me
b mem. ~ Improvement Project.
twenty improved method ‘11 b dl d t d b th mmun-
f_H ~ I W1 emorereaiyaope y eco
S O ,1 I ity than if there are only a few demonstrations. More interest
en .· . . .
ihenglt j M11 be taken by the club members and competition will be
alle 0 . keener
bers - . . . .
Oemld ; To Carry any project to a sat1sfacto1·y completion requires
er · - .
It O W01‘k but It is not drud er r and there are man en 0 able
 _ 3

 6 Kcmntcky Ewte·n.s1`0ot C·ircula.r No. 214 ·
features in connection with it. Some of these are selecting and
preparing exhibits and participating in fairs, shows and other J
contests. The income from each project should belong tothe  I
club member who carries it out. =
The following projects are open to both girls and boys. A A
circular of instruction has been prepared for each project. The
number of it is given after the name of each project. The date Y
mentioned is the latest date for enrollment in each project and
no enrollments should be accepted after these dates.
r1y}"t('lltl"Il}`(lt l’r0_je<·f.<:
1. Corn ............r......,.... L .............,.r...r,.... L ...............,......... Circular 82——ADril 1
2. Potato ...,...........rrr..   ...... 7 ......................,................ Circular 100—Jung 1
3. Soybean .........................r............r . .....c......................... Circular 94—1\1u>‘ 1
4. Alfalfa ............................................................................ Circular 93—Ju1y1
, 5. Sweet Clover .......t....... . ....t......t.............................._ Circular 87-—Apn11
6. Small Fruits ...................r............rr.....r...............,.... Circular 98—April 15
7. Gardening ....,.............................. . ........................... Circular 222—Aprii 15
S. Tomato ........................................................................ Circular 126——May1
9. Tobaqco ..............r............r.....................r..............r. Circular S6—1larch 15
10. Swine ......................................................r................... Circular 193—Juue 1
11. Swine Growing ....................,.l........ L ........................ Circular 193—June1
12. Sow and Litter ......... . ...................v . ............................................. C ircular S4
A. Spring farrow ____..._...,,........... `Q ....................... August 1 to Januaryl
B. Fall farrow_._: ............................. _ ......................,... January 1 to June 1
13. Dairy Calf ....,... I ..,.....,,,....,.............,,......,,............., Any time during year
‘ 14. Dairy‘Cow ................................................................ Any time during year .
15. Baby Beet L L.......LL.....LL.........L....LLL.....................L......... Circular 106—.lu1y1
16. Beef Breeding L..L.. L ....L...,...............LL............_. Any time during the year
Fall _,_,... Q4 ....................._......_...L....._..___._,.L____.,___..,,______.______._____,..___ October 1
Summer ...L....LL.L__,...._______________ _ ____,L_______,,_____,,_________,__,__,_________,______L_.... June 1
17. Fat Lamb ...,.........,LL....,,,c......,c.L.....,.....__,....____LLL_____ Circular SS—Mz11‘Cll 15
18. Ewe and La.mb ....L.......LL...............LL..........L..__L... Circular 8S·—D€C€1lllJ91`1
19. Poultry A. Hateliing   ______,,____,,,_____________L,______ Circular 110——l\larch1
20. Poultry B. Egg Production   __,_,LL____,.___ Circular 186—Decen1b€1`1
21. Bees .......,...L....rr,.................1.L..._.1L...._ A L..____..______L_______ Circular 69—AD1`1l 1
Il omc E<=m20un`¤·.< l’mj<·r·/.<:
22. Clothing ___________________,,_____________.__,_______,_,_______.____________________________ Circular 195
Unit I. .L............._..L . ___,,.,' L L__._,,,,,__,__,_,____,__ Any time to suit CO1l(lltlO“$
Unit ll. .......L...........,....._,,,.LL__,_,,,L___,__,______, Any time to suit collllltltllls
Unit III. ..........LLLL.. . .,,L.......,L,.....,....L.__....____ Any time to suit conditlfms
t Unit IV. ........._,.......c.,LLL_.__,LL,L___,,LL.L______Lc____ Any time te suit COl1dltlOHS _

Manual for Junior 4-H Club Leaders 7
ng and V 23. Foods ------------·»Y---··-.-·---··»»-Y------..-..----- J .---·»--...-...-....~.. J ......».......... Circular 189
I other Unit IJ -------·--------»--------·..-...----·...--»-»--.------ Any time tc suit conditions
' Unit U- -»---Y-------·----»·-------·--------·...Y--........... Any time to suit conditions
to the Unit IH. ..........................t»»......................... Any time t0 suit conditions
Ullit IV· ---·--------—-------»------------·----··-----------... Ally time to suit conditions
,yS_ A 24. Canning ---- i --·--------—-------~----·------------·---·-------------··--»-·»-·-----·-.--»-.... Circular 181
_ Canning J »....i............i....·.i.....................».........C...........i................ July 1
" Thi Canning Il. ..........................................................i.....................4....» July 1
hit date . Canning III. ............................................C........................................... July 1
ect and 25. Home lninioycnicnt Project ........................ Circular 205-Any month
* i J . .
  . Interest 111 club work should be aroused among the citizens
_AD,.H1 ` of the county. It is very important to have the eooperatioii of
—June1 ° the business and professional men as well as of the fariners.
—M*lYi ‘ Iiitiwest comes thru knowledge, hence it is necessary to infoi-in
—.luly 1 _
’Al”“l J       J V J. ‘V
April 15 E -   J ’~_·: V  _,      . _ . _
-Ap1·i1 15 ’·       ~ll  °   ==’·'     °l.  m f     V J   .
   `~ V·   _f,_  VE ‘ J J ,‘   it  :_.,_;_  '>     ',.,; Q'
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. .     .V¢Vs _  -’.' l   Ji' r    .‘_. J Ji  y‘ it ‘° so
gligiygi     it  J Y/g  lg. J 4~ {J `  
     f “   * Yi ·#?...     V "J J. i J `
J Juno I       J . i i¢*i‘·   ,   JJ     ‘. , · ’ V {
J     .JJ·· .1 V     X J J J V
mg yan    J.       J 8 V  
mm    V»i "  ...,  ` -0**   J
J—l ’ i`   JJ    —·.—    ia avi`, M   ·
. i        JJ 2  J   .t..   . V J
---~‘““°¥ J V J    _  J-             »-J. J 1 J
“i“`°" 1° V ’       . . J J JJ V t   J=V.· J   ——
geniberl _. ` V     V `· .» · _ " V ` * J _ A `
·lVl2l1'Clll ` ’ ,- ,JJ -__., . .J.,   .· Ji-J  .  J.J_ l .J.J ‘ J` V i; = S`. -.·. J ·‘J’ Q    ‘*. ’#Ji.;. l
  J.t·     ‘.J. . .JJ· 5     .    
ygmber 1   ·   .J—-—   ak;  V:->F -JJ·  ·J ~J V  
-A *11 . . .
pu _ _ l l]i\`4*l`f¢ll)' $('llUl2ll`$lll]) eluln. These buys illllll girls have received S<·hf¤l:ll‘-
*l"l’* Ul ills (`Cll<*2‘e of J\§`l`lk'lllil\l'G l1¢·(';l\1se~ uf their goml J1-Il club work.
um 1% ‘ lilC citizens of the oppo1·tu11ities and beneiits of club work. This
ditious _ _ . .
ggdmous ind} be done thru articles in the county 1ll‘\\`$D?\Dt`l`S§ illl'll lllC<¥t·
Onditicns ***25 ll'llCl'C the work may be explained in detail; thru cooperat-
Onditious - U0ll ot the county superinteiitleiit of schools and the vtillllty

 8 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 214  i
board of education; thru visits to the schools where club work  Y.
may be outlined in detail to the boys and girls of club age, and  '
thru personal visits to the farm homes. Whatever means that  i
seem advisable to create interest and enthusiasm may be used. {
Assuming that a community club leader has been appointed, -
it is his or her duty to secure the enrollment. This will not be *
diitieult if the parents and boys and girls have been properly  
informed as to the purposes and results of club work. The
county or home demonstration agent will supply the leader with i
enrollment cards and assist with the enrollment, if necessary.
The leader should meet those who are interested at the school-
house or other community center, and should assist them in till-
ing out the enrollment cards. The cards should be taken home
’ for the parent ’s approval and return to the leader. It is usually I
best to secure the enrollment in the fall.
A junior community 4-H club may be organized when ten
or more boys and girls have been enrolled and the leader chosen.
The leader should their call the meeting to order and proceed
with the organization ot the club by electing a president, vice-
president and secretary-treasurer. A project captain should be
— elected or appointed by the president on advice of the local _
leader and county extension agent. Project captains should be
the most interested and best leaders of their respective groups,
The duties of project captains are to keep up interest in their
groups and assist the adult leaders with all affairs connected
with the club activities. The president, with the advice of the
leader, should appoint a program committee consisting of three ‘
to five members who should prepare the program for each meet-
ing and submit it to a previous meeting. A publicity committee,
also, should be appointed. The duties of this committee are to
see that the monthly programs are printed in the county news-
papers and that publicity is given to all special club achieve- L
ments. An attendance committee, a membership committee or ;
any other committee may be appointed when needed. _

   Manual for Juwior 4-H Club Leaders 9
> wop];   A regular date should be set for the club meeting.
T6, HMI ` Name, An appropriate name should be selected for the
IS that ¢ Club, This may be the name of the community or some special
> used.  E name as, "Willing Workers/’ "Tip Top," "Hustlers," etc. In
  choosing a name select one that can be used in songs and yells.
muted, ~ The following is a copy of a constitution which is used by
not be  I the regularly organized clubs in Kentucky. It should be read
ppm-ly 5 and adopted at the first meeting.
. The  4
school- · _
in HH- Article I ~ ·
1 home Name; The name of this organization shall be the ..... _ ............... -
isually , ...........................,............ . ....r................. 4-H CLUB.
Article II
Ob `ect; The object of this club shall be:
en te J
ll VLH a. To provide an opportunity for the boys and girls
mom, of this community to have an active part in the
Foéw educational, economic and social development of
);l1;{Cl; the community.
G lm, b. To teach the members and demonstrate thru them
to the community better methods in agriculture
>uld bc _
groups, and home economics.
H thm , c. To develop leadership for the rural community
thru demonstrations, club meetings exhibits, tours,
mccted _ h · I ly
of the Judging contests and other activities.
f three , d. To aid in bringing to fruition a more prosperous,
i meet- I progressive and more satisfied farm citizenship.
inittce, .
gm; to   Article III
z news- p Membership: All boys and girls of club age, 10 to 18 inclu-
.chieve-  Q sive, who live in this community shall be eligible to membership
ttce or upon agreeing to carry out a project as outlined and to abide by
the rules and regulations of this club.

 10 Kentucky Extension Circular No. 211 ° ; 
Article IV
Oficersa The officers of this club sl1all be a president, Q
vice—president, secretary-treasurer, local leader, associate local Q
leader, song and cheer leaders and news reporter.  V
Article V —
Mcot~ings: There shall be at least six meetings of the chili _
each yea1·. The time and place to be decided by a majority vote .
of the club with the approval. of the local leader and others con- ‘
Article I
Election of Officers: The officers for the succeeding year
shall be elected at the last meeting of the closing year or at the _
V first meeting at the beginning of the year.
Article Il
Duties of Club O_(l`·icc2·s: ]’2·esz`cZe2rt: lt shall be the duty
of the president to call all meetings to order, announce the order
of the business, preserve order, approve the secretary’s reports,
appoint all committees, and perform such other duties as usually
pertain to the otiice of president.
, llioc-l’2·e.sz'rZcivttz The vice-president shall perform the duties
ot the president in his absence.
Secrc{\% 5>\¥l·§·lB%5>\Q}·§i*<}·E\G·l?>\§ l?:\‘55\‘