xt74f47grq58 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74f47grq58/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1988-02-05 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, February 5, 1988, no. 520 text The Green Bean, February 5, 1988, no. 520 1988 1988-02-05 2014 true xt74f47grq58 section xt74f47grq58 ¢ {
Number 520 February 5, 1988
Q A Q E F. 12 A B A
February 5 gallery Series: "Lexington Remembered by
Its Black Senior Citizens" : An Oral
History Forum : Mrs. Emily Parker,
February 7 Eubie Blake, 1883-1983, American
composer and pianist.
Charles Dickens, 1812-1870, English
February 8 Jules Verne, 1828-1905, French writer,
"father of science fiction."
February 9 Amy Lowell, 1874-1925, American poet.
_ February 10 Charles Lamb, 1775-1834, English
literary critic, poet and essayist. `
February 12 Gallery Series: "Caribbean Literature
and the United States" : Lecture : Dr.
G. R. Dathorne.
February 13 Grant wood, 1892-1942, American artist.
February 17 Marian Anderson, 1902- , American
contralto. ’
February 19 ggllery Seriggz "Spring 1960: Rufus
Atwood and the Kentucky State College
Sit-In Movement" : Lecture : Gerald
Smith. A .
Next Green Bean: Friday, February 19, 1988. it
Deadline: Friday, February 12, 1988.
A Production Staff: Editor/typist: Bonnie Jean Cox; typist /
proofreader: Scott Lutz; printer: Cecil
  he Newsletter of the Umversnty
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes


answering the innumerable, and,
FROM TEE EDITOR'S DESK · too voften, .obscure questions
and problems that arise as I
Terry Warth has recently prepare an issue of ANQ for
been conducting tours for press. Without wishing to
elementary school classes. The sound ridiculously hyperbolic,
two letters reprinted below are I must confess to my heart
samples of the thank—you notes leaping whenever I call the
she has been receiving. reference desk and he answers
the phone or when I go into the
To: Mrs. Worth reference room to see him
From: Aaron Reedy 2nd grade manning the desk. A wonderful
wave of relief passes over me:
Thanks for taking us threw I know that he’ll attend to my I
thermrekmok. questions efficiently and
_______ expeditiously and view my more I
challenging questions as I
Mrs.WoUm, interesting rather than
from Valerie Goin grad 2-ed burdensome.
My dealings with Rob
Thank you for showing us the reminded me today, as they have
Rare Books. I relly injoyed so often in the past, just how
it And I hope you injoyed excellent Rob is and what an
it to Thank you. asset a reference librarian of
Rob's caliber can be to a
—-BJC university faculty. Such
excellence deserves to be ‘
**** acknowledged and this letter
represents a small but sincere
ABOVE AWD BEYOND effort to do just that.
Mr. Willis received recently Sincerely,
the following letter: Dr. Arthur Wrobel,
Department of English -
Dear Dr. Willis:
I am writing this note to
you immediately on the heels of Rob Aken received the
having returned from the following letter from Dan
reference room of the library Twaddle, a professor in. the
where I availed myself, yet College of Library and
once again, of the expertise of Information Science:
Rob Aken.
I have consulted Rob Dem:Mr.Akmu
repeatedly over the past few
years and especially often of I know I have expressed my ,
late as I become more and more appreciation on the telephone,
involved in editing ANQ. I but I wanted to put into
. have found him to`_be an writing my thanks for your
invaluable asset not only for sharing of information with the
searching out materials I need students of my "Information A
for my own research, but for Technology" class.

 ` As a result of your The narrative for the second
knowledge and enthusiasm, our grant contains a frank and
c l a s s e s o n "O n l i n e thorough discussion of the
Bibliographic Services" and progress and pitfalls
"Online Public Access Catalogs" experienced during the first
were a clear success. I grant. Several of the
admired your presentation of panelists who reviewed the new
the concepts related to these proposal were also struck by
topics. Your information was the narrative's candid
clear and well organized and admission of problems and its
the addition of your first hand convincing explanation of how
knowledge on these topics made those problems were overcome.
for two valuable learning You might enjoy the following
sessions. panelist's comments on this
I also appreciated your point:
emphasis on the use of the while the story of the
technology to provide better first phase of the
service to patrons. what you project is a "perils of ‘
had to say about both the Pauline" of the ‘
technology and service was cataloging world, the
indeed absorbed by the students staff seems to have
as evidenced by the banded together through
conversations we had in later adversity and has a good ‘
classes. grasp on the °
I believe it is important difficulties of field
Y that students have the work.
opportunity to meet and discuss ‘
issues with knowledgeable and I do not want to dwell on
dedicated librarians and I the problems of the first
appreciate your serving in that project. The important point
role for us. Thank you. is that those problems were
overcome and that current work
**** is going well.
Judy Sackett, head of the ****
P/N/M department, and director ·
of the Kentucky Newspaper Miko Pattie, head of _
Project, received the following cataloging, received the '
letter from Jeffrey Field, following letter from Dr.
. Assistant Preservation Officer William Chambliss of the
with the National Endowment for History Department, in
the Humanities' Office of reference to the cataloging of A T
Preservation; a title in Japanese:
Dear Judy: Mrs. Pattie: i .
The final performance report Thanks very much for
requirement for [your] grant is cataloging the gmpendium gf
waived. In its place, I am the E Laws on a rus basis. _
- accepting the narrative ofthe I have picked it up at the _
grant for the final stage of circulation desk. l
the Kentucky Newspaper Proj ect.
s 3

 You did a very neat job in Balance: $2670 M ~
attaching the supplement to Algernon D1ckson
Vol. II. T ompson Fund
Purpose: manuscripts of
QSE QF LIBRARY RESTRICTED FUNDS printed books prior to 1
January 1501
Because of the current Selector: william J.
moratorium on the use of Marshall
appropriated funds in the book Balance: $4371
budget, we need to give
consideration to the use of our Ralph N. Maxon
restricted funds as a source Memorfdl Fund
for acquisitions. Purpose: chemistry books y
Also, we want to extend the Selector: Kerry Kresse
use of the Library Endowment Balance: $10 l
Fund to the purchase of Reserve l
items, in addition to other Elizabeth Turner
appropriate needs, as these are Clark Fund ‘
requested for use with Purpose: books and
classroom instruction. manuscripts for Special
Requests for purchases on the Collections .
Library Endowment Fund should Selector: william J. —
be directed to the Collection Marshall
Development Department. Balance: $1062
Listed below are the endowed - f
, accounts with the name of the George EL Pirtle Fund
selector. If you should wish Purpose: Books and I
to acquire a title appropriate journals in Geology
A to one of these funds, route Selector: Philip Stoffer
your proposal to the selector Balance: $3,645
shownggwho will then consider
your request. Emma Lou Lecky Fund '
All fund balances are as of Purposetlwor s relating .
January 29, 1988. to printing history and 1
If you have questions on the the book arts * .
use of Restricted Accounts, Selector: Jim Birchfield s.
please call Collection Balance: $374  
Development- at 7—5895‘ or » -
7-8408,. ; Lgg Emma wilson A
rV·· Mexicana Fund ‘° l ,
R.C.B. Thruston Browsing Purpose: Mexicana with a , »
` .] , Room Fun Mexican imprint V _l
Purpose: current titles Selector: Judy Fugate “,
‘ in ;@hgl1Sh of general Balance: $4,375 _ W , {
interest . ` _ 1X-;»a
Selector: Bonnie Jean Cox John AL O'Donnell Fund P ‘ ·y
~ Balance: $24 `J ‘ Purpose: works on drug t
‘· ~ 'w_,- , abuse ;’
· q i ·‘·- Samuel M; wilson Fund Selector: Judy Fugate ' _" ”
· Purpose: Americana ‘ a Balance: $186 _ “
l Selector: William J. V ; x`
Marshall j_ _
  “ 4· I · "

 . Patterson Librar Fund If you would like to join -·
Purpose: English hlstory LSO, there will be someone at
Selector: William J. the bake sale to collect the
Marshall $5.00 annual dues. (Submitted
Balance: $5,062 by Kathy Martin).
EJ.! Fund
Purpose: materials SPEC Kit #139, "Performance
relating to the Supreme Evaluation in Reference
Court Servlces," has been received
Selector: William James from the Association of
Balance: $515 Research Libraries, Office of
- Management Studies, and is
Wy Hugh Peal Fund available in the Reference
Purpose: elles lettres Department.
and antiquarian works on
Selector: William .
Marshall The twenty-first annual
Balance: $833 Literature Workshop, sponsored
by the College of Library and
Library Endowment Fund Information. Science, will be
Purpose: library held February 26-27 at the
materials Lexington Marrlot Resort Hotel.
, Selector: Jim Blrchfield Feature speakers at the
Balance: $8,773 workshop will be Ashley Bryan, ‘
poet, artist, and storyteller,
Robert E. Shaver and Jim Trelease, the author of
Memorial Fund ( The Read—Aloud Handbook.
Purpose: engineering In addltion to lectures, the
materials workshop will offer a number of
Selector: Russell Powell small group activities.
Bdamm:$76 Registration for the l
(Submitted by Jim conference is $32 per day ($20
Birchfield). without scheduled meals), or
$45 for both days ($35 without
LSO BAKE SALE scheduled meals). For more
___ information, get in touch with ·
On February 12 at 9:30 a.m. Joy Terhune, CLIS, 518C King
the Library Staff Organization Library South.
will sponsor a bake sale in the
Staff Lounge on the third floor 10th WOMEN WRITERS CONFERENCE
of King North. There will be a
wide variety of cakes, candy, The tenth. annual LH< Women ,
cookies and other items to help Writers Conference is scheduled
you celebrate the Valent1ne's for April 6-9, 1988, on the UK
Day weekend. campus.
Among the featured
· presenters will be Andrea
‘ Dworkin, Denise Giardina,
Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar,

 » Rosa Guy, Marilyn Hacker, partially funded by a grant  I
Sherley Ann williams, Billie from the Kentucky Humanities
Jean Young, and Camille Council. The program is free
Bacon—Smith. and open to the public. For
The conference will include more information, telephone
panel discussions, lectures, Kate Black in Special
readings, workshops, a play Collections at 7-8634.
presentation, a bookstore and (Submitted by Kate Black).
publishers exhibits.
contact Bonnie Jean Cox in I
. Collection Development (7-5895) The Staff Development ‘
or Continuing Education for Committee has compiled a list
women, 106 Frazee Hall of computer classes and ·
(7-3295). ' computers available on campus
and at the Medical Center
Computer Classes
Three Appalachian poets will
read from their works and, UK Computing Center Short
afterwards , generate Courses: These classes offered
discussions with the audience by the Computing Center are
on March 3, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. free for faculty, staff and
at the Northside Branch of the students. They concentrate on
Lexington Public Library, 1737 programs available on the Prime
Russell Cave Road. computer. The list of courses ‘
Bob Henry Baber, George Ella can be found in the Kentuck
Lyon, and Anne Shelby will Register, published monthly by (
address the treatment of he Computing Center. A copy of
community issues and the the Register is available in
"everyday voice" in their own the Math Sciences Library.
poems. The pu·rpose of the Continuing Education
program is to de—mystify poetry Program, Lexington Community
by exploring its sources -- College: Offers a wide variety
often the voices of everyday of courses from introductory to (
people -- and the poet's advanced. Cost varies
attempt to recreate these depending on class. For
voices; to provide a climate information, call 7-5833.
where poetry can be seen as a Academic Support Services
response to and means of for Adults: Their "Refresher
understanding social and Courses for Adults" program I
cultural change, and to create offers a simple word processing
a context in which poetry can course using Apple Computers.
be understood as a connected, The current class is being .
communal, and even historical offered February 22 and 29 from
experience. 6:30-8:30 p.m. The cost is $20
"Poetry in the Community: plus one disk. For more
Everyday Voices" is sponsored information, call 7-3383.
` by the UK Libraries, the UK UK Community Education: , (
Appalachian Center and the Several classes are offered in '°
Lexington Public Library and is b a s i c m i c r o c o m p u t e r

 applications. It is possible Individuals must supply * *
to earn a Computer Certificate their own software and disks. .; j
through these classes, although For more information, call °.:
earning the certificate is not 233-5212. ( (
required. Cost averages $100 In addition, there are 25
per class. For more Prime computer terminals Q.
information, go by 205 Frazee located on the second floor of ‘» ~
Hall, or call 7-3294. the Health Sciences Learning
Center. A word—processing ~
Computers pp Campus package and a printer are· :j;§ j
available. Individuals must . 1); qi
Micro Lab in 107 Mcvey Hall: obtain a log—on ID from the jjj‘j
This facility is open to Computing Center. (Submitted -£*jiU
students, faculty and staff. by Joanne Goode). . §j if
The microcomputers can be -¥ E
reserved for one hour by ·_ §
calling 7-2900, ext. 207. The JOB OPPORTUNITITES 9
. lab has a variety of both IBM ‘ ` j
computers and Apples. There is , -
always someone on duty to LOCAL (
1 a:ssi.st . Hoxirs arte "¤ ‘
Monday—Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - Retrospective Conversion - ~
10:00 p.m.;Friday, 9:00 a.m.- Project Coordinator. I
5:M)p.mq SaUuday,121umn — Transylvania University. V·
5:00 p.m., and Sunday, 2:00 Salary: $25,000—$30,000. =
p.m. — 7:00 p.m. Deadline: February 15, 1988.  ‘
Once a nwnth, basic micro i ‘(
training classes are offered. ARIZONA * »
See the Kentucky Register for ( _.()
deuuls. Acquisitions Librarian._ ji: (
University of Arizona. Salary: ‘-§F·aj
Computer Services $20,000 minimum. Deadline: (L _1
UK Medical Center March 11, 1988. gi
M i c r o c 0 m p u t e r L a b Library Instruction Librarian. Y
(Audiovisual Library, Health University of Arizona. Salary:
Sciences Learning Center): The $20,750 minimum. Deadline: .
lab is open to UK students, March 15, 1988. ‘q »
staff and faculty from 8:00 »
a.m. - 11:45 p.m., although CALIFORNIA - ·
Medical Center people have n
priority; consultants are Science Reference Librarian. {
available from 9:00 a.m. until University of California, L
noon and from 1:00-5:00 p.m. Riverside. Salary: (
Monday through Friday. A $25,380—$27,948. Deadline: ‘ _
sign—up sheet is posted to sign March 1, 1988.
up for two—hour time slots. Q',
Equipment includes five IBM GPD Head. San Jose State ri'
. AT computers, 1 Epson printer University. Salary: variabi :~::· . V:f“
and one laser printer available Deadline: March 1, 1988. ·-
during the times consultants ·
are on hand. :°

Assistant Director of Libraries
for Public Services. Colorado NEBRASKA
State University. Salary:
variable. Deadline: April 18, Reference Librarian/User
1988. Education Specialist.
University of Nebraska.
CONNECTICUT Salary: $18,000. Deadline:
February 15, 1988.
Collection Services Librarian.
( Yale University. Salary: NEWLERSEY
variable. Deadline: February
26, 1988. Reference Librarian (Biological
and Health Sciences). Rutgers
ILLINOIS University. Salary: $29,243
minimum. Deadline: March 15,
Head, Serials Department. 1988. ·
Illinois State Institute of
Technology. Salary: variable. OHIO
Deadline: none given.
East European and Slavic
Assistant Humanitites Studies Librarian. Ohio State
Librarian. Southern Illinois University . Salary:
University at Carbondale. $23,040—28,080. Deadline:
_ Salary: $20,000 minimum. February 29, 1988.
Deadline: February 19, 1988.
Head, Learning Resources Center
INDIANA of the Ohio State University.
Salary: $27,000—31,080. `
Asst. or Assoc. Librarian for Deadline: February 29, 1988.
Documents. Indiana University
School of Law. Salary: Reference/Information Services
variable. Deadline: April 1, Librarian. Ohio State ‘
1988. University. Salary:
$20,760—22,080. Deadline:
MARYLAND February 29, 1988.
Preservation Librarian. Johns OKLAHOMA
Hopkins University. Salary:
$24,297 minimum. Deadline: Engineering Librarian.
Ma¤j125,1988. University of Oklahoma.
t Salary: $28,111. Deadline:
MASSACHUSETTS April 8, 1988.
Librarian (anthropology & PENNSYLVANIA
archaeology). Harvard
University. Salary: $35,000 Serials Acquisitions Librarian.
minimum. Deadline: none Temple University. Salary:
· given. · $19,845 minimum. Deadline:
February 8, 1988.

l Coordinator of Computerized , W 8
Reference Services/Reference
Librarian. Temple University.
Salary: $19,845 minimum.
Deadline: February 8, 1988.