xt74f47grq0b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74f47grq0b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1973-11-02 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Bulletin, November 2, 1973, no. 24 text Bulletin, November 2, 1973, no. 24 1973 1973-11-02 2014 true xt74f47grq0b section xt74f47grq0b K/{gIéL#L_`¤§ Q_
B U L L E T I §*»
ARCH: The Communi;g for October '73 carried
an article about the newly formed Academic V
Resource Clearinghouse Project (ARCH). This UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
pamphlet may have potential for the library LIBRARIES
in determining untapped subject specialists,
as well as determining what kinds of re- November 2, 1973 No. 24
search projects are on-going on campus.
ACQUISITIONS CHANGES: "Ms. Elizabeth Howard has recently assumed the
duties of the Head of the Monographic Section in the Acquisitions De-
partment. She will continue to be involved in the Gift and Exchange
unit,as well.”
POSITION OPENINGS: Acquisitions, Classified V, open now.
PLANS: The Planning and Development unit has submitted grant propo-
sals to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies and to the Council on Libra~
ry Resources for money enabling us to provide more reference services
to undergraduate students. If the grants are approved, we will be
getting audio-tutorial carrels for the Reference area. The slide-
tape presentations will be produced by librarians. If these grants
are approved Bill Gardner and Deanna Hudson will be seeking ideas and
help from the staff on the production of the programs.
FACULTY OVERDUES: From University of Tennessee Libraries Annual Report,
"Faculty overdues continue to increase, numbering over 3,500 per
quarter this past year. The Faculty Senate passed a resolution in May
l973 endorsing sanctions against faculty who ignore two recall notices
after materials have been out for more than one year. A straw vote of
the Senators showed a marked preference for fines rather than curtail-
ment of library privileges. Discussions with University Administra-
tion are in progress."
SCI: "A representative from the Institute for Scientific Information _
(ISI) will present a tutorial on the use of SCIENCE CITATION INDEX
(SCI) for all interested faculty, staff, and students in Room 245 of
the Student Center on November 9th. One presentation will be at
10:30 A.M. and another at 2:00 P.M.
SCI is an international interdisciplinary index to the literature
of science, medicine, agriculture, technology and the behavioral sci-
ences. It covers more than 2,400 primary journals. The approach is
multidisciplinary and uses an indexing system that follows scientist's
own traditional method of literature searching - that of locating ar-
ticles related to their subject interests by examining reference cita-
tions of articles known to be relevant.
A new tool, SOCIAL SCIENCES CITATION INDEX, will also be reviewed.
This will be a great interest to those persons in law and the social
sciences. The same basic approach is used. All interested persons
are urged to attend."

 Page 2 November 2, 1973
more readily available for research its unparalleled resources in
American history and culture, will award to qualified scholars a num-
ber of short-term Visiting Fellowships during the year June 1, 1974-
May 31, 1975. The funds for these grants are derived from the income
of the Society's Fred Harris Daniels Fund. .
The Fellowships may vary in duration from one to three months, de-
pending on the Fellow's requirements. Stipends may vary in amount,
according to a Fe1low's needs, to a maximum of $2,500. Fellowships
will be awarded not only on the basis of the applicant's scholarly
qualifications and the general interest of his project, but also on
the appropriateness of the inquiry to the Society's holdings.
Applications may be submitted anytime before March 1, 1974, by per-
sons engaged in scholarly research or writing, including those at work
on doctoral dissertations. The announcement of the grants will be
made by April 30, l974."
42 days to the BIG MOVE