xt74f47grc8h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74f47grc8h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1945-03-23  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1945 1945 1945-03-23 2013 true xt74f47grc8h section xt74f47grc8h The Kentucky Kernel

UK Looks Ahead
To Brighter Futnre


Gilb, Bostick Given
New Football Posts
Both New Coaches
Former Footballers
Elmer (Baldy) Oilb, former
versity three-lettman and assistant football coach at the state
institution for three years under
Head Coach Harry Gamage, and
again in 1912 under Ab Kirwan, has
been selected by Head Coach B. A.
asShively as one of his part-tim- e
sistants, with the approval of President Herman Lee Donovan. Formal
action on Gilb's appointment will
be taken today by the executive
committee of the Board of Trustees.
Won Football Numerals
Gilb entered the University from
Newport in 1925, and won numerals
in football, basketball and baseball
that year, also serving as captain of
the freshman basketball team. He
earned his football letters in 1926,
27 and 28, playing end one year
and in the backfield for two years.
He earned his varsity basketball
letter in 1929 and letters in baseball
in 1927, "28 and "29, serving as captain of the diamond squad In 1929.
It was in 1929, "30 and "31 that
Gilb assisted Harry Gamage. then
Kentucky head football coach, and
Kirwan again called on the former
Kentucky player to assist him In



Besides coaching the Lexington
Junior high school basketball team,
where he teaches mathematics, Gilb
has also served as assistant football
coach to John G. Heber at Henry
Clay high school.
The new coach holds the AB degree from the University, which he
earned in 1929, and the MA obtained in 1936. He is a member of
Phi Kappa Tau social fraternity,
and is married to the former Stella
6picer of Lexington, also a University alumna. They have one
Bostick Appointed
Lee Bostick, line coach of the
University of Alabama last year, has
been appointed an assistant football
coach for the Wildcats, Coach Ber- Die Shively announced March 10.
Bostick, Alabama lineman from
1936-3- 8
and Cleveland professional
in 1939, will report for duty April 1.
In announcing Bostick' appointment, Shively said that he was the
first of three assistants he hopes to
appoint. The Wildcat coach wants
one more full-ticoach and



The .new, assistant couch. hu6.ha
a very colorful football career. He
played right guard on the Crimson
Tide eleven from 1936 through 1938
and was the captain of the team his
senior year. The 1938 "Bama team
was one of the best ever produced
at the Tuscaloosa school.
Bostick 's last appearance against
the Big Blue of Kentucky was in
1938 when the Wildcats went down
in defeat 26-- 6 at Stoll field. That






nently mentioned

was promi-


Opposed Kentmcky
Bostick was a regular guard on
the 1937 Alabama club, which lost to
Southern Califcrnia by 0 in the
Rooe Bowl.
After graduating from Alabama in
1938, Bostick played professional
football with Cleveland for a year,
and was line coach at Howard College from 1940-4He Joined the
Alabama coaching staff in 1942.
At Alabama he succeeded Hank
Crisp as line mentor, when the latter was given a leave of absence as
a civilian trainer at Georgia
school. Crisp returned to the
campus only a few weeks ago, and


Pre-Flig- ht


from Page Four)

Men's Clee dob . . . will reorganize
7 p.m. Monday in Room 19 of
the Art Center.
Sweater P wing . . . from 6 to 7:30
p m. Monday in the Bluegrass room
of the Union building.
Home trenomics elnb . . . will meet
at 7:30 pjn. Monday in the Home
Economics building. Brough Mad- dox will be guest speaker.
. . . will meet at 5 pjn.
Tuesday in the Armory.
Philosophy club . . . Hill meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. in Frazee hall. Dr.
Jameson Jones, head of the Philosophy department at Centre college,
is to speak. All students and their
friends are invited.
Veterans' elnb . . . mill meet at 7
pjn. Monday in Room 204 of the
Union building.
Pitain club . . . will meet at noon
Wednesday at the Maxwell Street


Red Cross Drive
Will Begin Monday





Classes Will
Be Dismissed

Netters End
Cage Season

For Occasion

Cats Met Buckeyes
Last Night In N. Y.
The Wildcats held their last practice session of the season Wednesday morning, and departed for New
York where they met Ohio State in
the second game of the eastern
National Collegiate Athletic Association basketball tournament last
night. The final score had not been
announced at Kernel press time.
Coach Adolph Rupp was pleased
with the offensive showing of his
Southeastern conference champs,
but said that he believed there was
something lacking in their defense.
8 quad Arrived Yesterday
The squad was scheduled to arrive in New York yesterday afternoon and is quartered at the Belver-dcr- e
hotel, which is directly across
the street from Madison Square
Garden, site of the annual tourney.
The Kentucky Cats drilled hi the

Garden yesterday afternoon, and
were expected to attend semi-fingames of the National Invitational
tournament. In which the Cats won
third place last year, at the Garden
last night.
In the first game of the NCAA
tourney last night the New York
university Violets were favored to
advance at the expense of lightly regarded Tufts college, while in the
Kensecond half of the twin-bi- ll
tucky and Ohio State came together for the second time this season in
a game which the experts had been
unable to dope out.
Beat Ohio In December
The Wildcats captured a


victory over Coach Harold Olsen's
Buckeyes in an overtime contest
here in December. The score was
when the regulation
tied at
time expired,, and Alex Groza, sensation Cat pivotman now in the
Army, was the individual star of the
Kentucky triumph.
Groza 's replacement, Dutch Campbell, has improved steadily since
taking over the pivot post Forward
Wilbur Schu, who played the entire
40 minutes of the game here on two
severly injiiFed knees, is now in
good shape and should be of more
Johnny Stough, the little guard
six foot, four-inc- h
who held
football star Jack
Dugger without a field goal in the
first meeting, was expected to be
assigned this time to
forward Don Grate, with Jack
Parkinson shifting to Dugger.
Rats To Play Twice
Kentucky will play two games in
New York regardless of the outcome
of the first engagement . If the Cats
defeated Ohio State last night they
will play the winner of the NYU-Tuf- ts


scrap for the eastern cham

pionship Saturday night, whereas if
they lost last night they will meet
the loser of the same till for the
consolation honors.
The eastern NCAA champ will
play the winner of the western di
vision playoffs, which start tonight
at Kansas City, Mo., for the NCAA
crown at the Garden next Tuesday
night, and the winner of that game
will meet the National Invitational
tourney wiiuier for the mythical
national championship in the annual Red Cross game next Thursday night.
Members of the tournament squad
who made the trip were: Tingle,
Schu. Campbell, Stough, Parkinson,
Buddy Parker. George
Vulich, Ed Allen, and Jimmy Durham. Each of the 10 were listed as


at the banquet


day night.

Junior, Senior Women
To Be Interviewed


career conference, planned by
Mortar Board, to help junior and

senior women find jobs, will begin
on the campus April 5.
The conference, jointly sponsored
by Dean of Women Sarah B.
Holmes, Mortar Board, and Dorothy
Evans, social director of the Stu
dent Union, will bring representa
tives from large organizations to
the campus to interview Junior and
senior women.
which will
Those organizations
send representatives include Ashland Oil and Refining company,
Courier-Journa- l,
of PasLouisville, Curtiss-Wrigsaic, Indiana Ordnance (DuPont),
National Oirl Scouts, RCA. Victor
Presbyterian church.
Eastfreshman elnb . . . will meet at division. Seagram, Teimessee Frankdivision at
8:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Union man, Welfare
fort, Wright field and Civil Service.
Students may apply for permawill meet at 6:30
Ipperclass IT
Tin.Hgv in tist Uul?n bulHArc. nent VT ii'JITVTer




It. H. Hooper
Will Speak
Al Next Convo

Richard H. Hooper, of the Radio
Corporation of America, will speak
to the student body on the "Future
of Television" at the first convocation of the spring quarter at 11 a.m.
Classes regularly scheduled for
the 4th hour on that day will be
dismissed for the convocation, according to the dean of the University.
Handles Production
Mr. Hooper was chosen by the
Radio Corporation of America to
handle program production and
sales promotion on receiving sets
when the corporation first began
its public television program service, in 1939.
He is one of the few men with
this company who is not an engineer, but has confined his activities to what might be considered
the human and commercial side of
the business. He brought a background of dramatic production and
radio station management to the
television industry.
Was At World
Hooper has been associated
with the RCA Traveling Television
unit which toured the country with
a portable television studio and a
number of home type receivers, to
give the public a preview of what
it could expect of television in the
home. He was in" charge of the
Television studios at the New York
World's Fair, where many of the
techniques that arc now used in
were developed.
The distinction of being one of
the first men to ever produce tele
vision shows under two flags, by
taking a television unit into Hamilton, Bermuda, to do a special show
as the guest of the governor general of Bermuda, is Mr. Hooper's,

Red Cross
Campus Drive
Ppens Monday

Kernel Staff
Will Meet
There will be
meeting of The Kernel editorial
staff at 4 p.m. Monday in the
News room.
Reporters will be required to
work at least two hours a week
from now on, to classify as
members of the staff. Beginning
next week a record of the hours
will be posted.
All students interested in
working on The Kernel are
asked to attend the meeting.


Your Dollars Aid
Many Red Cross
Wartime Activities
The University's

Red Cross war

fund drive will begin Monday and
iontlnue through Friday, with the

Being Held

goal set at $300. All campaigning
will be directed by the Student Government association.
Charts Show Tabulations
A chart will be placed in each
residence unit to record daily collections by drive chairmen, and a
master chart in the Union building
will show
Chairmen in each residence unit
Will be appointed this week. The
drive will be conducted on a competitive basis between residence
SGA President Bill Embry announced Wednesday. "Though the
local quota has already been met.
we must still give as generously as
possible. You all know whom your
contributions will help your brothers, fathers, sweethearts and husbands. So, let's all show we care,
and give our share!"
National Red Cross' wartime activities include aiding families of
servicement, maintaining "clubs" In
war areas for recreation, distributing nearly 11 million packages
yearly to Yank prisoners of war,
in addition to its regular hospital
and rehabilitation services.
Charter Obligations
Briefly summarized in the 1945
Red Cross handbook, its "charter
obligations" are as follows: "to furnish volunteer aid to the sick and
wounded of the military branches
in time of war; to act as a medium
of communication between the people of the United States and their
army and navy; to mitigate the sufferings caused by pestilence, famine,
fire, flood, and devise means of prevention; and to submit an annual
report to Congress, with accounts
audited by the War department.
The faculty and staff of the Uni
versity had raised $3,080 by Wed
nesday for their part of the Red
Cross drive which began on March
1. All reports of donations had not
been received at that time.
Members of the AST and ASTR

Thirty Women,
UK Gradutes,
Will Speak


How to meet eligible men, what
type work is available, and the opportunities of advancement, are all
questions being answered for University undergraduates by a group
of thirty business women participating in a vocational guidance conference being held on the campus
AU UK Graduates

The business women, all graduates of the University, are brought
to the campus by the House President's council. Each woman is
qualified to answer questions about
some vocation.
Speakers on today's program at 3
p.m. in the Union building are Lieut.
McClcavey, U. S. Army Signal
Corps, Room 204; Miss Margaret
Griff ing. Department of Chemistry,
Northwestern university. Room 205;
Emily S. Warfield M. D., Room 206.
Scheduled For Today

Those scheduled for 4 pjn. today
are: For occupational therapy, Mrs.
Dessa M. Hart well, U. S. Veterans'
hospital. Room 204; Miss Louise Gal-laay. University school library,
Room 205; for social welfare, Miss
Muriel Cavis, Room 206.
At 5 p.m. Miss Kitty Conroy, University hogh school. Room 204; for
secretarial work. Miss Ann Wilson of
Dean W. S. Taylor's office. Room
By Lib Faulkner
205, and Miss T. J. Rentz, LexingRcpairuig
or ton
department. Room have contributed $12.50 to date
coaching teams in the city parks are 20?; Recreation
The student drive was postponed
will speak.
part-tim- e
two extremes on the list of
until after the faculty drive because
Speak Tomorrow
jobs performed by UK stuof exams and registration, officials
Those occupations scheduled for said.
Many students are paying part or Saturday are: community nutrition
Reginald Bowen, Arts and Sciences
all of their school expenses by doing Miss Emily Bennett, director, Cen- junior from Hillcrest, has been apsome sort of work after classes.
tral Dairy council, Room 204; music, pointed general chairman of the
For example, journalism students Miss Jean Marie McConnell, Pica-do- campus drive. Bowen is chairman
earn spare cash and learn their
school. Room 205; medical of the SGA social committee, memtrade by working ohThe Kernel or technology. Miss Betsy Covington, ber of the Student Union board, and
the Lexington papers as everything City and County Public Health de- a .member of Kappa Sigma social
from office boy to staff writer. Many partment. Room 206.
journalism students make spending
Under the general chairman, the
Speakers Thursday were Kliss
money by
writing and by
drive is
into men's and
working in Lexington's radio studios. Ruth Harper, nursing; Miss Mary E. women's units, with canvass
in a Lexing-o- n Collins .homemaking, Lieut. Vera man for both residence and town
Assistant dietitian
Haskell, Wac; Mrs. Harold N. Runs- hospital and keeping children
dorf, physiotherapy; Miss Vera W. students.
for busy housewives are two occupaHead of the
tions filled by home economic stu- Gillespie, journalism; Mrs. Frank man Chrisman,men's division is NorEngineering senior
Murray, Girl Scouts; Miss Betty
Student artists have been known Brewer, personnel; Mrs. Verna Car- from Pikeville. Women's division
to fix anything from broken jewelry lisle, Nursery schools; and Miss head is Gwen Pace, Arts and Sciences junior from Tavares, Fla,
to disfigured oil paintings. Art stu- Helen Fortune, accounting.
John Robbins and John Hopkins
dents letter signs for local store
The conference is being held in
windows and make novelties for conection with the annual Mortar will canvass men living In campus
Lexington's gift shops.
Board Career conference, April 5 dormitories; W. B. Wrench heads
Chemistry majors do government and 6, which brings representatives the division which will contact men
research projects in their labs,' while from companies interested in hiring living in town.
Marybelle Calvert heads the sororbacteriology majors learn and earn graduates, to the campus.
ity group of the women's division;
as hospital laboratory assistants.
Helen Davis heaas the dormitory
UK's physical education majors
residents, and Betty Ruth Harris is
direct group activities in the city
parks and even lead classes in "how
in charge of women living In town.
to reduce" for town women.
Joseph Covington is chairman of
All women who have belonged
Psychology majors conduct interthe Red Cross drive's speaker bureau
woman's drill orserve as
views for various polls and
and Marjcan Wenstrup heads the
ganization, and all coeds desirsubjects in department experiments,
pubicity division.
ous of joining this quarter, are
while music students earn cash by
requested to appear for meetplaying hi some of the local dance
ing at 5 p.m. Tuesday at the
Armory. It is imperative that
Besides the varied work done off
the group drill in full strength
Prof. Perry West, head of the
campus by students, there are
preparatory for the first miliMechanical Engineering departmany jobs filled at the University.
tary parade, scheduled for early
Stu-de- n
ment, has been confined to the hosOther jobs are found in the
April, officials say.
pital for several days, according to
Union cafeteria and at the
the Engineering department.
nursery school.

UK Students
Work Hard!!!







Professor West

Enrollment Moves Up
In Spring Registration
With 100 New Veterans
Men To Women

Funeral Services Held
For Dr. Jesse Adams
Professor Taught

Ratio Remains
One To Three
A sharp Increase enrollment at
the University at the beginning of
the spring quarter has been attributed partly to the registration of
more than 100 World War II veter-


At UK Since 1925
Funeral services were held at 2
p.m. March 12 at the Calvary Bap
tist church for Dr. Jesse Earl Adams,
head of the Philosophy of Education
department in the Department of
Education of the University.
Dr. Adams, who has been pro
fessor of education and director of
summer session at the University
since 1925, was born in Monroe City,
Ind., on April 24, 1888, the son of
George W. and Ella M. Adams.
Receives Degrees
He received his AB degree at Viii
ceimes university in 1913 and on
February 20. 1920. he married
Esther M. Nicholson of Wheatland.
Indiana. He later recived his AM
degree at Indiana university in 1922
and his Ph.D. at Indiana in 1925.
During his years as a professor.
Dr. Adams wrote several books and
educational periodical reports. These
books include A Study in the Equalization of Educational Opportunities in Kentucky; Child Centered
Speller; Self - Teaching Spelling
Tablet; Curricula for Small High
of An
Schools; and was
Introduction to Education and the
Teaching Process.
Served With' Army
During World War I, Dr. Adams
served with the United States Army,
and in the course of his life-tihas been a member of the Baptist
church, the Masonic lodge, the
National Education association, the
National Society for the Study of
Education; National Society of College Teacher; American Association
of University Professors, Kentucky
Phi Beta
Kappa. Phi Delta Kappa. Kappa
Delta Pi, the Central Kentucky Blue
Grass Executive club. Research club
of the University, the National
association. Association of
Deans and Directors of Summer
Sessions, and Kiwanis club.
Survivors Include
Dr. Adams is survived by his wife
and two sons, Lieut. William Randolph Adams and Jesse E. Adams,
Jr.; one grandson. William Randolph
Adams. Jr.; a twin sister, Mrs.
Wilson of Monroe City; two
other sisters, Mrs. George Small and
Mrs. Philip Cooper, also of Monroe
City: and two brothers, Randolph
Adams of Detroit. Mich., and the
Rev. George W. Adams. Martinsville,

Cur-ricul- ar


Kernel Appoints
Business Manager
Peggy Watkins. A&S junior of
Lexington, was appointed business
manager of The Kernel last Friday
replacing Margaret Julia Wharton
who recently resigned from the post.
Miss Watkins began her duties
last Monday and has promised no
change in policy or staff for the
Miss Watkins is an Aluha Gamma
Delta, an active Guignol worker,
and is at present employed in the
advertising department of a downtown store.
Margaret Julia Wharton is
of Kappa Kappa Gamma,
social sorority, and a member of the
Newman club.
Advertising staff, members are:
Mary Hilleiuneyer, Peggy Ellis. Jean
Johnson, and Sue Ann Feniniore.
















classroom on one of spring's most
beautiful days.
Most students interviewed in this
week's survey said that when the
spring is sprung their fancy turns
to cutting classes and love 'n stuff.
A senior said that spring moved
her to thoughts of love but that it
didn't do her much good since the
principal object of those thoughts is
in Italy. "And my mental telepathy
processes aren't what they should
be." she said. "My grades usually
do come up but I stay lazy all



Affects Studying
One soldier on the campus said

100. "I attempt to study as often
as I have before, but spring just
makes me want to lay around and
dream all day," he said. "I have
plans to improve my attitude this
spring though," (he added in a
small voice.)
One freshman girl said spring
made her want to get out in the
sun and take walks with MEN. "I
attempt to study outdoors in the
spring but I've learned that that
doesn't work," she said, "and I'm
afraid I won't be able to look forward to many walks this spring
with the male species."
Spring Offers Some Encouragement

study more. "Spring encourages me
to get better grades," she declared.
Agreeing that spring makes you
study more, a sophomore said.
"When it is cool and yet pleasant
It makes me want to accomplish
things. I take sun baths and walks
but I still study as much as I did
before." She added, "Spring is my
lucky season. It usually makes my
grades come up so I'm awaiting
developments now."
One junior who is a Mrs. said that
she usually got better grades in the
spring but "I can't eat, I can't sleep,
and I can't study all I can do is
sit and think about my husband,"
she declared.
An eager-beavseiuor was enerThe Fawer of Spring
getically studyuig the night BEAnother coed said that studying
FORE this quarter's classes began.
When asked if spring affected her interfered with her spring. She
stuyipg the said that it i&de her said that she dida't believe that the



war veterans are


rolled. He said that a large percentage of them are Interested in law
The ratio of enrollment at the
University during the war has been
about three girls to one boy. and
Miss Maple Moores. assistant registrar said that the ratio likely would
be the same again this quarter.
At present there are approximately 300 soldiers of the Army Specialized Training Program, and the
Dr. Jesse A&ams
Army Specialized Training Reserves
stationed at the University.
During registration. Miss Moore3
said, two scarfs, a man's raincoat,
and a girl's raincoat were left in
the Union building. They are now
at the office of the registrar in the
The 1945 Kentuckian. scheduled Administration building. The own
to go to press last week, will be ers may call there for them.
delayed for a short time on account
of cuts. Because of
of a tie-u- p
high water in Cincinnati,
engravers, who hold the contract for Kentuckian cuts, mere unable to complete their work on
schedule. The yearbook is ready to
Religious Emphasis week which
go to press as soon as the cuts arcampus Monday,
rive, June Baker, Kentuckian edi- will begin on the
tor, announced today. The book will be climaxed by the annual
was scheduled to appear May 1. but Easter Sunrise services on April
To further student participation
it may not appear until the followin the observance of the week of
ing: week. Miss Baker said.
and the
layout, presenting prayer the
eight pages of snapshots, has al- Interfaith council have made arready been completed. In addition rangements for a number of promUniverto the usual sections, the Kentuc- inent speakers to visit the 28.
kian will present a calendar re- sity on March 26. 27. and
The speakers are Dr. Jameson
viewing events of the year. The
first section will be printed in two Jones, head of the department
colors, and Shadow and Phenix Philosophy of Centre college: Mr.
type will be used throughout the Ralph Frost, secretary of the YMCA
issue. The inside cover will show at the University of Tennessee; Rev.
Brough Maddox. student at th
spread of a wildcat.
Kentuckians will be mailed to all Baptist Theological seminary of
Eisen-dratstudents leaving school before May Louisville: Rabbi Maurice N.
former conductor of th
if deposits for mailing costs have
been left at the Kentuckian office. Forum of the Air and a member of
Anyone who has not left his deposit the Jewish Chautauqua society: and
should do so at once. Further an- Miss Elizabeth Turner, traveling
nouncements will be made through secretary of the Student Volunteer
The Kernel about publication date. movement.
Rev. Maddox will speak at the
Seniors, upon presentation of
their receipts for senior fees, wUl Freshman club meeting on Tuesday,
receive Kentuckians first. Second while Rabbi Eisendrath will talk a',
priority will be given to those stu- - the Upperclass meeting. Mr. Frost
dents holding receipts for down- -i is scheduled to appear at the Phapayments on the annual. The re- -j lanx meeting on the same day while
maming yearbooks will be sold at Miss Turner will be guest speaker
$4.50 each to any student wishing on Sunday of the following week
at Rev. Rob McNeill's Sunday school
to buy one.
class. Other talks for the visitors
have not been scheduled as yet. but
it has been announced that somn
of them will visit the fraternity and
sorority houses.

Flood Delays


Religious Week
To Be Climaxed
By Easter Services



two-pa- ge


KPA Meets
In Lexington

Confidence ui the administration
of the University and appreciation
of its president. Dr. H. L. Donovan.
and the board of trustees, was ex
pressed in a resolution adopted by
the executive committee of the Kentucky Press association hi a meeting at the Lafayette hotel, Satur- day. March 18.
In another resolution, also intro
duced by Mr. Forgey. the committee expressed appreciation to President Donovan and the board of
trustees for their interest in the
state press.
"President Donovan and the board
of trustees of the University of Kentucky have demonstrated their interest in the press of the state
through the establishment of our
central office at the University, and
power have permitted Secretary Victor R.
professors realized the full
of spring. "I'd rather go out and Portmann. assistant professor of
study nature than sit in a class- journalism at the University, to help
room and study a botany plant. the association,"
the resolution
Spring would also be a good pre- stated.
requisite for the marriage and the
Plans for the erection of a jourfamily courses.
nalism building on the campus of
One coed said that spring really the University when materials are
plays havoc with her studying. "I'm available, and for advancement of
Department of
always spring fever's prize victim. the University's
Spring makes me want to hibernate Journalism, one of the 34 class-- A
and sleep," she stated, "I know I units of instruction in journalism
can't afford to sleep this spring in the United States, were also ensince it's my last quarter of college dorsed.
The Kentucky Kernel is a membut I sure am going to have to fight
ber of the Kentucky Press associaagainst it."
outjor said that tion.
A journalism
spring didn't seem to affect her
grades but it certainly did her
studying. "With everything around
Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes spoke on
you so new and alive hi the spring
it's hard to settle down to books "Tomorrows Citizens" last night at
the fcrux htli ts. Ceor;tto53.
whith ssem so dead," she

Mrs. Holmes Speaks


At the end of the second day of
registration, student enrollment
totaled 1,533 as compared to 1,184
who had registered at this time a
year ago.
Dr. M. M. White, associate dean
of the Arts and Sciences college, and
personnel director, said Wednesday

that about

It's Officially Spring But Cold As Xmas
By Mary Louise Patton
"The spring is sprung, the grass
is riz, wonder where all my nttle
students is," says the puzzled pro
fessor when he faces a nearly vacant


By Shirley Meister
What question would
yoa like this column to ask this
q oarter?
What new ideas do vou have in
regard to social life this quarter?
Virginia Babb. Com., Junior: Hov
to get As out of classes?
Wilms Mann. A AS. sophomor;
How can one persuade their prjfs
to have classes outside?
Dookie Kirk, A AS. sophomore t
What to do to avoid wolves oil the


George Vulich. AftS. sophomore:
Are the students going to be more
interested in school or in social
Margaret Mct'orkle. A AS. junior:
What's happened to "the playground of the South?'"
Julie Landrnm, A AS, senior: Hot
are people going to get back and
forth from the river and the lake?
David Beam, Eng., freshman:
What is the best way to get acquainted with UK coeds?
Ruth Martin. A AS. senior: Hrrr
can you graduate iu ten easy

Ann Barron.



are people going to do for



� Besi uopy Mvaiiauie

The Kernel Editorial Page


..Managing Editor
..News Editor
Business Manager
Circulation Manager
.Assistant Managing Editor
Sports Editor
-- ..Society Editor
Assistant News Editors

Er.Tprfd at the Post Office at Lexington, Kentucky, m
frr.i.d tibss matter undr the Act of March S, 167a.

Eenturfry Intvirollrglatc Press Association
liexlnfton Board of Commerce
Kentucky Press Association
National Editorial Association

naewteaerrto eM



Natioiul Advertising Senice,
New Toe

4SO Mabmoii Ave.


.50 One Quarter

Catherine Ooman, W. B. Wrench, John Vlolette, Edna Craw-


ford, Marjorle Wyant. Martha Hagan, Jane Hunt Clark. Patsy
Burnett. Juliette Jones, Martha Yates. Marilyn Mitchell, Jane
Glsh, Ruth Perlmuller,
Hammersler. Al Reynolds,
Georfe Beckwtth, Edwin Gaines.-

N. V.



and columnt are to be considered' the
of the writer themaelvet, and do wot necessarily
the opinion o Th Kama- relecf
All flowed article


one Year

Vocational Conferences




vocal ional guidance


legan yesierclav in die Suident
I'nioii l.iiililinsr, Jfrr ihe first to 1k Ik Id on 'he
;iniiiis this year, ihey are familiar 10 the
of women who have lcncfiied hv their
foi inns, which

ma-joiii- y

in past vears.
.aren't merelv a series of guid-niu- e
talks. Instead they
to help
imdergradiiates, who will he planning a
i.'ih-i- t
of their own after graduation, decide
iIk ii
of work. in round tahle discussions of
aiioiis pidhlems-variet- y
of work, kinds of jolw
nailall', opxrt unities for advancement, or occasion lo meel those who can fun her advancement.
As in oilier vears the conference is sponsored
hv the lesidence halls and (he houe presidents'
ouii il, who in turn choose (he sixakcrs for
t lie t in ire ( ime.
And iliTs year again (he group of business
women, all graduates of (he University wiihin
(he last three or four years, are well represented
in their field. They are prepared to answer
questions ertaining to vocational problems,
they have a thorough understanding of what the
I 'niwTsiiy woman will find when she graduates,
and the experiences each has had in their business practices are proof of their ability to present a true picture in the daily discussions.
The thirty business women who will meet
with certain groups throughout jhe sessions are
all recognized in their own line. Besides speakers



1 lie inceiings




who haven't as yc been scheduled definitely but
represent recreation, art, nursing, medical technology, chemistry, and oilier professions, are
those who will address the forums on particular
Included in the conferences are the woman
editor of the Richmond Daily Register, a representativ