xt74f47gqz3f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74f47gqz3f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1943-10-aug20-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1943-10-aug20-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1943-10-aug20-ec. 1943 1943-10-aug20-ec. 2011 true xt74f47gqz3f section xt74f47gqz3f 



    M4inutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees; University of Kentuc~.y, August 20, 1943.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in the President 3 Office at 10:30 a.m.
Friday, August 20, 1943. The following members were present:
Judge Richard C. Stoll, James Park, H. D. Palmoret R. P. Hobson
and H. S. Cleveland, President H. L. Donovan and Comptroller
Frank D. Peterson were also presents

     A. Approval K Minutes.

           1. Upon motion duly made and secondeds the
              minutes of July 16, 3.243, were approved as

     B. Comptroller's Report,

   The Comptroller submitted a complete financial report for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1943, showing the realized income by
divisionsJ State and Federal allotments, expenditures made against
the plant funds, the Experiment Station, Division of Extension#
and restricted funds.

                         *** * * * * * * *

            2. After examination of the report, upon motion
              made and seconded, it was ordered accepted and
              filed with the Secretary of the Executive Com-
                         * * * * * * * ** *

     Co Report AL Committee       -poinj   to Check Securitlea.

     President Donovan presented the report of the committee ap-
pointed by the Executive Committee on July 16 to check the securi-
ties in the custody of the Comptroller.



                                August 20, 1943

President H. L, Donovan
University of Kentucky

My dear President Donovan:

     In accordance with the request of the Executive Com-
mittee on July 16, the committee which was appointed at
that time has checked the securities in the custody of Mr.
Frahk D. Peterson, Comptroller. The committee finds
these securities to be exactly in accordance with the at-
tached lists

                              Very truly yours,

                                (Signed) H. D. Palmore

                                (Signed) Leo M. Chamberlain.

                  UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
          List of Securities in the custody of
          Frank D. Petersoti. Comptroller, and now
          in Safety Deposit Box at First National
          Bank and Trust Company.

Peabody Fund:
   Four U.S. Treasury Bonds--$10,000.00 each
   Numbers 2586F, 258?H, 2588J, 2589K

Meredith Fund:
   Certificate No. 814 issued by Lexington Federal
   Savings and Loan Association --- $700.00

Brent Fund:
   One U. S. Treasury Bond ---    000.00
   Number 63249K

Waddy Fund:
   Two U.S. Treasury Bonds, $1,000.00 each
   Numbers 63247H, 63248J

 Sullivan Medallion Fund)
 Union Building Fund     )
 Chemistry Library Fund )

One U. S. Treasury Bond, $500*00 Number 33741A



Student Loan Fund:
  Three Pulaski County Road and Bridge Bonds----l,OO.OO each
      2 payable in 1968, ) payable in 1972

   Ton Pulaski County Road and Bridge Bonds--$1,000.00 each
   Numbers 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 150, 151, 152, 153

   Twelve Louisville Street Improvement Bonds--41,OO0.0O each
   Series G.O. 89

   One Louisville Street Improvement Bond-4190.12
   Series G.O. 89

   Five Louisville Street Improvement Bonds--$100.00 each
   Series G.O. 89

   Three Louisville Street Improvement Bonds--41,000.00 each
   Series G.O. 90
   Three Louisville Street Improvement Bonds--$500.00 each
   Series G.O. 90

   Ten U.S. Treasury Bonds, $1,000.00 each
   Number 52257H to 52266F

   One U.S. Treasury Bond--45,000.00
   Number 1030

   One U. S. Treasury Bond--$1,000.00
   Number 2810

Organizations Fund:
   One Certificate No. 1149 issued by Lexington
   Federal Savings and Loan Association--45,000.00

   One Certificate No. 108 Issued by First Federal
   Savings and Loan Association--$2,500.OO

   One Certificate No. 130, issued by First Federal
   Savings and Loan Association--42,500.00

   Five U.S. Treasury Bonils--el,000.0O each
   Numbers 63242B, 63243C, 63244D, 63245E, 63246F

Haggin Fund:
   Ten U.S. Savings Bonds--$1,000.00 each at maturity
   Numbers M963111 C to M963120 C

   Ten U.S. Savings Bonds--ilO00.OO each at maturity
   Numbers M86366 D to 186375D

Ten U.S. Savings Bonds--$1,000.00 each at maturity
Numbers M.1237892D to 1237901D



College Restricted Fund:
   Five U.S. Treasury Bonds--si,jO0O.OO each
   Numbers 1774 to 1778

Agriculture and Home Economics
Anonymous Gift Fund:

   Four U.S. Savings Bonds totaling 4;20,200.00 at maturity
   Numbers X112727 F, X112728 F, C513995!, C513996 F

Guignol Theatre Fund:
   U.S. Savings Bonds No. N249807 F--$1,000.00
   No. D140877 F-_$500.00 and 13--$100.00 each  1,1800
   Numbers C275377 F to C275389 F

Kentucky Kernel:
   One Certificate No. 1924 issued by Lexington
   Federal Savings and Loan Association--45,000.00

War Engineering Training
Contingent Reserve Fund:

   Two U.S. Treasury Bonds--10,000.00 each
   Numbers 1322 and 18121

   One U.S. Treasury bond--45,U03.00
   Number 22586

Experiment Station h'estricted Fulnd:

   One U.S. Treasury Bond No. i779--41OOOO.OO
   One U.S. Treasury bond No. 1029--S 5,000.00

Student Government Association:

   Two U.S. Treasury Bonds--$1,000.00 each
   Numbers 13838J and 13839J

Pershing Riflew:

   Four U.S. Savings Bonds--w'1OO.OO each at maturity
   Numbers c 544479F, C544480 F, C544481F, C544482F

   Two U.S. Savings Bonds--$100.00 each
   Numbers C596998 F and C596999F

   Two U.S. Savings Bonds--425.00 each
   Numbers Q260102 F and Q260103 F



Group Insurance Fund:
   One Certificate No. 380 issued by First Federal
   Savings and Loan Association--$2,500.00

   One Certificate No. 502 issued by First Federal
   Savings and Loan Association--$l,500.00

   One Certificate No. 905 issued by Lexington Federal)
   Savings and Loan Association--*2,70O.00            )

   One Certificate Non 1468 issued by Lexington Federal)
   Savings and Loan Association--42,300.00            )

   Above certificates, Nos. 90-5 and 1468, converted into
   No. l656--$5i00O.

Alumni Association:

   One U.S. Bond No. 141000645 G--$1,000.XO

   Four U.S. Savings Bonds--$4O0.OO each
   Numbers C 136146OG to 1361462 G

Lances, Junior Men's Honorary:

   One U.S. Savings Bond No. C546743 F--$100.00
   One U.S. Savings Bond No. Q245160 F--$ 25.00
   One U.S. Savings Bond No. Q,245161 F--$ 25.00
   Savings Starps as follows:
          17 at .50
          12 at .25
          3 at .10

SuKy Circle:
   One Certificate No. 1030 issued by Lexington Federal
   Savings and Loan Associatiom--10O0.0*00

   Three U. S. Savings Bonds--_100.00 each
   Numbers C 1361729 G to C 1361731 G

   One U.S. Savings Bond--4500.90
   Number D758609 G

Lamp and Cross:
   One U.S. Series G Bond #C1362537 G - $100.00
   One U.S. Series G Bond #01362538 G - $100.00

Law College - Dean Evans
   One Foreign bond #D101 in the amount of $500.00,in accordance
   with letter of June 3, 1943.



                          * * * * X * * * * *

             3. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the
                report was received, accepted and ordered
                made a part of the minutes, and the com-
                mittee was discharged.
                          * * ** ** * ** *_

    D. Keenon, Huguelet & Odear Attorney Fees.

    President Donovan presented the bill of Keenon, Huguelet & Odear
for services rendered in acquisition of land authorized to be bought
by the Board of Trustees in previous meetings.   The Chairman and
members of the Executive Committee discussed the bill as presented and
took the following action:
                          *t * * * * * * * * *

             4, Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                the fee of Keenon, Huguelet and Odear amounting
                to 4250000 for services rendered in the acqui-
                sition of land for the University was approved
                and authorized paid from the Haggin fund.
                          *F * * * * it * * * *

     E. Sallee Lease.

     The President submitted a lease between Mrs. Margaret J. Sallee
and the University of Kentucky for property located at 273 South
Limestone, Lexington, Ky.

          THIS LEASE made and entered into in duplicate, this
      July 17, 1943, by and between Mrs. Margaret J. Sallee, of
      Lexington, Kentucky, as lessors and the University of
      Kentucky, as the lessee.

                       W I T N E 8 S E T H:

           That the lessor has leased and does hereby lease unto
      the lessee her property, known as 273 South Limestone
      Street, Lexington, Kentucky, and all improvements thereon,
      under the following terms and conditions:

           (1) The term of lease shall be ten (10) months beginning
      August 18, 1943, and ending June 17, 1944.


     (2) The dwelling on the rented premises shall be
used only as a residence for girls $tending the University
of Kentucky, or for any other legitimate business of the-
lessee, and said premises shall be supervised by the ad-
ministration of the girls' residence halls now operated by
the University of Kentucky.

     (3) The rented premises shall not be subleased in whole
or in part without the written consent of the lessor.

     (4) The lessee shall pay all utility bills and shall
replace all burned-out light bulbs.

     (5) Except as provided for herein, the lessor shall
maintain said premises in a reasonably good condition for the
use herein mentioned, and covenants to keep the lessee in
quiet and peaceable possession of said premises.

     (6) The lessee shall be responsible for keeping the
water and sewer lines open and serviceable, except for
repairs necessary from ordinary use and except for inter-
ruptions caused from freezing.   The lessor shall make all
repairs to said water and sewer lines that are necessary
from ordinary use and shall be responsible for repairing
any damage caused thereto from freezing, unless it be the
result of lessee's negligence.

     (7) The lessee shall be responsible for the leased
premises and shall return the same to the lessor at the
end of this lease in as good condition 'as when received,
ordinary wear and deterioration from ordinary use excepted.

     (8) As the lessee now has said rented premises leased
until July 18, 1943, and now has said dwelling furnished
it is agreed that during the month from the date hereof
until August 18, 1943, the lessee shall have the right to
keep said furniture in said dwelling without the payment
of any rental therefor and shall have the right to have a
caretaker occupy said dwelling during said period of time
as the lessee deems reasonable necessary for the protection
of its said property.

     (9) The lessee shall pay the lessor as rental for said
premises the sum of Eighty-five ($85.00) dollars monthly,in
advance, on or before ten days following the beginning of
the month for which payment is due.   No demand for the
rental need be made by the lessor but the lessee shall seek
the lessor to pay the rental.

    (10) This lease may be terminated by either party without
notice upon the breach of any provision of this lease by
the, other party.




         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the lessor has hereunto signed her
    name, and the lessee has hereunto signed its name, by and
    through its Comptroller, this the day and year first herein

                                (Signed)  Margaret J. Sallee

                                          UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY

                                (Signed) By Frank D. Peterson

    The lease was explained by Comptroller Peterson and the Execu-
tive Committee took the following action:

                        * v * * * * * * *F *

           Do Upon motion duly made and seconded., the
              action of the Comptioller in signing the
              lease with MrsA Margaret J6 Sallee is ap-
              proved and the lease is ordered made a part
              of the minutes.
                        * * * * * * v * * *

     F. Glass Leafie

     President Donovan submitted to the Executive Committee a lease
executed and dated July 1, 1943, by the University of Kentucky and
S. A. Glass for brick building located at 371 Rose Street and now
used as a grocery store.

                        LEASE AGREEMENT

     AGREEMEOT. made in the City of Lexington, State of Kentucky#
as of July 1 1943. by and between the University of Kentucky, a
corporation therein called the lessor) and S. A. Glass, resident
of the Gity of Lexington, (herein called the lessee).


First: The lessor hereby leases to the lessee and the lessee hereby
leases from the lessor the entire brick building, furnishings,
equipment and supplies in the building located at 371 Rose Street,
in the City of LexingtonFayette County,(list of furnishingsequip-
ment and supplies hereto attached) to be used as a grocery store by
the lessee,and not otherwisefor a period of six (6) months (or un-
til said period shall sooner cease under the provisi.ons hereof)to
commence on the first day of Julyl1943,and to end on the thirty-firr
day of December,1943, at the monto.piy rental of fifty ($50.00)



dollars payaole in advance on the first day of each month. Said
amount shall be paid by the lessee to the lessor at its office
of the Comptroller, on the Campus of the University of Kentucky,
except that the rent for the first month of said period shall
be paid to the lessor any time prior to the twentieth day of
the first month of this leave.

Second: The lessee shall maintain the property, equipment, etc.,
and return to the lessor the building, equipment, furnishings, and
supplies at the expiration date of this lease in as good condition
as they were at the time of the execution of this lease, ordinary
wear and usage excepted.

Third: The lessor shall not be liable for any damage to the property
or persons at any time in the leased building or premises, arising
from any purpose whatsoever.

Fourth: The Lessee shall pay for s11 costs of all utility bills,
including heat, light, water and any other expenses that may be in-
curred in operating a grocery store.    The lessor does not agree
to make any alterations, repairs to said building, equipment,
furnishings, or supplies, or in anr other way spend money upon this
property during the life of this icase.    The lessee may cancel
this lease during the period herein covered by giving to the lessor
sixty days notice of its intention to do so and the lessor may can-
cel this lease only after the expiration of the period, herein men-
tioned, by giving written notice sixty days in advance of the les-
sor's desire to cancel the lease. This lease may be renewed for a
period of six months at the option of the lessee, during which
period either party may have the right to cancel said lease by giv-
ing to the other party written notices sixty days in advance of the
date on which they expect to terminate the lease.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the lessor has caused this instrument to
be executed by its Comptroller, thereunto duly authorized, and its
c orporate seal to be affixed, and the lessee has hereunto set his
hand and signature, this     1       _    July, 1943.

                                     UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY

                                     By Frank D. Peterson (Signed)

                                      By S. A. Glass        (Signed)

The Board examined the lease and took the following action:



                          ** * ** * * ***

             6. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the ac-
                tion of the Comptroller in entering into a
                lease with S. A. Glass for property located
                at 371 Rose Street is approved and the lease
                is ordered made a part of the minutes.
                          * ** * ** * ** *

    G. Fellowshiip I Phyziggl Metallu y

    President Donovan reported thkt Dean Graham of the College of
Engineering had been in communication with Joseph E. Seagram & Sons,
Inc., Louisville, Ky., relative to establishing a fellowship at the
University.   He submitted a letter which is addressed to Dr. C. S.
Crouse, of the Department ofMining and Metallurgical Engineering,
confirming and giving outline of the fellowship in Physical Metqllurgy
in the Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering.   He furthe.
stated that the letter was being submitted with the recommendation
of Dean Graram and Professor Crouse that the fellowship be accepted.

                   JOSEPH E. SEAGRAM & SONS, INCA
                        Louisville, Kentucky

    June 28, 1943

    Dr. C. S. Crouse
    Department of Mining & Metallurgical Engineering
    University of Kentucky
    Lexington, Kentucky

    My dear Dr. Crouse:

    With the registration of our .4'. Roland Kozlik in your
    University, for study in your Department of Mining and
    Metallurgical Engineering, we are hereby establishing a
      fellowship at your Institution.

      Since you and I seem to have had bad luck in getting togeth-
      er, I think it would clarify the conditions of this Fellow-
      ship if I outlined its chief points which have been estab-
      lished as a basic policy in dealing with other universities
      under similar situations.

      1) We are establishing with your Department of Mining and
         Metallurgical Engineering, a Fellowship for the study
         of Physical Metallurgy.   This Fellowship has now been
         awarded to Mr. Roland Kozlik, a former employee of
         JOSEPH E. SEAGRAM & SONS, INC., but now resident in
         Lexington and a registered graduate student of your



    2) It is expected that the Fci.!ow (Mr. Roland Kozlik)
       who carries on this study T.ill receive his academic
       training at your Unive.rsity and will later conduct
       his actual research work with you, subject to some
       consultation and direction from us.

    3) All e xpenses incurred by your Staff in communicating
       between Lexington and our Louisville Offices in help-
       ing direct the Follow in his work, will be carried
       by this Company.

    4) The salary of the said Fellow will be continued by
       JOSEPH E.SEAGRAMI & SONS,Inc. until the completion of
       his course, and until he has achieved his degree of
       Master of Science.

    5) This Company will pay to the University of Kentucky
       the sum of 4600 (Six Hundred Dollars) in order to de-
       fray the expenses incurred by the University in the
       academic conduct of this same Fellowship.

    6) All data obtained in conjunction with the Fellowship
       will be free for publication by the University;however,
       it is expected that acknowledgment will be made by
       the University to the credit of this Company.

    If you prefer, it might be erpedient to handle this Fellowship
    on a concrete contractual basis. If your University is in
    agreement with the above, we should like to make arrngements
    to draw 1;p a contract followei. this outline.  But first of
    all, we should appreciate your expression on these points,
    and if you have any suggestions, the submission from you of a
    tentative contract incorporating our agreement.

    Yours very truly,


    (Signed)Paul Kolachov
             Technical Counselor

    After hearing the explanation of the fellowship as offered, the
Executive Committee took the following action:
                         it * * * *E * * * * *

            7. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
               the fellowship was accbepted and the President
               was requested to write a letter expressing the
               appreciation of the University for the fellow-
               ship established.
                         * * ** ** * ** *



     H. Residence Hals for Women Budiet.

     President Donovan submitted t'.c budget for residence halls for
women for the year 1943-44 and recc,.,mended its approval. It was ex-
plained, howeverj that for obvious reasons, an accurate budget at
this time could not be presented.   We do not know how many students
will be in residence during the current year or how many houses it
T. '11 be necessary to activate and rent in order to take care of the
alas seeking residence in women's halls for the current year, and
  .t this is a good guess as to the requirements for the current

                         * * * * * * * * * *

            8. It was moved and seconded that the budget
               for residence halls for women; as submitted,
               for the year 1943-44 be accepted as a basis
               of         expenditures, and that inclusion
               of the name of any person in the budget shall
               not be considered as a contract of employment,
               and the Board of Trustees or the Executive
               Committee shall be authorized to make such
               changes in the budget as may, from time to
               time, be deemed necessary or advisable. A
               copy was ordered filed.
                         * * *Q* * * * * * *

    President Donovan stated to the Executive Committe that the Dean
of Women and the Comptroller had recommended an increase in the fees
charged per quarter for room and board in the women's residence halls,
It was recommended that the fee be increased from $100 to $110 per
quarter.   It was further explained that this increase was made
necessary due to the increased raw food costs and increased cost of
labor necessary for preparations and other overhead expenses.    This
increase represents an additional cost of less than four cents per
meal.   It is recognized that this increase is far less than the
rise in food costs but it is thought to be sufficient to place the
food unit in the residence halls on a self-sustaining basis.    It
was further eplained that in the event this amount is found to be
inadequate, another increase will be requested.

             9. Upon motion duly made and seconded the Execu-
                tive Committee, being thoroughly advised, au-
                thorized an increase in the fee for room and
                board in the Women's Residence Halls from
                $100 to $110 per quarters effective for the
                fall quarter, 1943-44 school year.



     J. Contract for U.S.A. Correspondence Instruction Courleso

     President Donovan submitted contract No. W-49-039-SS-170 which
  .d been negotiated with the University through the Department of
  1v.. ersity Extension and explained that it provided for correspon-
-..e courses to be given to enlisted men in United States Army and
:.'ilitary personnel ofthe Navy, Coast Guard and Marine Corps, upon
applications received and approved by the Commandant of the Armed
Forces Institute.   He further explained that the contract provided
for the carrying on of extension courses similar to those now in
operation by the Department of University Extension but that this
contract provided for the Government to pay a part of the instruc-
tional and supplies costs incident to the correspondence courses
offered and taken.

            10. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the action
                of the President and Director of the Department
                of University Extension in signing this a ntract
                was approved.

     K. Resolution son Death of Professor Nutter.

     President Donovan reported the death of Mr. J. W. NutterSuper-
intendent of Dairy Farm, Experiment Station, which occurred on Au-
gust 3, 1943.   Whereupon the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees passed the following resolution:

          Resolved that the Board of Trustees of the Universi-
      ty of Kentucky regret to learn of the death of Mr. J.W.
      Nutter, who for forty-six years has been a faithful and
      trusted employee of the University of Kentucky.   The
      Board is conscious of the splendid service Mr. Nutter has
      given in his capacity as Superintendent of the Dairy
      Farm.   The Trustees expressed their sympathy for the
      family of the deceased.

           The Committee directs that this resolution be
      placed on the minutes of the Board and that a copy of it
      be sent to the family.



L. Alpha Zeta Bonds.

President Donovan submitted the following correspondence:

                              August 19, 1943

President H. L. Donovan
University of Kentucky

Dear President Donovan:

          The attached letter was received from Mr. Dana
G. Card, Faculty Adviser for Alpha Zeta, transmitting
three $25.00 U.S. Savings Bonds dated August, 1943,
numbers Q383762F, Q.383783F and Q383781F.

          They ask that the Comptroller keep these bonds
in the University lock box.  Please submit to the Execu-
tive Committee for record and direction.

                               Yours very truly,

                             (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

                              Lexington, Ky.
                              August 16, 1943
Mir. Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Dear Mr. Peterson:

         Enclosed are three +25.00 United States Savings
Bonds, Series F, dated August 1943.   They are payable to
Scovell Chapter of Alpha Zeta and were purchased from funds
belonging to that organization, held by you as an Agency

         Will you kindly place these bonds (Serial numbers,
Q, 383781 Ft Q 383782 F, and Q, 363783 F) in safe keeping,
subject to call by persons properly representing the local
chapter of Alpha Zeta?



         Enclosed also is a cashier's check, drawn on the
    First National Bank of Lexin:on, for 75 cents.    This
    represents the difference be'.een the cost of Series E
    Bonds, for which Alpha Zeta oider No. 635 was drawn,
    and the Series F Bonds enclosed.   Series E Bonds cannot
    be purchased by unincorporated associations, hence the
    necessary adjustment.

         I hope this arrangement will be satisfactory with

                                Very truly yours

                                    (Signed) Dana G. Card
                                             Faculty Adviser
                                             for Alpha Zeta

                        * * * * * * * * * e

           11. Upon motion duly ipade and seconded, the
               Comptroller was authorized to receive the
               bonds and place them for safekeeping in the
               lock box of the University.

     Me Investment QL University Funds.

     The Comptroller brought to the Attention of the Executive Com-
mittee the question of investing funds of the University credited to
the account of the Kentucky Kernel, balances on hand received from
1525th Service Unit, and other funds which may be temporarily in-
                        * * * * * * * * * *

           12. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was
               ordered that the funds received from the
               sale of houses on Euclid and :z Adams
               Streets be deposited in a locai revolving
               fund and invested along with any other
               funds that are not needed for operating
               purposes at the present time.

     It was further stated that the Comptroller shall report to the
Executive Committee at a subsequent meeting all furns and amounts
invested in Governn nt bonds.


     No Leaves pf Absence.

     President Donovan reviewed for tne executive Committee the
problem facing the University with respect to its policy of granting
leaves of absence to the staff for the purpose of joining the mili-
tary forces or working with other govennmental agencies or industry.
te pointed out the fact that the University had already lost scores
of its employees to the armed forces, governmental agencies and in-
dustry, and that at present there was a serious shortage of teachers
in several of the departments.   He expressed some apprehension with
regard to whether or not the University would have enoughteachers
to fulfill its contract with the War Department for the instruction
of the youth in the ASTP, if the practice of granting leaves of ab-
sence to staff members wno volunteer for service should be continued.

     The president recommended that in view of the fact that the
University has an important contract to train approximately 1250
soldiers, as well as continue to offer its usual program of studies
to civilians, that the policy of granting leaves of absence to mem_
bers of tiie staff who volunteer for other services be discontinued,
and that in the future leaves of absence be granted only to those
men who are drafted under the Selective Service.

     kotion made, seconded and carried that the President be in-
structed to decline to give further leaves of absence to faculty
members except in cases where they are drafted under the Selective

     0. Waiver Lf Employment of Relatives Policy.

     President Donovan explained to the Executive Committee the dif-
ficulty in securing physicists and chemists and stated that it has
been necessary to employ Mrs. Herbert P. Riley, wife of Dr. Herbert
P. Riley who is head of the Department of Botany, as a part-time
teacher of Chemistry and recommended that the policy regarding the
employment of relatives of staff members previously adopted by the
Board of Trustees be waived in this particular instance only for the
duration of the present emergency.

                          * * * * * * v * * *

             13. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the recom-
                 meadation of the President was approved as it
                 applies to mIrs. herbert P. Riley for the presdnt
                 emergency only,
                          * * ** * ** * **



    P. Appointments and Other Staff ChaFes,

    President Donovan submitted staff appointments, reappointments,
salary adjustments, leaves of absonce, resignations, promotions and
other staff changes requested by dsans and heads of departments.

                   College of Arts and Selencea

Q, ointment s

    Dr. H. N. Sherwood, temporary professor and acting head of the
Department of Political Science, from September 1 to January 1, 1944.

    Mr. F. B. Pauls, instructor in the Department of Physics, for
eleven months, effective August 1, 1943.

     hviss 'Marjorie Garland, secretary in the Department of Bacteriol-
ogy, effective July 1, 1943.

     Miss Mary Johnson, student assistant in the Department of Phys-
ical Education, teaching non-credit courses.

    Miss Betty Dew, student assistant in the Department of Physical
Education, teaching non-credit courses.

    Miss Elizabeth Ragland, instructor in the Department of Mathe-
matics, effective August 9, for as long as her services are needed
in teaching soldiers in the ASTP.

    Mr. Thomas D. Boyd, instructor in the Department of Mathematics,
effective August 9, 1943, for as long as his services are needed in
teaching soldiers in the ASTP.

     Mr. E. L. Rees, temporary professor in the Department of Mathe-
ratics, effective August 9, for as long as his services are needed in
teaching soldiers in the ASTP.

     Miss i'Mary Louise Wallace, librarian-secretary-reviser, Depart-
ment of Library Science, September 1, 1943, to July 1, 1944. Miss
Wallace succeeds Miss Nancy Miller, resigned.

    Mr. z. Everett Elsey, instructor in the Department of Physics
(temporary,ASTP), effective August 1, 1943, for as long as his ser-
vices are needed.