xt74f47gqz2v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74f47gqz2v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1927-04-apr5. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1927-04-apr5. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1927-04-apr5. 1927 1927-04-apr5. 2011 true xt74f47gqz2v section xt74f47gqz2v 

     Minutes of the regular puarterly meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the Urjniel. tt7 oy for Tuesday, April 5,

      The Board of Trustees of the Univers3ity of Kentuclkuj met in
regular t:aerterly sessi.on Lin tae Prcsident r. office at the Uni-
vei'sity at ll : 30 a. mn  Tuesday April 5, 1927.  The following
mamb e,' 8 ieo preoent: ITri ?W[c,'Pc- -v Phoads, Mr. E. B. webb, MAr.
Louis HiJllerimaeye-, '.  :vir kiolrt  Mr. Robert G. Gordon, Judge
P. C. Stol.L. Sen tor       .nc Scnator H. r. Froman.  Meeting
with the Board rere Dr. Fionk ,r MoVoy, President of the Uni-
versitv, and WIellington  i;ici  Sec-retary of the Board.

     The minutes of tQhe prcvJ-1:)'is rmot'in7 of the Board a.nd the
minutes of the Executive %imrr  C s...nce t'-at time zore approved
as published.

     1. Report of the Businass Agent.   The repr't of the Business
Agent was prosented and up::ii mnotion duly seconded mas ordered
received and filed.

     2. Purchase of Uniforms.  A cormunioation from Colonel
Horace P. Hobbs was read, statling that the War Department appro-
-priations were insufficient for the purpose of purchasing uni-
forms and asking if Universit y funds could be allotted for the
purchase of uniforms for advanced course students.   The matter
was presented, discussed and a mrtion was made, seconded and
carried that it was the opinnion of the Board that the use of
University funds for such purposos wo-ld b3 of doubtful lcogality.

     3. Quarterly Report of the PTesident.  The following state-
ment from the President of the University making a quarterly
report to the Board of Trustees was presented as follows:

                  President's Quarterly Reort

     There are a number of notable matters to be presented to
the Bcard of Trustees in my Quarterly Fepcrt to be mqade at the
April meeting.   These matters jnclude some construction, plans
f~br further coimtruction, the rurchase of land:, the completion
of plans for the campus, landscape gardening, retiring allowances,
courses in Art and Music, and the request for a grant fromte
General Education Board.

     Five years ago Mr. Henry Wendt off-red the University the
complete equipment for a forge shop if le University would erect
the building.   It has been possible by careful financing to
-provide this building at a c6  of about .8P30,000 and the equip-
ment is now being installed.



     Meanwhile, plans e-e being prepared for the creation of a
recitation building,  ao-e pos~si.'e by the use of mceipts from
the inheritance tax.   This building is to be devoted to the
housing of three departnenlits, Mathemratics, Fnenlish and Journal-
isn.   It will cost approximately P'2O00000.  It will relieve the
congestion in the Admi-nistration Failding and the Science Buildir;g.

     The vjoodern building ,.w.hich houses the Departments of Art and
MYusic and the Romany Theatre has been completed at a cost of

     The pavillion on the farm has been erented on the foundation
-where the old building s;ood at ~. cost of P35,000.

     In making this report, I am taking the opportunity of in-
cluding in it a table showting the conbtruction of buildings for
the period 1917-1927.

              UNIIVERSITY OF rCFNTUCXY 1917-1927

              1  Totals and Source of Funds


To tal

State    Federal
A-or     C-Govt.

From Un.


Pre z ident I s
  Hous e


Men's Dorm-

Men I s Gym-


Che nris try


Art Center

7endt Shop

Recitat ion
Building in







2 7, 000





*150,000 :

: 150,000:



200, 000




. 70,000



(Construction of Buildings, continrued).

Wom.en's Dorm- : 150,00: 150,000

 1917-1927     :1,119,000     300,000  : 20,000 :599,000: 190,000

      The purchase of lards e.djo'ni-ng the University has been
undertaken and the holddi!c-s -nc- C;-sed o nsiderab'ly in the last
three monthse   The Frantz prop   ty on ( as.'Iington Avenue has
been purchased, also ton lots bellno'irng to Yessrs. Riley and
wallace on Grahaw. Avenue.

      In the meantinie, 1r. James U. Vhite, of the University of
Illinois, has completed plans for the carmipus and the purchases
Mentioned ..;,i~bove have been made in order cto carry out these
plans.   The campus has been riuchb cot up by roadways and as
building progrezsea. Oan attempt will be -ade to reduce the present
nuamber of roadways.  Considerable progress has been made in
landscape gardening and the carpus looks better now than it has
at any time in its history.

     For some time the matter of retiring allowances has been
discussed at the meetings of the Boeard.  A committee appointed
by the Board has made some study of the matter and the purpose
no;- is to report such progress as has Been H.ate and to Wring
this matter to the attention of the: Universiety Senate for its

     The University is very much in need of an Txperimental and
Observation Practice Scnool for the College of education. The
present high school is insufficient to meet their nerds, and as
there is no like.ihood that such provision can be mrade in the
near future, under the direction of the Board application has
been made to the General Education Board for a grant to erect
such a building.

     Dew courses have been outlined for use in the fields of
Art and Music leading to the bachelor's degree.    These courses
are to give the opportunity for wider training in the two fields.

     It may be well for the Board of Trustees to create a com-
mittee to-make an inspection of the buildings and grounds, so
that a report can be made at the Mway meeting upon the conditions
existing at the University.



      4. Soll Fxporiw-,nt 'i7,(  a9t ,elin  Green. The following
 resolution  eS oyf-f fsrc,  EsLcrod and unanimously approved:

      HI EAS., The Tetorn ' ntu-.ky C' tae Teachers Collcge has
requested the Board cf Tr-ustoee: of  -a University of Kentucky to
eotablish a so0il expe-riie;nt fi0id on certain of its lands at
Bowuling &reon, and

     "MEAFS, The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky
has given careful consi.deration to this request, with the  full
recallzCn'n  v of the vle. cfa coop::c-ration between the two insti-
tutions, '-ut seekirn at tlhe sarkr, tirr4 to deterrine a sound and
logical practice in the esofbliotz+ent of expariLent fields, and

     :'EERRES, The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky
is of the opinion that the soil expeximent fields nowr developed,
and the experi-ental soil work planned at the 'Western Kentucky
Substation at Princetonr, provide reseatch service for the Bowling
Green soil areas, as well as for the cth-r principal soil areas
of western Kentucky, and that in view  of the necessity of economy
and of conservation of the resources of the institution, it is
not deemed advisable to establish a soil experiment field at
zowling Green, as it would result in duplicating work now in prog-

     THEREFORE, Having in mirnd the best means of advancing the
agricultural interests in ' arren County, this Board of Trustees
recommends the employment of a county agricultural agent who can
lead the agricultural developiment in the county.  To this end,
the University of Kentucky -will provide such proportion of the
fund as is usual in cooperative agreements covering agricultural
extension work.   The Board  of Tsustees expresses the 1iope that
a satisfactory coope rative endeavor can be. developed between the
western Kentucky State Teachers' College and the University of
Kentucky in the employment of a county agricultural agent.

   . 5. Course in Music. A recommendation ,recoived from the
University Senate approving a course In Music leading to the
degree of B.S., for the purpose of training supervisors and
music  teachers in the State.   A motion was made, seconded,
and carried that the reconnend;at ion of the Senate be concurred
in.   The Music course adopted was as follows:



Fre shtn'
       Sight Reading
       'i story of Music
       Ap-k:3Lied .'usic

Music 21a,P2 lb
M.us ic 5a, 5b
MuSic 153a, 15b
English la, :Lb
llodo-rn Foreign L.?amnr
Kil. Scic, la, lb (3Ien)
P-ys i cal Ed. la, 1lb
MatriouLation Lectures

Mur.- sic 3a3, b
'.ucic 4-,, 4b
Music 16a, l6b
English 3a, 3b
Education (elect.)
1ilitary Sci. 6a, 6b
P'iys ical Education

M4usic 2a, 2b
M'usic 11&, llb
Ilusic 17a, 17b
.Ausic ga, 9b

Modern Foreign Lang.
  or Fnglish (elective)
Fducation (elective)

Music 12a, 12b

Nlusic 18a, 18b
Music 14a, 14b
Englislh 7a, 7b
Ensemble '.ork - Music 8a ,8b,
Glee Club), M.usic 20a,b,
(Bnd) or M.usic 7a,b (Orches-

  - IZo e nt a ,,ry E.a~rm*ony
  i-,-,li Schl) 3 1 iU s ic
  Applied Mrxusic


Music Appreciation
Adivanced Harmony
Applied Mus ic
Organz.azstion and Training
   of V)j.Usical Grouln

Courterpoint and Com-
:pos it ion
A.-pplied. IJusic
OJr gamnz^Ption and Training
Rractice Teaching
irublic Speaking

Total required ft r graduation












     6. Tlniversit  Budet forlI227-1938.   i'he budget for the
year 192?7--J.023 was cot.cnsiderei b  tIe hoard and.d Lotion wcs r;.ade,
seconded and. carried thrst the bu]_e;b t be adopted, subject to
ni'nor changes.

     7,    Diorenr De. se  A reoomriend.tion from the University
Senate on hionorary d.eEre:s to Ibe coifferred at commencement in
3June riws recei-vei. and. uporzi Tt'oti;-M cluly seconded, approved. The
recormendratiun  asas fo llows

     To the Board of Trusteas
     University  4 Kent uck-y

               The University Senate, Thursday, March 31,
     recommended the following for the honorary degree of
     Doctor of Laws:

               Vincent Mviassey. Minister Pllrnipot nti-ary
     from Canada to the Unjited Scitates.  He will be Can-
     ada's first ministor to the United States.   After
     graduating from Toronto Universitv he tooR a degree
     at Oxford wNith second class honors in Jal.story. Re-
     turned to Toronto to lectu.o 3  n lnodern history in
     his Alma Hater, of which he is now a member of the
     Board of Governors.

               RliEin=  T. Wolls, President of Murray State
     Teachers College.

               Calp Young Rice, poet and dramatist.

                              (Signed) Ezra L. Gillis
                                         Secretary of the University

     8. Plans '-or New.Reeitatior. Bnn .ding  Plans for a new
recitation building vnicre presened and considered by the Board
and a motion was made, seconded and carried that the design and
plans for the building be approved and that t,.he Executivo Com-
mittee be authorized,upon rscsipt of specifications,   to adver-
tise for bids.

     9. Appointments and Chanfls in Personnel. The following
list of appointments and changes in pe sonnel was presented and
on motion, duily secondou and approved.


     Continuation of exmplo' ment of Mr, Ray C. Hopper &s county
agent for 1.deCLs County,&  '-, ' e:  h1  t to June 30, 1927,
at aL salary of PI25. 0 a Oc :; -.

     Co5ntinuation of en1ployIm'ent oil MIr. R. H. King, county agent
of Cart,;r Cou.nk t y, e' c;t:'; zO 19h7, t ; March 21, 1928,
atU aC saL:by of' S,6S-.2/ a  ot'.-n

     ContlnuavG~t;kn of eq.n-joym-ent of Mr. C. V. Bryan, county agent
of Taylor Cont-y, efOfeotive M.r oh 1, 1927, to February 28, 1928,
at a salary of 200,O a rionth.

     Apnointment of I.Er. Jarn:nsx FPverett 7ilson as assistant county
agent of Grant County,, ef sstire March 21 to August 31, 1927,
at a salary  of  t 50.00 a rmont-h.

     Appointment of Mr. _Albert '1son, aescistant coun-ty agent
of Madison County, effective M1arch 21 to June 30, 1927, at a
salary of t100.00 a monthc

     Appointment of Mr. Robert T, -arrlson as county agent of
Harlan County effective Malarch 15 to Arpril 30, 1927, at a salary
of t200.00 a month.

     Appointment of )fr. X4 Harold .z ti; C1xistian as county agent
to Graves County, eff Tertivs Mi:Lr(;h 5, to June 30, 1927, at a salary
of 125.00 a niontli.

     The appo ntment of M1r. E. Z. Palmar as assistant professor
in the College of Cormierce, at a salary of $            , effective
September, 1927.

     The appointment of M rs. May K. Duncan as extension instructpr
in Education to be esployed in the Department of University Ex-
tension on a ten months basis, at a salary of 4'2,,00.00 a year,
effective September, 1927.

     10. Record of the University Rifle Teatra. The following letter
from Colonel John F. .Madden, as  oalled  to the attention of the
Board of Trustees and a motion  ras made, seconded and caxried
thAt the latter be renorded.

, e



                Hoadcpqaltrtos  F.,fth Corps Are&
             Off ice of th.9 Cor1ps Area Commander
                  Fort Haayas, Colunibus, Ohio

                                           March 31, 1927

    Dr, Fraik L. !.McVo-, Presidant
    Univ -'irsity of KLontLLciY
    Lexing;ton, Kentuchy

    Dear Sir:

          1. The rifle team of yotix institution, which par-
     ticipated in the 1927 Fifth Corps Area Intercollegiate
     Rifle Hatch, having made a score of 7698 points, the
     highest score of any team of the Senior units, is de-
     clared the winner.

          2. The Corps Area Coiinnander desires to congrat-
    ulate the rifle team in making such a splendid showing.

          For the Commanding Ganezal:

                           (Signed) John F. Madden
                                      Colonel, General Staff
                                      Chief of Staff

      re being no further business to come before the Board
a motion was made, seconded and carried that the Board adjourn
to meet at the University of Kentucky, Wednesday, May 28, 1927.

                        Respectfully siubtitted

;ellington Patrick, Secretary
    Board of Trustees


Missing report(s)